ISARC 2018 Paper Template With Instruction

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35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2018)

Instructions to Authors for the Preparation of

ISARC Manuscripts [ISARC Title]
A.B. Author1a and B.D. Author2b [ISARC Author]
Department of ..., University of ..., Country [ISARC Affiliation]
School of ..., University of ..., Country
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] [ISARC Affiliation]

Abstract – [ISARC Abstract noindent] formatting. Therefore, if you use it to write your
This document sets out the requirements for manuscript, and utilize the Styles as indicated
preparing manuscripts for the ISARC. It is essential (particularly those specified for paragraph), then your
that all manuscripts conform to these instructions. manuscript will naturally have the correct format.
The format given here can serve as an example of a In this document, the styles to be applied to the
correctly prepared manuscript. [ISARC Abstract] current text is provided between square brackets and
highlighted ([…]). This is shown only the first time the
Keywords – Style is applied. Please, remove all those indications in
Instructions; Formatting; Authors; ISARC the manuscript you submit to the conference.

2.1 Page Size and Layout [ISARC Headings

1 Introduction 2]
Your manuscript must be submitted to our online
Your manuscript must be prepared for A4-size (210
peer-review management system.
x 297 mm) paper. Use the margin settings specified in
The Manuscript should not exceed 8 pages in length,
Table 1 and do not number the pages of the paper.
including text, figures, tables, and references. Electronic
file should not exceed 5 megabytes.
Table 1 Manuscript margins
Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of
all information contained in their manuscripts (e.g., Margin A4 (210 x 297 mm)
proper names of organizations, data and findings, Top 3.5cm
references, etc.). Manuscripts must be prepared in Bottom 3.5cm
proper English. SI units or acceptable metric equivalents Left 2.5cm
must be used throughout. Right 2.0cm
These instructions will enable you to prepare your
manuscript in an electronic format, ready for submission 2.1.1 Headers and Footers
and peer review. It is therefore essential that these Do not add page numbers in the footers or headers.
instructions be carefully followed. Also, the headers are set to show a different header in
the odd and even pages. Please, replace “Conference
Topic” with the actual conference topic under which
2 Preparation of the Manuscript [ISARC you are submitting your manuscript (see conference
Headings 1] website for a list of topics).
The manuscript must be submitted in MS Word
format (.docx), so that its format can be corrected by our 2.2 Type Style and Spacing
team, if necessary (the content will not be altered). All text must use the Times New Roman font.
Therefore, your manuscript must be prepared using
MS Word as your typesetting processing software in 2.2.1 Title Page [ISARC Headings 3]
order to ensure that your manuscript has an identical The title page of your manuscript is illustrated by the
appearance when viewed on almost any computer. first page of these instructions. The title page must not
The rest of the manuscript details the formatting exceed one (1) page in length. It contains:
requirements for your submission. But, note that this
document already implements all the specified
35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2018)

1. The title of the paper in bold 18 points Times New with the first line indented 0.5 cm. Use the Style ISARC
Roman, centered with first letters in capitals. Use Normal. Do not use blank lines between paragraphs
the Style ISARC Title. unless you feel it important to really highlight a change
2. The authors’ names, separated from the title by a of topic (in such a case, you should also consider using
one blank line, are centered and in size 11, bold sub-headings).
Times New Roman. Use the Style ISARC Author.
2.2.5 Lists
3. The authors’ affiliations and addresses are put
immediately below the names, centered and 1. Numbered lists should be formatted using the
single-spaced, in size 10. Use the Style ISARC Style ISARC List Numbered. This style applies the
Affiliation. numbering and defines the format and spacing
4. Email addresses are inserted below the affiliations, automatically. [ISARC List Numbered]
also in size 10. Use the Style ISARC Affiliation.  Bulleted lists should be similarly formatted using
2.2.2 Body of Paper the Style ISARC List Bulleted. [ISARC List
The body of the paper follows the front matter. It
contains two columns (with 0.5cm separation) and 2.2.6 Footnotes
begins with: Do not use footnotes. Incorporate all required
information in the body of the paper.
 The major heading “Abstract –”, in bold. Use
Style ISARC Abstract noident. 2.2.7 Equations and Symbols
 The body of the abstract, not to exceed 250 words
Simple mathematical expressions and sub- and
in length, in bold Times New Roman, fully
superscripted characters, such as SO24, are inserted in the
justified, the first line is indented. Use Style
text. Do not embed equations as an image.
ISARC Abstract.
Equations are placed on separate lines, centred and
 The major heading “Keywords –” in bold,
numbered consecutively in parentheses at the right-hand
separated from the last line of the abstract by one
margin. For reactions, preferably use the Times New
blank line. Use Style ISARC Abstract noident.
Roman (normal text) arrow (see Equation (1)), but an
 The list of keywords, not to exceed ten (10) words, equal sign may be substituted (see Equation (2)). Use a
in bold Times New Roman, left justified, indented, dash rather than a hyphen for the minus sign, (see
and separated by commas. Use Style ISARC Equation (3)). A good way to achieve the formatting
Abstract. Please add those keywords that you above is to use a table (with invisible borderlines) with
would use if you were searching for your paper. two columns, the right column being used for the
The main text of the paper begins after. Separate numbering. The equations below are formatted like that.
sections of the main text in accordance with the
ZnS+3/2 O2 → ZnO + S O2 (1)
Headings guidelines below
ZnS+3/2 O2=ZnO+ S O2 (2)
2.2.3 Headings
E=1.23−0.06 pH (3)
All headings must be in black and in bold face. The
manuscript will typically have three levels of headings: The nomenclature and units for symbols must be
Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Level-1 headings (e.g. defined in the text or, where the number of symbols is
Introduction, Background, Discussion, Conclusions, large, in a special Level-1 section Nomenclature, at the
Acknowledgments, References) have font size 12; end of the paper.
Level-2 headings have font size 11; and Level-3
headings have font size 10. All headings have the initial 2.3 Figures
letter of each main word capitalized and are positioned Insert figures as close as possible to their first
at the left margin. They are numbered in the form of citation. Number them consecutively using Arabic
“1.” for Level-1 headings, “1.1.” for Level-2 headings, numerals and center the title below the figure. In the
and “1.1.1” for Level-3 headings. text, refer to a figure as ‘Figure 1’, not using its relative
To format headings properly, simply use the Styles position.
ISARC Headings 1, ISARC Headings 2 and ISARC Figures, such as graphs and diagrams, should be
Headings 3. These automatically manage the embedded in vector format (e.g. .pdf or .emf), if at all
numbering. possible. Otherwise, figures such as pictures should be
2.2.4 Text with high resolution (300 dpi) when published at 100%
(e.g., images at 72 dpi are in reality 25% of the required
Text paragraphs are single-spaced and fully justified, resolution). For example, Figure 1 in this manuscript is
35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2018)

embedded as a picture with high resolution. amount of precipitate found during hydrolytic
Colour is often preferable; any greyscale figure precipitation from waste processing solution
requires sharp contrast. [ISARC Figure Caption]
For all figures, lines and lettering must be large
enough (minimum 0.35pt thickness) to remain clearly 2.4 Tables
legible when printed at 100%. For maps,
microstructures and similar figures, be sure to place a Insert tables as close as possible to their first
scale marker on the picture or photograph. Do not use citation. Number them consecutively using Arabic
frames around figures. Do not use shaded backgrounds numerals and center the title above the table. In the text,
as they do not reproduce well. refer to a table as ‘Table 1’, not using its relative
Figures, especially photographs and SEM The caption should be formatted with the word
micrographs, can significantly increase the size of the “Table” followed by a character space, the table
electronic file. Excessively large files tend to complicate number, a period, another character space, and the rest
and slow down the editing process. Therefore, you must of the title (see example below). Use the Style ISARC
make every effort to reduce the size of the electronic Table Caption.
files of your figures. Embedding figures in vector Table-wide lines (horizontal 0.5 point thickness)
format, as mentioned above, can significantly reduce separate the title from the column headings, the column
file size while simultaneously enhancing figure quality. headings from the body of the table, and the table from
A figure too wide to fit between the margins may be the following text. Do not use vertical lines and avoid
placed in landscape orientation (sideways format), on a the use of horizontal lines between the various rows of
page by itself, with the bottom of the figure to the right data. Separate each table from the adjacent text with one
of the page. (1) blank line (applying the specified Styles should
The caption should be formatted with the word already achieve this).
‘Figure’ followed by the table number, a period Text in the tables should have the same size as the
followed by a space, and the rest of the title. Use the main text, but not be indented and with space before and
Style ISARC Figure Caption. after it. For this, simply use the Style ISARC Table
Each figure and caption should be separated from Content.
the adjacent text with one (1) blank line (applying the Table 2 illustrates the formatting of a table as
specified Styles should already achieve this). specified here.
We recommend you use automatic numbering and A large table may be placed in landscape orientation
cross-referencing of figures and tables, so that the (sideways format) on a page by itself.
numbering remains correct. If you wish to update the
numbering after having removed or added a figure (or Table 2. Electron microprobe analyses of sphalerite
table), simply do “Ctrl-A” and then F9. This will grains in the Kidd Creek ‘C’ concentrate [ISARC Table
successively select all the text and then apply the Caption]
“update automatic fields” feature. Element Average (wt%) Range(wt%)
[ISARC Table
ZN 60.8 59.6-63.3
Fe 5.82 3.54-6.95
Cd 0.30 0.12-0.42
S 3.31 33.6-33.5

2.5 References
References to the literature should be mentioned in
the main text by an Arabic number in square brackets
[1]. List these (in cited order) at the very end of your
paper (under the heading References). Start each
reference on a new line with its number in square
brackets [2]. Citation formats are given below with
[I regard to; a journal article [1], conference paper [2],
SARC Figure] book [3], and a website [4].
Figure 1. Effect of iron concentration on the Using the Style ISARC References not only formats
35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2018)

the paragraph of each reference, but also automatically

adds the numbering to it. These automated numbers can
be referred to in the text using the cross-referencing
functionality of MS Word (same as figures and tables;
see Section 2.3).

[1] AuthorSurname A. and AuthorSurname B. A
journal article. The Journal, 1(2):123–345, 2014.
[ISARC References]
[2] AuthorSurname C. and AuthorSurname D. A
conference paper. In Proceedings of the
conference, pages 12–34, Sydney, Australia, 2014.
[3] AuthorSurname E. A book, volume 2(3). The
Publisher, Publication address, 2014.
[4] AuthorSurname F. Title of the web content. On-
line:, Accessed: dd/mm/yyyy.

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