LMS Survey For High School

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Pastor, please have this survey administered in Google Form….

COLLES (Preferred and Actual) - Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey

The purpose of this questionnaire is to help us understand how well the online practice/dry-run classes
enabled you to learn. Each statement below asks you to compare your preferred (ideal) and actual
experience. There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers; we are interested only in your opinion. Please be
assured that your responses will be treated with a high degree of confidentiality, and will not affect your
grade. Thanks very much.

Please do not skip any item.

A. Student Learning Experience

1. Which of the following gadgets did you often use to access your online lessons.
o Desktop/Laptop
o Tablet/Smart phone
o Cellphone/mobile phone without camera

2. Which of the following internet connection are you using?

o Home PLDT
o Globe wifi
o Smart wifi
o Globe/TM data
o Smart/TnT data

How do you rate your internet signal/connectivity during the virtual dry-run session
 Very Good/High
 Good/High
 Poor/Low
 Very Poor/Very Low

3. How much average time did you spend working on your requirements online per subject in a week
(synchronous with teacher)?
 Less than an hour
 1-2 hours
 More than 2 hours

4. How much average time did you spend working on your requirements offline per subject in a week
 Less than an hour
 1 - 2 hours
 More than 2 hours

5. Do you think you need someone at home to supervise you when while doing your learning tasks?
 Yes
 No

Responses: Never Seldom Always

A. Reflective thinking

In this online unit...

6. I think critically about how I learn.

7. I think critically about my own ideas.

8. I think critically about other students' ideas.

9. I think critically about ideas in the readings.

B. Interactivity

In this online unit…

10. I explain my ideas to other students.

11. I ask other students to explain their ideas.

12. Other students ask me to explain my ideas.

13. Other students respond to my ideas.

C. Tutor support

In this online unit...

13. The tutor stimulates my thinking.

14. The tutor encourages me to participate.

15. The tutor models good discourse.

16. The tutor models critical self-reflection.

D. Peer support

In this online unit...

17. Other students encourage my participation.

18. Other students praise my contribution.

19. Other students value my contribution.

20. Other students empathise with my struggle to learn.

E. Interpretation

In this online unit...

21. I make good sense of other students' messages.

22. Other students make good sense of my messages.

23. I make good sense of the tutor's messages.

24. The tutor makes good sense of my messages.

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