Kindergarten Year Plan 2022-2023
Kindergarten Year Plan 2022-2023
Kindergarten Year Plan 2022-2023
1. Name writing practice using a
variety of manipulatives
2. Letter writing – correct
formation of letters (upper case
and lower case)
Social Studies Science Health Family Engagement Invitations/ Dramatic Play Division/Ministry Assessments
Outcomes: Outcomes: Outcomes: DNA Inventories (Dreams, Needs,
Power and Authority Physical Science: Materials and Understanding Skills, and Abilities) with K Checklist
PAK.1 Objects Confidences - Names the Colours
PAK.2 MOK.1 USCK.1 Dreams: What do you wonder - Names 2-D Shapes
Resources and Wealth Earth and Space Science: USCK.2 about? What do you hope to
RWK.1 Exploring Our Natural USCK.3 learn in Kindergarten? Where do
Surroundings you want to go in your life?
Learning Focus Learning Focus Learning Focus Needs: How can I help you? How
can I be a better teacher for you?
1. Expectations/ Routines 1. Familiar objects and materials 1. Washroom Routines
2. Classroom/School Rules – why – collect objects from nature on 2. Carpet Rules Abilities: What are you AMAZING
we have them, who makes them, nature walk. Use objects to 3. Intro to Self Regulation- Go at?
my roles & responsibilities discuss how to describe them (5 Noodle
3. All About Me – senses, shape, size, colour, 4. DNA Inventories Other Ideas: Family Potluck &
Similarities/differences, weight, material made from, Wish Ribbon with Family
likes/dislikes, languages, family texture) ** Use the beads to Chandelier/DNA, Learner
members describe. Profiles, Poster Paper for family
4. Terry Fox Walk 2. Leaf experiments – why engagement (how do you want
change colour, how leaves to be engaged?), Bring Clay and
breathe Macey, Home Visits
October 2022 (9 School Days)
Literacy Centers
Social Studies Science Health Family Engagement Invitations/ Dramatic Play
Outcomes: Outcomes: Outcomes: 1. Fire Safety Checklist and October 17 – November 25
Interactions and Earth and Space Science: Understanding, Skills, and Escape Plan Fall Data Collection for EYE
Interdependence: Exploring our Natural Confidences 2. Pumpkin Carving
INK.2 Surroundings USCK.2 3. Disguised Turkeys K Checklist:
NSK.1 Decision Making 4. Mystery Reader (monthly) - Says the Alphabet
DMK.1 5. Family Friday’s (9-recess,
Action Planning families are welcome to spend
APK.1 the morning with us - reading
Learning Focus Learning Focus Learning Focus coffee, juice, reading, math
1. Thanksgiving: gratitude 1. 4 Seasons 1. Fire Safety – field trip? games, board games, play, have
2. Celebrations: Thanksgiving & 2. How Weather & Place affects 2. Go Noodle principal and counsellor).
Halloween our daily activities and the 3. SECRET 6. Kindness projects (monthly)
landscape 7. What learning is happening at
home as show and tell.
(Expanded expressions)
Social Studies Science Health Family Engagement Invitations/Dramatic Play Division/Ministry Assessments
Outcomes: Outcomes: Outcomes: 1. Christmas Concert
Interactions and Physical Science: Materials and Understanding, Skills, and 2. Potluck before Christmas
Interdependence Objects Confidences Concert
Action Planning
Learning Focus Learning Focus Learning Focus
1. Christmas Around the World 1. 5 Senses (Christmas Senses) 1. Respect for others by looking
at them when they are talking
2. Respect for others – avoid
Social Studies Science Health Family Engagement Invitations/ Dramatic Play Division/Ministry Assessments
Outcomes: Outcomes: Outcomes: 1. Snowman craft & writing
Dynamic Relationships: Physical Science: Observing Understanding Skills and prompt
DRK.3 Forces and Energy Confidences
Earth and Space Science:
Exploring Our Natural
Social Studies Science Health Family Engagement Invitations/ Dramatic Play Division/Ministry Assessments
Outcomes: Outcomes: Outcomes: 1. Family Reading Hour – invite K Checklist:
Interactions and Physical Science: Observing families into read - Names the Colours
Interdependence Forces and Energy 2. Telemiracle - Names the Shapes
INK.1 FEK.1 - Says the Alphabet
Dynamic Relationships
Power and Authority
Social Studies Science Health Family Engagement Invitations/Dramatic Play
Outcomes: Outcomes: Outcomes: 1. Egg Decorating April 17 – May 26 Spring Data
Interactions and Earth and Space Science: Understanding Skills and 2. Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt Collection for EYE
Interdependence Exploring our Natural Confidences
INK.2 Surroundings USCK.1 Phono Awareness Data
Resources and Wealth NSK.1 Collection Due May 26 (One
RWK.2 Drive Folder)
Learning Focus Learning Focus Learning Focus
1. Share traditions around the 1. Identify changes and gather 1. Healthy food choices
celebration of Easter info of natural surroundings with 2. Healthy habits – brushing
2. Recognize reasons to care for cameras & sketchpads teeth
environment and ways students 2. Discuss ways humans change
can demonstrate these natural surroundings (build
behaviours houses, mow grass, plant, cut
3. Playground clean-up down trees)
3. Show respect for and suggest
ways to protect environment
April 2023 (7 School Days)
CRK.1 Comprehend and respond to a variety of visual, oral, print, and multimedia texts that address identity, community, and social responsibility.
CRK.2 View and interpret the basic message of visuals and objects in a variety of texts including models, photographs, dramas, dance creations, and videos.
CRK.3 Listen, comprehend, and respond to gain meaning in oral texts
CRK.4 Comprehend, retell, and respond to basic ideas in stories, poems, songs, informational texts read to them.
ARK.1 Reflect on viewing, listening, emerging “reading”, representing, speaking, and emerging “writing” experiences in the context of teacher led discussions.
ARK.2 Reflect and talk about new learning.
Writing/Word Work:
CCK.1 Compose and create various visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore and present thoughts, ideas, and experiences.
CCK.2 Use and construct symbols, pictures, and dramatizations to communicate feelings in a variety of ways.
CCK. 4 Create messages using a combination of pictures, symbols, and letters.
CCK.3 Use oral language to converse, engage in play, express ideas, and share personal experiences.
Students will be assessed through a series of independent activities, centers, and station work.
- Use of manipulatives
- Number lines
- Objects within nature/community
- Technology
Students will explore through centers and I will work independently with students, giving lessons based on their personalized needs.