Assessment Overview - Business Data Analytics (MSC-01)

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09-02-2024 14:54 Assessment Overview: Business Data Analytics (MSC-01)

Assessment Overview
Assessment Overview
Assessment type: Group Report
Weight: 40%

The group project will be on a topic of your choice. You need to design, execute and report on a
data analytics study based on some data available on the web, from your company, or from
elsewhere. During the module you have the opportunity to draft a proposal (max. 2 pages), which
you need to present at the end of the module. The main requirement of the project is that you
apply concepts discussed in class. To give you some idea, a number of the following items could
be part of your report:

get some data, ideally in a non-trivial manner

perform needed data scrubbing operations
process the data
produce some graphs to support some analysis
do other interesting visualizations
discover interesting relationships or phenomena
build some model or models
evaluate the models
find interesting results for decision making, solve a real problem, do something practically
useful or desirable, etc.

The final report should be maximum 15 pages, and should contain your findings. Also provide
some annotated details about the algorithms/methodologies that you employed in an appendix.
Another appendix should detail each group members’ contribution to the project.

Assessment type: Individual report

Weight: 60%

Develop a Business Analytics case study, in which factual evidence relates to the theories and
concepts acquired during this class, lab, course book/readings, or other courses. The case or
essay can be on any organization of your choice. You can support your essay with different data
like interviews, web analytics data, screen shots, literature, white papers, news articles, etc. The
essay should cover the following points:

Brief presentation/introduction of the organization, history, industry, size, etc.

The business analytics strategy utilized in this organization.
Motivation/Business problem/opportunity: What was the motivation, business problem or
opportunity that needed analytics in this case? 1/2
09-02-2024 14:54 Assessment Overview: Business Data Analytics (MSC-01)

Implementation: which data analytics or related tools were used in this case, and how/why
they were used?
Outcomes: what was the performance of the business analytics strategy and project?
Discussion: reflect your own personal assessment and evaluation of the case. Discuss on how
your presented case relates to the course content and concepts. From your point of view, what
were the strengths and weaknesses of this case?
If you were to work as a consultant for this organization, which future recommendations would
you advise this organization?

The body of the essay should be about 2500 words long. Please include a title page, and index, a
proper introduction and conclusion and a properly formatted reference list.

General Notes

The case presented in the individual assignment could be based on a case published in another
research, but you have to discuss the case analytically and critically, and by providing your own
inputs and thoughts regarding it.

You can follow the APA 5 referencing style or others. Failure of following proper referencing will be
regarded as plagiarism.

When the group assignments are received, I will assume that the whole team contributed equally
to the assignment and will also be graded equally. It’s the team responsibility to make sure that
each member contributes to the assignment. If there is any problem regarding a team member’s
cooperation, please report it to the administration with a detailed description of the case as early
as possible!

This course module outline is subject to change. Please check Canvas regularly 2/2

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