Be Summer 2016
Be Summer 2016
Be Summer 2016
Q.1 (a) Derive the steps to calculate the starter resistance for D.C. Shunt motor 07
(b) Calculate the front ,back, winding and Commutator pitch for the 15 slots, 07
4-pole , 2-conductors per slot , also make the winding table for the windings.
Q.2 (a) Explain the calculation of MMF for air gap. 07
(b) Determine the air gap length of a d.c. machine from the following data. 07
Gross core length = 0.10 m, width of duct= 10 mm, slot pitch = 24 mm,
Slot width = 12 mm, Carter’s coefficient for slots and ducts = 0.3, gap flux
density at pole center = 0.65 T, field MMF for pole = 3700 A, MMF required
for iron parts of magnetic circuits = 650 A.