Terror Below - Simplified Rules

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TERROR BELOW Initial Egg/Rubble/Worm

Your goal is to be the first player to score Take the 4 Starting Worm cards and
20 Victory Points (VP) by collecting Worm resolve an attack (described below) for
Eggs and delivering them to Locations each Worm (2 players).
around town, and by hunting down and For 3 players, draw and resolve as an
killing those vicious Worms. attack 1 additional card from Worm deck.
During the game, your squad of unlikely For 4 players, draw and resolve as an
heroes will visit Locations around the small attack 2 additional Worm cards.
desert town to claim Bounties, scavenge For 5 players, draw and resolve as an
for Weapons, distract the Worms, and try attack 3 additional Worm cards.
to survive when the Worms attack!
1. Place an egg of the Worm’s color on its TS2: RESOLVE THE PLAYED CARD
starting coordinates. Resolve the played card in 3 steps:
Setup 2. Place 1 piece of Rubble in each space Distraction, Perform Actions, Resolve
1. Place the board in the center of the Special Ability.
around the egg, as depicted by the
table with Desert (not Canyon) side up.
shaded spaces on the Worm card.
2. Place the Location tiles (buildings) onto Distraction
NOTE: Rubble cannot be placed off the
their spaces as shown. The spaces are At the bottom of
board or on a Location.
marked with a bull skull. each Vehicle card is
If Rubble is already on that space,
3. Set aside the 4 Starting Worm cards a set of arrows that
simply add another to it. There is a
(black-bordered Worm cards with no represents a
maximum of 2 Rubble per space.
health or card limit numbers) and then Distraction.
shuffle and place the Worm deck, near Resolving each
the Terror zone. arrow from left to
4. Shuffle and place the Bounty deck near right, move the
the Government Facility. Flip 4 cards Target token (of the Worm you played this
face-up to form the Bounty Line along card under) 1 space in each direction
the top of the board. indicated. If this would cause the Target
5. Shuffle and place the Weapon deck token to exit the playing grid, ignore the
near the State Police. movement and resolve the subsequent
6. Shuffle and place the Item deck near arrow. Some Vehicle cards do not have
the General Store. any Distraction arrows, so the Target token
7. Shuffle and place the Vehicle deck of the Worm will not be moved.
within reach of all players.
3. Discard the Worm cards into a discard
8. Place the 3 Target tokens above their Perform Actions
pile by the Worm deck.
Worm card slots on the Terror zone. You get Action Points equal to the number
4. Draw a Worm from the Worm deck and
9. Place all remaining tokens and pieces shown on the card. Spend them to
place it face-up in slot 1 of Terror zone.
in separate piles next to the board. perform the actions below (1 AP each).
Place the matching Target on the board
using the Worm’s coordinates. Do this You may take the same action multiple
for all three slots in the Terror Zone. times:
Choose a start player. Beginning with the  Move 1 space orthogonally. You may
LAST player and continuing in reverse never move into a space containing
player order, each player places their Rubble. You can move into or through a
Car on the Location of their choice. space with another player’s Car, but you
9 2 6 cannot end your movement on the
Players cannot choose the same
starting Location. same space as another player.
 Ramp another player. If another
Turn Sequence player’s Car is adjacent to yours, you may
3 Beginning with the starting player, each jump over their space as long as there is
player takes a turn by performing 3 steps an empty space orthogonally adjacent to
in order: Play a Vehicle Card, Resolve their piece. Your Car may change direction
the Played Card (Distraction, Perform
Player Setup Actions, Resolve Special Ability), then
while ramping another player (landing in a
1. Give each player a Car (player pawn) space that is diagonally-adjacent to the
Refill Hand. After completing their turn, one you started in). Thereby moving 2
and matching player aid.
check for a possible Worm Attack. spaces for 1 action.
2. Deal each player 1 Item card and 1
Play then passes to the next player in
Weapon card. Item and Weapon cards
clockwise order.  Remove 1 Rubble from a space
are kept hidden from other players.
3. Each player draws 3 Vehicle cards to adjacent to your Car. Place the Rubble on
TS1: PLAY A VEHICLE CARD your Leader. If you ever collect 3
form their starting hand. A player’s
Play a Vehicle card from your hand face up Rubble, you must immediately discard
hand-size limit is 3.
on one of the three spots in the Terror them to the supply, then draw an Item or
4. Shuffle Character deck. Each player
zone below the Worm of your choice. Each Weapon card (see “Item/Weapon Cards”).
draws 3 Character cards to form their
Worm card has a card limit displayed in
Squad. Choose 1 Character to be your
the bottom right-hand corner, which  Pick up all Eggs in your space. Place
starting Leader. Place this Leader
represents the number of Vehicle cards them on your Leader. You may carry any
face-up in front of you with the
that can be played on it. You can never number of Eggs. Note: After performing
remaining Characters face-up under-
play a card on a Worm that has already this action, you cannot perform any
neath, in any order. Place any unused
reached its card limit. additional actions.
Characters back in the box.
 Deliver 1 Egg you are carrying. To the Worm (this is an ability of some You may only complete 1 Bounty
deliver an Egg, you must have an Egg in cards; they are counted toward per Worm killed, even if 2 Bounties
your possession and be in a Location. Worm-attack total), flip them over and of the same type are displayed
resolve arrows on them as you would
Delivery Bonus during Distraction. If there are multiple C3/Death: If there are any players
If you deliver an Egg without a Bounty, face-down cards, resolve them in the caught in the Worm’s attack, and the
score 1 Victory Point. Take a 1-VP order they were played. Worm is not defeated, their Leaders are
token from the supply and discard the 2. Place an Egg matching the color of killed. Drop all Rubble and Eggs you
Egg to the supply. the Attacking Worm on the space are carrying onto your current space. If
If you deliver an Egg with a Bounty where the Target token is now located. placing Rubble would exceed the
(either 1 of the 4 face-up Bounties on (If this is The Queen, a Rubble is placed maximum 2 pieces per space, any
the board, or a hidden one you have in at center, and an Egg of each color is excess is returned to the supply. Any
your hand, do not take a VP token. placed 1 space adjacent as shown on active Item or Weapon that is face-up
Instead, take the Bounty card and put it the card.) Note: Eggs cannot be placed near your Leader is also discarded.
face-up in your play area so that the VP on Locations. If the Target is on a Then, remove your Car from the board.
printed on the card is showing. Be sure Location, roll the coordinate dice and Flip your character to their deceased
to draw a new Bounty card for the place it there instead. The Rubble is still side and set it aside. Choose a new
board if you took one from there. There located around the Target token. Leader from your remaining Squad
should always be four available. 3. Place 1 Rubble in each shaded members and place it on top of your
space indicated on the card, in relation remaining characters. On your next
Location Bonuses to the Target token. If 1 Rubble is turn, you will begin your turn by placing
If you have delivered at least one egg to already on that space, add another to your Car on an unoccupied Location of
a Location (with or without Bounty), you it. But a maximum of 2 Rubble is your choice and then performing your
also receive a bonus (only 1 per turn): allowed per space. No Rubble can be turn as normal.
 General Store: Draw an Item card. placed on Locations.
(See “Item/Weapon Cards.”) 4. After the Worm Attack has been fully
 State Police: Draw a Weapon card. COMBAT resolved, discard the Worm card, and
(See “Item/Weapon Cards.”) If a player’s Car is in a space where discard the Vehicle cards that were
 Motel: Gain 1 more VP token. Rubble or Eggs are added, they are under it. Take the Target token back to
 Government Facility: Draw a card caught in the attack. That player’s the Terror zone for the next Worm.
from the Bounty Line or from the top of Leader might die unless the Worm can Draw a new Worm card for that
the Bounty deck and place it face down be defeated or an Item is used for space. Place the Target token on the
near your Leader card. This is now a protection. A player inside a Location is new card’s coordinates. (No Eggs/Rub-
Hidden Bounty. Then, if needed, draw a not at tacked by a Worm, unless the ble are placed until it attacks). The next
new Bounty card to refill the Bounty Target token is on the Location. player starts a new Turn Sequence.
Line to 4 cards. Hidden Bounty cards
are Bounties that only you can C1/Defend: If you are in the Worm’s
complete. Attack zone, you should try to defeat it
Item/Weapon Cards
Items and Weapons may not be used on
 Hospital: Bring a dead character in or you could lose your Leader. You may
the turn they are acquired. However,
your Squad back to life. Flip the card use any Weapons you have acquired.
Worms attack between turns. This means
face up and place it underneath your Follow the instructions on the Weapon
that if a Worm attacks immediately after
current Leader card. or Item cards you use. However, if you
your turn ends, you may use any newly-ac-
(and any other players in Combat with
quired Weapons against that Worm.
Resolve Special Ability you) are unsuccessful, your Leader dies
Item/Weapon cards are kept hidden
Each Vehicle card has an Ability that must (see “C3/Death.”)
from other players until played from your
be performed. Higher-numbered cards Multiple players may be caught in
hand. Read each card carefully; it will tell
have abilities that may hinder you, while the same Worm Attack. If this is the
you when and how to use it. Items
lower-numbered cards have abilities that case, the last player to finish their turn
generally include special abilities that a
may help you. Follow the instructions on may attack the Worm first, if possible,
player may use on their turn to break the
the card to perform the ability. followed by the next player in clockwise
rules — and can earn you VP. Weapons
order, and so on.
are generally used during Worm combat.
When your turn is over, draw Vehicle cards C2/Player Victory: A Worm card
until you have refilled your hand to 3. shows the Worm’s health total. If the Game End
combined total of damage dealt to The game ends immediately if a player
Before the next player takes their turn, the Worm by all players caught in the reaches 20 Victory Points. That player is
check for a... attack is equal to or higher than the the winner!
Worm’s health, you have defeated the BUT, if any player’s entire Squad is
Worm. Any and all players caught in the killed, they are eliminated from the game.
Worm Attack! attack are now safe, whether they All other players receive 1 final turn, and if
In the lower right-hand corner of each
helped damage the Worm, or not. they are still alive, the player with the most
Worm card is their card limit. This number
Rubble and Eggs stay where they are. VP wins! If there is a tie, the player with the
denotes how many Vehicle cards can be
most completed Bounties wins.
played on a Worm before it attacks. If
The player who dealt the winning
there are Vehicle cards on a Worm equal
blow receives 1 VP token. However, if See the official Rulebook for Gameplay
to the number shown, it attacks before the
there is a Bounty card in the Bounty Variants and further explanations.
next player takes their turn.
Line or hidden in your hand, you may
claim that card instead. and add it to
To Resolve a Worm Attack:
your face-up VP token/card area. This version by CLL, 2023-11
1. If there are any face-down cards on

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