MaxEye ZigBee Measurement Getting Started Guide
MaxEye ZigBee Measurement Getting Started Guide
MaxEye ZigBee Measurement Getting Started Guide
4) Measurement Suite
MaxEye Technologies provides generation and analysis functions in LabVIEW for generating and
analyzing the IEEE 802.15.4 standard complaint signals using National Instruments Vector Signal
Generators (NI VSG) and Vector Signal Analyzers (NI VSA) or Vector Signal Transceivers (NI
VST). The IEEE 802.15.4 Standard supports multiple Physical Layer modes; the current version of
the toolkits supports the following physical layer modes.
The standard defines different modulation types, data rates based on the frequency band.
This guide explains how to use the ZigBee Measurement Suite toolkit using the Soft Front Panel
(SFP) and programming examples.
You can also find a shortcut to the above location from the windows start menu.
Start->All Programs->MaxEye->ZigBee
1. The OQPSK ZigBee signal generation example VIs are installed in,
<LabVIEW>examples\MaxEye\ZigBee\Generation\OQPSK PHY
2. The OQPSK ZigBee signal analysis example VIs are installed in,
<LabVIEW>examples\MaxEye\ZigBee\Analysis\OQPSK PHY.
3. The toolkit API VIs for OQPSK ZigBee signal generation are installed in,
<LabVIEW>\vi.lib\addons\MaxEye\ZigBee\Generation\OQPSK PHY\API.
4. The toolkit API VIs for OQPSK ZigBee signal analysis are installed in,
<LabVIEW>\vi.lib\addons\MaxEye\ZigBee\Analysis\OQPSK PHY\API.
You can also find a shortcut to the above location from the windows start menu.
Start->All Programs->MaxEye->ZigBee
2. The BPSK ZigBee signal analysis example VIs are installed in,
<LabVIEW>examples\MaxEye\ZigBee\Analysis\BPSK PHY.
3. The toolkit API files for BPSK ZigBee signal generation are installed in,
<LabVIEW>\vi.lib\addons\MaxEye\ZigBee\Generation\BPSK PHY\API.
4. The toolkit API files for BPSK ZigBee signal analysis are installed in,
<LabVIEW>\vi.lib\addons\MaxEye\ZigBee\Analysis\BPSK PHY\API.
You can also find a shortcut to the above location from the windows start menu.
Start->All Programs->MaxEye->ZigBee
2.3 Documentation
You can also find a shortcut to the above location from the windows start menu.
Start->All Programs->MaxEye->ZigBee
1. Select Waveform format as BPSK or OQPSK depending on the type of DUT you are
testing. Select Generation mode as Generate and Play Waveform or Generate and Save Waveform.
Generate and Play waveform is used to generate ZigBee RF signal using hardware. Generate and
Save waveform is used to generate waveform and store in a file. For this configuration hardware is
not required. The IQ baseband waveform is stored in a file. Play Waveform From File mode reads
the ZigBee waveform from the file created using the Generate and Save Waveform and then
downloads the waveform to NI RFSG Memory and then plays the waveform.
2. Select the hardware settings to configure the following parameters. This settings is needed
to configure only when the Generation mode is Generate and Play waveform.
Carrier Frequency (Hz)- Select Center Frequency of the ZigBee signal in MHz. . For BPSK the
carrier frequency is ranging from channel 1 (868.3 MHz) to channel 10 (924MHz) and for OQPSK
the carrier frequency is ranging from Channel 11 (2405 MHz) to channel 26(2480 MHz).
Headroom (dB)- Configure the Headroom value higher than PAPR of the signal to be
generated. Refer MaxEye ZigBee Measurement Suite Help.chm.
External Attenuation (dB)- Specifies the external amplification or attenuation, if any, between the
NI RF signal generator and the device under test. Positive values for this property represent
amplification, and negative values for this property represent attenuation.
Arb: Pre-filter Gain (dB)- Specifies the AWG prefilter gain. The prefilter gain is applied to the
waveform data before any other signal processing. Reduce this value to prevent overflow in the
AWG interpolation filters. Other gains on the NI-RFSG device are automatically adjusted to
compensate for non unity AWG prefilter gain.
Clk Output Terminal- specifies the terminal where the signal will be exported.
Number of Frames- decides the length of waveform to be generated. To generate longer duration
of the waveform, increase the Number of Frames value.
MAC Framing Enabled- To generate MAC frame set this to true, the toolkit adds MAC layer
headers and then creates payload for the physical layer. If this is set to false then the toolkit
generates waveform without MAC frame parameters.
Data Rate- For BPSK Select the data rate as 20 kbps or 40 kbps. For OQPSK the data rate is
Inter frame Spacing (Seconds)- specifies the gap duration in seconds between the frames.
Samples Per Chip- Specifies the number of samples per chip. Sampling Rate of generated
waveform is equal to samples per chip multiplied by Chip Rate.
Oversampling Enabled & Output Sampling Rate- Use this configuration only when you want to
resample the signal to different sampling rate. The default sampling rate is Samples per chip
multiplied by Chip Rate. The toolkit resample's the generated signal to a sampling rate equal to the
Output Sampling Rate only if the Over Sampling Enabled property is set to 1(True).
The Power Ramp Up Time- specifies the time duration during which the signal power gradually
increases to the full value from zero.
The Power Down Time- specifies the time duration during which the signal power gradually
reduces from the full value to close to zero.
Waveform file path- Select a path to save the waveform. Needs to be configured only when the
generation mode is Generate and Save waveform.
For more information please contact [email protected]
4. Select the MAC Header settings.
Frame Type- Select the frame type. Supported frame types are Beacon, Data, Acknowledgement
and MAC Command.
Security Enabled- Select True if the frame is protected by the MAC sublayer and select False
Frame Pending Field- Select True if the device sending the frame has more data for the recipient.
This field shall be set to False otherwise.
Ack Request Field- specifies whether an acknowledgment is required from the recipient device on
receipt of a data or MAC command frame. If this field is set to True, the recipient device shall send
an acknowledgment frame only if, upon reception. If this field is set to False, the recipient device
shall not send an acknowledgment frame.
PAN ID Compression- specifies whether the MAC frame is to be sent containing only one of the
PAN identifier fields when both source and destination addresses are present.If this field is set to
Intra-PAN and both the source and destination addresses are present, the frame shall contain only
the Destination PAN Identifier field, and the Source PAN Identifier field shall be assumed equal to
that of the destination. If this field is set to inter-PAN, then the PAN Identifier field shall be present
if and only if the corresponding address is present.
Sequence Number- The Sequence Number field specifies the sequence identifier for the frame.
For a beacon frame, the Sequence Number field shall specify a BSN (Beacon Sequence Number).
For a data, acknowledgment, or MAC command frame, the Sequence Number field shall specify a
DSN (Data Sequence Number) that is used to match an acknowledgment frame to the data or MAC
command frame.
5. Select the addressing fields. This field is needed to configure when the frame type is data or
beacon or MAC Command. For beacon frame type Destination PAN identifier and Destination
MAC address fields are not present.
Destination PAN Identifier- specifies the unique PAN identifier of the intended recipient of the
frame. This field shall be included in the MAC frame only if the Destination Addressing Mode
field is nonzero.
Destination MAC Address- specifies the address of the intended recipient of the frame. Based on
the Destination Address mode this field may be 16 bit or 64 bit. This field shall be included in the
MAC frame only if the Destination Addressing Mode field is nonzero.
Source PAN Identifier- specifies the unique PAN identifier of the originator of the frame. This
field shall be included in the MAC frame only if the Source Addressing Mode field is nonzero and
the PAN ID Compression field is equal to zero..
Source MAC Address- specifies the address of the originator of the frame. This field shall
be included in the MAC frame only if the Source Addressing Mode field is nonzero.
For more information please contact [email protected]
6. Select the MAC Payload Settings. This fields are needed to configure only when the frame
type is beacon or data.
Payload Mode- Choose the appropriate mode. PN sequence is used to generate the PN sequence.
In the User defined bits, user can configure the transmitting bits. In Test Pattern, some predefined
bit patterns can be used for transmitting.
Payload PN Order- specifies the order of the PN bit sequence to be generated. The valid values is
5 to 31, inclusive. Configure this field when the Payload mode is PN sequence.
Payload PN Seed- specifies the initial state of the PN generator shift register. Configure this field
when the Payload mode is PN Sequence
Payload Test Pattern- Select the required Test Pattern. Configure this field when the Payload
mode is Test Pattern
Payload User Defined Bits- Configure this field when Payload mode is User Defined bits.
Payload File Path- Choose the file path when the payload mode is From File.
For Beacon frame one more additional MAC payload setting field is present. i.e the super frame
Superframe Order- specify the length of time during which the superframe is active (i.e., receiver
enabled), including the beacon frame transmission time..
For MAC Command Frame type Select the MAC Payload settings.
Command Frame Identifier- identifies the MAC command being used.. According to this field,
Configure the remaining controls as follows
Device Type- Select the device type as either full functioned device or Reduced Function Device.
Power Source- Select AC Mains, if the device is receiving power from the alternating current
mains. Otherwise, the Power Source field shall be set to Not From AC Mains.
Receiver on when Idle- Select True if the device does not disable its receiver to conserve
Security Capability?- Select Enabled, if the device is capable of sending and receiving
cryptographically protected MAC frames; Otherwise select Disabled.
Allocate Address?- Select True, if the device wishes the coordinator to allocate a short address as
a result of the association procedure. Otherwise, Select False.
If Command frame Identifier is Association Response, then user has to configure the
following. The association response command allows the PAN coordinator or a coordinator
to communicate the results of an association attempt back to the device requesting
Association status?- Select the Valid values of the Association Status field.
If Command frame Identifier is Disassociation Notification, then user has to select the
If Command frame Identifier is Coordinator Realignment, then user has to configure the
PAN Identifier- shall contain the PAN identifier that the coordinator intends to use for all future
communications. Valid values from 0000 to FFFF .
Coordinator Short Address- shall contain the value of macShortAddress. Valid values from 0000
to FFFF .
Channel Number- shall contain the channel number that the coordinator intends to use for all
future communications. Valid values from 0 to 255 .
Short Address- if the coordinator realignment command is broadcast to the PAN, the Short
Address field shall be set to 0xffff and ignored on reception. If the coordinator realignment
command is sent directly to an orphaned device, this field shall contain the short address that the
orphaned device shall use to operate on the PAN. Valid values from 0000 to FFFF .
If Command frame Identifier is GTS Request, then user has to configure the following .
The GTS request command is used by an associated device that is requesting the allocation
of a new GTS or the deallocation of an existing GTS from the PAN coordinator. Only
devices that have a short address less than 0xfffe shall send this command.
GTS Length (In Slots)- specifies the number of superframe slots being requested for the GTS.
Valid values from 1 to 255
GTS Direction- Select Rx only GTS, if the GTS is to be a receive-only GTS. Conversely, this
field shall be set to Tx only GTS if the GTS is to be a transmit-only GTS. GTS direction is defined
relative to the direction of data frame transmissions by the device.
GTS Characteristics Type- Select GTS Characterstics type as GTS allocation or GTS
Clock Offset (PPM)- The toolkit applies the clock offset to the generated waveform based on this
value. The applied clock offset is relative to the clock frequency of the signal generator. The default
value is 0.
Frequency Offset, Hz- The toolkit applies frequency offset to the created waveform based on the
value configured in this property. The applied frequency offset is relative to the signal generator's
carrier frequency. The default value is 0.
Quadrature skew- Quadrature Skew specifies the deviation in angle from 90 degrees between the
in-phase (I) and quadrature-phase (Q) signals. The default value for the Quadrature Skew is 0.
IQ gain imbalance, dB- This value specifies the ratio, in dB, of the mean amplitude of the in-
phase (I) signal to the mean amplitude of the quadrature-phase (Q) signal. The default value is 0.
I DC offset, %- The toolkit adds the DC offset to the in-phase signal component (I) of the complex
waveform as a percentage of the root mean square magnitude of the unaltered I signal. The default
value is 0.
Q DC Offset, %- The toolkit adds the DC offset to the quadrature-phase signal component (Q) of
the complex waveform as a percentage of the root mean square magnitude of the unaltered Q
signal. The default value is 0.
AWGN Enabled- If this property is set to True then the toolkit adds Additive White Gaussian
Noise (AWGN) to the created waveform based on the value configured in the Carrier to Noise
Ratio property.
Carrier to Noise Ratio, dB- This value specifies the Carrier to Noise ratio of the generated signal.
The default value is 40dB.
8. To generate the waveform Click on the Generate button which is on the bottom side of the
SFP. To stop Generation click on the Stop button.
9. To save all the configuration click on the save button. You can reload this configuration by
using the load button. In order to exit the SFP always use the exit button.
Streaming Waveform Size in Samples- specifies the total number of samples used to write the
waveform to NI RFSG device or output DMA Stream.
Sample Width- use the same sample width value used for storing the waveform in the file.
Start Trigger- Configures the Output Stream Start trigger type. Software option configures the
device to wait until a software trigger is received, before starting generation. PFI0 option
configures the device to wait until a digital edge trigger is received from PFI0, before starting
generation. Input Stream Start Trigger option asserts the trigger at the same time as the Input Start
trigger, which can be used to synchronize the input stream with output stream. Output Stream FIFO
primed option waits until the FPGA DMA FIFO has at least as many samples as the priming
threshold, before triggering.
Chip Rate- Configures the symbol rate for digital demodulation measurements. Need to configure
Only for BPSK modulation .
Samples per Chip- specifies the samples per symbol used to acquire the signal for the
measurement.. Able to configure only when BPSK modulation is selected.
Reset PER measurement- If this property is set to True the toolkit internal resets the Number of
Packets Received and Number of Packet Errors to 0. To perform continuous PER measurement set
this to False.
Resource Name- Configure the resource name used in NI Measurement and Automation
explorer for the NI PXIe-5673/5673E device or NI PXIe 5644R/45R/46R or NI 5840 device.
Channel Number- Select Center Frequency of the ZigBee signal in MHz. . For BPSK the carrier
frequency is ranging from channel 1 (868.3 MHz) to channel 10 (924MHz) and for OQPSK the
carrier frequency is ranging from Channel 11 (2405 MHz) to channel 26(2480 MHz).
Auto Level- examines the input signal to calculate the peak power level and sets it as the value of
the Reference Level property.
Maximum Input Power- Configures the reference level that represents the maximum expected
power of an RF input signal. Configure this field only when Auto level is False.
External Attenuation- specifies the attenuation, in dB, of a switch (or cable) connected to the RF
IN connector of the signal analyzer.
Frequency- specifies the Reference Clock rate when the Frequency Reference Source parameter is
set to ClKIn or RefIn. This value is expressed in Hz. The default value is 10 MHz.
Trigger Delay- Specifies the trigger delay time, in seconds. The trigger delay time is the length of
time the IF digitizer waits after it receives the trigger before it asserts the Reference Event.
Trigger Level- Specifies the power level, in dBm, at which the device triggers. The device asserts
the trigger when the signal exceeds the level specified by the value of this property, taking into
consideration the specified slope.
Minum Quiet Time- Specifies a time duration, in seconds, for which the signal must be quiet
before the device arms the IQ Power Edge trigger. The signal is quiet when it is below the trigger
level if the trigger slope, specified by the Reference Trigger IQ Power Edge Slope property, is set
to Rising Slope or when it is above the trigger level if the trigger slope is set to Falling Slope.
MAC Frame- displays the extracted MAC frame . Choose the required MAC frame by
selecting the frame number.
Modulation Accuracy Measurement Results- This include carrier measurements, EVM
measurements, Magnitude Error measurements, Phase Error measurements, IQ Impairments
measurements, etc.
6. To pause the measurement Click on the Stop button and to continue the measurement click
on the Run button. To save all the configuration, click on the save button. To load the configuration
click load button. To exit the SFP click Exit button.
Power Units(Spec Mask)- Configures the units for the absolute power. Needs to be configured
only foe SEM measurement.
Limit Fail Mask- Specifies the criteria to determine the measurement fail status.
Measurement Interval- Specifies the acquisition time, in seconds, for the transmit power (TXP)
RBW Auto- specifies whether the measurement computes the resolution bandwidth (RBW) of the
For more information please contact [email protected]
RBW Filter Type- specifies the response of the digital RBW filter.
RBW- specifies the bandwidth, in Hz, of the resolution bandwidth (RBW) filter used to sweep the
acquired carrier signal, when you set the RBW Auto parameter to False.
RRC Alpha- specifies the roll-off factor for the root-raised-cosine (RRC) filter.
Averaging Enabled- specifies whether to enable averaging for the measurement. The default value
is False.
Number of Averages- specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the
Averaging Enabled parameter to True.
Averaging Type- specifies the averaging type for averaging multiple spectrum acquisitions. The
averaged spectrum is used for the measurement.
6. If the measurement Spectral Mask Emission is Selected ,Click on the SEM Measurement
Integration Bandwidth- specifies the frequency range, in Hz, over which the measurement
integrates the carrier channel power.
RBW Filter Type- specifies the response of the digital RBW filter.
RBW (Hz)- specifies the bandwidth, in Hz, of the resolution bandwidth (RBW) filter used to
sweep the acquired carrier signal, when you set the RBW Auto parameter to False.
Averaging Enabled- specifies whether to enable averaging for the measurement. The default value
is False.
Averaging Type- specifies the averaging type for averaging multiple spectrum acquisitions. The
averaged spectrum is used for the measurement.
7. Click on the SEM offset Segments button and configure the SEM offset segment properties
in the dialog box. Click OK button after configuring all the settings for the SEM offset segments.
Offset Frequency Enabled- specifies whether to enable the offset segment for the SEM
measurement. The default value is True.
Offset Frequency Start- specifies the array of start frequencies, in Hz, of each offset segment
relative to the closest configured carrier channel bandwidth center or carrier channel bandwidth
edge based on the value of the SEM Offset Freq Definition property.
Offset Frequency Stop- specifies the array of stop frequencies, in Hz, of each offset segment
relative to the closest configured carrier channel bandwidth center or carrier channel bandwidth
edge based on the value of the SEM Offset Freq Definition property.
Offset Frequency Side band- specifies whether the offset segment is present on one side, or on
both sides of the carriers. The default value is Both.
RBW (Hz)- specifies the array of bandwidths, in Hz, of the resolution bandwidth (RBW) filter
used to sweep the acquired offset segment, when you set the RBW Auto parameter to False.
Absolute Limit Mode- specifies whether the absolute limit mask is a flat line or a line with a slope
Absolute Limit Start- specifies the array of absolute power limits, in dBm, corresponding to the
beginning of the offset segment. The value of this parameter is also set as the stop limit for the
offset segment when you set the Absolute Limit Mode parameter to Couple.
For more information please contact [email protected]
Absolute Limit Stop- specifies the array of absolute power limits, in dBm, corresponding to the
end of the offset segment. This parameter is ignored when you set the Absolute Limit Mode
parameter to Couple
Relative Limit Mode- specifies whether the relative limit mask is a flat line or a line with a slope.
Relative Limit Start- specifies the array of relative power limits, in dB, corresponding to the
beginning of the offset segment. The value of this parameter is also set as the stop limit for the
offset segment when you set the Relative Limit Mode parameter to Couple
Relative Limit Stop- specifies the array of relative power limits, in dB, corresponding to the end of
the offset segment. This parameter is ignored if you set the Relative Limit Mode parameter to
To add more segments , configure the values column wise. To configure Enabled, sideband, RBW
Auto, RBW Filter Type, Mode Click on the appropriate box, then the selection window will display
from that user can select. To configure other controls type the required values in each box. After
that Click OK.
8. Choose the required graph or results from highlighted Controls shown below. In this SEM
measurement the available graph is Spectrum(Power Vs Frequency) and available result is SEM
measurement which includes carrier measurement , lower and upper offset segment measurements.
In Transmit Power measurement the available graph is Power Vs Time and available result includes
Average Mean Power, Peak to Average Ratio and Peak Power.
9. To pause the measurement Click on to the Stop button and to continue the measurement
click on to the Run button. To save all the configuration, click on to the save button. To load the
configuration click on to the load button. To exit the SFP click on to the Exit button.
For more information please contact [email protected]
3.2.3 Continuous Waveform Measurement
1. Select Continuous Waveform Measurements from the Measurement Tab.
2. Select the Hardware Tab and Refer 3.2.1 to configure hardware settings.
3. Select Spectrum Tab and configure CW measurement settings by clicking CW
measurement button.
RBW Auto- specifies whether the measurement computes the resolution bandwidth (RBW) of the
RBW Filter Type- specifies the response of the digital RBW filter.
RBW- specifies the bandwidth, in Hz, of the resolution bandwidth (RBW) filter used to sweep the
acquired carrier signal, when you set the RBW Auto parameter to False.
Averaging Enabled- specifies whether to enable averaging for the measurement. The default value
is False.
Number of Averages- specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the
Averaging Enabled parameter to True.
Averaging Type- specifies the averaging type for averaging multiple spectrum acquisitions. The
averaged spectrum is used for the measurement.
Sweep Time Auto- specifies whether the measurement computes the sweep time.
Sweep Time Interval- specifies the sweep time, in seconds, when you set the Sweep Time Auto
parameter to False. The default value is 1 ms.
FFT- specifies the FFT window type to use to reduce spectral leakage.
4. Choose the required graph or results from highlighted Controls shown below. The following
are the graphs available in this measurement.
Power Vs Frequency
Frequency Error Vs Time
The results available are Average Absolute Frequency and Frequency Offset
7. To pause the measurement Click Stop button and to continue the measurement click on Run
button. To save all the configuration, click the save button. To load the configuration, click load
button. To exit the SFP, click Exit button.
4. Programming Examples
The ZigBee Signal generation contains examples for performing the following
i. Creating the waveform based on the standard specific user input parameters and then
downloads the waveform to NI VSG/NI VST.
ii. Creating the waveform based on the standard specific user input parameters and then
writes the waveform to the file.
The ZigBee Signal analysis contains examples for performing the following
This Example is used to generate ZigBee Data Frame. The figure below shows the front panel of
this example VI.
i. Hardware Settings
ii. ZigBee Signal Configuration
iii. Impairments
For more information please contact [email protected]
Follow the below procedure to run the example.
RFSG Resource- Configure the resource name used in NI Measurement and Automation
explorer for the NI PXIe-5673/5673E or NI PXIe 5644R/45R/46R or NI 5840 device.
Carrier Frequency (Hz)- Select Center Frequency of the ZigBee signal in MHz. . For BPSK the
carrier frequency is ranging from channel 1 (868.3 MHz) to channel 10 (924MHz) and for OQPSK
the carrier frequency is ranging from Channel 11 (2405 MHz) to channel 26(2480 MHz).
Headroom (dB)- Configure the Headroom value higher than PAPR of the signal to be
generated. Refer MaxEye ZigBee Measurement Suite Help.chm.
External Attenuation (dB)- Specifies the external amplification or attenuation, if any, between the
NI RF signal generator and the device under test. Positive values for this property represent
amplification, and negative values for this property represent attenuation.
Arb: Pre-filter Gain (dB)- Specifies the AWG prefilter gain. The prefilter gain is applied to the
waveform data before any other signal processing. Reduce this value to prevent overflow in the
AWG interpolation filters. Other gains on the NI-RFSG device are automatically adjusted to
compensate for non unity AWG prefilter gain.
Clk Output Terminal- specifies the terminal where the signal will be exported.
The figure below shows the signal configuration for OQPSK ZigBee Signal Generation Data frame
MAC Framing Enabled- To generate MAC frame set this to true, the toolkit adds MAC layer
headers and then creates payload for the physical layer. If this is set to false then the toolkit
generates waveform without MAC frame parameters.
Number of Frames- decides the length of waveform to be generated. To generate longer duration
of the waveform, increase the Number of Frames value.
Inter frame Spacing (Seconds)- specifies the gap duration in seconds between the frames.
Samples Per Chip- Specifies the number of samples per chip. Sampling Rate of generated
waveform is equal to samples per chip multiplied by Chip Rate.
Oversampling Enabled & Output Sampling Rate- Use this configuration only when you want to
resample the signal to different sampling rate. The default sampling rate is Samples per chip
multiplied by Chip Rate. The toolkit resample's the generated signal to a sampling rate equal to the
Output Sampling Rate only if the Over Sampling Enabled property is set to 1(True).
The Power Ramp Up Time- specifies the time duration during which the signal power gradually
increases to the full value from zero.
The Power Down Time- specifies the time duration during which the signal power gradually
reduces from the full value to close to zero.
Frame Pending Field- shall be set to True if the device sending the frame has more data for the
recipient. This field shall be set to False otherwise.
Ack Request Field- specifies whether an acknowledgment is required from the recipient device on
receipt of a data or MAC command frame. If this field is set to True, the recipient device shall send
an acknowledgment frame only if, upon reception. If this field is set to False, the recipient device
shall not send an acknowledgment frame.
PAN ID Compression- specifies whether the MAC frame is to be sent containing only one of the
PAN identifier fields when both source and destination addresses are present.If this field is set to
Intra-PAN and both the source and destination addresses are present, the frame shall contain only
the Destination PAN Identifier field, and the Source PAN Identifier field shall be assumed equal to
that of the destination. If this field is set to inter-PAN, then the PAN Identifier field shall be present
if and only if the corresponding address is present.
Sequence Number- The Sequence Number field specifies the sequence identifier for the frame.
Destination MAC Address- specifies the address of the intended recipient of the frame. Based on
the Destination Address mode this field may be 16 bit or 64 bit. This field shall be included in the
MAC frame only if the Destination Addressing Mode field is nonzero
Source PAN Identifier- specifies the unique PAN identifier of the originator of the frame. This
field shall be included in the MAC frame only if the Source Addressing Mode field is nonzero and
the PAN ID Compression field is equal to zero.
Source MAC Address- specifies the address of the originator of the frame. This field shall be
included in the MAC frame only if the Source Addressing Mode field is nonzero.
MaxEye ZigBee Measurement Suite Toolkit allows you to configure various payload settings. The
possible payload options are
ii. User defined bits- In this mode configure Sync Insertion Enabled and Payload User
Defined Bits property and the toolkit ignores other properties in the ZigBee Payload
iii. Test Pattern- In this mode configure Sync Insertion Enabled and Payload Test Pattern
property and the toolkit ignores other properties in the ZigBee Payload Control. The
possible values for the Test Pattern are All 1s, All 0s, 10101010 and 01010101.
This mode is used for generating signal with known test patterns.
iv. Test File- In this mode configure the Sync Insertion Enabled and Payload File Path
property and the toolkit ignores other properties in the ZigBee Payload Control. This
mode is used for generating signal with the data from the file.
Payload Mode : Choose the appropriate mode. PN sequence is used to generate the PN sequence.
In the User defined bits, user can configure the transmitting bits. In Test Pattern, some predefined
bit patterns can be used for transmitting.
Payload PN Order- specifies the order of the PN bit sequence to be generated. The valid values is
5 to 31, inclusive. Configure this field when the Payload mode is PN sequence.
Payload PN Seed- specifies the initial state of the PN generator shift register. Configure this field
when the Payload mode is PN Sequence
Payload Test Pattern- Select the required Test Pattern. Configure this field when the Payload
mode is Test Pattern
Payload User Defined Bits- Configure this field when Payload mode is User Defined bits.
Payload File Path- Choose the file path when the payload mode is From File.
Impairments Enabled- If this property is set to True then the toolkit adds the impairments to the
generated signal as per the user configuration for the supported impairments.
Clock Offset (PPM)- The toolkit applies the clock offset to the generated waveform based on this
value. The applied clock offset is relative to the clock frequency of the signal generator.
Quadrature skew- Quadrature Skew specifies the deviation in angle from 90 degrees between the
in-phase (I) and quadrature-phase (Q) signals.
IQ gain imbalance, dB- This value specifies the ratio, in dB, of the mean amplitude of the in-
phase (I) signal to the mean amplitude of the quadrature-phase (Q) signal..
I DC offset, %- The toolkit adds the DC offset to the in-phase signal component (I) of the complex
waveform as a percentage of the root mean square magnitude of the unaltered I signal.
Q DC Offset, %- The toolkit adds the DC offset to the quadrature-phase signal component (Q) of
the complex waveform as a percentage of the root mean square magnitude of the unaltered Q
AWGN Enabled- If this property is set to True then the toolkit adds Additive White Gaussian
Noise (AWGN) to the created waveform based on the value configured in the Carrier to Noise
Ratio property.
Carrier to Noise Ratio, dB- This value specifies the Carrier to Noise ratio of the generated signal.
i. Hardware Settings
ii. ZigBee Signal Configuration
iii. Impairments
1. Select Hardware Configuration and Refer for configuration.
Superframe Order- specify the length of time during which the superframe is active (i.e., receiver
enabled), including the beacon frame transmission time.
i. Hardware Settings
ii. ZigBee Signal Configuration
iii. Impairments
1. Select Hardware Configuration and Refer for configuration.
2. Select Signal Configuration Tab
Command Frame Identifier- Select the appropriate Command frame identifier. According to this
field, Configure the remaining controls as follows
1. If Command frame Identifier is Association Request, then user has to configure the
Power Source- Select AC Mains, if the device is receiving power from the alternating current
mains. Otherwise, the Power Source field shall be set to Not From AC Mains.
Receiver on when Idle- Select True if the device does not disable its receiver to conserve power
during idle periods. Otherwise, Select False.
Security Capability?- Select Enabled, if the device is capable of sending and receiving
cryptographically protected MAC frames; Otherwise select Disabled.
Allocate Address?- Select True, if the device wishes the coordinator to allocate a short address as
a result of the association procedure. Otherwise, Select False.
2. If Command frame Identifier is Association Response, then user has to configure the
Short Address- If the coordinator was able to associate the device to its PAN, this field shall
contain the short address that the device may use in its communications on the PAN until it is
Association status?- Select the Valid values of the Association Status field.
3. If Command frame Identifier is Disassociation Notification, then user has to select the
4. If Command frame Identifier is Coordinator Realignment, then user has to configure the
PAN Identifier- shall contain the PAN identifier that the coordinator intends to use for all future
communications. Valid values from 0000 to FFFF.
Coordinator Short Address- shall contain the value of macShortAddress. Valid values from 0000
to FFFF.
Channel Number- shall contain the channel number that the coordinator intends to use for all
future communications. Valid values from 0 to 255
Short Address- if the coordinator realignment command is broadcast to the PAN, the Short
Address field shall be set to 0xffff and ignored on reception. If the coordinator realignment
command is sent directly to an orphaned device, this field shall contain the short address that the
orphaned device shall use to operate on the PAN. Valid values from 0000 to FFFF.
Channel page- shall contain the channel page that the coordinator intends to use for all future
communications. This field may be omitted if the new channel page is the same as the previous
channel page. Valid values from 0 to 255
5. If Command frame Identifier is GTS Request, then user has to configure the following
GTS Length (In Slots)- specifies the number of superframe slots being requested for the GTS.
Valid values from 1 to 255.
GTS Direction- Select Rx only GTS, if the GTS is to be a receive-only GTS. Conversely, this
field shall be set to Tx only GTS if the GTS is to be a transmit-only GTS. GTS direction is defined
relative to the direction of data frame transmissions by the device.
GTS Characteristics Type- Select GTS Characterstics type as GTS allocation or GTS
i. Hardware Settings
ii. ZigBee Signal Configuration
iii. Impairments MaxEye ZigBee OQPSK Signal Generation (Data) Save Waveform in file
This Example is used to generate multiple ZigBee Data transmission frames and the generated
waveform is stored in a file for play back. Use this example
To generate and store the custom waveforms based on your test requirement.
To avoid generating the waveform at the beginning of your test every time. This reduces
your test starting time as some of the signal configuration will take longer to generate the
For generating the longer duration waveform as the RFSG memory size is limited.
The toolkit configurations are same as specified in section This example is used to store
data frame waveform.
1. Waveform File Path- The toolkit writes the generated waveform in a file specified by this
file path control.
If the Output Waveform File Path for the combined waveform containing multiple carriers is
not specified then a file dialog box opens prompting the user to enter the file name.
2. Oversampling Enabled- set this property value to TRUE if re sampling is required.
3. Output Sampling Rate (Hz)- Configure this control to a suitable value if Oversampling
Enabled property is set to TRUE.
4. Output Sample Width- The default sample width of the output waveform is 8-bits. The
available options are 8-bits and 16-bits. We recommend 16-bits sample width for better signal
quality of the generated waveform.
This example uses NI RFSG in streaming mode for playing the waveform in real-time. The
performance of this example is related to the performance of your CPU and available RAM
The figure below shows the front panel of the Example VI. For more information about NI RFSG
streaming refer to the web link below.
Sample Width- use the same sample width value used for storing the waveform in the file. MaxEye ZigBee OQPSK RFSG VST Play Waveform From File
This example reads the ZigBee waveform from the file created using the previous example in
section using VST. This example deploy the bit file dynamically to the respective
target(FPGA) and configures a stream from the Host to the FPGA target and writes waveform data
to the streaming DMA FIFO.
Streaming Waveform Size in Samples- specifies the total number of samples used to write the
waveform to output DMA Stream.
Sample Width- use the same sample width value used for storing the waveform in the file.
1. Hardware Settings
2. ZigBee Signal Configuration
3. Impairments
1. Select the Hardware Configuration Tab and configure the following settings.
RFSG Resource- Configure the resource name used in NI Measurement and Automation
explorer for the NI PXIe-5673/5673E device or NI PXIe 5644R/45R/46R or NI 5840 device.
Headroom (dB)- Configure the Headroom value higher than PAPR of the signal to be
For more information please contact [email protected]
generated. Refer MaxEye ZigBee Measurement Suite Help.chm.
External Attenuation (dB), Arb: Pre-filter Gain (dB), Reference Source, Frequency (Hz), Clk
Output Terminal – Refer NI RFSG Signal Generators help file.
MAC Framing Enabled- To generate MAC frame set this to true, the toolkit adds MAC layer
headers and then creates payload for the physical layer. If this is set to false then the toolkit
generates waveform without MAC frame parameters.
Number of Frames- decides the length of waveform to be generated. To generate longer duration
of the waveform, increase the Number of Frames value.
Inter frame Spacing (Seconds)- specifies the gap duration in seconds between the frames.
Samples Per Chip- Specifies the number of samples per chip. Sampling Rate of generated
waveform is equal to samples per chip multiplied by Chip Rate.
Oversampling Enabled & Output Sampling Rate- Use this configuration only when you want to
resample the signal to different sampling rate. The default sampling rate is Samples per chip
multiplied by Chip Rate. The toolkit resample's the generated signal to a sampling rate equal to the
Output Sampling Rate only if the Over Sampling Enabled property is set to 1(True).
The Power Ramp Up Time- specifies the time duration during which the signal power gradually
increases to the full value from zero.
The Power Down Time- specifies the time duration during which the signal power gradually
reduces from the full value to close to zero.
Security Enabled- shall be set to True if the frame is protected bythe MAC sublayer and shall be
set to False otherwise.
Frame Pending Field- shall be set to True if the device sending the frame has more data for the
recipient. This field shall be set to False otherwise.
Ack Request Field- specifies whether an acknowledgment is required from the recipient device on
receipt of a data or MAC command frame. If this field is set to True, the recipient device shall send
an acknowledgment frame only if, upon reception. If this field is set to False, the recipient device
shall not send an acknowledgment frame.
PAN ID Compression- specifies whether the MAC frame is to be sent containing only one of the
PAN identifier fields when both source and destination addresses are present.If this field is set to
Intra-PAN and both the source and destination addresses are present, the frame shall contain only
the Destination PAN Identifier field, and the Source PAN Identifier field shall be assumed equal to
that of the destination. If this field is set to inter-PAN, then the PAN Identifier field shall be present
if and only if the corresponding address is present.
Sequence Number- The Sequence Number field specifies the sequence identifier for the frame.
Destination PAN Identifier- specifies the unique PAN identifier of the intended recipient of the
frame. This field shall be included in the MAC frame only if the Destination Addressing Mode
field is nonzero.
Destination MAC Address- specifies the address of the intended recipient of the frame. Based on
the Destination Address mode this field may be 16 bit or 64 bit. This field shall be included in the
MAC frame only if the Destination Addressing Mode field is nonzero
Source PAN Identifier- specifies the unique PAN identifier of the originator of the frame. This
field shall be included in the MAC frame only if the Source Addressing Mode field is nonzero and
the PAN ID Compression field is equal to zero.
Source MAC Address- specifies the address of the originator of the frame. This field shall be
included in the MAC frame only if the Source Addressing Mode field is nonzero.
MaxEye ZigBee Measurement Suite Toolkit allows you to configure various payload settings. The
For more information please contact [email protected]
possible payload options are
i. PN Sequence- In this mode configure Sync Insertion Enabled, Payload PN order and
PN Seed properties and the toolkit ignores other properties in the ZigBee Payload
Control. The toolkit generates pseudo random sequence based on the PN order and
seed value, the generated bit sequence is used as a payload for generating the signal.
Use this mode for testing the receiver performance for random payload values.
ii. User defined bits- In this mode configure Sync Insertion Enabled and Payload User
Defined Bits property and the toolkit ignores other properties in the ZigBee Payload
iii. Test Pattern- In this mode configure Sync Insertion Enabled and Payload Test Pattern
property and the toolkit ignores other properties in the ZigBee Payload Control. The
possible values for the Test Pattern are All 1s, All 0s, 10101010 and 01010101.
This mode is used for generating signal with known test patterns.
iv. Test File- In this mode configure the Sync Insertion Enabled and Payload File Path
property and the toolkit ignores other properties in the ZigBee Payload Control. This
mode is used for generating signal with the data from the file.
Payload Mode : Choose the appropriate mode. PN sequence is used to generate the PN sequence.
In the User defined bits, user can configure the transmitting bits. In Test Pattern, some predefined
bit patterns can be used for transmitting.
Payload PN Order- specifies the order of the PN bit sequence to be generated. The valid values is
5 to 31, inclusive. Configure this field when the Payload mode is PN sequence.
Payload PN Seed- specifies the initial state of the PN generator shift register. Configure this field
when the Payload mode is PN Sequence.
Payload Test Pattern- Select the required Test Pattern. Configure this field when the Payload
mode is Test Pattern
Payload User Defined Bits- Configure this field when Payload mode is User Defined bits.
Payload File Path- Choose the file path when the payload mode is From File.
Impairments Enabled- If this property is set to True then the toolkit adds the impairments to the
generated signal as per the user configuration for the supported impairments.
Frequency Offset, Hz- The toolkit applies frequency offset to the created waveform based on the
value configured in this property. The applied frequency offset is relative to the signal generator's
carrier frequency. The default value is 0.
Quadrature skew- Quadrature Skew specifies the deviation in angle from 90 degrees between the
in-phase (I) and quadrature-phase (Q) signals. The default value for the Quadrature Skew is 0.
IQ gain imbalance, dB- This value specifies the ratio, in dB, of the mean amplitude of the in-
phase (I) signal to the mean amplitude of the quadrature-phase (Q) signal. The default value is 0.
I DC offset, %- The toolkit adds the DC offset to the in-phase signal component (I) of the complex
waveform as a percentage of the root mean square magnitude of the unaltered I signal. The default
value is 0.
Q DC Offset, %- The toolkit adds the DC offset to the quadrature-phase signal component (Q) of
the complex waveform as a percentage of the root mean square magnitude of the unaltered Q
signal. The default value is 0.
AWGN Enabled- If this property is set to True then the toolkit adds Additive White Gaussian
Noise (AWGN) to the created waveform based on the value configured in the Carrier to Noise
Ratio property.
Carrier to Noise Ratio, dB- This value specifies the Carrier to Noise ratio of the generated signal.
The default value is 40dB.
i. Hardware Settings
ii. ZigBee Signal Configuration
iii. Impairments
1. Select Hardware Configuration and Refer for configuration.
Superframe Order- specify the length of time during which the superframe is active (i.e., receiver
enabled), including the beacon frame transmission time.
3. Select the impairments and Refer to configure the impairments Settings
i. Hardware Settings
ii. ZigBee Signal Configuration
iii. Impairments
Command Frame Identifier- Select the appropriate Command frame identifier. According to this
field, Configure the remaining controls as follows.
1. If Command frame Identifier is Association Request, then user has to configure the
Power Source- Select AC Mains, if the device is receiving power from the alternating current
mains. Otherwise, the Power Source field shall be set to Not From AC Mains.
Receiver on when Idle- Select True if the device does not disable its receiver to conserve power
during idle periods. Otherwise, Select False.
Security Capability?- Select Enabled, if the device is capable of sending and receiving
cryptographically protected MAC frames; Otherwise select Disabled.
Allocate Address?- Select True, if the device wishes the coordinator to allocate a short address as
a result of the association procedure. Otherwise, Select False.
2. If Command frame Identifier is Association Response, then user has to configure the
Short Address- If the coordinator was able to associate the device to its PAN, this field shall
contain the short address that the device may use in its communications on the PAN until it is
Association status?- Select the Valid values of the Association Status field.
3. If Command frame Identifier is Disassociation Notification, then user has to select the
4. If Command frame Identifier is Coordinator Realignment, then user has to configure the
PAN Identifier - shall contain the PAN identifier that the coordinator intends to use for all future
communications. Valid values from 0000 to FFFF
Coordinator Short Address- shall contain the value of macShortAddress. Valid values from 0000
Channel Number- shall contain the channel number that the coordinator intends to use for all
future communications.
Short Address- if the coordinator realignment command is broadcast to the PAN, the Short
Address field shall be set to 0xffff and ignored on reception. If the coordinator realignment
command is sent directly to an orphaned device, this field shall contain the short address that the
orphaned device shall use to operate on the PAN.
Channel page- shall contain the channel page that the coordinator intends to use for all future
communications. This field may be omitted if the new channel page is the same as the previous
channel page.
5. If Command frame Identifier is GTS Request, then user has to configure the following
GTS Length (In Slots)- specifies the number of superframe slots being requested for the GTS.
GTS Direction- Select Rx only GTS, if the GTS is to be a receive-only GTS. Conversely, this
field shall be set to Tx only GTS if the GTS is to be a transmit-only GTS. GTS direction is defined
relative to the direction of data frame transmissions by the device.
GTS Characteristics Type- Select GTS Characterstics type as GTS allocation or GTS
i. Hardware Settings
ii. ZigBee Signal Configuration
iii. Impairments
1. Select Hardware Configuration Tab, Refer to configure the hardware Settings.
2. Select the signal Configuration Tab. MaxEye ZigBee BPSK Signal Generation (Data) Save Waveform in file
This Example is used to generate multiple ZigBee Data transmission frames and the generated
waveform is stored in a file for play back. Use this example
To generate and store the custom waveforms based on your test requirement.
To avoid generating the waveform at the beginning of your test every time. This reduces
your test starting time as some of the signal configuration will take longer to generate the
For generating the longer duration waveform as the RFSG memory size is limited.
For testing your receiver for continuous signal reception.
For receiver sensitivity measurement (BER) for longer duration.
Waveform File Path- The toolkit writes the generated waveform in a file specified by this file
path control. If the Output Waveform File Path for the combined waveform containing multiple
carriers is not specified then a file dialog box opens prompting the user to enter the file name.
Output Sampling Rate (Hz)- Configure this control to a suitable value if Oversampling Enabled
property is set to TRUE.
Output Sample Width- The default sample width of the output waveform is 8-bits. The available
options are 8-bits and 16-bits. We recommend 16-bits sample width for better signal quality of the
generated waveform.
i. Hardware Settings
ii. Trigger Settings
iii. Signal Configuration
Resource Name- Configure the resource name used in NI Measurement and Automation
explorer for the NI PXIe-5673/5673E device or NI PXIe 5644R/45R/46R or NI 5840 device..
Auto Level- examines the input signal to calculate the peak power level and sets it as the value of
the Reference Level property.
Maximum Input Power- Configures the reference level that represents the maximum expected
power of an RF input signal. Configure this field only when Auto level is False.
External Attenuation- specifies the attenuation, in dB, of a switch (or cable) connected to the RF
IN connector of the signal analyzer.
Frequency- specifies the Reference Clock rate when the Frequency Reference Source parameter is
set to ClKIn or RefIn. This value is expressed in Hz.
Trigger Delay- Specifies the trigger delay time, in seconds. The trigger delay time is the length of
time the IF digitizer waits after it receives the trigger before it asserts the Reference Event.
Trigger Level- Specifies the power level, in dBm, at which the device triggers. The device asserts
the trigger when the signal exceeds the level specified by the value of this property, taking into
consideration the specified slope.
Minum Quiet Time- Specifies a time duration, in seconds, for which the signal must be quiet
before the device arms the IQ Power Edge trigger. The signal is quiet when it is below the trigger
level if the trigger slope, specified by the Reference Trigger IQ Power Edge Slope property, is set
to Rising Slope or when it is above the trigger level if the trigger slope is set to Falling Slope.
Channel Number- Select Center Frequency of the ZigBee signal in MHz. . For OQPSK the carrier
frequency is ranging from Channel 11 (2405 MHz) to channel 26(2480 MHz). Choose the Channel
Number as same as transmitted signals channel number.
Reset PER measurement- If this property is set to True the toolkit internal resets the Number of
Packets Received and Number of Packet Errors to 0. To measure PER measurement continuously
set this property to True only in the first iteration.
Number of Packets Received- This shows the total number of Packets received
MAC CRC Status- this will turn ON when CRC check failed.
Number of Packet Errors- It will display the total number of error packets
6. MAC Frame Parameters include the MAC frame. This extract the transmitted MAC frame
and displays the MAC frame Parameters to the user. Array index refers to the frame number.
In this example SEM measurement which includes carrier measurement , lower and upper offset
segment measurements are calculated.
i. Hardware settings
ii. Trigger Settings
iii. Measurement Configuration
RBW Filter Type- specifies the response of the digital RBW filter.
RBW (Hz)- specifies the bandwidth, in Hz, of the resolution bandwidth (RBW) filter used to
sweep the acquired carrier signal, when you set the RBW Auto parameter to False.
Reference Type- Configures whether the power reference is the integrated power or the peak
power in the closest carrier channel. Needs to be configured only foe SEM measurement.
Power Units(Spec Mask)- Configures the units for the absolute power. Needs to be configured
only foe SEM measurement.
Limit Fail Mask- Specifies the criteria to determine the measurement fail status.
Averaging Enabled- specifies whether to enable averaging for the measurement. The default value
is False.
Number of Averages- specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the
Averaging Enabled parameter to True.
Averaging Type- specifies the averaging type for averaging multiple spectrum acquisitions. The
averaged spectrum is used for the measurement
Offset Frequency Enabled- specifies whether to enable the offset segment for the SEM
measurement. The default value is True.
Offset Frequency Start- specifies the array of start frequencies, in Hz, of each offset segment
relative to the closest configured carrier channel bandwidth center or carrier channel bandwidth
edge based on the value of the SEM Offset Freq Definition property.
Offset Frequency Stop- specifies the array of stop frequencies, in Hz, of each offset segment
relative to the closest configured carrier channel bandwidth center or carrier channel bandwidth
edge based on the value of the SEM Offset Freq Definition property.
Offset Frequency Side band- specifies whether the offset segment is present on one side, or on
both sides of the carriers. The default value is Both.
RBW (Hz)- specifies the array of bandwidths, in Hz, of the resolution bandwidth (RBW) filter
used to sweep the acquired offset segment, when you set the RBW Auto parameter to False.
Absolute Limit Mode- specifies whether the absolute limit mask is a flat line or a line with a slope
For more information please contact [email protected]
Absolute Limit Start- specifies the array of absolute power limits, in dBm, corresponding to the
beginning of the offset segment. The value of this parameter is also set as the stop limit for the
offset segment when you set the Absolute Limit Mode parameter to Couple.
Absolute Limit Stop- specifies the array of absolute power limits, in dBm, corresponding to the
end of the offset segment. This parameter is ignored when you set the Absolute Limit Mode
parameter to Couple
Relative Limit Mode- specifies whether the relative limit mask is a flat line or a line with a slope.
Relative Limit Start- specifies the array of relative power limits, in dB, corresponding to the
beginning of the offset segment. The value of this parameter is also set as the stop limit for the
offset segment when you set the Relative Limit Mode parameter to Couple.
Relative Limit Stop- specifies the array of relative power limits, in dB, corresponding to the end of
the offset segment. This parameter is ignored if you set the Relative Limit Mode parameter to
4. The measurement results include Carrier Measurements, Lower and Upper Offset Segment
Measurements. The available graph is Power Vs frequency.
This example is used to find out Average Mean Power, Peak to Average Ratio and Peak Power of
the transmitted signal. The user configurations are divided into three.
i. Hardware Settings
ii. Trigger Settings
iii. Measurement Configuration
RBW Filter Type- specifies the response of the digital RBW filter.
RBW- specifies the bandwidth, in Hz, of the resolution bandwidth (RBW) filter used to sweep the
acquired carrier signal, when you set the RBW Auto parameter to False.
RRC Alpha- specifies the roll-off factor for the root-raised-cosine (RRC) filter.
Averaging Enabled- specifies whether to enable averaging for the measurement. The default value
is False.
Number of Averages- specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the
Averaging Enabled parameter to True.
Averaging Type- specifies the averaging type for averaging multiple spectrum acquisitions. The
averaged spectrum is used for the measurement.
3. The measurement Results consists of Average Mean Power, Peak to Average Ratio, Peak
Power. The available graph is Power Vs Time.
RBW Filter Type- specifies the response of the digital RBW filter.
RBW Auto- specifies whether the measurement computes the resolution bandwidth (RBW) of the
RBW (Hz)- specifies the bandwidth, in Hz, of the resolution bandwidth (RBW) filter used to
sweep the acquired carrier signal, when you set the RBW Auto parameter to False.
Sweep Time Auto- specifies whether the measurement computes the sweep time.
Sweep Time Interval- specifies the sweep time, in seconds, when you set the Sweep Time Auto
parameter to False. The default value is 1 ms.
Averaging Enabled- specifies whether to enable averaging for the measurement. The default value
is False.
Averaging Count- specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the
Averaging Enabled parameter to True.
Averaging Type- specifies the averaging type for averaging multiple spectrum acquisitions. The
averaged spectrum is used for the measurement.
FFT window- specifies the FFT window type to use to reduce spectral leakage.
3. The measurement Results consists of Average Absolute frequency and frequency offset.
The available graphs are Frequency Error Vs Time and Power Vs Frequency.
i. Hardware Settings
ii. Trigger Settings
iii. Signal Configuration
Resource Name- Configure the resource name used in NI Measurement and Automation
explorer for the NI PXIe-5673/5673E device or NI PXIe 5644R/45R/46R or NI 5840 device..
Auto Level- examines the input signal to calculate the peak power level and sets it as the value of
the Reference Level property.
External Attenuation- specifies the attenuation, in dB, of a switch (or cable) connected to the RF
IN connector of the signal analyzer.
Frequency- specifies the Reference Clock rate when the Frequency Reference Source parameter is
set to ClKIn or RefIn. This value is expressed in Hz. The default value is 10 MHz.
Trigger Delay- Specifies the trigger delay time, in seconds. The trigger delay time is the length of
time the IF digitizer waits after it receives the trigger before it asserts the Reference Event.
Trigger Level- Specifies the power level, in dBm, at which the device triggers. The device asserts
the trigger when the signal exceeds the level specified by the value of this property, taking into
consideration the specified slope.
Minum Quiet Time- Specifies a time duration, in seconds, for which the signal must be quiet
before the device arms the IQ Power Edge trigger. The signal is quiet when it is below the trigger
level if the trigger slope, specified by the Reference Trigger IQ Power Edge Slope property, is set
to Rising Slope or when it is above the trigger level if the trigger slope is set to Falling Slope.
Channel Number- Select Center Frequency of the ZigBee signal in MHz. . For BPSK the carrier
frequency is ranging from channel 1 (868.3 MHz) to channel 10 (924MHz) .Choose the Channel
Number as same as transmitted signal.
Reset PER measurement- If this property is set to True the toolkit internal resets the Number of
Packets Received and Number of Packet Errors to 0. To measure PER measurement continuously
set this property to True only in the first iteration.
To see the transmitted payload , select the MAC Payload which is in hexadecimal format.
Number of Packets Received- This shows the total number of Packets received
MAC CRC Status- this will turn ON when CRC check failed.
Traces 2 include Magnitude Error Vs Symbols, Phase Error Vs Symbols, I Vs Time, Q Vs Time
MAC Frame include the MAC frame. This extract the transmitted MAC frame and displays the
MAC frame Parameters to the user. Array index refers to the frame number.
i. Hardware settings
ii. Trigger Settings
iii. Measurement Configuration
Integration Bandwidth- specifies the frequency range, in Hz, over which the measurement
integrates the carrier channel power
RBW Filter Type- specifies the response of the digital RBW filter.
RBW (Hz)- specifies the bandwidth, in Hz, of the resolution bandwidth (RBW) filter used to
sweep the acquired carrier signal, when you set the RBW Auto parameter to False.
Reference Type- Configures whether the power reference is the integrated power or the peak
power in the closest carrier channel. Needs to be configured only foe SEM measurement.
Power Units(Spec Mask) - Configures the units for the absolute power. Needs to be configured
only foe SEM measurement.
Limit Fail Mask- Specifies the criteria to determine the measurement fail status.
Averaging Enabled- specifies whether to enable averaging for the measurement. The default value
is False.
Number of Averages- specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the
Averaging Enabled parameter to True.
Averaging Type- specifies the averaging type for averaging multiple spectrum acquisitions. The
averaged spectrum is used for the measurement
Offset Frequency Enabled- specifies whether to enable the offset segment for the SEM
measurement. The default value is True.
Offset Frequency Start- specifies the array of start frequencies, in Hz, of each offset segment
relative to the closest configured carrier channel bandwidth center or carrier channel bandwidth
edge based on the value of the SEM Offset Freq Definition property.
Offset Frequency Stop- specifies the array of stop frequencies, in Hz, of each offset segment
relative to the closest configured carrier channel bandwidth center or carrier channel bandwidth
edge based on the value of the SEM Offset Freq Definition property.
Offset Frequency Side band- specifies whether the offset segment is present on one side, or on
both sides of the carriers. The default value is Both.
RBW Auto RBW Filter Type- specifies whether the measurement computes the RBW.
Absolute Limit Mode- specifies whether the absolute limit mask is a flat line or a line with a slope
Absolute Limit Start- specifies the array of absolute power limits, in dBm, corresponding to the
beginning of the offset segment. The value of this parameter is also set as the stop limit for the
offset segment when you set the Absolute Limit Mode parameter to Couple.
Absolute Limit Stop- specifies the array of absolute power limits, in dBm, corresponding to the
end of the offset segment. This parameter is ignored when you set the Absolute Limit Mode
parameter to Couple
Relative Limit Mode- specifies whether the relative limit mask is a flat line or a line with a slope.
Relative Limit Start- specifies the array of relative power limits, in dB, corresponding to the
beginning of the offset segment. The value of this parameter is also set as the stop limit for the
offset segment when you set the Relative Limit Mode parameter to Couple.
Relative Limit Stop- specifies the array of relative power limits, in dB, corresponding to the end of
the offset segment. This parameter is ignored if you set the Relative Limit Mode parameter to
The measurement results include Carrier Measurements, Lower and Upper Offset Segment
Measurements. The available graph is Power Vs frequency.
This example is used to find out Average Mean Power, Peak to Average Ratio and Peak Power of
the transmitted signal. The user configurations are divided into three.
i. Hardware Settings
ii. Trigger Settings
iii. Measurement Configuration
Measurement Interval - Specifies the acquisition time, in seconds, for the transmit power (TXP)
measurement. Needs to be configured only for Transmit Power Measurements
RBW Filter Type- specifies the response of the digital RBW filter.
RBW- specifies the bandwidth, in Hz, of the resolution bandwidth (RBW) filter used to sweep the
acquired carrier signal, when you set the RBW Auto parameter to False.
RRC Alpha- specifies the roll-off factor for the root-raised-cosine (RRC) filter.
Averaging Enabled- specifies whether to enable averaging for the measurement. The default value
is False.
Number of Averages- specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the
Averaging Enabled parameter to True.
Averaging Type- specifies the averaging type for averaging multiple spectrum acquisitions. The
averaged spectrum is used for the measurement.
3. The measurement Results consists of Average Mean Power, Peak to Average Ratio, Peak
Power. The available graph is Power Vs Time.
This example is used to find out absolute frequency and frequency offset of transmitted continuous
wave signal. The user configurations are divided into two.
i. Hardware Settings
ii. Measurement Configuration
RBW Filter Type- specifies the response of the digital RBW filter.
RBW Auto- specifies whether the measurement computes the resolution bandwidth (RBW) of the
RBW (Hz)- specifies the bandwidth, in Hz, of the resolution bandwidth (RBW) filter used to
sweep the acquired carrier signal, when you set the RBW Auto parameter to False.
Sweep Time Auto- specifies whether the measurement computes the sweep time.
Sweep Time Interval- specifies the sweep time, in seconds, when you set the Sweep Time Auto
parameter to False. The default value is 1 ms.
Averaging Enabled- specifies whether to enable averaging for the measurement. The default value
is False.
Averaging Type- specifies the averaging type for averaging multiple spectrum acquisitions. The
averaged spectrum is used for the measurement.
FFT window- specifies the FFT window type to use to reduce spectral leakage.
FFT Padding- specifies the factor by which the time-domain waveform is zero-padded before an
FFT. The FFT size is given by the following formula: FFT size = waveform size * padding. This
parameter is used only when the acquisition span is less than the device instantaneous bandwidth.
3. The measurement Results consists of Average Absolute frequency and frequency offset.
The available graphs are Frequency Error Vs Time and Power Vs Frequency.