1543402776final Computer Science 9-12 Lisence
1543402776final Computer Science 9-12 Lisence
1543402776final Computer Science 9-12 Lisence
This course is designed for knowledge related to computer science. This course is specially designed to
understand fundamentals knowledge of computer and the terminologies associated with computer
science. It is focused on computer fundamentals, computer system, computer programming, web
development and database and network and internet.
To acquire basic knowledge and skills related to computer Science
To develop knowledge of computer system and its hardware and software
To develop the knowledge of how computer language works and how they are used in the
home, school , workplace and community
To develop the good command in computer programming and database management
To acquire the knowledge of different types of networks, its types and its applications
Part : I 40 Marks
1. Introduction and Evolution of computer
1.1. Concept and Characteristics of Computer
1.2. Application of Computers
1.3. History of Computer: Mechanical Calculating era, Electro-Mechanical era, Electronic
computers era
1.4. Generation of Computers: First, second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Generation(AI) and its
1.5. Computer speed and Measurement Unit
2. Classification of Computer
1.1. On the basis of working principle- Analog, Digital and Hybrid Computers
1.2. On the basis of size- Super, Mainframe, Mini and Microcomputers
1.3. On the basis of brand- IBM PC, IBM Compatible and Apple/Macintosh
1.4. Mobile Computing
3. Number system and their conversion
1.1. Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal Number system & conversion
1.2. 3.2 9's and 10's complements decimal subtraction
1.3. Calculation in Binary-addition, subtraction, One's and two's Complement Methods
binary subtraction
4. Digital Logic fundamental
1.1. Logic Function and boolean Algebra
1.2. Introduction of Truth Table, Boolean Expression
1.3. Logic gats- AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR- its definition, use, truth
table, logic symbol
1.4. Duality principle
1.5. Laws of Boolean Algebra- Associative, Commutative, Distributive, Identity,
Complement laws
1.6. De Morgan's Theorem: Statement and logic Expression
1.7. Venn diagram and its represent of logic gates (AND, OR, NOT)
5. Computer Systems
1.1. Concept of Computer Architecture
1.2. Concept of Computer Organization
1.3. Components of Computer System-Input, Output, Processor and Storage
1.4. Microprocessor- Concepts, Components of Processor, Functions
1.5. Concept of System Buses: Data Bus, Address Bus, Control Bus
1.6. Memory- Primary and Secondary, Cache (L1, L2), Buffer, RAM, ROM
1.7. Storage Device- Definition, Use, Types: Hard Disk, Floppy Disk, Magnetic Tape, Flash
Memory, Optical Disk (CD, VCD, DVD) External storage device
1.8. Input Device- Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Light pen, OMR, OCR, BCR, Scanner Touch
pad Kiosk, Microphone and Digital Camera
1.9. Output Devices-Monitor, printer, plotter, Speaker
1.10. Computer peripherals
1.11. Interfaces- Parallel Port, Serial Port, USB ports
1.12. Identification of PC Accessories and Peripherals
1.13. Specification of PC
1.14. Software and classification
1.14.1. System software: OS, Language Processor
1.14.2. Application software including Utilities Software
1.14.3. Computer Virus and Antivirus
6. Operating System
6.1. Fundamental Concept
6.1.1. Introduction to operating system
6.1.2. Role of Operating System
6.1.3. Functions of an Operating System
6.1.4. Types of Operating System:
6.2. Based on Processing Method (Batch, Multitasking, Multiprocessing)
6.2.1. Timesharing, Real Time), Based on user Interface (GUI, CUI), Based on Mode of
6.2.2. User (Single-user & Multi-user)
6.2.3. Disk Operating System (DOS)
6.2.4. Introduction to CUI and it's feature
6.2.5. Common DOS Commands (External and Internal Commands)
6.2.6. Concept of file and Directory
6.2.7. Wildcards and pathname
6.2.8. System Files: Config.sys, IO.sys, MSDOS.sys. autoexec.bat
6.2.9. windows operating system
6.2.10. Introduction to GUI and its features
6.2.11. working with a window Environment
6.2.12. Working with a windows Application Program
6.2.13. Working with files and folders
6.2.14. Customizing the task bar and Desktop
6.2.15. Customizing windows
6.2.16. Use of Accessories
6.2.17. Concept of Open Sources Operating System
6.2.18. Introduction to open sources operating system
6.2.19. Introduction to Linux, UNIX
7 Introduction to Programming
Programming Languages (Low level, High level, 4GL)
7.1. Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler
7.2. List of high level programming Language
7.3. Difference between program and software
7.4. Concept of Programming statement
7.5. Syntax and semantics errors
7.6. Program control structures: Sequence, Selection and Iteration
7.7. Program Design tools- Algorithm, Flowchart and pseudo code
7.8. Introduction to data type
7.9. Codes: Absolute Binary, BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode
8 Application Package
8.1. Word Processor
8.1. Concept of Word Processor
8.2. Types of Word Processing
8.3. Basic terms of word processing
8.4. Working and editing text
8.5. Formatting Characters and paragraphs
8.6. Formatting pages
8.7. Working with tables
8.8. Working with templates and styles
8.9. Drawing and working with graphics
8.10. performing a Mail Merge
8.11. Document Collaboration
8.12. Working with outlines and long Documents
8.13. Working with word Art and Charts
8.14. Project work on Word processor
8.2 Spread Sheet
8.2.1 Concept and use of spread sheet
8.2.2 Types of spread sheet
8.2.3 Basic fundamentals of spread sheet
8.2.4 Formatting a worksheet
8.2.5 Creating and working with charts
8.2.6 Managing workbooks
8.2.7 General functions and formulas
8.2.8 Data filter and sorting
8.2.9 Working with other objects
8.2.10 Data Analysis and Pivot tables
8.2.11 What-If Analysis
8.2.12 Project work on Spread sheet
8.3. Presentation
8.3.1 Concept of Presentation
8.3.2 Types and use of presentation Program
8.3.3 Basic fundamental of presentation
8.3.4 Editing a presentation
8.3.5 Design and formatting Presentation
8.3.6 Transition of presentation
8.3.7 Animation and Custom Animation
8.3.8 Working with Tables, Graphics and Word Art
8.3.9 Working with Graphs and Organization Charts
8.3.10 Working with Multimedia
8.3.11 Project work on Presentation
9. Internet and E-mail
9.1. Internet
9.1.1 Introduction of Internet
9.1.2 Uses of Internet
9.1.3 Concept of Protocols
9.1.4 Web Browser, Web page, Website, Web server, URL, DNS
9.1.5 Search Engine, Messenger services
9.1.6 Setting Browser properties
9.1.7 Setup Network Connection
9.2 E-mail
9.2.1. Concept of E-mail
9.2.2. Uses of E-mail
9.2.3. Different types of E-mail Account
9.2.4. Web Based E-mail and POP E-mail
10. Web page Designing
10.1. Introduction to HTML
10.2. Types of Tags
10.3. Basic Structure of HTML
10.4. Character Formatting (Paragraphs, Heading, Text format)
10.5. Create an Ordered and Unordered List
10.6. Insert Images and Objects
10.7. Create Hyper Link
10.8. Create Table
10.9. Design Frames and Form
10.10. Concept of CSS and Script Language
10.11. Webpage Design and Editing Tools
11. Computer Security
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Hardware
11.3. Data and software security
11.4. Introduction of virus
11.5. Cause of creating computer viruses
11.6. Symptoms of Computer viruses
11.7. Method of Protection of viruses
11.8. Antivirus software
13. Database
13.1 Introduction: Data, Information, Database and DBMS
13.2 Objectives of DBMS
13.3 Database Model: Relational Model ,Network Model, Hierarchical Model Entity
Relational Data Model
13.4 Concept of Normalization
13.5 Types of Normalization 1NF, 2NF, 3NF
13.6 Structured Query Language
13.7 Centralized Vs. Distributed Database
13.8 Data Security
13.9 MS Access 2007
13.9.1 Table,Query,Form,Report
13.9.2 Primary key, Foriegn Key
13.9.3 Data types of Ms Access
13.9.4 Field properties
14. Design Database using DBMS Software
14.1 Create a Database
14.2 Create Tables and Fields and its properties
14.3 Create a Relational Databases
14.4 Create and Run Queries
14.5 Working with Forms
14.6 Generate Reports
14.7 Formatting Forms and Reports
15. Communication and Networking
15.1. Introduction: Definition, Purpose of networking
15.2. Analog and Digital Signal, Modulation(AM, FM, PM)
15.3. Direction of communication flow( Simplex, Halfduplex,)
15.4. Types of Network: Peer-to-peer and Client/Server, LAN, MAN and WAN
15.5. LAN Topologies :Bus, Star, Ring, Tree, Mesh Topologies (Its definition, structure,
advantages & disadvantages)
15.6. Transmission Media: Bound Media (Coaxial Cable, Twisted Pair cable andOptical
Fiber Cable- its description, structure, advantages and disadvantages),Unbound
Media (Satellite, Wireless Media, Microwave Transmission)
15.7. Network Connecting Device: Modem, NTC, Switch/Hub, Router, Gateway,
Repeater, Bluetooth, IR, WiFi
15.8. OSI Reference Model- Layer wise use and function
15.9. Communication Protocol: TCP/IP, SMTP, POP3, FTP, HTTPs, Telnet protocol
15.10. Demonstration of Communication Media and Connecting Devices
16. Programming in C
16.1. Introduction:
16.2. Overview, History, Features, Advantages and Disadvantages of C Language
16.3. Structure of C program
16.4. Compiling Process
16.5. C Preprocessor and Header Files
16.6. 4.2 Fundamentals of C
16.7. 4.2.1 Character Set used in C
16.8. 4.2.2 Use of Comments
16.9. 4.2.3. Identifiers and Keywords and Tokens
16.10. Data Types in C
16.11. Constants and Variables
16.12. Type of Specifier
16.13. Statements- Simple and Compound Statements
16.14. Operators and Expressions
16.15. Operators : Precedence & Associatively
16.16. Expressions
16.17. Type Casting and Conversions
16.18. Introduction to Library Functions
16.19. Input/Output (I/O) Functions
16.20. Control Structures
16.21. Decisions (if, if- else, else if, switch, ?; operator)
16.22. Looping (while, do while, for)
16.23. Array and String
16.24. Definition of array and string
16.25. Types of Array- One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional( definition,declaration,
and initialization.)
16.26. String Function : strlen(), streat(), stremp(), Strrev(), strepy(), strlwr() strupr()
16.27. Functions
16.28. Concept of Function, function definition, function
16.29. Return and Void statements of a function
16.30. Accessing a Function - Function Call(by value, by reference)
16.31. Concept of Recursion
16.32. Structures and Unions
16.33. Definition and Difference between Structure and Union
16.34. Structure: Declaration, Initialization and Size of Structure
16.35. Pointers
16.36. Definition of Pointer
16.37. Address(&) and indirection(*) operator
16.38. Pointer Expression and Assignment
16.39. 4.10. Working with Files
16.40. 4.11. Concept of Data File
16.41. 4.12. Sequential ad Random File
16.42. 4.13 Opening, Reading, Writing and Appending on/from Data File
17. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
17.1. Concept of OOP
17.2. Features of OOP: Class, Object, Polymorphism and Inheritance
17.3. Application ofOOP
17.4. Difference between OOP and Structured Programming Language
18. Information Communication Technology and Cyber Law
18.1. Social Impact of the ICT
18.2. Digital Divide
18.3. Computer Ethics
18.4. Intellectual Properties Right
18.5. Privacy, Anonymity
18.6. Computer Crime
18.7. Concept of Cyber Law
18.8. Area of Cyber Law
18.9. Cyber Law in Nepal
18.10. IT Policy in Nepal
19. Multimedia
19.1. Introduction to Multimedia
19.2. Component of Multimedia: Text, Graphics, Audio, Video and Animation
19.3. Application ofMultimedia
20. Artificial Intelligence
20.1. Concept of AI
20.2. Component of AI
20.3. Uses of AI
20.4. Ethical Aspect of AT
21. Contemporary Technology
21.1. e- Business
21.2. e- Leaning
21.3. e-Governances
21.4. e-Medicine
21.5. Virtual Reality
21.6. Robotics
22.1. Introduction to QBASIC Programming
22.2. Elements of -basic programming language
22.3. Q-basic statements
22.4. Control Statements of Q-basic
22.5. Library Function in basic
22.6. Using Array in basic
22.7. Modular programming in Q-basic
22.8. File handling in Q-basic
Part : II 25 Marks
23. Curriculum related Knowledge
23.1. Space of the computer science subject in Secondary school curriculum
23.2. Breadth ,depth and organization of knowledge of the content
23.3. Competencies and learning outcomes.
23.4. Resources material n computer science
23.5. Knowledge of computer science teaching manuals.
24.: Class Room Teaching Skill
24.1 Effective presentation skill
24.2 Class room management skill
24.3 Visual and demonstration method
24.4 Problem based learning strategies
24.5 Small group discussion /Whole class discussion
24.6 Observation as an instructional strategy
25. Project Work
25.1 Use of project and field work
25.2 Designinig project
25.3 Implementing and communicating
25.4 Exhibition skill
26. Assignment
26.1 Assignment in teaching computer science
26.2 knowledge of the assessment plan and specification grd n the school case.
26.3 Developing test and appropriate tool for student assessment
26.4 Authentic assessment to measure performance
26.5 Use of Rubrics to evaluate performance.
27. Use of ICT in computer Science
27.1 Email/ internet/social network
27.2 Familiar of Virtual Lab, Learning Management System(LMS)
27.3 Skill of Smart Board/Power point presentation
27.4 Virtual classroom/ google class room
Specification Grid (Question making plan)
Multiple Choice Questions Short Questions
Question Total Full
Section No. of No. of
Unit Marks Total marks Marks Total marks Question Marks
Questions Questions
1 1 1 1 - - - 1 1
2 1 1 1 - - - 1 1
3 1 1 1 - - - 1 1
4 1 1 1 - - - 1 1
5 3 1 3 - - - 1 3
6 2 1 2 - - - 1 2
7 3 1 3 - - - 1 3
8 3 1 3 - - - 1 3
9 2 1 2 - - - 1 2
10 2 1 2 - - - 1 2
11 1 1 1 - - - 1 1
12 1 1 1 - - - 1 1
13 2 1 2 - - - 1 2
14 2 1 2 - - - 1 2
15 2 1 2 - - - 1 2
16 4 1 4 - - - 1 4
17 1 1 1 - - - 1 1
B 18 1 1 1 - - - 1 1
19 1 1 1 - - - 1 1
20 1 1 1 - - - 1 1
21 1 1 1 - - - 1 1
22 4 1 4 - - - 1 4
23 - - - 1 5 5 1 5
24 - - - 1 5 5 1 5
25 - - - 1 5 5 1 5
26 - - - 1 5 5 1 5
27 - - - 1 5 5 1 5
Total 40 1 40 5 5 25 45 65
1. Total 3 hours time is allocated for testing: forty five minutes for objective questions and two hours and fifteen
minutes for subjective questions.
2. The objective and subjective tests will be conducted in the same setting, and the subjective test will begin as soon
as the objective test is completed.
3. The questions will be asked covering all the levels of cognitive domain.
4. The short questions will focus on knowledge, skills and application, and the long questions will focus on creativity
and the pragmatic aspects related to teaching.
5. The priority will be given to those answers which are creative and based on the critical analysis of the practical
aspects of learning facilitation.