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Name – Rajvardhan Mohan Patil Reg No – 21BCI0056

BCSE309P Cryptography and Network Security Lab

Digital Assignment 1

implement a Playfair cipher substitution technique

import java.awt.Point;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class PlayfairCipher

//length of digraph array

private int length = 0;

//creates a matrix for Playfair cipher

private String [][] table;

//main() method to test Playfair method

public static void main(String args[])

PlayfairCipher pf = new PlayfairCipher();

//main run of the program, Playfair method

//constructor of the class

private PlayfairCipher()

//prompts user for the keyword to use for encoding & creates tables

System.out.print("Enter the key for playfair cipher: ");

Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

String key = parseString(sc);


key = parseString(sc);

table = this.cipherTable(key);
//prompts user for message to be encoded

System.out.print("Enter the plaintext to be encipher: ");

//System.out.println("using the previously given keyword");

String input = parseString(sc);


input = parseString(sc);

//encodes and then decodes the encoded message

String output = cipher(input);

String decodedOutput = decode(output);

//output the results to user



//parses an input string to remove numbers, punctuation,

//replaces any J's with I's and makes string all caps

private String parseString(Scanner sc)

String parse = sc.nextLine();

//converts all the letters in upper case

parse = parse.toUpperCase();

//the string to be substituted by space for each match (A to Z)

parse = parse.replaceAll("[^A-Z]", "");

//replace the letter J by I

parse = parse.replace("J", "I");

return parse;

//creates the cipher table based on some input string (already parsed)

private String[][] cipherTable(String key)

//creates a matrix of 5*5

String[][] playfairTable = new String[5][5];


//fill string array with empty string

for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)

playfairTable[i][j] = "";

for(int k = 0; k < keyString.length(); k++)

boolean repeat = false;

boolean used = false;

for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)

if(playfairTable[i][j].equals("" + keyString.charAt(k)))

repeat = true;

else if(playfairTable[i][j].equals("") && !repeat && !used)

playfairTable[i][j] = "" + keyString.charAt(k);

used = true;

return playfairTable;

//cipher: takes input (all upper-case), encodes it, and returns the output

private String cipher(String in)

length = (int) in.length() / 2 + in.length() % 2;

//insert x between double-letter digraphs & redefines "length"

for(int i = 0; i < (length - 1); i++)

if(in.charAt(2 * i) == in.charAt(2 * i + 1))

in = new StringBuffer(in).insert(2 * i + 1, 'X').toString();

length = (int) in.length() / 2 + in.length() % 2;

//------------makes plaintext of even length--------------

//creates an array of digraphs

String[] digraph = new String[length];

//loop iterates over the plaintext

for(int j = 0; j < length ; j++)

//checks the plaintext is of even length or not

if(j == (length - 1) && in.length() / 2 == (length - 1))

//if not addends X at the end of the plaintext

in = in + "X";

digraph[j] = in.charAt(2 * j) +""+ in.charAt(2 * j + 1);

//encodes the digraphs and returns the output

String out = "";

String[] encDigraphs = new String[length];

encDigraphs = encodeDigraph(digraph);

for(int k = 0; k < length; k++)

out = out + encDigraphs[k];

return out;

//---------------encryption logic-----------------
//encodes the digraph input with the cipher's specifications

private String[] encodeDigraph(String di[])

String[] encipher = new String[length];

for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)

char a = di[i].charAt(0);

char b = di[i].charAt(1);

int r1 = (int) getPoint(a).getX();

int r2 = (int) getPoint(b).getX();

int c1 = (int) getPoint(a).getY();

int c2 = (int) getPoint(b).getY();

//executes if the letters of digraph appear in the same row

//in such case shift columns to right

if(r1 == r2)

c1 = (c1 + 1) % 5;

c2 = (c2 + 1) % 5;

//executes if the letters of digraph appear in the same column

//in such case shift rows down

else if(c1 == c2)

r1 = (r1 + 1) % 5;

r2 = (r2 + 1) % 5;

//executes if the letters of digraph appear in the different row and different column

//in such case swap the first column with the second column


int temp = c1;

c1 = c2;

c2 = temp;

//performs the table look-up and puts those values into the encoded array

encipher[i] = table[r1][c1] + "" + table[r2][c2];

return encipher;

//-----------------------decryption logic---------------------

// decodes the output given from the cipher and decode methods (opp. of encoding process)

private String decode(String out)

String decoded = "";

for(int i = 0; i < out.length() / 2; i++)

char a = out.charAt(2*i);

char b = out.charAt(2*i+1);

int r1 = (int) getPoint(a).getX();

int r2 = (int) getPoint(b).getX();

int c1 = (int) getPoint(a).getY();

int c2 = (int) getPoint(b).getY();

if(r1 == r2)

c1 = (c1 + 4) % 5;

c2 = (c2 + 4) % 5;

else if(c1 == c2)

r1 = (r1 + 4) % 5;

r2 = (r2 + 4) % 5;


//swapping logic

int temp = c1;

c1 = c2;

c2 = temp;

decoded = decoded + table[r1][c1] + table[r2][c2];

//returns the decoded message

return decoded;

// returns a point containing the row and column of the letter

private Point getPoint(char c)

Point pt = new Point(0,0);

for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)

if(c == table[i][j].charAt(0))

pt = new Point(i,j);

return pt;

//function prints the key-table in matrix form for playfair cipher

private void keyTable(String[][] printTable)

System.out.println("Playfair Cipher Key Matrix: ");


//loop iterates for rows

for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

//loop iterates for column

for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)

//prints the key-table in matrix form

System.out.print(printTable[i][j]+" ");



//method that prints all the results

private void printResults(String encipher, String dec)

System.out.print("Encrypted Message: ");

//prints the encrypted message



System.out.print("Decrypted Message: ");

//prints the decryted message


implement a program for encryption and decryption using Hill cipher substitution technique

Aimport java.util.Scanner;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class hillcipher

//the 3x3 key matrix for 3 characters at once

public static int[][] keymat = new int[][]{{ 1, 2, 1 },{ 2, 3, 2 },{ 2, 2, 1 },};

public static int[][] invkeymat = new int[][]{{ -1, 0, 1 },{ 2, -1, 0 },{ -2, 2, -1},};

public static String key = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

public static void main(String[] args)

String text,outtext ="",outtext1="";

int ch, n;

Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("Enter the Plain text for Encryption: ");

//String text=new String();


text = text.toUpperCase();

text = text.replaceAll("\\s",""); //removing spaces

n = text.length() % 3; if(n!=0)

for(int i = 1; i<= (3-n);i++)

text+= 'X';

System.out.println("Padded Text:" + text);

char[] ptextchars = text.toCharArray();

for(int i=0;i< text.length(); i+=3)

outtext += encrypt(ptextchars[i],ptextchars[i+1],ptextchars[i+2]);

System.out.println("Encrypted Message: " + outtext);

char[] ptextchars1 = outtext.toCharArray(); for(int i=0;i< outtext.length(); i+=3)

outtext1 += decrypt(ptextchars1[i],ptextchars1[i+1],ptextchars1[i+2]);

System.out.println("Decrypted Message: " + outtext1);

private static String encrypt(char a, char b, char c)

String ret = "";

int x,y, z;

int posa = (int)a - 65;

int posb = (int)b - 65;

int posc = (int)c - 65;

x = posa * keymat[0][0] + posb * keymat[1][0] + posc * keymat[2][0];

y = posa * keymat[0][1] + posb * keymat[1][1] + posc * keymat[2][1];

z = posa * keymat[0][2] + posb * keymat[1][2] + posc * keymat[2][2];

a = key.charAt(x%26);

b = key.charAt(y%26);

c = key.charAt(z%26); ret = "" + a + b + c; return ret;

private static String decrypt(char a, char b, char c)

String ret = "";

int x,y,z;

int posa = (int)a - 65;

int posb = (int)b - 65;

int posc = (int)c - 65;

x = posa * invkeymat[0][0]+ posb * invkeymat[1][0] + posc * invkeymat[2][0];

y = posa * invkeymat[0][1]+ posb * invkeymat[1][1] + posc * invkeymat[2][1];

z = posa * invkeymat[0][2]+ posb * invkeymat[1][2] + posc * invkeymat[2][2];

a = key.charAt((x%26<0)?(26+x%26):(x%26));

b = key.charAt((y%26<0)?(26+y%26):(y%26));

c = key.charAt((z%26<0)?(26+z%26):(z%26)); ret = "" + a + b + c;

return ret;

implement a program for encryption and decryption using Vigenere cipher substitution technique.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class vigenerecipher{

public static String encrypt(String text,final String key)

String res="";


for(int i=0,j=0; i< text.length(); i++)

char c=text.charAt(i);





return res;

public static String decrypt(String text,final String key)

String res="";


for(int i=0,j=0;i<text.length();i++)

char c=text.charAt(i);





return res;

public static void main(String[] args) throws NullPointerException


Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("Enter the key: ");

String key = s.next();

System.out.println("Enter the message for encryption: ");

String message = s.next();

String encryptedMsg=encrypt(message,key);

System.out.println("String :"+message);

System.out.println("Encrypted message:Cipher Text=" +encryptedMsg);

System.out.println("Decrypted message:Plain Text="+decrypt(encryptedMsg,key));

catch(Exception e)



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