تقرير تحديد الكثافة والحدل للتربة
تقرير تحديد الكثافة والحدل للتربة
تقرير تحديد الكثافة والحدل للتربة
Soil tests
Preparing Students
1. Ahmed Shamkhi jabr 4. Hamid Naeem Zaghir
2. Jannat Saad Kashish 5. Benin Thaer Abd
3. Jassim Ahmed Abdul Hussein 6. Baqir Ali Jabr
This lab is performed to determine the in-place density of undisturbed soil obtained by pushing or drilling
a thin-walled cylinder. The bulk density is the ratio of mass of moist soil to the volume of the soil sample,
and the dry density is the ratio of the mass of the dry soil to the volume the soil sample .
ASTM D 2937-00 – Standard Test for Density of Soil in Place by the DriveCylinder Method
This test is used to determine the in-place density of soils. This test can also be used to determine density
of compacted soils used in the construction of structural fills, highway embankments, or earth dams.
This method is not recommended for organic or friable soils.
1. Extrude the soil sample from the cylinder using the extruder.
2. Cut a representative soil specimen from the extruded sample.
3. Determine and record the length (L), diameter (D) and mass (Mt) of the soil specimen.
4. Determine and record the moisture content of the soil (w).
Note: If the soil is sandy or loose, weigh the cylinder and soil sample together. Measure dimensions
of the soil sample within the cylinder. Extrude and weigh the soil sample and determine moisture
𝛑×𝟑.𝟗𝟐 ×𝟕.𝟔
V= = 90.78 cm3
𝜌𝑡 = = 1.95 g/cm3
𝑀𝑊 44.18
W= → → = × 100% → → = 33.28%
𝑀𝑆 132.82
ρt 1.95
𝜌𝑑 = → =
1+w 1 + 0.3328
= 1.46 g/cm3
1- What is the real density of soil Ps ?
It is the ratio between the mass of the solid part to the volume of the solid part, or it is the mass of
unit volume of solid soil particles, and it is usually measured in the metric system in units of units
per cubic centimeter. The true density of most mineral soils usually ranges between 2.5 - 2.7 cm3
3- Why are high-density soils ideal and desirable from an engineering standpoint ?
Because soil density plays an important role in the soil’s ability to withstand pressure, as the denser
the soil, the greater its ability to withstand pressure, as it is used in the design of foundations and
This laboratory test is performed to determine the relationship between the moisture content and the dry
density of a soil for a specified compactive effort. The compactive effort is the amount of mechanical
energy that is applied to the soil mass. Several different methods are used to compact soil in the field,
and some examples include tamping, kneading, vibration, and static load compaction. This laboratory
will employ the tamping or impact compaction method using the type of equipment and methodology
developed by R. R. Proctor in 1933, therefore, the test is also known as the Proctor test .
Two types of compaction tests are routinely performed: (1) The Standard Proctor Test, and (2) The
Modified Proctor Test. Each of these tests can be performed in three different methods as outlined in the
attached Table 1. In the Standard Proctor Test, the soil is compacted by a 5.5 lb hammer falling a distance
of one foot into a soil filled mold. The mold is filled with three equal layers of soil, and each layer is
subjected to 25 drops of the hammer. The Modified Proctor Test is identical to the Standard Proctor Test
except it employs, a 10 lb hammer falling a distance of 18 inches, and uses five equal layers of soil
instead of three. There are two types of compaction molds used for testing. The smaller type is 4 inches
in diameter and has a volume of about 1/30 ft3 (944 cm3 ), and the larger type is 6 inches in diameter
and has a volume of about 1/13.333 ft3 (2123 cm3 ). If the larger mold is used each soil layer must
receive 56 blows instead of 25 (See Table 1).
Note: Volume of 4” diameter mold = 944 cm3 , Volume of 6” diameter mold = 2123 cm3 (verify these
ASTM D 698 - Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using
Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbs/ft3 (600 KN-m/m3 )).
ASTM D 1557 - Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using
Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbs/ft3 (2,700 KN-m/m3 )).
Drying oven
Moisture cans
1. Molds
2. Manual rammer
3. Extrude
4. Balance
5. Drying oven
Photo A
6. Mixing pan
7. #4 sieve
8. Trowel
9. Moisture cans
10. Graduated cylinder
11. Straight Edge.
12. Soil specimen.
Photo B
1. Depending on the type of mold you are using obtain a sufficient quantity of air-dried soil in large
mixing pan. For the 4-inch mold take approximately 10 lbs, and for the 6-inch mold take roughly
15 lbs. Pulverize the soil and run it through the # 4 sieve.
2. Determine the weight of the soil sample as well as the weight of the compaction mold with its base
(without the collar) by using the balance and record the weights.
Where “water to add” and the “soil mass” are in grams. Remember that a gram of water is equal to
approximately one milliliter of water
4. Measure out the water, add it to the soil, and then mix it thoroughly into the soil using the trowel
until the soil gets a uniform color (See Photos B and C).
5. Assemble the compaction mold to the base, place some soil in the mold and compact the soil in
the number of equal layers specified by the type of compaction method employed (See Photos D
and E). The number of drops of the rammer per layer is also dependent upon the type of mold used
(See Table 1). The drops should be applied at a uniform rate not exceeding around 1.5 seconds per
drop, and the rammer should provide uniform coverage of the specimen surface. Try to avoid
rebound of the rammer from the top of the guide sleeve.
6. The soil should completely fill the cylinder and the last compacted layer must extend slightly above
the collar joint. If the soil is below the collar joint at the completion of the drops, the test point
must be repeated. (Note: For the last layer, watch carefully, and add more soil after about 10 drops
if it appears that the soil will be compacted below the collar joint.)
7. Carefully remove the collar and trim off the compacted soil so that it is completely even with the
top of the mold using the trowel. Replace small bits of soil that may fall out during the trimming
process (See Photo F).
8. Weigh the compacted soil while it’s in the mold and to the base, and record the mass
(See Photo G). Determine the wet mass of the soil by subtracting the weight of the mold and base.
9. Remove the soil from the mold using a mechanical extruder (See Photo H) and take soil moisture
content samples from the top and bottom of the specimen (See Photo I). Fill the moisture cans with
soil and determine the water content.
10. Place the soil specimen in the large tray and break up the soil until it appears visually as if it
will pass through the # 4 sieve, add 2 percent more water based on the original sample mass, and
re-mix as in step 4. Repeat steps 5 through 9 until, based on wet mass, a peak
Some Photos of how it works
1. Calculate the moisture content of each compacted soil specimen by using the average of the two
water contents.
2. Compute the wet density in grams per cm3 of the compacted soil sample by dividing the wet mass
by the volume of the mold used.
3. Compute the dry density using the wet density and the water content determined in step 1.
Use the following formula:
where: w = moisture content in percent divided by 100, and ρ = wet density in grams per cm3 .
4. Plot the dry density values on the y-axis and the moisture contents on the x-axis. Draw a smooth
curve connecting the plotted points.
5. On the same graph draw a curve of complete saturation or “zero air voids curve”. The values of dry
density and corresponding moisture contents for plotting the curve can be computed from the
following equation:
ρd = dry density of soil grams per cm3
Gs = specific gravity of the soil being tested (assume 2.70 if not given)
ρw = density of water in grams per cm3 (approximately1 g/cm3 )
wsat = moisture content in percent for complete saturation.
Example Calculations:
Gs=2.7 (assumed)
ρw=1.0 g/cm3
4 3.85
6 2.32
12 1.89
MC = Mass of empty, clean can + lid (grams)
MCMS = Mass of can, lid, and moist soil (grams)
1- Proctor test is used to determine compaction of different types of soils and soil properties with change
in moisture content.
2- During compaction, soil particles are moved, and the air volume is reduced. It may also involve an
adjustment to the moisture content. In saturated soils, the moisture content may be compressed during
3- The density of saturated soil increases due to the decrease in the volume of voids resulting from the
expulsion of water under the application of static load.
4- We notice in the curve that in the beginning, whenever we add water and compact the soil, this forces
the air to come out and the soil to replace it, so the density increases, until a certain moment when
there is the best percentage of water and corresponding to the highest density that can be provided to
the soil, and after that, if we add water to the soil, the water replaces the soil particles and becomes
The soil is less dense.