Extended Customer Experience Blueprint Tool v1
Extended Customer Experience Blueprint Tool v1
Extended Customer Experience Blueprint Tool v1
The figure below shows the extended version on the customer experience
blueprint tool:
Each of these questions is like peeling the onion from the customer
perspective. You want to understand the customer from different
perspectives, so that you can design the customer experience to be exactly
what you want. You need to know all this to be able to focus on doing the
right things and for designing the right way to do those things.
Let’s start with the first question in the customer experience strategy tool
and move on from there:
This is one of the most important questions. You will get the answers to
following questions “wrong”, unless you do this properly. The reason is that
you need to keep this chosen target customer in mind all the time when you
go through the additional steps. And you will need to come back to this
regularly to stay focused. In this document we give you the basic ideas on
how to answer this question (but don’t worry, our customer experience
strategy online coaching program will go much deeper).
Choose who is the target customer that you want to serve with the product
or service you are offering. You cannot serve everyone in the world, so focus!
It is an illusion by too many leaders, that everyone is our customer. People
have so different preferences that you just cannot serve them all. If you
choose to serve them all, then your end result will be a bland mixture a bit of
everything, serving wide audience good (at the best), but not really exciting
anyone. But if you design your product/service to a specific target audience,
then you can create that “wow” in every corner.
There is plenty more that you can do to describe your customers in a lively
way, but to get you started, this is more than a sufficient start.
Where does the journey start and end from customer’s perspective?
Remember to think from the customer perspective all the time (it will expand
much wider than your current business).
Customer expectations are a combination of that think that should and could
happen. So it is a bit of positive and negative things mixed together. To get a
deeper understanding of customer expectation, it is useful to have their
emotions linked also.
This should be the easy one for you. Think all the information you already
have through your customer satisfaction surveys, discussions with
customers, website forms, etc.
Customers can tell you their wants over and over again! Research has shown
that customers are really good in expressing their wants, but when you
would like to know their needs, it gets much more complicated. To proof this
point, think about Apple and the iPad. When it first came to market, general
public and analysts said that it will fail because it is too big to be a phone and
too small to be a computer. How wrong they were! But that is
understandable, because most of the world functions in the “customer
wants” space without any sensible way to handle needs. And why does it
matter? Think about it for a while… There are so many things in this world
that you want, but don’t really need. If you don’t get them, that’s fine. But
what about those things you really need? Don’t you do pretty much anything
it takes to get them? That is what Apple understood. Business people needed
a mobile platform with decent side screen but lighter than computer. The
secret was in the hundreds of thousands of applications they already had in
store when they brought the actual device on the market. People needed
those apps, but they didn’t know to want them!
Use the following technique to identify the SMARTO needs for your business:
It is amazing how hard especially the first point – S – is for business leaders
to get. You can’t just say that they need “better air-conditioning” or whatever.
You need to be very specific: “Customers need to control the air between the
temperatures of 18-21C°”. Is that a SMARTO™ need? It is very specific. We
know it happens when the temperate stays as specified. Is it possible? Sure!
Do we want it? Sure! When can it be done? (Answer depends on the context.)
Is it customer-centric? Yes (though may depend on the context).
This is where we start to plan our actions based on what we know about the
customer. So far we have figured out what do they need, want and expect.
You should keep in mind that delivering customer needs is crucial for your
business. Also understanding and responding to customer expectations is
important. But customer wants are something that are not crucial, yet we
need to think about fulfilling some of them as part of the customer
Here we ask, what can you do as a company to directly impact the customer
success based on the information you have about your customer? We do not
make decision here yet, just ideas what we can do. Write down all the ideas,
because it is easier to get rid of the ones that won’t work than to generate
more new ones. Let your imagination flow regardless of limitations of current
realistic world. We are brainstorming here; so do not limit your innovation!
This Customer Experience Blueprint question has a little bit same purpose as
the partnership question. We want to explore the explore the opportunities
technology creates for us. The two important questions are: What technology
already exists that we could leverage to serve the customer better? And what
technological advancements would help us to serve the customer better?
Then we need to find out how could we acquire it. If it is something that we
can create easily, then let’s do it (if it makes sense), but if not, then we need
to figure when is that technology realistically available?
It’s an elevator company! They already move people from one place to
another both vertically and horizontally. So, it is only logical to be at the
forefront of developing such technologies to improve their business in
future. However, that technology is not realistic to acquire in near future, so
they have other technological plans in place also.
This is the final piece of this extended Customer Experience Blueprint. This is
also very challenging and rewarding thing to think about!
You need to write a statement that explains what business you are in!
You can ask that what we are doing here for our customers to help your
thinking. This is very important because it will shape the way you perceive
your business.
As an example think about a car service company. What business are they in?
The typical answer is that they are in the business of fixing or servicing cars.
WRONG! That is not what the customers think about it. No one wants to
service or fix their car for just the sake of fixing it. Why do customers then
service their cars? They want to make sure that their car works and is
reliable. And if that is the reason why customers deal with our car service
business, then we need to build our business around that idea. We are in the
business of trouble-free travelling.
Congratulations! You have now walked through the light edition of the
customer experience strategy tool. Just take the tool and go out there to find
the answers!
In the long run you need more information to make your customer
experience strategy more detailed. There are several things both in scientific
research and practical world that have been found to be very important for
the strategy succeed. Here is a list of some of the things we’ll be covering in
the Customer Experience Strategy Online Coaching program:
We really appreciate that you have taken your valuable time to learn these
new things to create a kick-ass customer experience strategy. And do you
know what… Your customers will appreciate your efforts even more, go
ahead and try!
Where does the journey start and end from customer’s perspective?
The customer journey starts when they think about leaving for a trip
with a car.
The car service process instantiates, when something goes wrong on
the road. The journey instance ends when a car ride continues
The overall journey ends for the customer when they have visited their
destination and are happily back home.
The customers are in ‘a care-free travelling with a car’ business.
Difficult to find a repair shop close by.
I will get stress over getting the car to a service before it leaves me on
the road.
I miss lots of time because of the car service.
Now, we are sure that you know enough to get started with your own
Customer Experience Blueprints. Make one Blueprint for each different
customer type / segment. That way different customer types stay
documented separately. You can’t tread them as one, so why to document
them as such (don’t take us wrong, they can be in the same file, but still keep
them clearly separated from each other).
“The secret of success is not in predicting the future, it is in creating a company that
will thrive in a future that cannot be predicted.“ –Michael Hammer
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