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SNS - 02

DURATION: 60 MINUTES Syllabus Short Test -01

Botany : Morphology of Flowering Plants


1. Consider the following- (d) Both wrong

(a) Floral meristem develops different 9. Few examples are given- moong,
floral appendages laterally at sesbania, aloe, sunhemp, mustard,
different successive node turnip, cabbage, bean, arhar,
(b) Solitary flower develops in leaf axil groundnut- how many have
how many correct- monocarpellary superior ovary
(a) Only a (a) Four
(b) Only b (b) Five
(c) Both correct (c) Six
(d) Both wrong (d) Seven
2. Unilocular and monocarpellary feature 10. For mustard all are correct except
present in which of the following (a) Bilocular
example- (b) Racemose
(a) Wheat (c) Pentamerous flower
(b) Mango (d) 6 stamen
(c) Pea 11. Which is wrongly matched-
(d) All (a) Calyx- gamosepalous - Fabaceae
3. Which is true regarding china rose (b) Gynoecium- monocarpellary –
(a) Twisted aestivation Solanaceae
(b) Hypogynous (c) Fruits- berry - Solanaceae
(c) Actinomorphic (d) Inflorescence- cymose- liliaceae
(d) All 12. Mark the correctly matched-
4. Tepals present in – (a) Legume fruit- groundnut, sweet pea
(a) Fabaceae (b) Basal placentation- sunflower,
(b) Solanaceae petunia
(c) Liliaceae (c) Tricarpellary- tulip, aloe and sweet
(d) Brassicaceae pea
5. Which is incorrect about liliaceae- (d) Monadelphous- mustard, china rose
(a) Trilocular ovary 13. Aleurone layer of seed stores_________
(b) Actinomorphic and is _________in ploidy.
(c) Six tepal (a) Proteins, haploid
(d) Basal placentation (b) Cellulose, triploid
6. All Family is Exstipulate leaf except- (c) Proteins, triploid
(a) Fabaceae (d) Fat, diploid
(b) Solanaceae 14. Consider the following statements or
(c) Liliaceae definition-
(d) Brassicaceae (A) Marginal placentation- placenta
7. Tricarpellary and syncarpous superior forms a ridge along the ventral
ovary present in all-except- suture
(a) Asparagus (B) Parietal placentation- ovules develop
(b) Aloe on the inner wall of ovary
(c) Tulip (C) Imbricate aestivation- one margin of
(d) Tobacco the appendage overlaps that of the
8. Consider the following statement- next one and so on
(a) Papaver and rose are syncarpous (D) Floral formula cannot show adhesion
(b) Parietal placentation absent in turnip and cohesion within whorls
How many correct- How many are correct-
(a) Only a (a) A, B and C
(b) Only b (b) B, C and D
(c) Both a and b (c) A, B and D

(d) A and B C Fusion of III Gamopetalous
15. Few features are given – Monadelphous, corolla and
axile placentation, Twisted aestivation, calyx
hypogynous, actinomorphic, - how D Fused calyx IV Tepal
many are present in cotton- (a) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
(a) Five (b) A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-II
(b) Three (c) A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II
(c) Four (d) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
(d) Two 21. Which is wrongly matched-
16. Coconut develops from (a) Actinomorphic- hypogynous - china
(a) Monocarpellary inferior ovary, rose
multiple seeded (b) Unequal stamen- parietal
(b) Monocarpellary superior ovary, one placentation – Mustard
seeded (c) Legume - Vexillary - Aloe
(c) Monocarpellary inferior ovary, one (d) Racemose - Zygomorphic - Indigofera
seeded 22. Mark the correct one
(d) Multicarpellary superior ovary, (a) Hypogynous flower – superior ovary –
multiple seeded Brinjal
17. Found out correct about mango fruit. (b) Hypogynous flower – inferior ovary –
(a) Edible part of fruit is endocarp. China rose
(b) Family is anacardeaceae. (c) Epigynous flower – superior ovary -
(c) It develops from monocarpellary Guava
inferior ovary. (d) Epigynous flower – inferior ovary -
(d) Epicarp is thick and fleshy. Mustard
18. Found out the wrong one 23. Which of the following examples are
(a) In dicotyledonous seeds, cotyledons actinomorphic with parallel venation-
are often fleshy and full of reserve (a) Sesbania and aloe
food. (b) Colchicum and asparagus
(b) Some dicotyledonous seed are non- (c) Sweet potato and sunflower
endospermic. (d) Gloriosa and datura
(c) Dicotyledons have reticulate venation 24. Consider the following statements or
in their leaves. definition-
(d) In dicotyledonous leaf base expands (A) In tap root system, root cap present
into sheath. only in primary root not in secondary
19. Few features are given – endospermous, root
actinomorphic, berry, simple fruit, axile (B) Zone of meristematic cell is
placentation, Glabrous, epipetalous, responsible for growth in primary
bicarpellary root
How many present in Solanaceae- (C) Imbricate and vexillary aestivation
(a) Five give mainly zygomorphic flower
(b) Eight (D) Mustard have false septum in ovary
(c) Four How many are correct-
(d) Six (a) A, C and D
20. Match the following (b) C and D
A Fused I Gamosepalous (c) A, B and D
carpels (d) A, B and C
B Fused II Syncarpous 25. Consider the following-
corolla (a) Unequal stamen present in cabbage
(b) Calotropis have opposite phyllotaxy
of leaf

How many correct- (a) Banana
(a) Only a (b) Pineapple
(b) Only b (c) Grass
(c) Both correct (d) Chrysanthemum
(d) Both wrong 33. Match the following columns
26. Consider the following statements Column I Column II
I- Calotropis has twisted aestivation (Terms) (Used for)
where sepals and petals just touch A Pedicel 1 Reduced leaf
each other at the margin, without B Peduncle 2 Stalk of the
overlapping. flower
II- Gulmohur aestivation is imbricate C Bract 3 Stalk of the
where sepals and petals margin leaf
overlap without any particular D Petiole 4 Inflorescence
direction. axis
III- vexillary aestivation is present in (a) A- 2, B- 4, C- 1, D- 3
leguminous with keel. (b) A- 3, B- 4, C- 1, D- 2
Select the correct statement. (c) A- 3, B- 2, C- 1, D- 4
(a) Only II is correct. (d) A- 2, B- 3, C- 1, D- 4
(b) Statement II and III is correct. 34. Assertion: Stems of some plants protect
(c) Statement I and III is correct. them from browsing animals.
(d) Statement I and II is correct. Reason: Axillary buds of stems of these
plants are modified into thorns
27. Organ of perennation is found in
(a) If assertion and reason is true and
(a) Aerial stem - Tomato
assertion is correct explanation of
(b) Subaerial stem - Ginger
(c) Underground stem - Potato
(b) If assertion and reason is true and
(d) All of them
assertion is not correct explanation
28. Axillary bud that forms tendril is a
of assertion.
(a) Subaerial stem modification
(c) If assertion is true and reason is false.
(b) Development on node
(d) If both are false.
(c) Perform photosynthesis
35. Axillary bud can’t modify into
(d) Later change into thorns
(a) Thorns
29. Underground horizontal branched stem
(b) Spines
is known as
(c) Vegetative branches
(a) Bulb
(b) Corm (d) Floral shoot
(c) Offset 36. Lamina of leaf show variation in
(d) Rhizome (a) Shape
30. Photosynthetic stem modification is for (b) Extent of Incision
(a) Save water from excess loss (c) Margin
(b) To perform photosynthesis (d) All of them
(c) To show plant green in structure 37. Function of veins in leaf blade is
(d) All of them (a) Allow leaf blade to flutter
31. Mark the correct option (b) Formation of incision in lamina
(a) Asparagus – Taproot modification (c) Provide rigidity to leaf blade
(b) Turnip – Taproot modification (d) All of them
(c) Pea plant – Adventitious root 38. Mark the incorrect option
modification (a) Compound leaf – Due to incision of
(d) Sugarcane – prop root modification leaf lamina
32. Lateral branches originate from (b) Pulvinus – Swollen leaf base
underground stem in all except– (c) Rachis – Represent of midrib in Neem

(d) All are incorrect. 45. Root that modifies to support and grow
39. Select the incorrect statements downwardly from branch, is
regarding to leaves- (a) Stilt root
(a) They originate from shoot apical (b) Prop root
meristem (c) Pneumatophore
(b) They arranged in basipetal order on (d) Both a and b
stem 46. Storage modification of root can be
(c) They attached to stem by leaf base observed in
and may have two lateral small leaf (a) Tap root - Raddish
like stipules. (b) Adventitious root - Asparagus
(d) They develop on node and bear a bud (c) Tap root - Carrot
in its axil. (d) All of them
40. Leaves originate from _______ and are 47. Which amongst the following options
arranged in an _________ order. contains mismatched pair?
(a) Root apical meristem; acropetal (a) Direct elongation of radicle – Primary
(b) Floral meristem; basipetal roots
(c) Shoot apical meristem; acropetal (b) Root system originating from the
(d) Internodes; basipetal stem’s base–Fibrous roots
41. A stem has 10 nodes in number. What (c) Roots arising from the aerial
will be number of leaves on stem if, branches –Stilt roots
leaves are present in opposite (d) Constitution of primary root and its
phyllotaxy. branches – Tap root system
(a) 20 48. Match the following columns.
(b) 10 Column I Column II
(c) 50 (Regions of root (Features)
(d) 30 tip)
42. Select the incorrect match- A Root cap 1 Lengthwise
(a) Leaf into tendril – Pea growth
(b) Leaf into spines – Cactus B Meristematic 2 Root hairs
(c) Fleshy leaf – Onion zone
(d) Photosynthetic petiole – Calotropis C Elongation 3 Fast cell
zone division
43. Assertion: In some leguminous plants,
D Maturation 4 Thimble-like
the leaf base is swollen.
zone structure
Reason: The swollen leaf base is called
(a) A- 4, B- 1, C- 2, D- 3
(b) A- 4, B- 3, C- 1, D- 2
(a) If assertion and reason is true and
(c) A- 3, B- 1, C- 4, D- 2
reason is correct explanation of
(d) A- 1, B- 4, C-3, D- 2
49. Assertion: Fibrous root system consists
(b) If assertion and reason is true and
of large number of fine, fibrous roots
reason is not correct explanation of
developing from the base of the stem.
Reason: Fibrous root system is found in
(c) If assertion is true and reason is false.
dicots only
(d) If both are false.
(a) If assertion and reason is true and
44. Absorption of water in roots start from
reason is correct explanation of
(a) Zone of elongation
(b) Root cap
(b) If assertion and reason is true and
(c) Zone of maturation
reason is not correct explanation of
(d) Zone of meristematic activity
(c) If assertion is true and reason is false.
(d) If both are false.
50. In halophytic areas, plants bear special
kind of roots called ……….
(a) Prop roots
(b) Stilt roots
(c) Nodular roots
(d) Pneumatophores

Answer Key
S1. Ans. (a) S25. Ans. (c)

S2. Ans. (d) S26. Ans. (b)

S3. Ans. (d) S27. Ans. (c)

S4. Ans. (c) S28. Ans. (b)

S5. Ans. (d) S29. Ans. (d)

S6. Ans. (a) S30. Ans. (a)

S7. Ans. (d) S31. Ans. (b)

S8. Ans. (d) S32. Ans. (c)

S9. Ans. (b) S33. Ans. (a)

S10. Ans. (c) S34. Ans. (a)

S11. Ans. (b) S35. Ans. (b)
S12. Ans. (a) S36. Ans. (d)
S13. Ans. (c) S37. Ans. (c)
S14. Ans. (d) S38. Ans. (d)
S15. Ans. (a) S39. Ans. (b)
S16. Ans. (b) S40. Ans. (c)
S17. Ans. (b) S41. Ans. (a)

S18. Ans. (d) S42. Ans. (d)

S19. Ans. (b) S43. Ans. (b)

S20. Ans. (a) S44. Ans. (c)

S21. Ans. (c) S45. Ans. (b)

S22. Ans. (a) S46. Ans. (d)

S23. Ans. (b) S47. Ans. (c)

S24. Ans. (a) S48. Ans. (b)

S49. Ans. (c)

S50. Ans. (d)


SNS - 01

DURATION: 60 MINUTES Syllabus Topic Wise Test -03

Physics :

Chemistry :

Botany : Morphology Of Flowering Plant

Zoology :


1. Mark the correctly matched- 7. Which of the following is correctly

(a) Stem tendril – can be branched matched-
(b) Leaf base – can be modified into (a) Asparagus- Cladode and modified
sheath storage root
(c) Pulvinus – present in groundnut (b) Corm - Colocasia
(d) All (c) Opuntia –phylloclade
(d) All
2. Mark the incorrect statement-
(a) Roots not have node and internode 8. Leaves are not photosynthetic in-
(b) Pistia lack root cap (a) Pistia and eichhornia
(c) Asparagus is monocot plant (b) Australian acacia and cactus
(d) Ginger is an example of corm (c) Fleshy leaf of onion and leaf of cactus
(d) Leaves of pitcher plant
3. Which of the following lack alternate
phyllotaxy- 9. In China rose, what is number of leaves
(a) China rose at each node in alternate manner?
(b) Sunflower (a) One
(c) Mustard (b) Two
(d) Calotropis (c) Three
(d) Many in number
4. Consider the following statements-
(A) A mature thorn is non- 10. Mark the incorrect statement-
photosynthetic (a) Stipule arise solely at node and
(B) In banana and pineapple have non reform into leaf.
photosynthetic stem (b) Stipules are lateral leaf like structure
Mark the correct statement- at node.
(a) only A correct (c) Petiole allows leaf to flutter into wind
(b) only B correct and let it cool down.
(c) both A and B correct (d) Veins in leaf made it rigid.
(d) neither A nor B correct
11. Consider the following statements-
5. Mark the correct statement for cactus I- compound leaf has incisions reaching
plant. to mid rib and forms leaflets.
(a) In cactus leaf modify for storage. II- Palmately compound leaf are
(b) In cactus stem modify into green attached at the tip of petiole.
fleshy structure for photosynthesis. III- rachis is present in silk cotton.
(c) In cactus stem modify into thorns for IV- compound leaves have bud in axil of
protection. leaflets.
(d) In cactus leaf is photosynthetic How many are incorrect?
structure. (a) Statement II and IV are incorrect.
(b) Statement III and IV is incorrect.
6. Cells of Zone of Elongation in roots are (c) Statement I and II is incorrect.
in which phase of cell cycle- (d) Statement I and III is incorrect.
(a) G1
(b) Go
(c) m- phase
(d) s-phase

12. What is true for stem modification? 17. Identify the mismatched pair.
(a) Rosette structure of leaves is present (a) Prop roots — Provide support
in Chrysanthemum. (b) Stilt roots — Originate from stem’s
(b) Aerial stem of strawberry form new nodal part
plants in niches when older parts die. (c) Pneumatophores — Help in storing
(c) Axillary bud give rise to spines to food
protect plant from browsing animals (d) Edible roots — Sweet potato
in cactus.
(d) Turmeric form perennation organ to 18. Match the following columns and choose
tide over unfavorable conditions for the correct option from the codes given
growth. below.
Column I Column II
13. Statement 1: Direct elongation of (Modifications in (Examples)
radicle give rise to roots in grasses. plants)
Statement 2: Fibrous root originates A. Tap root 1. Sweet
from radicle in monocots. potato
(a) Only statement 1 is correct. B. Adventitious 2. Turnip
(b) Only statement 2 is correct. root
(c) Both statements are correct. C. Stem 3. Wheat
(d) Both statements are incorrect. D. Fibrous root 4. Potato
14. Choose the correct statement regarding (a) 1 2 3 4
vegetative part of plants. (b) 2 3 1 4
(a) In plants stems are ascending part of (c) 2 1 4 3
the axis. (d) 4 3 2 1
(b) In all plants roots modify for
respiration and storage. 19. Which amongst the following options
(c) Stem bear pneumatophore in contains mismatched pair?
swampy plants. (a) Direct elongation of radicle – Primary
(d) Some plants such as Australian roots
acacia trap fly in their leaves. (b) Root system originating from the
stem’s base–Fibrous roots
15. Select correct statement from the (c) Roots not arising from the radicle–
following Stilt roots
(a) Fleshy cylindrical stem in Euphorbia (d) Constitution of primary root and its
carry out photosynthesis. branches – Tap root system
(b) Pistia and Eichhornia are example of
offset. 20. A type of modified …A… root that arises
(c) Thorns are woody, straight and from the internode of stem, grows and
pointed. becomes fleshy and tuberous, serving as
(d) All of them storage for reserve food material is
observed in …B… .
16. Ginger is a stem which can be A B
differentiated from root because it (a) Adventitious - sweet potato
(a) grows parallel to ground. (b) Tap - sweet potato
(b) stores food (c) Adventitious - ginger
(c) lacks chlorophyll (d) Tap - turmeric
(d) has node or internode

Answer Key
S1. Ans. (d)

S2. Ans. (d)

S3. Ans. (d)

S4. Ans. ()

S5. Ans. (b)

S6. Ans. (b)

S7. Ans. (d)

S8. Ans. (c)

S9. Ans. (a)

S10. Ans. (a)

S11. Ans. (b)

S12. Ans. (d)

S13. Ans. (b)

S14. Ans. (a)

S15. Ans. (d)

S16. Ans. (d)

S17. Ans. (c)

S18. Ans. (c)

S19. Ans. (c)

S20. Ans. (a)


SNS - 01

DURATION: 60 MINUTES Syllabus Topic Wise Test -02

Physics :

Chemistry :

Botany : Morphology of flowering plant

Zoology :


1. Which of the following have simple fruit- 8. Which of the following is stipulate-
(a) Bean and mustard (a) Soyabean and solanum
(b) Aloe and Indigofera (b) Colchicum and aloe
(c) Petunia and cabbage (c) Groundnut and trifolium
(d) All (d) All

2. Which of the following is feature of arhar 9. Which of the following have

and moong- polydelphous anther–
(a) Ex-stipulate (a) Pea
(b) Vexillary (b) Citrus
(c) Follicle fruit (c) Mustard
(d) Both 1 and 2 (d) None of the above

3. Mark the wrong statement- 10. Which is incorrect about Liliaceae-

(a) Hypogynous flower have superior (a) Trilocular ovary
ovary (b) Actinomorphic
(b) Turnip has racemose inflorescence (c) Six tepal
(c) Tulip is polysepalous (d) Basal placentation
(d) Belladonna is hypogynous flower
11. Valvate aestivation absent in which of
4. Diadelphous anther present in all except the following example-
(a) Sesbania (a) Calotropis
(b) Indigofera (b) Sepal in cabbage
(c) Pea (c) Petal in turnip
(d) Petunia (d) Sepal in chilli

5. Mark the wrongly matched- 12. Family having velvate aestivation in

(a) Lupine and Gulmohur- zygomorphic calyx and corolla are
(b) Sunflower and bottle gourd- (a) Fabaceae
perigynous (b) Liliaceae
(c) Argemone and dianthus- parietal (c) Solanaceae
placentation (d) Brassicaceae
(d) Cassia and Gulmohur- imbricate
aestivation 13. Monocot family which is in the form of
perennial herb and all over the world
6. Gamopetalous feature present in which (a) Liliaceae
of the following example- (b) Fabaceae
(a) Pea (c) Solanaceae
(b) Aloe (d) Brassicaceae
(c) Muliathi
(d) Makoi 14. Placenta and pericarp are both edible
portions in-
7. Few examples are given- rose, bean (a) Apple
strawberry, sesbania, cauliflower lotus, (b) Banana
papaver, aloe, michelia, plum, (c) Tomato
How many aggregate fruit (d) Potato
(a) Four
(b) Five
(c) Two
(d) Three

15. Consider the following features – basal
leaf, monocot, pulvinate, capsule, axile
placentation, diadelphous, epiphyllous
How many features belong to liliaceae-
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five

16. A family has inferior ovary in flowers.

How will you represent in floral
(a) G
(b) G
(c) Both a and b
(d) Only G

17. Stamens are present in one bunch in-

(a) Fabaceae
(b) Solanaceae
(c) Liliaceae
(d) Brassicaceae

18. Which of the following is not

(a) Sweet pea
(b) Gloriosa
(c) Makoi
(d) Petunia

19. Which is incorrect about Solanaceae-

(a) Leaf alternate possible
(b) Valvate aestivation
(c) Endospermous
(d) Gamopetalous

20. Which is common between ladyfinger

and Cucumber
(a) Simple fruit and actinomorphic
(b) Pentamerous and zygomorphic flower
(c) Epigynous flower and non-
(d) Aggregate fruit and hypogynous

Answer Key
S1. Ans. (d)

S2. Ans. (b)

S3. Ans. (c)

S4. Ans. (d)

S5. Ans. (c)

S6. Ans. (d)

S7. Ans. (a)

S8. Ans. (c)

S9. Ans. (b)

S10. Ans. (d)

S11. Ans. (b)

S12. Ans. (c)

S13. Ans. (a)

S14. Ans. (c)

S15. Ans. (d)

S16. Ans. (a)

S17. Ans. (b)

S18. Ans. (c)

S19. Ans. (d)

S20. Ans. (a)


SNS - 01

DURATION: 60 MINUTES Syllabus Topic Wise Test -01

Physics :

Chemistry :

Botany : Morphology of Flowering Plants

Zoology :


1. Which of the following statement is 6. Cauliflower, aloe, colchicum, mustard,

incorrect for floral formula? tomato, potato, bean, groundnut,
(a) Br stands for bracteate and K stands sunhemp, petunia, onion –how many
for calyx racemose
(b) Superior ovary is represented as G (a) Four
(c) ⨁ represents actinomorphic and % (b) Five
represents zygomorphic nature of (c) Six
flower (d) Seven
(d) Fusion is indicated by enclosing the
figure with bracket 7. Match the Column I with Column II and
select the correct option
2. Which one of the following statements is Column I Column II
correct? (Type of buds) (Features)
(a) The seed in grasses is not A. Vegetative 1. Buds develop in
endospermic buds axis of leaves
(b) Mango is a parthenocarpic fruit B. Floral buds 2. Buds produces
(c) A proteinaceous aleurone layer is C. Axillary 3. Reproductive
present in maize grain buds buds that
(d) A sterile pistil is called a staminode produce flowers
D. Accessory 4. Additional buds
buds borne at leaf
3. Consider the following statements.
I. Petals are usually brightly coloured A B C D
and can be united or free in a flower. (a) 2 3 1 4
II. Petals protect the flower in the bud
(b) 3 2 1 4
stage. (c) 4 3 2 1
(a) I is true, but II is false (d) 1 2 4 3
(b) I is false, but II is true
(c) Both I and II are true
8. Mark the correct about corolla
(d) Both I and II are false (a) It is composition of petals.
(b) They are either fused or free in form.
4. Identify the incorrect match. (c) May be tubular, bell shaped or wheel-
(a) Stamens attached to petals shaped.
– Epipetalous (d) All of them
(b) Stamens attached to perianth
– Episepalous 9. What is incorrect statement about flower
(c) Free stamens – Polyandrous whorls?
(d) Sterile stamen – Staminode (a) They are four in number.
5. Read the following statements.
(b) Inner most whorl is male part.
I. Corolla may be tubular, bell-shaped, (c) Outer whorls are accessory whorl.
funnel-shaped or wheel-shaped. (d) None of them
II. A sterile stamen is called staminode. 10. How to say a flower is hypogynous in
Choose the correct option. nature
(a) Statements I and II are correct (a) When flower have inferior ovary.
(b) Statements I is incorrect and II is (b) When gynoecium is at highest
correct position in flower.
(c) Statements II is incorrect and I is (c) When gynoecium is at lowest position
correct in flower.
(d) Statements I and II are incorrect (d) When gynoecium is situated at the
center position in flower.

11. Match the following 17. Match the following
A Polysepalous I Green in A Style I Receptive surface
colour for pollen grain
B Gamosepalous II Fused calyx B placenta II Elongated tube
C Corolla III Free sepals on ovary
C Syncarpous III Flattened-
D Calyx IV Colourful carpel cushion like
whorl structure
(a) A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I D Stigma IV In tomato
(b) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
(c) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
(d) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III (a) A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I
(b) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
12. What is correct about symmetry of (c) A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
flower? (d) A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
(a) Zygomorphic has two equal radial
halves. 18. Consider the following statement-
(b) Actinomorphic has two similar (1) Grass embryo have embryonal axis
halves in one vertical plane and two cotyledons
(c) Canna is asymmetric. (2) When pericarp is dry it is
(d) Beans are actinomorphic. differentiated into epicarp, mesocarp
and endocarp
13. Flowers in an inflorescence may be How many correct-
(a) Either only in acropetal succession (a) Only 1
(b) Either only in basipetal succession (b) Only 2
(c) Either bisexual or unisexual (c) Both correct
(d) All of them (d) Both wrong

14. How many are bicarpellary, 19. Select the incorrect pair out of the
actinomorphic, syncarpous- following.
Tobacco, petunia, mustard, cabbage, (a) Monadelphous – Hibiscus
pea, aloe, tomato and moong (b) Diadelphous – Cucurbita
(1) Five (c) Polyadelphous – Citrus
(2) Four (d) Epiphyllous – Lily
(3) Six
(4) Seven 20. Few features- valvate aestivation, basal
placentation, gamosepalous,
15. Mark the correct one- syncarpous, simple fruit, non-
(a) Potato- Cymose endospermous- how many present in
(b) Brinjal- Racemose Indigofera-
(c) Trifolium- Cymose (a) Three
(d) Soyabean- Cymose (b) Five
(c) Four
16. Give symbol for Liliaceae actinomorphic (d) Two
flower with 6 perianth, in two whorls.
(a) ⨁ 𝑃(3+3)
(b) %𝑃(6)
(c) ⨁𝑃(3) + 𝑃(3)
(d) %𝑃6

Answer Key
S1. Ans. (b)

S2. Ans. (c)

S3. Ans. (a)

S4. Ans. (b)

S5. Ans. (a)

S6. Ans. (b)

S7. Ans. (a)

S8. Ans. (d)

S9. Ans. (b)

S10. Ans. (b)

S11. Ans. (a)

S12. Ans. (c)

S13. Ans. (d)

S14. Ans. (a)

S15. Ans. (a)

S16. Ans. (a)

S17. Ans. (b)

S18. Ans. (d)

S19. Ans. (b)

S20. Ans. (a)

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