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A P P E N D I X 1

Engine Repair: Sample

Interprovincial Red Seal
Examination Questions

1. A grade 8 UNF capscrew has ______ lines on the head. 6. An engine has low oil pressure. Installing a new oil
a. 2 pump and the correct grade of oil made no difference.
b. 4 What is the most likely problem?
c. 6 a. Worn engine bearings
d. 8 b. Worn piston rings
2. A metric bolt size of M8 means that ______. c. Loose valve clearance (lash)
a. The bolt is 8 mm long d. Plugged PCV system
b. The bolt is 8 mm in diameter 7. The stroke of the engine is determined by the
c. The pitch (the distance between the crest of a. Connecting rod length
the threads) is 8 mm b. Piston pin location in the piston
d. The bolt is 8 cm long c. Crankshaft
3. On a metric bolt sized M8  1.5, the 1.5 means that _____. d. Height of the piston head
a. The bolt is 1.5 mm in diameter 8. Air, at a pressure of 830 kPa (120 psi), is fed into a spark
b. The bolt is 1.5 cm long plug opening with a cylinder leakage tester. Air is heard
c. The bolt has 1.5 mm between the crest of the escaping from the oil fill opening in the camshaft cover.
threads This could indicate
d. The bolt has a strength grade of 1.5 a. A burned valve
4. Four-stroke cycle engines fire once ______ crankshaft b. A leaking head gasket
revolution/s. c. Broken piston rings
a. Every two d. Cracks in the cylinder head
b. Every four 9. Checking compression on a diesel engine is done
c. Every a. At the spark plug opening
d. Every one-half b. With a crankcase pressure test
5. If the bore of an engine is increased without any other c. At the glow plug opening
changes except for the change to oversize replacement d. With a cylinder balance test
pistons, the displacement will ______ and the compres- 10. Most oil pressure tests are done at idle speed and ______
sion rate will ______. rpm.
a. Increase; increase a. 500
b. Increase; decrease b. 1250
c. Decrease; increase c. 2500
d. Decrease; decrease d. 3500

APPENDIX I Engine Repair: Sample Interprovincial Red Seal Examination Questions 1225

11. Engine oil leaks are often located by adding fluorescent 21. Before removing the piston/rod assemblies from the en-
dye to the oil and checking with an/a gine, the connecting rods should be checked for
a. Aerosol powder spray a. Proper marking for location
b. Shop trouble light b. Free movement of the piston pin
c. Black light c. Big-end elongation
d. Visual inspection d. Rod bolt torque values
12. When removing a cylinder head, which order should 22. Connecting rods are resized by grinding the parting
the bolts/nuts be loosened? surfaces of the rod and honing the bore back to stan-
a. From the front of the engine to the rear dard. This cannot be done with most ______ rods
b. The lower (or outer) row first a. Forged steel
c. In the reverse order of assembly b. Powdered metal
d. Start in the middle and work to both ends c. Full-floating
13. Removing the ring ridge before removing the piston/rod d. Press-fit
assembly is done to prevent damage to the 23. Piston rings are installed on the piston with a
a. Piston ring lands a. Piston ring compressor
b. Cylinder block b. Pair of snap-ring pliers
c. Piston rings c. Piston ring expander
d. Piston skirt d. Piston press
14. In what area does most cylinder wall wear take place? 24. A bearing shell is being installed in a connecting rod.
a. In the centre of the cylinder The ends of the bearing are slightly above the parting
b. Varies with engine loading line. This is called bearing ______.
c. Near the top of the cylinder a. Spread
d. At the bottom, due to connecting rod loading b. Oil clearance
15. Squirting oil into the cylinders (wet test) before check- c. Crush
ing the compression is done to test d. Side play
a. Piston rings 25. Press-fit piston pins are often installed in the connect-
b. Valve sealing ing rod by
c. Head gasket leakage a. Cooling the piston pin in dry ice
d. The cylinder head for cracks b. Soaking the rod eye in boiling water
16. The crankshaft harmonic balancer should be removed c. Heating the eye of the connecting rod with a
by pulling on rod heater
a. The outer ring d. Pushing the pin with a vise and soft jaws
b. The crankshaft snout 26. Crankshaft rod journal damage during piston/rod in-
c. The damper hub stallation is prevented by using
d. Both the ring and the hub at the same time a. Rod bolt protectors
17. If a notch is found on the head of a piston, the notch b. The old bearing while installing the rod
usually faces the c. Heavy grease on the crank journal
a. Rear of the engine d. A wooden hammer handle to push the piston
b. Major thrust side into the cylinder
c. Front of the engine 27. A scored or cracked cylinder wall in a cast-iron block
d. Minor thrust side can be repaired by
18. Piston pin offset is used to a. Welding the cylinder wall
a. Reduce piston skirt temperature b. Installing cast-iron threaded plugs
b. Reduce piston slap c. Reboring for a larger piston
c. Lower piston crown temperature d. Installing a dry cylinder sleeve
d. Reduce piston pin clearance 28. Piston ring end gap is usually about 0.10 mm (0.004 in.)
19. The valve timing on a single overhead camshaft engine a. On most engines
is retarded because of a stretched timing belt. How will b. Per 25 mm (1 in.) of bore size
this affect performance? c. Per 100 mm (4 in.) of bore size
a. High RPM power will be reduced d. To prevent blowby
b. No change in performance 29. Piston ring end gap should be measured ______ in a
c. Low RPM power will be reduced worn cylinder
d. Power will be reduced at all engine speeds a. At the top of the cylinder
20. Low compression in two cylinders that are side by side b. At the bottom of the cylinder
is likely caused by c. Above the ring travelled area
a. Two burned exhaust valves d. In the centre of the cylinder
b. Two burned intake valves 30. Oil holes in main bearing shells should
c. A leaking intake manifold gasket a. Be in both upper and lower bearings
d. A leaking head gasket b. Face the block
1226 APPENDIX I Engine Repair: Sample Interprovincial Red Seal Examination Questions

c. Be small enough to retain high oil pressure 40. Before the valve seats are reconditioned, the ______.
d. Face the cap a. Valves must be refaced
31. Most engine bearing clearance specifications are in the b. Valve guides must be reconditioned
range of c. Valve installed height must be measured
a. 0.00 to 0.05 mm (0.000 to 0.002 in.) d. Valve spring assembled height must be
b. 0.025 to 0.075 mm (0.001 to 0.003 in.) measured and noted
c. 0.05 to 0.10 mm (0.002 to 0.004 in.) 41. Typical valve stem to guide clearance should be
d. 0.075 to 0.125 mm (0.003 to 0.005 in.) a. 0.012 to 0.025 mm (0.0005 to 0.001 in.)
32. RTV silicone sealant cures from b. 0.025 to 0.075 mm (0.001 to 0.003 in.)
a. Evaporation in the air c. 0.125 to 0.250 mm (0.005 to 0.010 in.)
b. The moisture in the air d. 0.250 to 0.380 mm (0.010 to 0.015 in.)
c. The absence of air 42. Some manufacturers recommend that valves be ground
d. Pressure of the two components with an interference angle. This angle is the difference
33. The heat shield has been removed from the bottom of a between the ______.
carbureted V-8 intake manifold. This may cause a. Valve margin and valve face angles
a. The manifold to run cooler b. Valve guide and stem angle
b. Engine oil to coke (harden) c. Valve face and valve seat angles
c. An increase in high RPM power d. Margin angle and valve head
d. The engine to overheat 43. Valve margin should be at least ______ with most valves
34. A cast-iron V-8 cylinder head is checked for warpage a. 0.38 mm (1/64 in.)
using a straightedge and a feeler (thickness) gauge. b. 0.75 mm (1/32 in.)
Maximum warpage is 0.05 mm (0.002 in.). What c. 1.50 mm (1/16 in.)
should be done? d. 3 mm (1/8 in)
a. Straighten the head in a press 44. Integral valve guides are reconditioned by installing
b. Resurface the head bronze guide liners or by
c. Replace the head a. Installing oversize valve guides
d. Reinstall as is b. Installing undersize valve stems
35. Many automakers recommend that torque-to-yield c. Reaming the guide for an oversize valve stem
head bolts should d. Pressing out the old valve guide and installing
a. Be measured for overall length a new guide
b. Be thread checked with a thread pitch/gauge 45. To narrow and lower a 45º valve seat, the technician
c. Not be reused should use a ______ stone
d. Be lubricated only with anti-seize lubricant a. 75º
36. All valve train components should be kept together b. 60º
because c. 45º
a. They can be inspected for wear d. 30º
b. They should always be replaced as a set 46. To widen a 45º valve seat without lowering or raising its
c. Parts wear into each other position, the technician should use a ______ stone
d. They are easier to measure for wear when a. 45º
they are a pair b. 60º
37. A valve being removed from a cylinder head begins to c. 75º
bind as the tip enters the guide. What should be done? d. 90º
a. Apply penetrating oil to the guide 47. Valve springs are checked for ______, free height and
b. Tap the valve through with a brass punch squareness
c. The valve tip edges should be filed a. Tension
d. Cut the valve stem off with a hacksaw b. Out of round
38. Timing chains are usually replaced when chain slack c. Open valve height
exceeds d. Twist
a. 6 mm (1/4 in.) 48. Multiple valve springs (dual springs) generally have
b. 13 mm (1/2 in.) both coils
c. 19 mm (3/4 in.) a. Wound in the same direction
d. 25 mm (1 in.) b. With exactly the same tension
39. The timing belt breaks on a free wheeling overhead c. Wound in opposite directions
camshaft engine. What will happen? d. With the same number of coil turns
a. All intake valves will be bent 49. Excessive valve stem height is usually corrected by
b. The piston and valves collide a. Replacing the valve
c. The exhaust valves are bent b. Grinding the valve seat
d. The engine will quit c. Grinding material from the valve tip
d. Replacing the valve seat
APPENDIX I Engine Repair: Sample Interprovincial Red Seal Examination Questions 1227

50. Valve spring installed height is usually adjusted by 60. Radiator pressure caps are tested with
a. Replacing the valve spring retainers a. An air hose and adaptor
b. Installing longer valve springs b. A radiator pressure tester
c. Installing valve spring inserts (shims) c. A scan tool readout of cooling system pressure
d. Installing shorter valves d. The pressure cap mounted on the radiator
51. Which type of valve seal moves up and down with the 61. The top radiator hose collapses flat whenever the en-
valve? gine is allowed to cool. The most likely problem is
a. Umbrella seals a. A leaking pressure valve seal at the cap
b. Rubber and teflon seals b. Insufficient coolant in the coolant recovery
c. Positive valve seals container
d. All teflon positive seals c. Low coolant level
52. Cylinder head bolts are generally lubricated with d. A sticking pressure cap vent valve
a. SAE 80W-90 gear lube 62. If the level of the coolant in the overflow container is
b. Never-seize compound correct, the radiator coolant level must also be correct.
c. Silicone spray lubricant a. False
d. Engine oil b. True
53. The freezing and boiling point of engine coolant is c. Only with a cold engine
measured with a/an d. Only at operating temperature
a. Spectrograph 63. Radiators that use an integral transmission oil cooler
b. Coolant hydrometer locate the cooler in the
c. Infared pyrometer a. Overflow tank
d. Scan tool b. Inlet tank
54. Radiator cores are made of sheet brass or c. Outlet tank
a. Aluminum d. Opening to the radiator core
b. Copper 64. Oil pumps are usually driven by the camshaft or
c. Steel a. Timing chain
d. Plastic b. Camshaft sprocket
55. A cooling system with a 100 kPa (15 psi) radiator pres- c. Crankshaft snout
sure cap has raised the coolant boiling point to d. Timing belt
a. 100ºC (212ºF) 65. Lubricating oil moves from the oil pump to the
b. 125ºC (257ºF) a. Main oil gallery for the bearings
c. 150ºC (302ºF) b. Valve train
d. 175ºC (347ºF) c. Oil filter
56. Checking the radiator coolant level should be done d. Hydraulic valve lifters
when the engine is 66. A vehicle is towed in with an oil filter that has blown
a. Warm open. After replacing the filter and oil, the technician
b. Cold should
c. At operating temperature a. Check the maximum oil pressure
d. Idling b. Run the engine at high RPM
57. Engines that use reverse cooling pump the coolant from c. Check the minimum oil pressure
the d. Check the original oil for the correct weight
a. Engine block into the cylinder head 67. When an oil pump drive shaft breaks, the usual
b. Cylinder head into the radiator cause is
c. Engine block into the radiator outlet a. Excess oil in the engine
d. Radiator into the cylinder head b. Debris in the oil pump
58. A leaking water pump may show coolant flowing c. Lack of lubrication
from the d. A worn oil pump
a. Bypass hose 68. The oil pump relief valve (pressure regulating valve)
b. Water pump weep hole controls
c. Bearing assembly a. Maximum oil pressure
d. Radiator overflow container b. Oil pressure to the valve train
59. The cooling fan on most transverse engine vehicles is c. Minimum oil pressure
driven by d. Return oil from the bearings
a. A belt from the crankshaft 69. A new or rebuilt engine should be broken in during the
b. A serpentine (one piece) drive belt first road test by
c. An electric motor a. Keeping maximum speed under 50 km/h
d. Hydraulic oil pressure (30 mph)
b. Light throttle acceleration
1228 APPENDIX I Engine Repair: Sample Interprovincial Red Seal Examination Questions

c. Full throttle acceleration from 50 to 80 km/h ANSWERS

(30 to 50 mph)
d. Driving at higher speeds: over 80 km/h 1. c 25. c 48. c
(50 mph) 2. b 26. a 49. c
3. c 27. d 50. c
70. The first oil and filter change on a rebuilt engine should
4. a 28. b 51. a
be done in ______ kilometres (______ miles)
5. a 29. b 52. d
a. 80 (50)
6. a 30. b 53. b
b. 500 (300)
7. c 31. b 54. a
c. 800 (500)
8. c 32. b 55. b
d. 1500 (1000)
9. c 33. b 56. b
10. c 34. d 57. d
11. c 35. c 58. b
12. c 36. c 59. c
13. a 37. c 60. b
14. c 38. b 61. d
15. a 39. d 62. a
16. c 40. b 63. c
17. c 41. b 64. c
18. b 42. c 65. c
19. c 43. b 66. a
20. d 44. c 67. b
21. a 45. d 68. a
22. b 46. a 69. c
23. c 47. a 70. c
24. c

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