Study Guide 2023APM01B1

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Applied Mathematics 1B (APM01B1/APM1B01)

Study Guide 2023

Module: Introduction to Dynamics

Lecturers: Dr. G.J. Kemp (coordinator), Dr. S.R Herbst
13 July 2023

Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics is the application of mathematical concepts to the development of
techniques that can be used to solve mathematical problems. In many cases, such mathe-
matical problems represent real-world systems, so that applied mathematics has relevance
for scientists and engineers. In this course, the use of vector calculus to model two- and
three-dimensional classical dynamical systems will be studied.

Lecturer Information
The Department of Applied Mathematics is housed in the passageway of B-Ring 5. Your
lecturers for the course are Dr. G.J. Kemp (course coordinator) and Dr. S.R. Herbst. Dr.
Kemp will be allocated to Class Group L, and Dr. Herbst will be allocated to Class Group
K - see the lecturing timetable below. The secretary of the Department is Ms. N. Jonker
(B-Ring 527, tel. 011-559-2067). She is available on weekdays from 08h30 to 12h00.

Like all other courses in Applied Mathematics, Applied Mathematics 1B is a single semester
course. Applied Mathematics 1A and Mathematics 1A are both prerequisites for Applied
Mathematics 1B, which is offered in the second semester. This means that both of these
courses have to be passed before the student is admitted to APM1B. Any queries about
pre-requisites should be directed to the Faculty of Science.

Course structure
Lecture material
The course notes are

Inleiding tot M eganika / Introduction to M echanics (by CM V illet).

These are the same notes from Semester 1. We will follow these notes from Chapter 3.
Each week, we will cover a new topic during class time. Video content will also be
made available of the topics that we cover. Every effort will be made to follow a schedule
that will be posted on Blackboard. You are strongly encouraged to attend class. During
lectures, I will be annotating from lecture slides. These slides will then be posted as a pdf
onto Blackboard.

All tutorials for the semester will be made available at the beginning of the semester. I
will announce probably the week before (on the Friday) which tutorial I would like you to
work through for that particular week. The pace at which we work through tutorials will
also be determined by the pace at which we cover theory. You can work through these
tutorials at your leisure.

The scheduled tutorial times for this module are on a Monday 11:20 - 12:55 and Wednes-
day 12:10 - 13:45. At least one tutor will be made available for consultation during these
times. There are six tutorial groups officially scheduled for the Monday, and one tutorial
group scheduled for the Wednesday. More tutors may be available throughout the week at
various times for Blackboard collaborate sessions. I will post these times on Blackboard.

The times for Class Groups L and K are displayed in Table 1. The times for the vari-
ous Tutorial Groups are displayed in Table 2. All these times should coincide with your

Your Final Mark (FM) will be composed of a Semester Mark (SM) (or Final Period Mark
(FPM)) and an Exam Mark (EM). Each will count 50% towards your FM:

F M = 0.5(SM ) + 0.5(EM ).

Class Group L Dr. Kemp
Venue Timetable code Day Time
B Les 100 Tu 9, Tu 10 Tuesday 14:40 - 16:15
E Les 100 Fr 1, Fr 2 Friday 08:00 - 09:35

Class Group K Dr. Herbst

Venue Timetable code Day Time
C Les 101 Tu 7, Tu 8 Tuesday 13:00 - 14:35
D1 Lab K08 We 1 Wednesday 08:00 - 08:45
A Les G02 Fr 1 Friday 08:00 - 08:45

Table 1: Table showing lecture schedule for Class Groups for Dr. Kemp and Dr. Herbst.

Venue Group Timetable code Day Time

D Les 103 K Mo 5, Mo 6 Monday 11:20 - 12:55
D Les 204 L Mo 5, Mo 6 Monday 11:20 - 12:55
B Les 102 M Mo 5, Mo 6 Monday 11:20 - 12:55
D Les 104 N Mo 5, Mo 6 Monday 11:20 - 12:55
D Les 202 O Mo 5, Mo 6 Monday 11:20 - 12:55
D Les 203 P Mo 5, Mo 6 Monday 11:20 - 12:55

Offering Group Timetable code Day Time

C Les 101 Q We 6, We 7 Wednesday 12:10 - 13:45

Table 2: Table showing tutorial times for the seven various Tutorial Groups.

Your SM will be comprised of two written Semester Tests and online Blackboard quizzes.
The two Semester Tests will take place on the scheduled dates as per the timetable - see
table 3. Your Semester Tests will count 80% towards your SM, and online quizzes will
count 20% to your SM:

SM = 0.8(Semester T ests) + 0.2(Quizzes).

If a student misses their Semester Test for a valid reason, they may apply to write a Sup-
plementary Test which will take place 7 to 10 days after the corresponding Semester Test.
Only someone who misses the Test for a valid reason may apply to write the Supplementary
Test. If you write a Semester Test, you may not write the corresponding Supplementary
Test. Once a Supplementary Test has been written, there will be no more assessments for
that corresponding test - there are no sick tests for the sick test.

Assessment Date Time Venue
Semester Test 1 21 August 2023 08:00 - 10:00 Cles 101, D Lab Basement K04, D1 Lab K08
Semester Test 2 02 October 2023 08:00 - 10:00 A les G01, A les G02
Examination TBA TBA TBA

Table 3: Table showing Semester Test dates and times.

Please see Blackboard for how to apply to write a Supplementary Test.

A student must obtain a FPM of at least 40% to gain entrance to the Examination.

A student must then obtain an EM of at least 40% to pass the course.

A student must obtain then a minimum of 50% for FM to pass the course.

A student must obtain between 40 - 49% for their FM to qualify for a Supplementary

Rules of Conduct
Students will at all times be treated as adults. This implies that students have the freedom
to choose their own academic lifestyles while at the same time bearing full responsibility for
the consequences of their choices. The lecturer will not attempt to police students in any
way (e.g. by monitoring attendance). Please keep track of the announcements made on
Blackboard. Keeping up-to-date with information posted on Blackboard is crucial for pass-
ing the module. At minimum, please download the prescribed notes, lecture slides, videos,
and tutorials and follow the week-to-week progress of the course as posted on Blackboard.
Lectures will begin promptly at their starting time and it is expected that students arrive
for the lecture no more than 10 minutes late. Please switch your cellphones off for the
duration of the lecture.

Any other queries, please let us, the lecturers know via e-mail. We wish you all the
very best this semester and would love to see you all ace the course! :)

1 Active Learning - how to approach Applied Mathematics
A recipe for success in this module, and in Science in general, is to approach learning
actively. What does it mean to engage in active learning? Here are five practices. Listening,
speaking, reading, writing, and reflecting. When we introduce new concepts, the first step
is to listen to hat the lecturer is saying. Next, I encourage you to ask questions in class, test
your understanding by engaging with me, and then discuss with your fellow students (after
class of course). Your lecturers, and tutors, are also available for consultation. Please read
the prescribed material. Next, writing is crucial. Writing your own set of notes gets you to
process all of the information you have acquired through listening, speaking and reading.
If you want to show me and discuss your notes, you are welcome! Lastly, reflecting on
what you have learned is important. This happens with time, and when you have enough

Module Outcomes
There are three key skills that students are expected to master by the end of the semester.
These form part of the Module Outcomes. They are

1. Be able to describe the kinematics of a particle using vector calculus, polar coordi-
nates and tangential and normal components.

2. Solve second order ordinary differential equations using the separation of variables
technique in the context of Classical Dynamics.

3. Be able to calculate directional derivatives and path integrals in three-dimensional


These outcomes are in line with the module outcomes stated in the 2022 UJ Under-
graduate Programmes Year Book.

Course Content
The course content will include, but not be limited to, the following topics:

• Kinematics of a particle

– Vector calculus
– Polar coordinates
– Tangential and normal components

• Dynamics of a particle

– Motion of a particle under a constant force
– Motion of a particle under a time-dependent force
– Motion of a particle under a speed-dependent force
– Motion of a particle under a position-dependent force
– Impulse

• Multivariable Functions

– Scalar and vector fields

– Directional derivatives
– Gradient
– Path Integrals

• Work and Energy

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