23es1101 - Problem Solving Using C Programming - QB

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Panimalar Engineering College

Name of the Department :Department of Humanities and Sciences
Subject Code :23ES1101
Semester :I
2 Marks : For each unit Three questions should be of lower order (LO) cognitive type and Two Questions should be of
Intermediate order (IO) cognitive type.
13 /15 /16 Marks: For each Unit Two questions should be of lower order (LO) cognitive type i.e. remembrance type questions,
Two should be of intermediate order (IO) cognitive type i.e. understanding type questions and Two Question should be on
Higher Order (HO) Application / Design / Analysis / Evaluation / Creativity / Case study questions.
* HO Order is not applicable if the Question Pattern does not have Part C. In Such cases consider HO as IO.
** If the Mark for Part B &C is less than the applicable mark of the Question, Sub Divisions may be added. Subdivisions are
limited to a maximum of 3.


PART-A (2 Marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question
Cognitive Level
1. Define an Algorithm LO
2. Discuss the concept of the programming paradigm. LO
3. What are the characteristic of an algorithm? LO
4. List the various symbols used to draw flowchart. IO
5. What is meant by a data type? Give its classifications. IO
Part – B & C (13/ 15/ 16 marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. Discuss the various Conditional Branching Statements LO 16
used in C with its syntax and flow diagram.
2. Explain in detail about the variables, constants and its LO 16
types used in C
3. Develop a menu driven program in C to perform various IO 16
arithmetic operations.
4. Develop a C program for the following: IO 16
(i) To check whether a number is prime or not. (8)
(ii). To convert the temperature given in Fahrenheit to
Celsius and vice versa. (8)
5. Discuss in detail about various operators used in C and HO 16
its precedence with an example.
6. Write a C program for the following: HO 16
(i). To check whether a given year is leap or not. (8)
(ii). To find the roots of a quadratic equation. (8)

Panimalar Engineering College


PART-A (2 Marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question
Cognitive Level
1. What is an array? Write the syntax for array.Give an example. LO
2. How to create a two-dimensional array? LO
3. Write a program to find the length of the string using library functions. LO
4. Define string in c.give an example. IO
5. List out the any four functions that are performed on character strings IO
Part – B (16 marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. Build a program to find the number of vowels, consonants, Special LO 16
Characters and white spaces in a given text.
2. Explain in detail about string operations with suitable program. LO 16
3. Write a C program that reads N integer numbers and arrange them IO 16
in ascending order using selection sort
4. Explain different types of searching techniques with an example IO 16
program for any one searching technique.
5. Explain multidimensional array with help of suitable examples. HO 16
6. Create a C program HO 16
i. to find whether the given string is palindrome or not. (8)
ii. to find out the length of given string.(8)


PART-A (2 Marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question
Cognitive Level
1. What is function call? LO
2. Define Pointers with examples. LO
3. Construct a program to multiply two numbers using pointers. LO
4. List the advantages of using functions in C. IO
5. Outline the operators exclusively used with pointers IO
Part – B (16 marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. What is a pointer? Write a C program to find the sum and mean of LO 16
all elements in an array using pointer.
2. Write a C program to calculate the factorial of a number using LO 16
recursion. Also,write a non-recursive function to do the same job.
3. (i)Describe how the pointer concept works in C to access data for IO 16
the variables.(8)
(ii)Describe how arithmetic operations performed on pointer
4. (i) Write a C Program to find factorial using recursion.(8) IO 16
(ii)Write a C program to swap two numbers using functions.(8)
5. Write a C program for menu driven scientific calculators using built- HO 16
in functions.
6. (i)Write a C program for Scientific calculator using built in HO 16

Panimalar Engineering College

(ii)Construct a C program for Swapping of two numbers and

changing the value of a variable using pass by reference.(8)


PART-A (2 Marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question
Cognitive Level
1. Define self - referential structures. LO
2. State the difference(s) between structure and union? LO
3. How do you access members of a nested structure in C? LO
4. What is meant by sizeof() of a structure. IO
5. Write a c Program to read and display the details of a student using IO
Part – B (16 marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. What is Structure? How is it different from an array? How they are LO 16
defined and initialized? Explain with examples.
2. What is a pointer? Write a C program to find the sum and mean of LO 16
all elements in an array using pointer.
3. Write a program to maintain a record of “n” employee detail using an IO 16
array of structures with three fields (id,name,salary) and print the
details of employees whose salary is above 10000
4. (i)Construct a C program using union, to prepare the employee pay IO 16
roll of a company. The number of records is created based on the
user input.(8)
(ii) Is it possible to create an array of structures?If yes, demonstrate
with the help of an example.(8)
5. (i) Compare Structure and Union with suitable examples.(8) HO 16
(ii) Explain in detail about Typedef and Table lookup.(8)
6. Explain about structure and write a program to create a student HO 16
structure with structure name as student and structure variables roll
no, name,mark1,mark2,mark3,total,avg.Read and print the details of
students using structure.


PART-A (2 Marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question
Cognitive Level
1. Difference between scanf( ) and fscanf( ) LO
2. Why files are needed? List the file operations in the C paradigm. LO
3. What are the two main ways a file can be organized? LO
4. Why files are needed? List the file operations in the C paradigm. IO
5. Give an example for fseek( ). IO
Part – B (16 marks)
S.No. Question Std. of question Mark
Cognitive Level
1. Write short notes on: LO 16
(i) High-level I/O file handling functions.(8)
(ii) Random access files.(8)

Panimalar Engineering College

2. (i)Write a C program to read name and marks of ‘n’ number of LO 16

students from user and store them in a file. If the file previously
exists then append the information into the existing file.(8)
(ii)Write a C program to get name and marks of ‘n’ number of
students from user and store them in a file.(8)
3. Explain in detail various operations that can be done on file giving IO 16
suitable examples.
4. Explain in detail random acess in files along with the functions used IO 16
for the same in C. Give suitable examples.
5. (i) Explain the following file functions in C: HO 16
(a)fseek( )
(b)ftell( )
(c)rewind( )
(ii) With the help of a case study to show, how does random access
file differ from a sequential access file
6. (i)Write a C program to copy the content of one file into another HO 16
(ii)Illustrate the various operations that can be done on files.Give the
appropriate examples.(8)

Faculty-in-Charge Course Co-ordinator Head of the Department

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