1585665292lesson 2 Variables

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Numeric Variables and Constants

Computer programs usually work with different types of data and need a way to store the
values being used. These values can be numbers or characters. C has two ways of storing
number values — variables and constants — with many options for each. A variable is a data
storage location that has a value which can change during program execution. In contrast, a
constant has a fixed value that cannot change.

Today, you learn

 How to create variable names in C.

 The use of different types of numeric variables.
 The differences and similarities between character and numeric values.
 How to declare and initialize numeric variables.
 C's two types of numeric constants.

2.1: Computer Memory

Optional Material
If you already know how a computer's memory operates, you can skip this section. If you're
not sure, however, please continue. This information will help you better understand certain
aspects of C programming.

A computer uses random-access memory (RAM) to store information while it is operating.
RAM is located in integrated circuits, or chips, inside your computer. RAM is volatile, which
means it's erased and replaced with new information as often as needed. Being volatile also
means that RAM "remembers" only while the computer is turned on and loses its information
when you turn off the computer.

Amount of RAM
Each computer has a certain amount of RAM installed. The amount of RAM in a system is
usually specified in kilobytes (K), or megabytes (MB). One kilobyte of memory consists of
1,024 bytes. Thus, a system with 640K of memory actually has 640 times 1,024, or 655,360
bytes of RAM. One megabyte is 1,024 kilobytes.

A byte is the fundamental unit of computer data storage. 0, "Odds and Ends," has more
information about bytes.
Table 2.1: Memory Space Required to Store Data
Data Bytes Required
The letter x 1
The number 100 2
The number 120.145 4
The phrase Teach Yourself C 17
One typewritten page 3,000 (approximately)

The RAM in your computer is organized sequentially, one byte following another. Each byte
of memory has a unique address by which it is identified, an address that also distinguishes it
from all other bytes in memory. Addresses are assigned to memory locations in order, starting
at 0 and increasing to the system limit. For now, you needn't worry about addresses; it's all
handled automatically for you by the C compiler.

Usage of RAM
What is your computer's RAM used for? It has several uses, but only one, data storage, need
concern you as a programmer. Data means the information with which your C program
works. Whether your program is maintaining an address list, monitoring the stock market,
keeping a household budget, or tracking the price of hog bellies, the information (names,
stock prices, expense amounts, or hog futures) is kept in your computer's RAM while the
program is running.
Now that you understand a little about the nuts and bolts of memory storage, you can get
back to C programming and how C uses memory to store information.

2.2: Variables
A variable is a named data storage location in your computer's memory. By using a variable's
name in your program, you are, in effect, referring to the data stored there.

2.2.1: Variable Names

Rules for Naming Variables
To use variables in your C programs, you must know how to create variable names. In C, variable
names must adhere to the following rules:
The name can contain letters, digits, and the underscore character (_).
The first character of the name must be a letter. The underscore is also a legal first
character, but its use is not advised.
Case matters (that is, upper- and lowercase letters). Thus, the names count and
Count refer to two different variables.
C keywords cannot be used as variable names. A keyword is a word that is part of
the C language.

DO use variable names that are descriptive.

DO adopt and stick with a style for naming your variables.
DON'T start your variable names with an underscore unnecessarily.
DON'T name your variables with all capitals unnecessarily.

The following code contains some examples of legal and illegal C variable names:
percent /* legal */
y2x5__fg7h /* legal */
annual_profit /* legal */
_1990_tax /* legal but not advised */
savings#account /* illegal: contains illegal character # */
double /* illegal: is a C keyword */
9winter /* illegal: first character is a digit */

Using Lowercase in Names

Because C is case-sensitive, the three names percent, PERCENT, and Percent are considered
to refer to three distinct variables. C programmers commonly use only lowercase letters in
variable names although it's not required. Uppercase letters are usually reserved for the names
of constants (which are covered later in this unit).

Choosing Descriptive Names

For many compilers, a C variable name can be up to 31 characters long. (It can actually be
longer than that, but the compiler looks only at the first 31 characters of the name.) With this
flexibility, you can create variable names that reflect the data being stored.

A program that calculates loan payments could store the value of the prime interest rate in a
variable named interest_rate. The variable name helps make its usage clear. You could as
well have created a variable named x or even johnny_carson; it doesn't matter to the C
compiler. The use of the variable, however, would not be nearly as clear to someone else
looking at the source code. Although it may take a little more time to type descriptive
variable names, the improvements in program clarity make it worthwhile.

Naming Conventions
Many naming conventions are used for variable names created from multiple words.
The Underscore
You've been shown one style: interest_rate. Using an underscore to separate words in a
variable name makes it easy to interpret.
Camel Notation
The second style is called camel notation. Instead of using spaces, the first letter of each word
is capitalized. Instead of interest_rate, the variable would be named InterestRate. Camel
notation is gaining popularity because it is easier to type a capital letter than an underscore.
This Course's Convention
We use the underscore in this course because it is easier for most people to read. You should
decide which style you wish to adopt.

2.2.2: Numeric Variable Types

The Need for Different Types of Variables
C provides several different types of numeric variables. Why do you need different types of
variables? Different numeric values have varying memory storage requirements and differ in
the ease with which certain mathematical operations can be performed on them.
By using the appropriate variable types (also called data types), you ensure that your program
runs as efficiently as possible.

DO understand the number of bytes that variable types take for your computer.
DON'T use a float or double variable if you are only storing integers. Although they will
work, using them is inefficient.
DON'T put negative numbers into variables with an unsigned type.

Small integer numbers (for example, 1, 199, –8) require less memory space for storage, and
mathematical operations (addition, multiplication, and so on) with such numbers can be
performed by your computer very quickly. In contrast, large integers and floating-point
values (123,000,000 or 0.000000871256, for example) require more storage space and more
time for mathematical operations.

Numeric Variable Categories

C's numeric variables fall into the following two main categories:
Integer variables hold values that have no fractional part (that is, whole numbers
only). Integer variables come in two flavors: signed integer variables can hold
positive or negative values, whereas unsigned integer variables can hold only
positive values (and 0, of course).
Floating-point variables hold values that have a fractional part (that is, real

Within each of these categories are two or more specific variable types. These are summarized here,
which also shows the amount of memory, in bytes, required to hold a single variable of each type
when you use a microcomputer with 16-bit architecture.

Table 2.2: C's Numeric Data Types

(on a 32-bit machine)
Variable Type Keyword Bytes Range
character char 1 –128 to 127
integer int 4 –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
short integer short 2 –32768 to 32767
long integer long 4 –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
unsigned character unsigned 1 0 to 255
unsigned integer unsigned int 4 0 to 4,294,967,295
unsigned short unsigned 2 0 to 65535
integer short
unsigned long unsigned 4 0 to 4,294,967,295
integer long
single-precision float 4 1.2E–38 to 3.4E38
floating point Approximate range; precision = 7
double-precision double 8 2.2E–308 to 1.8E308
floating-point Approximate range; precision =
19 digits.

Approximate Range
Approximate range means the highest and lowest values a given variable can hold. (Space
limitations prohibit listing exact ranges for the values of these variables.)
Precision means the accuracy with which the variable is stored. (For example, if you evaluate
1/3, the answer is 0.33333 . . . with 3s going to infinity. A variable with a precision of 7
stores seven 3s.)

int Versus long

Looking at Table 2.2, you may notice that the variable types int and long are identical. Why
then have two different types? The int and long variable types are indeed identical on 32-bit
IBM PC-compatible systems, but they may be different on other types of hardware. On a 16-
bit MS-DOS system, a long and an int are not the same size. Instead, a long is 4 bytes,
whereas an int is 2. Remember that C is a flexible, portable language, so it provides different
keywords for the two types.

Integer Variables: Signed by Default

No special keyword is needed to make an integer variable signed; integer variables are signed
by default. You can, however, include the signed keyword if you wish. The keywords in
Table 2.2 are used in variable declarations, discussed in the next section of this unit.
Listing 2.1 will help you determine the size of variables on your particular computer.

Listing 2.1: SIZEOF.C

Code 1: /* LIST0301.c: Listing 2.1 */
2: /* SIZEOF.C: Program to tell the size of the C */
3: /* variable type in bytes */
5: #include <stdio.h>
7: void main(void) {
8: printf("\nA char is %d bytes",
9: sizeof(char));
10: printf("\nAn int is %d bytes",
11: sizeof(int));
12: printf("\nA short is %d bytes",
13: sizeof(short));
14: printf("\nA long is %d bytes",
15: sizeof(long));
16: printf("\nAn unsigned char is %d bytes",
17: sizeof(unsigned char));
18: printf("\nAn unsigned int is %d bytes",
19: sizeof(unsigned int));
20: printf("\nAn unsigned short is %d bytes",
21: sizeof(unsigned short));
22: printf("\nAn unsigned long is %d bytes",
23: sizeof(unsigned long));
24: printf("\nA float is %d bytes",
25: sizeof(float));
26: printf("\nA double is %d bytes",
27: sizeof(double));
29: }

Output A char is 1 bytes

An int is 4 bytes
A short is 2 bytes
A long is 4 bytes
An unsigned char is 1 bytes
An unsigned int is 4 bytes
An unsigned short is 2 bytes
An unsigned long is 4 bytes
A float is 4 bytes
A double is 8 bytes

Description The output of Listing 3.1 tells you exactly how many bytes each
variable type on your computer takes. If you are using a 16-bit PC,
your numbers should match those in Table 2.2.

Don't worry about trying to understand all the individual components

of the program. Although some items are new, such as sizeof(), others
should look familiar.

Lines 1 – 3 are comments about the name of the program and a brief
Line 5 includes the standard input/output header file to help print the
information on the screen.
This is a simple program, in that it contains only a single function,
main() (lines 7 – 29).

Lines 8 – 27 are the bulk of the program. Each of these lines prints a
textual description with the size of each of the variable types, which is
done using the sizeof operator. 9, "Exploring the Function Library,"
covers the sizeof operator in detail.

Line 28 of the program returns the value of 0 to the operating system

before ending the program.
The Size of Variables
C does make some guarantees, thanks to the ANSI Standard. There are five things that can be
counted on:

 The size of a char is 1 byte.

 The size of a short is less than or equal to the size of an int.
 The size of an int is less than or equal to the size of a long.
 The size of an unsigned int is equal to the size of an int.
 The size of a float is less than or equal to the size of a double.

2.2.3: Variable Declarations

Variable Declarations
Before you can use a variable in a C program, it must be declared. A variable declaration
informs the compiler of the name and type of a variable and optionally initializes the variable
to a specific value. If your program attempts to use a variable that has not been declared, the
compiler generates an error message.

A variable declaration has the following form:
typename varname;
typename specifies the variable type and must be one of the keywords given in Table 2.2.
varname is the variable name, which must follow the rules mentioned earlier. You can
declare multiple variables of the same type on one line by separating the variable names with
int count, number, start;
/* three integer variables */
float percent, total;
/* two float variables */

On 2, "Variable Scope," you will learn that the location of variable declarations in the source
code is important, because it affects the ways in which your program can use the variables.
For now, you can place all the variable declarations together just before the start of the
main() function.

2.2.4: Initializing Numeric Variables

Initialization Using Simple Assignment
When you declare a variable, you instruct the compiler to set aside storage space for the
variable. However, the value stored in that space—the value of the variable—is not defined.
It may be zero, or some random "garbage" value. Before using a variable, you should always
initialize it to a known value. This can be done independently of the variable declaration by
using an assignment statement.
/* Set aside storage space for count */
int count;
/* Store 0 in count */
count = 0;

DO initialize variables when you declare them whenever possible.

DON'T use a variable that has not been initialized. Results can be
DON'T try to put numbers into variable types that are too small to hold them!

The Assignment Operator

Note that this statement uses the equal sign (=), which is C's assignment operator and is
discussed further on , "Statements, Expressions, and Operators." For now, you need to be
aware that the equal sign in programming is not the same as the equal sign in algebra. If you
write x = 12 in an algebraic statement, you are stating a fact: "x equals 12." In C, however,
it means something quite different: "Assign the value 12 to the variable named x."

Initialization within the Declaration

You also can initialize a variable when it is declared. To do so, follow the variable name in
the declaration statement with an equal sign and the desired initial value.
int count = 0;
double percent = 0.01, taxrate = 28.5;
Out-of-Range Initializations
Be careful not to initialize a variable with a value outside the allowed range.
The C compiler does not catch such errors. Your program may compile and link, but you may
get unexpected results when the program is run.

Here are some examples of out-of-range initializations:

int weight = 100000;
unsigned int value = -2500;

2.3: Constants
Like a variable, a constant is a data storage location used by your program. Unlike a variable,
the value stored in a constant cannot be changed during program execution. C has two types
of constants, each with its own specific uses.

2.3.1: Literal Constants

Literal Constants
A literal constant is a value that is typed directly into the source code wherever it is needed.
Floating-Point Constants: Decimal Notation
A literal constant written with a decimal point is a floating-point constant and is represented
by the C compiler as a double-precision number. Floating-point constants can be written in
standard decimal notation, as shown in these examples:

Here are two examples of literal constants being assigned to variables:

int count = 20;
float tax_rate = 0.28;
The 20 and the 0.28 are literal constants. The preceding statements store these values in the
variables count and tax_rate. Note that one of these constants contains a decimal point
whereas the other does not. The presence or absence of the decimal point distinguishes
floating-point constants from integer constants.

Note that the third constant, 100., is written with a decimal point even though it is an integer
(that is, it has no fractional part). The decimal point causes the C compiler to treat the
constant as a double-precision value. Without the decimal point, it is treated as an integer

Floating-Point Constants: Scientific Notation

Floating-point constants also can be written in scientific notation. You may recall from high
school math that scientific notation represents a number as a decimal part multiplied by 10 to
a positive or negative power. Scientific notation is particularly useful for representing
extremely large and extremely small values. In C, scientific notation is written as a decimal
number followed immediately by an E or e and the exponent.

1.23E2 1.23 times 10 to the 2nd power, or 123

4.08e6 4.08 times 10 to the 6th power, or 4,080,000
0.85e–4 0.85 times 10 to the –4 power, or 0.000085

Integer Constants
A constant written without a decimal point is represented by the compiler as an integer number.
Integer constants can be written in three different notations:
A constant starting with any digit other than 0 is interpreted as a decimal integer
(that is, the standard base-10 number system). Decimal constants can contain the
digits 0 – 9 and a leading minus or plus sign. (Without a leading sign, a constant is
assumed to be positive.)
A constant starting with the digit 0 is interpreted as an octal integer (the base 8
number system). Octal constants can contain the digits 0 – 7 and a leading minus or
plus sign.
A constant starting with 0x or 0X is interpreted as a hexadecimal constant (the
base-16 number system). Hexadecimal constants can contain the digits 0 – 9, the
letters A – F, and a leading minus or plus sign.

2.3.2: Symbolic Constants

Symbolic Constants
A symbolic constant, also called a named constant, is a constant that is represented by a name
(symbol) in your program. Like a literal constant, a symbolic constant cannot change.
Whenever you need the constant's value in your program, you use its name as you would use
a variable name. The actual value of the symbolic constant needs to be entered only once,
when it is first defined.
Advantages over Literal Constants
Symbolic constants have two significant advantages over literal constants: they are easier to
read and easier to change. Let's see why.

Using a Literal Constant

Suppose that you are writing a program which performs a variety of geometrical calculations.
The program frequently needs the value pi (2.14) for its calculations. (You may recall from
geometry class that pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.) For example, to
calculate the circumference and area of a circle with a known radius you could write
circumference = 3.14 * (2 * radius);
area = 3.14 * (radius)*(radius);
The asterisk (*) is C's multiplication operator. Thus, the first statement means "Multiply 2
times the value stored in the variable radius, and then multiply the result times 3.14. Finally,
assign the result to the variable named circumference."

Using a Symbolic Constant Is Easier to Read

If, however, you define a symbolic constant with the name PI and the value 2.14, you could
circumference = PI * (2 * radius);
area = PI * (radius)*(radius);
The resulting code is clearer. Rather than puzzling over what the value 2.14 is for, you can
see immediately that the constant PI is being used.

Easier to Change
The second advantage of symbolic constants becomes apparent when you need to change a
constant. Continuing the preceding example, you may decide that for greater accuracy your
program needs to use a value of PI with more decimal places: 3.14159 rather than 3.14. If you
had used literal constants for PI, you would have to go through your source code and change
each occurrence of the value from 3.14 to 3.14159. With a symbolic constant, you would
need to make a change only in the place where the constant is defined.

DO use constants to make your programs easier to read.

DON'T try to assign a value to a constant after it has already been initialized.

Defining a Symbolic Constant

C has two methods for defining a symbolic constant, the #define directive and the const

The Syntax of #define

The #define directive is one of C's preprocessor directives, discussed fully on 1, "Taking
Advantage of Preprocessor Directives and More." The #define directive is used as follows:
#define CONSTNAME literal
This program line creates a constant named CONSTNAME with the value of literal. literal
represents a numeric constant, as described earlier in this unit. CONSTNAME follows the
same rules described for variable names earlier in this unit. By convention, the names of
symbolic constants are uppercase. This makes them easy to distinguish from variable names,
which by convention are lowercase. For the previous example, the required #define directive
would be
#define PI 3.14159
Note that #define lines do not end with a semicolon (;).

The Placement of #define

#defines can be placed anywhere in your source code, but are in effect only for the portions
of the source code that follow the #define directive. Most commonly, programmers group all
#defines together, near the beginning of the file and before the start of main().
The Effect of #define
The precise action of the #define directive is to instruct the compiler, "In the source code,
replace CONSTNAME with literal." The effect is exactly the same as if you had used your
editor to go through the source code and make the changes manually. Note that #define does
not replace instances of its target that occur as parts of longer names, within double quotes, or
as part of a program comment.
#define PI 3.14
/* You have defined a constant for PI. */ not changed
#define PIPETTE 100 not changed

Description of const
The second way to define a symbolic constant is with the const keyword. const is a modifier
that can be applied to any variable declaration. A variable declared to be const can't be
modified during program execution—only initialized at the time of declaration.

Examples of const
Here are some examples:
const int count = 100;
const float pi = 3.14159;
const long debt = 12000000, float tax_rate = 0.21;
const affects all variables on the declaration line. In the last example, debt and tax_rate are
symbolic constants. If your program tries to modify a const variable, the compiler generates
an error message. For example,
const int count = 100;
count = 200; /* Does not compile! Cannot reassign or alter
the value of a constant. */

* #define Versus const

What are the practical differences between symbolic constants created with the #define
directive and those created with the const keyword? The differences have to do with pointers
and variable scope. Pointers and variable scope are two very important aspects of C
programming and are covered on Days 9 and 12, "Pointers" and "Variable Scope,"
Example Program
Look now at a program that demonstrates variable declarations and the use of literal and
symbolic constants. The code in Listing 2.2 prompts the user to input his or her weight and year
of birth. It then calculates and displays a user's weight in grams and his or her age in the year 2000.
You can enter, compile, and run this program using the procedures explained on , "Getting Started."

Listing 2.2: The Use of Variables and Constants

Code 1: /* LIST0302.c: Listing 2.2 */
2: /* Demonstrates variables and constants. */
4: #include <stdio.h>
5: /* Define a constant to convert from pounds to */
6: /* grams. */
7: #define GRAMS_PER_POUND 454
8: /* Define a constant for the start of the next */
9: /* century. */
10: const int NEXT_CENTURY = 2000;
11: /* Declare the needed variables. */
12: long weight_in_grams, weight_in_pounds;
13: int year_of_birth, age_in_2000;
15: void main(void) {
16: /* Input data from user. */
18: printf("Enter your weight in pounds: ");
19: scanf("%d", &weight_in_pounds);
20: printf("Enter your year of birth: ");
21: scanf("%d", &year_of_birth);
23: /* Perform conversions. */
25: weight_in_grams =
26: weight_in_pounds * GRAMS_PER_POUND;
27: age_in_2000 = NEXT_CENTURY - year_of_birth;
29: /* Display results on the screen. */
31: printf("\nYour weight in grams = %ld",
32: weight_in_grams);
33: printf("\nIn 2000 you will be %d years old",
34: age_in_2000);
36: }

Output Enter your weight in pounds: 175

Enter your year of birth: 1960

Your weight in grams = 79450

In 2000 you will be 40 years old

Description The program declares the two types of symbolic constants in lines 7
and 10. In line 7, a constant is being used to make the value 454 more
understandable. Because it uses GRAMS_PER_POUND, lines 25 – 26
are easy to understand.

Lines 12 and 13 declare the variables used in the program. Notice the
use of descriptive names such as weight_in_grams. By reading its
name, you see what this variable is used for.

Lines 18 and 20 print prompts on the screen. The printf() function is

covered in greater detail later.

To allow the user to respond to the prompts, lines 19 and 21 use

another library function scanf() that is covered later. scanf() gets
information from the screen. For now, accept that this works as shown
in the listing. Later, you will learn exactly how it works.

Lines 25 – 27 calculate the user's weight in grams and his or her age in
the year 2000. Those statements and others are covered in detail

To finish the program, lines 31 – 34 display the results for the user.

2.4: Q&A
Questions & Answers
Take a look at some questions that are frequently asked by programmers new to C.

Question 1
long int variables hold bigger numbers, so why not always use them instead of int variables?
A long int variable takes up more RAM than the smaller int. In smaller programs, this doesn't
pose a problem. As programs get bigger, however, try to be efficient with the memory you

Question 2
What happens if I assign a number with a decimal to an integer?
You can assign a number with a decimal to an int variable. If you are using a constant
variable, your compiler probably will give you a warning. The value assigned will have the
decimal portion truncated. For example, if you assign 3.14 to an integer variable called pi, pi
will only contain 3. The .14 will be chopped off and thrown away.

Question 3
What happens if I put a number into a type that is not big enough to hold it?
Answer Many compilers will allow this without signaling any errors. The number is wrapped
to fit, however, and it isn't correct. For example, if you assign 2,147,483,648 to a four-byte
signed integer, the integer really contains the value -2,147,483,648. If you assign the value
4,294,967,295 to this integer, it also really contains the value -1. Subtracting the maximum
value the field will hold generally gives you the value that will be stored.

Question 4
What happens if I put a negative number into an unsigned variable?
As the previous answer indicated, your compiler may not signal any errors if you do this. The
compiler does the same wrapping as if you assigned a number that was too big. For instance,
if you assign –1 to an int variable that is two bytes long, the compiler will put the highest
number possible in the variable (65535).

Question 5
What are the practical differences between symbolic constants created with the #define
directive and those created with the const keyword?
The differences have to do with pointers and variable scope. Pointers and variable scope are
two very important aspects of C programming and are covered on Days 9 and 12, "Pointers,"
and "Variable Scope," respectively. For now, know that by using #define to create constants,
you can make your programs much easier to read.

Table 2.2: C's Numeric Data Types

(on a 32-bit machine)
Variable Type Keyword Bytes Range
Character char 1 –128 to 127
Integer int 4 –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
short integer short 2 –32768 to 32767
long integer long 4 –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648
unsigned character unsigned 1 0 to 255
unsigned integer unsigned int 4 0 to 4,294,967,295
unsigned short unsigned 2 0 to 65535
integer short
unsigned long unsigned 4 0 to 4,294,967,295
integer long
single-precision float 4 1.2E–38 to 3.4E38
floating point Approximate range; precision = 7
double-precision double 8 2.2E–308 to 1.8E308
floating-point Approximate range; precision =
19 digits.

2.5: Practice Examples

Practice Examples
Now, take some time to perform the following exercises. They will provide you with
experience in using what you've learned.

Exercise 1
In what variable type would you best store the following values?
a. A person's weight in pounds.
b. Your annual salary.
c. The temperature.
d. A person's net worth.

a. unsigned int
b. If your expectations on yearly salary are not very high, a simple unsigned int variable
would work. If you feel you have potential to go above $65,535, you probably should use a
long. (Have faith in yourself; use a long.)
c. float (If you are only going to use whole numbers, use either int or long.)
d. Definitely a signed field. Either int, long, or float. See answer for 1b.

Exercise 2
Determine appropriate variable names for the values in exercise one.
(Answers for 2 and 3 are combined)
Remember, a variable name should be representative of the value it holds. A variable
declaration is the statement that initially creates the variable. The declaration may or may not
initialize the variable to a value. You can use any name for a variable, except the C keywords.
a. unsigned int age;
b. unsigned int weight;
c. float radius = 3;
d. long annual_salary;
e. float cost = 29.95;
f. const int max_grade = 100;
#define MAX_GRADE 100
g. float temperature;
h. long net_worth = -30000;
i. double star_distance;

Exercise 3
Write declarations for the variables in exercise two.

(Answers for 2 and 3 are combined)

Remember, a variable name should be representative of the value it holds. A variable
declaration is the statement that initially creates the variable. The declaration may or may not
initialize the variable to a value. You can use any name for a variable, except the C keywords.
a. unsigned int age;
b. unsigned int weight;
c. float radius = 3;
d. long annual_salary;
e. float cost = 29.95;
f. const int max_grade = 100;
#define MAX_GRADE 100
g. float temperature;
h. long net_worth = -30000;
i. double star_distance;

2.6: Summary
Numeric Variables
This unit has explored numeric variables, which are used by a C program to store data during
program execution. You've seen that there are two broad classes of numeric variables, integer
and floating point. Within each class are specific variable types. Which variable type— int,
long, float, or double—you use for a specific application depends on the nature of the data
to be stored in the variable. You've also seen that in a C program, you must declare a variable
before it can be used. A variable declaration informs the compiler of the name and type of a
This unit has also covered C's two constant types, literal and symbolic. Unlike variables, the
value of a constant cannot change during program execution. You type literal constants into
your source code whenever the value is needed. Symbolic constants are assigned a name that
is used wherever the constant value is needed. Symbolic constants can be created with the
#define directive or with the const keyword.

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