Dwnload Full Managerial Accounting For Managers 4th Edition Noreen Solutions Manual PDF
Dwnload Full Managerial Accounting For Managers 4th Edition Noreen Solutions Manual PDF
Dwnload Full Managerial Accounting For Managers 4th Edition Noreen Solutions Manual PDF
Chapter 1
Managerial Accounting: An Overview
Solutions to Questions
1-1 Financial accounting is concerned with 1-3 The quantitative analysis would focus on
reporting financial information to external determining the potential cost savings from
parties, such as stockholders, creditors, and buying the part rather than making it. The
regulators. Managerial accounting is concerned qualitative analysis would focus on broader
with providing information to managers for use issues such as strategy, risks, and corporate
within the organization. Financial accounting social responsibility. For example, if the part is
emphasizes the financial consequences of past critical to the organization’s strategy, it may
transactions, objectivity and verifiability, continue making the part regardless of any
precision, and companywide performance, potential cost savings from outsourcing. If the
whereas managerial accounting emphasizes overseas supplier might create quality control
decisions affecting the future, relevance, problems that could threaten the end
timeliness, and segment performance. Financial consumers’ welfare, then the risks of
accounting is mandatory for external reports and outsourcing may swamp any cost savings.
it needs to comply with rules, such as generally Finally, from a social responsibility standpoint, a
accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and company may decide against outsourcing if it
international financial reporting standards would result in layoffs at its domestic
(IFRS), whereas managerial accounting is not manufacturing facility.
mandatory and it does not need to comply with
externally imposed rules. 1-4 Companies prepare budgets to translate
plans into formal quantitative terms. Budgets
1-2 Five examples of planning activities are used for various purposes, such as forcing
include (1) estimating the advertising revenues managers to plan ahead, allocating resources
for a future period, (2) estimating the total across departments, coordinating activities
expenses for a future period, including the across departments, establishing goals that
salaries of all actors, news reporters, and motivate people, and evaluating and rewarding
sportscasters, (3) planning how many new employees. These various purposes often
television shows to introduce to the market, (4) conflict with one another, which makes
planning each television show’s designated budgeting one of management’s most
broadcast time slot, and (5) planning the challenging activities.
network’s advertising activities and
expenditures. 1-5 Managerial accounting is relevant to all
Five examples of controlling activities business students because all managers engage
include (1) comparing the actual number of in planning, controlling, and decision making
viewers for each show to its viewership activities. If managers wish to influence co-
projections, (2) comparing the actual costs of workers across the organization, they must be
producing a made-for-television movie to its able to speak in financial terms to justify their
budget, (3) comparing the revenues earned proposed courses of action.
from broadcasting a sporting event to the costs
incurred to broadcast that event, (4) comparing 1-6 The Institute of Management
the actual costs of running a production studio Accountants estimates that 80% of accountants
to the budget, and (5) comparing the actual cost work in non-public accounting environments.
of providing global, on-location news coverage Accountants that work in corporate, non-profit,
to the budget. and governmental organizations are expected to
The abbot cometh, but to a layman his spiritual father, and asketh
if through forgetfulness or shame he have any word or deed, or any
malice against a brother, unconfessed, or unforgiven: it is obligatory
to examine and interrogate the dying concerning all things one by
After this he beginneth, Blessed be our God.... Trisagion. After Our
Father.... Lord, have mercy, xii. O come, let us worship.... thrice.
Psalm l. Have mercy upon me O God....
A prayerful canon to the Most Holy God-bearing one, with the irmi
to vi, from the person of a man who is being parted from his soul,
and who is not able to speak.
Tone vi. Ode i. Irmos.
Passing as on dry land....
Refrain. God-bearing one most holy, save thou us.
Like unto drops of rain, mine evil and brief days, becoming scant
with summer’s roll, already well-nigh vanish’d are: do thou save me,
O Queen.
In thy benignity and many mercies, O thou Queen, in this dread
hour, when nature faileth, stand by me, an aid invincible.
Now mighty fear constrains my soul, it trembleth inexpressibly and
grieves: console it, thou Most Pure, as it the body quits.
Known refuge of the sinful and the low, make known to me thy
mercy, O thou Pure, and me from demons’ hands set free; for like as
many dogs they me surround.
Both now.
Lo, ’tis the time for help: lo, for thy mediation ’tis the time: lo, O
thou Queen, it is the time concerning which I have both day and
night with fervour cast me down and pray’d to thee.
Ode iii. Irmos.
There is none holy like to thee, O Lord....
From long ago this day, O Queen, have I foreseen, and, ever
musing thereupon as though it had arriv’d, with fervent tears I thee
have pray’d, Forget me not.
They, roaring, me surround, the mental lions, and seek to seize
and rend me bitterly; but crush their teeth and jaws, O Pure, and
save thou me.
Although henceforward be my vocal organs dumb, my tongue be
bound, my speech be stay’d, in heart’s contrition thee I pray, O my
deliverer, save thou me.
Thine ear to me incline, Mother of Christ my God, from thy great
glory’s height, thou blessed one, and hear my latest sigh, and reach
thy hand to me.
Both now.
Thy many mercies take thou not from me, nor close thy loving
tenderness for man ’gainst me, O Pure; but stand thou by me now,
and in the hour of judgment think on me.
Ode iv. Irmos.
Christ is my might, the God and Lord....
Now make a flood of tears offences’ bath, thou that art good; my
heart’s contrition take; yea, blessed one, confirm my trust in thee,
that thou wilt free me from the fearful fiery pain; for thou, God-
bearing one, thyself art grace’s fount.
Thou that for all in need a refuge art, that put to shame is not, and
all offenceless is; be thou, O Queen most undefil’d, an advocate for
me in trial’s hour.
Thou stretchest forth thy most rever’d and precious hands in guise
of wings of dove divine, and ’neath their shade and shelter coverest
me, O Queen.
By him, the prince of air, and him that violent is, and him that
torturer is, and him that standeth in the fearful ways, and by the false
accusing words of these, grant me to pass unovercome, when I
depart from earth.
Both now.
Lo, terror meeteth me, O Queen, and I have dread thereof.
Behold, a great event befalleth me, and O be thou therein a helper
unto me, O trust of my salvation thou.
Ode v. Irmos.
With thy divine light, O blessed one....
Thou that art good, forget me not, nor from thy servant turn thy
face; but hear thou me, for I am griev’d, and O attend unto my soul,
and rescue this.
O ye my kinsfolk in the flesh, and ye my brethren in the spirit, and
ye my friends and comrades known, weep, sigh, lament; for lo, I now
depart from you.
Now none delivereth, and in truth nothing affordeth aid: be thou
mine aid, O Queen, lest I be as a man that hath no help, and in mine
enemies’ hands enclos’d.
Go, ye my holy Angels, stand at the judgment-seat of Christ, and
bend your spiritual knees, and tearfully exclaim to him, Have mercy,
Maker of all things, and, blessed one, reject thou not the work of
thine own hands.
Both now.
Unto the Queen bow ye yourselves, and my God’s most pure
Mother pray that she may bend her knees with you, and unto mercy
him incline; for hearken’d unto she will be, as Mother and as
Ode vi. Irmos.
Life’s sea perturbed....
My lips are silent, and my tongue speaks not, but my heart cries,
because, contrition’s fire consuming it within, it burns, and, with a
voice unutterable, invoketh thee, O Virgin.
Regard me from on high, O Mother of God, and mercifully now
attend to come and visit me, that, seeing thee, I may rejoice,
departing from the body.
When broken are the bonds, dissolv’d the laws of natural setting,
and those of every bodily substance, to need importable and straight
they subject me.
Place me, O Queen, in holy Angels’ sacred and revered hands,
that cover’d by their wings, I may not see the forms devoid of grace,
and foul, and dark of demons.
Both now.
Thou all-revered bridal-room of God, me worthy count to enter in
the heavenly spiritual bridal-room, enkindling with thy mercy’s holy
oil my quenched and unshining lamp.
Condakion, tone vi.
My soul, my soul, arise, why sleepest thou? The end draws very
near, and thou hast need to pray. Then rouse thyself, that Christ God
may compassionate thee, he who is present everywhere, and filleth
Beholding open Christ’s remedial fount, and Adam drawing healing
thence, the devil, suffering, wounded was, wailed as they who ill
receive, and cried to those conjoin’d with him, What shall I do to
Mary’s Son? He killeth me, the Bethleemite, he who is present
everywhere, and filleth everything.
Ode vii. Irmos.
The angel made the furnace to bedew....
Me unprepar’d death’s dark and moonless night o’ertaken hath,
and journeying unprepar’d, along that straight and fearful way, O
may thy mercy company me, O Queen.
Lo, verily, all my days in vanity wasted are, as hath been written,
and my years with care, and deadly bitter snares, in truth, prevented
have my soul, and these me still constrain.
Let not the number of my sins thy great beneficence exceed, O
Queen; but let thy mercy come on me, and all mine oversteppings do
thou hide.
Leading me hence they go, on all sides binding me, and, fill’d with
much rebellion, quelled is my soul, and fears; but, O thou Pure, with
thine appearance, do thou it appease.
Both now.
In mine affliction have I no one found to mourn with me and
comfort me, O Queen; for mine acquaintances and friends have now
together quitted me; but, thou who art my trust, do thou forsake me
Ode viii. Irmos.
From flame thou didst a dew outpour on reverend ones....