G.classroom Assignment BST

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STUDIES, 2022-2023

TIME: 3 HOURS M.M.: 80

1. Name the organisation which is considered as a part of government 1
2. In order to call a company, a government company, how much 1
partnership is necessary for the Government’s ownership?
3. Heterogeneity is the feature of which type of business service? 1
a) Banking
b) Insurance
c) Warehousing
d) All of the above
4. Who can get an overdraft from a bank? 1
5. What is meant by mode of business? 1
6. When enterprises behave as good citizen, towards which group are 1
showing their responsibility?
7. The term “redeemable” is used for which of the following: 1
a) Preference Shares
b) Equity Shares
c) Trade Credit
d) None of these
8. Funds required for purchasing current assets is an example of: 1
a) Fixed capital requirement
b) Ploughing back of profits
c) Working capital requirement
d) Lease financing
9. What is the status of debenture holders in a company? 1
10. Give the name of the financial source when one company give loan 1
another company.
11. The investment limit of SSI does not exceed _ 1

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a) Above Rs.25 lakh & up to Rs.5 crore
b) Rs.2 crore
c) Rs.3 crore
d) Rs.10 crore
12. Which of the following provides opportunity for artisan? 1
a) Companies
b) Large-scale business
c) Small business
d) None of the above
13. What is the outcome of entrepreneurship called? 1
a) Entrepreneur
b) Entrepreneurship
c) Enterprise
d) Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship
14. To sell readymade garments for children, men, women etc. is the 1
a) Single-shop product
b) Single-line shop
c) General store
d) None of these
15. Under GST system, the origin of GST takes place on the basis of the 1
of of goods & services. (consumption/production)
16. Assertion (A): Itinerant retailers do not have fixed selling 1
point.Reason (R): Fixed Shop retailers have fixed selling
a) Both assertion (A) & reason (R) are correct & reason
is thecorrect explanation of assertion.
b) Both assertion (A) & reason (R) are correct but reason is
not thecorrect explanation of assertion.
c) Assertion (A) is correct but reason (R) is incorrect.
d) Assertion (A) is incorrect but reason (R) is correct.
17. State 2 steps required for obtaining a export license? 1

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18. An exporter demands from an importer for the satisfaction 1
the payment.
19. 1
Name the type of mode of entering in to international business
where 100% investment is done by the parent company in a foreign

20. Which of the following is not the document of import trade? 1

a) Indent
b) Bill of lading
c) Invoice
d) Shipping bill
21. Identify the following traits of business, profession & employment: 3
a) Hari sells mobile phones on behalf of his employer.
b) It requires minimum academic & other qualifications.
c) A hawker sells toys for children outside a function.
d) Dhruv is the manager of a mobile company.
e) V Sanjay is an advocate of High Court.
f) A person repairs scooters on roadside.
22. A, B & C are partners in a firm manufacturing auto parts. Their firm 3
is notregistered. In order to increase the earnings of the firm, B
decided to use low quality raw materials without the knowledge of
A & C. As a result, many accidents were reported by the consumers
& a case has been filed against the firm.
a) Is this wrong act of B binding on A & C?
b) State the feature related to it.
c) Can A & C file case against B & why?
23. ABC Ltd. is planning to expand their business & need money. The 3
finance manager reported that company is not in a position to bear
extra burden of paying interest & equity shareholders insisted not
to issue moreshares as there is risk of losing control on issue of
new shares in the market.
a) Suggest a source of owner’s fund suitable in above case.
b) State any two advantages of this source.
24. ‘Rakhi Footwear’ deals in shoes. This company has opened 500 3
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shops at

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different places of the whole country. The speciality of the
business of this company is that at all its shops the goods
available are of the same type & their price is also the same. By
starting this type of business the company has done away with
the Middlemen. The people are happy to buy goods from the
producer or manufacturer directly. Identify the trade
of ‘Rakhi Footwear’ & describe its features.
25. “Earning of profit cannot be the objective of business any more than 4
the eating is the objective of living.” Do you agree with this
statement? Give
reasons in support of your answer.
26. The government planned to begin a road project. The government 4
needed management specialists and financial help to complete it.
The governmentcontacted the private sector to fulfil this
requirement. Now, this project will be completed jointly by both the
public sector and private sector.
What kind of partnership is it? Explain its features.
27. Differentiate between e-business & traditional business on the 4
a) Personal touch
b) Risk involved
c) Setting up cost
d) Human resource required
28. What do you mean by the principles derived from social values 4
guide and govern the conduct of businessmen? Explain its
29. Write a detailed note on IPR. 4
30. Describe the services provided by retailer to wholesaler & consumer. 4
31. “It is said to be an artificial person created by law, having a 6
separate entity with perpetual succession & common seal.” What
is it? Explain its
32. Explain the following principles of insurance with example: 6
a) Principle of causa proxima
b) Principle of contribution
c) Principle of subrogation

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33. The directors of a company have decided to set up a new plant at an 6
estimated cost of rupees ten crores. State the sources of finance
availablealong with their merits.

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34. Jaipur Handicraft House has received a grand order for handmade 6
products from a German company. The exporter has obtained the
pre- shipment inspection report under the Export Quality Control &
InspectionAct, 1963 & also got the Excise clearance certificate
from the authorities.Briefly explain the next six procedural steps to
be taken by the Indian
counterpart to export these goods.

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TIME: 3 HOURS M.M.: 80
1. Departmental Undertaking 1
2. Minimum 51% 1
3. (d) All of the above 1
4. A holder of current account i.e. Businessman 1
5. It means manner of conducting business. 1
6. Government & Community 1
7. (a) Preference Shares 1
8. (c) Working capital requirement 1
9. Creditors 1
10. Inter-corporate Deposits 1
11. (a) Above Rs.25 lakh & up to Rs.5 crore 1
12. (c) Small business 1
13. (c) Enterprise 1
14. (b) Single-line shop 1
15. Consumption 1
16. (b) Both assertion (A) & reason (R) are correct but reason is not the 1
explanation of assertion.
17. Mail order business 1
18. Letter of credit 1
19. (b) 1 January, 1995 1
20. (d) Shipping bill 1
21. a) Employment 3
b) Profession
c) Business
d) Employment

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e) Profession
f) Busines
s(6 * 0.5)
22. a) Yes 3
b) Mutual agency
c) No, partners of an unregistered firm cannot file case on
each other.(3 * 1)
23. a) Retained Earnings 3
b) Any two advantages of retained
24. Chain Store 3
Any two features of chain store with
25. Yes, I agree with this 4
Explain any three other objectives of business. (Social/Personal)
26. Public Private Partnership 4
Explain any three features with
a) Personal touch Personal touch is There is no personal
b) Risk involved Less risk is involved. High risk is involved.
c) Setting up cost It is high. It is low.
d) Human Technically qualified & IT Semi-skilled & skilled
resource required professionals are labour required.
(4 * 1)
28. Business Ethics 4
Any three elements of business ethics with
29. Meaning of IPR: It refers to the special right to the creator for a 4
period, which is provided to him for the use of his creative work.
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a) Copyright: it refers to the right given to the creator on his
literary &artistic creations.
b) Patent: It refers to the right given to a creator as a result
of hiscreation of a new, useful & non-obvious product or
c) Trademark: It refers to the right given to the creator under
whichno other person or business concern can use his
‘well protected distinguishing identity.’
30. Any two services provided by retailer to wholesaler & consumer each. 4
31. It is Joint Stock Company. 6
Explain any five features with
32. Explain all three principles of insurance with the help of example. 6
(3 * 2)
33. Equity Shares, Preference Shares, Debentures (with 6
meaning)1 Advantage of each source
34. 1. Obtaining certificate of origin 6
2. Reservation of shipping space
3. Packing & Forwarding
4. Insurance of goods
5. Custom clearance
6. Obtaining mate’s
receipt.(6 * 1)

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