Iso 8573 3 1999
Iso 8573 3 1999
Iso 8573 3 1999
First edition
Compressed air —
Part 3:
Test methods for measurement of humidity
Air comprimé —
Partie 3: Méthodes d'essai pour mesurer le taux d'humidité
ISO 8573-3:1999
A Reference number
ISO 8573-3:1999(E)
ISO 8573-3:1999(E)
1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
4 Units .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
6 Sampling techniques............................................................................................................................................... 2
7 Measurement methods............................................................................................................................................ 3
9 Conversions from non-standard humidity units to standard format and vice versa ....................................... 5
10 Uncertainty ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
12 Test report .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Bibliography .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
© ISO 1999
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or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Genève 20 • Switzerland
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Printed in Switzerland
© ISO ISO 8573-3:1999(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO 8573-3 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 118 Compressors, pneumatic
tools and pneumatic machines, Subcommittee SC 4, Quality of compressed air.
ISO 8573 consists of the following parts, under the general title Compressed air
Part 3: Test methods for measurement of humidity
ISO 8573-3:1999(E) © ISO
This part of ISO 8573 is one in a series of International Standards (planned or published) with the aim of
harmonizing air contamination measurements. It is also intended to be used for reference when stating air purity
class according to ISO 8573-1.
Compressed air —
Part 3:
Test methods for measurement of humidity
1 Scope
This part of ISO 8573 provides guidance on selection from the available suitable methods for measurement of
humidity in compressed air and specifies the limitations of the various methods.
It does not provide methods for measurement of water content in states other than vapour.
This part of ISO 8573 specifies sampling techniques, measurement, evaluation, uncertainty considerations and
reporting for the air contamination parameter humidity.
It gives guidance for the conversion of humidity statements to the standard format.
ISO 3857-1, Compressors, pneumatic tools and machines — Vocabulary — Part 1: General.
For the purposes of this part of ISO 8573, the terms and definitions given in ISO 3857-1 and ISO 5598 and the
specific humidity terms and definitions given in ISO 7183 apply.
4 Units
For the purposes of this part of ISO 8573, the following non-preferred SI units are used:
1 l (litre) = 0,001 m³
ISO 8573-3:1999(E) © ISO
The methods available for measuring humidity, their grade of uncertainty and their preferred range of use are listed
in Table 1.
6 Sampling techniques ISO 8573-3:1999
6.1 General f4f157c31954/iso-8573-3-1999
Dew point can be measured at atmospheric pressure or under actual pressure conditions. The pressure to which
the dew point is referred shall be stated. It is important that the air flow is controlled within the upper and lower limits
to prevent damage to the probe and to ensure that a representative measurement is made.
The probe is inserted in the main air flow stream, but protected against free water and other contaminants and used
within the stated lower and upper limits of flow velocity for the measurement system. Bypass
The probe is installed in a small bypass tube. In this way the flow velocity to which the probe is exposed may be
controlled. Extraction
The probe is installed in a small extraction tube which conducts an air sample from the main air flow stream into the
measurement chamber, where the measurement is made under system pressure.
The probe is installed in a chamber into which an air flow is fed from the main air stream. Before measurement, the
pressure is reduced to a suitable measuring pressure (normally atmospheric).
© ISO ISO 8573-3:1999(E)
6.3.1 The measurements carried out depend on the reproducibility of the method and the experience of the parties
involved in the provision of measurement facilities.
6.3.2 Materials used for conducting the air into the sampling system shall not affect the water vapour content of the
sample. See C.2 in annex C.
6.3.4 The sampling system temperature shall be higher than the measured dew point.
6.3.5 The measurement system shall have reached a steady state before any measurement takes place and shall
be kept steady during measurement. The readings from two consecutive measurements taken with at least 20 min
interval shall not differ by more than the accuracy of the measuring system.
7 Measurement methods
Tables 2 to 9 list a number of methods for humidity measurement, including limitations on application, measurement
pressure and temperature. Descriptions of the different methods can be found in annex C. Some non-preferred
methods are described in annex D.
Consideration shall be given to the measurement system integrity and the calibration requirements of the
measurement equipment which shall be used as described in applicable instructions and International Standards.
It shall be proven that the equipment used is capable of achieving the uncertainty required within the specified
range and tolerance. (
Any method shall only be used within the upper orISO 8573-3:1999
lower limits of its range of operation.
Check and consider calibration records. f4f157c31954/iso-8573-3-1999
ISO 8573-3:1999(E) © ISO
Table 4 — Chilled mirror (condensation) with automatic mist detection and temperature-measuring device
Table 5 — Chemical reaction method using direct-reading (glass) tubes with hygroscopic content
© ISO ISO 8573-3:1999(E)
Unless otherwise agreed, the reference conditions for humidity statements are:
9 Conversions from non-standard humidity units to standard format and vice versa
The relative humidity value for a known air sample at a known temperature can be recalculated to a dew point
temperature using the table in ISO 7183:1986, Annex C, which gives values for saturation pressures and densities
of water vapour at different temperatures.
Read the saturation vapour pressure for the actual temperature and multiply this by the percentage relative
humidity. In the table, read the dew point temperature corresponding to the actual partial vapour pressure.
Dew point at atmospheric pressure (1 bar absolute) is erroneously but commonly referred to as "atmospheric dew
point". It represents an imaginary dew point and is not an acceptable term for describing the water content.
Water to dry air mass mixing ratio: use the table in ISO 7183:1986, annex C.
Water to wet air mass mixing ratio: use the table in ISO 7183:1986, annex C.
ISO 8573-3:1999(E) © ISO
10 Uncertainty
NOTE Calculation of the probable uncertainty according to this clause is not always necessary.
Due to the nature of physical measurements, it is impossible to measure a physical quantity without error or, in fact,
to determine the true uncertainty of any one particular measurement. However, if the conditions of the measurement
are sufficiently well known, it is possible to estimate or calculate a characteristic deviation of the measured value
from the true value, such that it can be asserted with a certain degree of confidence that the true error is less than
the said deviation. The value of such a deviation, together with its confidence level (normally 95%), constitutes a
criterion of the accuracy of the particular measurement.
It is assumed that all systematic uncertainties that may occur in the measurement of the individual quantities
measured and of the characteristics of the gas may be compensated for by corrections. A further assumption is that
the confidence limits in uncertainties in reading and integration errors may be negligible if the number of readings is
sufficient. The (small) systematic uncertainties that may occur are covered by the inaccuracy of measurements.
Quality classifications and limits of uncertainty are often invoked for ascertaining the uncertainty of individual
measurement because apart from the exceptions (e.g. electrical transducers), they constitute only a fraction of the
quality class or the limit of uncertainty.
Information on the uncertainty of the measurement of the individual quantities measured and on the confidence
limits of the gas properties are approximations. These approximations can only be improved at a disproportionate
expense (see ISO 2602 and ISO 2854).
12 Test report
The report used to declare humidity in accordance with this part of ISO 8573 shall contain the following information:
a) a description of the compressed air system and its working conditions, with sufficient detail to determine the
applicability of the declared concentration value;
c) a description of the sampling and measurement system used (particularly materials used) and details of its
calibration record;
d) the words "Declared pressure dew point in accordance with ISO 8573-3", followed by:
1) the actual, average measured value evaluated as described in clause 8 and expressed in degrees Celsius,
referring to the actual conditions;
2) the actual, average measured value evaluated as described in clause 8 and expressed in degrees Celsius,
and calculated to refer to the reference conditions;
© ISO ISO 8573-3:1999(E)
Annex A
In the compressed air system at XX Industries, consisting of four air compressors, aftercoolers and refrigerant type
dryers, with one compressor standby, two compressors working full load and one compressor loaded approximately
50% and working at 7 bar(e) network pressure, measurements on the humidity were made in the system where the
supply pipe enters the B-shop.
Samples were taken regularly at 1 h intervals during 48 h during the days 1996-01-23 to 1996-01-25.
The measurements were made using a condensation-type dew point meter type XX with an uncertainty of ± 0,5 °C.
The declared pressure dew point in accordance with ISO 8573-3 is:
Pressure dew point +1 °C ± 0,5 °C at actual conditions
6,6 bar(e), 26 °C (
Recalculated pressure dew point + 3 °C ±ISO 0,58573-3:1999
°C at reference conditions
7 bar(e), 20 °C.