SW 26 Probable Cause Affidavit - Redacted
SW 26 Probable Cause Affidavit - Redacted
SW 26 Probable Cause Affidavit - Redacted
Lieutenant Jeffrey C. Hearon, of the Indiana State Police Department, swears or affirms that he
believes and has probable cause to believe that certain documents, hereinafter described is
concealed in, or upon, the following described property, to wit:
II 9%".
" ' ' '
Any and all employment application documents, to include but not limited to resumes, job
history, Clark County Merit Deputy Promotion Documents, Clark County Jail Deputy
Documents, recommendation letters, background investigation documents and notes, oral
interview recordings and notes, and reference letters for Bradley Kramer, DOB .
l, Indiana State Police Lieutenant Jeffrey C. Hearon, being a duly sworn peace officer for the
State of lndiana, have been employed by the Indiana State Police for 35 years.
Your affiant, Jeffrey C. Hearon, officer with the Indiana State Police, being
a law enforcement
duly sworn, swears and affirms under penalties for perjury that the following statements are true
and accurate to the best of my knowledge:
I am a police officer with the Indiana State Police. I have been a police officer with the Indiana
State Police since 11/13/1988. I am a "law enforcement officer" as that term is defined in Ind.
Code 35-31.5-2-185.
Iam currently assigned as a Lieutenant to the Area V Field Investigations of the Indiana State
Police. In connection with my official duties, I am involved in investigations relating to violations
of the Indiana Criminal Code.
I have received training relating to the enforcement of the Indiana Criminal Code, including the
A. My initial training at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy in 1988. I
have satisfied the minimum basic training requirements established by rules adopted by the
law enforcement training board under I.C. 5-2-1-9 and described in I.C. 35-37-4
B. I have attended numerous additional trainings; see attached transcripts.
In support of affiant's assertion of Probable Cause, the following facts are known to affiant, to
On June l3, 2023, I was assigned a criminal investigation after current Clark County Sheriff
Scott Maples reported several criminal allegations of Official Misconduct against Former Clark
County Sheriff Jamey Noel. Jamey Noel was the Clark County Sheriff from January I, 2015,
through December 31, 2022.
I was directed to contact Chief Deputy Sheriff Mark Grube for specific allegations and witness
information. On June 22, 2023, I contacted Chief Grube, and he advised there were several
allegations some of which were as follows:
Jamey Noel and/or Bradley Kramer submitted fictitious Clark County Merit Deputy
Pension documents to allow Bradley Kramer, Sheriff Noel's brother in-law, to receive a
twenty-percent Merit Deputy pension to which he was not entitled.
Jamey Noel assigned four of the Clark County Jail Maintenance employees to work on
his rental property, private business buildings (New Chapel EMS and Utica Township
Volunteer Fire Fighters Association), pole barn, cars, and private residence while being
on duty and being paid as Clark County employees.
Jamey Noel sold county vehicles and equipment, at a discount price, to employees who
worked on his personal vehicles, property, and non-profit businesses.
Jamey Noel, as sheriff, received millions of dollars in military surplus equipment and he
and Kenneth Hughbanks acquire some of this property for their personal use.
Colonel Grube explained, Sheriff Noel took office on January l, 2015, and one of his first acts
was to promote Lt. Scott Conlen to Executive Director of Corrections, Sam Beard to Jail
Commander, and Lt. Mark Grube to Jail Investigator. According to Colonel Grube, Bradley
Kramer was ajail officer and was unknown to Sheriff Noel at the time he took office. Colonel
Grube indicated Bradley Kramer began to date and eventually married Jamey Noel's wife's sister
in 2016-2017.
Prior to 2018 Bradley Kramer was ajail offlCer and therefore was not eligible for a Clark County
Merit Deputy pension. Bradley Kramer was promoted to Clark County Matron in 2018, which
made him eligible for the sheriff's pension program. Colonel Grube stated he believed Jamey
Noel intentionally altered promotion documents, and Bradley Kramer knowingly submitted the
documents, to receive an eight-year pension of twenty percent to which he was not entitled.
Colonel Grube provided me with two applications for purchase pension documents dated
09/17/2020 and 06/30/2020 and other supporting records. A review of the records indicated
many original reports had been altered.
I contacted former Clark County Sheriff's Department Human Resource Director, Phil Parker,
and questioned him regarding his interaction with Jamey Noel and Brad Kramer about the two
pension applications. Mr. Parker confirmed that he received two sets of documents from Bradley
Kramer and explained the first set appeared accurate and listed Bradley Kramer's work history as
being ajail officer for four years and a matron and merit deputy for the remaining time.
According to Mr. Parker, the second set of application records and supporting documents
appeared to indicate Mr. Kramer was promoted to Clark County Jail Matron on January l, 2015,
making him eligible for a twenty percent pension when Sheriff Noel lefi ofiice.
I attempted to interview both Jamey Noel and Bradley Kramer, however both declined to be
lwas made aware that Bradley Kramer had applied for and was hired as an Indiana University
South Police Officer and contacted lU South Chief Steve Miller. l requested Bradley Kramer's
IU Officer's Job Application packet and resume to compare his IU Officer Application to
documents submitted for the Merit Deputy pension. Indiana University Legal Division informed
me they required a court order to obtain anyjob application documents. l was informed the
documents would be made ready and would be released upon submission of a search warrant.
Based on the above information, I am requesting a search warrant be issued for the
Indiana University Administration Building, 107 South Indiana University, Bloomington
Indiana, 47405
I am currently investigating a ghost employment, tax evasion, theft, corrupt business practices
and official misconduct case involving Former Clark County Sheriff and current Utica Volunteer
Fire Fighters Association, Chief Jamey Noel and his associates. I anticipate providing the special
prosecutor with additional information for potential additional charges as the State Board of
Accounts and the Indiana Department of Revenue complete their audits and investigations.
The facts set forth in this affidavit are based upon my own personal observations, my training
and experience, and information obtained during this investigation, along with my mapping and
analysis of the data. Therefore, based on the above facts, l have probable cause to believe, and do
believe, that evidence of the commissions of felonies, in violation(s) of Indiana Code 35-44.l-l-
3 Ghost Employment, 35-43-4-2 Theft, 35-44.1-2-2 Obstruction of Justice, 35-45-6-2 Corrupt
Business Influence, 35-44.l-l-] Official Misconduct, and 6-3-6-11 Tax Evasion property related
to the commission of said felonies.
Ideclare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Iswear (affinn), under penalty of perjury as specified by IC 35-442-1 , that the foregoing
representations are true.
Most Recent
Organization Active Dates Title/Rank Employment Type Appointment Type Status
Indiana State Police 03/01/2022 -
Current Lieutenant Active
[Training 1
03/01/2023 12/31/2023 6h 0m
-up 0 6 /1 2 /2023
. . Graduated -
Firearms Inservxce Make-up Phase
1 2023 01/01/2023 12/31/2023 0.00% 6h 0m
06 '02 /2023
Control Tactics Inservice -
Putnamville DTs Phase
Enrolled 6h 0m
11 08-30-2023
C curse/Title (Course No.) Training Dales Grade Status Categooi Hours
Legal Update -
Putnamville Legal Update 06-28- Graduated -
06/28/2023 06/28/2023 4h 0m
2023 0800 07/28/2023
06/12/2023 06/12/2023 6h 0m
Make-up 06-12-2023 06/12/2023
04/13/2023 04/13/2023 5h 0m
Strategies for Investigations 04-13-2023 04/13/2023
4h 10m
02/01/2023 03/31/202"3
AED Recertification 03/31/2023
4th Amendment: Search and Seizure 02-03-2023 02/03/2023 02/03/2023 N/A Completed 2h 0m
11/30/2022 11/30/2022 4h 0m
AM session only 11/30/2022
1 1/09/2022 '1/09/20'2
a 5" 0'"
111 & Tac Med 11-09-2022 11/09/2022
Human Traffickmg -
2022 Human Traflick1ng Indlana Code
11/05/2022 11/05/2022 Completed 1h 0m
rammg Mandated
Cr1rn1nal Intelllgence -
2022 Asset Forfelture Completed -
Mandated 0h 15m
Emergency Commumcation Boards Passed . .
08/15/2022 08/15/2022 0h 0m
Computer Refresh Deployment 08-15-2022 1030 08/15/2022
Impaired Driving -
2022 June Breath Test Graduated -
06/01/2022 06/30/2022 2h 0m
Recertification 06/30/2022
EVO lnserv1ce -
2022 H1gh R1sk Traffic Stops -
0 6/26/2022 0 6/2 6/2022 Completed 1h 0m
EVO Operat1ons
Legal Update -
Putnamville Legal Update 06-07- Graduated -
Firearms Inservice -
Putnamville Firearms Phase Graduated -
W9" cameras ' 2021 Am" cap'"re
11/10/2021 11/10/2021 Completed ISP Mandated 0h 30m
Firearms Inservice Putnamville Firearrns Phase
Graduated -
11/03/2021 11/03/2021
'3 5h 30m
111 11-032021 11/03/2021
Tac Med Inservice 2021 Red Cross CPR and
Graduated -
0" 0m
12-2021 0930 State Time 10/12/2021
. Graduated -
EVO lnserv1ce -
D52 EVO 10 l -7-021 1100 -
10/01/2021 10/01/2021 1h 0m
Tac Med Inservice Tac Med & F TT Make-up
Graduated -
09/24/2021 09/24/2021 7h 0m
September 24' 202] 09/24/2021
Control Tactics Inservice Putnamville CTs Phase
Graduated -
09/22/2021 09/22/2021 5h 0m
11 9224021 0902/2021
External Training Requests Enhanced -
Graduated -
06/15/2021 06/15/2021
Graduated -
4h 0m
2021 0800 06/15/2021
Body Worn Cameras BWC Commander - -
("3/02/2021 06/02/2021
Graduated -
4h 0'"
Training 06-02-202] 1300-1700 06/02/2021
Control Tactics Inservice Putnamville CTs Phase
Graduated .
05/12/2021 05/12/2021 6h 0m
1 05-12-2021 05/12/2021
Firearms Inservice Putnamville Firearms Phase I
Graduated -
F1rearms 1nserv1ce -
Firearms 2020 Makeup 07/15/2020 12/51/2020 0.00/o 7h 0m
Mental Illness -
2020 Mental Illness and Police Completed -
Ind1ana Code
12/29/2020 12/29/2020 1h 0m
Response Passed Mandated
Health Management Tra1n1ng -
2020 Sleep Completed -
"9"?" Inserv'ce ' 2020 T3" Med Online 11/13/2020 11/13/2020 Completed ISP Mandated 1h 0m
Firearms lnservice -
2020 Wea p" ns Cleanin g
. . 11/12/2020 11/12/2020 Completed Mandated 1h 20m
Tra1n1ng . .
T raining
. Graduated -
EVO lnserv1ce -
D52 EVO 11-11-2020 1000 11/11/2020 11/11/2020 1h 0m
C°mpleted '
EVO lnservice 2020 EVO Online Training
10/09/2020 10/09/2020 veh'd'? 1h 0m
Passed Operatlons
Impaired Driving -
2020 June Breath Test Graduated -
06/01/2020 06/30/2020 2h 0m
Recertification 06/30/2020
02/05/2020 02/05/2020 3h 0m
Training 02-05-2020 1300-1600 02/05/2020
External Training Requests Child Abduction -
Graduated -
11/06/2019 11/06/2019 1h 0m
11-06-20190900 11/06/2019
. ,
EVO Inserv1ce D51 EVO 10-11-20191250
10/11/2019 10/11/2019
Graduated -
2h 0m
External Training Requests Crime Assessment -
Graduated _
Human Trafficking -
2019 -
Human Trafficking 07/28/2019 07/28/2019 ""16th ' Ind'ana C°de
1h 0m
Passed Mandated
Firearms lnservice -
Putnamville Firearms Phase II Graduated -
05/01/2019 05/01/2019 6h 0m
FTT 05-01-2019 05/01/2019
Firearms lnservice Columbus PD Firearms Phase
Graduated -
01/25/2019 01/25/2019 8h 0m
Jewiss Sandy Hook 01/25/2019
Completed -
08/23/2018 11/01/2018 1h 0m
Training in ACADlS Passed
De p arted -
10/16/2018 10/19/2018 0h 0m
October 10/19/2018
Phase ll
Firearms Phase 11 Makeup 9-14-18 09/14/2018 09/14/2018 N/A Completed Firearms 4h 0m
WT4510 Firearms Training: Phase I (WT4510) 05/10/2018 05/10/2018 N/A Passed Firearms 4h 0m
E09307 Field Tactics and Techniques (1309307) 03/26/2018 03/26/2018 Passed
:2; date d 4h 0m
Phase H (053
"452°.F1'em3 T'a'mng' 10/19/2017 10/19/2017 N/A Completed 4h 0m
M03001 Ethics (100 On-line Computer) 10/17/2017 10/17/2017 N/A Completed 0h 30m
E05606 NIMS 200 (100 On-line Computer) 05/31/2017 05/31/2017 N/A Completed 4h 0m
E05611 NIMS 700 (100 On-line Computer) 05/31/2017 05/31/2017 N/A Completed 3h 0m
E05613 NIMS 800 (100 0n-line Computer) 05/31/2017 05/31/2017 N/A Completed 3h 0m
E09307 Field Tactics and Techniques (016 Peru) 03/20/2017 03/20/2017 N/A Completed 4h 0m
Phase I (053
"451°.F"eams T'a'mng' 04/29/2016 04/29/2016 N/A Completed 4h 0m
DT5001 Defenswe Tactlcs Recert Phase 1 ISP
04/15/2016 04/15/2016 N/A Completed 4h 0m
(053 Putnamville)
LE9765 Internal Investigations (052 Indianapolis) 04/06/2016 04/06/2016 N/A Completed 3h 0m
"m5 1°.F"ea'ms T'a'mng' R'fie Trainin (053 11/03/2015 11/03/2015 N/A 6h 30m
"9501 IRUA ""fO' Resource use Ag'em'") ('00 10/19/2015 10/19/2015 N/A 1h Om
On-llne Computer)
M03001 Ethics (100 On-Iine Computer) 10/13/2015 10/13/2015 N/A Completed 1h 0m
phase H (0'3
"452°.F'mmms T'a'mng' 09/17/2015 09/17/2015 N/A Completed 6h 0m
""56"" Tram" (053 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 N/A 2h 0m
E06100 Situational AWI'IISS & Dcisn Mkng under 7
06/16/..015 06/16/2015 N/A Completed 4h 0m
Stres (053 Putnam/me)
FT1500 Superintendent's In Service Training
06/16/2015 06/16/2015 N/A Completed 3h 0m
Sessio (053 Pumamme)
DT5001 Defensive Tactics Recert Phase ISP 1
06/10/2015 06/10/2015 N/A Completed 2h 30m
(053 Pumamville)
""723. Inte C°g"""e (033 05/20/2015 05/20/2015 N/A Completed 16h 0m
WT45'0.F"""""S Tm'mng: (053
05/11/2015 05/11/2015 N/A Completed 8h 0m
FR3220 Tour'l'que' Appl'ca"°" T'a'mng' 335'"
04/21/2015 04/21/2015 N/A Completed 2h Gm
(053 PutnamVllle)
Force cemfica'm" (089 04/13/2015 04/17/2015 N/A Completed 40h 0m
IN2790 Sexual Harassment (100 On-line
01/30/2015 01/30/2015 N/A Completed 1h 0m
FT3449 Stndrdized Field Sobrty Test Instr Refrshr
11/26/2014 11/26/2014 N/A Completed 411 0m
(053 Putnmville)
FT4278 TOPS (Gov. Coun) Seat Belt For the -
WT4520 Firearms Training: Phase II (089 Other) 08/30/2013 08/30/2013 N/A Completed 6h 0m
""150 .EVO 'n'sew'ce Training (053 06/18/2013 06/18/2013 N/A 1h 0m
"150° summende." 5 1" semce T'a'mg 06/18/2013 06/18/2013 N/A 3h 0m
Ses51o (053 Putnamv1lle) Completed
IN 1594 Rem" Manageme'" Sysmm use" (05'
06/14/2013 06/14/2013 N/A 2h 0m
Race" Phase' ISP
DT5°01.Def°"S.'"eTa°"cs 04/24/2013 04/24/2013 N/A Completed 4h 0m
(052 lndlanapolls)
FR3200 First Aid (052 Indianapolis) 04/24/2013 04/24/2013 N/A Completed 4h 0m
DRJZO' .D'W'"g "gram/Chargers (053
04/11/2013 04/11/2013 N/A Completed 1h 0m
IRUA (l fo Remurce use Agremnt) (089
02/28/2013 02/28/2013 N/A Completed 0h 30m
30"] Network" (089 02/05/2013 02/06/2013 N/A 17h 0m
Othe Completed
IN2790 Sexual Harassment (100 On-line
01/23/2013 01/23/2013 N/A Completed 0h 30m
DT5002 Defensive Tactics Recert Phase ll ISP
ll/08/20l2 11/08/2012 N/A Completed 2h 0m
(089 Other)
WT4520 Firearms Training: Phase II (089 Other) 11/08/2012 11/08/2012 N/A Completed 6h 0m
DR3150 EVO In-Service Training (053
10/17/2012 10/17/2012 N/A Completed 2h 0m
LE9565 Legal Update/Refresher (053
09/17/2012 09/17/2012 N/A Completed 1h 0m
Law Emmemem conference (089
09/13/2012 09/13/2012 N/A Completed 8h 0m
1N0252 Valuable Metals Thefi (053 Putnamville) 09/02/2009 09/02/2009 N/A Completed 0h 30m
"wesugat'on In
1C6 (065 04/30/2009 04/30/2009 N/A 6h 0m
WT4510.F"63""5 T'a'mng (053
LE1050 Human Trafficking (053 Putnamville) 11/03/2008 11/03/2008 N/A Completed 1h 30m
WT4530.F"9"""S Training'
Phase "I (053 09/22/2008 09/22/2008 N/A 6h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (051 Pendleton) 08/12/2008 08/12/2008 N/A Completed 8h 30m
WT452°.F"C"""S T'a'm'g:
Phase " (053 08/01/2008 08/01/2008 N/A 6h 0m
ST] 180 ERT Training (051 Pendleton) 04/15/2008 04/16/2008 N/A Completed 17h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (051 Pendleton) 01/15/2008 01/17/2008 N/A Completed 25h Om
DP1244 Lap Top Training (053 Putnamville) 11/30/2007 11/30/2007 N/A Completed 1h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 11/14/2007 11/15/2007 N/A Completed 17h 0m
3'11 180 ERT Training (051 Pendleton) 10/16/2007 10/17/2007 N/A Completed 10h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (082 Camp Atterbury) 09/24/2007 09/28/2007 N/A Completed 42h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 09/1 1/2007 09/12/2007 N/A Completed 17h 0m
WT4510 Firearms Training: Phase I (089 Other) 07/12/2007 07/12/2007 N/A Completed 8h 30m
ST] 180 ERT Training (089 Other) 07/10/2007 07/12/2007 N/A Completed 17h 0m
"L700 Swenmende." s 1" sen/"3e T'a'mng 06/22/2007 06/22/2007 N/A 4h 0m
SeSSIO (053 PutnamVllle)
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 06/19/2007 06/22/2007 N/A Completed 25h 0m
DR3150 EVO In-Service Training (089 Other) 06/05/2007 06/05/2007 N/A Completed 1h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 04/10/2007 04/11/2007 N/A Completed 17h 0m
"3450 Smd'd'm F'e'd sob" Tes' (SFST) (053 03/28/2007 03/28/2007 N/A 4h 0m
DT4275 PR-24/DT Training Phase (089 Other) 03/15/2007
1 03/15/2007 N/A Completed 8h 30m
ST] 130 ERT Training (089 Other) 03/14/2007 03/14/2007 N/A Completed 8h 30m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 01/23/2007 01/25/2007 N/A Completed 8h 30m
W453°.F"ea'ms T'a'mng'
Phase I" (053 12/11/2006 N/A
12/11/2006 Completed 4h 0m
DT445° Rewmficam" 2 (053
.PR'24 12/06/2006 12/06/2006 N/A Completed 8h 30m
ST1180 ERT Training (054 Terre Haute) 10/17/2006 10/18/2006 N/A Completed 17h 0m
"9401 lRUA ("'fO' Remrce use Ag'emn') "'53
10/15/2006 10/15/2006 N/A Completed 1h 0m
W452°.F"ea'ms Tra'mng
Phase " (053 09/28/2006 09/28/2006 N/A Completed 4h 30m
M62580 Law Enforcement conference (084
09/25/2006 09/27/2006 N/A Completed 16h 0m
Sheraton Marten House)
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 09/12/2006 09/ 14/2006 N/A Completed 26h 0m
FTlSOO Superintendent's In Service Training
06/28/2006 06/28/2006 N/A Completed 3h 0m
Sessio (053 Putnamville)
F T2105 5T0 Rafmhe' Trainin (053
06/28/2006 06/28/2006 N/A Completed 3h 0m
505600 SEMA 'lnc'dem command Sy5t°m1053
06/21/2006 06/21/2006 N/A Completed 3h 0m
Phase ' (053
WT451°.F"°3""S T'a'm'g' 05/23/2006 05/23/2006 N/A Completed 4h 0m
"MS"gmors SCh'm' 103' 05/19/2006 05/19/2006 N/A 7h 30m
giggi'iaCkground Completed
DR3900 Pursuit Management for Supervisors -
ST1180 ERT Training (054 Terre Haute) 01/ 19/2006 0 1/ 19/2006 N/A Completed 8h 30m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 12/20/2005 12/20/2005 N/A Completed 8h 30m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 10/18/2005 10/19/2005 N/A Completed 17h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 08/30/2005 08/31/2005 N/A Completed 17h 0m
ST] 180 ERT Training (089 Other) 06/14/2005 06/24/2005 N/A Completed 8h 0m
FT3100 Breath Test Recertification (080 I.L.E.A.) 06/22/2005 06/22/2005 N/A Completed 4h 0m
ST2590 weap°ns "Mass Desm'cm" Training
06/14/2005 06/17/2005 N/A Completed 24h 0m
(089 Other)
ST1180 ERT Training (039 Other) 05/26/2005 05/26/2005 N/A Completed 8h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 05/03/2005 05/05/2005 N/A Completed 25h 0m
ST] 180 ERT Training (089 Other) 04/13/2005 04/14/2005 N/A Completed 17h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 03/15/2005 03/16/2005 N/A Completed 17h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 02/08/2005 02/09/2005 N/A Completed 17h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 01/24/2005 01/25/2005 N/A Completed 17h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 12/ 16/2004 12/17/2004 N/A Completed 16h 0m
(095 Him)"
12/10/2004 12/10/2004 N/A Completed 4h 0m
ST1 '75 ERT Teams and C°mmand°"1~rai"i"g
11/15/2004 11/19/2004 N/A Completed 40h 0m
(089 Other)
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 11/11/2004 11/12/2004 N/A Completed 16h 0m
WT] 100 F ireamis instructor 45 (089 Other) 11/01/2004 11/05/2004 N/A Completed 40h 0m
ST1 180 ERT Training (089 Other) 10/13/2004 10/14/2004 N/A Completed 16h 0m
M01360 Leadership Seminar (089 Other) 10/06/2004 10/08/2004 N/A Completed 24h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 09/08/2004 09/10/2004 N/A Completed 24h 0m
WT4530 Firearms Training: Phase 111 (089 Other) 08/30/2004 03/30/2004 N/A Completed 4h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 08/04/2004 08/05/2004 N/A Completed 16h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 07/13/2004 07/14/2004 N/A Completed 16h 0m
P'fomnce Mngmt LdrShip
07/12/2004 07/14/2004 N/A Completed 17h 0m
1:33; gegegaStering
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 06/22/2004 06/23/2004 N/A Completed 16h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 05/27/2004 05/28/2004 N/A Completed 16h 0m
Phase H (053
\VT4520.Fi'ea""S Tm'mng' 05/19/2004 05/19/2004 Ni'A Completed 4h 0m
WT45 Phase
'0.F"ca""s "3"""31 (053
o4/15/2004 04/15/2004 N/A Completed 4h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 04/14/2004 04/14/2004 N/A Completed 8h 0m
STl 180 ERT Training (089 Other) 03/09/2004 03/10/2004 N/A Completed 16h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 02/10/2004 02/11/2004 N/A Completed 16h 0m
WT4530.Fi'ea'ms T'a'mng'
Phase "I (053 07/15/2003 07/15/2003 N/A 4h 0m
, PR 24
. .
Re?°"'fi°at'°" (095
_ 1
02/12/2003 02/12/2003 N/A Completed 8h 0m
Head, South Carolina)
FR3450 Flrst Responder Recertlficatlon RTWR -
IN1055 Auto Thefi and Fraud (052 Indianapolis) 10/03/2000 10/03/2000 N/A Completed 4h 0m
IN6415 Background Investigators School (052
09/07/2000 09/07/2000 N/A Completed 8h 0m
1N9782 Suspect ID (052 Indianapolis) 08/31/2000 08/31/2000 N/A Completed 8h 0m
FT 1500 Superintendent's In Service Training
06/02/1999 06/02/1999 N/A Completed 4h 0m
Sessio (089 Other)
WT3050 Firearms 1nservice Training (053
04/06/1999 04/06/1999 N/A Completed 6h 0m
Pu tnamville)
LA6230 Forensic Investigation (052 Indianapolis) 01/06/1999 01/06/1999 N/A Completed 6h 0m
N/A 8h Gm
12/31/1998 12/31/1998 Completed
(089 Other)
IN9473 MAGLOCLEN COU" Presenmt'Ons (089
11/16/1998 11/17/1998 N/A Completed 12h 0m
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 09/27/1998 10/02/1998 N/A Completed 63h 0m
RS2500 Instructor Development (089 Other) 10/27/1997 10/3 1/ 1997 N/A Completed 40h 0m
DT4280 PR/Pefens've Tactics T'a'"'"g ' Phase H
10/02/1997 10/02/1997 N/A Completed 6h Gm
(053 PutnamVlIIe)
"B430 Fm" lieslmde' Recemfica"°" ' RTWR 09/03/1997 09/03/1997 N/A 8h Gm
(053 Putnamv1lle)
"150° SUPer'"'e"d'?""5 1" gem" Tra'mng 08/04/1997 08/04/1997 N/A 7h 0m
SeSSlo (053 Putnamv1lle)
IN3530 Criminal Interdiction (014 Lafayette) 06/18/1997 06/19/1997 N/A Completed 12h 0m
IN9781 Violent Crimes Investlgatlve Analyst (083
06/17/1997 06/19/1997 N/A Completed 24h 0m
IMPD Academy)
IN6310 Homicide Investigations (089 Other) 06/09/1997 06/ 13/1997 N/A Completed 40h 0m
IN3530 Criminal Interdiction (014 Lafayette) 06/02/1997 06/03/1997 N/A Completed 12h 0m
ST1165 ERT Seminar (082 Camp Atterbury) 03/27/1995 03/28/1995 N/A Completed 20h 0m
DT4280 PR/Defensxve Tactlcs Tralnlng Phase
12/31/1994 12/31/1994 N/A Completed 4h Gm
(050 Area V)
ST3500 TIP'TaCt'caI Immem'm' Plato"
12/15/1994 12/15/1994 N/A Completed 3h 0m
Recertifi (052 Indianapolis)
;/ STATE ((2; For:
POLICE a PE# 5201
ST1180 ERT Training (089 Other) 10/ 19/ 1994 10/21/ 1994 N/A Completed 24h 0m
1N3700 MarlJuana Detectlon and Eradlcatlon (083
06/13/1994 06/17/1994 N/A Completed 40h 0m
1MPD Academy)
"1800 super'V'ende"? S 1" semce "am"'g
04/26/1994 04/27/1994 N/A 1311 0m
Sessm (052 lndlanapolls)
DT'mS ' Phase I (053
.PR'24/DT T'a'mng 04/19/1994 04/19/1994 N/A Completed 4h 0m
ST3200 TIP-Tactical Intervention Platoon N/A 3h 0m
04/07/1994 04/07/1994 Completed
Recertifi (089 Other)
FT7400 RADAR Operator Recertification -
FT3100 Breath Test Recertification (089 Other) 09/30/1993 09/30/ 1993 N/A Completed 0h 30m
DR3300 EVO Driving Seminar (080 I.L.E.A.) 06/11/1991 06/12/1991 N/A Completed 0h 30m
[Education l
PeopleSoft ID 1022768
PSID 7667-9805
Radio 53-80