ARISE Finland Handbook 2024
ARISE Finland Handbook 2024
ARISE Finland Handbook 2024
Aug 22 - Nov 16
Why We Exist
The Story
Other Components
The Story
Who We Are
Personal Life
Everyday Life
The Process
So you’re considering ARISE? Awesome. Maybe you heard about us from your pastor, a friend, the internet, or your brother-
in-law’s second cousin who spoke at a church conference last year. Regardless of how the idea got into your head, we’re
excited that God might be leading you in our direction.
Maybe you already know where your life is headed. Maybe you don’t. Either way, we believe God has a beautiful story for
your life and it's found in Scripture: you were meant to be a disciple-maker. No matter what career you choose—pastor,
poet, plumber—Jesus has called all His followers to be disciple-making disciples.
The inclosed information is designed to give you a clear picture of what ARISE is all about. If you still have questions after
reading, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. We’re excited about the possibility of you joining our program. At the
end of the day, we pray that God will use ARISE in a mighty way to make more committed disciples of Jesus.
ARISE exists to make disciple-making disciples.
We are a discipleship training program and it’s our mission to empower people to understand, experience, and share the
gospel in whatever life-path they pursue or setting they find themselves in. We want to equip the church and saturate the
world with gospel-centered disciples who are devoted to God and passionate about ministry in light of who He has
designed them to be.
So whether you want to be a pastor, a plumber, or a biomedical engineer, we want to inspire and equip you to fulfill the
gospel commission. Because we are all called to tell His story and make disciples.
Get With The
The ARISE program is made up of two main components: in-class instruction and hands-on ministry experience. We call our
curriculum The Story. With over 290 hours of instruction, it forms the major part of the program. Classes are divided into
three categories: The Story, The Telling, and Biblical Doctrines. For the hands-on portion of the program, students spend
approximately 100 hours doing various forms of outreach in the community.
Our team is committed to providing a program and environment that lends itself to academic and spiritual excellence. We
pour our hearts and souls into helping our students reach their full ministry potential. But we'll be the first to admit that
ARISE is a little—and sometimes very—intense. During the 13 weeks, we try to include as much instruction, training, and
ministry opportunity as possible without overloading our students. This is not an easy tightrope to walk, so we encourage
our students to minimize distractions and maintain a healthy lifestyle so they can gain as much as possible from the training
provided. Furthermore, due to the intensity of the course, students are not permitted to work or be employed while
attending ARISE.
This year’s ARISE program runs from Aug 22 to Nov 16. Students should plan to arrive for registration and move into their
accommodation on Aug 21 2024.
The Bible is the most incredible book ever written. It’s full of stories, poetry, prophecies, songs, science, romance, history,
and much more. However, because of this astounding diversity, we often view the Bible the same way we view a church
potluck: some things look amazing, some intriguing, and some are downright scary. And we can’t seem to find a common
thread tying any of it together.
At ARISE, we believe the Bible isn’t just a list of ethics or a collection of random stories and historical documents. Rather, it
is one big story—the story. From Genesis to Revelation, Old Testament to New, it’s a grand narrative of God redeeming
humanity and revealing His character through His Son, Jesus Christ. We’ve titled our curriculum The Story because we
believe the Bible is best understood when we keep this framework in mind. Seeing the Bible as a story gives us a clearer
picture of who God is, what He’s like, and what His plan is for the world and for each of us individually. It also gives us a
clear direction and sense of place when we study the Bible. Everything in Scripture fits somewhere in the narrative.
The story also changes us experientially. As we study, the Bible reveals our role in the story, showing us where we’ve come
from, where we are, and where we’re going. And by extension, we learn how to teach others where they’ve come from,
where they are, and where they’re going, which is essentially what it means to be a disciple-making disciple.
We’ve divided The Story into seven chronological chapters: Pre-Creation, Creation, Fall, Covenant, Messiah, Church, and
The Story also impacts our study of the Bible when it comes to doctrine. Biblical doctrines are sometimes viewed as isolated
truths that are to be defended dogmatically simply because they are correct. If we're not careful, our beliefs can become
weapons to prove someone else wrong. But in the context of the story, all of our doctrines and theological teachings find
their proper places in relation to the character of God. Rather than being merely a collection of truths, the story tells us that
every doctrine is a window through which we can see the Truth.
Spread throughout the program, our Biblical Doctrines classes cover the core teachings of Scripture. Each study will be
faith-affirming, Christ-centered, and thoroughly biblical. Students will be taught how to give effective Bible studies that
cover the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.1 They will also be taught how to address common
difficult texts with effective answers using Scripture.
When it comes to sharing the story, it’s not just about what you do but how you do it. Good stories need good storytellers.
That's why our curriculum includes a section of instruction we call The Telling. More practical in nature, these classes are
intended to get into the real-life praxis of ministry. They cover how to actually prepare and give a Bible study, how to answer
tough questions about faith, and much more. Students learn how to translate the why of discipleship to the how of disciple-
making, the in-class theory to real-life experience.
Ministry in the community is the heart and soul of disciple-making, and no discipleship training program would be complete
without hands-on experience. The ARISE program includes outreach two to three times a week. This allows students to take
their class knowledge into a real world filled with real people who have real struggles and questions. Due to the fact that
many students will not speak the local language (Finnish), our team will need to get creative! Whilst many people in the
community can speak English, we cannot assume that they can. Students will therefore be provided with opportunities to
participate in a wide variety of outreach experiences including but not limited to: small groups, literature distribution,
community social events, health expos, mini-mission trips, church revitalisation and also media evangelism.
Our instructors are leaders in their fields of ministry. Their expertise and knowledge are drawn from years of walking with
Jesus and getting their hands dirty while sharing the gospel.
As a collective of sold-out Jesus-followers, we are committed to developing disciple-making disciples. All of our instructors
come prepared to share potent teachings on what it means to truly understand God's love and tell His story.
Outreach Co-ordinator
But wait, there’s more! In addition to our primary instructors, students will be blessed by an exciting line up of visiting and
adjunct instructors will be sharing on a wide variety of topics in their fields of expertise.
All students are expected to live in harmony with biblical
principles and to adhere to the standards and practices of
LOCATION the Seventh-day Adventist Church.2
Our ARISE program is hosted at Koivikko Lifestyle Centre
in Finland’s beautiful lake district. The property is located
10 minutes from the city of Mikkeli which has a population PERSONAL DEVOTION TIME
of 50,000. The property is situated 2.5 hours north of
One of the keys to experiencing the full potential of the
Helsinki and is accessible by public transport. Koivikko
program is faithfulness in the area of personal devotions.
Lifestyle Centre is blessed with 83 acres of forest and
Personal time spent with God enables and empowers
farmland with a lovely natural lakefront and beach sauna.
students to experience dynamic Christianity and effective
Onsite, we have a small sports gymnasium where students ministry.
can play basketball and other sports. All around the
property are marked nature walks with peaceful and
refreshing views. Student housing, dining hall, classroom ATTENDANCE
and social spaces are all located onsite.
Students are required to attend all scheduled classes,
events, and outreach projects unless other arrangements
have been made and approved by the administrator
CARE OF FACILITIES beforehand. We expect students to be punctual and to
We ask that students show respect for the grounds and show respect for instructors, staff, and fellow classmates.
property. Students will also be assigned in teams within
their house groups. Together, teams will be accountable to
each other and responsible for respecting their fellow SABBATH OBSERVANCE
students and their accommodation.
Our favourite time to spend together is the Sabbath. So
students should plan to attend all worship services as part
of the ARISE experience. We hope that if students haven’t
SOCIAL LIFE already found the joy of this beautiful rest, that their time
In additional to providing opportunities for spiritual spent here will deepen their Sabbath experience.
growth, our team is dedicated to providing students with
The Sabbath takes on a unique twist here in Finland as we
an opportunity to build lasting friendships and experience
are situated so far North. With that comes new challenges
the beauty of the Finnish culture. We plan to organize
that many of you may not have faced before. As we
regular social events and adventures for our students.
approach November the sunset times get earlier and
earlier, until on the last day of our course the sun will set at
3:16pm. This is quite a big change considering the sunset
FINNISH SAUNA will have been at 8:53pm on the opening day. With this in
mind it will be important to take into consideration how
You may have heard that Finns love saunas. Traditionally
this will affect the Sabbath hours.
Finns like to sauna naked. Yes, you read that right! We
have, however, thoughtfully saved you from this part of the
Finnish experience. We will have many students from
various cultural backgrounds in the class and we want to RELATIONSHIPS
be respectful and appropriate for all. For this reason there
Our team celebrates the gift of marriage and healthy
will be a male sauna time and a female sauna time. There
relationships which is why all students are expected to
will be plenty of opportunities to enjoy the sauna, as on-
maintain a high standard of moral purity. ARISE is a once-
site we have several saunas including a lake-front sauna.
in-a-lifetime experience and due to the intensity of the
Appropriate swimwear will be required for both men and
ARISE program and the need to minimize distractions,
women. So, don’t be scared of the sauna! You will love it.
students are requested to focus on course content,
building their relationship with God and to save the way through September and deep into October the
romance till after the program. But we have good news for temperatures are around 4 -15 degrees celsius. Then
all you singles! Many relationships have formed and comes the month of November. It is possible for the
blossomed after ARISE. weather to go below zero and even snow during the
course but more often than not the end of October and
the beginning of November is the rainiest month of the
ATTIRE program. We hope this helps as you try and fit your whole
wardrobe into your suitcase.
As a team, we not only appreciate but celebrate
personality and individuality expressed in diverse styles of
clothing. We simply ask that while at ARISE, students’ INCOMING MAIL
dress be clean and modest. It should reflect the fact that
we are brothers and sisters in Christ. With that in mind, we Mail and parcels addressed to students can be sent to the
trust that students will refrain from wearing anything that following address:
would be distracting.
Name of Student
Koivikontie 8, 50200 Mikkeli
Under no circumstances will any illicit drugs, nicotine ARISE reserves the right to dismiss any student, without a
products, alcoholic beverages, vapes, pornographic refund, who consistently fails to abide by the policies and
material, occult paraphernalia, weapons, gang symbols, or guidelines described in this handbook.
any other harmful items be tolerated on campus. These
things are prohibited in the interest of the well-being of all
participants and the discovery of any of these items may
lead to immediate program dismissal, without a refund.
However, we want you to know that if you are facing
struggles and temptations, you can talk to us openly as we
are here to help you on your journey to freedom in Christ.
THE PROCESS References are to be filled out by individuals that have
known you for at least six months. Reference forms filled
ARISE accepts students who have a commitment to the
out by immediate or extended family members will not be
Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. Due to legal reasons, we
accepted. Due to the nature of the questions on the form,
can only accept students who are at least 18 years old by
it is ideal to find individuals that have known you in a
the starting date of the program.
spiritual or academic setting, though it is not required
The ARISE staff will only consider and review completed (e.g., a pastor, teacher, elder/deacon, etc.). Reference
applications. The application process is as follows: forms can be completed by sending individuals the
following link .
1. ARISE receives your completed application.
2. After staff review, you will be notified with either
These must remain confidential from the prospective
acceptance or denial by email. If you are accepted, the
letter will include a URL at which you can make any
necessary payments.
3. A minimum deposit payment of 50% of your tuition is
due no later than 60 days prior to the start of the Because we care deeply for the safety and best interest of
the students and program, it is highly important that
potential students disclose to the staff any medical or
4. The final payment of your total balance is due no later health issues that require professional attention. This
includes any past, recent, or current substance abuse/
than 30 days prior to the start of the program.
addictions. Since the staff is not equipped to handle
certain medical and/or health issues, a student requiring
A completed application includes all of the following:
professional help may not be eligible to attend the
1. A completed online ARISE application form, which program or, in his or her best interest, may be asked to
leave the program, according to the staff’s discretion.
must also include:
Please note that it is mandatory for international
• A link to a one-minute video telling us a bit about students to purchase travel insurance to cover the
yourself and the reasons you want to come to duration of their stay in Finland. Proof of travel and
ARISE. Don't overthink it. Just relax and be health insurance must be emailed to the administrator
yourself. Feel free to be creative. prior to arrival.
THE MONEY PART For those who live within driving distance of ARISE
Finland, we encourage you to bring your car if possible.
This will ease our transportation challenges. Students who
TUITION AND BOARD bring vehicles must be willing to provide rides to those
who do not have vehicles. All vehicles must be licensed
The cost of the program is €3,400. This amount includes and insured. Students who are not bringing a vehicle are
tuition, room, and breakfast and lunch on class days. Once required to pay a €180 fuel fee, which helps cover the
accepted, a minimum of 50% of tuition is due no later than expenses for those with vehicles. Please note that this fee
60 days prior to the start of the program. The balance is only applies to ARISE-related activities. Students who need
due no later than 30 days prior to the start. NOTE: For rides for non-ARISE-related activities are encouraged to
students who apply within 60 days from the start of the help the driver cover fuel and other vehicle costs.
program, the first half of tuition is due once they’ve
received acceptance. This deposit reserves their place in
the class. If a student applies within 30 days from the start
of the program, full tuition is due once an acceptance
notice is received. The following is a breakdown of the program cost:
Resource List
The following is a list of resources for the ARISE program. Although not all are required, we encourage students to seriously
consider ordering the recommended resources, as they provide excellent supplementary material for the program as well as
for personal ministry. Each student is required to source and purchase the required books and bring them to the program.
Here is the list of Required and Recommended resources. Please note that the prices are approximate - the price of
purchasing these books may vary depending where you live and where you purchase them from.
Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White* €0.60
Total €63.75 **
28 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists €8.45
Total €15.13 **
* Indicates that the book must be read during the course to graduate.
attendees with an official invitation letter, which includes
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO dates, housing information, ARISE’s address, a description
FIND OUT IF I’M ACCEPTED? of the program, etc.
Just in case you missed it, here it is one last time: disciple-making is our passion. It’s why we get up in the morning and what
we think about as we fall asleep at night. Whether you feel called to take the gospel story to a corporate office downtown or
to a cannibalistic tribe in a far-flung country, we want to empower you to make disciples wherever you are. So if you’re
interested in stepping outside of your comfort zone, growing in your walk with Jesus, enhancing your personal growth, and
getting experience in ministry, please consider the ARISE program. We’d love to see you in August 2024!