The Pragmatic Useof Quranic Versesin
The Pragmatic Useof Quranic Versesin
The Pragmatic Useof Quranic Versesin
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Utterances are produced in a particular place and at a particular
time. Much of what is said is assumed to be relevant to the place and
time of the utterance. For example, if someone wants to greet his
father in the morning, he must choose "Good morning", while at
night he must say "Good evening". The fact that the context of
situation is a decisive factor in determining the intended meaning of
using a given Quranic verse in a certain situation is proved because it
lets the hearer know the purpose behind saying this verse in this
context and what the intent of using it in this situation.
However, Leech's view (1983) of defining pragmatics as language
in use is very applicable in this study and the situations in which the
Quranic verses are cited, can be patterned into types. Context –
dependency of certain verses according to the activity and
relatedness is determined by the appropriateness between the
situation and the linguistic environment of the utterance being
uttered. The linguistic context is regarded as a parameter to
determine the selectivity of verse. A variety of verses are cited in
institutional, social, religious, political, sanitary, and decent
situations according to the activity in which the utterances are
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
: اٌّسزخٍص
ْ راٛى٠ ْفزشض أ٠ مبي٠ ٓ إال أْ أوثش ِب١ٕ١صِبْ ِعٚ ْ ِىبٟي اٌىٍّبد فْٚ رذاٛى٠
ٍٝخ ع١ اٌزحٍٟم٠ ًْ اٌّثبي إرا أساد شخصبً أ١ سجٍٝ فع,َاٌضِبْ عٕذ ٔطك اٌىالٚ ْعاللخ ثبٌّىب
يٛٗ اٌم١ًٍ فع١ٌٍ اّٟٕب إرا وبْ ف١ ث,"ش١خزبس عجبسح "صجبح اٌخ٠ ْخ أ١ٍ اٌصجبح فعٟاٌذٖ فٚ
خ عٕذِب١ٔبد اٌمشآ٠٣ٌ دٛ اٌّمصٕٝذ اٌّع٠ رحذّٟب فِٙ بق اٌحبي عّال١عذ س٠ٚ ."ش١"ِسبء اٌخ
٘زاٟخ ف٠٢ذسن غشض اسزخذاَ ٘زٖ ا٠ ْ أٍٝ عٟب رسبعذ اٌّزٍمٙٔ٤ٚ ٓ١بق ِع١ سٟ فٍٝرُز
.ٜ اٌّغضٛ٘ ِبٚ بق١اٌس
ٖ االسزعّبي رعذ ِٕبسجخ ٌغشض ٘زٟخ اٌٍغخ ف١ٌٚ رذاٟ) فLeech 1983 ( خ٠إال أْ ٔظش
بٙز٠رحذد اعزّبدٚ بٌٙجزّٛىٓ ل٠ ٟخ اٌز١ٔبد اٌمشآ٠٢ب ِٓ اٙذ ثٙسزش٠ ٟالف اٌزٌّٛ فب,اٌذساسخ
ئخ١ٓ اٌج١اسطخ اٌّالئّخ ثٛاٌصٍخ ثٚ خ١ٌ اٌفعبٍٕٝخ اعزّبدًا ع١خ ِع١ٔبد لشآ٠٢ بق١ اٌسٍٝع
ٟخ ف٠٢بس ا١بسب الخز١ ِمٞٛبق اٌٍغ١اعزجش اٌسٚ .قٛاٌىالَ إٌّطٚ َب اٌىالٙ١زوش ف٠ ٟخ اٌز٠ٛاٌٍغ
ٌذٚخ رذا١ٔبد لشآ٠بد ثآٙ رُ االسزش, ٌٍجحثٌٍّٟغشض دعُ اٌجبٔت اٌعٚ .ٗ رزالءَ ِعٞاٌحبي اٌز
.الف رزعٍك ثبٌحشّخِٛٚ خ١صحٚ ,خ١ٕ٠دٚ ,خ١بس١سٚ ,خ١اجزّبعٚ ,خ١الف ِؤسسبرِٛ ٟف
Language always reflects and constructs the context of situation in
which it is used. The discourse analysts are interested in analyzing
situations in which language is used. Such situations involve
inextricably connected components including non-linguistic activities.
In this paper, the researcher observes that the Quranic verses are
cited in different situations where they bear appropriateness, namely
a verse about urging the Muslims to pay the almsgiving (zakat), the
appropriate verse which conforms this situation (activity) is "give
zakat". However, the problem that should be tackled in this
academic research is that Quranic verses are employed nowadays in
different situations that are not patterned or classified into types,
hence modeling them is necessary in respect of the appropriateness
and relatedness between the verse and the situation in which it is
used. The present study presents certain parameters which are
necessary for focusing this verse not others.
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
The basic purpose behind achieving this work is show how to use the
Quranic verse in its appropriate situation, postulating that the Holy
verses can be used in different situations institutionally, socially,
politically, sanitarily, and decently. The methodology adopted in this
paper is Levinson's Model (1983) viewing pragmatics as " the study
of the ability of language users to pair sentences/utterances with the
context in which they would be appropriate". Yule's approach in
stating that the linguistic context is a decisive factor in studying the
utterances in accordance with the situation in which it is used is
highly applicable to this study. A variety of Quranic verses are
employed in this paper containing some verses that were used to give
the work a practical view endorsed with evidences.
1. Pragmatics: Preamble
In Modern linguistics, the term pragmatics is used to focus on the
role of the users of language – especially the choices they make, the
constraints they encounter in using language in social interactions ,
and the effects their use of language has on the other participants in
an act of communication (Crystal, 2003: 364) .
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
3. Context of Situation
The term context of situation is associated with two scholars
Malinowsky and Firth who were concerned with stating meaning in
terms of the context in which language is used , but in rather
different ways. It is based on his observation of the way in which the
language of the people he was studying fitted into their everyday
activities. As he noted, there is a special significance of expressions,
such as How do you do? Ah, here you are, which are used to
establish a common sentiment (Palmer,1981: 52). Sadock (1974: 281)
points out that there is a serious methodological problem that
confronts the advocate of linguistic pragmatics. Giving some aspects
of what a sentence conveys in a particular context is that aspect part
of what the sentence in virtue of its meaning or should it work out on
the basis of Gricean principles of the context of utterance?
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
situation, (3) the wider situation, including social and power relations,
and (4) presumed shared knowledge between speaker and hearer.
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
The job of this institute is to provide people with water because water
is very important in life, without it no one can live. That is why this
verse indicates the importance of water. Moreover, the slogan of the
Ministry of Justice and Courts takes the verse:
)58 :(إٌسبء ﯡﯢ ﯣ ﯤﯥﯦ ﯧﯴ
)خ٠ٕٛخ إٌج٠( ِصحف اٌّذ
((When you judge between people to judge with justice))
(Saheeh Translation )
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
ﮐﮒ ﮓ ﮔ ﮕ ﮖ ﮗ
ﮅ ﮆ ﮇﮈﮉ ﮊﮋ ﮌ ﮍﮎﮏ ﮑ
)خ٠ٕٛخ إٌج٠] ( ِصحف اٌّذ٣٩ :فٙﮘ ﮙ [اٌى
(( And why did you, when you entered your garden, not say 'What
Allah willed; there is no power except in Allah? Although you see me
less than you in wealth and children))
( Saheeh Translation )
This means that Allah prevents ' usury' and warns that dealing in it
is a great sin and He promises those who deal in it will be punished as
explained in this verse below:
Z ﮈﮊ ﮋ ﮌ ﮍ ﮎﮏ
ﮉ ﮄ ﮅﮆﮇ
)خ٠ٕٛخ إٌج٠] ( ِصحف اٌّذ276 :]اٌجمشح
((Allah destroys interest and gives increase for charities. And Allah
does not like every sinning disbeliever))
(Saheeh Translation )
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
ﭽﮘ ﮙ ﮚ ﮛ ﮜ ﮝ ﮞ ﮟ ﮠ ﮡ ﮢ
)خ٠ٕٛخ إٌج٠] ( ِصحف اٌّذ١٨٥ :ﮣﮤ ﯨ ﭼ [اٌجمشح
((The month of Ramadhan [ is that ] in which was revealed the
Qur'an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and
(Saheeh Translation )
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
ٓ١ٍّ اٌّعٟ حٟٓ" اٌسبوٓ ف١َ "عذٔبْ سبٌُ حسٛ اٌّشحٌٝ سحّخ اهلل رعبٌٝ ((أزمً إ.2
.))ْٛخ ساجع١ٌأٔب آٚ ع جثّبٔٗ ثعذ صالح اٌعصش أٔب هلل١ش١سٚ
Even the family's dead person writes the below verse on a white piece
of cloth announcing his death:
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
ﮛﮝ ﮞ ﮟ ﮠ ﮡ ﮢﭼ
ﭽﮔ ﮕ ﮖ ﮗ ﮘ ﮙ ﮚ ﮜ
)خ٠ٕٛخ إٌج٠( ِصحف اٌّذ [169 :ْ[آي عّشا
((And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah
as dead. Rather,, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision))
( Saheeh Translation )
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
One word citing the instruction of Allah on not to kill any innocent
man – being Muslim or not, wants to say that Islam is not regarded a
religious terrorist or instigating terrorist acts as some in our world
believe that; rather it is regarded as a religion calling for peace and
people coexistence. Muslim presidents, when they are subjected to
war, they deliver speeches citing Quranic verses urging Muslims to
fight the enemy and these verses give them the right to defend
Every Quranic verse has its own meaning and implication. Citing
any Quranic verse requires appropriate use of this verse in the real
situation, otherwise, using it in inappropriate situation, there will be
misinterpretation and misuse. The analysis of the use of Quranic
verses from pragmatic perspectives shows that citing any verse is
context – dependent, i.e., using any verse about paradise and its
graces should be appropriate with the situation in which it is uttered,
which means that the previous conversation/speech ought to be about
paradise and its graces and deeds. It has been proved that the
Quranic verses can be used in institutional, social, religious, sanitary,
decent and political situations. Some of the institutions in Iraq such
as ministries and institutes adopt certain Quranic verses as their
slogans to be appropriate with their activities and functions. Socially,
the Iraqi community keeps some norms and traditions which depend
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة
on Quranic verses like when someone dies the Mosque caller declares
thissad news through the mike starting with any verse connoting
death. Politically, some politicians cite some Quranic verses when
they deliver their speech in order to gain the satisfaction of their
people and consolidate their speech with religious proofs. In
conclusion, to cite or use any Quranic verse requires some elements,
such as the availability of the appropriateness between the cited verse
and the situation taking place, the listener to the background of the
speech or context of situation, and citing the verse in question which
does not provide the annexed verse unless relevant to the situation.
Austin, J (1962). How to Do Things with Words? London: Oxford
University Press.
Chilton, Paul (2004). Analyzing Political Discourse: Practice and
Theory. London: Routledge.
Cruse, D. (2006). Lexical Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
Crystal, David (2003). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics.
Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
Cutting, J . (2002). Pragmatics and Discourse. London: Routledge.
العددالثاني والعشرون جملة كلية املأمون اجلامعة