00331600CACP16006 - EXCO00 - 44 - Piping Support CN
00331600CACP16006 - EXCO00 - 44 - Piping Support CN
00331600CACP16006 - EXCO00 - 44 - Piping Support CN
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TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................. 2
FIGURES LIST................................................................................................................................. 4
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Project Description .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Document Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 References Documents ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.4 CODES & STANDARDS...................................................................................................................... 5
2. INPUT DATA ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Materials ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Wind data ................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 DESIGN CRITERIA .............................................................................................................................. 6
3. APPLIED LOADS AND COMBINATIONS ........................................................................ 7
3.1 Applied loads ............................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Load combinations ................................................................................................................................... 7
4. CALCULATION RESULTS................................................................................................. 10
4.1 Support F1 Foundation .........................................................................................................................10
4.1.1 Bars list ............................................................................................................................................10
4.1.2 Load list ...........................................................................................................................................10
4.1.3 Foundation design .........................................................................................................................11
4.2 Support F2 Foundation .........................................................................................................................19
4.2.1 Bars list ............................................................................................................................................19
4.2.2 Load list ...........................................................................................................................................19
4.2.3 Foundation design .........................................................................................................................20
4.3 Support F3 Foundation .........................................................................................................................28
4.3.1 Bars list ............................................................................................................................................28
4.3.2 Load list ...........................................................................................................................................28
4.3.3 Foundation design .........................................................................................................................29
4.4 Steel Structural ........................................................................................................................................37
4.4.1 Beam verification ...........................................................................................................................37
4.4.2 Column verification .......................................................................................................................38
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Figure 4-1: General view F1................................................................................................. 10
Figure 4-2: General view F2 ................................................................................................ 19
Figure 4-3: General view F3 ................................................................................................ 28
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1.1 Project Description
As part of the development of its activity and the increase in its production, Eni Tunisia is planning
to bring the Bochra & Abir wells into production. These wells will be connected to the Dalia &
Iklil flowlines which are connected to the HAWA manifold..
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2.1 Materials
• Lean concrete strength at 28 days fc28 = 15 Mpa
• Structural concrete compressive strength at 28 days fc28 = 25 Mpa
• Density =25 KN/m3
• Steel grade 500 Mpa
• Cover to reinforcement 50 mm
• Cracking category Limited.
Material for structural steel shall be S235 JR.
• Permissible soil stress =0.15 MPa with 80cm anchor as assumption for foundation.
- Foundation shall be installed on good soil, missing hight shall be completed by fill concrete
(mass) until reach good soil.
2.2 Wind data
• Extrem Wind velocity: V= 200 Km/h
• q10= 70 daN/m²
• ks= 1.3
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Combinations/Comp. Definition
ELU/ 1 1*1.35
ELU/ 4 1*1.00
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Combinations/Comp. Definition
ELS/ 1 1*1.00
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Combinations/Comp. Definition
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All calculations are carried out using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2018.
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1.1.2 Geometry:
1.1.3 Materials
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1.1.4 Loads:
Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group N Fx Fy Mx My
(kG) (kG) (kG) (kG*m) (kG*m)
PERM1 dead load(poids propre) 3 10,84 0,00 -0,00 -0,00 0,00
EXPL1 live load(d'exploitation) 3 -177,00 -96,00 -138,00 48,30 -33,60
EXPL11 live load(d'exploitation) 3 107,00 21,00 -0,00 -0,00 7,35
EXPL111 live load(d'exploitation) 3 -7,00 -2,00 -354,00 123,90 -0,70
EXPL1111 live load(d'exploitation) 3 4,00 -0,00 15,00 -5,25 -0,00
EXPL11111 live load(d'exploitation) 3 123,00 -35,00 -0,00 -0,00 -12,25
EXPL111111live load(d'exploitation) 3 -177,00 -96,00 -138,00 48,30 -33,60
Backfill loads:
Case Nature Q1
1/ ELU : 1.35PERM1
2/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL1
3/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL11
4/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL111
5/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL1111
6/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL11111
7/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL111111
8/ ELU : 1.00PERM1
9/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL1
10/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL11
11/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
12/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL1111
13/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL11111
14/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111111
15/ ELS : 1.00PERM1
16/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL1
17/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL11
18/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL111
19/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL1111
20/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL11111
21/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL111111
22/ ELS : 1.00PERM1
23/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL1
24/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL11
25/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL111
26/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL1111
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idb = 0,70
q'0 = 0,01 (MPa)
Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 1934,92 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 1935,26 (kG) Mx = 716,85 (kG*m) My = -4,05 (kG*m)
Contact area s = 57,39 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.50EXPL111111
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 1934,92 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 1857,26 (kG) Mx = 93,15 (kG*m) My = -64,80 (kG*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
Design combination ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 1934,92 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 1935,26 (kG) Mx = 716,85 (kG*m) My = -4,05 (kG*m)
Equivalent foundation dimensions: A_ = 0,90 (m) B_ = 1,20 (m)
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About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 1934,92 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 1935,26 (kG) Mx = 716,85 (kG*m) My = -4,05 (kG*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 1161,16 (kG*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 716,85 (kG*m)
Stability for rotation: 1.62 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 1934,92 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 1680,26 (kG) Mx = 279,45 (kG*m) My = -194,40 (kG*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 870,71 (kG*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 309,00 (kG*m)
Stability for rotation: 2.818 > 1
1.3 RC design
1.3.1 Assumptions
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ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL1
My = 51,19 (kG*m) Asx = 3,00 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Mx = 264,52 (kG*m) Asy = 3,00 (cm2/m)
As min = 2,40 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL1
My = -55,56 (kG*m) A'sx = 2,40 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Mx = -200,70 (kG*m) A'sy = 2,40 (cm2/m)
As min = 0,00 (cm2/m)
Maximum code-specified spacing emax = 0,25 (m)
Column pier:
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 6,40 (cm2) A min. = 6,40 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx + Asy)
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Along Y axis:
4 HA 500 12 l = 1,48 (m) e = 1*-0,29 + 3*0,20
Along X axis:
6 HA 500 10 l = 1,14 (m) e = 1*-0,49 + 5*0,20
Along Y axis:
4 HA 500 10 l = 1,44 (m) e = 1*-0,29 + 3*0,20
2.3.2 Pier
Longitudinal reinforcement
Along X axis:
4 HA 500 12 l = 1,08 (m) e = 1*-0,05 + 1*0,10
Along Y axis:
4 HA 500 12 l = 1,08 (m) e = 1*-0,16 + 1*0,31
Transversal reinforcement
7 HA 500 8 l = 1,52 (m) e = 1*0,20 + 2*0,20 + 4*0,09
2 Material survey:
• Steel HA 500
• Total weight = 31,17 (kG)
• Density = 71,49 (kG/m3)
• Average diameter = 10,5 (mm)
• Survey according to diameters:
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1.1.2 Geometry:
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Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group N Fx Fy Mx My
(kG) (kG) (kG) (kG*m) (kG*m)
PERM1 dead load(poids propre) 3 10,84 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
EXPL1 live load(d'exploitation) 3 -88,00 -160,00 -137,00 47,95 -56,00
EXPL11 live load(d'exploitation) 3 -255,00 324,00 -85,00 29,75 113,40
EXPL111 live load(d'exploitation) 3 94,00 -155,00 -602,00 210,70 -54,25
EXPL1111 live load(d'exploitation) 3 -214,00 277,00 41,00 -14,35 96,95
EXPL11111 live load(d'exploitation) 3 100,00 -145,00 -585,00 204,75 -50,75
EXPL111111live load(d'exploitation) 3 -255,00 324,00 -84,00 29,40 113,40
Backfill loads:
Case Nature Q1
1/ ELU : 1.35PERM1
2/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL1
3/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL11
4/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL111
5/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL1111
6/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL11111
7/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL111111
8/ ELU : 1.00PERM1
9/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL1
10/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL11
11/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
12/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL1111
13/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL11111
14/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111111
15/ ELS : 1.00PERM1
16/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL1
17/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL11
18/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL111
19/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL1111
20/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL11111
21/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL111111
22/ ELS : 1.00PERM1
23/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL1
24/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL11
25/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL111
26/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL1111
27/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL11111
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1.2.2 Soil:
Stresses in soil: sULS = 0.23 (MPa) sSLS = 0.15 (MPa)
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Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 3386,21 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 3538,06 (kG) Mx = 1219,05 (kG*m) My = -313,88 (kG*m)
Contact area s = 78,85 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.50EXPL111111
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 3386,21 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 3269,56 (kG) Mx = 56,70 (kG*m) My = 218,70 (kG*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
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About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 3386,21 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 3538,06 (kG) Mx = 1219,05 (kG*m) My = -313,88 (kG*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 2653,54 (kG*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 1219,05 (kG*m)
Stability for rotation: 2.177 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL11
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 3386,21 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 3014,56 (kG) Mx = 172,13 (kG*m) My = 656,10 (kG*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 2201,04 (kG*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 897,68 (kG*m)
Stability for rotation: 2.452 > 1
1.3 RC design
1.3.1 Assumptions
• Cracking : not permissible
• Exposure : mild
• Include element sensitivity condition for fragile failure : yes
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ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Mx = 487,94 (kG*m) Asy = 3,00 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Mx = -392,65 (kG*m) A'sy = 2,40 (cm2/m)
As min = 0,00 (cm2/m)
Maximum code-specified spacing emax = 0,25 (m)
Column pier:
Longitudinal reinforcement A = 6,40 (cm2) A min. = 6,40 (cm2)
A = 2 * (Asx + Asy)
Asx = 0,70 (cm2) Asy = 2,50 (cm2)
1.3.4 Provided reinforcement
2.3.1 Spread footing:
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Along X axis:
7 HA 500 12 l = 1,58 (m) e = 1*-0,59 + 6*0,20
Along Y axis:
6 HA 500 12 l = 1,78 (m) e = 1*-0,49 + 5*0,20
Along X axis:
7 HA 500 10 l = 1,54 (m) e = 1*-0,59 + 6*0,20
Along Y axis:
6 HA 500 10 l = 1,74 (m) e = 1*-0,49 + 5*0,20
2.3.2 Pier
Longitudinal reinforcement
Along X axis:
4 HA 500 12 l = 1,08 (m) e = 1*-0,05 + 1*0,10
Along Y axis:
4 HA 500 12 l = 1,08 (m) e = 1*-0,16 + 1*0,31
Transversal reinforcement
7 HA 500 8 l = 1,52 (m) e = 1*0,20 + 2*0,20 + 4*0,09
2 Material survey:
• Steel HA 500
• Total weight = 44,24 (kG)
• Density = 63,48 (kG/m3)
• Average diameter = 10,6 (mm)
• Survey according to diameters:
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1.1.2 Geometry:
1.1.4 Loads:
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Foundation loads:
Case Nature Group N Fx Fy Mx My
(kG) (kG) (kG) (kG*m) (kG*m)
PERM1 dead load(poids propre) 3 9,17 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
EXPL1 live load(d'exploitation) 3 -180,00 400,00 -180,00 45,00 100,00
EXPL11 live load(d'exploitation) 3 -165,00 -170,00 -386,00 96,50 -42,50
EXPL111 live load(d'exploitation) 3 -135,00 9,00 -453,00 113,25 2,25
EXPL1111 live load(d'exploitation) 3 -45,00 77,00 212,00 -53,00 19,25
EXPL11111 live load(d'exploitation) 3 50,00 -162,00 -187,00 46,75 -40,50
EXPL111111live load(d'exploitation) 3 -180,00 400,00 -180,00 45,00 100,00
Backfill loads:
Case Nature Q1
1/ ELU : 1.35PERM1
2/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL1
3/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL11
4/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL111
5/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL1111
6/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL11111
7/ ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL111111
8/ ELU : 1.00PERM1
9/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL1
10/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL11
11/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
12/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL1111
13/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL11111
14/ ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111111
15/ ELS : 1.00PERM1
16/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL1
17/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL11
18/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL111
19/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL1111
20/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL11111
21/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+1.00EXPL111111
22/ ELS : 1.00PERM1
23/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL1
24/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL11
25/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL111
26/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL1111
27/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL11111
28/ ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.80EXPL111111
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1.2.2 Soil:
Stresses in soil: sULS = 0.23 (MPa) sSLS = 0.15 (MPa)
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Uplift in ULS
Design combination ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2952,49 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 2759,17 (kG) Mx = 849,38 (kG*m) My = 16,88 (kG*m)
Contact area s = 78,95 (%)
slim = 10,00 (%)
Uplift in SLS
Design combination: ELS : 1.00PERM1+0.50EXPL111111
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2952,49 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 2871,67 (kG) Mx = 112,50 (kG*m) My = 250,00 (kG*m)
Contact area s = 100,00 (%)
slim = 100,00 (%)
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About OX axis
Design combination ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2952,49 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 2759,17 (kG) Mx = 849,38 (kG*m) My = 16,88 (kG*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 1919,12 (kG*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 975,04 (kG*m)
Stability for rotation: 1.968 > 1
About OY axis
Design combination: ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL1
Load factors: 1.00 * Foundation weight
1.00 * Soil weight
Weight of foundation and soil over it: Gr = 2952,49 (kG)
Design load:
Nr = 2691,67 (kG) Mx = 337,50 (kG*m) My = 750,00 (kG*m)
Stability moment: Mstab = 1919,12 (kG*m)
Rotation moment: Mrenv = 919,54 (kG*m)
Stability for rotation: 2.087 > 1
1.3 RC design
1.3.1 Assumptions
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ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL1
My = 251,66 (kG*m) Asx = 3,00 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.35PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Mx = 290,40 (kG*m) Asy = 3,00 (cm2/m)
ELU : 1.00PERM1+1.50EXPL111
Mx = -289,13 (kG*m) A'sy = 2,40 (cm2/m)
Column pier:
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Along Y axis:
6 HA 500 12 l = 1,58 (m) e = 1*-0,49 + 5*0,20
Along X axis:
6 HA 500 12 l = 1,58 (m) e = 1*-0,49 + 5*0,20
Along Y axis:
6 HA 500 12 l = 1,58 (m) e = 1*-0,49 + 5*0,20
2.3.2 Pier
Longitudinal reinforcement
Along X axis:
2 HA 500 12 l = 1,08 (m) e = 1*-0,16 + 1*0,31
Along Y axis:
6 HA 500 12 l = 1,08 (m) e = 1*-0,16 + 2*0,16
Transversal reinforcement
7 HA 500 8 l = 1,52 (m) e = 1*0,20 + 2*0,20 + 4*0,09
2 Material survey:
• Steel HA 500
• Total weight = 45,53 (kG)
• Density = 73,56 (kG/m3)
• Average diameter = 11,3 (mm)
• Survey according to diameters:
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This document is property of Eni Tunisia B.V. who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provision of the law.
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4.5.1 General
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Connection no.: 1
Structure node: 3
Structure bars: 2
4.5.2 Geometry
4.5.3 Column
Bar no.: 2
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4.5.5 Anchorage
The shear plane passes through the UNTHREADED portion of the bolt.
Anchor dimensions
L1 = 50 [mm]
L2 = 300 [mm]
L3 = 50 [mm]
Anchor plate
Material: ACIER
4.5.6 Stiffener
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lr = 67 [mm] Length
ts = 8 [mm] Thickness
4.5.8 Concrete
4.5.9 Welds
as = 15 [mm] Stiffeners
4.6 Loads
4.7 Results
4.7.1 Concrete
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4.7.2 Plate
Compression zone
V22' = 3,08 [kG] Shear force V22' = 0.25 * bpd * (lpd-hc) * (p+pm)
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4.7.3 Stiffener
[mm Minimal thickness of the weld between the stiffener and the footing
a'r = 0 a'r= k*Ö[(0.7*Vm)2+(1.3*Mm/hr)2]/(lr*se)
] plate
a''r [mm
0 Minimal thickness of the weld between the stiffener and the column a''r= k*max(1.3*Vm, 2.1*Mm/hr)/(hr*se)
= ]
4.7.4 Column
4.7.5 Remarks
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Horizontal distance of bolts from column flange is too small 27 [mm] < 34 [mm]
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