Chem Documentary Review Fall 2024 5

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1. The seed drill was invented by which British inventor?

a. Isaac Newton
b. Charles Babbage
c. J.J Thomson
d. !Jethro Tull

2. In what year was the famous 45 foot tall Hollywood sign first erected?
a. 1933
b. !1923
c. 1903
d. 1913

3. Brezhnev was the 5th leader of the USSR.

a. False
b. !True

4. The United States was a member of the League of Nations.

a. !False
b. True

5. When did the Battle of the Somme begin?

a. July 2nd, 1916
b. August 1st, 1916
c. !July 1st, 1916
d. June 30th, 1916

6. In what year did the North American Video Game Crash occur?
a. !1983
b. 1993
c. 1982
d. 1970

7. The quot;Trail of Tearsquot; was a result of which United States President039;s

Indian Removal Policy?
a. John Quincy Adams
b. Martin Van Buren
c. Harry S. Truman
d. !Andrew Jackson

8. The French Kingdom helped the United States gain their independence over Great
Britain during the Revolutionary War.
a. !True
b. False

9. What did the abbreviation quot;RMSquot; stand for in the RMS Titanic in 1912?
a. Regulated Maelstrom Sensor
b. !Royal Mail Ship
c. Royal Majesty Service
d. Regular Maritime Schedule
10. What is the name of the Boeing B29 that dropped the 039;Little Boy039; atomic
bomb on Hiroshima?
a. !Enola Gay
b. Full House
c. Necessary Evil
d. The Great Artiste

1. During the Mongolian invasions of Japan, what were the Mongol boats mostly
stopped by?
a. Economic depression
b. Tornados
c. !Typhoons
d. Samurai

2. Which German field marshal was known as the Desert Fox?

a. Wilhelm List
b. Ernst Busch
c. Wolfram Freiherr von Richthofen
d. !Erwin Rommel

3. Assyrian king Sennacherib039;s destruction of Babylon in 689 BCE was viewed as a

triumph by other Assyrian citizens.
a. True
b. !False

4. What year did the Battle of Agincourt take place?

a. 1422
b. 1401
c. 1463
d. !1415

5. The fourth funnel of the RMS Titanic was fake designed to make the ship look
more powerful and symmetrical.
a. !True
b. False

6. What was the real name of the Albanian national leader Skanderbeg?
a. Iskander Bejko
b. Mirash Krasniki
c. !Gjergj Kastrioti
d. Diturak Zhulati

7. Which Las Vegas casino was originally constructed and operated by mobster Bugsy
a. The MGM Grand
b. The Sands
c. The Sahara
d. !The Flamingo
8. Which of the following was not one of Joseph Stalin039;s ten blows during World
War II?
a. LeningradNovgorod Offensive
b. Crimean Offensive
c. !VistulaOder Offensive
d. Operation Bagration

9. On which aircraft carrier did the Doolitte Raid launch from on April 18, 1942
during World War II?
a. !USS Hornet
b. USS Saratoga
c. USS Lexington
d. USS Enterprise

10. During which American Civil War campaign did Union troops dig a tunnel beneath
Confederate troops to detonate explosives underneath them?
a. !Siege of Petersburg
b. Siege of Vicksburg
c. Gettysburg Campagin
d. Antietam Campaign

1. Which buzzword did Apple Inc. use to describe their removal of the headphone
a. Bravery
b. Revolution
c. !Courage
d. Innovation

2. Which of the following is the standard THX subwoofer crossover frequency?

a. 90 Hz
b. !80 Hz
c. 70 Hz
d. 100 Hz

3. Microphones can be used not only to pick up sound, but also to project sound
similar to a speaker.
a. False
b. !True

4. Who patented a steam engine that produced continuous rotary motion?

a. !James Watt
b. Alessandro Volta
c. Nikola Tesla
d. Albert Einstein

5. When was the Tamagotchi digital pet released?

a. 1989
b. !1996
c. 1990
d. 1992
6. When did the CD begin to appear on the consumer market?
a. 1992
b. 1972
c. 1962
d. !1982

7. When was the iPhone released?

a. 2006
b. !2007
c. 2005
d. 2004

8. Which company developed the Hololens?

a. HTC
b. !Microsoft
c. Oculus
d. Tobii

9. What round is a classic AK47 chambered in?

a. 7.62x51mm
b. !7.62x39mm
c. 5.56x45mm
d. 5.45x39mm

10. Which round does a WW2 M1 Garand fire?

a. .308
b. 7.62
c. 7.62x51mm
d. !.3006

11. What is the quot;Mitsubishi Wakamaruquot;?

a. !A robot
b. A pickup truck
c. An motorcycle
d. A motorboat

12. What is the most significant side venture the popular firearms company,
Remington, has pursued?
a. Door Knobs
b. Blenders
c. !Typewriters
d. Ceiling Fans

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