A Recommender System Based On Personal
A Recommender System Based On Personal
A Recommender System Based On Personal
To cite this article: Il Young Choi, Young U. Ryu & Jae Kyeong Kim (2019): A recommender
system based on personal constraints for smart tourism city, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism
Research, DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2019.1592765
Article views: 24
In a smart tourism ecosystem, travel communication websites play a critical role in Smart tourism; smart tourism
choosing destinations and hotels. This research suggests a travel recommender city; recommender system;
system for automating word-of-mouth (WOM) effects and providing personalized travel recommender system;
travel-planning services to tourists. Collaborative filtering (CF)-based recommender travel planning; travel-
planning service; travel
systems have been extensively employed for personalization services in diverse package; approximate
areas; the basic principle of CF is WOM communication. This research proposes a constraint satisfaction;
travel recommender system that helps a tourist build his/her personalized travel constraint satisfaction; word-
plan based on CF and constraint satisfaction filtering. Constraint satisfaction filtering of-mouth communication
is adopted to profile a tourist’s needs and circumstances. For this purpose, this
research modifies the existing constraint satisfaction method to an approximate
constraint satisfaction filtering method that incorporates indifference intervals into
constraints. We build a prototype system and a benchmark system to evaluate the
effectiveness, usability, and novelty of the proposed travel recommender system.
The experimental results demonstrate a methodology for performing personalized
tourist’s travel planning and automating WOM communication outperforms the
benchmark system.
CONTACT Jae Kyeong Kim [email protected] School of Management, Kyung Hee University, 1 Hoegi-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea
*Portions of this paper were previously presented in the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2015.
© 2019 Asia Pacific Tourism Association
customized travel-planning services by analyzing tour- product instead of a single product. A composite
ists’ past travel histories. However, the system has a ten- product indicates that travel planning includes the
dency to imitate a travel agent’s role and does not simultaneous selection of a destination, hotel, and
consider the word-of-mouth (WOM) communication attraction. Thus, an existing CF-based recommender
effect (Rabanser & Ricci, 2005). WOM communication system is not more useful for a travel-planning
has an important role in travel decision-making service. Second, travel planning is a very complicated
(Baloglu, Pekcan, Chen, & Santos, 2004; Cai, Feng, & process that needs many constraints, such as traveling
Breiter, 2004; Gretzel & Yoo, 2008; Hernández-Méndez, period, duration, and travel cost. A constraint satisfac-
Muñoz-Leiva, & Sánchez-Fernández, 2015; Li, Tung, & tion filtering process is needed in existing CF-based
Law, 2017; Murphy, Mascardo, & Benckendorff, 2007; recommender systems. This research models the
Tung & Ritchie, 2011). WOM communication has a posi- requirements of each tourist as an approximate con-
tive impact on the destination image and destination straint satisfaction problem. Because the constraint
choice (Jalilvand, 2017; Jalilvand, Samiei, Dini, & satisfaction method is often too strict, a minor differ-
Manzari, 2012; Tham, Croy, & Mair, 2013). Online consu- ence may have a role in changing a critical decision
mer reviews based on WOM communication have (Choi, Kim, & Ryu, 2015; Ryu, 1998). Therefore, this
helped consumers to make difficult and complex pur- research proposes an approximate constraint satisfac-
chase decisions (Bae & Lee, 2011; Park, Lee, & Han, 2007). tion-based methodology by adopting indifference
Collaborative filtering (CF) recommends items to intervals to derive a flexible and robust result. A tour-
target user based on the purchase histories of neigh- ist’s personal requirements are modeled by con-
bors who have purchased almost the same items as straints, and an approximate constraint satisfaction
target users. Thus, CF operates in a manner similar method automates tourists’ decision processes for
to WOM communication. CF has been utilized as a choosing their personalized travel packages to
representative methodology in recommender enhance tourists’ convenience and satisfaction. In
systems over the last 40 years (Adomavicius & Tuzhilin, this research, constraint satisfaction is approximated
2005; Herlocker, Konstan, & Reidl, 2000; Sarwar et al., by the following two ways: First, if tourist’s constraint
1998). CF and its extended hybrid methodology for travel planning is not satisfied, the degree or
have been extensively employed for recommending amount of dissatisfaction is used instead of deleting
products (books, clothes, and shoes) and contents the candidate tourist’s package. Second, in the case
(movies and music) of almost all areas (Park, Kim, of multiple constraints, the constraints are ordered
Choi, & Kim, 2012). However, applying existing CF- according to their important factor, and the satisfying
based recommender systems to travel-planning ser- value of a more important factor is used to select a
vices, such as selecting traveling destination, hotels, better tourist package.
and flights has many drawbacks. The underlying In this research, we propose a CF-based travel
basic principle of CF recommender systems is to deter- recommender system coupled with an approximate
mine a target user’s preference based on the prefer- constraint satisfaction process for automating WOM
ence of similar neighbor users (Kim, Kim, & Ryu, communication and offering personalized travel-plan-
2009). Thus, recommending items based on the past ning services. For a web-based travel recommender
purchase histories of the target user and other users system, a prototype is developed, and a benchmark
has produced excellent results in the online market, system is also developed for comparison with our pro-
such as movies, booth, music, books, images, online posed system. We conduct a survey to evaluate tour-
advertisements, and grocery (Choi, Oh, Kim, & Ryu, ists’ perceptions of the recommendation results of
2016; Kim, Moon, An, & Choi, 2018; Moon, Kim, & our prototype system. Our experimental findings are
Ryu, 2013; Park et al., 2012). CF-based recommender summarized in the results.
systems for group users have been well developed
(Garcia, Sebastia, & Onaindia, 2011; Kim, Kim, Oh, &
Ryu, 2010; Kim, Oh, Gu, & Kim, 2011). 2. Literature review
However, two challenges exist for adapting a
2.1. Travel recommender systems
travel-planning service in CF-based systems due to
the difference between the characteristics of a As the development of economic growth, there has
travel-planning service and books or music. First, a been a cultural and social revolution in the tourism
travel-planning service consists of a composite industry. To survive in the escalated competition,
travel agencies have provided extensive travel products purchased by a set of users with a high degree of simi-
or services. For example, Travelocity offers more than larity among the users, known as neighbors. CF has
one million flights, hotels, and packages. However, been introduced as an important method for main-
tourists experience difficulty in looking for the necess- taining a sustainable competitive advantage by Inter-
ary information even though the amount of travel infor- net leaders such as Amazon (Linden, Smith, & York,
mation is substantially increased. Tourists who need 2003), Google (Das, Datar, Garg, & Rajaram, 2007)
information want to receive more smart services and Netflix (Bennett & Lanning, 2007). Thus, CF is
when considering their preferences. One of the tech- known to be a commercially successful recommen-
niques to solve this problem is to use the travel recom- dation technique.
mender systems, which help tourists find travel In general, a CF system employs three phases, as
products and services that fulfill their preferences. shown in Figure 1. The first phase creates a user
Some researchers focus on travel recommender profile using purchase history data. The second phase
systems to find personalized tourist attractions. forms a set of users, which are known as neighbors, by
Huang and Bian (2009) have proposed an intelligent comparing the degree of similarity among the users.
travel system to estimate a tourist’s travel preferences The final phase generates a top-N recommendation list
based on a Bayesian network, and prioritize his/her of items that the target user is likely to purchase.
attractions by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). However, a CF system poses some issues. The first
Yeh and Cheng (2015) have developed an attraction issue is related to a sparsity problem. Because users pur-
recommender system using a Delphi panel and reper- chase a very small portion of a large item set, the rec-
tory grid techniques. Other studies have concentrated ommendation quality of a CF system based on the k-
on offering personalized hotels (Nilashi, bin Ibrahim, nearest neighbors (kNN) algorithm decreases (Balaba-
Ithnin, & Sarmin, 2015; Schiaffino & Amandi, 2009), novic & Shoham, 1997; Sarwar, Karypis, Konstan, &
flights (Coyle & Cunningham, 2003), destinations Riedl, 2000). The second issue is related to a scalability
(Gavalas, Konstantopoulos, Mastakas, & Pantziou, problem. The kNN algorithm is often very time-consum-
2014), and travel packages (Liu et al., 2014; Lorenzi, ing because a recommender system addresses the user
Bazzan, & Abel, 2007; Lorenzi, Loh, & Abel, 2011) to profile, which consists of millions of users and items. The
tourists. However, previous studies overlook the final issue is related to a new item ramp-up problem. If
effect of WOM communications in the smart city and newly released items do not have any transaction
tourism industry, which has a critical role in selecting records, a CF system cannot recommend them (Choi
travel destinations (Murphy et al., 2007). According et al., 2016). To address these problems, numerous
to TotalMedia (2010), 25% of tourists have participated hybrid recommender systems to incorporate content-
in a social networking site, such as TripAdvisor.com, to based filtering, demographic filtering, and other data
seek tourist information. Approximately 50% of US mining techniques into CF are developed to rec-
tourists have obtained tourist information by com- ommend better items (Balabanovic & Shoham, 1997;
munication with their family, friends, and colleagues. Cho, Kim, & Kim, 2002; Kim, Lee, Cho, & Kim, 2004; Mel-
Travel opinion leaders enjoy sharing their experiences ville, Mooney, & Nagarajan, 2002). These hybrid
with others (Litvin et al., 2008). Therefore, a travel approaches are successful in some applications, but
recommender system that incorporates tourists’ selecting travel products or services that satisfy a tour-
implicit preferences is needed. ist’s requirements among the recommended products
and services remains as the role of the tourist. Thus, to
provide acceptable recommendations, travel recom-
2.2. Collaborative filtering
mender systems prepare a countermeasure for these
Collaborative filtering (CF) introduced by Goldberg drawbacks in the tourism domain.
et al. (1992) has been known to be one of the repre-
sentative models of recommender systems. CF
attempts to automate WOM recommendations 3. CF-based travel recommendation with
received from famil, relatives, friends, colleagues, approximate constraint satisfaction
and other socially related people (Adomavicius & Tuz-
3.1. Overall View
hilin, 2005; Herlocker et al., 2000; Sarwar et al., 1998).
The idea of CF is that a high probability exists that a Many tourists try to get much travel information as
user will purchase items that were frequently possible by interpersonal communication instead of
Figure 1. CF procedure.
travel brochures, travel agencies, and social media catalog of the candidate destinations with the target
reviews (Litvin et al., 2008; TotalMedia, 2010). tourist’s requirements (e.g. means of transport, types
Travel community websites such as TripAdvisor are of hotel, and price) are compared. Here, the target
surrounded by a considerable amount of travel tourist’s requirements are named as constraints. And
information. As a result, tourists encounter then the destination and the best set of items that
difficulty in choosing travel packages that satisfy approximately satisfy the tourist’s constraints are rec-
their preferences. Information gathering and proces- ommended to the target tourist.
sing in this way may be time-consuming and the
vast amount of information suggested by many
commercial travel sites causes confusion and
3.2. Phase 1: CF-Based filtering
hinders the ability of tourists to make a decision.
Therefore, we suggest a CF-based recommendation The proposed CF-based filtering is divided into three
methodology that involves the automation of WOM steps. First, a tourist profile indicates a collection of
communication to create a travel plan that is not m tourists’ preference ratings on n destinations.
easily constructed using other tourists’ preferences Thus, the tourist profile is represented in the space
and satisfies a tourist’s implicit preferences using vector of m x n matrices, R = (rij), where i = 1 to m, j
approximate constraint filtering. = 1 to n, rij ∈[1, 5]. Here, m and n are the total
The proposed methodology is composed of the fol- number of tourists and the total number of desti-
lowing two phases in Figure 2. In the first phase, a nations, respectively, and rij is the tourist ith rating
tourist profile on destinations is created and other on the jth destination (1 = “very dissatisfied”,
tourists (called neighbors) who have had a similar pre- 5 = “very satisfied”).
ference for the target tourist’ destination, are ident- Second, the similarity is computed to form the
ified. And then, top-N recommended destinations neighborhood of a target tourist. The Pearson corre-
are generated as candidate destinations. In the lation coefficient is used to compute the similarity
second phase, travel items (e.g. flight and hotel) in a among tourists (Kim et al., 2004; Sarwar et al., 2000).
Last, the selection likelihood score (SLS) of the target If a constraint contains real numbers (d1 and d2),
tourist a on the jth destination is used to generate the then the error function for the arithmetic constraint is
top-N candidate destinations. Assume that Ka is the
target tourist a’s neighbor set; SLS(a, j) is calculated e(xi = d1 , u) = |u − d1 |
as follows: e(xi ≤ d1 , u) = max(u − d1 , 0)
i[K rij · sim(a, i)
e(xi , d1 , u) = max(u − d1 + 1, 0)
SLS(a, j) = a , (1)
i[Ka sim(a, i) e(xi ≥ d2 , u) = max(d2 − u, 0)
e(xi . d2 , u) = max(d2 − u + 1, 0)
where sim(a, i) indicates the similarity between the ⎧
target tourist a and his/her neighbor i. The higher is ⎨ u − d1 if u . d1
the SLS value, the more likely the target tourist will e(d12 ≤ xi ≤ d1 , u) = d2 − u if u , d2
choose a destination. Therefore, top-N destinations ⎪
0 otherwise,
with high SLS values are selected as candidate
where ε > 0 is an infinitesimally small number.
If the constraint is categorical, the error can be
measured in one of the following two ways: First, if
3.3. Phase 2: approximate constraint-based categorical values can be converted into scalar
filtering values or vectors, such as colors, then the error is cal-
A typical CF-based travel recommender system culated as the scalar difference or the vector distance.
suggests destinations by a comparison between For instance, destination scenery can be mapped into
the target tourist’s profile of destinations and the a vector of affectivity, physical atmosphere, and acces-
neighbors’ profiles of destinations. Even if tourists sibility values. Second, if categorical values cannot be
travel the same destinations, they may differ with converted into scalars or vectors, then a categorical
regard to their likes and dislikes of these desti- constraint is evaluated as a binary constraint. Thus,
nations. Thus, we suggest an additional filtering the evaluation result will be either true (valued 0) or
layer of approximate constraint satisfaction to false (valued 1).
enable Tourists to have more customized travel- Assume that tourist i gives p constraints {ci,1, ci,2, … ,
planning services. Tourists may directly provide ci,p} such that constraint ci,s is more important than
their needs or constraints, such as budget limits, constraint ci,t for s < t, that is, the constraints follow a
types of accommodations, and means of transport, strict linear order. For the constraint ci,k, we define
that are suitable for their travel products. These ≻ci,k by items in the electronic catalog:
tourist constraints are not absolute criteria but
rather are expressions of preference. For instance, u ≻ci,k u′ if and only if e(ci,k , u) , e(ci,k , u′ ). (3)
a small difference (e.g. $30) in the price may be dis-
regarded but a large difference (e.g. $130) may be We define ≈ci,k :
considered to be significant. Tourists may discover
that certain constraints (e.g. flight duration) are u ≈ci,k u′ if and only if e(ci,k , u) = e(ci,k , u′ ). (4)
more important than other constraints (e.g. hotel
ratings). We also assume that trade-offs between With (4) and (5), we obtain the binary relation ≻ of
constraints are not allowed. the preference on items in the electronic catalog:
Tourists’ constraints are then applied to evaluate
the candidate destinations that are available in the u ≻ u′ if and only if for some ci,k , u ≻ci,k u′
electronic catalog. The evaluation yields the degree and for all ci,j with j , k, u ≈ci,j u′ .
of dissatisfaction between a constraint and an item
(i.e. product) in the electronic catalog. For constraint Tourist i prefers the catalog item θ to the catalog item
ci, for tourist i expressed as a relation such as θ′ if and only if (a) the satisfaction error of ci,k for θ is
“price ≤ 500” or “flight = American Airlines,” the evalu- less than that for θ′ for some constraint ci,k and (b)
ation result e(ci, θ) for the electronic catalog item θ is for all constraints ci,j that are more important than ci,
the error function that returns the satisfaction error, k, the satisfaction error of ci,j for θ is same as that for
i.e. degree of dissatisfaction. θ′ for some constraint ci,j. We also define the ≈ of
Table 2. SLS. A_Mad002 are less than $10. The target tourist’s
Los Mad New seventh constraint is compared with the candidate
1.75 3.00 2.25 recommendation set. Consequently, we only exclude
A_Mad002 from the candidate recommendation set
because the location of A_Mad002 is far from the rec-
Table 3. Constraints for target tourist T1. ommended hotel H_Mad001 (Hilton Madrid Airport).
Indifference Thus, we recommend the {destination = Mad
No Constraint Interval (Madrid), flight = F_Mad002 (Turkish Airlines), hotel =
1 The airfare is $900 or less $200 H_Mad001 (Hilton Madrid Airport), and activity
2 An one stop flight None
3 The hotel price is $150 or less $10 (events and shows) = A_Mad001 (Flamenco Show at
4 A 4.0-star hotel or above None Café de Chinitas)} to the target tourist T1.
5. Desired activities include events and shows None
6 The activity price is $100 or less $10
7 The activity location is within 10 Km of the 1 Km
recommended hotel 5. Experiments
To perform experiments, a prototype web-based
recommender system is developed for the planning
and the set of candidate recommendations. First, we
travel service shown in Figure 3. To evaluate the
have e(flight price ≤ $900, F_Mad001) = 580, e(flight
proposed prototype system, we developed a bench-
price ≤ $900, F_Mad002) = 154, e(flight price ≤ $900,
mark recommender system that resembles a
F_Mad003) = 50, e(flight price ≤ $900, F_ New001) =
popular online travel booking system. We also sur-
930, e(flight price ≤ $900, F_ New002) = 470, and e
veyed the tourists’ perceptions of the recommen-
(flight price ≤ $900, F_New003) = 190 for the flight.
dation results.
We exclude only F_Mad001, F_New001, and
F_New002 from the set of candidate recommen-
dations because the price difference of $200 is not
5.1. Data collection
sufficient for discriminating among flights. Second,
we perform an analysis according to the target tour- To evaluate the proposed prototype system, 100
ist’s second constraint among the remaining flights. undergraduate students at the K university in
Third, the satisfaction errors for the second constraint Korea participated in the experiments. We assigned
are expressed as follows: e(number of stops per flight 50 students to use the prototype system and the
= 1, F_Mad002) = 0, e(number of stops per flight = 1, remaining 50 students to use the benchmark
F_Mad003) = 1 and e(number of stops per flight = 0, system. We collected the data over a period of
F_New003) = 1. Accordingly, we recommend one and a half months and received survey
F_Mad002 to the target tourist T1. results from 49 students for the prototype recom-
For hotels, we have e(hotel price ≤ $150, mender system and 50 students for the benchmark
H_Mad001) = 0, e(hotel price ≤ $150, H_Mad002) = 40, recommender system.
and e(hotel price ≤ $150, H_Mad003) = 16. We only The data collection was performed in three steps.
exclude H_Mad002 from the candidate recommen- We selected 15 popular destinations in the U.S and
dation set because the price difference of $20 is not Canada and 12 popular destinations in Europe that
sufficiently significant to discriminate the hotel. We students visited. First, students rated the preferences
have e(hotel star rating ≥ 4.0, H_Mad001) = 0 and e of the destinations (among 27 destinations), which
(hotel star rating ≥ 4.0, H_Mad003) = 1. Thus, we only they visited on a five-point scale (5 = “very satisfied”,
select H_Mad001 (Hilton Madrid Airport). 4 = “satisfied”, 3 = “neither”, 2 = “dissatisfied”, and
For activities, we only include A_ Mad001 and 1 = “very dissatisfied”). Second, students input their
A_Mad002 as the candidate recommendation set constraints related to flight, hotel, car, and attraction
because they satisfy the target tourist’s fifth con- into the prototype recommender system. Students
straints. We have e(activity price ≤ $100, A_Mad001) determined the indifference interval values for the
= 0 and e(activity price ≤ $100, A_Mad002) = 7. We prototype recommender system with the help of
also include A_Mad001 and A_Mad002 as the candi- two professional travel agents. Last, each student
date recommendation set because the satisfaction offered travel package recommendations. Here, infor-
error of A_Mad001 and the satisfaction error of mation about flights, hotels, cars, and attractions was
extracted from the existing popular online booking typed recommendations; Thus, existing metrics that
system, as shown in Table 4. measure a single item only is not more useful.
Instead, we evaluated the effectiveness, usability,
and novelty of the prototype travel recommender
5.2. Evaluation metrics
system on five-point scales (5 = “strongly agree”, 4
Metrics such as the mean absolute error (MAE), root = “agree”, 3 = “undecided, 2 = “disagree”, and 1
mean square error (RMSE), recall, precision, or F1 = “strongly disagree”), as shown in Table 5 (Ngai &
value have been employed to evaluate the accuracy Wat, 2003; Pu, Chen, & Hu, 2011).
of recommender systems in many studies (Good A travel recommender system does not provide
et al., 1999; Herlocker et al., 2000; Herlocker, students with new information when they are
Konstan, Terveen, & Reidl, 2004; Kim et al., 2009; already interested in the recommended information.
Sarwar et al., 2000). However, these metrics cannot However, if additional novel and detailed travel infor-
be utilized because travel recommender systems mation is provided to students, they will more likely
suggest composite items, such as a tour package- find information that they may not have discovered.
Table 6. Mean responses to the system evaluation by users. Table 7. Exploratory factor analysis.
Benchmark Metrics Items Loading Eigenvalue Cronbach’s α
Prototype System System Effectiveness EFF1 0.863 3.551 0.913
Mean Mean EFF2 0.770
Items Rating S.D. Rating S.D. EFF3 0.789
(On effectiveness of the EFF4 0.825
system) Usability USA1 0.801 4.570 0.926
EFF1 4.0 1.3 4.3 1.0 USA2 0.845
EFF2 3.9 1.3 3.9 1.0 USA3 0.855
EFF3 4.0 1.3 4.1 0.9 USA4 0.653
EFF4 3.9 1.2 3.9 1.1 USA5 0.713
(On usability of the system) USA6 0.707
USA1 4.0 1.1 3.8 1.0 USA7 0.719
USA2 3.9 1.2 3.6 1.0 Novelty NOV1 0.860 2.449 0.869
USA3 4.0 1.2 3.5 1.1 NOV2 0.893
USA4 4.2 1.1 4.2 0.8 NOV3 0.911
USA5 4.0 1.2 4.1 1.0
USA6 3.9 1.2 3.6 1.1
USA7 4.0 1.2 3.7 0.9
(On usability of the system) that of the benchmark recommender system was
USA1 4.0 1.0 3.7 0.9 observed at a 0.05 level of significance. Recommen-
USA2 4.0 1.1 3.4 1.0
USA3 4.0 1.1 3.6 0.8 dations of the current prototype recommender
system are as effective as those of existing benchmark
recommender systems, i.e. travel agencies. However,
as use of the proposed prototype system increases,
5.3. Experimental results and discussions
the prototype recommender system is expected to
Our experiments were performed to compare the rela- be more effective than travel agencies over time.
tive effectiveness, usability, and novelty of the proto- The performance of the prototype recommender
type recommender system with those of the system will increase as the system is updated by learn-
benchmark recommender system. The results of the ing student preferences, with the exception of travel
survey are presented in Table 6. Students rated at agencies.
least 3.9 points for the effectiveness, usability, and Second, no difference was observed between the
novelty of the prototype recommender system. The usability of the prototype recommender system and
effectiveness, usability, and novelty score of the bench- that of the benchmark recommender system at a
mark recommender system were at least 3.4 points. 0.05 level of significance. This result was not our
By the simple descriptive statistics, we cannot expected one. Generally, one of the goals of the
determine a significant difference between the proto- travel recommender system is to solve the complexity
type recommender systems and the benchmark of establishing travel plans (Lorenzi et al., 2007; Raban-
recommender system. For a more detailed analysis, ser & Ricci, 2005; Schiaffino & Amandi, 2009). There-
we performed an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) fore, students may consider that the prototype
and a paired t-test. First, the EFA was performed to recommender system is easier to use than the bench-
investigate the unidimensionality of items by the prin- mark recommender system if information about
cipal component with a varimax rotation, factor load- flights, hotels, rental cars, and attractions in the bench-
ings greater than 0.4 and an eigenvalue greater than mark recommender system is represented with details
1.0. We use Cronbach’s alpha to assess the reliability similar to current travel agencies.
of items. The Cronbach alpha estimated for effective- Last, a significant difference in the mean ratings of
ness, usability, and novelty was 0.913, 0.926 and novelty between the prototype system and the
0.869, respectively (refer to Table 7.). benchmark system. This result indicates that the pro-
Second, we conducted a paired t-test to determine posed system provides novel destinations, flights,
whether the mean rating of effectiveness, usability, hotels, or attractions and accidental discovery regard-
and novelty for the prototype system differ from less of the students’ expectations. This finding also
those for the benchmark system. Table 8 shows the indicates that tourists can take serendipitous travel
results of the paired t-tests. opportunities to enjoy inexperienced destinations,
First, no significant difference between the effec- hotels, or attractions if they use the proposed
tiveness of the prototype recommender system and system. Serendipity tourists can save more time on
10 I. Y. CHOI ET AL.
travel planning and information collection about des- Second, tourists can save time on travel planning,
tinations, hotels, or attractions instead of following a and travel agencies can benefit from increasing the
structured itinerary (Huang et al., 2014). Therefore, sales diversity by providing serendipitous travel
the novelty can generated perceived usefulness of opportunities, which will motivate voluntary partici-
the proposed system. The novelty can increase the pation and improve the health of the smart tourism
sales diversity by changing tourists’ preferences on ecosystem. Third, existing CF-based recommender
destinations, hotels, or attractions (Aggarwal, 2016; systems generally recommend items in a single
Pu et al., 2011). domain only; thus, the simultaneous recommendation
of multi items (for example, hotels, flight, and attrac-
tions). However, the suggested travel recommender
6. Conclusions system combined with approximate constraint satis-
faction simultaneously provides destination, hotels,
For the enhancement of tourists’ experiences, smart flight, and attraction. This study suggested a clue or
tourism cities can offer personalized travel-planning a heuristic methodology to expand the application
service by analyzing traveling patterns of tourists of CF-based recommender systems.
and learning their results to increase the satisfaction However, we are able to derive only limited con-
of tourists. For this purpose of smart tourism cities, clusions on our research by the evaluation with a
learning travel patterns, such as tourists’ preferences, small subject set. Conducting experiments using a
time, and budget, and offering personalized attrac- large number of samples will be a promising future
tions, such as shopping, events, and shows, are critical. research area. Another limitation is the process of eli-
Travel recommender systems are designed for the citing tourists’ constraints. In this prototype system,
implementation of smart tourism cities. However, tourists supply their constraints by themselves, but
existing travel planning systems cannot support the this process is not easy for tourists. We are currently
automation of WOM communication. They only designing algorithms to facilitate or automate the eli-
imitate the role of human travel agents. This research citation process of tourist’s constraints. Other method-
suggests a CF-based travel recommender system for a ologies that simultaneously recommend multiple
personalized travel-planning service to enhance the items in a different domain is a promising research
tourists’ experience. The suggested recommender area related to the travel recommender system.
system analyzes tourists’ preferences and offers per-
sonalized destinations, flights, hotels, and attractions.
The basic methodology of the proposed travel recom-
Disclosure statement
mender system is to combine CF with approximate
constraint satisfaction for the personalized rec- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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