B5952260 - Rahma Ali - Roble - P45 - 2324

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P45 Part 1

Details of employee leaving work

Copy for HM Revenue & Customs
File your employee's P45 online at www.hmrc.gov.uk Use capital letters when completing this form
1 Employer PAYE reference 5 Student loan deductions
Office number Reference number Enter 'Y' if Student Loan deduction is due to be
914 / AZ07278 made
2 Employee's National Insurance number 6 Tax Code at leaving date
SX728598C 1257L
3 Title - enter MR, MRS, MISS, MS or other title If week 1 or month 1 applies, enter 'X' in the box below.
Week 1/Month 1 X
7 Last entries on Payroll record/Deductions Working Sheet.
Surname or family name Complete only if Tax Code is cumulative.Make no entry
ROBLE if week 1 or month 1 applies.go straight to box 8
First name(s) Week number Month number
RAHMA ALI Total pay to date
4 Leaving date DD MM YYYY £ p
19 12 2023 Total tax to date
£ p

8 This employment pay and tax.Leave blank if the Tax 12 Employee's private address
Code is cumulative and the amounts are the same as box 7. 20 MARSTON MOUNT
Total pay in this employment LEEDS
£ 86.25 p LEEDS
Total tax in this employment WEST YORKSHIRE
£ 0.00 p Postcode
9 Works number/Payroll number and Department or LS9 7PA
branch [if any] 13 I certify that the details entered in items 1 to 11
B595-2260 on this form are correct.
Employer name and address
10 Gender. Enter 'X' in the appropriate box ASH ROAD SOUTH
Male X Female WREXHAM
11 Date of birth DD MM YYYY WREXHAM
04 04 2002 Postcode
LL13 9UG
03 01 2024
14 When an employee dies, enter the date of death in
the field on the last Full Payment Submission.
Instruction for the employer
Complete this form following the 'What to do when an employee leaves' instructions in the Employer Helpbook E13 Day-to-da
y payroll.Make sure the details are clear on all four parts of this form and that your name and address is shown on Parts 1 and 1
Send Part 1 to your HM Revenue & Customs office immediately.
Hand Parts 1A, 2 and 3 to your employee when they leave.

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P45 Part 1A
Details of employee leaving work
Copy for employee
1 Employer PAYE reference 5 Student loan deductions
Office number Reference number Student Loan deductions to continue
914 / AZ07278 6 Tax Code at leaving date
2 Employee's National Insurance number 1257L
SX728598C If week 1 or month 1 applies, enter 'X' in the box below.
3 Title - enter MR, MRS, MISS, MS or other title Week 1/Month 1 X
MR 7 Last entries on Payroll record/Deductions Working Sheet.
Surname or family name Complete only if Tax Code is cumulative.If there is an 'X' at
box 6 there will be no entries here.
ROBLE Week number Month number
First name(s)
Total pay to date
4 Leaving date DD MM YYYY Total tax to date
19 12 2023 £ p

8 This employment pay and tax.If no entry here, 12 Employee's private address
the amounts are those shown at box 7. 20 MARSTON MOUNT
Total pay in this employment LEEDS
£ 86.25 p LEEDS
Total tax in this employment WEST YORKSHIRE
£ 0.00 p Postcode
9 Works number/Payroll number and Department or LS9 7PA
branch [if any] 13 I certify that the details entered in items 1 to 11
B595-2260 on this form are correct.
Employer name and address
10 Gender. Enter 'X' in the appropriate box ASH ROAD SOUTH
Male X Female WREXHAM
11 Date of birth DD MM YYYY WREXHAM
04 04 2002 Postcode
LL13 9UG
03 01 2024
To the employee Tax credits
The P45 is in three parts. Please keep this part(part 1A)safe. Copies are Tax credits are flexible.They adapt to changes in your life, such as leavi
not available. You might need the information in Part1A to fill in a Tax ng a job.If you need to let us know about a change in your income.phon
Return if you are sent one. e 0845 300 3900
To the new employer
Please read the notes in Part 2 that accompany Part 1A. The notes give If your new employee gives you this part 1A.please return it to them.D
some important information about what you should do next and what y eal with Parts 2 and 3 as normal.
ou should do with parts 2 and 3 of this form.

Page 2 of 4
P45 Part 2
Details of employee leaving work
Copy for new employer
1 Employer PAYE reference 5 Student loan deductions
Office number Reference number Student Loan Deduction to continue
914 / AZ07278 6 Tax Code at leaving date
2 Employee's National Insurance number 1257L
SX728598C If week 1 or month 1 applies, enter 'X' in the box below.
3 Title - enter MR, MRS, MISS, MS or other title Week 1/Month 1 X
MR 7 Last entries on Payroll record/Deductions Working Sheet.
Surname or family name Complete only if Tax Code is cumulative.
If there is an 'X' at box 6 there will be no entries here.
ROBLE Week number Month Number
First name(s)
Total pay to date
4 Leaving Date DD MM YYYY Total tax to date
19 12 2023 £ p

To the employee Claiming Jobseeker's Allowance or

This form is important to you.Take good care of it and keep it safe.Copi Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
es are not available.Please keep Parts 2 and 3 of the form together and Take this form to your Jobcenter Plus office.They Will pay you any tax r
do not alter them in any way. efund you may be entitled to when your claim ends, or at 5 April if this i
s earlier.
Going to a new job Not working and not claiming Jobseeker's Allowance or
Give parts 2 and 3 of this form to your new employer, or you will have t Employement and Support Allowance (ESA)
ax deducted using the emergency code and may pay too much tax. If y If you have paid tax and wish to claim a refund ask for form P50 Claimin
ou do not want your new employer to know the details on this form, se g tax back when you have stopped working from any HMRC office or En
nd it to your HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) office immediately with a quiry Center.
letter saying so and giving the name and address of your new employer
.HMRC can make special arrangements, but you may pay too much tax Help
for a while as a result of this. If you need further help you can contact any HMRC office or Enquiry Ce
nter.You can find us in The Phone Book under HM Revenue & Customs
Going abroad or go to www.hmrc.gov.uk
If you are going abroad or returning to a country outside the UK ask for
form P85 Leaving the United Kingdom from any HMRC office or Enquiry To the new employer
Center Check this form and complete boxes 8 to 18 in Part 3 and prepare a for
m P11 Deductions Working Sheet.
Becoming self-employed Follow the instructions in the Employer Helpbook E13 Day-to-day payro
You must register with HMRC within three months of becoming self-em ll. for how to prepare a P11 Deduction Working Sheet.Send Part 3 of thi
ployed or you could incur a penalty. To register as newly sekf-employed s form to your HMRC office immediately.Keep Part 2
see The Phone Book under HM Revenue and Customs or go to www.h
mrc.gov.uk to get a copy of the booklet SE1 Are you thinking for yoursel

Page 3 of 4
P45 Part 3
New employee details
For completion by new employer
File your employee's P45 online at www.hmrc.gov.uk Use capital letters when completing this form
1 Employer PAYE reference 5 Student loan deductions
Office number Reference number Student Loan Deduction to continue
914 / AZ07278 6 Tax Code at leaving date
2 Employee's National Insurance Number 1257L
SX728598C If week 1 or month 1 applies, enter 'X' in the box below.
3 Title - enter MR, MRS, MISS, MS or other title Week 1/Month 1 X
MR 7 Last entries on Payroll record/Deductions Working
Surname or family name Sheet. Complete only if Tax Code is cumulative.
If there is an 'X' at box 6 there will be no entries here.
ROBLE Week number Month number
First name(s)
RAHMA ALI Total pay to date
4 Leaving date DD MM YYYY £ p
19 12 2023 Total tax to date
£ p
To the new employer Complete boxes 8 to 18 and send P45 Part 3 only to your HMRC office immediately.
8 New Employer PAYE reference 15 Employee's private address
Office number Reference number
9 Date New employment started DD MM YYYY
10 Works number/Payroll number and Department or
branch [if any]
16 Gender. Enter 'X' in the appropriate box
Male Female
17 Date of birth DD MM YYYY

11 Enter 'P' here if employee will not be paid by you

between the date employment began and the next 5 April Declaration
18 I have prepared a Payroll record/Deductions Working Sheet
in accordance with the details above.
12 Enter Tax Code in use if different to the Tax Code at box 6.
Employer name and address

If week 1 or month 1 applies.enter 'X' in the box below.

Week 1/Month 1
13 If the tax figure you are entering on the Payroll
record/Deductions Working Sheet differs from box 7 Postcode
please enter the figure here
£ p Date DD MM YYYY
14 New Employee's job title or job description

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