Process Pipes Handling and Storage Material Procedure-3 Additional Spheres

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Amman Strategic Reserve Terminal for Petroleum Products


No. No. SRT-OMJ-DCS-5789-A
Rev. B Date 02.02.2020
Status ☒ A: Approved (APP)
☐ B: Approved as noted (AAN)
☐ D: For Information (INF)

Digitally signed by Abed

DN: cn=Abed, o=ANC,

0 4/10/2021 Approved ABD

.com, c=JO
Date: 2021.11.02
09:01:35 +02'00'

Issue for Review

B 18/01/2020 ABD ABD AMS MA

Rev. Date Issue Purpose / Description Prepared Checked Approved Accepted



Owner´s Engineer Document Title

Process Pipes Handling and Storage Material Procedure-3

Additional Spheres
Contractor Contractor´s Doc. No. Official Document Number Rev.
(for internal use) (for official use) Code

Process Pipes. Handling & Storage Material Procedure

Table of Contents

1. Scope........................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Purpose....................................................................................................................................... 2

3. References. ................................................................................................................................. 2

4. Definitions. ................................................................................................................................. 3

5. Responsibilities. ......................................................................................................................... 3

6. Procedure. .................................................................................................................................. 4

6.1 Receipt of Material. ............................................................................................................. 4

6.2 Handling of Material........................................................................................................... 7

6.3 Storage Facilities. .............................................................................................................. 10

6.4 Outdoor Storage. ............................................................................................................... 11

6.5 Guidelines for Exceptional Storage of Specific Items. ................................................... 12

6.6 Material Requisition and Issuing. .................................................................................... 13

7. Material Control Application. ............................................................................................... 14

8. HSE........................................................................................................................................... 14

PROJECT: P40341 Amman Strategic Reserve Terminal for Petroleum Products – Three Additional Spheres
TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

Process Pipes. Handling & Storage

Material Procedure

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1. Scope.

1.1 This document defines the overall system for receipt, identification and QC inspection of
material to be incorporated into the permanent works for a project, noting the distinction between:

• Material received from the Contractor's warehouse.

• Materials directly purchased by ANC and controlled in its warehouse.
In addition, storage, handling, preservation, issue and control requirements are defined. Piping
fabrication process is performed by series of activities starting with material receipt, pipe spool
fabrication under shop and field conditions, painting and spool erection including supports.

2. Purpose.

2.1 This procedure covers the requirements for control of materials to be incorporated in the
permanent works for the Project and includes the following:

• Receiving and identification of materials

• Inspection of incoming materials
• Storage, handling, and preservation of materials; and
• Control and issue of materials at Site.

3. References.

P40341-SP-CON-MEC-06 Mechanical Piping & Equipment Erection


PROJECT: P40341 Amman Strategic Reserve Terminal for Petroleum Products – Three Additional Spheres
TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

Process Pipes. Handling & Storage

Material Procedure

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4. Definitions.

4.1 Contractor OMJ

4.2 Sub-Contractor ANC
4.3 Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS
4.4 Warehouse Request WHR
4.5 Material Receipt Inspection Report MRIR
4.6 Packing material such as boards, blocks, planks, metal or -
plastic Dunnage bracing, used in supporting and securing
packages and equipment.
4.7 Bill of Material BOM

5. Responsibilities.

5.1 The Material Controller is responsible for the operation of the material department and the
organization of the material storage areas, The Material Controller establishes from purchase
orders the traceability requirements, and ensures implementation upon receipt.

5.2 The Storekeeper receives the material, checks against the certificates documentation and
material requirements and initiates the warehouse request and MRIR's reports as applicable.

5.3 The Rigging Foreman is responsible for the review and implementation of Vendors special
requirements (if any) for equipment offloading and subsequent handling.

5.4 The Site QA/QC Engineer is responsible for ensuring that received material is inspected with
the appropriate documentation. In addition, he/she shall be responsible for development and
implementation of appropriate traceability requirements.

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TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

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Material Procedure

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5.5 The QC Manager is responsible for maintaining this procedure.

5.6 Safety officer shall be responsible for the conduct of safe working practice as per Contractor /
Sub-Contractor’s procedure and ensure that all activities are performed by strictly adhering to safe
working practice and “Permit to Work” procedure.

5.7 Material controller shall be responsible for establishing the material location on basis of the
available areas and the critical characteristics and size of material. The storekeeper is responsible
for ensuring that all materials are kept in good condition.

6. Procedure.

6.1 Receipt of Material.

6.1.1. All requisition for material stored in OMJ warehouse will be routed through ANC's
Storekeeper who will keep all document control, posting and arrange transport to site or fabrication
shop, as described in this procedure. All project materials to be incorporated into the permanent
works (and temporary works called for in the scope of work), will be inspected and verified on
receipt at the job site. The Storekeeper and the relevant discipline QC Inspector will check the
quantities and applicable physical and technical requirements in line with the Inspection Release
Note and other relevant documents. Any requirements for material traceability shall be identified
and applied before issuing the material to the site.

6.1.2. Preparation for Off-Loading On receipt of Shipping information, Material Controller in

conjunction with the Rigging Foreman as necessary, shall make arrangements for offloading
material at the estimated time of its arrival, including provision of any special off-loading/handling

6.1.3. Arrival of Material Before off-loading, a visual inspection shall be carried out by the

PROJECT: P40341 Amman Strategic Reserve Terminal for Petroleum Products – Three Additional Spheres
TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

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Material Procedure

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Material Controller or designee to establish as far as possible that material/packages in the

consignment are correct to that advised by the carrier in regard to quantity and description of the
material and to determine any obvious damage to all or part of the consignment. "Obvious
Damage" is defined as bends/dents/scratches in steel, pipe or other work, parts, bent/broken or
paint badly scratched/scuffed on equipment, or damaged packing. Any obvious damage should be
brought to the immediate attention of the Material Controller, who will arrange for photographs
where possible, together with a detailed sketch and report for attaching to the MRIR report. Where
there are discrepancies between actual receipt and the shipping documents, any overages/shortages
or damage, an MRIR reports shall be completed.

6.1.4. Off-Loading of material shall be off-loaded into an appropriate "Reception Area" for
detailed checking. Any heavy or abnormal size load or plant item will normally be moved direct
to its permanent construction foundation -subject to Company OMJ approval, where full checking
is carried out.

6.1.5. Detailed Checking All necessary safety precautions shall be observed while opening cases,
boxes etc., this means that goggles and gloves should be worn wherever chemical drums are
involved and caution should be exercised when using tools such as crowbars and Jimmy’s to open
cases. All material arriving at the Stores Area, fabrication facility or job site shall be inspected by
the Storekeeper in conjunction with the QA/QC engineer for the following:

• Transit Damage
• Supplier applied preservation.
• Quantity against material request documents.
• Availability of Release Note and where applicable; mill certificates
• Certification in accordance with purchase documents
Upon receipt of material at stores area, packing shall be removed only so far as to enable detailed

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TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

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Material Procedure

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checking for damage and verification of quantity and quality. Upon completion of checking the
packing should be carefully replaced in order to maintain material preservation (where required).
Materials shall be preserved as per the vendor/supplier instructions (Where required).

In certain cases, packing shall only be removed at the time of installation. This shall be noted on
the MRIR

Care shall always be taken when opening cases or boxes not to damage any of the contents.

Items must be checked to ensure that they are correctly tagged, marked, and coded in accordance
with the project specification, and its attendant requirement.

The detailed check against the material received shall be carried out as soon as possible, certainly
at the time of the delivery. Quantities received are circled. Any deviations from requested
quantities are noted on the WHR. WHR require the signature of the receiving Material Controller,
date received.

6.1.6. Surplus and Scrap Materials The material controller will be responsible for inventory,
tagging and segregation of any scrap materials. Surplus material will be reconciled by returned
notes at the end of project. Pipes of half meter and below or fabricated items not used will be
returned as scrap to the Company's warehouse. The warehouse will document the transfer or
disposition of any scrap / surplus materials by means of a record.

6.1.7. Material Verification Tests If it is determined that material verification tests are to be carried
out then the QA/QC Engineer shall be responsible for arranging such testing, analysis of the test
results and formulation of recommendations to the Material Controller.

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TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

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Material Procedure

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6.1.8. Reporting

• WHR When the consignment has been thoroughly checked, the WHR shall be
completed, WHR’s NO shall be written in block capitals. The WHR records
receipt of a complete or partial ordered/requested material. The Material
Controller, or designee, reviews and signs the WHR prior to its release and

• Material Received Inspection Report (MRIR Report) Where there are

discrepancies between receipt and the ordered documents, any damage, shall be
recorded on an MRIR Form. The MRIR shall be specific to one WHR. The
MRIR report is prepared as directed for one or more of the following
discrepancies. In most cases this document is related to the shipment’s
condition and is used to notify responsible individuals that corrective action
should be taken.

• Inventory Management Report This report shall provide current inventory

levels, consumption patterns etc. related to materials received.

6.2 Handling of Material.

6.2.1. Vendor Instructions Vendors shall be required under the terms of the purchase order, to
provide details of any special requirements including precautions to be taken during offloading
and subsequent handling. The vendor recommendations, together with the weight and dimensional
details provided with the shipping specification, shall form the basis for arranging the availability
of necessary equipment and carrying out the off-loading.

6.2.2. Review of Vendor Recommendations the Material Controller or designee and Mechanical
Engineer shall review the Vendor's instructions referred to in 6.2.1 and clarify / augment these as

PROJECT: P40341 Amman Strategic Reserve Terminal for Petroleum Products – Three Additional Spheres
TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

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Material Procedure

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necessary. The resultant defined special handling instructions shall then be passed to the
Storekeeper and /or rigging foreman for implementation when the equipment / material is delivered
to site. The special handling instructions shall identify the involvement of Rigging Foreman. The
Material Controller or designee and Mechanical Engineer shall give assistance as required, in the
provision of any special handling equipment which is necessary. Safety regulations governing
lifting, handling and transportation of material must be complied with at all times.

6.2.3. Off-loading and handling of material On delivery to site of material previously identified as
requiring special handling, before off-loading, a visual inspection shall be carried out to establish
as far as possible that material conforms with the Shipping Advice/Specification and are
undamaged, and the specified lifting points, etc. are identified and inspected to ensure safe off-
loading. Material handling shall be under responsibility of the storekeeper (during receiving and
storage) and the Construction Supervisor (during installation). Handling shall be so carried out as
to provide safe conditions, avoid loss of identification or damage to the items. Wherever available,
the manufacturer’s instructions shall be followed. Use of slings, shackles and turnbuckles that are
worn, yielded, distorted or deteriorated in some way is prohibited. Where special lifting equipment
is required to handle heavy over dimensioned plant items, such items should normally be moved
directly to permanent storage area (or installed position). The equipment shall be lifted using only
the lifting eyebolts provided on the equipment, and not use chains or slings around the items such
as shafts, as this may cause damage to shaft surfaces and bearings. Slings can be used to distribute
the load evenly on the main frame when lifting the equipment, but they may be positioned so that
the piping and gauges are not crushed or broken off. Special attention to the positioning of slings
under heavy loads of the equipment is necessary to avoid dropping the equipment due to improper
weight distribution.

PROJECT: P40341 Amman Strategic Reserve Terminal for Petroleum Products – Three Additional Spheres
TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

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Material Procedure

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Packed Items
Any subsequent movement of these materials, either within the storage area or on
delivery to the construction area, shall be subject to the controls identified in this
procedure. Packed items shall be handled by means of:
• Fork lifts
• Small capacity cranes.
• Trucks.

Unpacked Items

• The unpacked items shall be provided with adequate lifting eyebolts and /or
provisions for forklift transport, according to the item’s characteristics.
• If not supplied by vendors, other safe acceptable means shall be employed for
• Painted spools and /or material shall be handled using adequate slings in order
to avoid possible damages to the surfaces.

6.2.4. Unloading and Handling of Oversize Material

• The manufacturer’s recommendations, together with the weight and

dimensional details provided with the shipping specifications, shall form the
basis for arranging the necessary equipment and carrying out the offloading.
• The warehouse and the contractor shall review the manufacturer’s instructions
referred to earlier in this section and clarify as necessary. The methods for
properly handling the off-size materials shall be previously defined and
translated in special handling instructions to be submitted, together with

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TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

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Material Procedure

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feasibility studies to owner for approval and then passed to the warehouse for
implementation prior to the arrival of the materials in site
• Safety regulations governing lifting, handling and transportation of materials
shall be complied with at all times.
• Materials may be off-loaded at storage areas or on the job site facilities for
detailed inspection as required.
• Any heavy or abnormal off size items, shall be generally be moved directly to
its permanent location where full checking is carried out.

6.3 Storage Facilities.

6.3.1. Covered and uncovered areas designated for material storage shall be defined in cooperation
with warehouse.

6.3.2. The areas shall be usually:

• Allow an easy access.

• Be free of foreign material.
• Be adequately cleaned as required by material characteristics.
• Permit an easy handling.

6.3.3. Materials shall usually be:

• Grouped by type/size and so arranged as to facilitate / ensure their identification
and traceability.
• Out of contact with the ground and stored in such a way as to avoid undesired
• Kept in their original packing as far as possible.

PROJECT: P40341 Amman Strategic Reserve Terminal for Petroleum Products – Three Additional Spheres
TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

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Material Procedure

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• Provided with dehumidifying agents and / or temperature controllers when

material is sensitive to moisture.
• Piping material shall be stored separately to ensure that different types are not
mixed up.
• Particular attention shall be given to the storage of stainless-steel material.
If carbon steel racks are used for storage of stainless-steel material, adequate
provisions shall be made to avoid any direct contact with stainless steel
• Any contact of stainless-steel materials with carbon steel, oxides, lead and brass
shall be avoided over the whole storage time. on other word, Stainless Steel
materials must be separated from any carbon steel materials on the store yards.

6.4 Outdoor Storage.

6.4.1. The following general measures shall be taken:

• Any outdoor storage area shall be traffic free area, adequately separated from
polluting sources (sea, flare-stacks etc.) with satisfactorily tamed ground.
• Materials shall be so arranged as to avoid sand deposits and condensation effect
• Pipes and prefabricated spools shall be stored on wooden beams.

6.4.2. Where protections such as canvas, plastic foils, etc. are used, the following shall be observed:

• Protections shall be so fastened as to withstand wind and to avoid sand /

moisture seepage.
• Where required, the protections shall be temporarily removed to eliminate any

PROJECT: P40341 Amman Strategic Reserve Terminal for Petroleum Products – Three Additional Spheres
TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

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Material Procedure

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• Protections shall be anti-fire type.

6.5 Guidelines for Exceptional Storage of Specific Items.

6.5.1. Steel Plates Steel plates shall be stored in steel frames or otherwise must be stored in the
horizontal position off the ground and separated by suitable dunnage that will facilitate usage of
crane and identification.

6.5.2. Shapes Steel shapes shall be supported off the ground and separated by adequate dunnage
and stored by grade, type and size.

6.5.3. Pipes shall be stacked using protective wedges and with end protection. Different types of
piping material shall be segregated.

6.5.4. Piping Fittings of 4” Diameter and Above All material shall be stacked on adequate dunnage
and protected to prevent scarring of faces and beveled edges. All material shall be segregated from
each other in accordance with material and typology faces or beveled edges.

6.5.5. Valves Particular attention shall be given to the protection of valves and their flanges,
protection covers must be checked and replaced if necessary. Valves must not be prevented from
being operated. Control and safety valves must not be stored outside. All valves below 4” must be
stored indoors in specific position must be identified.

6.5.6. Major Equipment Packages All equipment after physical count and check for surface /
appearance or damage will be resealed and secured until required.

6.5.7. The following materials can be stored outside, provided that proper protection is applied:

PROJECT: P40341 Amman Strategic Reserve Terminal for Petroleum Products – Three Additional Spheres
TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

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Material Procedure

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• Large size pumps.

• Compressors
• Stainless steel pipes
• Large size carbon steel valves, flanges and fittings more than 4” with dust and
water proof cover

6.5.8. Controlled Temperature Indoor Storage (Chemicals and Paints) Special storage shall be in
compliance with manufacturer’s instructions. Safety rules shall be provided for the following

• Paints
• Hydrocarbons, fuels, oils and grease
• Flammable material in general
• Other products requiring special preservation conditions.

6.6 Material Requisition and Issuing.

6.6.1. The Field Warehouse Requisition shall be used to requisition material from the Warehouse.

The requisition shall be used for requisitioning material shown on BOMs. A copy of the FWR
shall be attached to the requisition.

The requisition shall also be used as a form for returning material from the site to the Warehouse
as denoted and instructed on the form. Material being returned must reference the BOM for which
it was issued.

Returns of material to the warehouse will be affected if material becomes surplus on site.

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TITLE: DATE: 30/10/2021

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Material Procedure

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6.6.2.A list of authorized signatories of the Requisition shall be published.

7. Material Control Application.

7.1 Material status, stock levels, batching, quantity take off’s, and other data relevant to materials
is retained in a computer database (MS Excel).

7.2 Material issues and returns shall be recorded together with the document number on which
they were issued whether it be the WHR or the MRIR.

7.3 Additionally, material issues are transferred to their respective BOM, latest revision. A copy
of all BOMs shall be kept updated at all times.

7.4 Material shortage reports based on the requirement and stock position shall be issued

8. HSE.

8.1 All documents related to the Handling and Storage activities shall be discussed with the crew
prior to commencing the activity.

8.2 All personnel involved in the above activities shall follow the requirement of HSE Plan and
wear their PPE.

• Safety Glasses (Goggles)

• Gloves

• Safety Shoes

• Safety Helmet
8.3 Working crew is responsible to achieve the target within the safety regulations.
8.4 Housekeeping shall be maintained to keep site cleaned and tidy.
Project Title:
Amman Strategic Reserve Terminal for Petroleum Products (ASTPP)
DRN Number: SRT-OMJ-DT-4798 Revision Code: B Page: 1 of 1
DRN Title: Process Pipes Handling and Storage Material Procedure-3 Additional
Spheres Contract No: 4/W/2013

Employer: Consultant: EPCC Contractor:

Document No. Rev. Rev. Date Document Title

Process Pipes Handling and Storage Material

OMJ-IPR-SRT-QA-6533 B 14/01/2020
Procedure-3 Additional Spheres



Reason For Changes: N/A

other documents affected:

Submitted by: Abed Al Rahman Al Omary Date: 14/01/2020

Approved (Yes/No)

Approved by: Date

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