PHP 1 - 6 Programs

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Input to any program can be given in 3 ways :

a)Fixed value through program.(Fixed value stored in a variable)
b)Variable input through Form.(Post method, 2 programs)
c)Online input.(Get method)

Note : All programs should be saved in c:wamp/www/filename.html

1 Print table of any given number :


// Roll No : Name : Practical No :

<HEAD><TITLE> PHP program on Table </TITLE></HEAD>

$t = 7;
$i = 1;
print "Print the table of given No. $t <BR><BR>";
for ($i; $i <= 10; $i++)

print "$t * $i = ".($t * $i). "<BR>";

2 To find factorial of a given no. using while loop

// Roll No : Name : Practical No :

<HEAD><TITLE>To find factorial of a given no. using while loop

$num1 = 5;
$fact = 1;
$counter = 1;

While ( $counter <= 5 )

$fact = ( $fact * $counter );

echo "To find factorial of a given no. $num1 <BR><BR>";

print "Factorial of $num1 is $fact";

3 Variable input through Form.(Post method, 2 programs)

// Roll No : Name : Practical No :


a) filename.html rsinpstring.html
<FORM ACTION ="rstring.php" METHOD ="POST">
Enter a string : <input type = "text" name = string><BR><BR>
<input type = "submit" value = "Manipulate">

Filename.php – rspstring.php
$s1 = $_POST["string"];
$s2 = strlen($s1);
$s3 = strrev($s1);
echo "The given string is : $s1 <br><br>";
echo "The length of the string is : $s2<br><br>";
echo "The reverse string is : $s3<br><br>";

4 Check word is Palindrome or not a Palindrome

// Roll No : Name : Practical No :

Palindrome using online (get method)

// online input by given name of the program followed by ?string=nitin
// NITIN, Malayalam , madam, Rotator, mom, noon


if ($x==$word)
echo “The given word $word is palindrome”;
echo “The given word $word is NOT palindrome”;
5. To find greatest of three given nos. rsgreat.php

// Roll No : Name : Practical No :

<HEAD><TITLE>To find greatest of three given nos. </TITLE></HEAD>

$a = 50; $b = 100; $c = 80;

echo "The given three numbers are $a, $b, $c <BR><BR>";
if ($a > $b and $a > $c)
echo "Greatest of three no. is $a";
if ($b > $c and $b > $a)
echo "Greatest of three no. is $b";
if ($c > $a and $c > $b)
echo "Greatest of three no. is $c";

6 Print number of words in a sentence


// enter a sentence in the variable name $test

$test = "counting of words in a sentence.";

echo "<BR><BR> Input string is : ".$test;
echo "<BR> <BR> Number of Words in a string are : ".str_word_count($test);

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