Bio F3 New Curr Notes
Bio F3 New Curr Notes
Bio F3 New Curr Notes
Laboratory users (students, teachers or laboratory technicians) are
required to always practice safety when using the biology science
There are several laboratory safety rules and measures which users must
follow in order to avoid harmful accidents.
Accidents are sudden incidences which cause unintentional property
damage, human injury or even death.
Most accidents are as a result of loss of control of material or energy.
The most effective way of minimizing these accidents in the laboratory is
by identifying their causes and preventing them from taking place.
Causes of accidents
The most common causes of accidents in the laboratory are:
1. Fire
Fire hazards include mishandling of Bunsen burners, open flames,
unclosed gas taps and improper handling and storage of flammable
2. Fumes
Improperly sealed volatile substances and poor ventilation in the
laboratory result in intoxication.
3. Chemicals (Acids and Strong Bases)
Spilling of corrosive substances can cause chemical burns on the skin.
4. Improper Handling of Apparatus
Fast movement in the laboratory may cause unnecessary glassware
breakages which can result in cuts and scrapes.
Mishandling of sharp tools poses danger in the laboratory.
Heat burns may result if hot apparatus is not handled with the
appropriate tools.
5. Handling Microorganisms
There is high risk of contamination of people and other places by
potentially harmful microorganisms if proper precautions are not taken
in handling them.
6. Electricity
Electrical hazards (fig.1.1.1) include:
o short-circuiting
o exposed electric wires
o overloaded circuits
o defective insulation
o damaged power tools
o wet conditions
These can cause electric shocks and may result in electric fires.
10. Wash hands before leaving the laboratory.
2. Sharp Instruments Safety
Handle sharp and pointed objects such as scalpels, razor blades, scissors
and pins with extreme care.
3. Chemicals Safety
Gently wave the hand over the opening of a container and direct the fumes
toward the nose when smelling chemicals.
Keep all lids closed when a chemical is not being used.
Use a pipette filler for drawing out chemicals.
Be extra careful when working with acids or bases: pour such chemicals
over the sink, not over the work bench.
When diluting an acid, pour the acid into water: never pour water into the
Rinse any chemical spills off the skin or clothing with water for at least
fifteen minutes and immediately notify the laboratory technician of any
acid spill.
Dispose of all chemicals as instructed by the laboratory technician.
4. Handling Living Organisms
Animals should be handled only if necessary.
Treat all living things with care and respect: no investigations that will
cause pain, discomfort, or harm to mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and
amphibians should be done in the classroom or at home.
Do not touch any organism in the classroom or laboratory unless given
permission to do so: many plants are poisonous or have thorns, and even
tamed animals may bite or scratch if frightened.
Wear gloves when handling small animals.
Treat all microorganisms as if they were harmful and use aseptic
procedure, as directed by the instructor.
Dispose of microorganisms as your laboratory technician directs.
Clean your hands thoroughly after handling animals or the cage
containing animals.
5. Electrical Safety
Treat all circuits as though they were active.
Make sure power is off when connections are made.
Inspect all electrical equipment for defects or damage and report any
faults to the instructor.
Keep the surroundings dry when working with electrical apparatus.
6. Heating and Fire Safety
Know how to light a Bunsen burner.
Switch off burners when not in use.
Wear safety goggles when working with heat sources.
Do not reach across a flame.
If clothing catches fire, do not run as this increases the supply of air and
increases the flames and DROP to the floor and ROLL on the floor to
smother the flames.
If the flame leaps out of a burner towards an individual, turn the gas off
immediately: do not touch the burner, it may be hot.
Never heat a chemical without being instructed to do so: a chemical that
is harmless when cool, can be dangerous when heated.
Point a test tube or bottle that is being heated away from you and others:
chemicals can splash or boil out of a heated test tube.
Heat of liquids should be done in open container, not closed containers
because the expanding gases produced may blow the container apart,
injuring you or others.
Check for heat radiation before handling hot apparatus: use a clamp,
tongs or heat-resistant gloves when handling hot containers.
For any heat burns, immerse burnt area in cold water for at least fifteen
minutes, or apply cold wet packs.
7. End of Practical Rules
Tidy up the work area; clean, dry up and return all apparatus to its proper
Wash hands after every experiment.
Turn off all burners before leaving the laboratory.
Fire drills
In conjunction with lab rules and safety measures, lab users must be
familiar with basic fire drills in case a fire breaks out in the lab.
A fire drill is a practice of emergency procedures in the event of a fire.
Similar procedures can also be used to evacuate a building in case of any
other emergency.
An example of a fire drill is illustrated in fig.1.1.3.
A fire drill
Fire damages and injuries can be reduced by proper use of safety fire
equipment such as fire extinguishers, sand buckets and fire blankets
Another effective method of fire control is building a firebreak or fire
guard around the lab.
A fire guard is a landscaped area, around a structure, that has been
maintained and designed to slow or stop the spread of fire.
Vegetation and any flammable materials are removed when making a fire
2. If there are any surrounding trees, find out if it is necessary to remove
them and acquire relevant authorisation before eliminating them.
First Aid
Following any accidents in the lab, first aid should be provided for minor
As a result, a First Aid Kit should always be readily available in the lab.
A First Aid Kit (fig.1.1.6) is a collection of supplies and tools that are used
to give medical treatment.
However, it is recommended to seek medical attention after application
of first aid.
Bandages Roller bandages To support joint injuries,
hold dressings in place,
put pressure on wounds
to stop bleeding and to
reduce swelling.
For outdoors Blankets To keep someone warm
and protect them from
the cold.
Ambulance 994
Police 995
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
Biology is science that studies living organisms.
The study of living organisms can be grouped according to the groups of
different organisms which exist.
Three such branches are Botany, Zoology and Microbiology.
o Botany: This is the scientific study of plants.
o Zoology: This is the study of animal life including human beings.
o Microbiology: The study of microscopic organisms such as bacteria
and fungi.
Botany, Zoology and Microbiology can be further studied individually
resulting in several other branches of biology such as:
o Anatomy: The study of the structure of organisms and their parts.
o Physiology: The study of the various functions performed by living
organisms including metabolism, digestion, respiration and
o Cytology/Cell biology: The study of cell structure and function.
o Ecology: The study of the inter-relationships of living organisms
and their interactions with the physical environment OR the study
of the ecosystem.
o Genetics: The study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in
living organisms.
o Biotechnology: A novel branch of biology that studies the use of
micro-organisms, plant cells and animal cells for development of
new and valuable products for human benefit such as antibiotics
and hormones.
Branches of Biology
The study of biology equips the learner with a variety of scientific skills
such as:
o understanding and application of scientific concepts
o use of laboratory techniques and equipment
o and how to research, organise, and analyse data.
Consequently, biology learners improve their critical thinking and
problem-solving skills, along with developing their manual skills.
Biologists increase understanding about the environment and help to find
solutions to some natural problems, such as diseases, climate change and
environmental degradation.
The skills that biology learners acquire can be applied to both scientific
and non-scientific careers after completion.
Thus, pursuing a career in biology can be very exciting and hugely
Some biology related jobs are listed in table 1.3.1.
at least a masters
degree but some
positions require a
Ecologist Ecologists are They usually Life sciences
concerned with specialise in a Ecology
ecosystems as a particular area,
whole, the such as
abundance and freshwater,
distribution of marine,
organisms terrestrial,
(people, plants, fauna or flora
animals), and the and carry out a
relationships range of tasks
between relating to that
organisms and area.
their environment.
An ecologist needs
to have at least a
bachelor’s degree
in life sciences or
Conservationist Nature This can include Life sciences
conservation grassland, Ecology
officer (park woodland,
rangers, forests and
zoologists, coastal areas
botanists) work to depending on
protect, manage the region.
and enhance the
local environment.
To work as a
one needs to have
at the minimum a
bachelor’s degree
in any biology
related field.
Medicine/Healthcare Healthcare Biologists are Life sciences
biologists with the recruited not Anatomy
necessary only within Physiology
qualifications and hospitals and Cytology
experience work other medical Genetics
as veterinarians, facilities; they Biotechnology
pharmacists, are also hired
doctors, nurses, by volunteer
dentists and other non-
healthcare government
professionals. organisations in
They also develop order to bring
campaigns to help advanced
treat and cure healthcare to
diseases such as developing and
AIDS, cancer, war-torn
tuberculosis, heart regions.
disease, and many
illnesses and
diseases. A doctor
needs a bachelor’s
degree in
complete a
residence program
at a local hospital
and obtain a
license to practise.
Dietician/ Dieticians and They work in Zoology
Nutritionist nutritionists are hospitals, long- Anatomy
experts in the use term care Physiology
of food and facilities, clinics, Cytology
nutrition to private practice,
promote health and other
and manage institutions.
disease. They
advise people on
what to eat in
order to lead a
healthy lifestyle or
achieve a specific
A nutritionist
should have a
bachelor’s degree
in nutritional
sciences and earn
a practicing
certificate in
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
Chemicals of life
Chemicals of life range from simple inorganic elements to complex
organic compounds.
There are five important chemicals which support life:
o Water
o Carbohydrates
o Proteins
o Lipids
o Nucleic acids
It is the most abundant liquid compound on earth and in a human body.
Water can also exist in solid (ice) or gaseous (vapour) state.
It is made up of two hydrogen (H) atoms held onto an oxygen (O) atom by
covalent bonds (as shown in fig.2.1.1) hence the chemical formula H2O.
4. Reagent
Water is an essential input to many biochemical reactions for example
Water reacts with carbon dioxide to produce glucose in photosynthesis.
A carbohydrate is an organic molecule consisting of carbon (C), hydrogen
(H) and oxygen (O) atoms.
There are three groups of carbohydrates shown in fig.2.1.2 are;
1. Simple sugars (for example glucose, fructose, galactose)
They are also called reducing sugars because they are very reactive
especially in respiration.
They are very soluble in water and all of them have a sweet taste.
2. Disaccharides (for example sucrose, maltose, lactose)
They are more complex than the simple sugars.
They are made up of two molecules of simple sugars chemically bonded
Two glucose molecules bonded together form maltose, fructose and
glucose molecules form sucrose (table sugar) and, glucose and galactose
form lactose.
They are soluble in water and have a sweet taste.
3. Polysaccharides (for example starch, cellulose, glycogen)
They are very complex polymers formed when many simple sugars join
They are very big in structure; some contain more than thousand simple
sugars molecules joined together in a line.
Cellulose and starch are polysaccharides found in plants.
Glycogen is a storage carbohydrate in animals, starch for storage in plants
and cellulose for plant cell structural support.
They are insoluble in water that is why they are used for storage.
Precautions: Test tubes should be put into a water bath
pointing away from the person doing the experiment. Avoid
direct heating of test tube to prevent risk of cracking.
1. Half fill a beaker with tap water and place it on a tripod and gauze.
2. Heat the water with a Bunsen burner.
3. While waiting for the water to boil, carry on with instructions 4 to 6.
(stages 1-3 can be ignored if an electric water bath is used)
4. Label four test-tubes 1-4.
5. Put 15ml of; 1% starch solution into tube 1, 10% glucose solution into tube
2, 1% albumen solution into tube 3 and distilled water into tube 4.
6. To each tube add about 5ml Benedict's solution.
7. Place the test-tubes in the beaker of hot water (see Fig.2.1.3) and adjust
the flame to keep the water just boiling.
8. After about 5 minutes, turn out the flame.
9. Place the four tubes in a test-tube rack and compare the colours.
10. Record the results.
Copy and complete the table.
Test Initial colour on heating with Final
tube Benedict’s reagent colour
1 1% starch
2 10% glucose
3 1% albumen
Expected Observations
Experiment: Testing for starch (Iodine solution test)
Many different food groups contain starch.
Using iodine solution, you can test for the presence of starch.
Iodine solution changes from brown to blue-black or purple when starch
is present.
o Starchy foods to test: potato (cooked or raw), pasta, rice, or bread
o Non-starchy solution, such as milk, for comparison
o Non-starchy foods for comparison: apple, cucumber, pure sugar
o Iodine solution
o Distilled water
o Dropper
o 5ml Syringe
o Spatula
o Test tubes (on test tube rack or in beaker), transparent plastic cups or
o White tile or white background for easy comparison of any colour
o White paper plates to put solid foods
o Paper towels
o Marker
Precautions: Be careful in handling iodine, it can stain
clothing, equipment and skin. Do not put iodine in your mouth
and do not eat any tested foods, as iodine can be poiso nous.
Wash your hands and throw everything away when done.
Solid Sample
1. Peel off the skin (as shown on fig.2.1.5) of any vegetables e.g. potato and
fruits as these are often impermeable.
2. Use a clean spatula to remove samples of desirable amount of powdered
food onto a white paper plate but avoid cross contamination with other
3. Add a few (2-3) drops of iodine solution using a dropper to a piece of
solid food on a white tile or paper plate.
4. Label the container appropriately using a marker.
5. Wipe off any spillages on workbench or excess iodine solution with paper
6. Wait for 3 – 5 minutes and observe the colour changes.
Liquid Sample
1. Use a syringe to add 10 cm3 of milk (or any liquid food) sample to a clean
and dry test tube or transparent container.
2. Add about 3 – 5 drops of iodine solution to the test tube.
3. Label the container appropriately using a marker.
4. Observe any colour changes.
5. Repeat steps 1 -3 using distilled water instead of milk in step 1 to prepare
a control.
6. Copy and complete the table below using information obtained in the
Observation Interpretation
Brown colour Starch is not present
Blue-black Starch is present
Expected Observations
Lipids are called fats in animals and oils in plants.
Like carbohydrates, they contain three kinds of atoms; carbon (C),
hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O).
Fats are made of smaller molecules called fatty acids and glycerol.
3. Add one drop of vegetable oil to tube 1, and shake the tube sideways until
the oil dissolves in the alcohol.
4. In tubes 3 and 4 pour about 20 ml of water.
5. Pour the contents of tube 1 into tube 3 and the contents of tube 2 into
tube 4.
6. Record your results as below.
Tube Contents Tube Result when added to Interpretation
1 Oil dissolved in 3
2 Alcohol alone 4
Expected Observations
Tube Contents Tube Result when added to water Interpretation
1 Oil 3 A layer of cloudy white suspension Lipids are
dissolved forms at the top of the present
in alcohol solution.(Upon close inspection
there are tiny droplets of fat
suspended in the solution-this is
an emulsion. )
2 Alcohol 4 Solution remains colourless No Lipids are not
alone emulsion is formed present
Proteins contain more elements than carbohydrates.
On top of elements in carbohydrates all proteins contain nitrogen (N) and
some also have sulphur (S).
Proteins are polymers made of chains of small units called amino acids.
A short chain of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds is called a
peptide whilst a long chain is called a polypeptide.
There are about 20 different types of amino acids, of which any of these
can be used to make different types of proteins.
Different arrangement and length of amino acids results in different
proteins, even if one amino acid is replaced by a different one.
Some proteins like haemoglobin (red pigment in blood) are soluble while
others like keratin (protein in nails and hair) are insoluble.
They are body building nutrients responsible for growth, defence and
Experiment: Testing for proteins (Biuret solution test)
o 1% starch solution
o 10% glucose solution
o 1% albumen (egg white)
o dilute copper sulphate solution
o dilute sodium hydroxide
o distilled water
o 4 test tubes
o 5ml and 20ml syringe
Precautions: Sodium hydroxide is caustic and dissolves
clothing, skin and bench tops. It is destructive so if any is
spilt on the bench neutralize it immediately with an equal
volume of dilute hydrochloric acid and wipe dry. If spilt on
clothing do the same but follow with a wash in as much water
as possible. If spilt on the skin do not add acid but wash under
the tap until the 'soapy' feeling is removed.
1. Label four test-tubes 1-4.
2. Put about 20ml of;
o 1% starch solution into tube 1
o 10% glucose solution into tube 2
o 1% albumen solution into tube 3
o distilled water into tube 4
3. Pour into each tube, about 5ml dilute sodium hydroxide (remember
4. Add to this about 5ml dilute copper sulphate solution. Shake the tube
sideways to mix the contents.
5. Return the tubes to the rack, leave for a few seconds and record the
resulting colours in your notebook.
6. Copy the table below and record your observations.
Tube Substance Reaction with copper sulphate and sodium hydroxide
Expected Observations
A positive result would show the mixture turn from blue to a purple
The intensity of the purple colour is directly proportional to the amount
of protein present in the sample.
Nucleic acids
These are polymers that enable organisms to transfer hereditary
information from one generation to the next.
Nucleic acids contain elements Carbon (C), Oxygen (O), Hydrogen (H),
Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P).
Nucleic acids are polynucleotide chains made from nucleotide molecules
joined together.
Nucleotides are the building blocks of nucleic acids that contain three
parts namely:
o Nitrogenous base
o Five-carbon (pentose) sugar
o Phosphate group
Individual nucleotides are bonded together by covalent bonds between
the phosphate of one and the sugar of another to form polynucleotide
There are two types of nucleic acids deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and
ribonucleic acid (RNA).
DNA is composed of a phosphate, deoxyribose sugar and the four
nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.
In double stranded DNA, adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs
with cytosine.
DNA with paired bases coils and twists (as shown in fig.2.1.8) to form a
structure called double helix.
RNA exists as a single stranded molecule composed of a
phosphate, ribose sugar and the bases adenine, guanine, cytosine and
The first part of a name of the two nucleic acids is derived from the type
of five carbon sugar used to make it.
1. Define a cell.
2. Identify parts of the cells.
3. Outline functions of cell organelles.
4. Compare the structures of plant and animal cells.
Living organisms are made up of made up of microscopic units called
A cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism.
They have the following characteristics:
A light microscope
o microscope
1. Prepare the onion epidermis as illustrated in stages in fig.3.1.2.
10. Calculate the magnification used.
11. Magnification (M)= Eyepiece magnification x Objective lens
magnification, for example:
Fig 3.1.3:
Onion epidermal cells stained with iodine seen under a light microscope at x40 magnification
= 15 mmx1000
= 0,015mm
= 15µm
Structure and function of cell organelles
1. Cytoplasm
This is a gel-like fluid where all organelles are suspended.
Cytoplasm is mostly composed of water and salts.
It is surrounded by a selectively permeable membrane to maintain
optimum conditions for chemical reactions.
The chemical reactions include protein synthesis and respiration.
2. Nucleus
It contains the genetic material (DNA) which determines nature of the
The nucleus controls all the activities of the cell.
3. Cell Membrane
The cell membrane is a semi-permeable covering which surrounds the
cytoplasm separating cell contents from its surroundings.
It controls the entrance and exit of dissolved substances.
4. Cellulose Cell Wall
Cellulose is tough carbohydrate which provides structural support to the
The cell wall is freely permeable to water and dissolved substances.
It also protects the cell from damage by osmotic absorption of water.
5. Vacuole
In animal cells, the vacuoles are relatively small and temporary; some are
involved in digestion (phagocytes) while others are for removing excess
In plant cells, the vacuole is large and permanent, and it contains cell sap
(solution of salts and sugars).
Cell sap helps to draw water into the cell through osmosis.
Water in vacuole maintains turgor pressure which in turn maintains the
definite shape structure of a plant cell.
6. Mitochondrion
It is the site where respiration takes place.
Respiration is an enzyme controlled process that releases energy through
breaking down of food substances especially carbohydrates like glucose.
It is referred to as the powerhouse of a cell.
It is located in the cytoplasm.
7. Chloroplasts
It is the site where photosynthesis takes place.
Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll - a green pigment which absorbs light
for photosynthesis.
They also contain enzymes which are needed for photosynthesis.
It is located in the cytoplasm.
Table 3.1.2: Comparing plant and animal cell structure
Cell Plant Animal
Nucleus Present (often found Present (found anywhere inside
near the cell)
the edges of the cell)
Cytoplasm Present and Present
surrounded by a
cell wall
Cell Present Present
Vacuole Present (large, Present (small, temporary)
Cell wall Present Absent
Chloroplasts Present in some cells Absent
Shape Permanent shape as Vary due to absence of
determined by rigid rigid cell wall.
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
Cell specialisation is when newly divided cells begin to change shape,
inner structure, cytoplasm, and cell membrane.
This enables the cell to adapt to a specific function more effectively and
Multicellular organisms are composed of numerous specialised cells.
Some examples of specialised cells are red blood cells, root hair cells,
neurons, muscle cells, palisade cells and xylem vessels.
Root Hair
2. Palisade Cells
Palisade cells are vertically elongated and closely packed cells which have
numerous chloroplasts to absorb sunlight.
They are located on the upper part of the leaf to allow them to capture
maximum amount of light energy.
Fig. 3.2.3:
White blood cells are found throughout the body but injured or infected
areas have large quantities of these cells.
There are two major types of white blood cells;
a. Phagocytes
o They engulf and digest pathogens or foreign bodies that invade the
o Phagocytes have irregular shaped nucleus that allows the cell to
squeeze through walls of capillaries towards an infected part of the
o Some phagocytes have a C-shaped nuclei that helps to surround
and engulf foreign bodies or pathogens.
o Enzymes in the cytoplasm assist in the digestion of engulfed
o The cell membrane is sensitive for detecting foreign organisms in
the body.
b. Lymphocytes
o They produce antibodies that destroy pathogens.
o Lymphocytes produce antitoxins that neutralise the toxins released
by pathogens.
White blood cells
3. Muscle Cells
Muscle cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and many nuclei in each
cell instead of one.
Muscle cells are specialised for movement such as breathing movements,
chewing and movement of limbs.
The cytoplasm contains numerous protein fibres which can shorten the
cell when movement is required.
Cells of muscles are long and elastic, enabling the muscle tissue to
contract and relax.
Muscle cells
Some of the structures that enable the muscle cells to adapt to their
function are:
They possess numerous mitochondria - for producing energy needed
during movement.
They are long and thin - this allows muscle tissue to contract and relax.
Their elasticity allows the muscle tissue to return to normal after each
4. Neuron Cells (Nerve Cells)
These cells are specialised for transmitting impulses throughout the body.
Impulses are electro-chemical signals sent by nerve cells.
Nerve cells are adapted for their function since they are very long (more
than a meter), enabling rapid impulse transmission, to and from all parts
of the body.
Neurons also have axons wrapped around by myelin sheath to insulate
against loss of impulses during transmission.
5. Sperm
It is a male sex cell that is specialised for fertilisation and motility (ability
to move spontaneously and actively to propel a body).
The structure of a sperm is related to its function because it has a tail for
swimming towards an ovum.
It has very little energy store but has numerous mitochondria in the
midpiece to support respiration.
Respiration provides energy required by the tail for swimming.
The acrosome has enzymes that breaks down the walls of the ovum to
effect fertilisation.
Millions of sperms are released during a single ejaculation to increase
chances of fertilisation.
Structure of a sperm
1. Define diffusion.
2. Investigate factors that affect the rate of diffusion.
3. Define osmosis.
4. Describe active transport.
Diffusion is the movement of particles or molecules from a region of their
higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration.
It is a passive process meaning that particles move down the
concentration gradient (without energy expenditure) until equilibrium is
The concentration difference of particles between two places is called
concentration gradient.
The particles are in constant motion because of the kinetic energy they
This process occurs mostly in gases and liquids and is faster in gases than
in liquids.
It hardly occurs in solids because of the closely packed and fixed structure
of its particles.
Diffusion process
2. Allow the beaker to stand undisturbed.
3. Observe what happens after a few minutes, an hour, after a day and more.
Expected Observations
After a day or two days beaker C, shows a purple cloud-like rising from
the bottom to the top of the beaker.
A complete purple colour is observed in beaker D a few more days.
The particles of the potassium permanganate moved from where they
are highly concentrated (bottom) to where they are less concentrated
(top), until equilibrium was reached.
Experiment: Diffusion in gases
o 50ml hydrochloric acid
o 50ml ammonia
o 2 equal volume containers
1. Place two bottles, one containing hydrochloric acid and the other
containing concentrated ammonia close to each other (in a fume cupboard
because the chemicals are dangerous).
2. Observe what happens.
Expected Observations
A white cloudy mist is observed.
The vapours from the two liquids (ammonia and concentrated
hydrochloric acid) diffuse into the air.
The two vapours react to form the mist.
Factors affecting the rate diffusion
The rate of diffusion is affected by:
o temperature
o surface area to volume ratio
o particles size
o concentration gradient
o diffusion distance
1. Temperature
o The higher the temperature the faster the rate of diffusion and vice
o At higher temperatures, particles gain kinetic energy and move
2. Surface Area to Volume Ratio
o The larger the surface area to volume ratio, the faster the rate at
which diffusion occurs.
o Cell membranes that are folded present a large surface area to
allow many molecules to cross by diffusion at a given time.
3. Particle Size
o The smaller the particle size, the faster the rate of diffusion and
vice versa.
o Powders tend to diffuse at a faster rate compared to crystals.
o Smaller particles at a given temperature move faster than larger
particles because they require less kinetic energy to move.
4. Concentration Gradient
o The greater the concentration gradient of the particles between two
places the faster the rate of diffusion.
o Particles tend to move very fast down a steep concentration
Experiment: Comparing effects of temperature on diffusion in liquids
1. Measure equal amount of water in three beakers.
2. Water in beaker A is cold, in B is at room temperature, and in C is at 60oC.
3. Place 5g of potassium permanganate crystal is to the bottom of each
beaker using a straw.
4. Leave the beakers undisturbed.
5. Observe what happens in each beaker.
Expected Observations
A purple streak of the potassium permanganate rises faster in beaker C
than in B, and is very slow in beaker A.
1. Measure 200ml of water at room temperature in beaker A and in beaker
2. Place 5g potassium permanganate crystals in beaker A and 5g of
potassium permanganate powder in beaker B.
3. Allow the two beakers to stand and observe after some minutes, a day
and a week.
Expected Observations
In Plants:
Carbon dioxide and Oxygen move in and out (respectively) of the palisade
and spongy mesophyll cells during photosynthesis.
This is a special type of diffusion that involves movement of water
molecules only.
Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a region of their higher
concentration to a region of their lower concentration through a partially
or selectively permeable membrane.
Water moves from their concentration (right) to their lower concentration
(left) (water flows down a water potential gradient).
This process continues until water concentration equilibrium is reached.
Experiment: Osmosis in living plant tissue (potato cells)
o freshly peeled potato
o 200ml distilled water
o 200ml 5% salt or sugar solution
o 200ml 10% salt or sugar solution
o ruler
o balance scale
1. Prepare three small pieces of peeled potato of the same size.
2. Measure and record the length or mass of each potato piece.
3. Put one piece into each solution, and leave the experiment for a day.
4. Measure and record the length or mass of each potato piece on day 2.
5. Tabulate the results: original mass or length, final mass or length,
decrease or increase in mass or length, and the % increase or decrease.
Expected Observations
Distilled 5% 10%
water salt/sugar salt/sugar
solution solution
Original mass 5,0cm 5,0cm 5,0cm
or length
Final mass or 7,3cm 4,0cm 2,9cm
Increase or +2,3cm -1,0cm -2,1cm
decrease in
mass or length
% increase or decrease in mass or =46% -20% -42%
The potato piece in distilled water increased in length by 46%.
The water molecules diffused into the potato, region of their low
The percentage decrease was higher in the 10% sugar solution than in the
5% sugar solution. Movement of water molecules from potato into
solution was higher in the 10% solution than in the 5% solution.
Experiment: Osmosis using visking tubing
A visking tubing is an artificial semi -permeable membrane
with microscopic holes which allow smaller molecules like,
glucose and water to pass through.
o 200ml distilled water
o 200ml 10% sugar solution
o A prepared visking tubing containing 50ml distilled water (with a
capillary tube)
o A prepared visking tubing containing 50ml of 10% sugar solution
(with a capillary tube)
o 2 beakers
1. Place the visking tubing containing glucose solution into the beaker with
distilled water, (beaker A).
2. Place the visking tube filled with distilled water into the beaker with
glucose solution (beaker B).
3. Leave the experiment for 15 - 20 minutes.
4. Observe water level in the capillary tube.
5. Remove the visking bags and observe their shape and size.
Expected Observations
In A; the liquid level in the capillary increases, the visking tubing swell,
is firm and hard.
In B; has the liquid level in the capillary decreases, the visking tubing
shrinks, feels soft and flaccid.
The visking tubing in A is surrounded by distilled water which has a
higher water potential. The water molecules enter the visking tubing by
osmosis causing the level in the capillary tube to rise.
The water concentration surrounding the visking tubing in B is lower,
than in the tubing. Water molecules leave the visking tubing into the
solution resulting in a decrease of the liquid level in the capillary tube.
Osmosis in animal cells:
Solutions inside and outside the animal cell are separated by a partially
permeable cell membrane.
Inside the cell, the cytoplasm has a fairly concentrated solution of proteins
and other substances in water.
Outside the cell, the solution is much more dilute (highly concentrated in
Water molecules move from outside the cell into the cell by osmosis.
Fig. 3.3.9:
If more and more water continues to enter, the red blood cell membrane
The hypertonic solution has more solutes than water molecules.
Water will therefore diffuse from the red blood cell into the solution by
osmosis; the red blood cell shrinks and becomes crenated.
1. Plant cell in solution of equal water potential
The water concentration in the cytoplasm and in the solution is balanced;
therefore there is no net movement of water (no osmosis).
The cytoplasm just presses against the cell wall.
2. Plant cell in hypertonic (concentrated sugar) solution
A cell surrounded by concentrated sugar (a solution of lower water
potential) than in the cytoplasm, will lose water by osmosis to the
surrounding solution.
This causes the cytoplasm to shrink and become flaccid or "floppy".
As water continues to leave the cell by osmosis, the cytoplasm pulls away
from the cell wall and the cell becomes plasmolysed.
Plasmolysis results in the death of the cell as the cell membrane usually
gets damaged while it gets torn away from the cell wall.
3. Plant cell in hypotonic (dilute) solution
When a cell is surrounded by a dilute (higher concentrated water) solution,
water moves into the cytoplasm by osmosis.
As more and more water enters the cell the cytoplasm and the vacuole
expands, the cytoplasm pushes against the cell wall.
The cell wall stops the cell from expanding enough to break the cell
The cell becomes full of water, very firm, and rigid; it is said to be turgid.
Turgidity is important in plants as it helps them to stay upright and keeps
the leaves firm (structural support).
Active transport
This is a process by which dissolved molecules or ions move into and out
of a cell against a concentration gradient using energy.
Carrier proteins in cell membranes change shape to move the ions or
molecules against their concentration gradient.
This process requires energy which must be supplied by the cell from
Fig.3.3.11 shows a representation of active transport.
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
1. Define an enzyme.
2. Explain the properties of enzymes.
3. Describe enzyme action.
4. Investigate factors that affect the rate of enzyme
catalysed reactions.
Enzymes are biological catalysts.
They speed up the rate of chemical reactions in living organisms.
An enzyme has an active site to which substances bind and where a
reaction is catalysed to form products.
Enzymes work on a specific kind of substrate.
Substrate molecules fit exactly into the active site of the enzyme to form
an enzyme-substrate complex.
This is also called the lock and key hypothesis of enzyme activity.
Fig.4.1.1 shows the mechanism of action of an enzyme-catalysed
Properties of enzymes
1. They are protein in nature.
o The protein molecules can be folded into many different shapes to
make enzyme molecules.
o An enzyme molecule can only work best if its shape is not altered.
o Two factors which affect shape of an enzyme are temperature and
2. They are highly specific.
o Each type of enzyme has a shape that makes it suitable for
catalysing one type of reaction.
o For example, in the digestive system salivary amylase breaks down
starch only, and will have no effect on fats or proteins.
3. They are reusable.
o Enzymes are not consumed in the reaction instead, they remain
o When the reaction is over the product(s) leave the enzyme and
another substrate molecule enters.
o 400ml distilled water
o 500ml measuring cylinder
o 500ml beaker
o test tube
1. Set up the experiment as shown in fig.4.1.3.
2. After a few minutes observe the changes in the measuring cylinder.
3. Use a glowing splint to test the gas collected in the measuring cylinder.
Expected Observations
Gas bubbles are released, (hydrogen peroxide breaking down to form
water and oxygen).
The collected gas relights a glowing splint, (a positive test for oxygen).
Factors affecting enzyme activity
An enzyme molecule can only work best if its shape is not altered.
If an enzyme molecule loses its shape, its substrate will not fit into its
active site.
Two factors which affect shape of an enzyme are temperature and pH.
1. Temperature
The graph in fig.4.1.4 represents the effects of temperature on an enzyme
The enzyme-catalysed reaction increases, reaches a maximum (optimum)
rate and then decreases as the temperature increases.
In a temperature range of 0oC – 40oC, increasing the temperature increases
rate of reaction.
This results from the molecules of both the enzyme and the substrate
gaining more kinetic energy and colliding with each other more
Increasing the temperature above 40oC decreases the rate of reaction.
The enzyme molecules begin to lose their shape (denature) and the active
sites are distorted causing the substrate not to fit thus inhibiting the
At 60oC the enzyme becomes completely denatured.
A denatured enzyme cannot function as a catalyst.
At low temperatures, the enzyme and substrate molecules have less
kinetic energy and move slowly (they become inactive), resulting in
decreased rate of reaction.
o 8 test tubes
o 4 water baths at 0oC, 20oC, 40oC and 60oC
o syringe
o stop watch
o some milk
o some trypsin solution
1. Put 10ml of milk into 4 test tubes.
2. Put 10ml of trypsin into the other 4 test tubes.
3. Place one test tube of milk and one test tube of trypsin into each of the
four water baths for 2 minutes.
4. Starting with the test tubes in 0oC water bath, pour the trypsin into the
milk and immediately start the stop watch.
5. Observe and record the time taken for the milk to clear.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the other set of test tubes.
Expected Observations
No colour change is observed in the 0oC and 60oC water baths - the
enzyme trypsin is inactive at 0oC and are denatured at 60oC.
A clear colour is observed after a shorter time in 40oC water bath than in
the 20oC water bath.
The enzyme trypsin speeds up the breakdown of the protein polypeptide
in milk, resulting in a clear colour.
2. pH
pH of a solution is a measure of how acidic or alkaline the solution is.
The shape and activity of enzyme molecules affected by pH.
For most enzymes there is a small range of pH in which their molecules
are exactly the right shape (pH optimum)
In extremes of pH (too low or too high) most enzymes are denatured.
The graph in Fig.4.1.5 shows the optimum pH for pepsin, amylase, and
o 5 test tubes
o neutral buffer solution
o weakly acidic buffer solution(pH 5)
o strongly acidic buffer solution(pH 2)
o strongly basic buffer solution(pH 12)
o weakly basic buffer solution(pH 8)
o 25ml pepsin
o 25ml milk
1. Measure 5ml milk and pour into each test tube.
2. Measure 5ml of each buffer solution.
3. Add one of each buffer solution into the milk.
4. Measure 5ml pepsin and add to the milk-buffer solution.
5. Observe which solution becomes clear.
6. Repeat the experiment using lipase on fats-buffer solution.
7. Observe which solution turns.
8. Repeat the experiment using amylase on starch-buffer solution.
9. Observe which solution turns.
Expected Observations
The pepsin-milk-buffer solution becomes clear in the strongly acidic
The pH in the stomach ranges from 1-3, because of the presence of
hydrochloric acid.
The enzyme pepsin is found in the stomach, it digests proteins.
The lipase-fats-buffer solution becomes clear in the slightly alkaline
The amylase-starch-buffer solution in the neutral solution.
Salivary amylase digests starch in the mouth and in the small ileum, has
an optimum pH between 7.0 - 7.5, neutral to slightly basic.
The enzyme lipase digests fats in a slightly alkaline environment of pH
level 8.
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
1. Define photosynthesis.
2. Investigate conditions necessary photosynthesis.
3. Describe factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis.
4. Describe how leaf structure is adapted for
5. Describe the functions and effects of deficiency of
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on plant growth.
Photosynthesis is a process in which green plants manufacture
carbohydrates using carbon dioxide, water and light energy trapped by
Light energy is trapped and converted into chemical energy (glucose).
Plants can manufacture their own food using inorganic substances hence
they are called autotrophs or producers.
This can be summarised by the following equation;
Carbon dioxide + Water > Glucose + Oxygen
Experiment: Testing for starch on a leaf
1. Bring some water to boiling either in a beaker of water heated by a Bunsen
burner or in an electric water bath.
2. Submerge a leaf in boiling water for one minute. This kills the leaf as it
destroys membranes, making it easier to extract chlorophyll.
3. Place this leaf in a boiling tube with enough alcohol to just cover the leaf
and place the boiling tube in the boiling water bath for 10 minutes.
Precaution: When the alcohol begins to boil, turn off the Bunsen. This will
prevent the alcohol from boiling too vigorously and shooting out of the
mouth of the boiling tube.
4. Wash the leaf in warm water which removes the ethanol and rehydrates
the leaf and makes it easy to spread out.
5. Spread the leaf flat out on a tile or Petri dish and put some drops of iodine
solution on it.
Expected Observations
If the leaf turns blue-black, starch is present and if it stays red/brown
there is no starch.
Experiment: Is light necessary for photosynthesis?
o potted plant that has been kept in the dark for 48 - 72 hours
o aluminium foil or black tape
o scissors
o starch test materials
1. Cut a small piece of aluminium foil or black tape.
2. Cover a part of one leaf on both sides with a strip of aluminium foil.
3. Leave the plant in the sun for 3 hours (the exposed parts of the leaf form
the control of the experiment).
4. After 3 hours remove the leaf from the plant and form a starch test.
(a) Previously de-starched leaf (b) Appearance of leaf after testing with iodine solution
Expected Observations
In the experiment because light is the energy needed for photosynthesis,
the leaf will appear as in fig.5.1.2 (b).
The part in sunlight will show presence of starch.
Experiment: Is chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis?
o plant with variegated leaves that has been kept in the dark for 48-
72 hours
o starch test materials
1. Remove the plant from the dark and put it in the sun for 3 hours.
2. After 3 hours remove the leaf from the plant and form a starch test.
(a) Normal de-starched variegated leaf (b) after boiling in alcohol and (c) after treatment with iodine
Expected Observations
The part that contained chlorophyll (green colour) showed presence of
starch concluding that chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis.
o conical flask or polythene bag
o lime water
o cotton wool
o sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide
o starch test materials
1. Remove the plant from the dark.
2. Encase a leaf of the plant in a polythene bag or conical flask filled with
potassium hydroxide as in fig.5.1.4.
3. Place the plant in the sun for 3 hours.
4. Take the leaf enclosed and any other leaf on the plant, which is the control
and perform a starch test.
Expected Observations
After the starch test, the enclosed leaf showed lack of starch showing
carbon dioxide is needed for photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis decreases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the
Photosynthesis adds oxygen in the atmosphere required by all organisms.
Fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and natural are formed from long time
degradation of the past plant and animal parts.
Plant products like timber, rubber, resin, drugs, oils are derived from
Rate of photosynthesis
Limiting factors
o Limiting factors are the factors that directly affect the rate at which
photosynthesis can take place.
o The main factors affecting rate of photosynthesis are light
intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature.
1. Light intensity
As light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis increases steadily
in a linear manner as in fig.5.1.5.
Eventually, the rate of photosynthesis levels off (becomes constant) due
to effect of other limiting factors such as the carbon dioxide
concentration or the temperature.
o pond weed
o 500 cm3 Beaker
o desk lamp or light source
o 1 meter ruler
o stopwatch
o water at room temperature
o knife or scissors
o baking soda
o test tube
o thermometer
1. Cut a segment of the pond weed plant approximately 8cm with scissors
and crush the end of the stem at the incision gently.
2. Submerge the plant into a test tube filled with 40ml room temperature
water and 1g baking soda.
3. Place the test tube in the beaker of water and note the temperature where
the beaker acts as a heat shield.
4. Set the apparatus as in fig.5.1.6.
5. Darken the laboratory by turning off as many lights as possible.
6. Turn on the light source and allow the plant to equilibrate or adjust to the
light intensity for 2-3 minutes.
7. Count the number of bubbles given off in one minute.
8. Move the light 10 cm further back.
9. Leave for 2-3 minutes for the pondweed to adjust again.
10. Count the number of bubbles given off in one minute.
11. Repeat by moving the lamp away by 10 cm intervals until 50 cm is
Expected Observations
1. As the light source was continuously being moved further back the number
of bubbles given off per minute decreases.
2. Carbon dioxide concentration
An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide increases the rate at
which carbon is incorporated into sugars, thus increase in the rate of
Normally carbon dioxide is present in low concentrations in the
atmosphere (0.04%).
Increasing the concentration causes a rapid rise in the rate of
photosynthesis which eventually becomes constant as shown by the graph
in fig.5.1.7.
o pond weed
o test tube
o thermometer
o sodium bicarbonate solution of varying concentrations
o 5 boiling tubes
o beaker
Fill each boiling tube with different concentrations of sodium bicarbonate
solution, label and place in a water bath to warm to 25°C.
Cut the stem of the pond weed at an angle and remove several leaves
from around the cut end of the stem.
With the cut end upwards, immerse the pond weed in the boiling tube
with the lowest concentration and place in a beaker as in fig. 5.1.8 above.
Place the water bath with the boiling tube at a measured distance from a
light source and allow the plant to adapt for 5 minutes.
Count and record the number of bubbles released per minute and repeat
these procedure using different concentrations of sodium bicarbonate.
A graph should be drawn of the rate of bubble production against
sodium bicarbonate concentration.
Note: During this experiment only one factor (carbon dioxide
concentration) should be varied, whilst the other are kept constant
(temperature 25°C and light intensity).
Expected Observations
An increase in the concentration of sodium bicarbonate (carbon dioxide
concentration) cause an increase in the number of bubbles produced per minute.
As temperature increases, the rate of photosynthesis increases slowly
until the optimum temperature is reached, any further increase results in
a sharp decrease in the rate of photosynthesis (as shown by asymmetrical
shape of the graph in fig.5.1.9).
The rate of chemical reaction doubles for every rise of 10°C, this is true
only if light or carbon dioxide is not the limiting factors.
The process of photosynthesis is catalysed by enzymes hence is affected
by temperature changes.
As the enzymes approach their optimum temperature the overall rate of
photosynthesis increases as shown in fig.5.1.9.
At higher temperatures molecules have more kinetic energy and collide
more frequently thus are more likely to react.
At low temperatures the enzymes are inactivated and at very high
temperatures the enzymes are denatured.
In general photosynthesis occurs between minimum and maximum
Minimum Temperature
o It is the lowest temperature at which the process of photosynthesis can
o Plants in cold and temperate regions have lower values of minimum
temperature whilst tropical plants have higher values of minimum
o The rate of photosynthesis increases gradually or slowly from
minimum to optimum temperature.
o Photosynthesis hardly starts at about 5°C in tropical plants.
Optimum Temperature
o It is the best or most suitable temperature at which photosynthesis can
occur fastest.
o The optimum temperature varies greatly from tropical to arctic regions.
o Rate of photosynthesis is highest at the optimum temperature and it is
the temperature at which most amount of products are formed per
given unit time.
o The general optimum temperature for tropical areas like Zimbabwe is
around 25°C
Maximum Temperature
o It is the highest temperature at which the process of photosynthesis
can occur.
o Photosynthesis stops (rate of photosynthesis is zero) if temperature
increases beyond this point.
o The rate of photosynthesis decreases sharply from optimum to
maximum temperature.
o The decrease may be due to one or more of the following causes:
o Accumulation of the end products of photosynthesis.
o Denaturing of active site of enzymes.
o Permanent wilting effect
o Destruction of chlorophyll at high temperatures.
o The general maximum temperature for tropical areas like Zimbabwe is
around 40°C
o pond weed
o test tube
o thermometer
o sodium bicarbonate solution
o boiling tube
o beaker
o hot plate or burner
Fig 5.1.10:
1. Cool the water bath to 5°C with ice packs.
2. Fill in the boiling tube with an excess of sodium bicarbonate.
3. Cut the stem of the pond weed at an angle and remove several leaves
from around the cut end of the stem.
4. With the cut end upwards, immerse the pond weed in the boiling tube and
put it in the water bath at 5°C and maintain the temperature.
5. Place the water bath with the boiling tube at a measured distance from a
light source and allow the plant to adjust for 5 minutes as in fig.5.1.10
above as well as maintaining the temperature at 5°C.
6. Count and record the number of bubbles released per minute.
7. Repeat the procedure using the temperatures of the water bath at 10°C,
20°C, 30°C, 35°C, 40°C and 50°C.
8. A graph should be drawn of the rate of bubble production against
Expected Observations
An increase in the temperature caused an increase in the number of
bubbles produced per minute from 5°C to 40°C.
At 50°C there was a decrease in the number of bubbles caused by the high
temperature which can denature the enzymes involved in photosynthesis.
The vascular bundles (xylem and phloem) form the midrib and veins of
the leaf.
A dicotyledonous leaf has a branching network of veins that get smaller
as they branch away from the midrib.
Table 5.1.1: Adaptations of a dicotyledonous leaf to its functions
Adaptation Function
Large surface They have a broad shape with a high surface area
to volume ratio to increase the absorption of light.
atmosphere whilst at the same time allowing light
to pass through to underlying palisade mesophyll
because it is transparent.
Leaf stalk
(petiole) It holds the leaf in the best position to receive light.
It captures light energy which is required for
Internal structure of a dicotyledonous leaf
Features of The Leaf And Their Adaptations To Photosynthesis
1. Cuticle
o This is a transparent surface layer which covers the leaf and allows
light to travel to the mesophyll layer.
o It is usually found on the upper surface of the leaf as it is most
exposed to the sun.
o It is waxy to reduce water loss.
2. Epidermal Layer
o It is usually one cell thick (to reduce distance travelled by light to
reach mesophyll cells) and the cells are closely fitting with no air
spaces (to reduce evaporation).
o The cells do not have chloroplasts and are transparent so light can
pass through to the photosynthesising cells.
o The upper epidermis secretes a waxy substance which forms the
o The lower epidermis has pores called stomata.
o Stomata are openings made up of two guard cells which contain
o The epidermal layer maintains the shape of the leaf and protects
inner cells from bacteria, fungi and mechanical damage and
reduces evaporation.
3. Palisade Mesophyll Layer
o These are tall thin cells arranged in columns and separated by very
narrow air spaces.
o The cells contain numerous chloroplasts in the cytoplasm lining
the walls.
o The cell wall and cell membrane are easily permeable to carbon
dioxide and water.
o The chloroplasts are arranged along the side walls close to carbon
dioxide in the air spaces and can move up and down the cell
depending on the light intensity.
o The dense packing of these cells allows the absorption of the
maximum amount of light.
o The cells contain a thin layer of water on cell surface that can
dissolve carbon dioxide.
4. Spongy Mesophyll Layer
o These cells are rounded, rather loosely packed, and are covered
with a thin layer of water.
o The air spaces between them aid the diffusion of gases and water
through the leaf to the palisade layer.
o The cells can photosynthesise but contain less chloroplasts than
those of the palisade layer.
5. Vascular Bundle
o This is the transport system in and out of the leaf.
o The xylem is located towards the upper epidermis and the phloem
towards the lower epidermis.
o The xylem delivers water and mineral salts and the phloem sieve
tubes carry away photosynthetic products such as glucose to other
parts of the plant and storage organs such as roots.
6. Stomata
o These are openings or pores usually found on the lower epidermis
of the leaf.
o Each stoma is made up of a pair of guard cells that regulate the
opening and closing of the stoma.
o The guard cells on the stomata can increase or reduce the size of
the stoma or close it completely depending on their turgor
pressure (movement of water in and out of cells).
o Opening and closing of the stomata helps to control gaseous
exchange of carbon and oxygen, and transpiration rate.
o The stomata tend to close in the absence or in excessive amount
of light, high temperature, low humidity and high wind speed
(environmental conditions that increase transpiration rate).
1. Tie the leaf stalk with a string long enough to hang it in the test tube
2. Completely cover two test tubes with aluminium foil and the other with
tissue paper.
3. Boil one of the fresh leaves for 3 minutes.
4. Add 2ml of bicarbonate indicator to all the 4 test tubes.
5. Hang the leaves in the test tube and close with a cork and place on a test
tube rack.
6. Place the test tube rack in sunlight for 6 hours.
Expected Observations
After 6 hours the indicator solution will appear as in fig.5.1.14.
Mineral Nutrition
In order for plants to photosynthesise and grow they need light energy,
carbon dioxide and water.
However, for healthy growth of plants, plant nutrients (mineral salts) are
These are used for a variety of purposes in plants such as protein
A lack of nutrients in the soil causes stunted growth of plants and show
certain conditions known as deficiency symptoms.
Mineral salts are absorbed by roots from the soil in small quantities as
ions using active transport.
These are nutrients required by plants in relatively large quantities.
The primary macronutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and
potassium (K).
1. Nitrogen
o It is part of every living cell and is a primary component of proteins.
o It is absorbed as nitrates, nitrites and ammonia.
o Its main function is for protein synthesis hence it promotes growth
and increases yield.
o It is also required for the formation of chlorophyll hence promoting
efficient photosynthesis and healthy leaf growth.
o Other functions include cell division (component of hereditary
material), component of vitamins and is involved in all enzymatic
Effects of deficiency in nitrogen
o Plants exhibit stunted growth.
o General yellowing of leaves called chlorosis occurs, with older
leaves first before younger leaves.
o Yellowing starts at the tip and moves along the middle of the leaf.
o Upwards cupping of leaflets if severe.
In older leaves chlorosis begins at the tips and moves along the centre in maize plant with a
deficiency in nitrogen
2. Phosphorus
o The plant absorbs phosphorus in the form of phosphate ions.
o It is an essential constituent of an energy carrier molecule called
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and hereditary material.
o ATP is produced in respiration.
o Phosphorus is an important nutrient required for synthesis of
nucleic acids.
o Nucleic acids are genetic material that is important for heredity.
o There are two types of nucleic acids namely DNA (deoxyribonucleic
acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid)
o Phosphates also help in root formation of young plants.
Effects of deficiency of phosphorus
o Plants appear stunted, thin and spindly with dark green leaves.
o Root growth is drastically reduced.
o Purple or purple-red colours develop and start on the edges of
older dark green leaves.
o In severe deficiency the leaves burn and die (necrosis).
o Distortion in leaf shape and premature leaf fall.
3. Potassium
o It is found in the form of potassium ions.
o It is the most important ion with respect to physiological and
biological functions because it ensures ion and osmotic balance in
o It is important in fruit ripening and development.
o It also maintains regular cell function such as water intake,
respiration and regulates the opening and closing of stomata.
Effects of deficiency in potassium
o Leaves take on scorched appearance with black pigmentation and
necrotic (dead tissue) edges.
o Bronzing or browning of leaf colour.
o Shortening of internodes and dwarfing of plants.
o Prominent red stripes develop on the lower stems in severe
o Lodging (bending of the stem) occurs.
In older leaves there is drying and necrosis along tips and margins in potassium deficient maize
o 12 test tubes
o cotton wool
o mineral nutrient solution
o cotton wool
o foil or black paper
o test tube rack
o plastic drinking straws
1. Prepare 4 solutions labelled A - D by dissolving the salts in table 5.1.2
in 1 litre of distilled water.
Table 5.1.2: Culture solutions
Solution A (Full Solution B (Lacking Solution C (Lacking Solution D (Lacking
culture) nitrogen) potassium) phosphate)
Solution A
calcium nitrate
Solution B 0.25g 0.25g 0.25g
calcium sulphate
Solution C 0.25g
magnesium 0.25g 0.25 0.25g
Solution D 0.59g
sodium nitrate
Solution E
Calcium(V) 0.25g 0.25g 0.25g
Solution F
potassium (III) 0.52g
Solution H 0.70g
Potassium nitrate
Solution I 0.08g
0.08g 0.08g 0.08g
Sodium chloride
Solution J
0.005g 0.005g 0.005g
iron (III) chloride 0.005g
2. Set up healthy seedlings of the same type and age as in fig.5.1.18 below
using three seedlings in separate test tubes for each solution.
Length of shoot
Number of
Leaf colour
Root lengths
Number of roots
Expected Observations
In the first week all the seedlings will grow and appear similar as they will
be using the elements stored in the seed.
After the elements have been used up the effects of deficiency in the
elements nitrogen, potassium and phosphate become more pronounced.
The observation will be compared with plants in Solution A which is the
control of the experiment.
Solution B lacked the mineral element nitrogen so the plants had the
deficiency effect of nitrogen:
o stunted growth
o leaves turning yellow among other signs
Solution C lacked the mineral element potassium and will exhibit the
o yellow/brown leaf margins
o early death among other signs
Solution D had no phosphate mineral element and thus the plants will
exhibit among other signs the following:
o purple leaf colour
o stunted roots
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
Productivity refers to the amount of living matter within any given
environment produced in a certain unit of time.
The total mass of living matter within any given environment at any one
time is called biomass.
Photosynthesis results in the production of glucose which is later
converted to other organic products resulting in an increase in biomass.
A plant will accumulate biomass with time a condition referred to as
This is due to the fact that the cells multiply and enlarge thus the plant
grows bigger.
The dry mass is considered to constitute the biomass since water does
not store energy.
The productivity of plants (primary producer) is important to ecosystems
because they are the organisms that can convert light energy to chemical
Producers bring energy to any food chain.
Measuring biomass in plants
Plant dry weight
It is the weight of any plant after all its water content has been removed
by drying.
The dry weight is determined by means of drying processes which would
remove water since plants have a high composition of water and the level
of water in a plant will depend on the amount of water in its environment
Experiment: Measuring a plants’ dry weight
o plant
o oven or dehydrator
o triple beam balance
o calculator
1. Choose a random plant, and remove it from its pot. Leave the other plants
2. Wash off the soil carefully from the roots.
o With a gentle stream of water, rinse dirt from the plant.
o You can use your fingers to gently remove clumps.
o Pat it dry with a paper towel.
3. Place your plant in the oven.
o A drying oven is ideal.
o Set the temperature at 60-70.
o Heat the plants for at least 8 to 12 hours and up to two days to dry
out the plants.
4. Place your plant in a plastic zip bag.
o Pinch the zipper closed to prevent moisture from entering.
o This will keep the plants dry.
o Allow the plants to cool in the bag.
o If leaves fall off during cooling, keep them.
o Place the detached leaves on the scale with the rest of the plant.
5. Weigh your plant.
o When it is completely cool, place the plant on the scale.
o Record the weight.
Temperatures below freezing affects plant growth as it inhibits water
absorption (more viscous) and can cause rupture of cell walls (increase in
4. Availability of Water
It affects plant growth and development because it is essential in plant’s
biochemical processes.
Plants contain approximately 70-90% moisture.
Plant growth is restricted by low and high levels of moisture.
Excess water in the soil can damage plants like maize due to lack of
5. Pests and Diseases
A pest is any organism, plant or animal which has harmful effects on
humans, their food sources or living conditions.
A disease is a condition of the living plant body or of one of its parts that
disrupts normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing
signs and symptoms.
Some common plant pests are:
a. Tissue eating pests
These have chewing mouth parts and include organisms such as ruminant
animals, rodents, insects and molluscs which feed on plant tissue.
Damage caused by these are varied and include:
death of the entire plant or organ
reduced root, stem and leaf or inflorescence mass
bores and holes on plant parts
cut edges of plant parts
total defoliation
Examples of common tissue eating pests are shown below in fig.5.2.1.
b. Sap-sucking pests
Unlike tissue eating which have chewing mouth parts; insects that
feed on sap have piercing/sucking mouth parts.
These feed on the sugary sap produced in foliage and transported
in the soft phloem tissue beneath the bark.
In aphids, the visible mouth piece has needle-like mouth parts that
pierce the veins and suck.
Spider mites puncture individual cell walls on the outside of the
leaves and suck out the contents.
The damage appears as spots on leaves and stems.
This may lead to wilting and premature drop.
Plants being attacked by sap-feeders will take on a shiny look and
sticky feel which can take black due to black sooty mould which
feeds on the drips of sap.
Sap-sucking pests, (a) Aphid, (b) Scale bug and (c) Red spider mite
c. Bacterial wilt
It is a disease of the vascular tissue caused by bacteria.
Bacteria are microscopic organisms.
The disease is spread by insect vectors through infected mouth parts.
When the plant is infected, the bacteria multiply in the xylem and
block the plant's water transport system.
The first sign is wilting of the youngest leaves on a single stem.
The disease then spreads and affects the whole plant as shown in
d. Fungal Rust
It is caused by pathogenic fungus.
The disease can be identified by a rust colour on leaves and stems.
They appear on the underside of leaves.
It usually affects growing and healthy plants.
The infection is normally limited to plant parts such as leaves,
petioles, tender shoots, stem and fruits.
Plants may appear stunted, chlorotic and discoloured as in fig.5.2.3.
Tomato plants affected by (a) Bacterial wilt and (b) Fungal rust
Pests and diseases control
Pests and diseases pose a serious risk for primary producers as they can
impact on market access and agricultural production.
Pesticides labels
Advantages and disadvantages of chemical control method
Table 5.2.1: Chemical control method
Advantages Disadvantages
Are fast acting Can also harm other beneficial organisms that
helps plants to grow.
Usually are specific as they Higher doses are needed as pests become
are specially formulated. resistant.
Easy to apply and control the Can also harm the environment as they release
pest. harmful toxins to the surroundings.
Advantages and disadvantages of biological methods
Table 5.2.2: Advantages and disadvantages of biological control methods
Advantages Disadvantages
Natural pest control is Not possible to use them before the pest has
targeted. occurred and this means some damage would
have been destroyed.
c. Management control
This combines cultural, natural and chemical controls to maintain insect
pest populations below detrimental levels.
In management control, insecticides are only used when necessary.
Insect damage does not reduce crop value to pay for cost of treatment.
Management control is beneficial because it:
o maximise profits
o reduce pesticide residue in the crop
o reduce or prevent environmental contamination
o reduce human exposure to pesticides
o increases or aids natural control provided by beneficial organisms
The holes of entry close down by excreta of larvae which are feeding
inside the seed kernels.
The eggs of the bollworm will feed and grow in the cotton plant when they
Various natural methods can be used to control the pest at each stage of
the life cycle.
1. Cultural Control
Early ploughing in spring – To reduce cutworm infestations and aids in
wireworm control.
Use recommended quantities of fertilisers – Excessive amounts can
make the plant a favourable host for pests.
Adjust the transplanting date – To match pest attack and their natural
Destroy left-over transplants immediately after transplanting is
completed – Prevent development of high populations of insect pests
which can migrate to the field tobacco.
Manage field borders to reduce insect habitat.
Stalk cutting and root destruction after harvesting – reduce feeding site
for insect and worm pests.
Crop rotation – To reduce infestations of soil inhabiting insects and
Conservation tillage – method of cultivating that reduces soil or water
2. Natural Control
Beneficial organisms like predators, parasites and pathogens can
control several insect pests.
For example, hornworms are parasitised by cotesia wasp whose larvae
feed inside the caterpillars as in the diagram below.
Aphids are destroyed by lady beetles though they may not keep aphids
below minimal levels.
Image of cotesia larvae attached to the body of a hornworm and on the right the adult cotesia wasp
3. Chemical Control
o Pesticides are usually used when the pest population or injury level
of the plant is greater to cause economic damage to crop.
o Plants are constantly monitored to determine if pesticides are
o Pesticides are applied in:
transplant water
soil treatments
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
b. Stems
The stem of a plant refers to the portion typically above ground that holds
the leaves and reproductive structures.
Stems are composed of three basic types of tissues: ground, dermal, and
Ground tissue is any plant tissue that is not dermal or vascular.
The dermal tissue is the outermost layer protecting the interior tissue.
The vascular tissue includes the xylem and the phloem.
Water is absorbed through the plant's roots and is transported to the
leaves via the xylem.
The xylem is a tube that moves water and mineral ions up the plant.
Energy and nutrients produced via photosynthesis in the leaves are moved
in solution down the plant via the phloem.
The phloem is a tube that moves organic compounds from leaves to other
parts or storage organs of the plant.
Phloem can also transport organic substances from storage organs to
other parts of the plant.
c. Leaves
Leaves are the primary region of photosynthesis.
The most basic form is a flat, green leaf, but there are many modified
types that have evolved to thrive in specific environments.
Some common examples are conifer leaves (often called needles), and the
succulent leaves of aloe plants.
Leaves are dermal tissue packed with vascular and ground tissues, and
attach to the stem via a petiole.
Leaves also have stomata, pores through which water can be lost through
This process contributes to the overall process of transpiration, which
moves water through the plant.
Leaves are made up of a variety of layers, beginning with the outer-most
cuticle and epidermis.
The interior of the leaf is called the mesophyll.
Within the mesophyll, there are veins that are part of the plant's vascular
d. Flowers
They are the reproductive structures of plants.
It is the site for pollination and fertilisation.
Flowers hold the male and female components necessary for fertilisation.
Fruits and seeds are produced from flowers.
Flowering plants are classified into monocotyledons (monocots) and
dicotyledons (dicots) according to the number of cotyledons (seed leaves)
their seeds have, among other things.
Monocots are flowering plants that have one seed leaf, or cotyledon for
example cereals (grass crops) like maize, rice and wheat.
Dicots are flowering plants that have two seed leaves, or cotyledons for
example legumes like beans, peas and groundnuts.
Distinguishing between monocots and dicots
1. Seeds
o Monocots have only one seed leaf inside the seed coat.
o It is often only a thin leaf, because the endosperm which provides
nutrition for the new plant is not inside the seed leaf.
o Dicots have two seed leaves inside the seed coat. They are usually
rounded and fat, because they contain the endosperm to feed the
embryo plant.
2. Leaves
o The leaves of monocots are usually long and narrow, with their
veins in straight lines up and down the leaf.
o Sometimes, the veins run from the centre of the leaf to the edge,
parallel to one another.
o Leaves of dicots are usually broad and short.
o The veins go from the central midrib to the edge of the leaf,
crossing and joining to form a netted pattern all over the leaf.
o The differences are clearly evidently shown in fig.5.3.3.
o Stems of dicots have vascular bundles arranged in a circular order
around the ground tissue.
o Xylem and phloem are separated by a cambium in dicots vascular
bundles whilst cambium is absent in monocots.
o Dicots have a pith on the centre of ground tissue but it is absent in
monocots stems as illustrated in fig.5.3.4.
Leaf venation Leaf veins are parallel. Leaf veins are branched
or in net form.
Secondary Absent Often present
A. Epidermis
It is a single layer of cells that covers the stem, and is in turn covered by
a waxy cuticle as shown in fig.5.3.7.
The cuticle which is waterproof helps to reduce water loss hence it
prevents dehydration of inner tissue.
Since the function of the epidermis is to protect underlying tissues,
epidermal cells are tightly packed and have thicker walls than other plant
The epidermis may contain stomata with guard cells especially in arid
environments like deserts.
Stomata present in the epidermis allow for gaseous exchange for
respiration and photosynthesis.
B. Cortex
It is a region which comprises of collenchyma, parenchyma and
the endodermis
1. Collenchyma
o It is a few layers of living cells that lie under the epidermis.
o These cells do not have lignin but have thickened cell walls which
strengthen the stem.
o The cells contain chloroplasts which produce food for the plant
during photosynthesis.
2. Parenchyma
o These cells are found beneath the collenchyma cells and makes up
the greater part of cortex.
o The cells are thin-walled and are separated by intercellular spaces
which are important in gaseous exchange.
o These cells store synthesised organic substances (mostly starch)
produced by collenchymas cells.
3. Endodermis
o It is a single layer of tightly-packed rectangular cells that forms the
innermost layer of the cortex.
o The endodermis also stores starch and regulates the passage of
solutions from the vascular bundles to the cortex.
C. Vascular bundles
Mature vascular bundles are made up of xylem and phloem separated by
1. Phloem
o The function of phloem is to transport synthesised food from the
leaves to other parts of the plant.
o It can also transport organic substances (food) from storage organs
like roots to the rest of the plant
o The phloem is located on the outside of the bundle and the xylem
towards the centre.
o The phloem and xylem is separated by tissue known as cambium,
which is responsible for secondary thickening.
2. Xylem
o It functions in transporting water and minerals from the root
system to the leaves.
o It has lignified cell walls which functions in strengthening and
supporting the stem.
o Xylem vessels are hollow and are made of dead lignified cells.
o Lignin makes dicotyledonous stems woody.
3. Pith
o It occupies the large, central part of the stem.
o The pith is made up of thin-walled parenchyma cells containing
intercellular spaces.
o The cells of the pith store water and starch, while the intercellular
spaces allow for gaseous exchange.
o The pith breaks down forming a hollow stem in some plants.
o Older woody plants may have pith that is filled with rigid xylem
wood fibre.
Internal structure of a dicotyledonous root
A. Epidermis
It is a single layer of cells located on the outside that protects the inner
The epidermal layer of the root has no waterproof cuticle as this would
prevent the absorption of water.
Structurally, the cells of the root hair (shown in fig.5.3.8) have large
central vacuoles and cover a large surface area which allows water to enter
these cells readily by the process osmosis.
B. Cortex
It is made up of parenchyma cells.
These cells are large which enables them to store water and food.
They also facilitate the movement of water from the root hair cells on the
outside of the plant to the xylem on the inside of the plant.
C. Endodermis
It constitutes the innermost layer of the cortex.
It is a layer of tightly-packed, modified parenchyma cells.
The radial and transverse cell walls are thickened with a water-
impermeable, waxy layer, known as the Casparian strip. This layer helps
to regulate the flow of water from the cortex into the stele, rather than
allowing the water to spread to all the root cells.
D. Vascular bundles
Mature vascular bundles are made up of xylem and phloem separated by
1. Phloem
o This tissue is responsible for transporting organic substances from
the leaves to the rest of the plant.
o The cambium separates the xylem and phloem tissues from each
other and it is the area where secondary growth of xylem and
phloem tissues occurs.
2. Xylem
o This tissue is responsible for transporting water and dissolved
mineral salts to the xylem tissue of the stem and leaves.
o Xylem vessels are made of dead cells and they are hollow.
o These cells are strengthened with lignin for support.
o The pits in the cell walls of root hair cells allow for the lateral (side
to side) movement of water.
Experiment: Identifying vascular tissue in dicots
o celery plant
o eosin (red) or methylene blue
o beaker with water
o white tile or dissection board
o scalpel or sharp cutting tool
o hand lens
Precaution: Take care with sharp scalpels. Avoid skin contact
with some dyes.
1. Immerse the celery under water and cut the stem.
2. Add eosin or methylene blue to water in the beaker
3. Place the stem containing leaves in the beaker.
4. Leave for a few hours.
5. Cut off about 5cm of the celery.
6. Use a hand lens to look for the stain on the cut surface.
Expected Observations
The stain will colour the xylem vessels in a circular fashion.
The root epidermis contains numerous root hair cells (fig.5.3.9) to
increase the absorption surface area.
Water tension in vessels draws water through the root from the soil.
Water in the xylem vessels move up in the same way the drink moves up
the straw when you suck it.
This is because there is higher water pressure in the roots than in the
Low pressure is created in the leaves by transpiration and photosynthesis.
The flow of water in the xylem is called the transpiration stream.
The process of osmosis is also very important during the uptake of water.
There is high concentration of water in the soil than the root hair cell, so
water moves from the soil to the root hair cell.
Minerals are also present in the soil but in low concentration, using active
up take, the root hair cells takes the mineral ions in.
The mixture of mineral ions and water moves from the root hair cells
through other cells by osmosis and active uptake till it reaches the xylem
vessel in the root and it enters the xylem through pits.
The xylem vessel transports the water from the root to the stem (forming
the vascular bundle with the phloem) and upwards to the leaves.
The water and dissolved minerals leave the xylem and get absorbed by
the cells in the leaves.
The xylem vessels pass through the stem and veins of the leaf until the
water is used in photosynthesis or lost through the stomata
The structure of a root hair cell
Adaptations of the root hair cell for water and mineral ion absorption
o It has a long and narrow projection that increases surface area to
volume ratio for faster rate of absorption of water and mineral ions.
o Large vacuole absorbs large volume of water.
o Cell surface membrane prevents leaking of cell sap which in turn
maintains low water potential inside cell for efficient osmosis.
o It is a living cell able to release energy by respiration, for active
transport of mineral salts.
Transpiration is the loss of water into the atmosphere from plants in the
form of water vapour.
The water evaporates from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and
However, most of the water vapour (approximately 90%) diffuses through
the stomata in the leaves.
How transpiration occurs
Transpiration in leaf
Mesophyll cells are lined by a thin film of water on their outer surface
which is necessary for the exchange of gases (carbon dioxide and
This water is evaporated into the airspaces in between the cells.
More water moves out of the mesophyll cells to replace the water lost.
As a result, the water potential of the mesophyll cells decreases.
Water from the leaf xylem then moves into the mesophyll cells by osmosis
because the water potential of the water in xylem vessel is higher than in
the cytoplasm of mesophyll cells.
Continued evaporation of water from the mesophyll cells increases the
humidity inside the air space.
When the humidity inside the airspace becomes greater than that in the
atmosphere outside the leaf, the water vapour diffuses out through the
open stomata.
This is called transpiration.
The function of the reservoir is to allow the air bubble to travel back to
the start of the measuring scale on repeating the experiment.
As water moves up through the plant the air bubble moves along the scale
giving a measure of water absorbed by the plant over time and hence
the transpiration rate.
Functions of transpiration
Transpiration acts to pull up a column of water from the stem and roots
in the xylem; this ensures a constant supply of water to the cells in the
Transpiration also causes a movement of water through the soil bringing
ions like nitrates to the roots.
After ions are absorbed into the root, they are carried to the leaves in the
transpiration stream.
Evaporation of water from the surface cools the plant.
4. Wind Speed
o Water vapour is blown away from the surface of the leaf very
quickly in windy conditions.
o This increases the rate of transpiration.
5. Surface Area And Stomata
o Leaves with a large surface area will have a greater number of
o This will mean there can be more diffusion of water out of the
o When stomata open, transpiration rates increases and when they
are closed transpiration rates decreases.
Experiment: Factors affecting the rate of transpiration
o a drinking straw
o a soft green leafy shoot
o petroleum jelly
o marking pen
o play dough
o plastic bag
o elastic band
o ruler
A simple potometer
1. Cut the stem of the leafy shoot (at an angle to increase the surface
area) under water.
o The reason we cut it under water is to prevent air bubbles entering
the xylem vessel.
o Use a very sharp knife or new scalpel and cut at an angle in order
to increase surface area for water uptake in the xylem.
2. Test to make sure the stem of the leafy twig will fit snugly into the top
of the straw.
3. Remove the leafy shoot from the straw and set aside.
4. Fill the straw with water. Place your finger over one end of the straw to
stop the water from running out.
5. Put the leafy shoot into the open end and seal it with play dough while
removing it from water keeping your finger on the straw.
6. Seal with petroleum jelly and make sure it is air tight and water tight. If
not, all the water will run out when you take your finger off the straw.
7. Mark the water level on the straw.
8. Place your potometer under one of the following conditions for one hour:
o in a warm, sunny place (no wind)
o in a warm, windy place
o with a plastic bag tied around the leaf, in a warm, sunny place; or
o a shady place
9. Every 10 minutes use a marking pen to mark the change in water level
on the straw. Continue taking measurements for 1 hour.
Measure the distance the water moves during each time interval.
Expected Observations
Experiment: Investigating water is loss from leaf surfaces
1. Select one healthy leaf and clean the leaf to remove the water droplets
using a filter paper.
2. Place two strips of cobalt chloride paper: one on the upper and the other
on the lower surface of a leaf of the potted plant.
3. Take two glass slides and place one over the upper and the other over
the lower side of the leaf.
4. Clip the slides together using rubber bands.
5. Note the time taken by the cobalt chloride paper to change its blue colour
to pink.
Expected Observations
Cobalt chloride is blue when dry and pink when wet.
The time taken to change colour of the cobalt chloride paper from blue
to pink on the lower leaf surface is less than the upper surface.
The paper attached to the leaf surfaces of the leaf turns pink showing
that water is lost through leaves by transpiration.
o plant
o polythene bag
o plant pot
o balance
1. Water the potted plant well.
2. Wrap the plastic bag around the pot to prevent water loss from the soil.
3. Place the plant on the balance and weigh at intervals.
Expected Observations
Changes in weight indicate water loss by transpiration.
3. Smear only the upper surface of leaf 2 with petroleum jelly.
4. Smear only the lower surface of leaf 3 with petroleum jelly.
5. Let leaf 4 hang freely in the air as a control without smearing it with
petroleum jelly.
6. Examine the leaves on the next day.
Expected Observations
Leaf 1 and leaf 3 show signs of wilting.
Leaf 2 and leaf 4 show no signs of wilting.
Water is lost through the plant stomata during transpiration.
Stomata are found on both leaf surfaces of leaves but most plants have
more on the lower surface.
Stomata on lower More humid air on lower Most dicots
surface of leaf surface, so less
only evaporation.
Shedding leaves Reduce water loss at Deciduous
in dry/cold certain times of year. plants
Sunken stomata Maintains humid air Marram grass,
around stomata. pine
Stomatal hairs Maintains humid air Marram grass,
around stomata. couch grass
Folded leaves Maintains humid air Marram grass,
around stomata.
Succulent leaves Stores water Cacti
and stem
Extensive roots Maximise water uptake. Cacti
Examples of xerophytes
Young plant stems and leaves rely on their cells being turgid to keep them
Wilting occurs if the amount of water lost from the leaves of a plant is
greater than the amount taken into the roots.
The plant will have a water shortage and cells become flaccid (soft) and
will no longer press against each other.
Stems and leaves lose their rigidity and wilt.
Wilting in plants
It is the movement of organic substances/assimilates (such sucrose,
amino acids and fatty acids) from one part of the plant to another.
It is an active process which occurs in the phloem.
Plants produce sugars in their leaves by photosynthesis which are
translocated to non-photosynthetic parts of the plant which also require
these sugars.
Glucose produced by photosynthesis is converted into sucrose (which is
soluble but not metabolically active).
Sucrose can be:
o broken down by enzymes and used in respiration
o converted to starch and stored in roots, fruits or seeds
o used to make new cell walls.
o Translocation typically begins in any plant location where sucrose
(or the other organic solute) is in high concentration (the source)
to where it is used or stored (the sinks).
The rate of translocation is rather constant and barely affected by
environmental conditions.
Phloem vessel
Translocation in the phloem sieves
Sucrose is transported in sieve elements which work closely together with
companion cells to achieve translocation.
Companion cells actively load sucrose in the phloem from photosynthetic
cells in the leaves.
This movement of sucrose decreases the water potential in the phloem
sap inside the sieve tube.
This causes the water to move into the sieve element down a water
potential gradient by osmosis creating a pressure gradient in the sieve
Phloem sap then moves by mass flow down the turgor pressure gradient
Sucrose is then moved into the sink cells from the phloem by either
diffusion or active transport.
Water diffuses from the phloem by osmosis and is then transpired or
recycled via the xylem back into the phloem sap.
Translocation in phloem
Any break in the bark can allow entry of parasitic, pathogenic or
saprophytic organisms.
Eventually the plant will die, decompose and the inorganic compounds
will be recycled back into the environment by detrivores.
This may lead to deforestation.
Ring-barking on a stem
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
Balanced diet
Diet is the food an animal eats at a particular time.
A balanced diet is eating food containing all the necessary nutrients in
correct quantities and proportions.
Nutrients are the food components that provide nourishment essential for
maintenance of life and for growth.
Components of a balanced diet
Nutrients required by humans in their diet include; carbohydrates,
proteins, lipids (fats), vitamins, fibre, water and mineral ions such as
calcium, iron and magnesium.
Sources and functions of nutrients
Table 6.1.1: Nutrients and their importance in the body
Nutrient Food source Functions in human body
Carbohydrates Potatoes, rice, Provides energy.
wheat, maize,
Proteins Meat, beans, fish, Growth, development,
eggs, nuts defence, tissue repair.
Lipids (fats) Fatty meat, butter, Insulation, energy
cream, cheese storage and synthesis of
(dairy products) cell membranes.
Fibre Cereals, vegetables Stimulates peristaltic
(roughage) movements in the gut.
Calcium Milk, cheese, Strengthens bones and
yoghurt teeth.
Vitamin A Carrots, green Maintains normal vision,
vegetables, liver, essential for maintaining
cod-liver oil, butter healthy immune system.
and milk.
Vitamin C Citrus fruits, raw Bonds cells and tissues
vegetables, nuts together.
Vitamin D Fish oil, milk, eggs, Needed in the small
butter and made in intestine to absorb
the skin by the sun Calcium.
Iodine Iodised salt, sea Production of thyroid
food hormones, helps cells to
convert food into energy.
Iron Red meat, liver, Haemoglobin production
Water Tap, borehole, well Medium for metabolism,
temperature regulation
and transport of soluble
Experiment: Testing for vitamin C
Vitamin C is in juices, such as freshly-squeezed orange/lemon juice. A
vitamin C solution can be made by dissolving vitamin C pills in distilled
water. DCPIP is a blue liquid that loses its colour when it comes into
contact with vitamin C.
The higher the concentration of vitamin C the greater the change of
colour of DCPIP.
o DCPIP solution
o vitamin C solution or orange juice
o distilled water
o syringe or a dropping pipette
o 2 test tubes
1. Put a known volume of DCPIP in 2 test tubes.
2. Label the test tubes as orange juice and control (distilled water).
3. Fill a syringe or dropping pipette with vitamin C solution or orange juice.
4. Add the liquid into the test tube, one drop at a time.
5. Observe the colour change.
6. Repeat steps 3 – 5 using distilled water to prepare a control.
7. Copy the table below and record your observations.
Food substance Initial DCPIP Final DCPIP
colour colour
Vitamin C solution or
orange juice
Distilled water
Expected Observations
DCPIP loses its blue colour in presence of vitamin C (positive) but
maintains its blue colour in absence of vitamin C (negative).
NOTE: For more food tests refer to Topic 2.0 Chemicals of life.
Various nutritional demands for different individuals
Diets should have a variety of foods because different foods provide
different nutrients to the body.
People of different ages require different diets, for example, young
children need a lot of calcium since their teeth and bones are still growing
and developing actively; proteins, since they are still growing, repairing
damaged tissues and strengthening their immune system.
Adults require more carbohydrates (calories) than young children because
they do the laborious work.
Table 6.1.2: Daily estimated calories and recommended servings for calories fat, milk and lean
meat, according to age and gender
Manual (heavy weight) workers who are more active require more
carbohydrates for energy than sedentary (light weight) workers who
spent most of the time in the office as shown in fig.6.1.2.
People of different sex also require a different diet for example females
require a lot of iron since they menstruate.
Males require lots of carbohydrates than females because they do most
of the physical work.
Females at the age of menstruating need more iron than males of the
same age because their bodies need to produce more red blood cells to
replace blood lost by the body during the process of menstruation.
A pregnant woman requires more calcium, iron and proteins for blood,
development and growth of the foetus.
Calcium is also required in large quantities for bone formation and
Malnutrition is eating food without correct amount of nutrients (it is
eating an unbalanced diet).
It is also wrong nutrition, resulting from not having enough to eat, not
eating enough of the correct food, or being unable to use the food that
one does eat.
Malnutrition is different from starvation!
Starvation is when one does not have anything to eat or is not eating
enough food for a long period of time.
Starvation can lead to malnutrition because starving people start to eat
whatever food they find even if the food is of the same type since they
want to survive.
Malnutrition exists in two forms; under nutrition and over nutrition.
A. Under nutrition
It is a form of malnutrition resulting from a reduced supply of food or
from inability to digest, absorb, assimilate, and use the necessary
It includes being underweight for one's age, too short for one's age
(stunted), too thin for one's height (wasted) and deficient in vitamins and
Effects of under nutrition
1. Kwashiorkor
This disease is evidence of malnutrition where the diet lacks proteins.
Staple foods of many developing countries are carbohydrate (energy
giving) foods but they do not contain much protein for example maize,
bread, rice, potatoes.
It mainly affects young children in developing countries as shown in
Symptoms of kwashiorkor
o Change in skin and hair colour (to a rust colour) and texture (hair
loses its curliness).
o Protruding and enlarging belly as shown in fig.6.1.3.
o Loss of muscle mass.
o Failure to grow or gain weight (stunted growth).
o Oedema (excess water retention in body tissues), which makes
them look puffy and bloated.
o Body weakness and irritability, and in many cases their skin flakes.
o Enlargement of the liver.
o Damaged immune system, which can lead to more frequent and
severe infections.
2. Marasmus
Marasmus is a form of extremely severe malnutrition characterised by
energy deficiency.
Marasmus is caused by severe deficiency of almost all nutrients, especially
proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids (extremely low intake of energy giving
It has significant, chronic wasting (extensive using up) of muscles, fats
and tissues of the body as shown in fig.6.1.4 below.
It is more prevalent in young children in developing countries like Africa,
South Asia and Latin America.
Symptoms of marasmus
o Symptoms can be variable and wide range depending on the
severity of the condition and many other factors.
o Emaciated appearance (body appearing very thin, just like a
skeleton) as seen in fig.6.1.4.
o Significant weight loss (body utilizing muscles & tissues also for
o Chronic diarrhoea or prolonged vomiting which leads to loss of
energy, nutrients and water from the body.
o Lack of energy.
o Outward expansion of abdomen beyond normal size.
o Persistent dizziness.
o Dry skin.
o Loss of bladder or bowel control.
o Full or partial paralysis of lower extremities that is, the legs.
Table 6.1.3: Effects of mineral nutrition deficiency
B. Over nutrition
It is a form of malnutrition whereby the intake of nutrients is
oversupplied. The amount of nutrients exceeds the amount required for
normal growth, development, and metabolism.
Effects of over nutrition
1. Obesity
It is a condition beyond overweight where a person has accumulated too
much body fat that it might have a negative effect on their health.
Too much of food containing fats can cause obesity (very fat) as shown
in fig.6.1.6 below.
If you eat a lot food, the excess energy is stored as fat inside your body
and eventually you grow too big in size for your age and height.
Obese people are more likely to get heart diseases, stroke and diabetes.
Fast foods contain a lot of fat (junk food) so it is not advisable to eat a
lot of them.
Obese people have body mass index (BMI) above 30kg/m2.
BMI is defined as the body mass (kg) divided by the square of the body
height (m2), and is universally expressed in units of kg/m2.
Symptoms of obesity
o Breathlessness.
o Increased sweating.
o Snoring.
o Difficulty in sleeping.
o Inability to cope with sudden physical activity.
o Feeling tired everyday.
o Back and joint pains.
o Coronary heart diseases resulting from high blood pressure
(hypertension) and accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels
and/or around organs.
o Development of diabetes type 2.
o Skin problems caused by moisture that accumulates in the folds of
your skin.
An obese person
Prevention of obesity
o Eat a balanced diet with low energy and fat levels.
o Exercise regularly.
2. Heart Disease
A lot of saturated fats in the diet puts one at risk of developing heart
Saturated fats contain, or are used to make cholesterol which gets stored
in the lumen of blood vessels.
An excess of this deposition of cholesterol results in less blood being
transported around the body and there is an increased blood flow
An extra strain is applied on the heart as it needs to work harder in order
to overcome this resistance and supply enough blood to the body.
If the vessels lining the vessels supplying the heart are lined by
cholesterol, then less blood gets to the heart muscles rendering it less
effective in pumping blood (cardiac muscles will be starved of oxygen and
Too much salt in the diet increases blood pressure above normal
(hypertension) also leads to heart diseases.
Unsaturated fats and oils do not cause heart diseases.
People who smoke are at a greater risk of developing heart disease than
Excessive intake of alcohol has been linked to increasing chances of one
developing heart diseases.
Heart disease increases the chance of an individual getting a stroke.
Prevention of heart disease
o Chicken skin should be removed because it is very rich in saturated
fats and cholesterol.
o Fish and white meat do not contain saturated fats so more of these
and less of red meat may help reduce risk of heart diseases.
o Eat a balanced diet with low salt, energy and fat levels.
o Exercise regularly.
o Take limited volumes of alcohol.
o Do not smoke.
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
Alimentary canal
Alimentary canal is a two open-ended continuous tube that takes in,
digests and absorbs food, and expels undigested food material.
It is also called digestion system or the gut.
It is muscular and its internal parts are lined by glands that secrete various
enzymes, juices and other chemicals that facilitate digestion.
The digestive system is made up of several different organs as shown in
Organ Function
Oesophagus Food bolus (ball) moves along this muscular tube
by a process called peristalsis from the mouth to
the stomach.
It is the breaking down of large complex organic substances into smaller
simple organic and inorganic substances that can be used by the body.
Digestion can occur either mechanically or chemically.
1. Mechanical digestion
Mechanical digestion is the breakdown of large pieces of food into
smaller pieces of food without changing the food molecules.
It can also be defined as the physical breakdown of food particles to
increase their surface area.
Mechanical digestion occurs in two regions in the alimentary canal:
o By chewing in the mouth.
o By churning in the stomach.
2. Chemical digestion
Chemical digestion involves the breakdown of food by enzymes.
Enzymes break down food into small, soluble molecules that can be
B. The oesophagus
Peristalsis in oesophagus
Food moves down the oesophagus (gullet) from the mouth to the
stomach by a wave of muscular contractions called peristalsis.
These movements is characterised by:
o Contraction of circular muscles while longitudinal muscles relax
behind the food bolus to push it down to the stomach.
o Relaxation of circular muscles in front of the bolus, and contraction
of longitudinal muscles to widen the oesophagus to allow the bolus
of food to move along.
C. Digestion in the stomach
The stomach walls secrete gastric juices containing proteases pepsin and
Rennin is secreted in babies and young children and clots protein in milk.
Pepsin breaks down proteins into more soluble compounds called
Stomach wall also secretes hydrochloric acid which creates acidic
conditions suitable for pepsin to work at optimum level.
Hydrochloric acid also kills many bacteria taken in together with food.
Rhythmic peristaltic movements of the stomach occur in about every 20
seconds, helping to churn and mix the food and gastric juices to form a
creamy liquid called chyme.
When the pyloric sphincter (lower stomach muscle) relaxes part of the
chyme is pushed into the duodenum.
No absorption takes place here except that of alcohol.
D. Digestion and absorption in the small intestines
The small intestines are relatively long (5m) and are divided into
duodenum and ileum.
1. Duodenum
o In this first section, alkaline pancreatic juices (sodium hydrogen
carbonate) which neutralise the acid from the stomach are secreted
from the pancreas.
o Pancreas is a digestive gland lying just below the stomach and it
produces three types of enzymes together with pancreatic juice.
o Pancreatic amylase: converts starch into maltose.
o Lipases: break down fats into glycerol and fatty acids.
o Trypsin: breaks down proteins and peptides into amino acids.
o Bile is also secreted from the gall bladder.
o Bile is a green watery fluid containing bile salts that emulsifies fats.
o Emulsification is the breaking down of fats into very small droplets
thereby increasing the surface area for lipase activity.
2. Ileum
o This second part specialises in absorption of completely digested
o Absorption is the uptake of digested food molecules into the
bloodstream from the gut.
o All digestible materials are changed to soluble compounds which
can pass through the lining of the ileum into the blood stream.
o The lining cells can break down remaining peptides into amino
acids, maltose is broken down to glucose and these substances can
enter the capillaries.
o The lining of the alimentary canal has goblet cells which secrete
mucus that prevents digestive enzymes/juices from reaching and
digesting the walls of the alimentary canal.
o Mucus also helps undigested food to slide along the gut.
o All digested food is highly concentrated in ileum than in blood and
is absorbed in this section of the gut by diffusion.
o Active transport is used to absorb digestion products which are
more concentrated in blood than in ileum.
Structural adaptations of ileum for absorption of soluble products of digestion
Ileum is best adapted for absorption because;
a. It is long (because of the folding and coiling) as shown in
Fig.6.2.1, so it presents a large surface area for absorbing
the digested food
b. Its internal surface area is significantly increased by
thousands of finger-like projections called villi shown in
c. The villi is lined with special (absorptive) cells with microvilli
(folding of the membrane shown in fig.6.2.3) that increase
membrane surface area for soluble substances absorption.
d. The epithelium is very thin which reduces the distance
travelled by digestion products from the gut to blood in
capillaries hence fluids can pass through it rapidly.
e. There is a dense network of capillaries in each villus to ensure
a rich supply of blood that transports absorbed soluble
products to the liver and around the body.
The lacteals inside the villi absorb most of the fatty acids and glycerol in
the ileum as chyle. Chyle is a milky fluid consisting of lymph and
emulsified fat extracted from chyme in the ileum. Fatty acids and glycerol
absorbed by lacteals are transported via the lymphatic system not the
blood circulatory system.
Experiment: Investigating the effect of amylase on a starchy foodstuff
Investigate enzyme action on a foodstuff
See that food must be digested before it can be absorbed in the digestive
o amylase solution
o rice
o 3 boiling tubes
o 3 Test tubes
o syringe
o visking tubing
o spatula
o thermometer
o distilled water
1. Label 3 boiling tubes 1, 2, 3.
2. Label 3 test tubes 1, 2, 3.
3. Set up 3 model guts: take a wet piece of visking tubing, tie a knot
in one end, place the sawn off syringe barrel in the other end and
secure with an elastic band. These may have been set up for you
(see diagram).
4. Use the spatula to add rice to each of the model guts until they are
half full.
5. Rinse the outside of each piece of visking tubing under a running
6. Place the rice-filled model gut in a labelled boiling tube half-filled
with warm water (see diagram below)
7. Immediately withdraw one drop of the water you have added and
test it with iodine on a dimple tile.
8. Add 5ml of water to model gut 1.
9. Add 5ml of amylase to model gut 2.
10. Add 5ml of boiled amylase to model gut 3.
11. Place all the boiling tubes containing the model guts in the water
bath at approximately 37ºC.
12. Leave for at least 15 minutes.
13. While you are waiting:
o Place a grain of rice in a well on the white tile and add a drop of
iodine solution. A blue-black colour indicates that starch is
o Put some rice in a test tube. Add 2ml of water, 2ml of Benedict’s
reagent and place into a large beaker of boiling water. Check the
colour after 2-3 minutes. An orange (or greenish-yellow) colour
indicates that glucose or a similar sugar is present.
o Record your results in a suitable table.
14. After 15 minutes, use a teat pipette to remove some of the water
surrounding the model gut in boiling tube 1.
15. Place one drop of this water in a well of the white tile and add a
drop of iodine. Record the result.
16. Place the rest (around 2ml) of the water from boiling tube 1 into
test tube 1. Add 2ml of Benedict’s reagent and place test tube 1
into a large beaker of boiling water. Check the colour after 2-3
minutes. Record the result.
17. Repeat steps 14, 15 and 16 with water from boiling tubes 2 and
3. Record the results.
Summary of the digestive enzymes found in the human gut
Table 6.2.2: Digestive enzymes and their specific action in the gut
Lactose Lactase Glucose
E. Large intestines
1. Colon
o It absorbs water from the undigested food (roughage/fibre).
o The undigested material is largely cellulose, lignin, vegetable fibres
mucus and dead cells.
o Note: Humans cannot digest cellulose.
o No enzyme secretion occurs but colon contains bacteria that can
digest part of the fibre.
o Bacterial fermentation of fibre releases vitamins including vitamin
B which is absorbed by the walls of the colon.
2. Rectum
o It collects the semi-solid matter from the colon called faeces.
o The faeces are temporarily stored here for 12 - 48 hours and are
expelled by peristaltic movements when the anal muscles relax.
3. Caecum and appendix
o These are small parts of the gut which have no known function in
o However in rabbits they are larger and they play a significant part
in cellulose digestion.
4. Anus
o A circular muscular opening, that allows faeces to come out when
the sphincter muscles relaxes a process called egestion.
o Egestion is the removal of undigested food mainly roughage from
the body through the anus.
o It is the end point of digestive system.
All food absorbed into the bloodstream from the ileum is transported
directly to the liver through a blood vessel called hepatic portal vein for
initial assimilation.
Assimilation is the incorporation or absorption of absorbed food
molecules into various cells and tissues for energy, defence, growth and
development of the body.
Completely digested food substances can pass through the membranes
of different cells where glucose can be used for respiration to release
energy and amino acids can be joined together to form different proteins
required by the cell.
Note: Assimilation takes place in the cell only.
The liver is the first point of assimilation in the body.
Functions of the liver
Some functions of the liver include;
o Converts excess glucose into glycogen (short term storage) and
fats (long term storage) in blood glucose regulation process.
o Stores vitamin A and D.
o Joins amino acids to synthesise plasma proteins found in blood.
Fibrinogen is an example of a plasma protein which functions in
blood clotting.
o Breaks down excess amino acids into carbohydrates and urea a
process called deamination.
o Breaks down toxins which would have been absorbed together with
food, including drugs and alcohol to harmless substances which
will be excreted in urine, a process called detoxification.
o Also breaks down worn out red blood cells to make bile.
o Storage of iron from the breaking down of haemoglobin in red
blood cells.
o From the liver the food can now be distributed to various parts of
the body for further assimilation.
Structure of a tooth
Part Description
Non-living substance containing calcium salts.
Deposited on the outside of the crown of the tooth
by cells in the gum before the tooth reaches the
1. Incisors
o Incisors are used to take bites of food.
o These chisel-shaped teeth are adapted for cutting and biting soft
o They are located at the front and centre of the jaws.
o An adult has a total of eight incisors, four on each jaw.
2. Canines
o They are pointed, sharp and strong for piercing and tearing food
substances like tearing off a piece of tough meat.
o They are located between incisors and premolars.
o An adult has four canines, two on each jaw.
3. Premolars
o They are used for tearing, crushing and grinding solid and semi-
solid food substances.
o Premolars have flattened surfaces with two cusps (slightly raised
sharp surfaces) to increase surface area for grinding and chewing.
o They have one or two roots.
o They have features of both canines and molars.
o They are located between canines and molars near the back of the
o An adult has eight premolars, four on each jaw.
4. Molars
o They are used for crushing, grinding and chewing solid and semi-
solid food substances for example bones and tough fruits or seeds
like nuts.
o Molars have broad flattened surfaces with three or four cusps to
increase surface area for grinding and chewing.
o They have two or three roots.
o They are located between canines and molars near the back of the
o An adult has twelve molars, six on each jaw.
Tooth decay
Decayed tooth
Tooth decay is damage that occurs when bacteria inside the mouth
produce acids that eat away at a tooth.
It can cause a permanent hole in the tooth called a cavity.
If not treated, tooth decay can cause pain, infection, and tooth loss.
How tooth decay occurs
Plaque is a thin sticky film of bacteria which constantly forms on teeth
and gums.
After a meal, particles of sugary food may be left between the teeth and
the bacteria in the plaque converts sugar into acid.
The acid attacks the enamel and this sets off tooth decay creating a tooth
When the enamel is worn away, the acid will attack the dentine.
Eventually, the cavity may reach the pulp cavity where the nerves are
located: this is very painful and causes severe toothache.
If patients do not take action at pulpal decay, the infection travels deeper
into the tooth, all the way to the root tip causing severe pain, swelling,
and inflammation (tooth abscess).
o animal teeth
o concentrated acid
o carbonated drink
o pH paper or indicator
1. Place one tooth into each of the following liquids- water, concentrated
acid and a carbonated drink. Check the pH of each.
2. Leave the teeth for several days, checking daily any changes in the teeth.
What happens to the teeth?
Expected Observations
The enamel of the teeth is eroded in both solutions.
Carbonated drinks also contain acid which causes teeth to decay.
1. The pH of each tooth paste can be tested by dissolving a very small drop
of toothpaste in distilled water.
2. Dip a strip of pH into the solution.
3. Read off the pH on the colour code.
4. Test the pH of bicarbonate of soda by dissolving in some water and
testing with pH paper.
5. Write a report on your findings. Give recommendations with reasons for
the best toothpastes in your opinion.
Humans and other mammals require oxygen in order to breakdown and
utilise glucose in a process called respiration.
This process of releasing of energy results in the liberation of carbon
dioxide as a waste product.
The respiratory system also known as the gaseous exchange system
helps in the supply of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide in
The human respiratory system
The human respiratory system is located inside the thoracic cavity or
It comprises of a pair of lungs and several unique structures.
1. Nasal Cavity
o It cleans, moistens and warms the air.
o The cavity has hairs and mucus which help to trap small particles
such as dirt, dust and pathogens from entering into the respiratory
o As one breathes in, air from the atmosphere moves into the nasal
passages via the nostrils.
2. Larynx / Voice Box
o Contains the vocal cords which vibrate for sound production.
3. Trachea (Windpipe)
o It carries air towards the lungs.
o C-shaped rings of cartilage support the trachea from collapse
during inhalation.
o It is lined with mucus membranes and cilia.
o Cilia are tiny cytoplasmic projections which act as defence
mechanisms against the entry of foreign substances.
o They are constantly beating in a wave-like form (like wipers on a
car) hence pushing trapped substances towards the throat.
o When mucus reach the throat, it will either be spit out through the
mouth or swallowed into the stomach.
The lining in respiratory passage. Cilia move the trapped dirt particles up to the throat and the mucus
is swallowed.
Pleural membrane
It is a lining covering the outside of lungs and inside of thorax.
It produces pleural fluid which lubricates the surfaces of the regions of
contacts between lungs and thorax during breathing movements.
Intercostal Muscles
o They are muscles that run in between the ribs.
o These muscles help expand and shrink the size of the chest cavity
to facilitate breathing.
Breathing is a set of muscular movements which regulates gaseous
exchange and ventilation of the lungs.
It involves two processes which are; inhalation and exhalation.
Breathing process
Breathing mechanism
1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.
2. Pull the holder on the rubber sheet down and then push it up.
3. Do this a few times and observe what happens to the balloons.
Expected Observations:
This model shows how movement of the diaphragm changes the volume
and pressure in the thorax (bell jar).
As the diaphragm (rubber sheet) contracts and moves down, the lungs
(balloons) inflate as a result of an increase in volume and decrease in
pressure in the space around the lungs.
It is the diffusion of oxygen into the blood capillaries from the air in the
blood alveoli while carbon dioxide simultaneously diffuses out of the
blood into the alveoli (Fig.6.4.6).
It takes place via the membrane or gas respiratory surface in the
The alveoli have many characteristics which make them suitable to
function as efficient respiratory surfaces for gas exchange.
These are:
1. Large Surface Area
o Even though alveoli are so small, there are huge numbers of them
within the lungs which results in a large surface area for gas.
2. Thin
o The walls of the alveoli are made up of a single layer of thin cells
and so are the capillaries; this creates a short diffusion distance for
the gases, thus allows rapid gas exchange.
3. Close To A Blood Supply
o The alveoli are covered by a dense network of blood capillaries
which have low oxygen and high carbon dioxide concentrations.
o This allows oxygen to diffuse into the blood and carbon dioxide to
diffuse out of the blood.
4. Moist
o Cells in the alveolar walls secrete a fluid which keeps the inner
surface of the alveoli moist, allowing gases to dissolve.
o This fluid also contains a natural detergent that prevents the sides
of the alveoli from sticking together.
5. Ventilation
o Ventilation of the lungs ensures that the air in the passages is
o This helps to maintain the gas concentration gradients between the
air and the alveoli.
Close to a blood supply Efficient transport of gases to
and from cells.
Inhaled Explanation
Component Exhaled%
Internal body
Temperature Varies 37oC temperature lost from
lung surface.
Experiment: Comparing amount of carbon dioxide in inhaled and exhaled air
o Carbon dioxide indicator (limewater)
o Apparatus shown in fig.6.4.7.
1. Set up the apparatus as shown below in fig.6.4.7.
2. Breathe in and out gently into the apparatus for several times and
observes changes to the limewater.
Expected Observations:
Inhalation causes air to be drawn into the apparatus through tube C.
Exhalation causes air to go through tube E.
The lime water turns milky first in B.
The limewater in A will eventually become milky as one continues to
breathe through the apparatus.
Consequently, there is oxygen demand and increased carbon dioxide
production in muscles.
Increasing the rate and depth of breathing allows for more oxygen to
enter the blood and for carbon dioxide to be removed from the blood.
There is also an increase in the pulse rate as the heart beats faster in
order to deliver more blood to the muscles.
Normally, the pulse rate remains high after exercise as muscles continue
to respire after exercise.
2. Count the number of pulses and the number of breaths in one minute:
o while at rest;
o after walking for 3 minutes and;
o after running for 3 minutes.
3. Tabulate your results.
4. Repeat measurements and calculate the averages.
Expected Observations:
Observe the increase in the breathing rate and depth of breathing after
doing exercise.
o Congested lungs promote the growth of pathogenic organisms
that are normally removed allowing them easier access to the
respiratory surfaces.
o Accumulation of mucus leads to the development of a “smoker’s
cough” in order to remove this mucus.
o The tobacco smoke and coughing inflames the lining of the bronchi
and bronchioles, and they become constricted (smaller) and get
infected leading to the development of chronic bronchitis.
o Chronic bronchitis causes shortness of breath, coughing and pains
within the chest.
2. Lung Cancer
o Tar and other chemicals in tobacco are carcinogenic (cancer -
o Hence, accumulation of tar from smoke over a long period in
alveolar tubes and sacs can lead to lung cancer.
o Lung cancer is ten times more likely to develop in smokers than
3. Emphysema
o Gradual and continued exposure to tobacco smoke irritants will
result in the deterioration of alveolar walls and cause them to break
o This reduces surface area for gaseous exchange and leads to the
development of emphysema (Fig.6.4.9).
o People suffering from emphysema struggle with breathing
(shortness of breath and noisy breathing) because of the reduced
surface area for gas exchange.
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
Respiration is the breakdown of food in cells to release energy.
It is a process catalysed by enzymes.
Energy released from respiration is required for various metabolic
processes in the body which include;
There are two forms of respiration which are; aerobic and anaerobic
Aerobic respiration
It is the complete breakdown of glucose to release a relatively large
amount of energy in the presence of oxygen, in a cell.
Glucose is oxidised to release energy, carbon dioxide and water.
The word equation for the process is:
o 2 vacuum flasks
o 2 supporting stands
o 2 thermometers
o pea seeds soaked (24hours)
o cotton wool
o mild disinfectant
1. Boil half of the seeds and allow them to cool.
2. Soak both the boiled and unboiled seeds separately in the mild
disinfectant for 15 minutes.
3. Rinse the seeds and place them in the flasks.
4. Set up the apparatus as shown below.
5. Record temperatures immediately and then every day for 4-5 days.
Expected Observations
After a few days, the temperature in flask A will be considerably higher
than in the control.
Experiment: Production of carbon dioxide
o flask
o 3 boiling tubes
o glass or rubber tubing
o suction pump
o potassium hydroxide
o soaked pea seeds
o disinfectant
o carbon dioxide indicator solution
1. Disinfect seeds and set up the apparatus as shown in Fig.6.5.2.
2. Set up the control with boiled seeds.
3. Examine the indicator after a few hours and after a day or two.
Expected Observations:
Potassium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide from the air entering the
respiration chain.
Lime water in tube B ensures that there is no carbon dioxide present in
the air supplied to the seeds.
The air in tube C will turn the lime water milky.
Experiment: Uptake of oxygen
o test tube
o rubber cork
o capillary tube
o soaked pea seeds
o soda lime
o gauze
o ruler
o water with dye
1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram below.
Expected Observations:
The bubble of coloured water in the capillary tube will move towards the
test tube in about 20 minutes due to oxygen uptake by the respiring
Soda lime absorbs carbon dioxide produced by the respiring seeds.
Anaerobic respiration
It is the release of a relatively small amount of energy in cells by the
breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen.
It occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell.
Anaerobic respiration in muscles
Anaerobic respiration happens in muscles during hard exercise.
The equation for the process is:
Anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast
Anaerobic respiration occurs in plant cells (especially cells in roots of
plants in waterlogged soils) and in some microorganisms (like yeasts).
In yeast, it is used during brewing and bread-making (fermentation).
The word equation is:
Fig. 6.5.4:
Apparatus to show that carbon dioxide is produced when yeast respires anaerobically
1. Boil and cool water about 50ml of water.
2. Add yeast to the cooled water and steer or shake to make a solution.
3. Add sugar and mix well.
4. Set up the apparatus as shown in fig.6.5.4.
5. Set up a control experiment using boiled yeast suspension which will not
6. Leave the apparatus in a warm place overnight.
Expected Results:
Boiling the water expels all the dissolved oxygen plus, the oil layer also
ensures that the anaerobic conditions are maintained.
Bubbles of carbon dioxide will escape through the limewater turning it
Alcohol produced can be distilled off, collected and identified by its
taste, odour and capability to burn.
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
o Blood vessels - comprises of arteries, veins and capillaries which
carry the blood.
o Heart - this is the pump which forces blood to flow around the
The cardiovascular system is very efficient because it has a double
circulation: blood is pumped through the heart twice during a complete
trip around the body.
1. Pulmonary circulation: Blood is first pumped from the heart into
the lungs where it becomes oxygenated.
Blood is pumped to the lungs at low pressure to prevent rupturing
of delicate lung respiratory surface (alveoli).
2. Systemic circulation: Blood is pumped from the heart to the rest of
the body.
Blood is pumped to the rest of the body at high pressure since the
blood travels to long distances.
The Heart
The muscular walls of the left ventricle are much thicker than those
on the right side because blood has to be pumped to the systemic
circulatory system.
o Right ventricle: less muscular than left ventricle and receives blood
from the right atrium and pumps it into the pulmonary artery.
3. Septum
This is a wall between the left and right hand side chambers of the heart.
It separates oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood.
4. Pulmonary Vein
The pulmonary vein brings oxygenated blood from the lungs into the left
5. Aorta
Aorta is the main and largest artery of the body and carries oxygenated
blood from left ventricle of the heart to the body tissues.
6. Vena Cava
Vena cava is the largest vein that brings deoxygenated blood from body
tissues into the right atrium of the heart.
7. Pulmonary Artery
Pulmonary artery transports deoxygenated blood from right ventricle of
the heart to lungs.
8. Semilunar Valves
Semilunar valves are located in the pulmonary artery and aorta to prevent
back flow of blood into the ventricles.
9. Atrio-Ventricular Valves
o Bicuspid (mitral) valve is two flaps that come together and close
the channel to prevent blood from the left ventricle from returning
into the left atrium during ventricular contraction.
o Tricuspid valve is three flaps that prevent back flow of blood from
the right ventricle to the right atrium during ventricular
10. Tendons
Tendons are tough threads attached to the bicuspid and tricuspid valves
and prevent the valves from being turned inside out.
Cardiac cycle
The cardiac cycle is the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the
chambers of the heart that corresponds to one heartbeat.
Coordinated contraction of cardiac muscle around atria and ventricles is
controlled by a patch of specialised muscle cells in walls of the right
atrium, called pacemaker.
Phase 1
o The atria and ventricles are relaxed and the atrio-ventricular valves
are open.
o De-oxygenated blood from the vena cava flows into the right
o The open atrio-ventricular valves allow blood to pass through to
the ventricles.
o The right atrium then contracts and pushes blood into the right
o The tricuspid valve prevents the blood from flowing back into the
right atrium.
Phase 2
o The right ventricle contracts and the atrio-ventricular valves close
and the semilunar valves open.
o De-oxygenated blood is pumped into the pulmonary artery which
carries blood to the lungs.
o In the lungs, blood picks up oxygen and is returned to the left
atrium of the heart by the pulmonary vein.
o The pulmonary valve prevents the blood from flowing back into the
right ventricle.
Phase 3
o The semilunar valves close and the atrio-ventricular valves open.
o Blood from the pulmonary vein fills the left atrium. (Blood from the
vena cava is also filling the right atrium.)
o The left atrium contracts and forces blood into the left ventricle.
o The bicuspid valve prevents the oxygenated blood from flowing
back into the left atrium.
Phase 4
o The atrio-ventricular valves close and the semilunar valves open.
o The left contracts and oxygenated blood is pumped into the aorta.
o The aortic valve prevents the oxygenated blood from flowing back
into the left ventricle.
Cardiac cycle
Blood vessels
Blood vessels
blood cells to squeeze
Walls are thick Walls are thin Walls are one cell thick.
with a lot of with little muscle
muscle and and elastic fibre.
elastic fibre.
3. Capillaries
o Thin (one cell thick) to reduce distance diffusion between blood
and cells/tissues.
o Have pores to facilitate diffusion.
o Very narrow lumen to be able to supply/collect from delicate parts
of the body (arteries are too big and they have high pressure/speed
which is not suitable for substance exchange).
Blood pressure
This is a measure of the force of blood pushing against the walls of the
arteries as the heart pumps blood.
It is measured in terms of:
o Systolic Pressure: blood pressure when the heart beats while
pumping blood.
o Diastolic Pressure: blood pressure when the heart is at rest
between beats.
Normal blood pressure for adults is generally defined as a systolic
pressure around 120 mmHg and a diastolic pressure around 80 mmHg.
If blood pressure is too high (hypertension), it puts extra strain on the
arteries (and the heart) and this may lead to heart attack and stroke.
2. Weight - Both overweight and obese people are more likely to
develop high blood pressure, compared to people of normal
3. Age - Risk of having high blood pressure increases with age.
4. Mental stress - Some levels of stress which are not managed
properly can raise the risk of hypertension.
5. Genetic predisposition - If one has close family members with
hypertension, their chances of developing it are significantly
Other causes include alcohol intake, lack of exercise, smoking,
pregnancy and diabetes.
o Excess food in our bodies is converted to fats and cholesterol.
o Cholesterol is deposited in the lumen of arteries (arteries become
narrow) thus reducing the amount of blood that can pass through
the arteries.
3. Stress
o Emotional stress can lead to high blood pressure.
o High blood pressure may cause the rate which atheroma is formed
due to increased friction between blood and artery lumen.
4. Lack Of Exercise
o A sluggish blood flow resulting from lack of exercise may allow
atheroma to form in the arterial lining.
o Cholesterol easily settles in the lumen of arteries if there are no
exercises done.
5. Alcohol Abuse
o Drinking too much alcohol can raise the levels of fats in the blood.
o It can also lead to high blood pressure, heart failure and an
increased calorie intake. Consuming too many calories can lead to
obesity and a higher risk of developing diabetes.
o Excessive drinking and binge drinking can lead to stroke and
sudden cardiac arrest.
Effects of high blood pressure and coronary heart disease
o The combination of hypertension and CHD can be lethal.
o The coronary arteries may burst or become blocked under high
o This may result in a heart attack or heart failure.
o If small arteries in the brain are blocked or burst, this may result
in a stroke.
o People suffering from strokes become totally dependent on health
o The ultimate effect of both heart and stroke is death.
Preventive measures against high blood pressure and coronary heart disease
o A diet containing less saturated fats but more vegetable oils.
o Avoid over eating.
o Avoid smoking/smoking environment.
o Avoid emotional stress.
o Exercise regularly.
o Avoid excessive drinking of alcohol.
The blood
Blood is the circulatory medium and makes up 7-8% of the human body
On average, the human body contains about 5 litres of blood.
The main functions of blood include:
o regulation(homeostasis: water and pH)
o protection (immunity and clotting)
o transportation (nutrients, gases, wastes, heat and hormones)
o support (erection of penis)
Composition of blood
Blood is made up of cells and cell fragments suspended in fluid called
The blood cells are made in the bone marrow, but may mature in other
parts of the body.
The main components of blood can be listed as:
o Plasma
o Red blood cells
o White blood cells
o Platelets
Blood components
1. Plasma
o This is the fluid component of blood and contains approximately
92% water.
o It is pale yellow in appearance and holds the blood cells in
o Plasma transports ions, nutrients, such as glucose and amino
acids, carbon dioxide and hormones, urea, vitamins, antibodies,
fibrinogen and plasma proteins.
2. Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)
o These are disc shaped cells which consist of a spongy cytoplasm in
an elastic membrane.
o They have no nucleus and are very small and flexible in order to
squeeze through capillaries.
o They are made in the bone-marrow and their major function is to
carry oxygen from the lungs and then release it in the body tissues
for respiration.
o Red blood cells contain haemoglobin (iron-containing), a protein
with a high affinity for oxygen which binds to oxygen forming oxy-
3. White Blood Cells (Leucocytes)
o They are made in the bone-marrow, lymph nodes or the spleen.
o There are two groups of white blood cells: phagocytes and
a. Phagocytes
o These are large white blood cells which remove any harmful
microorganisms which invade the body.
o They destroy pathogens and dead cells by flowing around,
engulfing and digesting them.
o They have an irregularly shaped nucleus which allows cells to
squeeze through capillary walls, and a cell membrane able to
detect pathogens.
b. Lymphocytes
o These have a large nucleus and produce antibodies against
invading pathogens.
o Antibodies are proteins which identify and neutralise harmful
4. Platelets (Thrombrocytes)
o These are tiny, colourless cell fragments which cause blood to clot.
o When a blood vessel is damaged, platelets release blood clotting
enzymes to change the soluble protein fibrinogen into fibrin an
insoluble protein which forms a meshwork of fibres.
o Red blood cells get trapped in these threads to make a clot.
o This prevents blood loss.
Capillary exchange
It is the movement of substances between blood and tissue fluid in the
Capillaries are adapted to allow the effective exchange of substances
between the blood and the tissues of the body.
As blood flows through the arteriole into the capillaries within tissues,
blood pressure forces some of the plasma to escape through the tiny
clefts between the cells in the walls of the capillaries.
This filtered plasma enters into the spaces between the cells of the
tissues and is known as tissue fluid (interstitial fluid).
Tissue fluid is similar in composition to blood plasma but contains fewer
protein molecules than blood plasma.
Protein molecules and red blood cells are too large to pass through the
small gaps in the capillary walls as a result blood in the capillaries
becomes more concentrated.
Some white blood cells however, can squeeze through and move around
freely in the tissue fluid.
The tissue fluid bathes every living cell in the body and supplies them
with nutrients and oxygen.
Oxygen and nutrients are normally present in higher concentrations in
blood thus they diffuse down their concentration gradients into tissue
fluid and then into body cells as shown in fig.6.6.9.
Some materials move in low concentration in the blood move by active
transport into the interstitial fluid.
Tissue fluid also removes carbon dioxide and waste products from cells
by diffusion; these wastes released by body cells which are present in
higher concentrations in tissue fluid then diffuse into blood.
Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood in three ways:
o dissolved in solution;
o carried as bicarbonate ions (HCO3-);
o bound to haemoglobin.
Blood pressure decreases as blood flows along the capillaries and
towards the venule enabling tissue fluid to move back in to the highly
concentrated blood in capillaries by osmosis.
Some of the tissue fluid gets absorbed into the lymphatic system.
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
Immunity is the ability of the body to resist a particular pathogen or toxin
by the action of specific antibodies or white blood cells.
Pathogen is a disease causing organism, for example; bacteria, virus,
fungi and protists.
When foreign substances enter the body, complex chemical and
mechanical activities occur, to defend and protect the body's cells and
A. Mechanical barriers
They are lines of defence that physically exclude pathogens and/or their
products from invading the body.
The mechanical barriers on the surface of the body play a significant role
in slowing or blocking pathogen invasion.
The barriers include;
1. Skin
o It is the largest organ that covers the body and forms a barrier
between invaders and body.
o Skin forms a waterproof barrier such that microorganisms that live
all over the skin cannot get through the skin unless it is broken.
o Broken skin automatically repairs itself by forming a clot or scabs
that keeps pathogens out of the body.
2. Hairs
o Very fine hairs (cilia) lining the windpipe move mucus and trapped
particles away from lungs towards the throat.
o Particles can be pathogens (bacteria, viruses or fungi) or material
such as dust or smoke.
o Hairs within the nose filter and traps microorganisms, dust and
o The ear also has hairs and wax that trap pathogens and protects
the inner ear from infection.
B. Chemical barriers
These methods produce chemicals that react with or exclude pathogens
that invade the body.
These barriers include;
1. Tears
o It is a watery substance that is secreted by the eyes.
o It washes and keeps the surface of the eye clean.
o Tears contain an enzyme called lysozyme that kills bacteria by
breaking down their cell wall.
2. Mucus
o It is a sticky and slimy substance produced by mucous membranes
on respiratory surface, gastro-intestinal surface, nose or vagina.
o Mucus has chemicals which can trap and kill pathogens invading
the body.
3. Blood Clotting
o When skin is wounded, platelets are able to release chemicals that
cause soluble fibrinogen proteins to form a mesh or net of
insoluble fibrin fibres across the wound.
o Platelets also stick together to form clumps that get stuck in the
fibrin mesh.
o Red blood cells also get stuck in the fibrin mesh, forming a clot.
This develops into a scab, which protects the wound from
pathogens as it heals.
o A clot also prevents excessive bleeding from the wound.
4. Phagocytosis
o Phagocytes are a type of white blood cells that protect the body by
ingesting, engulfing or “eating” harmful foreign particles,
pathogens and dead or dying cells.
o They can squeeze through gaps between cells of capillaries to go
and ingest pathogens invading an injured part of the body.
o Phagocytes at the site of the wound ingest harmful bacteria and
stop them from entering the general circulation.
o Phagocytes engulf pathogens or foreign bodies to form vesicles
and use digestive enzymes to digest them into amino acids,
carbohydrates and soluble waste material.
o Useful substances will be absorbed into cytoplasm whilst waste
material will be expelled from the phagocyte.
o The process of engulfing and digesting pathogens or foreign
bodies is called phagocytosis (fig.6.7.1).
5. Production Of Antibodies
o Antibodies are specialized chemicals or proteins produced by white
blood cells called lymphocytes.
o They function in the following ways;
a. Label or attach to the surface of pathogens and make it easier
for phagocytes to digest them.
b. Immobilise or kill foreign substances in the body.
c. Clump pathogens or foreign bodies together to prevent
spreading of an infection.
d. Neutralise toxins produced by bacteria
o Each type of antibody is specific, meaning that an antibody is only
effective to a specific pathogen for example antibodies that attack
typhoid bacterium cannot affect a pneumonia bacterium.
6. Acidic Secretions
o Stomach walls secrete weak hydrochloric acid that kills bacteria
ingested together with food or swallowed from the trachea when
clearing the throat.
o Vaginal walls have acidic secretions which destroy bacteria that
may invade the vaginal cavity.
Types of immunity
A. Active immunity
It is immunity which results from the production of antibodies by the
immune system in response to the presence of a pathogen.
It is acquired when the body comes into contact with the actual pathogen
or its antigen.
A relatively long time is required for its development, it does not occur
immediately after the body is exposed to the pathogen or its antigen.
These antibodies stay in the blood for life and if the same pathogen
enters the body later it is destroyed immediately by producing the same
Antibodies are produced within the body of an individual exposed to the
infection or vaccine.
There are two types of active immunity, which are:
1. Natural acquired active immunity
o This type occurs when a person is exposed to a live pathogen,
develops the disease, and body produces antibodies specific for
the pathogen.
o When the person recovers, lymphocytes specific to that pathogen
are kept in the lymph nodes as memory cells.
2. Artificial acquired active immunity
o It is when the body is induced to produce antibodies through non-
natural means, by introducing a vaccine to stimulate the body’s
immune response.
o Vaccine is an attenuated or weakened form of a pathogen.
o Vaccination is the process of administering (orally or intravenously)
a vaccine into the body.
o In Zimbabwe new-born babies are vaccinated (fig.6.7.4) against
eight killer diseases:
Gastroenteritis (inflammation of stomach and intestines)
Pertussis (whooping cough)
Pneumococcal infections (pneumonia, meningitis)
o The world immunisation programme has eradicated smallpox by
vaccinating large numbers of people to prevent the spread of this
killer disease.
B. Passive immunity
It is a short-lived immunity which is a result of the introduction of
antibodies from another person.
It can be acquired even when there is no direct contact between the body
and pathogen.
A very short time is required for its development and it protects the body
immediately after its introduction to a body.
There are two types of passive immunity, which are:
1. Natural acquired passive immunity
o This type occurs when a person receives already made antibodies
without deliberate involvement of human manipulation.
o Infants gain immunity from their mothers before or after birth.
o During pregnancy certain antibodies are passed from mother to
o Natural acquired passive immunity also occurs when a baby
breastfeeds on antibody rich colostrum from its mother. This is the
main reason why paediatricians recommend breastfeeding.
o Colostrum is yellowish milk rich in antibodies which is secreted by
mammary gland of pregnant females a few days before and after
the birth of their young.
2. Artificial acquired active immunity
o Antibodies are produced in body of one person and are extracted
by humans to work in a body of another person.
o It occurs when serum is taken from one person and injected to
someone else who urgently needs antibodies.
o Some people who survived Ebola virus in Sierra Leone and Liberia
assisted doctors with serum from their blood to help control the
disease outbreak.
o Serum is an amber-coloured, protein-rich liquid used to provide
immunity to a pathogen or toxin.
o The immunity is very fast but it is also short-lived.
Virus levels in the blood and the lymph nodes increase because the CD4
T-cells cannot keep up with the amount of virus constantly produced
and leads to development of AIDS.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a condition where the
immune system or CD4 T-cells have been destroyed by HIV such that the
body cannot defend itself from opportunistic infections.
Opportunistic infection is an infection caused by pathogens that take
advantage of an opportunity not normally available, such as a weakened
immune system.
People suffering from HIV/AIDS usually die from opportunistic infections
such as tuberculosis (TB), pneumonia and candida (thrush).
Significance of immunisation
A successful immunisation programme depends on the co-operation of
every person and it has a lot of merits.
1. Vaccines promote health
o Vaccinations prevent individuals from getting diseases for which
there are often no medical treatments; these illnesses can result in
serious complications or death.
o In Zimbabwe all new-born babies must be immunised as per
government policy.
o Record of vaccines administered is recorded on the child health
card similar to the one shown on fig.6.7.4.
o A small number of people may be susceptible to diseases, such as
those with impaired immune systems; such people may not be able
to get vaccinations or may not develop immunity even after having
been vaccinated and their only protection against certain diseases
is for others to get vaccinated so the illnesses are less common.
o Unlike many other health interventions, immunisation help healthy
people stay healthy, removing a major obstacle to human
2. Vaccines prevent spread of diseases
o If exposure to a disease occurs in a community, there is little to no
risk of an epidemic if people have been immunised.
3. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to prevent diseases
o All vaccines that are given to children are completely safe and
effective, as various medical professionals have tested them.
o The only discomfort can be pain, redness or tender feeling among
4. Vaccination help to eliminate diseases
o Immunisation has helped to eradicate small pox and polio to some
o If we keep on practicing immunisation, in near future we may be
able to eradicate most of the diseases completely.
5. Vaccines have a wide reach
o Vaccines have an extensive reach because they protect individuals,
communities and entire populations.
o Vaccines have rapid impact on communities and populations for
example, between 2000 and 2008, vaccination reduced global
deaths from measles by 78% (from 750 000 deaths to 164 000
deaths per year).
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
Humans like other mammals, reproduce sexually.
In sexual reproduction, genetic information from the male and female is
combined to form a new individual.
This transfer of genes occurs naturally through reproductive organs
found in both males and females.
The male reproductive system
There are three main functions of the male reproductive system:
o To produce male gametes (sperm).
o To transport male gametes to the site of fertilisation.
o To produce hormones.
2. Testes
o These are the male gonads which produce gametes or sperm cells
through meiosis.
o They also produce the male hormone testosterone.
o Testosterone stimulates developmental changes in males during
3. Scrotum
o This is an external sac or bag of skin which holds the testis.
o It keeps the sperm at a temperature lower than that of the body
(2-3 o C below).
4. Epididymis
o This is a tightly-coiled tube which connects with tubes in the testis.
o Sperm is stored and matures in this region.
5. Prostate Gland
o It secretes fluid in which sperm cells swim.
o The mixture of the fluid and the sperm cells constitute part of the
o The prostate gland also produces the force necessary to push the
sperm out of the epididymis at ejaculation.
6. Seminal Vesicles
o They produce a fluid which also make up the semen and contains
sugars to nourish the sperm.
o The fluid is alkaline in order to protect sperm from the acidic
nature of the female vagina.
7. Sperm Duct
o It connects the epididymis to the urethra.
o To produce hormones.
o The inner uterine walls (endometrium) can develop extra capillaries
to support the embryo development after implantation.
o Implantation of a fertilised egg (zygote) takes place in this organ.
o It is the site of embryo development and growth until birth.
3. Oviducts (Fallopian Tubes)
o These tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus.
o They are lined with cilia which help move ova to the uterus.
o They are also the site of fertilisation.
4. Cervix
o This is a ring of muscle which separates the vagina from the uterus.
o It helps to maintain the baby in position during pregnancy.
o It is the opening through which sperms enter the uterus.
5. Vagina
o This is a muscular tube which leads from the cervix to the external
area of the female body.
o It receives sperm from erect penis during intercourse and gives
passage for childbirth.
o Secretes acidic fluids to kill infectious bacteria that may invade the
o Vaginal walls also secrete mucous fluid to lubricate the vagina
during copulation (sexual intercourse).
The cytoplasm and organelles are concentrated into only one of the four
daughter cells—the one which will eventually become the female ovum
or egg.
The other three smaller cells, die and are reabsorbed shortly after
formation and this increases the egg's chance for survival, should it
become fertilised.
The male gamete is called the sperm and the female gamete is called the
ovum or egg (fig.6.8.3).
Both the sperm and ovum are haploid cells.
The sperm and ovum are highly specialised and adapted for fertilisation
to form a diploid zygote (Table 6.8.1).
Table 6.8.1: Comparing male and female gametes.
Food store Has very little energy store to Has a large food store
support respiration. in cytoplasm to
support the zygote.
Menstrual cycle
This is the cycle of producing and releasing mature ova (fig.6.8.4).
From puberty (about 12 years of age), females begin to release an ovum
each month (every 28 days) in anticipation of fertilisation until they reach
menopause (about 50 years of age).
During the reproductive phase, ovaries and uterus go through a number
of stages in preparation for fertilisation and implantation (fig.6.8.5).
Every 28 days, one of the ovaries releases a mature ovum, a process
called ovulation.
Ovulation is normally accompanied by a slight increase in body
When this process occurs, the lining of the uterus walls thicken and
develop extra capillaries.
The released ovum can survive for 12-24 hours inside the female body.
If the egg is not fertilised, the lining disintegrates (breaks down).
Both the lining and the unfertilised (dead) ovum are shed through the
vagina over a period of about three to five days.
This gradual break down of the uterus lining is called menstruation.
The menstrual flow comes out in form of blood and mucus.
The hormones oestrogen and progesterone regulate the changes within
the uterine wall (fig.6.8.4).
Oestrogen helps to build up the lining after menstruation and
progesterone maintains the lining of the uterus in case fertilisation
Chances of fertilisation are higher a few days before or after ovulation.
This is the fertile period.
The infertile or safe period is usually the premenstrual and the menstrual
phases (fig.6.8.5).
Semen is squeezed out of the urethra and deposited just below the
The release of semen through peristaltic movements is called
The released sperm (ejaculate) begins to swim towards the ovum which
releases chemicals that guide sperm towards it.
The sperm swim through the cervix and along the lining of the uterus
into the oviducts where fertilisation will occur with the ovum.
The sperm is estimated to live in the female reproductive system for 2-
3 days.
It is the fusion of the nuclei of a sperm and the nuclei of an ovum forming
a zygote.
It occurs in the oviduct.
The sperm cell penetrates the membrane surrounding the ovum by
releasing enzymes.
Once fertilisation occurs, the ovum membrane changes to form a barrier
against entry of other sperm cells to avoid multiple fertilisation of the
The newly formed zygote then begins to divide by mitosis to become a
ball of cells called the embryo.
The developing embryo obtains nutrients from the cytoplasm of the
ovum before implantation.
It takes a few days for muscular peristaltic contractions of the oviduct
and beating cilia in the oviduct move the embryo down the oviduct to
the uterus for implantation.
The placenta allows for many substances to be exchanged by diffusion
between mother’s blood and the foetus’ blood.
The functions of the placenta include:
1. Barrier (Protection):
Prevents entry of toxins and pathogens from mother.
o However, some pathogens are known to cross the placenta like the
viruses Rubella (causes measles) and HIV (causes AIDS).
o Substances such as nicotine and carbon monoxide from tobacco
smoke are toxic and can cross the placenta and can result in
premature or underweight babies during pregnancy.
o Some drugs including alcohol can pass through the placenta to the
foetus and may cause mental retardation or birth defects.
Allows entry of antibodies from mother (passive immunity).
Separates mother’s blood from the foetus’ blood.
o This protects the embryo from the mother’s higher blood pressure.
o It also prevents exchange of red blood cells which can result in the
cells clumping together (agglutination).
2. Nutrient Supply:
o Delivers nutrients such as dissolved glucose, amino acids, fats,
mineral ions and vitamins for growth of foetus.
3. Gas Exchange:
o Carries oxygen from the mother to the foetus and removes carbon
dioxide from foetus to the mother’s blood.
4. Excretion:
o Removes metabolic wastes from foetus including urea and carbon
5. Endocrine Organ:
o Secretes hormones oestrogen, progesterone and other hormones.
o These hormones maintain the lining of the uterus and also
stimulate growth of mammary glands in the mother’s breasts.
o They also prevent any further release of eggs from the ovaries.
The time required for the full development of the implanted embryo, that
is time from implantation to birth, is called gestation period or
Gestation period in humans is approximately 36-40 weeks or 9 months.
During this time the embryo passes through several developmental
stages until ready for birth (fig.6.8.10).
Table 6.8.2: Growth and development stages in humans
Time period Foetal appearance and developments
Infertility in humans
Males and females who have the ability to conceive are regarded as
However, individuals who cannot produce babies are termed infertile.
Infertility can be caused by a number of factors:
A. In Males
1. Sperm quality and quantity
o When few sperms are produced at ejaculation (low sperm count),
chances of fertilisation are reduced as there is little possibility of
sperm reaching the ovum.
o Sperm with decreased mobility reduces the ability for sperm to
swim to the ovum.
o Sperm can sometimes be an abnormal shape, thus affects their
capacity to move and fertilise an ovum.
2. Physical problems on reproductive system
o Blockage of tubes carrying the sperm prevents sperm from being
o If testes are damaged, this can seriously affect the quality of the
semen produced.
3. Health problems
o Medical problems such as prostate cancer will result in the prostate
gland not functioning properly.
o Sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhoea may cause
scarring and blockage in tubes which carry sperm.
B. In Females
1. Hormonal problems
o Hormonal problems may cause the female failure to produce
mature ova or to ovulate.
2. Physical problems on reproductive system
o Physical damage to the fallopian tubes (scarring from surgery) may
result in failed ovulation causing difficultly in natural conception.
3. Health problems
o Premature menopause, cervical cancer and sexually transmitted
infections may cause infertility in women.
o Fibroids (non-cancerous tumours) may develop inside the uterus
prevent an embryo from implanting itself.
Control of fertility
Humans have the capacity to control their ability to conceive through
contraception or birth control methods.
These methods vary in form but are designed in such a way that they can
function to prevent any one of the following scenario:
o Sperm from reaching the ovum.
o Ova being produced.
o Zygote from being implanted.
Some methods are very effective and safe while others are less reliable.
removes not want because of
his penis to use one timing.
from the of the It does not
vagina other protect
during contracepti against
intercours ve STIs.
e just methods.
before he
Barrier Condom (in A thin Easy to Unreliable
/Mechani males) / rubber use. not 100%
cal Femidom (in sheath Safe when effective.
females) placed used Condoms
over erect correctly. may break
penis It prevents or come
before transfer of off during
intercours STIs. intercourse
e. In .
females it
is inserted
inside the
with the
ring and
the larger
ring rests
on the
surface of
It prevents
Cap/Diaphra A rubber An Some
gm dome effective semen may
placed method if seep or
over used escape into
cervix correctly. the uterus
before around the
intercours edges of
e. the cap.
It should It does not
be used protect
with a against
spermicid STIs.
IUD (Intra- It is a It is a very The loop
Uterine- small effective may cause
Device)/ plastic method discomfort
(loop/coil) device which lasts in some
wrapped for a long women.
in copper time. It does not
or protect
contains against
hormones. STIs.
It is fitted
inside a
uterus and
it prevents
Chemica Spermicides These are Quite Only
chemicals easy to effective if
which kill use. used in
sperm. combinatio
They are n with
applied another
just before method
intercours such the
e. cap.
It does not
Hormonal The pill (oral The pill This can The pill
contraceptiv contains be a can have
e) or female sex reliable unpleasant
injection hormones and side effects
oestrogen effective on some
and method as women
progester long as the such as
one. pills or weight
These injections gain and
hormones are taken painful
can also at the right period
be time. pains.
injected. It does not
They work protect
by against
preventing STIs
The pills
are taken
daily while
can be
ed once a
Surgical Sterilisation In males, An It is
sperm extremely permanent
ducts are effective and usually
cut or tied method for not
(vasectom contracepti reversible
y) to on. hence
prevent suitable
them from when one
being has
ejaculated. decided
In not to have
females, any more
the children.
oviducts It does not
are cut or protect
tied (tubal against
ligation) STIs
them from
down the
The body fluids which are highly infectious are vaginal fluids, blood and
Symptoms of STIs
People with STIs can display some symptoms of the infection but,
symptoms are not particularly indicative of the presence of an STI, hence
testing is required.
However, some people are asymptomatic (without symptoms): this can
result in continued transmission of infection to others or worse, cause
long-term problems such as infertility.
Preventative measures
The transmission of STIs can be reduced by taking preventative measures
in sexual behaviour such as:
o Practising safe sex (use of condoms).
o Abstinence.
o Being mutually faithful to one uninfected partner by avoiding
multiple sexual relationships.
o Long-term and stable relationships.
o Contact tracing: This is the identification and diagnosis of people
who may have come into contact with an infected person.
Chances of contracting new STIs increase if an individual has been
previously infected by another STI.
Some common STIs include chancroid, gonorrhoea, syphilis and AIDS
(Table 6.8.4).
Males Females
May result complication
in sterility s may result
if not if left
treated. untreated
such as
Acquired Virus (Human It may take weeks before No cure. But
Immuno- Immunodeficienc symptoms appear. The early there is anti-
Deficiency y Virus) symptoms include flu-like viral
Syndrome symptoms, fatigue, fever, treatment
(AIDS) swollen glands and weight which slows
loss. Immune system begins down
to fail as the virus attacks multiplicatio
white blood cells. One n of the
becomes susceptible to virus hence
opportunistic infections such slows the
as fungal and bacterial disease from
infections. The later stages of progressing
infection which can occur to full blown
after years, are usually fatal AIDS.
because the virus would have
destroyed the immune system
leading to full blown AIDS
allowing for more
opportunistic infections to
invade the body . In females,
HIV can be passed to unborn
babies, during birth and
whilst breastfeeding.
r and may symptoms number of
feel include viruses
smooth or vaginal present. This
slightly discharge, includes
bumpy to itching, application
the touch. bleeding and of topical
An burning. creams on
infected Complication warts or
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The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a pathogen which leads to
the development of Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
AIDS refers to a collection of diseases resulting from the weakening of
the body’s immune system.
HIV infects the lymphocytes in the human body thus the ability to fight
infections in the body is reduced.
Like other STIs, HIV is transmitted through sexual intercourse via body
It can also be transmitted through:
o Pregnancy
o Birth
o Breastfeeding
o Infected needles
o Infected blood transfusions
People infected with HIV are described as HIV positive while those who
are not infected are described as HIV negative.
A person who is HIV positive is prone to infection by other diseases such
as tuberculosis and pneumonia.
Viruses are the smallest of all microorganisms (hundred times smaller
than bacteria).
They are non-living microorganisms (have no cells).
They are parasites which survive and reproduce by living inside of a host
They are made up of a protein coat (capsid) which encloses the viral
genetic material (DNA or RNA).
When found outside the host, viruses are sometimes surrounded by a
lipid envelope around the capsid.
Structure of viruses
Reproduction in viruses
o Viruses can lay dormant for long periods of time until conditions
are right to begin to reproduce within the host cell.
o They reproduce at incredible rates and can spread rapidly through
groups of cells.
Structure of a bacterium
These are the smallest and simplest living organisms about 1µm in
diameter (0.001mm).
They are often unicellular organisms which are able to respire aerobically
or anaerobically.
They have no nucleus and they lack membrane-bound organelles like
mitochondria and chloroplast.
The genetic material (DNA) is found in the cytoplasm in a region known
as nucleoid, as a single circular chromosome.
Bacteria also contain many plasmids which are small circles of DNA.
Plasmids are used to exchange DNA between the bacterial cells.
Bacteria have rigid (peptidoglycan) cell walls which enclose the cell
Some have a slime capsule; a protective coating outside bacterial cell
Other bacteria have a tail-like structure called a flagellum used for
Pili are short protein appendages found on the surface of bacteria which
help to fix bacteria to surfaces and also helps in reproduction during
Bacteria have many shapes; the most common shapes are:
o Rod-shaped (bacilli)
o Sphere-shaped (cocci)
o Spiral-shaped (spirochetes)
Bacterial shapes
Nutrition in bacteria
There are two basic modes of nutrition in bacteria.
1. Autotrophs
o These are bacteria that are able to make food (organic molecules)
from inorganic raw materials by photosynthesis or
2. Heterotrophs
o These are bacteria which obtain their food from other organisms.
Reproduction in bacteria
o Bacteria mostly reproduce asexually by binary fission.
o Binary fission results in the formation of two genetically identical
bacterial cells.
o Conjugation is a form of sexual reproduction which occurs in
o During conjugation, one bacterium connects itself to another
through the pilus and DNA is transferred from one bacterium to
the other via this tube.
o Under unfavourable conditions, some bacteria form highly
resistant spores with thickened coverings, within which the living
material remains metabolically inert until conditions improve.
2. Industry
Bacteria are involved in a number of industrial (fermentation) processes
such cheese and yoghurt making.
In both cheese and yoghurt production, starter bacterial cultures such as
Lactobacillus are used to ferment milk sugars (lactose) into lactic acid.
Lactic acid causes a decrease in pH of milk making it clot or form curds.
These curds can be further processed to enhance flavour or texture of
the cheese and yoghurt.
3. Hormone production
Synthetic insulin is made by bacteria through genetic engineering (a set
of technologies used to change the genetic make-up of cells for the
benefit of humans).
The gene for human insulin is isolated from a human cell.
The insulin gene is inserted inside a bacterial plasmid with aid of
enzymes to form recombinant DNA.
The bacterial cells with insulin gene are cultured in a sterile medium with
nutrients, oxygen, and optimum temperature and pH
The bacterial cells divide and multiply in this optimum environment
The gene makes the bacteria to produce insulin hormone in solution
Insulin can then be extracted from the solution, purified and bottled for
commercial purposes.
These are cellular microorganisms found in the environment especially
in soil, plant material and aquatic environments.
They include unicellular fungi called yeasts, multi-cellular filamentous
moulds and macroscopic filamentous fungi that form large fruiting
bodies called mushrooms.
Multicellular fungi have thread-like filaments called hyphae (one-cell
These form a network of fibres known as mycelium.
Fungi have cell walls which are composed of chitin (a complex
carbohydrate for strength and flexibility).
They are non-photosynthetic microorganisms and are non-motile.
Fungi require oxygen for respiration but are also capable of anaerobic
Most fungi are 2–10 µm in diameter and up to several centimetres in
length (average size of the hyphae are 5-50 micrometres).
Many fungi are saprophytes; however, some are parasitic and cause
infections in plants and animals.
o bread
o suitable container with a lid
o magnifying lens
o microscope
o slides
1. Take a slice of bread.
2. Place it on a variety of surfaces like the floor, table or shoe.
3. Put the bread in a plastic box with a lid and add a drop of water and close
the lid tightly.
4. Leave the box in a warm place for few days.
5. Check it for growths of fungi.
6. Observe the growths with a magnifying lens.
7. Remove a small amount of fungus using a needle and place it on a
8. Add drops of iodine solution.
9. View under low power and then high power under the microscope.
Expected Observations
The first fungus to grow is usually bread or pin mould which is identified
by its white threads and white or mature black spore cases.
Bread mould
Fungal nutrition
Fungi are heterotrophic microorganisms and are mostly saprophytic.
They obtain their food by absorption from the external environment.
Nutrients must be in solution before they can be absorbed.
Simple molecules such as sugars and amino acids in solution can be
easily absorbed directly across the fungal wall and cell membrane.
Larger and more complex such as carbohydrates and proteins are first
broken down into smaller molecules by extra-cellular enzymes
(exoenzymes) released by the fungi.
Since water is essential for the diffusion of extra-cellular enzymes and
absorption of nutrients, actively growing fungi are usually restricted to
relatively moist (or humid) environments.
Reproduction in fungi
o Fungi can reproduce both sexually and asexually.
o Single-celled yeasts reproduce asexually by budding and a single
yeast cell can produce up to 24 offspring.
o Fungi that make hyphae can reproduce asexually in two ways:
o parts of the hyphae can break off and continue to grow as separate
o or can form stalks containing seed-like structures called spores.
o Spores are microscopic, tough and resistant bodies which are
round in shape and can grow into a new plant under suitable
o Spores are produced within sacs called sporangia.
o The sporangia are knob-like structures which are found at the top
of hyphae.
o When the sporangia fully mature, they burst.
o The spores may simply drop in the same area, or be carried by the
wind or rain to new spots.
o Where they land on an ideal environment, the spores will
o However, if conditions are unsuitable, the spores can survive in a
dormant state for extended periods, waiting for more favourable
conditions or to be carried to a better spot.
o Occasionally, fungi can produce spores sexually.
o Two mating cells from hyphae of different strains of fungi can mate
by fusing together and forming a spore stalk.
Budding in yeast
o The heat from baking causes alcohol to evaporate.
o In brewing, alcoholic fermentation is used to convert sugars into
carbon dioxide and ethanol by yeast (fig.7.1.11).
3. Antibiotic production
o Antibiotics are substances which kill or inhibit the growth of other
o They are usually derived from other microorganisms.
o Penicillin can be isolated from certain species of fungi Penicillium
through industrial fermentation process.
o Penicillin is a secondary metabolite of fungi (a substance not
necessary for fungal growth) and is produced when fungal growth
is inhibited by unfavourable environmental conditions.
o The fermenter is inoculated with the fungus under certain
conditions which include:
A supply of nutrients such as sugar or starch as a
source of carbon for respiration.
Ammonia or urea as a source of nitrogen to make
Vitamin B complex for respiration.
A constant temperature of about 30oC.
A constant pH of about 6.5.
It is a long molecule of DNA, tightly coiled around proteins called
Chromosomes are located in the nucleus and they carry hereditary
material called DNA.
They can only be seen under a high resolution electron microscope as a
mass of dark material on the centre of the nucleus of a cell.
Chromosomes are normally visible in the nucleus during cell division as
shown in fig.8.1.1.
Their shapes and sizes vary depending on the function and number of
genes they contain.
Structure of a chromosome
A complete (diploid) set of chromosomes in a nucleus of
a somatic or body cell of a human is made up of 23 pairs or 46
Each pair of similar chromosomes is called homologous chromosomes,
one chromosome from each parent brought together at fertilisation.
However nuclei of gametes or sex cells are made of 23 chromosomes
(half the number in nucleus of body cells).
During mitosis homologous chromosomes copy themselves to produce
identical chromosomes.
The nucleus will then divide into two, forming genetically identical nuclei
and cells as shown in fig.8.1.2 below.
Each of the four chromatids will separate from the rest to form a nucleus
that contains half (haploid) the number of chromosomes than the parent
This type of cell division produces four gametes with genetically different
nuclei as shown in fig.8.1.3 below.
It is the functional and structural unit of heredity.
It is a specific part or length of DNA that is responsible for controlling a
specific function or characteristic for example eye colour, height, and
skin colour.
It is a length of DNA that codes for production of a specific protein that
is different enzymes are controlled by different genes (fig.8.1.4).
2. Dominant
o It refers to an allele that is always expressed in phenotype if it is
o The allele masks the effect of a recessive allele in the phenotype.
o It is always represented by capital letters for example T, G.
3. Recessive
o It is an allele that is only expressed in phenotype when there is no
dominant allele of that particular gene.
o It also refers to an allele that is only expressed in phenotype when
it is paired with another of the same type.
o The effect of the allele on phenotype is masked by presence of a
dominant allele.
o It is always represented by small letters for example t, g.
4. Genotype
o It is the genetic makeup of an organism.
o It is usually represented by a pair of letters in monohybrid genetic
diagrams for example TT, Tt or tt.
5. Phenotype
o It the physical or other features exhibited by an organism due to
effect of both its genotype and environment for
example colour or height.
6. Homozygous
o It is a condition of having two identical alleles of a particular gene
on homologous chromosomes.
o There are two types of homozygous alleles;
a. Homozygous dominant occurs when two dominant alleles occupy
the same locus on homologous chromosomes for example TT.
b. Homozygous recessive occurs when two recessive alleles occupy
the same locus on homologous chromosomes for example tt.
o Two identical homozygous individuals that breed together will
be pure breeding and will produce a pure breed (individual with
identical alleles for a specific characteristic).
7. Heterozygous
o It is a condition of having two different alleles of a particular gene
on homologous chromosomes for example Tt.
o This condition produces hybrids (combination of different
8. Monohybrid Inheritance
o Monohybrid inheritance is a single-factor inheritance or
inheritance with interest to one characteristic.
o “Mono-“ refers to one or single.
o Inheritance is the transmission or passing on of genetic
information from parent to offspring.
o There are many types of inheritance but this section will focus
on complete dominance and codominance only.
Types of inheritance
1. Complete dominance
It is a kind of inheritance where one (dominant) allele completely
overshadows or masks the effect of the other (recessive) allele in
heterozygous condition.
Phenotypes of homozygous dominant and heterozygous are similar
amongst individuals.
Predicting possible outcomes in monohybrid using genetic crosses
A certain school in Zimbabwe rears animals including rabbits for an
Agriculture project.
Fur (hair) colour in rabbits show complete dominance, rabbits can have
either black or white fur.
This implies that fur colour is determined by a gene which comes in two
different alleles; for black and for white.
A black pure breed and white pure breed rabbits were allowed to mate.
Let black hair be controlled by a dominant allele represented by B and
white by a recessive allele presented by b.
There are three possible combinations of the alleles (genotypes):
o BB (homozygous dominant) – Black.
o Bb (heterozygous) – Black.
o bb (homozygous recessive) – White.
The genetic cross in fig.8.1.6 below shows possible outcomes of a cross
between the two pure breed rabbits.
Note: Bear in mind that these are theoretical and probability studies.
Genetic cross diagram of first generation monohybrid inheritance of fur colour in pure breed
(homozygous) rabbits
Punnet square diagram of first generation monohybrid inheritance of fur colour in pure breed
(homozygous) rabbits.
Genetic cross of second generation monohybrid inheritance of fur colour in hybrid (heterozygous)
o The white rabbit will produce gametes with recessive allele b only.
o A black homozygous rabbit will produce gametes with dominant
allele B only.
o If the black rabbit is homozygous dominant (BB) all the offspring
from the cross will be black heterozygous (Bb) rabbits.
o Half the gametes from a black heterozygote would carry B and half
would carry allele b.
o So if a rabbit is heterozygous black, half of the offspring from the
cross will be black Bb and half will be white bb.
2. Codominance
It is a condition where paired alleles of a gene completely produce their
effect or are fully expressed in phenotype of an individual.
This means that neither allele is dominant over the other for example
human blood groups A and B.
Alleles of blood groups A and B are codominant.
If a person inherits alleles for blood group A and B then the individual’s
red blood cells will carry both antigen A and B which results in blood
group AB.
However alleles for groups A and B are both completely dominant over
the allele for group O.
Table 11.3.1: Phenotype and genotype of human blood groups
Blood group (Phenotype) Genotype
Since alleles for blood group A and B are dominant over group O, a
person with blood group A can have a genotype IAIA (homozygous) or
IAIO (heterozygous) and a person with blood group B can have genotype
There are no alternative genotypes for groups AB and O.
A cross between a heterozygous blood group A and heterozygous blood
group B results in offspring with all possible human blood types as
shown in fig.8.1.9.
During meiosis in the testes one sperm receives X chromosome and the
other receives Y chromosome.
This implies that male individuals determine the sex of offspring in
If a sperm containing X chromosome fertilises an ovum the zygote will
be XX and will develop into a female.
If a sperm containing Y chromosome fertilises an ovum the zygote will
be XY and will develop into a male.
There is an equal chance of a sperm containing X or Y chromosome to
fertilise an ovum, meaning that there is equal chance of having a male
or female offspring as shown in fig.8.1.10.
It is a diagram that shows genetic relationships between members of a
It is used to analyse patterns of inheritance for specific genetic
It is also called family tree diagram.
Information from a genetic cross can also be represented on a pedigree.
Rules for presenting a genetic diagram
The pedigree below shows the inheritance of recessive gene that causes
albinism across two generations in a family.
Mutation is a random and rare change in sequence of nucleotides in a
DNA molecule.
These changes result from error(s) in the copying and/or division of DNA
during process of cell division.
These errors can be divided into gene and chromosomal mutations.
Gene mutation
It occurs when there is a change in the structure of the DNA in a gene,
for example in case of sickle cell anaemia the structure of haemoglobin
has been altered resulting in deformed (sickle-shaped) red blood cells.
Gene mutations are mainly divided into two sub-groups, which are:
Point Mutation
o It is a change in one DNA base pair at a specific locus that results
in the substitution or replacement of one amino acid for another in
the protein made by a gene.
o Absence of a specific base pair in a specific portion of DNA may
result in a faulty protein.
Frameshift (Insertion/Deletion) Mutation
o It occurs when the addition or loss of DNA bases changes a gene's
reading frame.
o A reading frame consists of groups of 3 bases that each code for
one amino acid.
o A frameshift mutation shifts the grouping of these bases and
changes the code for amino acids.
o The resulting protein is usually non-functional. Insertions,
deletions, and duplications can all be frameshift mutations.
o An insertion changes the number of DNA bases in a gene by adding
a piece of DNA such that the protein made by the gene may not
function as expected.
o A deletion changes the number of DNA bases by removing a piece
of DNA.
o Small deletions may remove one or a few base pairs within a gene,
while larger deletions can remove the whole gene or several
adjacent genes.
o Absence of a certain portion of DNA may result in faulty protein(s).
Genetic disorders caused by gene mutations in humans
1. Sickle Cell Anaemia
o It is a hereditary condition in which a mutated form of haemoglobin
distorts the red blood cells from smooth biconcave to a crescent
shape that is inefficient in transporting oxygen.
o This occurs when there is an error in the gene that instructs the
production of normal haemoglobin and its starts to command for
the production of abnormal haemoglobin that malfunctions.
o Red blood cells become distorted or "sickle-shaped" if oxygen
concentration falls and they tend to interrupt blood flow in small
blood vessels like capillaries, as shown in fig.8.1.12.
o The allele that causes sickle cell anaemia is recessive (HbS) to the
allele that codes for normal (HbA) haemoglobin.
o Heterozygous (HbAHbS) individuals do not usually exhibit any
symptoms but because their offspring may inherit the disease, the
heterozygotes are called carriers.
o Under conditions such as high elevation and intense exercise, a
carrier of the sickle cell allele may occasionally show symptoms
such as pain and fatigue.
o Presence of the sickle cell allele results in resistance to malaria,
because the parasites that cause this disease are killed inside
sickle-shaped blood cells.
Structure and behaviour of normal and sickle shaped red blood cells
2. Albinism
o It is an inherited disorder characterised by the absence of pigment
in the eyes, skin and/or hair.
o Albinism is caused by an error in one of several genes that produce
or distribute a black pigment called melanin.
o The defect may result in the absence of melanin production or a
reduced amount of melanin production as shown in fig.8.1.13.
o Albinism is caused by a recessive allele meaning that it is only
expressed in individuals who are homozygous recessive for the
gene that produces melanin.
o People with albinism show the following symptoms:
Absence of color in the hair, skin, and/or eyes.
Lighter than normal coloring of the hair, skin, or eyes.
May have patches of skin that have an absence of color.
Vision problems.
Genetic disorder caused by chromosomal mutation in humans
Down’s Syndrome
o It is a genetic disorder caused by an error in meiosis that results in
the presence of an extra copy of chromosome number 21.
o When a cell divides in meiosis, pairs of chromosomes and
chromatids are separated so that one of the pair goes to one cell
and the other from the pair goes to the other cell.
o Sometimes an error may occur in females resulting in failure of
chromosomes to separate.
o Both chromosomes from one pair will go into one egg or ova and
no chromosomes for that pair will go into the other cell.
o If an egg containing an extra chromosome is fertilised by a normal
sperm (with 23 chromosomes), the zygote and consequently
embryo with have cells containing 47 chromosomes instead of 46.
o Individuals with this disorder may have a shorter expected life span
than normal because they are susceptible to infectious diseases
and heart defects.
Mutagen is anything, physical or chemical that can cause a change in the
structure of DNA or sequence of nucleotides within a DNA molecule.
Most common mutagens are genetic predisposition, carcinogens and
1. Genetic Predisposition
o A genetic predisposition (also called genetic susceptibility) is an
increased likelihood of developing a particular disease based on
the interaction between genetic makeup and lifestyle factors.
o A genetic predisposition results from specific genetic variations
that are often inherited from a parents.
o Cancers that run in families can be caused by an abnormal gene
that is passed from generation to generation.
o Although this is often referred to as inherited cancer, what is
inherited is the abnormal gene that can lead to cancer, not the
cancer itself.
o Only about 5% to 10% of all cancers are thought to result directly
from gene defects (called mutations) inherited from a parent.
2. Carcinogens
o Carcinogen is any chemical substance that causes cancer.
o Common substances that are classified as carcinogens include tar
(from tobacco or coke, a product of coal), asbestos, aflatoxins,
alcoholic beverage consumption, mercury and benzene
o However, simply because a substance has been designated as a
carcinogen does not mean that the substance will definitely cause
cancer if present in an individual.
o Many factors influence whether a person exposed to a carcinogen
will develop cancer, including the amount and duration of the
exposure and the individual’s genetic background.
o Cancers caused by involuntary exposures to environmental
carcinogens are most likely to occur in subgroups of the
population, such as workers in certain industries who may be
exposed to carcinogens on the job.
3. Radiation
o Radiation is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as
moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles which
cause ionization.
o Exposure to UV, gamma, alpha and X-ray radiation can damage
DNA through DNA fragmentation or other means.
o DNA fragmentation is the separation or breaking of DNA strands
into pieces.
o Spontaneous or accidental DNA fragmentation gradually
accumulates in a cell and it can disrupt the normal functioning and
disrupts cell division regulation process.
o Sources of radiation can be sun, medical X-rays, radiotherapy,
mobile cell phone and data base stations, domestic microwaves
and nuclear or uranium radiation.
o In Zimbabwe, Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe (RPAZ)
has put regulations in place to reduce exposures to known
carcinogens in the workplace.
o RPAZ performs examinations by review of documents, observation,
measurement and tests during any stage of the regulatory process
to ensure compliance of a facility to legal requirements.
o RPAZ also provides the national dosimetry service for all the
radiation workers in Zimbabwe and issues standards and norms
governing exemption, notification, registration and licensing of
radiation sources and radiation protection and safety; and to issue
authorizations for the possession and use of radiation sources.
o Outside of the workplace, people can also take steps to limit their
exposure to known carcinogens, such as quit smoking, limiting sun
exposure, or maintaining a healthy weight.
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
1. State the five kingdoms of living organisms.
2. State characteristic features of the five kingdoms.
Classification of organisms
Biodiversity is the existence of many various kinds of living organisms
within an ecosystem, this includes variety within species and among
Classification of organisms is the act or process of putting living things
into groups based on ways that they are; alike, recognized, differentiated
and understood.
The branch of science concerned with classification and naming of
organisms based on their natural characteristics is called taxonomy.
In 1969, an American taxonomist called Whittaker Robert. H, classified
all organisms into five kingdoms as shown in fig.9.1.1, using the
following criteria:
a. Complexity of cell structure,
b. Complexity of body organization,
c. The mode of nutrition,
d. Life style (ecological role) and
e. Phylogenetic relationship.
Living organisms are classified into five kingdoms, which are;
o Monera (Prokaryotae)
o Protoctista (Protista)
o Fungi
o Plantae
o Animalia
Kingdoms of living organisms
This kingdom is also called Prokaryotae.
Kingdom Monera believed to be the earliest inhabitants of the Earth, has
Archaebacteria and Eubacteria as the subgroups.
Examples of organisms that belong to this kingdom are shown in
Spores can grow again and reproduce when the environmental
conditions normalises.
Spores enable bacteria to live for a very long time (some years) in dry soil
or on rocks.
This kingdom is also called Protista.
The members are mostly unicellular and few multicellular organisms that
are eukaryotes.
Eukaryotes are organisms consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic
material is DNA that is contained on chromosomes within a nucleus.
Most of these organisms are aquatic and constitute plankton as shown
in fig.9.1.4.
Their eukaryotic cell body contains membrane bounded cell organelles
like nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts.
Some species have cells that lack a cell wall.
Movement of some species may be effected by cilia or flagella.
On the basis of nutrition, the protoctists are grouped as:
a. Photosynthetic protoctists also known as phytoplanktons use light
to make their own food, for example Paramecium, unicellular algae
and kelps (multicellular giant algae).
b. Saprophytic protoctists feeds on decomposing material, for
example slime moulds (not to be confused by bread moulds in
c. Parasitic protoctists feed on food in the system of other organisms
or directly feed on other live organisms, for example Amoeba, uses
phagocytosis to engulf bacteria and other unicellular organisms
and Protozoans Plasmodium that cause malaria in humans.
Reproduction is mainly asexual but sexual reproduction may also occur
in some species.
This Kingdom is also called Mycota.
Fungi include: Rhizopus (bread moulds), Penicillium and mushrooms.
These are non-motile organisms which are spore-bearing eukaryotes
lacking chloroplasts.
It is composed of unicellular yeasts and multi-cellular mycelial forms
(but not slime moulds).
Their cells have cell walls that are composed of protein called chitin not
cellulose as in plants.
The main fungus body is called mycelium as shown in fig.9.1.6.
It consists of a branching network of threads called hyphae, which will
grow over the surface of its food source.
The hyphae releases enzymes that digest the food outside the fungus
and the digested food material is then absorbed by the hyphae.
They are non-motile multicellular organisms.
Cells of organisms in this kingdom are eukaryotic and leaf cells have
chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll.
Root cells absorb water and mineral salts that can be used to make
plants’ own food through photosynthesis.
Nutrition in this kingdom is autotrophic.
The cells contain starch granules as food reserves.
Cells of plants contain a cellulose cell wall and a large sap-filled vacuole.
Plants are commonly subdivided into two main groups which are:
o Spore-bearing plants
o Seed-bearing plants
Spore bearing plants reproduce using reproductive cells called spores.
Examples of these plants are liverworts, hornworts, mosses, and ferns
Seed bearing plants (Spermatophytes) can be subdivided
into Gymnosperms (plants bearing seeds not enclosed in an ovary or
fruit) and Angiosperms or flowering plants (plants bearing seeds
enclosed in an ovary or fruit).
Angiosperms can further be divided into monocots and dicots as
summarised in fig.9.1.7.
Plants can also be divided into two main groups;
o Vascular plants
o Non-vascular plants.
Vascular plants absorb mineral salts, water, and other essential nutrients
through special tissue called xylem and phloem.
Non-vascular plants do not have this specialty, but they can absorb
mineral salts, water, and other essential nutrients through their entire
Examples of non-vascular plants are moss and hornwort, and of vascular
plants are ferns, conifers and sunflower.
Organisms in this kingdom are multicellular eukaryotic heterotrophic
Animals ingest food, and digestion takes place in the internal cavity like
the digestive system in higher animals and in primitive animals digestion
occurs in vacuoles.
The cells contain glycogen as reserve food but lack cell walls.
These organisms move with the aid of either cilia, flagella or muscular
All animals have nervous systems that coordinate their responses to
stimuli and their movement.
Animals inhabit seas, fresh water sources and even on land as evident in
Generally animals reproduce sexually by the fusion of sex cells like the
egg and sperm but some primitive animals like sponges can also
reproduce asexually by budding.
Animals are divided into two main groups; invertebrates and vertebrates
as shown in fig.9.1.10.
Table 9.1.1: Summary comparison of the five groups of vertebrates
Characteris Groups of vertebrates
Fish Amphibia Reptiles Birds Mammals
Cell type Prokaryotic Eukaryoti Eukaryoti Eukaryoti Eukaryotic
c c c
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
1. Define and list components of an ecosystem.
2. Identify soil as a key component of ecosystems and
compare properties of clay, loam and sandy soils.
3. Identify biological components of soil and state the role
of the biological components.
An ecosystem is a self-contained system of interdependent organisms
and their physical environment.
An ecosystem is propelled by energy from the sun which enters the
system through the green plants (photosynthesis), and is later passed on
to animals.
The flow of energy is fundamental in maintaining a balanced ecosystem
where there is adequate energy transfer from the sun to the plants and
to the animals.
An ecosystem consists of physical and biological components.
1. Physical Components
o They are also referred to as the non-living or abiotic factors.
o Abiotic factors include climatic factors such as light, temperature
and humidity.
o Examples of physical components are; atmospheric gases, light,
soil, and water.
2. Biological Components
o These are also known as living or biotic factors.
o Examples of biological components include plants, animals and
The Soil
It is a key component in an ecosystem in which plants and animals
Its functions include:
o Supplying mechanical support.
o Supplying water, nutrients and oxygen to plants.
o Storing the heat from the sun and supplying it to roots of plants.
o Habitat for various plants and animals.
o It is an important material for the study of the origin of life.
Components of Soil
The soil is made up of physical and biological components.
Physical components of soil are solid particles, mineral salts, air and
The biological components include soil organisms, soil litter (dead plant
material) and humus.
1. Mineral particles
o The mineral constituents of the soil are derived from the parental
o The minerals make up about 90% of the total weight of the soil.
o They may be found in the form of particles of different sizes.
o Elements which are found include are silicon, iron, nitrogen,
calcium and phosphorous.
2. Dead organic matter or humus
o Humus: organic remains derived either from dead remains of
plants and animals or through metabolic activities of living
organisms in the soil.
o Humus plays many important roles in the soil, such as:
Improves soil fertility.
Provides nutrients to the plants and microorganisms.
Humus makes the soil porous, thus increases the aeration
and drainage (percolation) which makes the soil more
suitable for the plant growth.
It also acts as weak cement that binds the soil particles.
3. Soil atmosphere/air
o The spaces between soil particles and soil organisms are called
pore spaces.
o These are filled with air in varying quantities which account for
approximately half of the total volume of soil.
o The soil atmosphere contains three main gases, namely oxygen,
carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
o Oxygen in the soil is absorbed by plant roots and soil
microorganisms in respiration, and carbon dioxide is given out
which accumulates in spaces.
o Nitrogen can be absorbed by nitrogen fixing bacteria in root
nodules of legumes.
4. Soil water
o Water affects the plant growth and regulates the physical, chemical
and biological activities in the soil.
o Soil water maintains the soil texture, arrangement and
compactness of soil particles.
o It is good solvent for minerals and it makes the concentration of
nutrients low so that nutrients may be absorbed by plants easily.
5. Soil organisms
o Soil organisms include macro-organisms and micro-organisms.
o Macro-organisms include insects (ants, beetles, termites), worms
(flatworms, earthworms, nematodes) and some fungi (moulds).
o Micro-organisms include bacteria and fungi.
o Soil organisms take part in a number of processes:
Decompose the dead organic matter and increase plant
Production of growth stimulating substances.
Production of alkaline substances which reduce acidity in
Nitrogen fixation in the soil.
Mixing of soil.
Improves soil aeration.
Improves soil binding (crumb structure).
3. Extracting soil organisms using light
o The type and amount of soil organisms extracted varies with the
source and quality of soil.
o The richer and littered the soil the wider variety of soil organisms
it contains.
Experiment: Extracting soil organisms using light
1. Set up the apparatus as in fig.10.1.1.
2. (The light bulb provides the heat that forces the organisms to move
downwards where it is cooler).
3. Allow the soil to dry so that all the organisms fall into the water.
4. Collect the organisms and examine with a hand lens or magnifying glass.
Expected Observations
After some minutes the heat dries the soil, and the organisms fall into
the water through the gauze. (The gauze prevents the soil from falling
into the water).
The organisms are trapped and kept alive in the water.
Alcohol can be used as a better preservative alternative to water.
Worms, woodlice and insects are collected.
Micro-organisms in soil respire releasing carbon dioxide which can be
tested by using lime water or bicarbonate indicator.
Lime water changes from colourless to milky in the presence in carbon
Change from red to yellow when using bicarbonate indicator also shows
that carbon dioxide is present.
1. Tie each soil sample in mutton cloth and then suspend in jars containing
equal amounts of lime water or bicarbonate indicator solution.
(Both jars must be tightly closed to prevent exit or entrance of any gas.)
2. Leave the jars in a warm place and observe after one or two days for any
colour changes.
Expected Observations
In jar A: lime water turns milky. The bicarbonate indicator solution turns
The colour change indicates that carbon dioxide is present, released by
the respiring organisms in the soil.
In jar B: lime water remains clear. The bicarbonate indicator solution
remains red.
Therefore carbon dioxide is absent; the roasting of the soil killed the soil
Properties of soil
Soils have many different properties that make soils useful for a wide
range of purposes such as farming.
These properties determine the type of plants that grow in a soil or in a
Some properties of soils are:
o Size of particles
o Air content
o Water holding capacity
o Drainage
o Leaching
o pH
In Zimbabwe, there are three major soils namely; clay, sandy and loam
Clay Soil
o Clay soils have the smallest particles of any soil type.
o They have a smooth texture and a very dense structure because
particles stick together.
o They have small pore spaces thus are poorly aerated and have poor
o Clay soils have a high water holding capacity and are nutrient rich.
o They are very difficult to cultivate, however, adding organic
material to clay soil helps separate the fine particles.
o This improves drainage, helps unlock nutrients and helps keep the
soil from compacting.
Sandy Soil
o Sandy soils have large particles with large pore spaces in between
o This causes them to have a light texture and loose crumb structure.
o They drain water quickly and cannot hold water well.
o Sandy soils are easy to cultivate but they have low fertility, which
makes them unsuitable for growing crops.
o Addition of some compost or manure improves soil texture and
increases fertility.
Loam Soil
o Loam soils are a mixture of clay, silt, and sand particles.
o They contain humus and have a good texture and a moderate
crumb structure.
o Loam soils are usually well drained, well aerated and can hold
o They are suitable for growing crops because they are fertile and
easy to till.
o A comparison of the properties of these soils is shown in Table
Table 10.1.1: Properties of loam, sandy and clay soils
Properties Loam soil Sandy soil Clay soil
1. Put each soil in a glass jar up to a quarter of the container's height.
2. Add water to the soil up to almost three quarters of the container’s
height, and mixed well.
3. Allow the mixture to settle.
4. Observe after an hour and after a day.
Expected Observations
Different layers of sand particles are formed: larger and heavier ones at
the bottom.
Litter (small leaves and twigs) float on top.
The clay soil particles take a longer time to settle.
The layers of the soil particles are different in the three soils.
o 2 measuring cylinders
o 200ml water
o 2 equal size cotton plugs or filter paper
1. Set up the experiment as shown in fig.10.1.3.
2. Place each soil sample in a cotton plugged funnel.
3. Add 100ml of water to each soil sample.
4. Measure the volume of filtrate from each soil sample and calculate the
amount of water retained by applying the formula:
W a t e r r e t a i n e d = Vo l u m e o f w a te r p o u r e d − Vo l u m e o f f i l t r a t e
Expected Observations
More filtrate is collected from the sandy soil, and much less from the
clay soil.
Sandy soil drains more and retained little water.
Clay soil drains less water and retained more water.
1. Measure out 100ml of each soil sample into two separate measuring
2. Add 100ml of water to each soil sample and wait for about 15 minutes.
3. Record the final volume in each cylinder.
Expected Observations
More bubbles are released in the sandy soil than in the clay soil as water
is poured; this indicates that sandy soil has more air spaces.
The final volume of water recorded in sandy soil is less than that of the
clay soil. (Water molecules fill in the air spaces).
o Volume of each soil sample = 100ml
Volume of added water = 100ml
Expected total volume (soil + water) = 200ml
Final volume in clay soil = 190ml
o Water displaces the air present in each soil sample.
o The more the air spaces the more the air is displaced, resulting in
lowering of final volume, (sandy soil).
o The fewer the air spaces, the less air displaced and this results in
higher final volume, (clay soil).
Leaching in soils
Every type of soil contains a certain degree of mineral salts which are
dissolved in the soil water or combined with soil particles, especially the
clay particles.
As water drains through the soil it carries dissolved salts through the
soil, this process is called leaching.
Areas with porous soils and of high rainfall are prone to leaching.
Minerals elements that are needed for plant nutrition are washed away
by leaching.
It is important for farmers to reduce leaching.
This can be done by applying compost and manure to the soil regularly
which improves the texture and water retention.
Experiment: Comparing leaching in soils
1. Arrange the apparatus as shown in diagram Fig.10.1.4.
2. Allow the water to completely filter through the soil sample.
3. Collected filtrate and heated in a beaker over a burner to evaporate the
4. Compare the amount of residue (salts), either by observing with eye or
by weighing on a very sensitive scale.
Expected Observations
Sandy soil contains more residue than clay soil, meaning that there is
higher leaching in sandy soil than in clay soil.
Experiment: Determining the water content (moisture) in a soil sample
o evaporating dish
o beaker (containing about a third of water)
o tripod stand
o burner
o fresh garden soil sample
1. Weigh and record the mass of the evaporating dish.
2. Place the fresh soil sample on the evaporating dish, measure the weight
and recorded again.
3. Calculate the mass of the soil sample.
4. Heat the soil over a water bath. This prevents burning of humus.
5. Remove the evaporating dish from the heat, allow to cool, weigh, and
reheat until a constant mass is obtained.
Expected Observations
Mass of evaporating dish = 2g
Mass of evaporating dish + fresh soil = 17g
Therefore mass of fresh soil =17g - 2g = 15g
Mass of evaporating dish + dried soil = 10g
Therefore mass of water in soil sample = 15g - 10g = 5g
Therefore % of water in soil sample = 5g/15g × 100 = 33.3%
o The amount of water in the garden soil varies with composition of
particle size, and the amount of organic matter it contains.
Experiment: Determining the amount of organic matter in a soil sample
o dried soil
o evaporating dish
o tripod stand
o gauze
o burner
o stirring rod
1. Weigh and record the mass of an empty evaporating dish.
2. Add the dried soil to the evaporating dish, and re-weigh the evaporating
dish with the soil together.
3. Calculate the mass of dried soil.
4. Heat the dried soil over a burner, stirring the soil regularly.
5. Allow the soil to cool and re-weigh repeatedly until a constant mass is
6. Calculate the percentage of organic matter in the soil.
Expected Observations
Mass of evaporating dish = 2g
Mass of dish + dried soil = 12g
Mass of dried soil = 12g - 2g = 10g
Mass of dish + heated soil = 7g
Mass of organic matter = 12g - 7g = 5g
% organic matter in soil sample = 5g/10g × 100 = 50%
o The amount of organic matter in soil reflects the fertility of the soil.
The higher the percentage the more fertile the soil is.
Soil pH is a measure of the acidity and alkalinity in soils.
Maintaining the correct pH balance is important to soil micro-organisms
and plant roots which are sensitive to pH.
The optimal pH range for most plants is between 5.5 and 7.0.
Mineral salts in the soil cause the soil to be acidic or alkaline.
Lime can be added to the soil to neutralise acidic soils.
Compost or manure can be used to neutralise alkaline soils.
Testing soil pH is important to farmers; this enables them to choose
crops most suited to their crops.
Experiment: Testing pH of soil sample
o soil sample, (about 10 ml)
o distilled water
o universal indicator/litmus paper/digital pH meter
1. Place the soil sample in a test tube, and add water to the soil.
2. Add a few drops of universal indicator, shake well, allow to settle and
read the pH on the colour scale. OR,
3. Dip the litmus paper into the soil solution, read the pH on the paper
colour code. OR,
4. Use the digital meter to read the pH.
Expected Observations
Most soils have a pH range of 6 - 7.
Digital pH meter
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
A. Natural ecosystems
Natural ecosystem is an ecosystem that occurs as it would without
interference from man.
Natural ecosystems are capable of functioning and sustaining
themselves without influence from human beings.
The organisms feed upon one another in a sequence of food and
consequently energy transfer, forming a food chain.
Food chain can be defined as a simple passage of energy from one
trophic level to another as a result of one organism consuming another.
Trophic level is the feeding level in a food chain such as producers,
consumers and decomposers.
Food chains
In a food chain there is one organism in each trophic level.
Green plants are autotrophs or the producers of food for the ecosystem.
Producers also include parts of the plant such as fruits, seeds, or dead
The producers convert energy from sunlight into chemical energy in
Organisms that cannot synthesise their own food and feed on other
organisms are called heterotrophs or consumers.
Consumers obtain their energy from the food they eat which contains
chemical energy.
Organisms that feed on plants are called primary consumers or
herbivores for example locust, cow, aphid and goat.
Organisms that eat primary consumers are called secondary consumers.
Secondary consumers can be carnivores (meat-eaters) for example a
snake, seal and spider, or omnivores (both plant and meat-eaters) for
example eagle and mouse.
Organisms that feed on secondary (or all organisms from producers to
secondary) consumers are called tertiary consumers.
Tertiary consumers can also be carnivorous like lion, hawk, shark and
crocodile, or omnivorous like baboon and human.
Animals that are tertiary consumers are called apex predators.
When the organism dies, it is broken down by detrivores or
Decomposers are usually saprophytic (feeds on dead organic matter)
microorganisms like bacteria or fungi but the group also includes some
insects like termites.
The nutrients that are trapped in the organism are released back into the
soil by decomposers.
The arrows in a food chain indicate the direction of energy in food flow
from one organism to another.
The food chain in fig.10.2.2 shows the inter-relationships in a forest.
o The food chain begins with a producer, grass.
o The locust (primary consumer) feeds on the grass.
o The mouse (secondary consumer) eats the locust.
o The mouse is then eaten by the snake (tertiary consumer).
o Decomposers like fungi feed on the dead organisms and in the
process release nutrients back into the soil.
Pyramids of numbers
Energy is used and lost by organisms at each trophic level; this limits the
number of organisms in a food chain because there will be less and less
energy available.
Energy may be lost as heat (respiration), excretion, (sweat, faeces, urine),
and during movement.
Only about 10% of the received energy is passed on to the next trophic
Food chains do not usually have more than four trophic levels.
The numbers at each level can be represented as pyramid of numbers.
Pyramid of biomass
Biomass is the amount of living materials in plants and animals; it is the
mass of a living organism.
The pyramid of biomass informs of the size, the actual weight or mass
of the organism, this gives a more accurate relationship between the
trophic levels.
Pyramid of biomass
Food webs
A food web shows feeding interrelationships between plants and animals
in an ecosystem.
One organism feeds on several organisms and can be food for more than
one type of organism.
Nutrient recycling
Decomposers or detrivores (e.g. bacteria, fungi) use the energy trapped
in organisms to recycle components or nutrients.
Carbon and nitrogen are common nutrients of all living organisms.
Carbon and nitrogen are recycled in an ecosystem as the nutrients are
reabsorbed by the living organisms and then re-enter the food chains
and food webs.
The Carbon Cycle
Carbon cycle can be defined as a continuous re-cycling process of
carbon compounds through plants, animals, decomposers, and their
Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen cycle can be defined as a continuous natural cycle by which
nitrogen and nitrogenous compounds in the soil are converted by
nitrification, nitrogen fixation, into substances that can be utilised by
green plants, the substances return to the air and soil as a result of the
decay of the plants and denitrification.
About 80% of the atmospheric air is nitrogen.
Nitrogen is crucial to both plants and animals, as it is an element if
important biological elements such as amino acids, chlorophyll,
proteins, and DNA.
However the nitrogen is unreactive; it just diffuses in and out of the cell
The nitrogen gas must be converted into a more reactive state, like
nitrates and ammonia.
Nitrates are formed by nitrogen fixation and by nitrification.
1. Nitrogen Fixation
o Nitrogen fixation is a chemical process that combines nitrogen and
hydrogen to form ammonium ions, which then form nitrates.
o Nitrogen fixation occurs in three ways:
a. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
o Nitrogen is converted to ammonia by the nitrogen-fixing bacteria
that live in the root nodules (swellings) of leguminous plants such
as beans, peas, clover, and tropical trees.
o The leguminous plants use the ammonia to make amino acids for
protein synthesis.
b. Lightning
o Lightning causes a natural combination of nitrogen and oxygen
gases at high temperature in the atmosphere.
o The formed nitrogen oxides dissolve in rain and when they reach
the soil they form nitrates.
c. Haber process
o The ammonium nitrate fertilisers are manufactured from ammonia
in the Haber process.
o The fertilisers directly increase the nitrate content of the soil.
o Farmers also use natural fertilisers (manure) which release nitrates
through the action of the decomposers.
2. Nitrification
o Nitrification is the oxidation of ammonia and ammonium ions to
form nitrites and nitrates.
o The proteins in the dead plants and animals are gradually turned
back to ammonia or nitrates.
o The process is done naturally by the nitrifying bacteria which are
found in the soil and water.
o Decomposers (such as bacteria and fungi) breakdown the remains
of dead plants and animals releasing nitrates into the soil.
3. Denitrification
o Denitrification can defined as the conversion of nitrates into
nitrogen gas which is then released into atmosphere.
o Denitrifying bacteria are anaerobic, reversing the action of the
nitrifying bacteria.
o The denitrifying bacteria convert ammonia and nitrate back to
nitrogen gas again which escapes into the atmosphere, completing
the nitrogen cycle.
o Denitrification occurs most readily in waterlogged soils (clay soils):
such soils are prone to great loss of nitrogen.
forms, namely ammonium and nitrate. Without the transformation
of nitrogen into these forms, plant growth would be limited.)
Therefore, nutrient cycles enable the provision of elements to
organisms in forms that are usable to them.
2. Transfer of elements
o Nutrient cycles allows the transfer of elements from one place to
o Some elements are highly concentrated in an areas that are
inaccessible to most living organisms, such as nitrogen in the
o Nutrient cycles allow these elements to be transferred to more
accessible locations such as the soil (for the case of nitrogen).
3. Functioning of ecosystems
o The ecosystem which requires the state of equilibrium to function
properly, restore to the equilibrium state through the nutrient
4. Storage of elements
o Nutrient cycles facilitate the storage of elements.
o Elements that are carried through the nutrient cycles are stored in
their natural reservoirs and are released to organisms in small
amounts that are consumable. (For example, through the nitrogen
cycle, plants are able to use nitrogen in small suitable amounts
even though it is abundant in the atmosphere.)
5. Link organisms
o Nutrient cycles link living organisms with living organisms, living
organisms with the non-living organisms and non-living
organisms with non-living organisms.
o This is essential because all organisms depend on one another and
is vital for the survival of living organisms.
o These organisms are linked by the flow of nutrients which is
engineered by the nutrient cycles.
6. Regulate the flow of substances
o Nutrient cycles regulate the flow of substances.
o As the nutrient cycles pass through different spheres (biosphere,
lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere), the flow of elements is
regulated as each sphere has a particular medium and rate at which
the flow of elements is determined by the viscosity and density of
the medium.
o Therefore, the elements in the nutrient cycles flow at different rates
within the cycle and this regulates the flow of elements in those
B. Artificial ecosystems
An artificial ecosystem is a man-made ecosystem which is designed for
human benefit.
These artificial ecosystems are operated and highly influenced by human
Human activities in the artificial ecosystem result in limited species
Examples of artificial ecosystems include plantations, fields and gardens
which are all intended for high productivity (fig.10.2.9).
Some of the most commonly practised activities are:
o monoculture (agricultural practice of growing one type of crop on
a farm or field)
o selective breeding of livestock
o deforestation
o use of pesticides
o use of organic fertilisers
8. Use the magnifying glasses or hand lens to observe smaller organisms.
9. Observe the size of the organisms in each ecosystem.
10. Identify the dominant animal and plant species in each ecosystem.
11. Record your observations on a recording sheet. An example is given in
table below.
Natural Artificial
Ecosystem Ecosystem
Dominant species
Dominant species
Evidence of animals
Expected Observations
There are more plant and animal species in a natural ecosystem than in
an artificial ecosystem.
o Prolonged practice of mono-culture results in significant land
mineral decrease as nutrient cycling is low, soil deterioration
o Extensive use of chemicals can reduce fertility of the soil as these
chemicals infiltrate the soil.
2. Increase in plant and animal diseases
o Plant diseases increase due to lack of crop rotation. The pathogen
adapts to the soil and easily attacks the crops.
o Plants and animals become vulnerable to diseases caused by pests
which multiply and spread easily and fast.
o Soil pathogens may become resistant to pesticides and stronger
chemicals have to be used.
3. Overstocking and overgrazing
o Rearing of large numbers of same type of animals leads to
overgrazing, depleting soil fertility eventually desertification.
4. Limited food resources for other organisms
o Availability of food for other animals is very limited as production
of food is meant for human consumption only.
Form 3 (O-Level) / Biology
Health is the state of physical, mental, emotional and social well-being and
not just the absence of disease.
a. Physical health: a good body because of regular physical activity
(exercise), good nutrition, and adequate rest.
b. Mental health: a state of being, related to the brain or mind and
thoughts, feelings, and behaviours; it ranges from normal functioning
to paralysing mental illness.
c. Emotional health: an extension of mental health: it is the way someone
views, and lives, a life of wellness or a state of positive mental
d. Social health: how one gets along with other people, how other people
react to them, and how one interacts with society.
Hygiene refers to a set of practices or habits that help to maintain health
and prevent the spread of diseases.
There are different levels of hygiene:
1. Personal Hygiene
o This is maintaining cleanliness and grooming of the external body.
o It involves proper living habits, cleanliness of body (hand-washing,
bathing and cutting hair/nails.) and cleanliness of clothing.
2. Domestic Hygiene
o This is maintaining cleanliness in the home.
o It includes sanitary preparation of food, general cleanliness (sweeping,
washing floors, washing clothes and washing cooking utensils) and
3. Community Hygiene
o These are hygiene practices to prevent disease outbreaks and death in
the community.
o These include:
provision and protection of clean water sources (taps, boreholes
and protected wells),
waste management that is, proper disposal of solid waste and
excreta (public toilets, bins and refuse collection),
provision of health facilities such as clinics and hospitals,
general sanitation such as wastewater (sewage) drainage and
market hygiene.
Community hygiene (a) general sanitation e.g. clean-up campaign in the streets (b) refuse collection (c)
borehole and (d) public toilets
o brooms
o rakes
o pokers
o bin liners
o gloves
o face masks
o water for participants and any other equipment needed for a safe
1. Organise a clean-up campaign in your school or around your community.
2. Choose to host a one-time event or implement a weekly, monthly or
seasonal clean-up campaign.
3. Registering the event (to the Environmental Management Agency) and
acquiring a police clearance is necessary if the event is to be hosted outside
the school area.
4. Find volunteers and supervisors for the event.
5. Make sure there are proper facilities for waste disposal.
6. Make a report on the success of the event.
A disease is an abnormal condition of the body which interrupts normal
bodily functions.
It can affect part of the body or the whole body.
A disease usually results in associated signs and symptoms which may
include feelings of pain and weakness.
Causes of diseases
Diseases may be caused by a single factor or by many factors.
There are a number of different causes of disease in humans.
1. Pathogens
o Pathogens are disease causing microorganisms such as bacteria,
viruses and fungi.
o Examples of such diseases include cholera, malaria and AIDS.
2. Genetic Disorders
o These are rare diseases which result from abnormalities in the genes.
o They can be passed down from parents (hereditary) or result from
mutations in the genes (non-hereditary).
o Examples of such diseases include sickle-cell anaemia, Down
syndrome and diabetes.
3. Chemical
o Exposure to certain chemicals may result in disease.
o Lung cancer is usually as a result of carcinogenic chemicals found in
tobacco smoke.
4. Radiation
o Radiation (such as X-rays) may increase a person's chance of
developing diseases like cancer.
5. Degenerative Diseases
o Degenerative diseases refer to health problems that worsen over time.
o These degenerative diseases may affect the central nervous system
(brain and spinal cord), bones, blood vessels or heart.
o Most degenerative diseases have no cure but certain medications and
therapies can treat some degenerative diseases.
o Such diseases include Alzheimer’s (brain cell death), osteoporosis
(bone weakening) and heart disease.
6. Malnutrition
o Poor diet or malnutrition may cause an individual to develop diseases
as the body becomes deprived of certain essential nutrients (deficiency
diseases) or receives too much of such.
o These include marasmus, kwashiorkor, scurvy and obesity.
Classification of diseases
Diseases can be classified into two main classes; infectious and non-
1. Infectious Diseases
o These are caused by pathogens.
o They can spread from person to person and are said to be
Examples include:
2. Non-Infectious Diseases
o These are not caused by pathogens and are not transmitted from one
person to another.
Examples include:
Deficiency diseases
Genetic disorders
Cholera is an infectious disease caused by a comma shaped bacterium.
This disease is mostly occurs in crowded places with poor sanitation and
unsafe drinking water sources.
It is transmitted by the faecal - oral route which means that it can be
transmitted by eating food or drinking water which is contaminated by the
cholera bacteria.
The source of contamination is usually faeces or vomit of an infected person
or water contaminated with sewage.
Houseflies, soiled hands and utensils can serve as a mode of transmission
of the bacteria.
Fruits and vegetables washed with contaminated water can be a source of
When a person consumes the contaminated food or water, the bacteria
release a toxin in the intestines that causes severe diarrhoea.
Signs and symptoms of cholera
o Symptoms of cholera can occur a few hours or as long as five days
after infection.
o The main symptoms include severe watery diarrhoea (rice water),
vomiting, fever and dehydration symptoms such as:
Muscular cramps
Rapid heart rate
Loss of skin elasticity
Dry mucous membranes (mouth, tongue, throat, nose)
Sunken eyes
o Sustained diarrhoea and vomiting will cause mild dehydration
symptoms to become moderate to severe.
o In infants, symptoms such as sunken fontanel, low blood pressure and
a weak pulse may result from severe dehydration.
o Dehydration can lead to shock and death in a matter of hours if not
Treatment of cholera
a. Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT)
o It is a form of fluid replacement by mouth to prevent or correct the
dehydration caused by diarrhoea.
o Oral rehydration therapy is the main treatment of cholera due to the
increased loss of fluids in the body.
o It is the preparation of salt and sugar solution.
o Water replaces the water that is lost through vomiting and the watery
o Salt sends electrical signals throughout the body and it causes the
body to become thirsty forcing the person to drink more water.
o The sugar contained in ORS solution enables the intestine to absorb
the fluid and the salts more efficiently.
o A patient with diarrhoea should receive oral rehydration salts (ORS)
solution and a daily supplement of zinc tablets for 10- 14 days.
o The basic oral rehydration solution is made up of 6 level teaspoons of
sugar and 1/2 level teaspoon of salt dissolved in 1 litre of clean water.
o It is very important to mix the correct amounts; too much sugar can
make the diarrhoea worse and too much salt can be extremely harmful
to the patient.
o Making the mixture a little too dilute is not harmful but it is less
o Even after using the ORS solution medical advice should be sought.
o Antibiotic treatment is also necessary to act on the cholera bacteria.
b. Antibiotic treatment
o Antibiotics such as Tetracycline and Ciprofloxacin have been used to
effectively kill cholera bacteria.
o Antibiotic treatment is usually used for hospitalised patients but
always in combination with ORT solution.
o Antibiotics along with zinc tablets, reduce the duration and amount of
cholera related diarrhoea.
c. Intravenous therapy
o This is when rehydration fluids are filtered directly into a vein of the
o In severe dehydration cases, intravenous administration of fluids may
be required to save the patient's life.
Some ways to reduce the spread of cholera
1. Practicing good personal, domestic and community hygiene such as:
Drinking water from safe sources.
Eating foods that have been thoroughly cooked and are still hot.
Use latrines or bury your faeces, do not defecate in any body of
water or open spaces.
2. Notification: to allow health officials to organise effective ways of
controlling the disease and avoid rapid spreading.
3. Immunisation against cholera, though cholera vaccines are not very
4. Good settlement planning as overcrowding has an effect on the water
and sanitation load of the community.
Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a single-celled protozoan
These parasites are transmitted from one person to another by female
Anopheles mosquitoes which feed on blood.
Other possible ways of transmission include blood transfusions and in
congenital malaria, where malaria can be transmitted from mother to child
before and or during birth.
Symptoms of malaria
Treatment of malaria
o The type of drugs and length of treatment will vary depending on:
Which type of malaria parasite a person has.
The severity of the symptoms.
The age of the person.
Whether the person is pregnant.
o Effective treatment is enabled through correct drug intake and dosage
which is determined by a health practitioner.
o In Zimbabwe, Chloroquine was the commonly used drug for effective
malaria treatment.
o However, over the years, it has become increasingly difficult to use
Chloroquine for malaria treatment as the parasite has developed
resistance to the drug.
o Fortunately, scientists are constantly developing other drugs for
malaria treatment.
o The most common anti-malarial drugs include:
a. Coartem
b. Quinine sulphate
c. Mefloquine
d. Malarone
e. Hydroxychloroquine
Prevention against malaria
o Vaccination of malaria has not been successful because the malarial
parasite does not produce antitoxins and antigens in the human host.
o Nonetheless, the most effective way to prevent malaria is to take a
prophylactic drug against the parasite.
o Most commonly used anti-malarial drugs include Norolon, Deltaprim,
Paludrine and Malasone.
o Prophylactic drugs must be taken on a regular basis over a
recommended period of time.
o Usually, the dosage occurs before, during and after exposure to the
o Other preventative measures are aimed at protection against the
mosquito bite such as:
Wearing protective clothes.
Use of repellents on exposed skin.
Sleeping under mosquito nets.
Use of mosquito coils and indoor aerosols which kill adult
Control of malaria
o Malaria can be controlled by managing the Anopheles mosquito
o This can be done by disrupting several stages of the mosquito cycle.
o These methods can be physical (environmental), chemical or
a. Physical methods
o Decreasing or removing the mosquito breeding sites for example, not
permitting water to accumulate in places, proper drainage system and
filling of ditches.
o This disrupts the early stages of the mosquito life cycle.
b. Chemical methods
o These include application of oil (diesel or kerosene) and synthetic
insecticides in stagnant water to kill larvae.
o Oil inhibits the larvae from acquiring oxygen for breathing.
o Adult mosquitoes can be killed by spraying of DDT
(dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) applied 1 to 3 times in a year.
o Application of space spray in the form of mist or fog such as Pyrethrum
extract also kills adult mosquitoes.
c. Biological methods
o Introducing fish in ponds or breeding places which feed on the
mosquito larvae.
Tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that usually affects
the lungs.
It can also affect other parts of the body, including kidneys, spine or brain.
TB is transmitted from person to person through microscopic droplets
released into the air by an infected person when they cough, speak, sneeze,
spit, laugh or sing.
People nearby may inhale these bacteria and become infected.
There are two kinds of tuberculosis infection: latent and active.
1. Latent TB
o The bacteria remain in the body in an inactive state.
o They cause no symptoms and are not contagious, but they can become
2. Active TB
o The bacteria cause symptoms and can be transmitted to others.
o People with compromised immune systems, such as people living with
HIV, malnutrition or diabetes, or people who use tobacco, have a much
higher risk of having active TB.
Symptoms of TB
Treatment of TB
o TB disease is treated with antibiotics.
o Antibiotics are taken for at least 6-9 months.
o The exact drugs and length of treatment depend on age, overall health,
possible drug resistance, the form of TB (latent or active) and the
infection's location in the body.
Prevention of TB
o A few general measures can be taken to prevent the spread of active
TB such as:
Avoiding other people by not going to school or work, or
sleeping in the same room as someone.
Wearing a mask, covering the mouth, and ventilating rooms can
also limit the spread of bacteria.
o TB vaccination: BCG injections are given to children in order to
vaccinate them against tuberculosis.
Typhoid is a bacterial infection.
The bacterium lives in the intestines and bloodstream of humans.
It is spread between individuals by through ingestion of contaminated food
or water.
Contamination is usually from faeces which contain a high concentration of
the bacteria.
The bacteria can survive for weeks in water or dried sewage.
Symptoms of typhoid
o Symptoms normally begin 1-3 weeks after exposure to the bacteria.
o These are:
Fever starts low and increases as high as 40oC
Weakness and fatigue
Muscle aches
Dry cough
Loss of appetite and weight loss
Abdominal pain
Diarrhoea or constipation
Extremely swollen abdomen
The duration of the illness is about four to six weeks.
o The effective treatment for typhoid is antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin.
o Drinking clean water is also recommended in order to rehydrate the
o General rules to minimise the chance of typhoid infection in high risk
areas include:
Drinking boiled or bottled water.
Avoiding eating anything that has been handled by someone
Avoiding eating from street food stalls.
Only eating hot food.
Avoiding raw fruit and vegetables.
Vaccination against typhoid can be achieved by oral medication
or a once-off injection.
Bilharzia is a disease caused by a fluke parasite or worm.
Infection occurs through contact with contaminated water bodies.
The parasite swims freely in open bodies of water or lives on an alternate
host, a bilharzia snail.
On contact with humans, the parasite burrows into the skin, matures before
it migrates to the lungs and liver, where it matures into the adult form.
The adult worm then migrates to its preferred body part: the part of the
body that is affected depends on the species of parasite.
These areas include the bladder, intestines and spleen.
Bilharzia cycle
Symptoms of bilharzia
o Symptoms vary with the species of bilharzia worm and the phase of
o Initial infection of the skin by the parasite may cause itching and a rash
(swimmer's itch) which normally settles spontaneously.
o Heavy infestation (many parasites) may cause fatigue, fever, chills,
lymph node enlargement, and liver and spleen enlargement.
o Intestinal symptoms include abdominal pain and diarrhoea (which may
be bloody).
o Urinary symptoms may include frequent urination, painful urination
and blood in the urine.
o This infection is usually treated with the oral drug Praziquantel.
o Avoid swimming or bathing in contaminated or potentially
contaminated water.
o Avoid bodies of water of unknown safety.
o Snails are an intermediate host for the parasite: getting rid of snails in
bodies of water used by humans would help prevent infection.