January 2024 Messenger

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January 2024

Monthly Messenger
Saron Lutheran Church

From the Pastor’s Desk

As a new revolution around the sun begins, it seems like
there is pressure to make a change, start something new,
and become better versions of ourselves. Indeed, we are
always in progress, there are always areas in which we can
grow, new ideas to explore, and chances to become more
attuned to the way that the Spirit is moving in and around Events in January
us, I also find myself being invited to take it slow. We have 1/6 Breakfast Bunch
366 days (it’s a leap year) to wake up, remind ourselves of 1/7 Young Families Gathering
our identity as God’s imperfect children, and move towards 1/10 Prayer Circle
God’s vision for our lives. 1/14 Bible Study
1/17 Escalon Senior Fun Bunch
I am reminded of a poem and prayer by the French priest 1/18 Council Meeting
Teilhard de Chardin. The first two stanzas of the poem 1/21 Annual Congregational Meeting &
read: Breakfast
“Above all, trust in the slow work of God.
We are quite naturally impatient in everything to
reach the end without delay. Mark your Calendar
We should like to skip the intermediate stages. 2/14 Ash Wednesday
We are impatient of being on the way to something
unknown, something new.
Join us for Worship!
And yet it is the law of all progress Sundays at 9:30 am
that it is made by passing through some stages of
instability—and that it may take a very long time.” In the Sanctuary or
on the “Saron Lutheran Church”
God may indeed be stirring something new in you, and Facebook page
trust that God is with you in the slow work of inviting Bulletins are sent via email every week.
something new into your life. And whether a change
happens or not, trust there is nothing that separate us from
the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). Saron Staff
I look forward to what this year will bring as a church: Rev. Callie Torres, Pastor
opportunities for fellowship, moments of service, growth as Louise Spurgeon, Secretary
a community, and a deepening of faith. My prayer is that Melanie Tunison, Office A ssistant
together we can encourage one another to hold onto the
rock, our Lord, who provides stability and peace.
Office Hours
In Love and Peace, Pastor Callie Torres Tuesday through Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Saron Lutheran Church

1742 North Street, Escalon CA95320
209-838-7695 | [email protected]

Treasurer’s Report
The November 2023 revenue was greater than our
expenses. Thank you to each of you! And praise

2024! Wow! Can you believe we are starting a

brand-new year? I am looking forward to all the

Ministry Reports blessings God has in store for me and our church in
2024! As we move into the season of Epiphany, may
we open our hearts to receive all that God wants to
reveal to us.
Your ministry teams have been working hard to put
together Saron’s annual report which will be Blessings!
released soon. In the meantime, please enjoy
January’s abridged messenger. Wishing everyone a
Sylvia McGowan
blessed start to 2024.
Service & Support
President’s Report I am happy to report a final figure for the Kris
The New Year brings new opportunities and Kringle Market of 2023! The proceeds from our
challenges, which will be discussed at the Annual market exceeded $12,000. Thanks to many
Meeting, January 21st. It is important for everyone volunteers, we were able to generate this income for
to attend and participate in discussions and decisions our church and our community. Most of the funds
about our new year at Saron. A light breakfast will (90%) will be placed into dedicated major repair
be served prior to the meeting and following the fund. Approximately 10% has been allocated for
worship service. We have been blessed by your outreach. This year, the Service and Support
ongoing support throughout the year. Committee distributed to World Hunger, Lutheran
Social Services, Bread Ministry and Saron’s
Annual Meeting: January 21st Emergency Fund.

Church Council and Ministry Team Leaders will Pat Strand

attend a planning retreat on February 3rd beginning
at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall.

Council/Ministry Team Retreat: February 3rd

We continue to encourage you to share your

feedback and ideas with members of the council.
You are welcome to attend a meeting at any time.
Happy New Year to you and your family.

Ann Shaddix, Council President

Updates & Announcements

 Breakfast Bunch - Satur day, J anuar y 6th at
8:30 am at Perko’s in Riverbank
 Young Families Gathering - Sunday, J anuar y
7th at 11:00 am
 Prayer Circle - Wednesday, J anuar y 10th at
 Bible Study - Sunday, January 14th after

 Escalon Senior Fun Bunch - Wednesday,
January 17th from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm at the
Escalon Community Center. The theme is “Cozy
as a Patchwork Quilt” - dress in comfy clothes.
 Annual Congregational Meeting & Breakfast
- Sunday, January 21st after worship

Craft Days in 2024

Service and Support will continue to have craft days
for KKM in 2024. It will tentatively be scheduled
Last Month at Saron…
for the second Saturday of each month. The first Photos from Santka Lucia
craft day will be February 10th at 9 am in the social
hall. Join us for food, fun and fellowship while we
craft more goods. We will be decorating Christmas
gift bags. This was a hit with our KKM shoppers
and nearly sold out!

And a couple more things: Please save your

Christmas cards. We may have a craft in mind to
repurpose these cards. Also, please save your jam
and jelly jars and return them to the office to be

Other Announcements!
 2024 Offering Envelopes ar e available to pick
up in the Sanctuary
 If you have an update to your contact
information, please let the office know for the
2024 Church Directory
 Please bring your donations of rice and canned
vegetables on January 28th for CARE Sunday

In Memoriam: Richard Jilbert

9/10/1949 - 11/20/2023

Memorial Service - Saturday, January 13th at

11:00 am at Saron Lutheran Church, with luncheon
to follow

We are a congregation called to faithfully follow Jesus Christ by sharing the
inclusive love of God with our neighbor using our gifts joyfully in worship and

Together we use our gifts to move into God’s future inviting all we encounter
with the hope of the Gospel

January Birthdays Saron Lutheran Church Council

4 Miguel Dahlin Ann Shaddix, President
8 Joyce Moe Gary Thomasser, Vice President
12 Barbara Snyder Kathy Pendleton, Secretary
13 Harrison Grossi Krista Adametz
14 Steve Rose Lori Armstrong
Henry McNinch Janet Casaus
24 Shane Spears Louise Spurgeon
30 Paige Armstrong Sylvia McGowan, Treasurer
31 Michael Alessi Heather Thomasser, Recorder

February Messenger Deadline

If you have any news or announcements that you
would like included in next month’s messenger
please submit it to [email protected] by
January 24th

Find Us On Facebook!
Search for @SaronLutheranEscalon and look for
the photo of our church. Follow for Sunday
worship livestreams, news from our church, and

Contact Pastor Callie

Saron Lutheran Church is part of the
If you have any questions, suggestions, or prayer Evangelical Lutheran Church
concerns please feel free to contact Pastor Callie at in America.
[email protected] or 209-425-3390
(text/call). She is eager to hear from you!

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