Physics 1st Yr C

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Long Answer Questions

1. Develop the notions of work and kinetic energy and show that it leads to work energy
2. What are the collisions? Explain the possible type of collisions? develop the theory of one
dimensional elastic collision
3. State and prove law of conservation of energy in case of freely falling body
4. Define SHM. show that the motion of projection of a particle performing uniform circular
motion on any diameter is SHM
5. Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple Harmonic and hence derive an
equation for its time period. what is seconds pendulum
6. derive equation for the kinetic energy and potential energy of a simple harmonic
oscillator and show that the total energy of a particle in simple harmonic motion is
constant at any point on its path
7. Explain reversible and Irreversible process describe the working of carnot engine obtain
an expression for the efficiency
8. State second law of thermodynamics. how is heat engine different from a refrigerator

Short Answer Questions

1. State parallelogram law of vectors derive an expression for the magnitude and direction
of the resultant vector
2. What is relative motion? Explain it?
3. Show that the trajectory of an object thrown at certain angle with the horizontal is a
4. Define unit vector null vector and position vector
5. If │a⃗ +b⃗ │=│a⃗ -b⃗ │prove that the angle between a⃗ and b⃗ is 900.
2 2 2
u sine Ө u sin 2 Ө
6. Show that the maximum height and range of a projectile are and
2g g
respectively where the terms have their regular meanings.
7. State Newton's second law of motion hence derive the equation of motion F= ma from it
8. define the terms Momentum and impulse and explain the law of conservation of linear
momentum. give its example,
9. Why are shock absorbers used in motorcycles and cars? Explain.
10. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of friction
11. Mention the methods used in decrease friction
12. Why is pulling the lawn roller preferred to pushing it
13. Distinguish between Centre of mass and centre of gravity
14. Define angular velocity. derived v  r


15. Define angular acceleration and torque establish the relation between angular
acceleration and torque
16. explain about the centre of mass of earth moon system and its rotation around the sun.
17. Define vector product explain the properties of a vector product with two examples
18. State Kepler's law of planetary motion
19. Derive the relation between acceleration due to gravity (g) at the surface of a Planet and
gravitational constant (G).
20. What is orbital velocity obtain an expression for it
21. What is escape velocity obtain an expression for it
22. What is geostationary satellite state its uses
23. How does the acceleration due to gravity changes for the same value of height and depth
24. Derive the relation between acceleration due to gravity at the surface of a Planet and
gravitational constant
25. Describe the behavior of a wire under gradually increasing load
26. Define Strain energy and derive the equation for the same
27. Define strain and explain the type of strain
28. Define stress and explain the types of stress
29. Define Hooke's law of elasticity, proportionality limit, permanent set, and breaking stress
30. Define Young's modulus bulk modulus and shear modulus
31. Define modulus of elasticity stress strain and poisson’s ratio
32. Explain conduction Convection and radiation with example
33. In what way is the anomalous behavior of water advantageous to aquatic animals
34. Pendulum clocks generally go fast in winter and slow in summer why
35. Explain Celsius and Fahrenheit scales of temperature. Obtain the relation between Celsius
and Fahrenheit scales of temperature.
36. Two identical rectangular strips one of Copper and the other is Steel are riveted together
to form a compound bar (bimetallic strip) what will happen on heating.

Very Short Answer Questions

The entire question from following chapters
1. Physical World
2. Units And Measurements
3. Motion In A Straight Line
4. Motion in A Plane
5. Laws Of Motion
6. Systems of Particles And Rotational Motion
7. Mechanical Properties Of Solids
8. Mechanical Properties Of Fluids


9. Thermal Properties Of Matter
10. Kinetic Theory

1. Motion In A Straight Line
2. Motion In A Plane
3. Work power energy
4. Oscillation
5. Systems Of Particles And Rotational Motion


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