• CO2-Given a particular type of product, its manufacturer and customer, the student manager
will be able to select, construct and explain the appropriate distribution network design type.
• CO3-Supplier is not able to deliver the products to the manufacturer because of one of the
reasons (such as exchange rates, reliability of transportation channels, transfer price, political
stability, and natural calamity). Student manager will be able to explain different types of
uncertainties its solutions.
• CO5-Student manager will be able to explain the role of technology in intermodal freight
transportation and enlist and explain various technological tools, for intermodal freight
• Inventories
• Transportation
• Facilities and handling
• Information
• Product variety
• Product availability
• Customer experience (Amazon vs. Borders) • Order visibility
• Returnability
Unit II
The customer needs that are met influence the company's revenues,
which along with cost decide the profitability of the delivery network.
• While customer service consists of many components, we will
focus on those measures that are
Response time
Borders Mismanagement
Outsourcing its online book sales to Amazon from 2000-08
Failure to enter the e-book market fast enough
• Inventories
• Transportation
• Facilities and handling
• Information
• Product variety
• Product availability
• Customer experience (Amazon vs. Borders) • Order visibility
• Returnability
Network Design Decisions
• Facility role: What role should each facility play? What processes
should be performed at each facility?
Supply chain optimization software: does an excellent job of providing the best
answer for particular time snapshots of a network, while taking into consideration
the constraints outlined in Steps 1 and 2 (minimize cost, maximize revenue,
improved customer service, etc.) There are a number of optimization tools available
at varying levels of price and complexity.
• Dynamic supply chain simulation software: simulates the day-to-day operation of
a network. Simulation software goes a step beyond optimization software by using
randomized order profiles based on your network constraints. Network costs,
volumes, inventories, production capacity, distribution capability, and customer
service can be evaluated at a tactical level with this type of software.
Why do you need to model your Supply Chain, Logistics or Distribution
Network Design?
Understanding the current network is the most difficult and time-consuming step associated with any
distribution network strategy. When done properly, it allows informed decision-making and
confidence in the output of the modelling tools. The saying, “garbage in, garbage out,” applies here.
Select Design Tools
There are several tools that can shorten the time it takes to develop the
network design, provide greater insight into the current network
situation and how changes will impact the network, and provide better
decision-making information. Network design tools include:
• Database analysis software and spreadsheet software: used to cleanse
and verify data and to analyze alternatives for simple networks or small
segments of large networks.
• Mapping software: illustrates changes in network structure without
relying solely upon tables and graphs. Software that can illustrate
changes in product flow and costs from location to location within a
network provides valuable insight into the impact of “what if” type
Why do you need to model your Supply Chain, Logistics or Distribution
Network Design?