CAP-Industriel 2001

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The Olympic Games 1 - Recopiez la bonne réponse (CAP 4 pts I BEP. 2pts):
1) The document is about :
Every four years since 1896, except during timer. of war, the best sportsmen and sports a) the Olympic Games in Sydney.
women in the world bave met together for the Olympic Games b) the Olyrnpic Games of 1896.
c) the history of the Olympic Games.
In 1896 - the fnst of tbe modem Olympics - two hundred athletes from fourteen
countries tried to win medals in forty-three events. In the Games today, there are more than 2) The first Games corne from :
ten thousand athletes from nearly two hundred countries for nearly two hundred events. Then a) the Greeks.
there were nine sports. Now there are more than twenty-five. b) a Frenchman called Pierre de Coubertin.
c) Americau athletes.
[The Olympic Games ere the greatest sports meeting in the world. It brings together
people from almost every country. Being at the Olympics is the life’s dream for thousands of 3) Nowadays, the Games take place :
athletes ; winning an Olympic medal is their highest goal.] a) every summer and winter.
b) every year in summer.
Some people think that the Olympics today are too big or that money is too important c) every four years in summer or winter.
in the Olympics. Many do not like the way Olympic cities are chosen. Some people just hate
4) The first Greek athletes were :
a) poor but famous.
But most people love the Games - the excitement, the danger and the athletes who, in b) rich and very motivated.
the words of the Olympic motto are “faster, higher, stronger”. c) crazy about money.

The Word Olympic cornes Bom the town of Olympia where the Greeks began to have II - Dites si les affirmations suivantes sont vraies (RIGHT) ou fausses WONG),
games as a way of giving thanks to the gods. ensuite, recopiez le passage précis du texte justifiant votre réponse. (CAP : 6pts I
BEP : Opts):
The fïrst Olympics which we are sure about were in 776 BC but they probably started 1) Today, nine sports are represented in the Olympics. In 1896,40 countries were
a long time before this. The Games became very important. Wars stopped while the Games represented.
were on. People then were just as crazy about sports as they are now and they came a very 2) The athletes compete to get a medal.
long way to watch : the stadium at Olympia could hold 20,000 people. The athletes were often 3) The Greeks had games to thank the town of Olympia.
from rich families and were very serious about sports. They came from a11over the Greek 4) The ancient Olympics were stopped by wars.
world but foreigners could not compete and women could not even watch. 5) At that time people from a11over the world could compete.
6) Pierre de Coubertin tbought that sport couldn’t change people.
The Greeks gave us the Olympics but it was a Frenchman who gave us the modem
Games. Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) was interested in the ancient Greeks and their ideas III - Construisez une phrase contenant un comparatif avec les éléments suivants
about the importance of a healthy mind in a healthy body. He believed that sport could make (CAp~4pts / BEP 4pts):
every one a better person and that people should do sport for love, not money. 1) The Olympic Games / The Wimbledon tennis tournament (popular : supériorité)
2) David Douillet / Yannick Noah (famous : égalité)
3) Manchester United / Cosmos (better : supériorité)
Adapted from -PIC GAMES by STEVE FLINDERS 4) Cowboy boots / Sports shoes (comfortable : infériorité)

VOCABULARY : IV - Posez les questions se rapportant aux mots soulignés : ( CAP : 2 pts / BEP : 4 pts)

776 BC : 776 avant Jést@hrist

1) The fïrst modem Olympics took place in 1896.
foreigners : étrangers
2) There were nine sports
compete : (ici) participer
3) Pierre de Coubertin gave us the modem Games
healthy : sain
4) The lïrst Olympic Games took place in Olympia.
mind : esprit
V - Traduisez le passage entre crochets (CAP : 4pts / BEP : 4pts )



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