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Eco-friendly Self-curing Concrete Incorporated with Polyethylene Glycol as

Self-curing Agent

Article · May 2017

DOI: 10.5829/idosi.ije.2017.30.04a.03


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Sundara Kumar Pitta

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IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 30, No. 4, (April 2017) 473-478

International Journal of Engineering RESEARCH

Journal Homepage: www.ije.ir

Eco-friendly Self-curing Concrete Incorporated with Polyethylene Glycol as Self-

curing Agent
G. Thrinath*, P. Sundara Kuma

Department of Civil Engineering, KL University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India


Paper history: Today concrete is most generally utilized development material in the world due to its strength and
Received 05 December 2016 sturdiness properties. To attain good strength, curing of concrete is important so we introduce the
Received in revised form 08 January 2017 concept of self-curing concrete rather than immersion or sprinkle curing to avoid water scarcity. It was
Accepted 09 February 2017 observed that water solvent polymers can be utilized as a self-curing agent, i.e. polyethylene glycol
(PEG-400). In the present study, to discover the effect of admixture polyethylene glycol (PEG-400) on
Keywords: compression strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength, adding the diverse rate of PEG-400 to
Self-curing Concrete the weight of cement from zero to two percentages as the measurement of the curing agent is done. The
Immersion Curing test results were studied for M30 concrete mix. The optimum percentage of PEG-400 was found to be
Polyethylene Glycol 400 1% for compressive and Split Tensile Strength. If the dosage of PEG-400 increases to more than 1%,
Compressive Strength there is a decline in compressive and split tensile strength. However, the optimum percentage of PEG-
Split Tensile Strength 400 for flexural strength was found at 0.5%. If we increase the dosage of PEG-400 more than 0.5%,
Flexural Strength there is reduction in strength of flexural strength.
doi: 10.5829/idosi.ije.2017.30.04a.03

1. INTRODUCTION1 optimum percentage of polyethylene glycol (PEG-400)

and to compare the strength parameters between
Nowadays, concrete is one of the standout most conventional concrete and self-curing concrete. The
projection material in the world. In order to accomplish optimum dosage of PEG-400 to get the maximum
good strength, good curing of concrete is imperative to compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural
meet the performance and strength requirements. In strength was found to be 1%. If the dosage of the PEG-
conventional curing, this is accomplished by external 400 exceeds 1% it tends to decrease in the strength. The
curing applied after blending, placing and setting. Self- strength of the self-curing concrete is more when
curing is a technique that can be used to give extra compared to the conventional curing evaporation
dampness in cement to the more effective hydration of minimizes and surface tension of water from concrete,
concrete and decreased self-desiccation. Therefore, a consequently assembles the water maintenance limit of
number of researchers [1-7] are involved in identifying the concrete for the nonstop hydration reason [1, 5].
the self-curing agent. Polyethylene glycol 400 was Based on the advantages of an application of the current
discovered that which diminishes the water evaporation methods, a study has been taken up to assess the
minimizes and surface tension of water from concrete, applicability of self-curing concrete for using the
consequently assembles the water maintenance limit of optimum percentage of polyethylene glycol (PEG-400)
the concrete for the nonstop hydration reason [1, 5]. and to compare the strength parameters between
Based on the advantages an application of the current conventional concrete and self-curing concrete. The
methods, a study has been taken up to assess the optimum dosage of PEG-400 to get the maximum
applicability of self-curing concrete for using the compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural
strength was found to be 1%. If the dosage of the PEG-
*Corresponding Author’s Email: [email protected] 400 exceeds 1% it tends to decrease in the strength. The

Please cite this article as: G. Thrinath and P. Sundara Kuma, Eco-friendly Self-curing Concrete Incorporated with Polyethylene Glycol as Self-
curing Agent, International Journal of Engineering (IJE), TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 30, No. 4, (April 2017) 473-478
G. Thrinath and P. Sundara Kuma. / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 30, No. 4, (April 2017) 473-478 474

strength of the self-curing concrete is more when compound. PEG is otherwise called polyethylene oxide
compared to the conventional curing [2]. or polyoxyethylene relying upon its molecular weight.
The rate of PEG-400 increases and it builds up the PGE 400 is a low- molecular weight grade of
workability of the concrete. The optimum dosage of polyethylene glycol. It is a colorless, clear, viscous
PEG-400 for maximum compressive strength was found liquid. The structure of PEG is usually communicated
to be 1% of M20 grade concrete and 1.5% of M30 grade as:
concrete [3]. Using of self- curing agent, PEG-400 in 𝐻 − (𝑂 − 𝐶𝐻2 − 𝐶𝐻2 )𝑛 − 𝑂𝐻
concrete mix increases the mechanical properties of The polyethylene glycol is added to the weight of
concrete. It is also said that PEG-400 is the best water cement. The dosage of the PEG-400 of a cement weight
retention agent on concrete for continuous hydration percentage varies from 0-2. The properties of
process to get fewer voids and pours in concrete leads to polyethylene glycol are shown in Table 1.
increase in concrete strength [4]. It is found that the
self-cured concrete have less water absorption and water
absorptivity values compared with concrete cured by 3. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM
different strategies [6]. The optimum dosage of PEG-
400 for most prominent strengths was observed to be The experimental program has done at the KL
1% for M20 and 0.5% for M40 grades of concrete. It is University for finding the compressive strength, split
additionally suggested that as a percentage of PEG-400 tensile strength, the flexural strength of concrete for
augmented slump, it got augmented for together M20 M30 mix proportion. Totally, 135 specimens were cast
and M40 grades of concrete [7]. for the testing out of 135, which of them, 45 cubes have
cast, 45 cylinders have cast and 45 prisms have cast.
The details of specimens were also tabulated in Table 2.
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS The cubes were tested for finding the compressive
strength, cylinders were tested for finding split tensile
2. 1. Initial Investigation The Initial strength and prisms were tested for finding flexural
investigation involves of test consistent materials, strength.
determination of fresh and hardened properties of OPC.
3. 1. Compressive Strength To find the
2. 2. Materials Test to be conducted on the compressive strength of the concrete 150 X 150 X
material is also plays an important role to get an 150mm was cast and it was tested for 3, 7 and 28 days.
accurate mix design. Here, it was found the material The equipment used for finding the compressive
properties of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate strength is a compression testing machine. By using
and the properties are such as initial setting time, final Equation (1), we can determine the compressive
setting time, the specific gravity of cement, fine strength [12].
aggregate, and coarse aggregate. Properties found on the Compressive Strength = (1)
cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate is within where, P is the applied load A is the cross-sectional area
permissible limits. 43 grade of cement used in this trial (150 X150 X 150mm).
test where ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS:
8112-2013 [8]. The cement test resulted is obtained
from the laboratory are specific gravity is 3.15, initial TABLE 1. Properties of polyethylene glycol (miss placed in
setting time is 30 min and final setting time is 600 min. paper which u have send)
The fine aggregate utilized was taken from a close by Mol. Wt. 380-420
waterway source which fitting in zone III as per IS: 383- Appearance Clear liquid
pH 5-7
1970 [9] and testing of fine aggregate was done as per
Specific Gravity 1.12-1.13
IS 2386 Part III-1963, methods of test for aggregates
Part3-Specific gravity, Density, Voids, Absorption and
Bulking [10]. Its specific gravity is 2.605. The coarse
aggregate used in this paper was as per IS: 383-1970 [9]
and testing of course aggregate was done as per IS:2386
Part III-1963, Methods of Test for Aggregates Part 3 –
Specific gravity, Density, Voids, Absorption and
Bulking [10]. Its specific gravity is 2.74. Consumable
water accessible at KL University was utilized for both
curing and mixing of concrete. The pH value of water is
7 and curing of plain concrete is done as per IS 456-
2000 code of Practice for Reinforced Concrete and Plain
[11]. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a polymer Figure 1. Polyethylene glycol 400
475 G. Thrinath and P. Sundara Kuma. / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 30, No. 4, (April 2017) 473-478

3. 2. Split Tensile Strength To find the split mix ratio is 1:1.8:3.3. To find out compressive strength,
tensile strength of concrete 150 X 300 mm Cylinders 45 cubes were cast. The average compressive strength
was cast and it was tested in 3, 7 and 28 days. By using was calculated at 150 x 150 x 150 size cubes by taking
Equation (2), we can determine the split tensile strength the average of 3 specimens for 3,7 and 28 days. The
of the concrete [13]. compressive strength of plain concrete and self-curing
2𝑝 concrete is 39.89 and 42.72N/mm2 for 28 days. Thus,
Split Tensile Strength = (2) the compressive strength of the self-curing concrete is

where, P is the applied load, D is the diameter of the much greater than the plain concrete. The optimum
cylinder (150mm) and L is the height of cylinder dosage of PEG-400 was found to be 1% for
(300mm). compressive strength. As the percentage of PEG-400
increase to more than 1%, the strength of concrete tends
3. 3. Flexural Strength To find the concrete to decrease. We also found that at 1.5% dosage of PEG-
Flexural strength of 500 X 100 X 100mm prisms was 400, 39.67 N/mm2 reaches the target strength of 38.25
cast and it was tested for 3, 7 and 28 days. Equation (3) N/mm2, whereas by adding 2% of PEG-400, 35.31
can be used for finding the Flexural strength of the N/mm2 does not reach the target strength of 38.25
concrete [12]. N/mm2 of concrete. The results are tabulated in Table 4
and pictorially represented in Figure 3.
Flexural Strength = (3)
4. 2. Split Tensile Strength (Missing Flow in
where, P is the Failure of Load, L is the Prism Length Reading in Paper Which u Have Send) For
(500 mm), B is the Breadth of Prism (100 mm), D is the finding split tensile strength, totally 45 cylinders were
Width of Prism (100 mm). cast. The average split tensile strength was calculated on
300 X 150mm size cylinder by taking the average of
3. 4. Mix Design The mix design has been three specimens for 3,7 and 28 days.
adapted from IS 10262:2009 [14] to design grade ratio
of 1:1.8:3.3 of concrete.
TABLE 2. Details of specimens case(miss placed)
3. 5. Quantity of Material for Single Specimen
The quantity of material for cast single cube, cylinder No of Specimens Cast
Sl.No Mix
and prism are shown in Table 3. Cubes Cylinders Prisms
1 Plain 9 9 9


3 1.0% 9 9 9
4. 1. Compressive Strength (Missing Flow in 4 1.5% 9 9 9
Reading in Paper Which u Have Send) For
this study, M30 grade mix proportion is used and the 5 2.0% 9 9 9

TABLE 3. Mix proportion values for single cube, cylinder, and prism(miss placed)
Cement (Kg) Fine aggregate (kg) Coarse aggregate (kg) Water (Lt) PEG-400 (ml)
Plain 1.53 2.89 5.19 0.65 0
0.5% 1.53 2.89 5.19 0.65 7.69
Cubes 1% 1.53 2.89 5.19 0.65 15.39
1.5% 1.53 2.89 5.19 0.65 23.08
2% 1.53 2.879 5.19 0.65 30.78
Plain 2.41 4.52 8.16 1.01 0
0.5% 2.41 4.52 8.16 1.01 12.08
Cylinders 1% 2.41 4.52 8.16 1.01 24.17
1.5% 2.41 4.52 8.16 1.01 36.25
2% 2.41 4.52 8.16 1.01 48.34
Plain 2.28 4.26 7.69 0.96 0
0.5% 2.28 4.26 7.69 0.96 11.4
Prisms 1% 2.28 4.26 7.69 0.96 22.8
1.5% 2.28 4.26 7.69 0.96 34.2
2% 2.28 4.26 7.69 0.96 45.6
G. Thrinath and P. Sundara Kuma. / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 30, No. 4, (April 2017) 473-478 476

is 6.54 N/mm2 which much greater than the plain

concrete [15]. The optimum dosage for the occurring
maximum flexural strength was found to be 0.5%. If the
percentage of PEG-400 increases, the flexural strength
of the concrete decreases. By adding PEG-400 1%,
PEG-400 1.5% and PEG-400 2% flexural strength
values are 5.88 N/mm2, 5.39 N/mm2 and 5.23 N/mm2
which much lower than the plain concrete 6.21 N/mm2.
Figure 2. Testing on cubes for finding compressive strength The test results were tabulated as shown in Table 4 and
it also represented in pictorially in Figure 7.

Figure 3. Compression between % PEG-400 and compressive

Figure 4. Split tensile strength
The split tensile strength of the plain concrete for 28
days is 2.2 N/mm2 whereas the split tensile strength of
the self-curing concrete for 28 days is 2.45 N/mm2
which much greater than the plain concrete. The
optimum dosage for the occurring maximum split
tensile strength was found to be 1%. If the PEG-400
adding more than 1%, the concrete tends to a reduction
in strength and also we found that at PEG-400 1.5% and
PEG-400 2% the split tensile strength is 2.4 N/mm2 and
2.21 N/mm2 which greater than the plain concrete 2.2 Figure 5. Compression between % PEG-400 and split tensile
N/mm2.The results were tabulated as shown in Table 4 strength
and it also represented in pictorially in Figure 5.

4. 3. Flexural Strength (Missing Flow in Reading

in Paper Which u Have Send) For finding
flexural strength, totally 45 prisms were cast. The
average flexural strength was calculated on 500 X 100
X 100mm size prisms by taking the average of 3
specimens for 3,7 and 28 days. The flexural strength of
the plain concrete for 28 days 6.21 N/mm2 whereas the
flexural strength of the self-curing concrete for 28 days Figure 6. Flexural strength.

TABLE 4. Average compressive, split tensile and flexural strength of concrete(miss placed)
Compressive Strength (N/mm2) Split Tensile Strength (N/mm2) Flexural Strength (N/mm2)
Mix Days Days Days
3 7 28 3 7 28 3 7 28
Plain Concrete 18.96 27.25 39.89 1.87 1.9 2.2 4.9 5.39 6.21
PEG-400, 0.5% 19.83 28.56 41.63 1.9 2 2.4 5.72 6.04 6.54
1% 21.14 30.21 42.72 2.04 2.1 2.45 5.23 5.55 5.88
1.5% 16.13 28.12 39.67 1.94 2.02 2.35 4.74 5.06 5.39
2% 15.69 25.45 35.31 1.8 1.87 2.21 4.41 4.74 5.23
477 G. Thrinath and P. Sundara Kuma. / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 30, No. 4, (April 2017) 473-478


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‫‪G. Thrinath and P. Sundara Kuma. / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 30, No. 4, (April 2017) 473-478‬‬ ‫‪478‬‬

‫‪Eco-friendly Self-curing Concrete Incorporated with Polyethylene‬‬ ‫‪RESEARCH‬‬

‫‪Glycol as Self-curing Agent‬‬
‫‪G. Thrinath, P. Sundara Kuma‬‬

‫‪Department of Civil Engineering, KL University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India‬‬

‫‪PAPER INFO‬‬ ‫چكيده‬

‫‪Paper history:‬‬
‫‪Received 05 December 2016‬‬ ‫امروز بتن‪ ،‬به علت خواص قدرتی و ستبری آن‪ ،‬عمومی ترین ماده توسعه یافته استفاده شده در جهان است‪ .‬برای رسیدن‬
‫‪Received in revised form 08 January 2017‬‬
‫‪Accepted 09 February 2017‬‬ ‫به قدرت خوب‪ ،‬پخت بتن مهم است‪ ،‬لذا ما مفهوم بتن خود درمان کننده را به جای غوطه وری یا نم نم درمان کننده برای‬
‫جلوگیری از کمبود آب معرفی می کنیم‪ .‬مشاهده شده است که پلیمرهای حالل آب می توانند به عنوان یک عامل خود‬
‫‪Self-curing Concrete‬‬ ‫درمان کننده یعنی پلی اتیلن گلیکول )‪ (PEG-400‬استفاده شوند‪ .‬در مطالعه حاضر‪ ،‬برای کشف اثر پلی اتیلن گلیکول‬
‫‪Immersion Curing‬‬
‫‪Polyethylene Glycol 400‬‬
‫)‪ (PEG-400‬مخلوط روی قدرت فشرده سازی‪ ،‬مقاومت کششی و استحکام خمشی‪ ،‬اضافه کردن نرخ متنوعی از ‪PEG-‬‬
‫‪Compressive Strength‬‬ ‫‪ 400‬به وزن سیمان از صفر تا دو ‪ ٪‬به عنوان اندازه گیری عامل پخت انجام شد‪ .‬نتایج آزمون برای ‪ M30‬مخلوط بتن‬
‫‪Split Tensile Strength‬‬
‫‪Flexural Strength‬‬ ‫مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت‪ .‬درصد بهینه ‪ ٪1 ،PEG-400‬برای فشرده سازی و استحکام کششی تقسیم پیدا شد‪ .‬اگر دوز‬
‫مصرفی ‪ PEG-400‬به بیش از ‪ ٪1‬افزایش یابد‪ ،‬در استحکام کششی فشاری و تقسیم کاهش وجود خواهد داشت‪ .‬با این‬
‫حال‪ ،‬درصد بهینه ‪ PEG-400‬برای استحکام خمشی ‪ ۰/۵‬درصد بود‪ .‬اگر ما دوز ‪ PEG-400‬را بیش از ‪ ٪۰/۵‬افزایش‬
‫دهیم‪ ،‬کاهش در قدرت استحکام خمشی وجود خواهد داشت‪.‬‬
‫‪doi: 10.5829/idosi.ije.2017.30.04a.03‬‬

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