Eidhof Chris Kugler Florian Thinking in Swiftui Updated For

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Thinking in
Updated for iOS 17

By Chris Eidhof and Florian Kugler

1 Introduction 4

2 View Trees 7
View Builders 9
Render Trees 15
Identity 17

3 State and Binding 22

State 24
Observable Macro 31
ObservableObject Protocol 39
Bindings 47
View Updates and Performance 53
Which Property Wrapper for What Purpose? 54

4 Layout 56
Leaf Views 60
View Modifiers 65
Container Views 74
Alignment 82

5 Environment 91
Reading from the Environment 93
Custom Environment Keys 94
Custom Component Styles 98
Environment Objects 103

6 Animations 105
Controlling Animations 109
The Animatable Protocol 116
Transitions 120

7 Advanced Layout 131

The Layout Protocol 132
Preference-Based Layout 137
Variadic Views 144
Coordinate Spaces 145
Anchors 146
Matched Geometry Effect 148

When SwiftUI came out, it was a radical departure from UIKit. We wrote the first
edition of this book to help you build a mental model of the way SwiftUI works. A few
years have passed since then, and we’ve had the opportunity to teach this material to
many teams of developers, large and small. During this process, we continued to
improve and refine our approach of explaining SwiftUI’s fundamentals based on the
feedback from the workshops. This new edition of Thinking in SwiftUI is the result of
that journey: we rewrote the entire book from the ground up to be on par with the
way we teach SwiftUI in our workshops.

While Apple’s SwiftUI API documentation has improved a lot over the years, we still
believe that there’s a need for more conceptual documentation explaining how
SwiftUI works. Just as with the first edition, this is still the focus of this book. We
hope to facilitate a solid conceptual understanding of SwiftUI so that you can learn
about the continuously expanding platform-specific APIs on your own.

We believe that a key aspect of working efficiently with SwiftUI is to understand how
the code we write translates into view trees. We cover this aspect in detail in the first
chapter, and then we move on to discuss how these view trees are interpreted in
terms of state, layout, animations, and more.

To this end, we included more visual explanations in this edition, partly thanks to a
completely revamped infrastructure for generating the book. We moved from a
LaTeX-based workflow to a pure Swift/TextKit-based tool, which allows us to embed
SwiftUI views directly into the book. In addition to simplifying our toolchain, this
allowed us to generate many diagrams, illustrations, and previews that hopefully
help explain the otherwise somewhat abstract concepts.

While we were wrapping up this edition of the book, WWDC23 took place, and Apple
announced a series of new and updated SwiftUI APIs. We added explanations
throughout the book for many of the new APIs, but we took care to explicitly mention
wherever we use an iOS 17-only API (which also means macOS 14 or any of the other
platforms released at the same time).

As we’ve observed many times in our workshops, the best way to learn SwiftUI is by
writing code yourself. This book cannot replace that, but it aims to be a helpful
companion. We encourage you to regularly put what you’ve learned from this book
into practice. Nothing will make your insights stick better than experimenting with
them and seeing for yourself how things work.

We’d like to thank everyone who helped us during the writing of this book. Thank you
Natalye for proofreading, Ole for the technical review, and Marcin for helping with
TextKit. We’d like to thank Robb, Ole, and Juul for helping us improve our
workshops, which in turn improved this book. We’d like to thank the previous readers
of our books and attendees of our workshops for all the feedback you gave us. And
lastly, a big thank you to the creators of SwiftUI.

Florian and Chris

View Trees

View trees and render trees are perhaps the most fundamental and important
concepts to understand to work with SwiftUI. To achieve the layout we want, we need
to understand how view trees are constructed. To understand how state works in
SwiftUI, it’s important to understand the lifetime of a view and how it’s related to the
view tree we’re building. Understanding the lifetime is equally important to writing
efficient SwiftUI code that only loads data and updates views when needed. Finally,
animations and transitions also require an understanding of view trees.

For example, consider the following view:

Code View Tree Preview

Text("Hello") .background
.background(Color.blue) .padding Color Hello


To the right of the code, we can see the corresponding view tree. The background
modifier is at the root of our view tree. Its primary subview — the view the
background is applied to — is the padded text, and it’s drawn on top. The secondary
subview is the blue color, and it’s drawn behind the primary subview. Each time we
apply a view modifier like padding or background to the text view, it gets wrapped in
another layer. Looking at a chain of view modifiers like in the example above, we
have to read from the bottom up to visualize the resulting view tree; the last view
modifier, background in this example, becomes the topmost view in the view tree.

Note that the background view modifier itself doesn’t draw anything. Even
though the background modifier is the topmost view in the view tree, the
actual background (the blue color) is still drawn behind the text.

Here’s a slightly different version of the example, with padding and background
swapped around:
Code View Tree Preview

Text("Hello") .padding
.padding() .background Hello

Text Color

The background is now the immediate parent of the text, and the padding is the
parent of the background. In the Layout chapter, we’ll go into detail on why the
layout differs, but put simply, the layout changed because we constructed a different
view tree.

View Builders
SwiftUI uses a special syntax for constructing lists of views, called view builders. View
builders are built on top of Swift’s result builder feature, which was added to the
language specifically for this purpose. For example, here’s how we can construct a
view that displays an image next to a text:

Code View Tree Preview

HStack { HStack
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")
Text("Hello") Image Text

The HStack initializer takes a closure as a parameter, and that closure is marked as
@ViewBuilder. This allows us to write a number of expressions inside — each of
which represents a view. In essence, the closure passed to the stack builds a list of
views, which become subviews of the stack in this example.

Looking at the declaration of the ViewBuilder struct, we can see the method below for
handling a list of two views:

extension ViewBuilder {
public static func buildBlock<C0, C1>(_ c0: C0, _ c1: C1) ->
TupleView<(C0, C1)> where C0 : View, C1 : View
Since the stack in our example above has two view expressions inside, the view
builder’s buildBlock method with two parameters will be called. As we can see from
the return type, this constructs a TupleView wrapping our two views: the image and
the text. We can think of a view builder as a mechanism to construct a tuple view that
represent lists of views.

If we write just one view expression in the view builder closure, this won’t be
wrapped in a tuple view, but simply passed on as-is. However, for our mental
model, we can consider this exception to be a list of exactly one view.

SwiftUI uses view builders in many places. All container views like stacks and grids,
as well as modifiers like background and overlay, take a view builder closure to
construct their subviews. Furthermore, the body property of each view is implicitly
marked with @ViewBuilder, as is the body(content:) method of view modifiers. We can
also use the @ViewBuilder attribute to mark our own properties and methods as view
builders, as we’ll soon see in an example.

To better understand how lists of views are used by SwiftUI and how they can be
composed, let’s extend the example from above a bit:

Code View Tree

HStack(spacing: 20) { HStack

Image(systemName: "hand.wave")
Text("Hello") Image Text Spacer Text Image
Text("And Goodbye!")
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")

Now the stack has five subviews, which are represented as a tuple view with five
elements. For better readability, we might want to break up stacks that grow large —
which actually happens quite frequently in practice — into separate components.
Here’s one way we could do that:

struct Greeting: View {

@ViewBuilder var hello: some View {
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")
@ViewBuilder var bye: some View {
Text("And Goodbye!")
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")

var body: some View {

HStack(spacing: 20) {

By marking a property with @ViewBuilder, we’re using view builder syntax in the
property’s body, just like we would in body or within the closure of a stack.

Looking at the type of the HStack’s view builder closure, we now have a TupleView
with three elements — a tuple view, the spacer, and another tuple view:

TupleView<(Image, Text)>,
TupleView<(Text, Image)>

However, to the HStack, this is exactly the same as before, when we wrote all five
views directly in the stack’s view builder closure. The stack still has five subviews, as
we can see by the stack’s spacing being applied between each of them.

View Tree Preview


Hello And Goodbye!
TupleView Spacer TupleView

Image Text Text Image

With the exception of in the diagram above, we omitted the TupleViews in the
view tree diagrams to make them more readable. We can read the lines
between a parent view and its subview(s) as a tuple view.
This is a special property of view lists: when a container view like the HStack iterates
over the view list, nested lists are recursively unfolded so that a tree of tuple views
turns into a flat list of views. This even applies if we were to refactor the hello and bye
view builder properties into separate views:

struct Hello: View {

var body: some View {
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")

struct Bye: View {

var body: some View {
Text("And Goodbye!")
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")

struct Greeting: View {

var body: some View {
HStack(spacing: 20) {

Since the body of the Hello and Bye views are themselves view lists with two
elements, they get unfolded when the stack iterates over its subviews like it did

We can also apply view modifiers to view lists, but the behavior might be somewhat
surprising. For example, we could apply a border to the Hello view:
Code Preview

HStack(spacing: 20) {
Hello And Goodbye!

This will apply the border to each element of the view list, so both the image and the
text have separate borders drawn around them. One common scenario where we
might encounter this behavior is with using Group, which is a layout-agnostic
abstraction around a view builder:

Code Preview

struct Greeting: View {

var body: some View {
HStack {
Group {
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")
Text("Hello") Hello

Since the result of the group is a tuple view with two elements, the border will be
applied to each of the two views. We can use this technique to our advantage if we
want to apply the same modifiers to each view. However, we found that this can get
confusing quickly if it’s overused, because the behavior of the modifiers is so
different from what we’d normally expect in all other contexts.

There’s an exception to this and we’re not sure whether this is intentional behavior:
when placing the group, including the modifiers, as the root view or as the only
subview within a scroll view, the group behaves like a VStack, and the modifiers
aren’t applied to each individual view within the group. When placing a group within
an overlay or background, it behaves like an implicit ZStack, presenting another
exception to the rule.
Dynamic Content
View lists constructed with view builders can be dynamic, too. Here’s how we can
conditionally include a view:

Code View Tree

HStack { HStack
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")
if showText { Image Text?

Looking at the diagram, we can see that the HStack still has two subviews: an image,
and an optional text. From this view tree, SwiftUI knows that the stack will always
have an image as the first subview, and perhaps a text as the second subview.

Instead of an if statement, we can also use other statements — such as if let, switch, or
if/else — to create conditional views:

Code View Tree

HStack { HStack
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")
if let g = greeting { Image Text?

The view tree diagrams in this chapter (and the book in general) have been generated
automatically from the type of the views. The opaque return type some View, which is
used in most places in SwiftUI, hides complex nested view types, which encode the
exact structure of the view tree. The type of a view also specifies exactly which parts
are static and which are dynamic, giving SwiftUI full knowledge of which views can
be dynamically inserted or removed.
Render Trees
SwiftUI uses the view tree to construct a persistent render tree. View trees themselves
are ephemeral: we like to think of view trees as blueprints, since they get constructed
and then thrown away over and over again. Nodes in the persistent render tree, on
the other hand, have a longer lifetime: they stay around across view rerenders and are
then updated to reflect the current state.

To distinguish between the two, we’ll talk about views when talking about elements
in the view tree, and nodes when talking about elements in the render tree. In this
way, we can talk about the process of converting views into nodes as “rendering.”
Note that we never deal with the render tree directly, as it’s internal to SwiftUI.

The render tree doesn’t actually exist, but it’s a useful model to understand
how SwiftUI works. In reality, SwiftUI has something called the attribute
graph, which includes more than just the rendered views; it also contains the
state and tracks dependencies. Apple calls the nodes in the render tree

When we first display a SwiftUI view, the render tree that’s constructed is mostly a
one-to-one representation of the view tree. Consider the example from before:

Code View Tree

HStack { HStack
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")
if let g = greeting { Image Text?

When the greeting value is nil, the render tree for the view above only has one
subview, the image node, inside the HStack.
View Tree Render Tree

HStack HStack

Image Text? Image


When greeting changes to a non-nil value, the view gets reconstructed, and the
render tree is then updated based on the new view tree: SwiftUI knows there will
always be an HStack, so it doesn’t need to touch this part of the render tree. It also
knows there will always be an image as the first subview. Both of these views are
completely static.

View Tree Render Tree

HStack HStack

Image Text? Image Text


Once the view update mechanism inspects the conditional view, it knows that the
condition might have changed. When the condition changes from nil to a non-nil
value, SwiftUI inserts a Text node into the render tree. Likewise, when the condition
changes from non-nil to nil, SwiftUI removes the Text node from the render tree.
When a node is removed from the render tree, any associated state disappears as well.
We’ll talk more about this in the State chapter.

There’s one more scenario in this example for updating the render tree: we have a
non-nil greeting value before and after the update, so the render tree will have the
same text node before and after the update as well. However, if the value of greeting
has changed, then the string of the text node will be updated.

As we mentioned above, the view tree itself is ephemeral — the concept of a lifetime
doesn’t make sense here. However, nodes in the render tree have a specific lifetime:
from when they’re first rendered, to when they’re no longer needed for display.

However, the lifetime of nodes in the render tree isn’t the same as their visibility
onscreen. If we render a large VStack in a scroll view, the render tree will contain
nodes for all subviews of the VStack, no matter if they’re currently onscreen or not.
VStack renders its contents eagerly, as opposed to its LazyVStack counterpart. But
even with a lazy stack, nodes in the render tree will be preserved when they go
offscreen to maintain their state (we’ll go into more detail about this in the State
chapter. The bottom line is that nodes in the render tree have a lifetime, but it’s not
under our control.

For practical purposes, SwiftUI provides three hooks into lifetime events:

1. onAppear is executed each time a view appears onscreen. This can be called
multiple times for one view even though the backing node in the render tree
never went away. For example, if a view in a LazyVStack or List is scrolled
offscreen and back onscreen repeatedly, onAppear will be called each time.
The same is true when we switch tabs in a TabView: each time we switch to a
tab, and not just the first time the tab is displayed, its onAppear will be called.

2. onDisappear is executed when a view disappears from the screen. This is the
counterpart to onAppear and works using the same rules (it can be called
multiple times even when the backing node doesn’t go away).

3. task is a combination of the two used for asynchronous work. This modifier
creates a new task at the point where onAppear would be called, and it cancels
this task when onDisappear would be invoked.

Since view trees in SwiftUI don’t consist of reference types (objects) that have
intrinsic identity, SwiftUI assigns identity to views using their position in the view
tree. This kind of identity is called implicit identity. To illustrate this, let’s take a look
at a slightly modified version of the example above:

Code View Tree

HStack { HStack
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")
if let g = greeting { Image ConditionalContent
} else {
Text("Hello") Text Text

Instead of just an optional text, the view tree now contains a ConditionalContent view
with two subviews: a text for the non-nil case, and another text for the nil case. Each
of the views in the view tree is uniquely identifiable by its position in the tree. As an
illustration of this concept, think about constructing a “path” string to identify each

Code View Tree

HStack { HStack
Image(systemName: "hand.wave") // 0
if let g = greeting {
0 1
Text(g) // 1.ifBranch
} else { Image ConditionalContent
Text("Hello") // 1.elseBranch
} ifBranch elseBranch

Text Text

Image is "0", because it’s the first subview of the HStack. The Text in the non-nil
branch of the if let statement is "1.ifBranch", because the ConditionalContent is the
second subview of the HStack, and the Text is the first subview of the

We’re not suggesting that these path strings are how SwiftUI implements
implicit identity under the hood; rather, they’re just a human-friendly model
to demonstrate what’s meant by implicit identity.

Now consider the two text views in the two branches of the if let statement. They
have different identities, and therefore are considered two distinct views by SwiftUI.
When the condition changes, the old text will be removed from the render tree, and a
new text will be inserted. This has all kinds of consequences in terms of state,
animations, and transitions, which we’ll discuss later on.

Let’s take a look at the same example, but written a bit differently:

Code View Tree

HStack { HStack
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")
Text(greeting ?? "Hello") Image Text

We can immediately see that the view tree now is simpler: the HStack has two static
subviews, the image and the text. Now the difference between a nil and a non-nil
greeting value is just the string that’s displayed by the text view. The text view itself,
as described by its implicit identity (second subview of the HStack), will always be
around and unaffected by any changes to the value of greeting.

Along with implicit identity, views can also have an explicit identity. This is mostly
used for views in a ForEach, where each item in the ForEach is assigned an explicit
identifier — for example, a unique identifier of the underlying data (either by
conforming the items to the Identi!able protocol, or by providing a key path to a
unique identifier). However, we can also assign explicit identifiers manually using
the id modifier.

The id parameter can be any Hashable value. In the example below, we’re using a
Boolean by comparing the greeting value to nil. If it’s nil, the explicit identifier is true.
Otherwise, it’s false. This means that SwiftUI considers the text view to be a different
view when the identifier changes. Again, this will remove the previous text node from
the render tree and insert a new one.

Code View Tree

HStack { HStack
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")
0 1
Text(greeting ?? "Hello")
.id(greeting == nil) Image id
} true


It’s important to note that an explicit identifier like the one above doesn’t override
the view’s implicit identity, but is instead applied on top of it. In other words, SwiftUI
won’t be confused by using the same explicit identifiers on multiple views. As we
saw, the path of the view is one way to give the implicit identity a concrete form, and
we can think of explicit identifiers as “appending to the path.”

With a more solid understanding of view identity in SwiftUI at hand, let’s take a look
at two common issues related to this topic.
First, let’s consider the following example:

Code View Tree

HStack { HStack
let v = Text("Hello")
v Text Text

Here, we’re constructing a text view in a local variable and then using it twice in the
HStack. What does this mean in terms of the identity of the two text views?

Clearly, the text views are located at different positions in the view tree, as the tree
shows. Therefore, they have different implicit identity and are considered separate
views by SwiftUI. We can also think of this in terms of the “blueprint” idea: we’re
creating a blueprint for a text view with the string "Hello", and then we’re using this
blueprint twice.

Here’s another example related to view identity — it’s a popular pattern for writing a
little view extension that conditionally applies a view modifier:

// Anti-pattern
extension View {
func applyIf<V: View>(_ condition: Bool, transform: (Self) -> V) -> some View {
if condition {
} else {
The applyIf method can be used like this:

Code View Tree

HStack { HStack
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")
Text("Hello") Image ConditionalContent
.applyIf(highlighted) {
} .background Text
Text Color

Looking at the resulting view tree, we can see that using the applyIf modifier has
introduced a ConditionalContent with two subviews: an unmodified text, and a text
with a background. This means that when the condition (highlighted) changes, the
identity of the text onscreen will have changed as well.

We strongly recommend not using this pattern, since the seemingly innocuous
applyIf modifier introduces a branch in the view tree that might have unforeseen
consequences downstream. Instead, the following is much safer:

Code View Tree

HStack { HStack
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")
Text("Hello") Image .background
.background(highlighted ? .red : .clear)
Text Color

Most view modifiers take optionals so that we can use either the ternary operator
pattern to specify a value, or nil if we don’t want to specify a value. For example, the
width and height of frame are optional, the color of foregroundColor is optional, and
the length of padding is optional or can be set to zero. For the same reason, view
modifiers like bold or disabled take a Boolean argument, although one might naively
think that the argument isn’t necessary.
State and Binding

In the previous chapter, we saw how view trees are constructed as blueprints and how
they’re translated into the persistent render tree. In order to build dynamic
applications, we construct different view trees based on the current state and rely on
SwiftUI to update the render tree accordingly. This is one of SwiftUI’s greatest
advantages: it observes state automatically and always keeps our views in sync with
the model.

In general, the view update cycle can be summarized like this:

1. The view tree is constructed.

2. Nodes in the render tree are created, removed, or updated to match the
current view tree.

3. Some event causes a state change.

4. This process repeats.

In principle, we don’t have to worry about when the view tree needs to be recreated,
which parts are affected by a state change, or what has to be updated onscreen to
match the current view state, because SwiftUI takes responsibility for all of that.
Instead, our job is to describe what should be onscreen given a specific state.

As a disclaimer, we should add that there are times when we need to think
about which parts of our view tree are being rerendered and for what reason. If
we run into performance problems, it’s very likely that overly broad view
updates play a role. We’ll discuss this more at the end of this chapter.

SwiftUI comes with several different wrapper types for state, depending on whether
the state is a value or an object, and whether it’s private to the view or should be
passed in from the outside. However, we usually don’t have to deal with these
wrapper types directly, since SwiftUI exposes all of them via property wrappers like
@State, @StateObject, and @ObservedObject.

As of iOS 17, the way SwiftUI interfaces with objects has changed completely. SwiftUI
no longer relies on the Combine framework for observation, and instead uses a
macro-based solution, which also renders the @StateObject and @ObservedObject
property wrappers superfluous. The @State property wrapper is now used for values
and objects, whereas we usually only used it for values pre-iOS 17.

Since @State is relevant across all versions of SwiftUI, we’ll start with an in-depth
look at this property wrapper, and then we’ll distinguish between the pre- and post-
iOS 17 world with regard to observing objects.
The @State property wrapper is the easiest way to introduce state to a SwiftUI
application. It’s meant to be used for private view state values. For example, here’s a
simple counter view:

struct Counter: View {

@State private var value = 0
var body: some View {
Button("Increment: \(value)") {
value += 1

When the counter is rendered the first time around, the state property will have its
initial value of 0. During the execution of the body property, SwiftUI notices that the
state property is accessed, and it adds a dependency between the value state property
and the counter view’s node in the render tree. As a result, whenever value changes
(e.g. because the button is tapped), SwiftUI will reexecute the counter view’s body.

Note that if we don’t include the value inside the button’s label, SwiftUI is
smart enough to figure out that it doesn’t need to rerender the counter’s body
when the state property changes.

We might wonder how the value property can ever change, since we’re assigning 0 to
it each time the counter view gets initialized. To shed some light on this behavior and
to take some of the magic away, here’s how we could write the same code without
using the @State property wrapper:

struct Counter: View {

private var _value = State(initialValue: 0)
private var value: Int {
get { _value.wrappedValue }
nonmutating set { _value.wrappedValue = newValue }

var body: some View {

Button("Increment: \(value)") {
value += 1
Instead of relying on @State, we’re now creating a State value ourselves and
assigning it to the _value property. The State(initialValue:) initializer makes it clear
that the value 0 is just the initial value of the state property. This is the value that will
be used when the node for the counter view is first created in the render tree. Once
the node is there, the initial value of the state property will be ignored, and SwiftUI
takes care of keeping the current value around across rerenders.

In addition to the _value property, we also added a computed value property, which
makes the state easier to use: instead of having to write _value.wrappedValue each
time we want to read or write, we can use value, and the computed property will
forward that to _value.wrappedValue transparently. When we use the wrappedValue
of a state property in the view’s body, what we’re really dealing with is a reference to
the persistent state value in the render tree.

The @State property wrapper does all this for us: it creates the underscored version
of the property (storing the actual State value), as well as the computed property that
forwards the getter and setter to the wrappedValue.

Let’s go through two scenarios: the initial rendering of the view above, and the
second render when the button gets tapped. Here’s what happens when the counter
view first appears onscreen:

To make the state diagrams throughout this chapter more readable, we have
highlighted the changes compared to the diagram in the previous step using
this color.

Step 1. When the Counter struct is constructed for the first time, no corresponding
node in the render tree exists yet. In the diagram below, the view struct is on the left.
The upper part of the view struct symbolizes the state property, which, in turn, has
two internal values: the initialValue, which is the value we assigned during
initialization of the property, and wrappedValue, which is the value we’re interacting
with in the view’s body. We can think of wrappedValue as a pointer to the actual value
of this state property, which currently doesn’t point to anything yet. The lower part of
the view struct symbolizes the view’s body, which hasn’t yet been executed and
therefore is still empty.
View Properties

@State private var value

initialValue 0


View Body

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 2. When SwiftUI creates the counter view’s node in the render tree (on the right),
it allocates memory for the view’s state property. The system initializes the memory
for the value property in the render node with the state property’s initialValue of 0.
The wrapped value of the state property now points to the memory in the render

View Properties Node State

@State private var value

initialValue 0 value 0

View Body Renderered View

∅ ∅

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 3. The view’s body gets executed and the Button view is created. Since the
wrapped value of the state property now points to the memory in the render node,
the value stored in the render node is used when constructing the button’s title.

View Properties Node State

@State private var value

initialValue 0 value 0

View Body Renderered View


Label: "Increment: 0"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 4. Using the counter view’s body as a blueprint, the button view in the render
node is created.

View Properties Node State

@State private var value

initialValue 0 value 0

View Body Renderered View

Button Button
Label: "Increment: 0" Label: "Increment: 0"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Because we used value in the body of Counter (for the label of the button), a
dependency is added between the memory in the render tree and the body of the
counter view.

Now, let’s consider the steps when the button is tapped:

Step 1. Because the value property — which is really _value.wrappedValue — is a

pointer to the memory in the render tree, that memory will be incremented.

View Properties Node State

@State private var value

initialValue 0 value 1

View Body Renderered View


Label: "Increment: 0"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 2. Because the counter’s body is dependent on that state memory, it’s
reexecuted, and a new button view will get constructed. Accessing the value property
for the button’s title will now return 1 (even though the initial value of the state
property is still 0).

View Properties Node State

@State private var value

initialValue 0 value 1

View Body Renderered View

Button Button
Label: "Increment: 1" Label: "Increment: 0"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 3. Using the newly constructed view tree of the counter view as a blueprint, the
button’s title (in the render tree) changes to the new value.

View Properties Node State

@State private var value

initialValue 0 value 1

View Body Renderered View

Button Button
Label: "Increment: 1" Label: "Increment: 1"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

At the beginning of this section, we mentioned that @State is meant to be used for
private view state, and that’s why we annotated all our state properties with the
private keyword. Although the latter isn’t required, we think it’s a good habit — and
having peeked beneath the magic of the @State property wrapper, we can now make
a better case for it: we saw in the code above that the initializer of State only takes an
initial value for that state. Let’s consider what would happen if we’d expose this via
the view’s initializer:
struct Counter: View {
@State private var value: Int

init(value: Int = 0) {
_value = State(initialValue: value)

var body: some View {

Button("Increment: \(value)") {
value += 1

Now we can pass the value in from the outside, but this only changes the initial value
of the state property, since we don’t have access to the state’s current value in the
view’s initializer. Once the node for this view has been created in the render tree,
passing in a different initial value will have no effect — or at least not the effect we
might expect. All that’s happening is that the initial value (not the actual value!) gets
changed, which will only have an effect if the node is removed and reinserted into the
render tree.

For example, here’s what happens when we initially render the counter view with a
value of 0 and then update it to a value of 5, which we pass in from the outside as in
the code sample above:

Step 1. We start out with the initially rendered counter view. The initial value is 0, and
the wrapped value points to the state memory in the render node.

View Properties Node State

@State private var value

initialValue 0 value 0

View Body Renderered View


Label: "Increment: 0"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 2. Now we pass in the value 5 to the counter view from the outside, which will
construct a new counter view, but only the initial value has changed. The wrapped
value still points to the state memory, which has the value 0, and so the label of the
button also displays 0.

View Properties Node State

@State private var value

initialValue 5 value 0

View Body Renderered View

Button Button
Label: "Increment: 0" Label: "Increment: 0"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

If we wanted to have an initializer to pass a value in from the outside, it’d be clearer
to at least change the initializer’s label, like this:

init(initialValue: Int = 0) {
_value = State(initialValue: initialValue)

Naming the parameter initialValue communicates the behavior more clearly, but in
our experience, initializing state properties from the outside isn’t really useful.
Therefore, we recommend declaring all @State properties as private.

We might wonder why we can’t just write the initializer in the following way, which
the compiler happily accepts:

struct Counter: View {

@State private var value = 0

init(value: Int = 0) {
self.value = value


As we’ve seen before, the self.value = value statement actually translates to

self._value.wrappedValue = value. There’s nothing wrong with this statement from
the compiler’s point of view, but it still won’t do what we’d expect. However, there’s a
valuable lesson in the reason why this doesn’t work.

In the previous chapter, we talked about SwiftUI’s concept of structural identity. In a

nutshell, views have identity by nature of their position in the view tree. The reason
that the assignment in the initializer above doesn’t work is twofold: the state of a view
is coupled to its identity, and at the time the initializer runs, the view doesn’t yet
have identity. To better understand why SwiftUI can’t know about the view’s identity
at this point, we can do a little thought experiment. Consider the following snippet:

struct ContentView: View {

let counter = Counter()
VStack {

In this example, the initializer of Counter runs once when we create the struct and
assign it to the local variable counter. However, at this point, we haven’t placed the
view in the view hierarchy, so the view can’t have identity yet when the initializer
runs, and therefore we can’t access the view’s state. Later on, when the counter’s
body is executed, the view has identity, and therefore, the state property references
the correct state value in the render tree.

While the @State property wrapper was originally used almost exclusively for value
types, this changed with the introduction of the Observable macro in iOS 17, as we’ll
see in the next section. However, on older platforms, @State still should only be used
for value types, unless we know exactly why we’re breaking this rule. We’ll talk about
observing objects with older versions of SwiftUI later in this chapter.

Observable Macro
The Observable macro is SwiftUI’s mechanism for observing state in objects. It’s part
of the Observation framework, and it was introduced at WWDC23 as a replacement
for the entire existing object-observation model (based on the Combine framework)
that we’ve used up until this point.

The Observable macro does two things:

→ It adds conformance to the Observable marker protocol. This is an empty

protocol used to tag a class at compile time but that doesn’t have a runtime

→ It changes the object’s properties to track both read and write access.

The observation of an Observable object happens automatically just by accessing the

object’s properties, regardless of where it’s stored, and without any special property
wrappers. Therefore, we only use the @State property wrapper in combination with
Observable objects to change how the objects’ lifetimes are managed:
→ To couple the lifetime of an observable object to the lifetime of the view’s
render node (in other words, it’s an object that’s private to the view), we
declare the property using the @State property wrapper.

→ To use an object with a lifetime independent of the view’s render node (in
other words, an object that we pass in from the outside), we just store it in a
normal property.

In contrast to how SwiftUI handled the observation of objects in the past, the
concepts of object lifetime and observation were separated in iOS 17. Before, we’d use
@State to have SwiftUI manage the lifetime of a state value across view updates, and
we’d use @StateObject to get the same lifetime management behavior, plus
observation of the object. Since the observation part is no longer folded into the
property wrappers, we’re only left with @State to indicate that SwiftUI should
manage the lifetime of a state object.

Here’s how we’d write the counter example from above using a model object instead
of a simple value:

@Observable !nal class Model {

var value = 0

struct Counter: View {

@State private var model = Model()
var body: some View {
Button("Increment: \(model.value)") {
model.value += 1

From an ownership perspective, using @State together with an Observable object

works the same way as the @State example with a value type from the section above.
SwiftUI allocates memory for the object in the render tree node and keeps the object
alive as long as the node exists. The @State property wrapper’s wrapped value points
to this object.

Let’s first take a look at an example where we use an @Observable object without a
property wrapper:

@Observable !nal class Model {

var value = 0
static let shared = Model()
struct Counter: View {
var model: Model
var body: some View {
Button("Increment: \(model.value)") {
model.value += 1

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
Counter(model: Model.shared)

Now that the model property in the counter view is no longer declared as @State, we
can pass it in from the outside, as we do in ContentView above. When the counter is
first created, here’s what happens:

Step 1. The model property points to the model instance we passed to the counter

Model(value: 0)

View Properties

var model

View Body

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 2. The render node is created without any attached state, since the counter view
only has plain properties.
Model(value: 0)

View Properties Node State

var model ∅

View Body Renderered View

∅ ∅

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 3. The body of the counter view is executed, and the button view is constructed.
Inside the body, the button’s title uses the external model object stored in the model
property of the counter view struct. Then, the render node is updated to reflect the
new view tree of the counter view.

Model(value: 0)

View Properties Node State

var model ∅

View Body Renderered View

Button Button
Label: "Increment: 0" Label: "Increment: 0"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Without @State, SwiftUI doesn’t have any lifetime responsibilities with regard to this
object, and observation happens automatically when the view’s body is executed and
the object’s properties are being accessed. Therefore, the render node of the counter
view doesn’t need to maintain any state itself.

Of course, in this particular example, we could just write the following in the counter
view instead of passing in the model from the outside:

struct Counter: View {

var model = Model.shared


This does exactly the same thing, since we’re always passing in the same
Model.shared instance anyway. However, we could think of scenarios where we’d
want to pass in different model objects to a view depending on some other state.
The new macro-based object-observation model not only introduces a more
convenient syntax, but it also changes how the dependency between views and
observable objects is formed: with the old property wrappers, SwiftUI would blindly
subscribe to the objectWillChange publisher of any @StateObject or @ObservedObject
declared in a view. With the new Observable macro, any property of an Observable
object we access in the view’s body will form a dependency to this view, no matter
where the object is coming from.

This new model is a lot simpler. For example, accessing a global singleton (that’s
observable) in a view body will automatically form a dependency between the
accessed property and the view, without us having to pass this singleton into the view
using @ObservedObject. Likewise, observable objects can be nested in optionals,
arrays, or other collections. Observation and view updates will continue to work as
expected, because of the property-level tracking of dependencies in the view’s body.

The new model is also more efficient. If you only use one property of an object in your
view’s body, changes to the other properties won’t cause redraws of this view.
Likewise, if you don’t use a model object (for example, when it’s only in one branch of
your code), the model isn’t observed at all. This can reduce unnecessary view updates
and thus improve performance, whereas previously, we had to manually split up our
model objects to get more fine-grained view updates.

State and Observable

We mostly see two common mistakes with regard to observing objects: using @State
for objects that are passed in from the outside, and not using @State for objects
private to the view. Phrased differently, one problem is to use @State when the
lifetime of an object is managed somewhere outside of the view, while the other
problem is not using @State when an object’s lifetime isn’t managed somewhere
outside of the view.

Here’s an example of the first problem, where we use an @State property for an
object that’s passed in from the outside:

struct Counter: View {

@State var model: Model

init(model: Model) {
self.model = model

var body: some View {

Button("\(model.value)") { model.value += 1}
As discussed in the section about @State, the problem here is that at the time the
initializer runs, the view doesn’t yet have identity. So, all this initializer does is
change the initial value of the @State property, but it doesn’t affect the state that’s
being used when the view is already onscreen.

The same applies if we only try to pass in a value from the outside and construct, for
example, a view model object within the initializer:

struct Counter: View {

@State var model: CounterViewModel

init(value: Int) {
self.model = CounterViewModel(value: value)

var body: some View {

Button("\(model.value)") { model.value += 1}

Again, if the counter view is already onscreen and we pass a different value to the
initializer, this won’t change the title of the button. Only the initial value of the
@State property will be changed to the new CounterViewModel instance, which will
only be used the next time the view is inserted into the render tree.

As a counterexample, let’s take a look at what happens if we remove the @State

attribute in this view:

struct Counter: View {

var model: CounterViewModel

init(value: Int) {
self.model = CounterViewModel(value: value)


Now the counter view no longer maintains the lifetime of the model object itself.
When we pass in a new value, the new view model will be constructed, and the view’s
body will use this new object to render itself. However, we’ve created another
problem: this code works as long as the counter view isn’t recreated due to some
change further up in the view hierarchy. If it is recreated, it’ll lose its state, because
the counter view model will be reconstructed in the view’s initializer.
We can solve this problem by passing in the view model from the outside or fetching
it from some global model object, or something else along these lines. In any case, the
lifetime of the view model has to be managed somewhere outside of the view if the
model property in the view isn’t declared with @State.

How the Observable Macro Works

The behavior of the new observation model seems very magical at first — the
observation of object properties we access in a view’s body just happens
automatically. To accomplish this, SwiftUI leverages the new Swift macros to hide all
the code necessary to make it work. However, the Observable macro is just a
convenience to keep our model objects clean, and we can get the same functionality
without using the macro. Let’s take a look at the resulting code, step by step:

@Observable !nal class Model {

var value = 0 {
get {
access(keyPath: \.value )
return _value
set {
withMutation(keyPath: \.value ) {
_value = newValue

@ObservationIgnored private var _value = 0


The value property has been transformed from a stored property into a computed
one, and an additional private stored property, _value, has been added. This private
property is used as the backing store for the computed property. In the computed
value property, the getter returns _value after recording the access to this property
(by calling access with a key path). The setter mutates the private _value property
within a withMutation closure, again specifying the key path of the property.

The two generated methods, access and withMutation, look like this:
@Observable !nal class Model {

@ObservationIgnored private let _$observationRegistrar = ObservationRegistrar()

internal nonisolated func access<Member>(keyPath: KeyPath<Model , Member>) {

_$observationRegistrar.access(self, keyPath: keyPath)

internal nonisolated func withMutation<Member, T>(

keyPath: KeyPath<Model , Member>,
_ mutation: () throws -> T
) rethrows -> T {
try _$observationRegistrar.withMutation(of: self, keyPath: keyPath, mutation)

Both methods forward the call to a matching method on the object’s observation
registrar. This registrar is responsible for keeping stock of the observers interested in
particular properties and notifying these observers when the properties change.

So how is the connection between an object’s properties and SwiftUI views formed?
There’s a global function, withObservationTracking(_ apply:onChange:), which takes
two closures. The first closure, apply, is executed immediately, and the observation
system tracks which properties were accessed during apply. The second closure,
onChange, is the observer that’s called when any of the observable properties
accessed in the apply closure change.

withObservationTracking stores the observation closure in a global variable and then

executes apply. After apply finishes, the objects that were accessed add a dependency
between the accessed properties and the observer closure. We could imagine that
SwiftUI does something like the following when executing a view’s body:

withObservationTracking {
} onChange: {

This way, any observable property we access in the view’s body (directly or indirectly)
goes through the object’s observation registrar and forms a dependency between this
specific property and the body of the view that’s currently being executed.
ObservableObject Protocol
Prior to iOS 17, we’d have to use the ObservableObject protocol — together with either
the @StateObject or the @ObservedObject property wrapper — to observe objects for
state changes. If we need to target older platforms, this mechanism is still essential to
understand, so in this section, we’ll describe in detail how @StateObject and
@ObservedObject work and when we should use either one.

The @StateObject property wrapper works much in the same way as @State: we
specify an initial value (an object in this case), which will be used as the starting point
when the node in the render tree is created. From then on, SwiftUI will keep this
object around across rerenders for the lifetime of the node in the render tree.

On top of what @State does, @StateObject observes the object for changes via the
ObservableObject protocol, which is one of SwiftUI’s very few interfaces to the model
layer. Here’s a version of the counter view from above that uses a model object
instead of a simple value:

!nal class Model: ObservableObject {

@Published var value = 0

struct Counter: View {

@StateObject private var model = Model()
var body: some View {
Button("Increment: \(model.value)") {
model.value += 1

Let’s explore the various pieces involved to make this work. First, we can take a look
behind the scenes of the @StateObject property wrapper. If we write the same code
without the property wrapper syntax, it’d look like this:

struct Counter: View {

private var _model = StateObject(wrappedValue: Model())
private var model: Model { _model.wrappedValue }
var body: some View {
Button("Increment: \(model.value)") { model.value += 1 }

Analogous to @State, the @StateObject property wrapper creates an underscored

version of the property — _model in this example — that contains the StateObject
value. Additionally, it synthesizes a computed property that forwards its getter to the
StateObject’s wrappedValue.

The requirement for StateObject‘s wrappedValue is that it conforms to the

ObservableObject protocol. This protocol has only one requirement for conforming
types: they have to implement an objectWillChange Combine publisher with a failure
type of Never (this means that failures cannot happen). Typically, the output type of
this publisher is Void , i.e. the events don’t carry additional information. However,
this isn’t a formal requirement; the only requirement is that the objectWillChange
publisher sends an event each time before a change will occur.

In the early betas of SwiftUI, the requirement was called objectDidChange

instead of objectWillChange. However, objectWillChange allows for better
coalescing of updates.

In the example above, we relied on the default implementation of the

objectWillChange publisher that we get for free from the ObservableObject protocol,
and we used the @Published property wrapper to send an event before our value
property changes. Instead of using @Published, we could also write the following:

!nal class Model: ObservableObject {

var value = 0 {
willSet { objectWillChange.send() }

Using @Published is syntactic sugar for the code above. However, we can only use
this property wrapper if we also use the default implementation of the
objectWillChange publisher. If we implement our own publisher for some reason,
@Published doesn’t work.

When the view above is constructed, the following steps occur:

Step 1. The counter view is created, but the value of the state object isn’t present yet,
because the initial value is stored as an autoclosure.

View Properties

@StateObject private var model

initialValue <autoClosure>


View Body

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 2. The counter node in the render tree is created, and the memory for the state
object is initialized with the value returned by the autoclosure. The wrapped value of
the StateObject struct points to the model object stored in the render tree.

View Properties Node State

@StateObject private var model

initialValue <autoClosure> model Model(value: 0)

View Body Renderered View

∅ ∅

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 3. The counter view’s body is executed, the button view is created, and the
current value of the model object from the render tree is used for the button’s label.

View Properties Node State

@StateObject private var model

initialValue <autoClosure> model Model(value: 0)

View Body Renderered View


Label: "Increment: 0"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 4. The node in the render tree is updated using the button view as a blueprint.

View Properties Node State

@StateObject private var model

initialValue <autoClosure> model Model(value: 0)

View Body Renderered View

Button Button
Label: "Increment: 0" Label: "Increment: 0"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Just as with @State, @StateObject should be used for private view state; we shouldn’t
try to pass objects in from the outside or create objects in the view’s initializer and
assign them to the state object property. This doesn’t work for the same reason we
mentioned when talking about @State: when the view’s initializer runs, the view
doesn’t yet have identity. As a rule of thumb, we should only use @StateObject when
we can assign an initial value to the property on the line where we declare the
property, like we did in the counter example:

struct Counter: View {

@StateObject private var model = Model()


In the case of the simple model above, the @StateObject implementation is almost
the same as the @State implementation, which used Observable. However, the
observable implementation tracks changes at the property level, whereas the
@StateObject tracks changes at the object level. Also, the @StateObject initializer
takes an autoclosure, whereas the @State property will evaluate its initial value every
time the view is initialized.

Observed Object
The @ObservedObject property wrapper is much simpler than @StateObject: it
doesn’t have the concept of an initial value, and it doesn’t maintain the observed
object across rerenders. All it does is subscribe to the object’s objectWillChange
publisher and rerender the view when this publisher emits an event. This makes
@ObservedObject the only correct tool if we want to explicitly pass objects from the
outside into a view (when targeting platforms before iOS 17). This is the equivalent of
an Observable object within a regular property.
Here’s how we could rewrite the counter example to use @ObservedObject:

!nal class Model: ObservableObject {

@Published var value = 0
static let shared = Model()

struct Counter: View {

@ObservedObject var model: Model
var body: some View {
Button("Increment: \(model.value)") {
model.value += 1

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
Counter(model: Model.shared)

We’ve changed the @StateObject property in the counter view to an

@ObservedObject property. Now we can pass in the model object from the outside, as
we do in the ContentView. When the counter is first created, here’s what happens:

Step 1. The wrapped value of the observed object property points to the model
instance we passed to the counter view.

Model(value: 0)

View Properties

@ObservedObject private var model

wrappedValue ∅
View Body

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 2. The render node is created. In contrast to @StateObject, the node only has a
reference to the same external model object that we passed into the counter view.

Model(value: 0)

View Properties Node State

@ObservedObject private var model


View Body Renderered View

∅ ∅

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Step 3. The body of the counter view is executed, and the button view is constructed.
Inside the body, the button’s title uses the observed object’s reference to the external
model object. Then the render node is updated to reflect the new view tree of the
counter view.

Model(value: 0)

View Properties Node State

@ObservedObject private var model


View Body Renderered View

Button Button
Label: "Increment: 0" Label: "Increment: 0"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Of course, in this particular example, we could just write the following in the counter

struct Counter: View {

@ObservedObject var model = Model.shared


This does exactly the same thing, since we’re always passing in the same
Model.shared instance from the outside anyway. However, we could extend this
example to pass in different model objects to the counter based on some other state.
Here’s a simple example of a people counter for different rooms:

!nal class CounterModel: ObservableObject {

@Published var value = 0

!nal class Model {

static let shared = Model()
var counters: [String: CounterModel] = [:]

func counterModel(for room: String) -> CounterModel {

if let m = counters[room] { return m }
let m = CounterModel()
counters[room] = m
return m

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var selectedRoom = "Hallway"
var body: some View {
VStack {
Picker("Room", selection: $selectedRoom) {
ForEach(["Hallway", "Living Room", "Kitchen"], id: \.self) { value in
Counter(model: Model.shared.counterModel(for: selectedRoom))

We can use the picker to switch between rooms, retrieve the correct CounterModel
instance from our shared model, and pass it on to the counter view. Our shared
model manages the different CounterModel instances and keeps them around across
view updates. The @ObservedObject’s only job is to subscribe to the current instance
(and to unsubscribe from the potential previous instance) to get notified of changes.
Note that the node in the render tree for the counter view doesn’t get recreated when
we switch rooms; it just observes a different object.
For example, let’s imagine the counter is currently observing the “Living Room”
object. When the Counter gets rendered, the view tree and the render tree both
contain pointers to that object. Note that the render tree is responsible for observing
the object, but the view tree is still just a blueprint:

Hallway Living Room Kitchen

Model(value: 0) Model(value: 42) Model(value: 17)

View Properties Node State

@ObservedObject private var model


View Body Renderered View


Label: "Increment: 42"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

When the user selects the “Kitchen,” the counter view’s observed object now has a
reference to a different model object.

Hallway Living Room Kitchen

Model(value: 0) Model(value: 42) Model(value: 17)

View Properties Node State

@ObservedObject private var model


View Body Renderered View


Label: "Increment: 42"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

As such, the render tree needs to be updated accordingly. First, the render tree
changes its reference to the model it’s observing, from the “Living Room” model to
the now-current “Kitchen” model.
Hallway Living Room Kitchen

Model(value: 0) Model(value: 42) Model(value: 17)

View Properties Node State

@ObservedObject private var model


View Body Renderered View


Label: "Increment: 42"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Finally, the body of the counter view is reexecuted to construct a new view tree, and
the render tree is then updated accordingly.

Hallway Living Room Kitchen

Model(value: 0) Model(value: 42) Model(value: 17)

View Properties Node State

@ObservedObject private var model


View Body Renderered View

Button Button
Label: "Increment: 17" Label: "Increment: 17"

Counter View Counter Node in the Render Tree

Interestingly enough, when SwiftUI first came out, @StateObject didn’t exist, and we
only had @ObservedObject at our disposal. We could still write the same programs,
but with the addition of @StateObject, we can replace some of the use cases of
@ObservedObject with much less code.

To keep an app’s state consistent, it’s important that each piece of state has a single
source of truth. Otherwise, two values that are supposed to represent the same thing
might diverge. When writing components, it’s often the case that we need read and
write access to a value, but we don’t need to know what the source of truth for this
value actually is. Bindings are used exactly for this purpose, as we can see with many
of SwiftUI’s built-in components. For example, a Toggle takes a binding to a Bool, a
TextField takes a binding to a String, and a Stepper takes a binding to a Strideable

Let’s take the @State-based counter view from earlier and turn it into a component
that takes a binding to an integer:

struct Counter: View {

@Binding var value: Int
var body: some View {
Button("Increment: \(value)") { value += 1 }

All we had to do was change the @State attribute on the value property to @Binding
and remove the private keyword we previously used on the state property. After all,
the whole point of switching to a binding is that it can be passed in from the outside.

To explore what bindings actually do, let’s take a step back and think about how we’d
implement external state without using @Binding. The counter view needs to read
the current value, and it needs to be able to change the current value. We could
achieve this by using a normal property for value and adding another property,
setValue, that allows us to mutate the value:

struct Counter: View {

var value: Int
var setValue: (Int) -> ()
var body: some View {
Button("Increment: \(value)") { setValue(value + 1) }

We’d use this version of the Counter view as follows:

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var value = 0
var body: some View {
Counter(value: value, setValue: { value = $0 })

Instead of writing the pair of properties, value and setValue, we can combine both
using the Binding type:
struct Counter: View {
var value: Binding<Int>
var body: some View {
Button("Increment: \(value.wrappedValue)") {
value.wrappedValue += 1

The binding acts as a wrapper around a getter and a setter for the wrapped value. To
avoid wrappedValue in our code, we can again use the pattern of an underscored
Binding property and a non-underscored computed property that forwards the getter
and setter to the binding’s wrapped value:

struct Counter: View {

var _value: Binding<Int>
var value: Int {
get { _value.wrappedValue }
set { _value.wrappedValue = newValue }
init(value: Binding<Int>) {
self._value = value
var body: some View {
Button("Increment: \(value)") { value += 1 }

The initializer’s only job is to expose a nicer API without an underscored _value label
for its parameter. We’d then use the Counter like this:

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var value = 0
var body: some View {
Counter(value: Binding(get: { value }, set: { value = $0 }))

Here, we’re constructing the binding manually using the Binding(get:set:) initializer
to demonstrate the nature of a binding as a wrapper around a getter and a setter.
Now that we’ve written all that code manually, we can simplify it again. The code
around the _value and value properties in the counter view is exactly what the
@Binding property wrapper generates for us. In the ContentView, we can replace the
manual construction of the binding with the dollar sign syntax, $value, which
constructs the binding for us:

struct Counter: View {

@Binding var value: Int
var body: some View {
Button("Increment: \(value)") { value += 1 }

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var value = 0
var body: some View {
Counter(value: $value)

To demystify the $value syntax, let’s rewrite the ContentView once more without
@State and $value:

struct ContentView: View {

private var _value = State(initialValue: 0)
private var value: Int {
get { _value.wrappedValue }
set { _value.wrappedValue = newValue }
var body: some View {
Counter(value: _value.projectedValue)

Here we can see that $value is shorthand for _value.projectedValue. The dollar syntax
isn’t specific to SwiftUI; rather, it’s a feature of Swift’s property wrappers, and it’s
syntactic sugar for accessing the property wrapper’s projectedValue.

We can use the dollar sign syntax not only on @State properties, but also on
@StateObject properties or @ObservedObject properties. For example, we could store
the value in the ContentView in a model object:

!nal class Model: ObservableObject {

@Published var value = 0
struct ContentView: View {
@StateObject var model = Model()
var body: some View {
Counter(value: $model.value)

We could even create a computed property and bind to that. For example, here’s a
computed property on top of value that clamps the value from 0 to 10:

!nal class Model: ObservableObject {

@Published var value = 0
var clampedValue: Int {
get { min(max(0, value), 10) }
set { value = newValue }

struct ContentView: View {

@StateObject var model = Model()
var body: some View {
Counter(value: $model.clampedValue)

As long as the property we’re referencing after the $ has a getter and a setter, we can
create a binding to it.

Observable and Bindable

SwiftUI’s macro-based object-observation model poses a challenge with regard to
bindings: as we saw above, the $ syntax used to construct bindings relies on the
projectedValue of a property wrapper. Since we often no longer need to use a property
wrapper when working with the @Observable macro, we can’t construct a binding in
the same way as when using, for example, the @ObservedObject property wrapper.

To solve this problem, the Bindable wrapper — which you can use either as a property
wrapper or directly inline — was introduced. For example, it’s used as a property
wrapper here:

struct Counter: View {

@Bindable var model: Model
var body: some View {
Stepper("\(model.value)", value: $model.value)

struct ContentView: View {

var model = Model.shared

var body: some View {

Counter(model: model)

The memberwise initializer of Counter takes a plain Observable object and uses the
Bindable(wrappedValue:) initializer internally to wrap that object in a Bindable value.
We can also create bindable values inline by using the more succinct Bindable(_:)
initializer without the label (both initializers do the same thing):

struct ContentView: View {

var model = Model.shared
var body: some View {
Stepper("\(model.value)", value: Bindable(model).value)

Similar to @StateObject and @ObservedObject, @Bindable’s projected value allows

us to access properties through the dynamic member lookup syntax. For example, the
Counter view from above looks like this when we rewrite all the Bindable syntactic

struct Counter: View {

var model: Model { _model.wrappedValue }
var _model: Bindable<Model>

init(model: Model) {
_model = Bindable(wrappedValue: model)

var body: some View {

Stepper("\(model.value)", value: _model.projectedValue[dynamicMember: \.value])
In the counter view’s body, we can see the dynamic member lookup syntax when we
access the model’s value property: model.value is translated into
_model.projectedValue[dynamicMember: \.value].

View Updates and Performance

One of the main benefits of SwiftUI is that the UI is automatically kept in sync with
our state. To avoid rerendering the entire view tree for any state update, SwiftUI
establishes dependencies between particular state values (or objects) and the views
that are dependent on them.

When the body of a view runs, SwiftUI knows which state properties were accessed
while the body executed and creates a record of the dependency between the two.
When a particular state value changes, SwiftUI knows which view is dependent on
that value and only reexecutes the body of that view. Then it figures out which bodies
in the view’s subtree need to be reexecuted by comparing the view values from before
and after the state change.

As we can see, SwiftUI goes to great lengths to ensure that only the absolutely
necessary parts of the view tree are being rerendered when some state has changed.
However, it’s also important to write our code in a such a way that it doesn’t
counteract these efforts.

For example, if we put all our state in one large observable object (using the “old”
@StateObject or @ObservedObject property wrappers), SwiftUI has to rerender all
views that observe that object on any change, even if the particular change perhaps
only affected a small subset of the views that observe the object. When performance
becomes an issue, it can help to divide our state up into smaller units so that view
updates can happen more granularly. The @Observed macro alleviates this problem
to a large degree, because it shifts observation from the object level to the individual
properties of the object.

Additionally, it’s important to only pass the data that’s really needed to subviews. For
example, if we have a large struct that contains a lot of properties and we pass that
struct along to a view that just needs one value out of this struct, that view will be
rerendered each time anything in the struct changes. This can be avoided by being
very specific about the properties on our views, which — as an added benefit — also
makes it easier to show them in previews. To this end, it can make sense to break up
larger views into multiple subviews that depend on distinct substates.

When we run into performance problems, there are several techniques to diagnose
which view bodies are being executed. The first option is to insert a print statement in
a view’s body:
var body: some View {
let _ = print("Executing <MyView> body")


The anonymous variable assignment let _ = … is necessary because the view builder
only accepts expressions of type View. We cannot simply call print("…"), because the
return type of the print function is Void, which the view builder cannot handle. The
let _ = … syntax circumvents this problem.

For a more visual indication of view rerenders, Peter Steinberger has a neat
trick using random background colors.

To find out why a view’s body was reexecuted, we can use the Self._printChanges()
API in the view body like this:

var body: some View {

let _ = Self._printChanges()


Again, we have to use the anonymous variable assignment workaround due to the
Void return type of the function. This print statement will log the reason of the
rerender to the console:

1. If the view was rerendered due to a state change, the name of the state
property will be logged in its underscored form.

2. If the view value itself has changed, i.e. if the value of one of the view’s
properties has changed, "@self" will be logged.

3. If the identity of the view has changed, "@identity" will be logged. In practice,
this usually means the view was freshly inserted into the render tree.

Finally, there’s also a SwiftUI profiling template in Instruments, which we can use to
diagnose which view bodies are being executed more often than we’d expect.

Which Property Wrapper for What

We often see that the various property wrappers discussed in this chapter are
overused in SwiftUI code. The first rule is to use regular properties without any
property wrappers in views whenever possible. If we just want to pass a value to a
view and the view doesn’t need write access to that value, a regular property is all we

When a view needs read and write access to a value (not an object) and it should own
that value as local, private view state (which cannot be passed in from the outside),
then we use @State. If, on the other hand, the view needs read and write access to a
value but shouldn’t own that value (and doesn’t care where the value is actually
stored), then we use @Binding.

If a view needs state in the form of an object and the view should own that object as
local, private view state (which cannot be passed in from the outside), then we use
@StateObject pre-iOS 17 or @State with an @Observable object post-iOS 17. However,
if we need an object to be passed in from the outside, then we use @ObservedObject
pre-iOS 17 and just a plain property post-iOS 17.

A good rule of thumb is that @State and @StateObject should only be used if a
property can be initialized directly on the line where it’s declared. If that doesn’t
work, we should probably use @Binding, @ObservedObject, or a plain property with
an @Observable object.

SwiftUI’s layout algorithm is straightforward: the parent view proposes a size to its
subview, the subview determines its own size based on the proposal, and the subview
reports that size back to the parent. The parent then places the subview within its
own coordinate system. In essence, the goal of the layout process is to give each view
a position and a size.

However, when we’re struggling to understand why a view tree is rendering the way it
does, understanding the algorithm’s behavior isn’t always straightforward. This
chapter walks through all the details needed to mentally trace SwiftUI’s layout steps
and make sense of its behavior.

The first thing to keep in mind is that SwiftUI’s layout algorithm proceeds top-down
along the view tree. Therefore, it’s important to understand the view tree produced
by our view builder code (refer back to the chapter on view trees for more details on
this). Let’s take a look at an example to better understand how to apply the layout
algorithm to a real view tree:

Code View Tree

VStack { VStack
Image(systemName: "globe")
Text("Hello, World!") Image Text

Since the VStack is the root view in this example, it’ll receive the safe screen area as
the proposed size. To determine its own size, the stack first recursively proposes sizes
to its subviews. The image will report its size based on the size of the globe symbol,
and the text will report its size based on the proposed size and the string it has to
render (we’ll go into the details of how exactly Image and Text determine their sizes
later). The stack now places the two subviews beneath each other, inserting default
spacing between the two. The stack computes its own size as the size of the union of
its subviews’ frames and reports that back to the window.

More formally, we can describe the layout algorithm like this:

1. The parent proposes a size to its subview.

2. The subview determines its own size based on the proposal, recursively
starting at step 1 if it has subviews of its own.

3. The subview reports its size to the parent.

4. The parent places the subview.

Note that the size reported by the subview in step 3 is the definitive size of the
subview — the parent cannot alter this size unilaterally. It could go back to
step 2 and make another proposal, but at the end of the day, the subview
determines its size, taking the proposal into account as it sees fit.

While the API involved in this process isn’t part of the public View protocol, we can
imagine each view having a method like this:

extension View {
func sizeThatFits(in: ProposedViewSize) -> CGSize {


The ProposedViewSize type is public as of iOS 16 and macOS 13. It is used in the
Layout protocol, which we’ll discuss in the Advanced Layout chapter:

struct ProposedViewSize {
var width, height: CGFloat?

The difference between ProposedViewSize and CGSize is that both components are
optional in ProposedViewSize. Proposing nil for a component means that the view can
become its ideal size in that dimension. The ideal size is different for each view, and
we’ll look at this in detail below.

In API terms, we can express the layout algorithm like this:

1. The parent calls sizeThatFits on its subview, passing on the proposed size.

2. The subview determines its own size based on the proposed size, perhaps
calling sizeThatFits on its subviews if it has any. Some views completely
disregard the proposed size (e.g. Image does so by default), while other views
return the proposed size as their actual size (e.g. Rectangle). When a view
returns the proposed size, we say that it accepts the proposed size.

3. The subview view reports its own size to its parent via the return value of the
sizeThatFits method.

4. The parent places the subview according to its own alignment and the
alignment guides of the subview (we’ll go into detail about how alignment
works later in this chapter).

Here’s a more detailed example, including all the steps and specific sizing of the
views involved:
Code View Tree Preview

.padding(10) 1 8
.background(Color.teal) background

2 5 6 7 Favorite
padding Color

3 4

For the sake of this example, we’ll assume that we have a window with a safe area of

1. The system proposes 320⨉480 to the background.

2. The background proposes the same 320⨉480 to its primary subview (the

3. The padding subtracts 10 points on each edge, and it proposes 300⨉460 to the

4. The text reports its size as 51⨉17.

5. The padding adds 10 points on each edge, and it reports its size as 71⨉37.

6. The background proposes the size of the padded text (71⨉37) to the secondary
subview (Color).

7. The color accepts and reports the proposed 71⨉37.

8. The background reports the size of its primary subview (71⨉37).

Equipped with this general understanding of how SwiftUI’s layout system traverses
the view tree, we’ll next look at the specific layout behavior of many built-in SwiftUI

In general, when trying to understand how views are laid out, our favorite method is
putting a border on the view. In addition, we could add an overlay with a geometry
reader to also render the size of the view, but we’ve found the border already helps
debug almost every layout problem.

While the general layout algorithm can be summarized in a sentence or two,

understanding the specific layout behavior of all the built-in views is no easy task.

However, it’s important so as to avoid too much guesswork with SwiftUI in the long
In this section, we’ll go over many of SwiftUI’s layout-relevant views and view
modifiers and explain how they determine their own size, what size they’re going to
propose to their subviews, and what determines their ideal size. We’ll start with leaf
views (views that have no subviews), look at view modifiers next, and then talk about
container views.

Leaf Views
By default, Text views fit themselves into any proposed size. Text uses various
strategies to make that work, in this order: it’ll break the text into multiple lines (word
wrapping), break up words (line wrapping), truncate, and finally clip the text. Text
always reports back the exact size it needs to render the content, which is less than or
equal to the proposed width, and at least the height of one line (with the exception of
proposing 0⨉0). In other words, Text can become any width — from zero, to the size it
needs to render the content in its entirety.

Here are some examples of how Text("Hello, World!") will render depending on the
proposed size. The dashed rectangle represents the proposed size, and the solid
rectangle represents the reported size:

Hello, world Hello, world

Proposed: 25 ⨉50 Proposed: 50 ⨉50 Proposed: 100⨉50

Measured: 23 ⨉20 Measured: 44 ⨉10 Measured: 44 ⨉10

There are a handful of modifiers we can use on Text to change its behavior:

→ .lineLimit(_ number:) lets us specify the maximum number of lines that should
be rendered, regardless of whether or not there’s more vertical space proposed.
Specifying nil means there’s no line limit.

→ .lineLimit(_ limit:reservesSpace:) lets us specify the maximum number of lines

that should be rendered, while giving us the option to always include the space
for these lines in the reported size, regardless of whether or not they’re empty.

→ .truncationMode(_ mode:) lets us specify where truncation should be applied.

→ .minimumScaleFactor(_ factor:) lets us specify how much Text is allowed to

scale the font size down to make the text fit into the proposed size.
If we apply .!xedSize() to Text, it’ll become its ideal size, because !xedSize proposes
nil⨉nil to the text. The ideal size of the text is the size that’s needed to render the
content without wrapping and truncation. Here are some examples of how
Text("Hello, World!").!xedSize() renders at different proposed sizes:

Hello, world Hello, world Hello, world

Proposed: 25 ⨉50 Proposed: 50 ⨉50 Proposed: 100⨉50

Measured: 44 ⨉10 Measured: 44 ⨉10 Measured: 44 ⨉10

As we can see by the solid rectangle (the reported size) rendering outside of the
dotted one (the proposed size), the !xedSize modifier ensures its subview (the text)
will always render at its ideal size, regardless of what was proposed. This is a good
example of how a parent view in SwiftUI cannot expect its subview to respect the
proposed size — in the final analysis, the subview determines its own size.

Most built-in shapes (Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, Capsule, and Ellipse) accept any
proposed size from zero to infinity and fill the available space. Circle is an exception:
it’ll fit itself into any proposed size and report back the actual size of the circle. If we
propose nil to a shape (i.e. if we wrap it in a .!xedSize), it takes on a default size of

Along with the built-in shapes, we can also implement custom shapes. This is
currently one of the few places in SwiftUI where we can write our own logic for
computing the size based on the proposed size. As an example, we’ll build a
bookmark shape:
Code Preview

struct Bookmark: Shape {

func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
Path { p in
p.move(to: rect[.topLeading])
rect[.init(x: 0.5, y: 0.8)],

To make writing this shape easier, we’re using the following extension on CGRect,
which takes a UnitPoint and returns the respective point within the rectangle:

extension CGRect {
subscript(_ point: UnitPoint) -> CGPoint {
CGPoint(x: minX + width*point.x, y: minY + height*point.y)

When this shape should always be rendered with an aspect ratio of 2⨉3, we can of
course apply the .aspectRatio modifier at the site of usage, but any other consumers
of the API might accidentally render our bookmark with a different aspect ratio. To
ensure the bookmark shape always has an aspect ratio of 2⨉3, we can implement
sizeThatFits. The default implementation for shapes returns the proposed size. We
can override this with an implementation that hardcodes the aspect ratio to be 2⨉3:

func sizeThatFits(_ proposal: ProposedViewSize) -> CGSize {

var result = proposal.replacingUnspeci!edDimensions()
let ratio: CGFloat = 2/3
let newWidth = ratio * result.height
if newWidth <= result.width {
result.width = newWidth
} else {
result.height = result.width / ratio
return result

Since the components of the proposed size might be nil, we have to start by calling
replacingUnspeci!edDimensions, which gives us a CGSize. Then we compute the
width and height of the shape so that its aspect ratio is 2x3 and it fits into the
proposed size.

Proposed: 25 ⨉50 Proposed: 50 ⨉50 Proposed: 100⨉50

Measured: 25 ⨉37 Measured: 33 ⨉50 Measured: 33 ⨉50

We can also use this sizeThatFits method to better understand container

views. If we add logging of the proposed and reported sizes to a shape and
then use this shape within an HStack, for example, we’ll see what the HStack
is proposing to its subviews in the console. Note that sizeThatFits is part of the
Shape protocol, and not part of the View protocol.

When using a color directly as a view, e.g. Color.red, it behaves just as
Rectangle().!ll(…) from a layout point of view.

However, there’s a special case: if we put a color in a background that touches the
non-safe area, the color will magically bleed into the non-safe area. Although this
behavior doesn’t affect the layout, we still wanted to mention it here since we’ll all
probably run into it at some point. If we want to prevent this, we can use the
ignoresSafeAreaEdges parameter on .background, or use Rectangle().!ll(…) instead of

By default, Image views report a static value: the size of the underlying image. Once
we call .resizable() on an image, it makes the view completely flexible: the Image will
then accept any proposed size, report it back, and squeeze the image into that size. In
practice, virtually any resizable image will be combined with
an .aspectRatio(contentMode:) or .scaleToFit() modifier to prevent the image from
being distorted. We’ll talk about these modifiers in the next section.

The resizable modifier has two parameters. The first parameter lets us specify the
capInsets, indicating the portion (at the edges) that shouldn’t be resized. The second
parameter lets us specify the resizing mode: the image can either stretch or tile.

When Divider is used outside of horizontal stacks, it accepts any proposed width and
reports the height of the divider line. Within a horizontal stack, the divider accepts
the proposed height and reports the width of the divider line. Proposing nil will result
in a default size of 10 on the flexible axis, depending on the context.

Outside of horizontal or vertical stacks, Spacer accepts any proposed size, from its
minimum length to infinity. However, the behavior of Spacer changes when it’s
placed into a stack: within a vertical stack, Spacer accepts any height from its
minimum length to infinity, but it reports a width of zero. Within a horizontal stack,
it behaves the same way (with the axes swapped). The minimum length of a spacer is
the length of the default padding, unless the length is specified using the minLength
parameter in the spacer’s initializer.

A popular use of spacers is for aligning views. For example, it’s common to see code
like this:

HStack {
Text("Some right-aligned text")

We recommend using a flexible frame with alignment instead (we’ll discuss flexible
frames in detail in the next section):

Text("Some right-aligned text")

.frame(maxWidth: .in!nity, alignment: .trailing)

We prefer this solution over the one with the HStack and the Spacer, because there’s
an edge case in the HStack solution that might not be immediately apparent: the
Spacer has a default minimum length (equal to the default spacing). As a result, the
text might start wrapping or truncating sooner than necessary, because the Spacer
also occupies some of the proposed width of the HStack.

One quick way to see the differences in resizing behavior is by putting both of
the views above in a VStack inside the content view of a Mac application,
which is resizable by default.
View Modi!ers
View modifiers always wrap an existing view inside another layer: the modifier
becomes the parent of the view it’s applied to. While SwiftUI has the .modi!er API to
apply a value conforming to the ViewModi!er protocol, SwiftUI’s built-in modifiers
are all exposed as extensions on View (which is a good practice for our own view
modifiers as well). In this section, we’ll describe the view modifiers that affect the

The .padding modifier uses its padding value to modify the proposed size by
subtracting the padding from the specified edges. This modified size is then proposed
to the subview of .padding. When the subview reports back its own size, padding
takes that size, adds the padding for the specified edges, and reports this extended
size as its own.

There are two helpful variants of .padding:

→ .padding(_ inset:) lets us specify different padding values for different edges in
one call using an EdgeInset value.

→ .padding(_ edges:_ length:) lets us specify one padding value for a set of edges
(.horizontal and .vertical can be especially handy for the edges).

When we don’t specify a concrete value — for example, by writing .padding() without
any arguments — the default padding for the current platform is used.

Fixed Frames
The fixed frame modifier, .frame(width:height:alignment), has very simple layout
behavior: it proposes exactly the specified size to its subview, and it reports exactly
the specified size as its own size, independent of the reported size of its subview. In
other words, a fixed frame is an invisible view of exactly the specified size we can use
to propose a specific size to another view.

If we only specify the width or the height — by specifying nil for the other parameter
or omitting it altogether — the other dimension will be untouched by the fixed frame.
The proposed size of the frame will be forwarded to the subview in the unspecified
dimension, and the frame will report the size of its subview as its own in that

With support for dynamic type and various screen sizes, using fixed frames in
production code is actually quite rare. It’s a good practice to avoid hardcoding magic
numbers in fixed frames unless absolutely necessary, e.g. for certain design elements
that intrinsically cannot or should not scale.
Flexible Frames
The API for flexible frames has a ton of parameters: we can specify not only the
minimum, maximum, and ideal values for both the frame’s width and height, but
also an alignment. The behavior of flexible frames isn’t very intuitive, but they’re a
useful tool, and it’s important to learn their behavior. We’ll first only consider the
minimum and maximum boundary parameters, and we’ll ignore the ideal width/
height parameters for now.

Flexible frames apply the minimum and maximum boundaries twice: once for the
size they propose to their subview, and once to determine their reported size.

The clamping “on the way in,” i.e. to compute the size that’s going to be proposed to
the frame’s subview, is the simpler one of the two. The flexible frame takes the
proposed size and clamps it by whatever minimum and maximum parameters were
specified. This clamped size is then proposed to the frame’s subview.

Once the subviews’ size has been computed, the flexible frame determines its own
size based on the proposed size by applying the boundaries again. However, now a
missing boundary value — e.g. if we only specify minWidth, but not maxWidth — will
be substituted using the subview’s reported size. Then the proposed size gets
clamped by these boundaries and reported as the frame’s size.

In practice, this means that if we only specify minWidth, the flexible frame will
become at least minWidth, and at most, the width of its subview. If we only specify
maxWidth, the flexible frame will become at least the width of its subview, and at
most, maxWidth. The same applies for the height.

This behavior enables two common patterns in SwiftUI that are hard to parse at first,
but become second nature once we’ve used them a few times.

The first common way of using flexible frames is like this:

Text("Hello, World!")
.frame(maxWidth: .in!nity)

Hello, World! Hello, World!

Proposed: 25 ⨉50 Proposed: 50 ⨉50 Proposed: 100⨉50

Measured: 25 ⨉20 Measured: 50 ⨉10 Measured: 100⨉10
The .frame(maxWidth: .in!nity) pattern makes sure the flexible frame becomes at least
as wide as proposed, or the width of its subview if that’s wider than proposed. This is
commonly used to create views that span the entire available width.

We could abstract this pattern in an extension on View:

extension View {
func proposedWidthOrGreater() -> some View {
frame(maxWidth: .in!nity)

Another common pattern is the following:

Text("Hello, World!")
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .in!nity)

This makes sure the frame always becomes exactly as wide as proposed, independent
of the size of its subview. Again, we could write a helper function for this:

extension View {
func acceptProposedWidth() -> some View {
frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .in!nity)

Both patterns can be applied to the height as well.

Using the previous example, let’s consider what happens when the following view
renders on a screen of 320⨉480:
Code View Tree

Text("Hello, World!")
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .in!nity) 1 10
.background(Color.teal) padding
2 9

3 6 7 8
frame Color

4 5

1. The system proposes 320⨉480 to the padding.

2. The padding proposes 300⨉460 to the background.

3. The background proposes the same 300⨉460 to its primary subview (the

4. The frame proposes the same 300⨉460 to its subview (the text).

5. The text reports its size as 76⨉17.

6. The frame’s width becomes max(0, min(.in!nity, 300)) = 300. Note that the 0
and .in!nity values are the arguments specified for the flexible frame.

7. The background proposes the size of the flexible frame (300⨉17) to the
secondary subview (Color).

8. The color accepts and reports the proposed size.

9. The background reports the size of its primary subview (300⨉17).

10. The padding adds 10 points on each side, and it reports its size as 320⨉37.

The flexible frames API is the only one in SwiftUI to explicitly specify an ideal size,
i.e. the size that will be adopted if nil is proposed for one or both dimensions. If the
idealWidth or idealHeight parameters are specified, this size will be proposed to the
frame’s subview, and it’ll also be reported as the frame’s own size, regardless of the
size of its subview.

Aspect Ratio
The aspectRatio modifier is most useful when working with completely flexible
views. For example, we can use the following code to draw a rectangle with a 4/3
aspect ratio:
.aspectRatio(4/3, contentMode: .!t)

Proposed: 25 ⨉50 Proposed: 50 ⨉50 Proposed: 100⨉50

Measured: 25 ⨉18 Measured: 50 ⨉37 Measured: 66 ⨉50

The aspectRatio modifier will compute a rectangle with an aspect ratio of 4/3 that fits
into the proposed size and then propose that to its subview. To the parent view, it
always reports the size of its subview, regardless of the proposed size or the specified
aspect ratio.

To make this example more concrete, let’s assume a proposed size of 200⨉200. The
aspect ratio then computes the largest possible rectangle with a width-to-height ratio
of 4/3 that fits into the proposed size, which is 200⨉150 in this case. It proposes this
size to the Color, which accepts the proposal. The aspectRatio then reports 200⨉150
as its own size.

Let’s look at what would happen if we used .!ll instead of .!t as the contentMode:

.aspectRatio(4/3, contentMode: .!ll)

We start again with the assumed proposed size of 200⨉200. Based on

that, .aspectRatio computes the smallest rectangle that has a width-to-height ratio of
4/3 and still covers the entire proposed size, which is roughly 266.6⨉200. It proposes
this size to the Color, which accepts the proposal. The .aspectRatio then returns the
size of its subview, 266.6⨉200, as its own size.

A common use case of .aspectRatio is with images. As we discussed above, when we

call .resizable on an image to make it flexible, it’ll distort the image to fit itself into
any size. Most of the time though, we want to maintain the aspect ratio of the
underlying image while the image is scaled to fit or fill the available space. Without
knowing the aspect ratio of the underlying image, we can write the following:

.aspectRatio(contentMode: .!t)

The .scaleToFit and .scaleToFill modifiers are shorthand

for .aspectRatio(contentMode: .!t) and .aspectRatio(contentMode: .!ll),
Since we don’t specify any specific aspect ratio, the .aspectRatio modifier will probe
the subview for its ideal size (by proposing nil⨉nil) and calculate the aspect ratio
based on that size. Assuming a proposed size of 200⨉200 and an ideal size of 100⨉30
for the image, here are the layout steps for this example. Note that the resizable
modifier modifies the Image rather than adding another layer to the tree:

Code View Tree

.resizable() 1 6
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .!t) aspectRatio

2, 4 3, 5

1. The aspectRatio is proposed a size of 200⨉200.

2. The aspectRatio proposes nil⨉nil to the image.

3. The image reports its ideal size of 100⨉30.

4. The aspectRatio fits a rectangle with the aspect ratio of 100/30 into 200⨉200,
which is 200⨉60, and proposes this size to the image.

5. The image reports its size as 200⨉60.

6. The aspectRatio reports the subview’s size of 200⨉60 as its own size.

Note that the aspectRatio view doesn’t necessarily end up with the aspect ratio we
specify. While the modifier will propose a size of that aspect ratio to its subview, as
always, it’s up to the subview to determine its own size based on the proposal. If the
subview isn’t flexible enough to fit itself into the specified aspect ratio, the
aspectRatio modifier itself won’t become the specified ratio either, because it takes
on the size of its subview as its own.

Overlay and Background

Overlay and background are among the most useful modifiers in SwiftUI. Layout-
wise, they work exactly the same way. The only difference is that an overlay draws
the secondary view on top of the primary view, whereas a background draws the
secondary view behind the primary view. For example, if we want to draw a
background behind some text, we can do it like so:
Code View Tree Preview

Text("Hello") .background
.background(Color.teal) Hello
Text Color

The way this works is rather elegant: the background first sizes the primary subview
(in the example above, the Text) and then takes the size of the primary subview and
proposes it to the secondary subview. This way, the teal color becomes exactly as
large as the text. We could also change the text to include some padding:

Code View Tree Preview

Text("Hello") .background
.background(Color.teal) .padding Color Hello


We can now see that the teal background is exactly as large as the text, plus 10 points
of padding on each side.

Note that background and overlay don’t influence the layout of their primary
subviews — the reported size of the overlay or background is always the reported size
of the primary subview. For example, we could create a highlight modifier that draws
an orange background behind a view that’s slightly larger than the view itself:

extension View {
func highlight(enabled: Bool = true) -> some View {
background {
if enabled {

If we toggle the enabled flag, this won’t cause any siblings of the view to move
around: the background modifier always becomes the size of its primary subview,
independent of the view in the background (the secondary subview).
Within an overlay or background, when the secondary view is a view list containing
multiple views, these views are placed in an implicit ZStack.

Fixed Size
The !xedSize() modifier proposes nil for the width and height to its subview,
regardless of its own proposed size. This way, the subview will become its ideal size.
The !xedSize(horizontal:vertical:) overload allows us to make the subview become its
ideal size in only one dimension (e.g. propose nil for the width but not the height).

One of the most common use cases for !xedSize is with Text views. As described
above, Text will do anything to render itself inside the proposed size (e.g. truncation
or word wrapping). One way to circumvent this is by proposing nil⨉nil to the text so
that it becomes its ideal size. Note that, depending on the view tree, this might cause
the text to draw out of bounds. For example:

This is a longer text This is a longer text This is a longer text

Proposed: 25 ⨉50 Proposed: 50 ⨉50 Proposed: 100⨉50

Measured: 72 ⨉10 Measured: 72 ⨉10 Measured: 72 ⨉10

In the example above, we can see that the text draws out of the bounding rect of the
frame modifier (which we use to propose certain sizes to the text). This is because, by
default, views in SwiftUI aren’t clipped. If we want clipping, we can enable it using
the clipped modifier.

As we just saw, overlay and background have a useful property: they both propose the
size of the primary subview to the secondary subview. However, we might not always
want the second subview’s size to be dependent on the first subview. For example,
consider creating a custom badge modifier that should render a badge at the top
trailing corner of a view:
Code Preview

extension View {
func badge<Badge: View>(@ViewBuilder contents: () -> Badge)
-> some View {
self.overlay(alignment: .topTrailing) {
.background {

RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5).!ll(.teal)

The above modifier works fine as long as the ideal size of the badge is smaller than
the size of the view we’re applying it to. For example, if we have a large button and
we’re trying to display a badge with just the text “1,” it’ll work fine. However, if we’re
applying a large badge to, say, a Text("Hi"), the badge won’t become the size it needs
to be.

Code Preview

Text("Hi").badge {
Text("2023").font(.caption) Hi

To fix this, we can insert a !xedSize in the overlay. This will make sure the badge
becomes its ideal size rather than the size of the view it’s applied to:

extension View {
func badge<Badge: View>(@ViewBuilder contents: () -> Badge) -> some View {
self.overlay(alignment: .topTrailing) {
.background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5))
We’ll improve the alignment of the badge later in this chapter when we look at
alignment guides.

Container Views
HStack and VStack
In our experience, HStacks and VStacks work pretty intuitively — until they don’t.
Then it can be rather complicated to figure out what’s happening exactly, because the
stack layout algorithm is quite complex.

Horizontal and vertical stacks lay out their subviews in the same way, just
with a different major axis. Therefore, we’ll limit our discussion below to

Consider the following stack:

HStack(spacing: 0) {
Text("Hello, World!")

If we propose a large-enough width, this renders as expected: the text “Hello, World!”
with a blue color on the left, and a green color on the right. But as the width gets
smaller, something interesting happens: the text wraps, even though there’s enough
space to show it in full (and still have some space left for the two colors).

Hello, World!

Proposed: 150⨉50 Proposed: 100⨉50

The reason for this behavior is how the HStack algorithm divides up the available
width among its subviews:

→ First, the stack determines the flexibility of its subviews. The two colors are
infinitely flexible, so they become any size we propose. The Text, however, has
an upper limit; it can become any size between zero and its ideal size, but
never larger than that.
→ The stack then sorts the subviews according to flexibility, from least flexible to
most flexible. It keeps track of all the remaining subviews and the available
remaining width.

→ While there are remaining subviews, the stack proposes the remaining width,
divided by the number of remaining subviews.

For simplicity, let’s assume the text has an ideal width of 100 points. When we
propose 180⨉180 to the HStack, it starts by proposing a size of 180/3 for the width to
the least flexible subview — the text. The text will then wrap or truncate as needed.
Let’s assume it becomes 50⨉40 points (inserting a line break). The two rectangles
then get proposed 130/2 and 65/1 points, respectively. Because of this algorithm, even
though there’s enough space for the text, it doesn’t grow to display itself without line

There are a few ways to modify this behavior. Firstly, we could apply the !xedSize()
modifier to the text. That way, the text ignores its proposal and always becomes the
ideal size. This works well, but once the HStack is proposed less than the ideal width
of the text, the text will still render at its full width — or, in other words, wider than
proposed, and out of bounds.

Hello, World!

Proposed: 40⨉40

An alternative is to give the text a layout priority using the .layoutPriority modifier.
This will cause the HStack to first propose the full remaining width to the text and
then use whatever remains after that to propose to the two colors. This way, once
there isn’t enough space for the text to render itself at its ideal size, it’ll start word

To better understand the stack layout’s algorithm, here’s an informal description:

1. Determine the flexibility of all subviews by proposing both 0⨉proposedHeight

and .in!nity⨉proposedHeight to each subview (this process of proposing
multiple sizes to a subview is also called probing). The flexibility is the
difference of the two resulting widths.

2. Group all the subviews according to their layout priorities.

3. Start with the proposed width, and subtract the minimum widths of all
subviews, as well as the spacing between them. The result is the
remainingWidth (this might be nil if the proposed width was nil).

4. While there are remaining groups:

1. Pick the group with the highest layout priority.

2. Add the sum of all minimum widths of the subviews in this group back to
the remainingWidth.

3. While there are remaining views in the group:

1. Pick the view with the smallest flexibility.

2. Propose (remainingWidth/

3. Subtract the view’s reported width from remainingWidth.

While this algorithm isn’t officially documented, it hasn’t changed since we first
described it in the first edition of this book, which was in 2020, and we consider it
stable. It’s possible to at least partially verify the behavior by placing custom shapes
into the stack, which implement sizeThatFits and log the proposed size and reported

At first glance, ZStack might seem to do the same thing as an overlay or background,
but it behaves differently. As we described above, overlay and background take on
the size of the primary subview and discard the size of the secondary subview. When
we use a ZStack, the union of the subviews’ frames is used to compute the stack’s own

Consider the following view:

ZStack {
Text("Hello, world")

When we use this as the root view for a new iOS application, the color stretches to the
full size of the safe area. This is because the ZStack gets proposed the entire safe area,
and it takes that proposal and proposes the same value to each of its subviews.

If we implemented the badge example from the overlay/background section using a

ZStack instead of an overlay, the badge would influence the layout of the view it’s
applied to, because the size of the ZStack would include the badge. While a single
view with a badge applied will look the same, its layout behavior relative to other
views has changed.
Hello, world
Hello, world badge

The two views above are bottom aligned in an HStack. Both have a top-trailing
aligned badge. The view on the left has an overlay for the badge, so the layout isn’t
influenced by the size of the badge view. Meanwhile, the view on the right uses a
ZStack for the badge, and therefore, the bottom of this view is the bottom of the

Scroll View
With scroll views, we have to distinguish between the layout behavior of the actual
scroll view and the layout behavior of the scroll view’s contents, which scrolls within
the visible area of the scroll view.

The scroll view itself accepts the proposed size along the scroll axis, and it becomes
the size of its content on the other axis. For example, if we place a vertical scroll view
as the root view, it’ll become the height of the entire safe area, and it’ll take on the
width of the scroll content.

Along the scroll axis, a scroll view essentially has unlimited space, and the content
can grow as large as it wants to within that axis. Therefore, the scroll view proposes
nil in the scroll axis (or axes), and it proposes the unmodified dimension for the other
axis. Let’s consider the following example:

ScrollView {
Text("This is a longer text")

By default, when we specify multiple views for the contents of the scroll view (as we
do above), these subviews are placed inside an implicit VStack, regardless of the
scroll direction. For the sake of this example, let’s assume that the scroll view gets
proposed a size of 320⨉480. It’ll then propose 320⨉nil to both of its subviews and
place them within the scroll container accordingly. The scroll view itself will always
become the proposed height (480).

When we have a scroll view with text, sometimes the text might perform word
wrapping and become a little less wide than the proposed width. If there are no other
views in the scroll view that become the proposed width, this might mean that our
scroll view becomes less wide than proposed. To fix this, we can add
a .frame(maxWidth: .in!nity) to our text. The same applies to views other than Text
that don’t necessarily accept their proposed width.

When we put a shape into a scroll view, the result might be surprising: the built-in
shapes in SwiftUI all have an ideal size of 10⨉10. This is due to the default argument
of .replacingUnspeci!edDimensions(by:) on ProposedViewSize, which is 10⨉10. Since
the scroll view proposed nil along the scroll axis, the shape will take on its ideal size
of 10 points on that axis. If we want to change this, we can specify an explicit height
using .frame(height:) or .frame(idealHeight:), or we could use .aspectRatio.

Geometry readers are used to get access to the proposed size. We’ll use them in the
Advanced Layout chapter. A geometry reader always accepts the proposed size and
reports that size to its view builder closure via a GeometryProxy, giving us access to
the geometry reader’s size. The geometry proxy also lets us access the current safe
area insets and the frame of the view in a specific coordinate space, and it allows us to
resolve anchors. For example, here’s a geometry reader that shows the proposed size:

GeometryReader { proxy in
Text(verbatim: "\(proxy.size)")

However, when reading Stack Overflow or perusing social media, GeometryReader is

one of the views that always seems to cause trouble. Because a geometry reader
always becomes the proposed size, if we want to — for example — measure the width
of some Text view by putting a geometry reader around it, this will influence the
layout around the text.

Once we have a good understanding of the SwiftUI layout system, we can avoid
geometry readers in many places. That said, there are cases when we do need them. If
we want a geometry reader to not influence the layout, here are two ways to achieve

→ When we wrap a completely flexible view inside a GeometryReader, it won’t

affect the layout. For example, when we have a scroll view, which becomes the
proposed size anyway, we can wrap it using a geometry reader to access the
proposed size.

→ When we put a geometry reader inside a background or overlay modifier, it

won’t influence the size of the primary view. Inside the background or overlay,
we can then use the proxy to read out different values related to the view’s
geometry. This is useful to measure the size of a view, as the size of the
primary subview will be proposed to the secondary subview (the geometry
reader). We’ll see more examples of this in the Advanced Layout chapter.

Geometry readers are special among other SwiftUI container views, in that they don’t
provide an alignment parameter, and they place their subviews top-leading by
default — whereas all other container views, with the exception of ScrollView, use
center alignment by default.

List is SwiftUI’s equivalent to UITableView or NSTableView. At the time of writing, List
is still very limited and allows little configuration. The List view itself takes on the
proposed size, and similarly to ScrollView, it proposes its own width, and nil for the
height, to its subviews.

The sizing of the list’s content in the vertical direction is complicated, because the list
items are laid out lazily. Similar to a UITableView with non-fixed row heights, List
estimates the entire height of the content based on the items that have already been
laid out.

LazyHStack and LazyVStack

LazyHStack and LazyVStack behave in the same way, just with different major and
minor axes. Lazy stacks share layout behavior with their non-lazy counterparts
insofar as they become the size of the union of all subviews’ frames. However, lazy
stacks don’t attempt to distribute the available space along the major axis among
their subviews. For example, a LazyHStack just proposes nil⨉proposedHeight to its
subviews, i.e. the subviews become their ideal width.

Computing the height of the lazy vertical stack is complicated by the fact that it
creates its subviews lazily when it’s embedded inside a scroll view (for the width, the
lazy vertical stack accepts the proposed width). For example, consider the following

ScrollView {
LazyVStack {
ForEach(0..<100) { i in
Text("View \(i)")
.onAppear {
print("View \(i) appeared")

As we scroll, more and more print messages start to appear, and views in the render
tree get created as needed. Therefore, just like List, the LazyVStack needs to estimate
its height based on the subviews that have already been laid out and update its own
size as new subviews appear onscreen.
LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid
We’ll focus on LazyVGrid in this section, as both LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid use the
same underlying algorithm to calculate the size of their columns or rows.

The first step of laying out a LazyVGrid is to compute the widths of the columns based
on the grid’s proposed width. There are three column types: fixed columns, flexible
columns, and adaptive columns. Fixed-width columns unconditionally become their
specified width, flexible columns are flexible (but have lower and upper bounds on
their width), and adaptive columns are really containers that host multiple

The grid starts by subtracting all the fixed-column widths and spacings from the
proposed width. For the remaining columns, the algorithm proposes the remaining
width, divided by the number of remaining columns, in order of the columns.
Flexible columns clamp this proposal using their bounds (minimum and/or
maximum width). Adaptive columns are special though: the grid tries to fit as many
subcolumns inside an adaptive column as possible by taking the proposed column
width and dividing it by the minimum width specified for the adaptive column.
These subcolumns can then be stretched out to the specified maximum width to fill
the remaining space.

Now that the column widths have been computed, the grid computes its own width
as the sum of the column widths, plus any spacing in between columns. For its
height, the grid proposes columnWidth⨉nil to its subviews to compute the row heights
and then computes its own height as the sum of the row heights plus spacing.

Contrary to HStack and VStack, grids go through the column layout algorithm twice:
once during the layout pass, and then again during the render pass. During layout,
the grid starts out with its proposed width. However, during the render pass, it starts
out with the width that was calculated during the layout pass, and it divides that
width among the columns again. This can have really surprising results. For example,
consider this grid:

Code Preview

LazyVGrid(columns: [
GridItem(.!exible(minimum: 60)),
GridItem(.!exible(minimum: 120)) 108.0 120.0
], spacing: 10, content: {

}) 108.0 120.0
.frame(width: 200)
.border(.teal, …)
Not only does the grid render out of bounds — although the columns’ minimums
would happily fit into the available width of 200 points — but it also renders off-
center of its enclosing 200-point-wide frame. Let’s go through the steps of the grid’s
layout algorithm to understand what’s happening.

We start at a remaining width of 200 points, minus 10 points of spacing, which gives
us 190 points. For the first column, we calculate the width as 190 divided by 2
remaining columns, which equals 95 points. Since the first column has a minimum
width of 60 points, the width of 95 points isn’t affected by the clamping, so the
remaining width stands at 95 points. The second column becomes 95 points clamped
to its minimum of 120 points, i.e. 120 points wide.

However, that’s not what we see in the rendering of this grid: the first column renders
108 points wide, and the second one renders 120 points wide, whereas we calculated
95 points and 120 points. That’s where the second layout pass comes in.

The overall width of the grid as calculated by the first pass is 95 + 10 + 120 = 225
points. The fixed frame with a width of 200 points around the grid centers the grid,
shifting it (225 − 200) / 2 = 12.5 points to the left. When it’s time for the grid to render
itself, it goes through the column layout again, but this time starting out with a
remaining width of 225 points.

The second pass starts with 225 points minus 10 points spacing, or 215 points. The
first column becomes 215 points divided by 2 remaining columns, equaling 108 points
(rounded). The remaining width is now 215 minus 108, giving us 107 points. The
second column becomes 107 points clamped to its minimum of 120 points. This is
exactly what we see in the example above.

In addition to the surprising column widths, we can now also explain why the grid
renders off-center in the fixed frame: since the frame around the grid has calculated
the grid’s origin based on the original width of 225 points, but the grid now renders
itself with an overall width of 108 + 10 + 120 = 238 points, the grid appears out of
center by about 7 points.

For more grid layout examples, take a look at this blog post.

Grid was introduced with iOS 16/macOS 13 and works similarly to HStack and VStack,
but in two dimensions. The grid’s subviews are sorted by flexibility, which can be
either two-dimensional flexibility or one-dimensional flexibility (depending on the
proposed size), and the available space is distributed among the subviews in two

At the time of writing, the grid’s layout behavior isn’t documented. Before iOS 17, it
had some bugs. In iOS 17 and up, the behavior is different but still has bugs. Because
of this, we won’t go into more detail here.
When we want to display different views depending on the proposed size, we can use
ViewThatFits. It takes a number of subviews, and it displays the first subview that fits.
It does so by proposing nil to figure out the ideal size for each subview, and it displays
the first subviews (in the order the subviews appear in the code) where the ideal size
fits within the proposed size. If none of the subviews fit, it picks the last subview.

Rendering Modi!ers
SwiftUI has a bunch of view modifiers that influence how a view is rendered, but that
don’t influence the layout itself — for example, offset, rotationEffect, scaleEffect, etc.
We can think of these modifiers as performing something like a CGContext.translate
to modify where a view is drawn. However, from the layout system’s perspective, the
view is still situated in its original position.

SwiftUI uses alignment to position views relative to each other. By default, almost all
views center their subviews. For example, if we create an iOS app with just a text or a
rectangle as the only view, that view will get centered both horizontally and vertically
within the safe area.

To better understand how alignment works, let’s consider the following example:

.frame(width: 100, height: 100)

The frame modifier has an alignment parameter with a default value of .center. As we
discussed in the previous section, a fixed frame always becomes the exact dimensions
we specify — 100⨉100 points in this case. Within that 100⨉100 points, the text will be
centered. For the sake of simplicity, imagine the reported size of the text as 50⨉20
points. When placing its subview, the frame modifier takes the following steps:

1. It asks its subview for its horizontal center. The subview is 50 points wide and
reports its horizontal center as 25 (in local view coordinates of the subview).
This value is called the horizontal center alignment guide of the subview.

2. It asks its subview for its vertical center. The subview is 20 points tall and
reports its vertical center as 10. This is the vertical center alignment guide of
the subview.

3. The frame computes its own horizontal and vertical center as (50, 50).
4. Now the frame can center the subview by taking the difference between the
two centers (50-25, 50-10 and placing the origin of the subview at that point
(25, 40) in the frame’s coordinate space.

0 50 100 0 25 50 100
0 0

0 25 50
0 40
Hello 50 50 Hello

100 100
Align both centers by
Compute the Compute the
→ → placing the text's origin at
text's center frame's center
(25, 40)

The most important point to understanding SwiftUI’s alignment system is that

alignment is always determined in “negotiation” between the parent and the
subview. The parent view doesn’t place the subview view on its own; rather, it
consults the subview about the relevant alignment guides and then positions the
subview relative to its own size or other subviews.

Here’s the same example with a different, .bottomTrailing alignment:

.frame(width: 100, height: 100, alignment: .bottomTrailing)

The algorithm is exactly the same as for the center alignment:

1. It asks the subview for its trailing alignment guide. The subview responds with
50, because that’s the position of the trailing edge in the subview’s local view

2. It asks the subview for its bottom alignment guide. The subview responds with

3. The frame computes its own trailing (100) and bottom (100) alignment guides.

4. The frame places the origin of the subview at (50, 80). This is again computed
by taking the difference (100-50, 100-20).
0 50 100 0 50 100
0 0

0 25 50
Hello 50


100 100
Compute the text's Align both bottom trailing
Compute the frame's
bottom trailing → → points by placing the text's
bottom trailing point
point origin at (50, 80)

For a view modifier like frame, alignment works in two directions. The frame’s
alignment parameter is of type Alignment, which is a composite struct that combines
HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment. Other types that align in two dimensions
include .overlay, .background, and ZStack. In contrast, a VStack only has horizontal
alignment, and an HStack only has vertical alignment. Note that the Alignment type
isn’t the alignment guide. Instead, it’s what determines which alignment guide to

The HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment structs have static constants for the
built-in alignment guides: .leading, .center, and .trailing in the horizontal direction,
and .top, .center, .bottom, .!rstTextBaseline, and .lastTextBaseline in the vertical
direction. The composite Alignment struct combines these into constants
like .topLeading or .bottomTrailing.

The HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment types all have a method to compute

the default value given the view dimensions. Therefore, each view automatically
defines all the built-in alignment guides. For example, here are the most important
vertical alignment guides for a three-line text view:


This is Text

Over center

Three Lines

When computing the first text baseline and last text baseline for views that don’t
contain any text, the height of the view is used (similar to .bottom).
Next, let’s take a look at a simple ZStack example with multiple subviews. The ZStack
(and all other container views besides frames) has to consult all of its subviews for
their alignment guides and align them relative to each other. This is a more
complicated process compared to the frame example above, because the ZStack first
has to compute its own size (based on the sizes of its subviews and their alignment
guides) before it can then use the alignment to place the subviews:

Code Preview

ZStack {
Hello, World!
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
Text("Hello, World!")

Since the ZStack has a default value of .center for alignment, it aligns the centers of
its two subviews in the following steps:

1. Determine the ZStack’s own size:

1. Ask the first subview (the frame with the blue rectangle) for its size and
center alignment guides. It responds with a size of 50⨉50 and an
alignment point of (25, 25).

2. Ask the second subview (the text, which we’ll assume has a size of
100⨉20) for its size and center alignment guides. It responds with a size
of 100⨉20 and an alignment point of (50, 10).

3. Compute the text’s origin relative to the rectangle by subtracting the two
alignment points from each other: (25, 25) - (50, 10) = (-25, 15).

4. Determine the frames of each subview: the frame is the combination of

the subview’s origin and size.

5. Compute the union of the two subview frames, which has an origin of
(-25, 0) and a size of 100x50. The size of that rectangle is the ZStack’s
own size.

2. Place the ZStack’s subviews:

1. Based on the size computed in step 1, the ZStack computes its own
center as (50, 25).

2. Compute the rectangle’s origin by subtracting its alignment point from

the ZStack’s center: (50, 25) - (25, 25) = (25, 0).
3. Compute the text’s origin by subtracting its alignment point from the
ZStack’s center: (50, 25) - (50, 10) = (0, 15).

In more general terms, here’s how every container view aligns its subviews:

1. Determine its own size:

1. Determine the sizes of its subviews. The specifics depend on the

particular view type, which we discussed in the first part of this chapter.

2. Ask the subviews for their alignment guides for the container’s

3. Compute the origins for the subview’s frames, using any particular
subview as a reference.

4. Compute the union of the subview’s frames. The size of that rectangle is
the container’s size.

2. Place the subviews:

1. Compute the alignment guides of the container itself based on its size.

2. Compute each subview’s origin by subtracting its alignment guides from

the container’s alignment guides.

The first step can be partially or entirely omitted, depending on the container view
we’re dealing with. For example, a fixed frame with both dimensions specified
already knows its size. An overlay’s size is only based on its primary subview, so
alignment doesn’t play a role in determining the overlay’s size.

Modifying Alignment Guides

Using the built-in alignment guides, we can only align multiple views using the same
alignment for each view. For example, we can align the top edge of one view to the
top edge of another view. Or we can align the bottom trailing corner of one view to
the bottom trailing corner of another view. However, we cannot align e.g. the center
of one view to the top trailing corner of another view. Luckily, we can override built-
in (implicit) alignment guides and even create our own alignments.

SwiftUI lets us change the implicit alignment guide for a view by providing an explicit
alignment guide for a certain alignment. For example, we can override how the first
text baseline is computed for an image:

let image = Image(systemName: "pencil.circle.!ll")

.alignmentGuide(.!rstTextBaseline, computeValue: { dimension in
By itself, providing an explicit alignment guide doesn’t do anything. Only when this
alignment guide is used for placement will this have an effect. For example:

Code Preview

HStack(alignment: .!rstTextBaseline) {
image Pencil

However, if we change the stack alignment to .center, our custom alignment guide
doesn’t affect the alignment.

The parameter passed to the computeValue closure of the .alignmentGuide API is of

type ViewDimensions. This is similar to a CGSize in that it has a width and height, but
it also allows us to access the underlying view’s alignment guides. For example, we
could’ve written our image example in this way as well:

let image = Image(systemName: "pencil.circle.!ll")

.alignmentGuide(.!rstTextBaseline, computeValue: { dim in

Modifying alignment guides can also be very useful when we want to align views
using two different alignment guides. For example, when we want to overlay the
center of a badge view on the top trailing corner of another view, we can use the code

extension View {
func badge<B: View>(@ViewBuilder _ badge: () -> B) -> some View {
overlay(alignment: .topTrailing) {
.alignmentGuide(.top) { $0.height/2 }
.alignmentGuide(.trailing) { $0.width/2 }

This modifies the .topTrailing alignment guides to be at the visual center of the badge.
Note that the alignment specified on the overlay (.topTrailing) matches the explicit
alignment guides specified on the badge (.top and .trailing).

The above modifier can be used like so:

Code Preview

.badge {
.frame(width: 20, height: 20)

Custom Alignment Identi!ers

So far, we used the built-in implicit alignments, and we used the .alignmentGuide API
to specify explicit alignment guides for the built-in alignments. We can go one step
further though: we can define completely custom alignments.

Let’s consider a layout like this:



The larger menu button at the bottom should be horizontally centered to the circles
of the individual menu items. Here’s the rough structure of this menu:

VStack {
HStack {
CircleButton(symbol: "tray.and.arrow.down")
.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
HStack {
CircleButton(symbol: "tray.and.arrow.up")
.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
CircleButton(symbol: "line.3.horizontal")
.frame(width: 40, height: 40)

The problem here is the horizontal alignment of the VStack: none of the built-in
alignments do what we want. We could try to specify .trailing alignment on the
VStack and then specify an explicit alignment guide for .trailing on both items’
CircleButton. However, this doesn’t work either. When the VStack places its subviews,
it asks each subview for its .trailing alignment guide. Since HStack has its
own .trailing alignment guide, the explicit alignment guide on CircleButton will never
be used.

This is where custom alignments come in, because they can propagate up through
multiple container views. The first thing we need for a custom alignment is a type
conforming to the AlignmentID protocol:

struct MenuAlignment: AlignmentID {

static func defaultValue(in context: ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat {

The only requirement of the AlignmentID protocol is the static defaultValue(in:)

method. Here, we choose the default value for this particular alignment, and this
default value is used unless we specify an explicit value later on. For our purposes, we
specify the view’s horizontal center as the default value.

Now we can define a static constant for our custom alignment on the
HorizontalAlignment struct, just as SwiftUI does for the built-in alignments:

extension HorizontalAlignment {
static let menu = HorizontalAlignment(MenuAlignment.self)

The .menu alignment is now identified by the type of our MenuAlignment struct. Now
we can use it in the menu VStack and specify explicit alignment guides for .menu on
the CircleButtons:

VStack(alignment: .menu) {
HStack {
CircleButton(symbol: "tray.and.arrow.down")
.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
.alignmentGuide(.menu) { $0.width/2 }
HStack {
CircleButton(symbol: "tray.and.arrow.up")
.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
.alignmentGuide(.menu) { $0.width/2 }
CircleButton(symbol: "line.3.horizontal")
.frame(width: 40, height: 40)

We don’t specify an explicit value for the .menu alignment on the menu button itself,
because the default value of .menu is already the center, so that works for our

When the VStack now asks its subviews for the .menu alignment guide, the HStacks
will consult their subviews for an explicit alignment guide value before falling back to
the default value. This means that the HStack will return the explicit alignment guide
we specified on the CircleButton when asked for its .menu alignment guide. In other
words, even though we use the default values for our explicit alignment guide, the
subview’s explicit alignment guide is used instead of the stack’s implicit alignment

The environment is a key mechanism that makes SwiftUI code so compact. In
essence, it’s a built-in technique for performing dependency injection.

Here’s an example: when we set the font on the VStack, it propagates down to both
text views and changes their appearance:

Code View Tree

VStack { EnvironmentKeyWritingModi!er(Font?)
Text("Item 1")
Text("Item 2") VStack
Text Text

In the view tree, we can see that the .font modifier gets translated to a
EnvironmentKeyWritingModi!er with a value of Font?.

Instead of .font(.title), we could also write the following:

VStack {

.environment(\.font, .title)

This results in exactly the same view tree; the .font modifier is just a more
discoverable and convenient syntax for writing a font into the environment.

The first parameter of the .environment(_:value:) API is a key path in

EnvironmentValues, which we can think of as some sort of dictionary that stores all
the environment values. We’ll learn more about how this works when we define a key
path for a custom value later on.

The environment is SwiftUI’s mechanism for propagating values down the view tree.
In our example, this means that all views downstream from the
EnvironmentKeyWritingModi!er — the VStack, as well as both Text views — can read
the font value we specified from the environment. Views upstream from the
EnvironmentKeyWritingModi!er or in other branches of the view tree cannot see the
custom value we set here. Here’s a simple example to demonstrate this propagation
Code View Tree Preview

HStack { HStack
VStack {
Text("Item 1") EnvironmentKey Text
Text("Item 2") WritingModi!er(Font?) Item 1
} Hello!

.font(.title) Item 2
Text Text

The text that’s a sibling to the EnvironmentKeyWritingModi!er still shows the default
font, whereas the two texts within the VStack are rendered using the large title font.

We can think of the environment as a dictionary with keys and values that’s passed
from the root of the view tree all the way down to the leaf nodes. At any point in the
view tree, we can change the value for a key by writing into the environment (as we
did with the .font modifier). The subtree beneath the environment writing modifier
will then receive that modified environment.

Many modifiers in SwiftUI use the environment to have an effect on the entire
subtree rather than on a single view. For example, we can set the background style,
the text case, and the font, among many other things (the documentation for
EnvironmentValues contains a complete list). The environment is also used to make
“global” settings such as the current locale or the time zone available to every view in
the app.

Reading from the Environment

We can read from the environment using the @Environment property wrapper. This
gives us access to a specific value and also observes the environment for any changes
of that value. This means that in SwiftUI, we don’t need concepts like the auto-
updating current locale, as any time the locale changes, it’s propagated through the
environment, and all views that read the current locale are rerendered. Likewise, we
can read things like the current dynamic type size:

struct ContentView: View {

@Environment(\.dynamicTypeSize) private var dynamicTypeSize
var body: some View {
HStack {
if dynamicTypeSize < .large {
Image(systemName: "hand.wave")

When we run the view above in the simulator using the default settings, we won’t see
the image. But when we override the dynamic type settings, we’ll see that the content
view automatically gets rerendered and inserts or removes the image accordingly.

Note that the content view will rerender any time the dynamic type size changes.
Mostly, this isn’t an issue, but sometimes we’re interested in only a very specific part
of the environment, so the environment property wrapper allows us to specify any
key path we want. For example, if we were only interested in whether or not the
dynamic type size is an accessibility size, we could write the following:

@Environment(\.dynamicTypeSize.isAccessibilitySize) private var isAccessibilitySize

This property only triggers a rerender when the value of isAccessibilitySize changes;
it doesn’t rerender on every change of dynamicTypeSize. This will most certainly not
make a big performance difference in an app, as the dynamic type size hardly
changes. But when we’re putting large values into the environment, we can avoid
unnecessary rerenderings by writing key paths that are more specific.

Similar to @State properties, it doesn’t make sense to expose @Environment

properties to the outside. Therefore, we typically mark them as private and use a
linting rule to verify that they’re private. Another similarity to state properties is that
we can only read from the environment inside the body of a view; we cannot read
from the environment inside a view’s initializer, as the view doesn’t yet have identity
at that point. When we do try to read an environment property in the view’s
initializer, we’ll get a runtime warning.

Custom Environment Keys

In the section on alignment, we showed how to build a badge view. In this section,
we’ll extend that badge to be styleable. For now, we’ll disregard the alignment and
focus only on the view that draws the badge around its content. Here’s a simple
struct Badge: ViewModi!er {
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.padding(.horizontal, 5)
.padding(.vertical, 2)
.background {
Capsule(style: .continuous)

We can use the badge as follows:

Code Preview

Text(3000, format: .number)


Currently, the badge’s style is hardcoded to have a blue capsule and a white text
color. To make the badge’s color styleable, we can switch out the blue for the tint


.background {
Capsule(style: .continuous)

The badge will now render using the current tint color, falling back to the system
default if we don’t specify a color. For example, we can change the tint color to red for
an entire subtree:
Code Preview

VStack {
Text(3000, format: .number)

Instead of relying on the tint color, we can also create our own environment key.
Doing so takes two required steps and an optional one:

→ We need to implement a custom EnvironmentKey as the key for the badge color
and associate the Color type with the key.

→ We need an extension on EnvironmentValues with a property that lets us get

and set the value.

→ Optionally, we can provide a helper method on View to easily set the badge
color for an entire subtree. This lets us hide the custom key and extension, and
it provides a discoverable API for users.

As a first step, let’s create a custom environment key. This is slightly complicated at
first, but we’ll get used to the pattern quickly, and it keeps the environment type-safe:
an environment key isn’t a value, but it’s defined using a type. We’ll create an empty
enum type as our key — though we could also use a struct — and conform it to the
EnvironmentKey protocol:

enum BadgeColorKey: EnvironmentKey {

static var defaultValue: Color = .blue

The EnvironmentKey protocol requires us to implement the static defaultValue

property. Because we use Color as the type, the compiler knows that the value for this
key will always be of type Color. We also provide .blue as the default value. Whenever
we try to read the badge color from the environment without an explicit value being
set at that point in the view tree, we’ll get back the default value.

In the second step, we’ll add a computed property on the EnvironmentValues struct.
The name badgeColor will be used in the key path when we read from and write into
the environment:
extension EnvironmentValues {
var badgeColor: Color {
get { self[BadgeColorKey.self] }
set { self[BadgeColorKey.self] = newValue }

Finally, we add a helper to set the badge color:

extension View {
func badgeColor(_ color: Color) -> some View {
environment(\.badgeColor, color)

Apple’s documentation for EnvironmentValues also has a template for these steps.

To read out the badge color, we’ll use the @Environment property wrapper inside our
Badge view modifier:

struct Badge: ViewModi!er {

@Environment(\.badgeColor) private var badgeColor
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.padding(.horizontal, 5)
.padding(.vertical, 2)
.background {
Capsule(style: .continuous)

Now we can style our badge using the environment:

Code Preview

VStack {
Text(3000, format: .number)

Note that when we don’t specify the badgeColor, the default value will be used. In
general, we could say that the default value from the environment is always used,
unless we specifically override it.

For some components, we might want to have even more styling than this. For
example, SwiftUI’s buttonStyle modifier (combined with the ButtonStyle protocol)
lets us completely change how buttons are rendered. To achieve this for our own
components, we can use the environment as well.

Custom Component Styles

When we want to create a custom component that’s styleable through the
environment — similar to how SwiftUI’s button can be styled with the .buttonStyle
API — the general approach is the same as with regular environment values.
However, we need to do a little bit more work to get the types right. As a start, we’d
like to have the following API for the badge:

.badge {
Text(3000, format: .number)

The badge should render with a default badge style, but we want to be able to
override the style later in the view hierarchy using an API like this:


All the badges contained within someView should receive that new, custom badge
style. To build this, we’ll do the following:

1. Create a protocol BadgeStyle that defines the interface for a badge style.

2. Create an environment key for the badge style.

3. Use the custom badge style within the badge modifier.

The protocol for our badge style is similar to the ViewModi!er protocol: it requires a
single body method that wraps an existing view in a badge. We only want this style to
be responsible for applying some sort of badge chrome to the label — it doesn’t need
to concern itself with positioning the badge relative to the view, as that will be done
in the badge modifier. Note that the makeBody method takes an AnyView, since we
need a concrete view type here to make this code compile:

protocol BadgeStyle {
associatedtype Body: View
@ViewBuilder func makeBody(_ label: AnyView) -> Body

Now we can create a default badge style:

struct DefaultBadgeStyle: BadgeStyle {

var color: Color = .red
func makeBody(_ label: AnyView) -> some View {
.padding(.horizontal, 5)
.padding(.vertical, 2)
.background {
Capsule(style: .continuous)

However, when we want to create an environment key, we can’t just use

DefaultBadgeStyle as the type for the key’s value. That would prevent us from ever
using a custom badge style with a different type. Instead, we’ll use an existential to
hide the concrete type. Essentially, this wraps the concrete type in a box (similar to
how AnyView wraps a concrete view in a box). Here’s the environment key and the
corresponding property:

enum BadgeStyleKey: EnvironmentKey {

static var defaultValue: any BadgeStyle = DefaultBadgeStyle()
extension EnvironmentValues {
var badgeStyle: any BadgeStyle {
get { self[BadgeStyleKey.self] }
set { self[BadgeStyleKey.self] = newValue }

To use our badge style, we’ll create a custom view modifier that reads it from the
environment, transforms the label, and positions it according to the specified
alignment. It also takes care of making the label its ideal size (as we don’t want the
badge to be dependent on the size of the view it’s applied to). The layout code with
the alignment guides is similar to what we discussed in the alignment section of the
layout chapter:

struct OverlayBadge<BadgeLabel: View>: ViewModi!er {

var alignment: Alignment = .topTrailing
var label: BadgeLabel
@Environment(\.badgeStyle) private var badgeStyle

func body(content: Content) -> some View {

.overlay(alignment: alignment) {
.alignmentGuide(alignment.horizontal) { $0[HorizontalAlignment.center] }
.alignmentGuide(alignment.vertical) { $0[VerticalAlignment.center] }

The OverlayBadge modifier doesn’t need to be public. Instead, we can write a short
helper method on the View protocol to allow for the syntax at the beginning of this

extension View {
func badge<V: View>(alignment: Alignment = .topTrailing,
@ViewBuilder _ content: () -> V) -> some View {
modi!er(OverlayBadge(alignment: alignment, label: content()))

Now we can use our badge modifier like this, and it’ll automatically use the current
badge style in the environment:
Code Preview

Text("Hello") 100
.badge { Text(100, format: .number) }

Let’s create a custom, glossier badge style to demonstrate that the style in the
environment actually gets used:

struct FancyBadgeStyle: BadgeStyle {

var background: some View {
ZStack {
.overlay {
.!ll(LinearGradient(colors: [.white, .clear],
startPoint: .top, endPoint: .center))
.strokeBorder(Color.white, lineWidth: 2)
.shadow(radius: 2)
func makeBody(_ label: AnyView) -> some View {
.padding(.horizontal, 7)
.padding(.vertical, 4)
.containerShape(Capsule(style: .continuous))

To make it easier to set the badge style in the environment, we’ll again add an
extension on View:

extension View {
func badgeStyle(_ style: any BadgeStyle) -> some View {
environment(\.badgeStyle, style)
We can now use our fancy badge style by specifying .badgeStyle(FancyBadgeStyle())
anywhere in the hierarchy, and the entire subtree will be rendered using this style. To
make the syntax even nicer, we can add the following extension to BadgeStyle:

extension BadgeStyle where Self == FancyBadgeStyle {

static var fancy: FancyBadgeStyle {

Now we can write .badgeStyle(.fancy):

Code Preview

HStack {
.badge { 3,000
Inbox Spam
Text(3000, format: .number)

It’s unfortunate that we had to use an AnyView in our definition of BadgeStyle.

However, we can’t make it a generic parameter, as the associated Body type needs to
be static (it can’t be dependent on Label). As Kasper Lahti showed, we can at least
hide that fact by creating an additional Label struct, but at the moment of writing, we
cannot write this feature without using AnyView. In the same blog article, Kasper also
shows how we can could get access to things like @Environment properties in our
custom badge style.
Environment Objects
We can also use the environment for passing around objects, and not just for values.
The way this works changed with iOS 17/macOS 14, so we’ll have to distinguish
between the platforms we want to target.

As of iOS 17, environment objects should use the new @Observable macro, and the
property should be declared with the same @Environment property wrapper that
we’ve used throughout this chapter. The only difference is that we can use the type of
the environment object as the key without having to declare a separate key type
conforming to the EnvironmentKey protocol.

Here’s a simple example of using an environment object:

@Observable !nal class UserModel {


struct Nested: View {

@Environment var userModel: UserModel?

var body: some View {

Text(userModel?.name ?? "default name")


If some view further up in the hierarchy has set a user model in the environment,
we’ll be able to access it here without having to pass the object through all the levels
of the view tree. If the object hasn’t been set in the environment, the userModel
property will be nil. Setting the object is simple:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {

We can also declare a property for an environment object as a non-optional type. In

this case, we have to rely on this object being present in the environment. Otherwise,
the app will crash when we try to access the environment property.Using the object’s
type as the environment key is convenient, but it’s not strictly necessary. We could
also define an environment key, as we’ve done earlier in this chapter, and pass the
object with this explicit key down the view tree.

If we want to target platforms prior to iOS 17, we have to use two different APIs: the
@EnvironmentObject property wrapper is used to read an object from the
environment, and the environmentObject modifier is used to set an object in the
environment. These APIs also rely on the type of the object as the key. However, the
object has to conform to the ObservableObject protocol (just like state objects or
observed objects).

When using @EnvironmentObject, there’s no way to declare the property with an

optional type. The code will crash if no object of the specified type has been set in the
environment and we access the @EnvironmentObject property. A helpful technique is
to at least bundle up all our environment object setters into a single helper method:

extension View {
func injectDependencies() -> some View {

We can use this helper not only on the app’s root view, but also to inject all
dependencies into our previews, while still being able to override dependencies

struct Nested_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {

Note that environment objects work well with subclassing — if our UserModel.mock()
returns a subclass of UserModel, it’s still read correctly by the nested view.

In SwiftUI, the only way to trigger a view update is by changing state. By default, the
changes between the old and the new view tree aren’t animated, but there are
multiple ways to tell SwiftUI to animate some or all changes that occurred as a result
of a state change. Here’s an example:

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var #ag = false
var body: some View {
.frame(width: #ag ? 100 : 50, height: 50)
.onTapGesture {
withAnimation(.linear) { #ag.toggle() }

When the user first taps the rectangle, the #ag state is changed from false to true, and
the body gets reexecuted. The new view tree still has the same structure: a frame with
a rectangle inside (we’re ignoring the tap gesture that’s also part of the view tree for
the sake of brevity here).

.frame .frame .frame .frame .frame

width: 50 width: 62.5 width: 75 width: 87.5 width: 100
View Tree

height: 50 height: 50 height: 50 height: 50 height: 50

Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%


50 62.5 75 87.5 100

However, the frame’s width has changed from 50 to 100 points. Since the state
change has been wrapped in a call to withAnimation { … }, SwiftUI will compare the
new view tree to the current render tree and look for changes that are animatable.
Since the width of a frame is an animatable property (as almost all view modifier
parameters are), the .default timing curve (implicit in the call to withAnimation) is
used to generate progress values for the animation from 0 to 1. These progress values
are then used to interpolate the width of the rectangle from the old width of 50 points
to the new width of 100 points.

While you can think of the progress starting at zero and ending at one, the
values during the animation might be smaller than zero or larger than one.
For example, when you use iOS 17’s .bouncy timing curve, the animation
Animations always start from the current state of the render tree and move toward
the new state that’s described by the new view tree, which is generated in response to
a state change. The current state of the render tree can also be the transient state of a
currently running animation. This makes animations in SwiftUI additive and
cancelable by default.

While most of this chapter applies to all recent versions of iOS, iOS 17 introduced
many updates, large and small, to SwiftUI’s animation system. The main additions

→ Animations now have completion handlers that fire once an animation


→ The animation modifier got a new overload that allows scoping an animation
to particular modifiers.

→ We can now create completely custom animation curves using the new
CustomAnimation protocol.

→ Phase-based animations allow us to specify a series of animations that run

automatically, one after the other, always returning to their starting value.

→ Keyframe-based animations provide a new abstraction around creating

completely custom animations based on the interpolation of arbitrary values.

→ New APIs for transitions, which center around the Transition protocol, have
been introduced.

Property Animations vs. Transitions

Property animations interpolate changed properties of views that exist in the view
tree before and after the state change. In other words, the properties of the views
change, but which views are onscreen doesn’t. In the context of the example above,
this means that it’s really important that we only change the value of the frame’s
width parameter rather than show two separate views. The frame itself is stable across
the state change.

Consider the following alternative (we left the tap gesture out of the diagram for
Code View Tree

var body: some View { ConditionalContent

let rect = Rectangle().onTapGesture {
withAnimation { !ag.toggle() } .frame .frame
if !ag {
rect Rectangle Rectangle
.frame(width: 200, height: 100)
} else {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)

When the flag is false, only the blue subtree will be present in the render tree. When
the flag switches to true, the blue subtree is taken out of the render tree, and the
orange subtree gets inserted. This means that the frame that was there before the
state change is not the same frame as the one after the state change. These two frames
have different identities, because they’re located in different positions within the
view tree. Therefore, SwiftUI doesn’t animate the width property of the frame,
because there’s no frame that’s part of the render tree before and after the state

ConditionalContent ConditionalContent
condition: false condition: true
View Tree

.frame .frame .frame .frame

Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%


50 100

When trying this example, the narrow rectangle fades out, and the wide rectangle
fades in. What we’re seeing here is what’s called a transition. Unlike property
animations, transitions are animations that are applied to views being removed from
or inserted into the render tree. We’ll take a closer look at transitions later in this
Controlling Animations
There are multiple ways of specifying when animations happen in SwiftUI:

1. Implicit animations occur when a particular value changes.

2. Explicit animations occur when a particular event takes place.

To specify implicit animations, the .animation(_:value:) view modifier can be applied

anywhere in the view tree and has two parameters: the first one specifies the timing
curve to be used for the animation, and the second one specifies the value that needs
to change for the animation to be applied. The value parameter is used to restrict the
scope of the animation to only certain changes. This is important to gain control over
when an animation should actually take effect.

In the first version of SwiftUI, there was the now-deprecated .animation(_:)

view modifier (without the value parameter). This modifier applied
animations way too broadly and often caused unexpected behaviors, like
animations being erroneously applied when the device orientation changed.

When we rewrite our first example and use an implicit animation instead of an
explicit animation, it looks like this:

Code View Tree

struct ContentView: View { .onTapGesture

@State private var !ag = false
var body: some View { .animation(Bool)
.frame(width: !ag ? 100 : 50, height: 50)
.animation(.default, value: !ag) .frame
.onTapGesture { !ag.toggle() }
} Rectangle

Implicit animations using the .animation view modifier animate everything within
their view subtree, so it’s important to place the modifier in the correct spot. It’s
generally a good idea to apply animations as locally as possible to avoid unintended
side effects, especially when we make changes to our code later on. When we look at
the view tree for the animation above, we can see that the frame and rectangle form
the subtree of the animation modifier.
Unfortunately, at the time of writing, there are some exceptions to the rule
that .animation(_:value:) only animates changes in its subtree. For example, if
we switch the .frame and .animation lines in the example above, the frame will
still animate. In our understanding, this is intended behavior. Ole Begemann
describes these exceptions nicely in his blog post.

As of iOS 17, the new .animation(_:body:) modifier allows us to scope implicit

animations to particular modifiers, as shown in the following code:

Text("Hello World")
.opacity(#ag ? 1 : 0)
.animation(.default) {
$0.rotationEffect(#ag ? .zero : .degrees(90))

This will only animate the rotation effect, and not the opacity, when the flag value
changes. In our testing, this works the same as the following code:

Text("Hello World")
.opacity(#ag ? 1 : 0)
.rotationEffect(#ag ? .zero : .degrees(90))

This new variant of .animation comes with two potential pitfalls:

1. Contrary to the .animation(_:value:) modifier, the new animation modifier with

a body closure doesn’t take a value parameter to control when the animation
will take effect. This means that the animatable modifiers within the body
closure will always animate when their parameters change, regardless of
where this change originated.

2. As mentioned, some modifiers — like .frame, .offset, or .foregroundColor —

might have unexpected behavior in conjunction with animations. These
modifiers take effect at the leaf view, and not at the position in the view tree
where we insert them. Therefore, these modifiers might still animate although
there was no animation present at the point in the view tree where we used
them. If we specify one of these “out-of-place” modifiers inside the body
closure of .animation(_:body:), no animation will take place, because no
animation is present at the leaf view.

Instead of defining an animation for a certain view subtree and a particular value
changing, we can also scope an animation to particular state changes, which we call
an explicit animation. In fact, that’s how we started out in the first example in this
chapter using the withAnimation modifier:
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var #ag = false
var body: some View {
.frame(width: #ag ? 200 : 100, height: 100)
.onTapGesture {
withAnimation { #ag.toggle() }

Whenever we have a callback like the onTapGesture ’s perform closure, we can use
withAnimation to wrap the state changes that should be animated.

Binding animations are another variant of explicit animations. We can call .animation
on a binding, which wraps the setter of the binding in an explicit animation. For the
sake of example, we could rewrite the code above like this:

struct ToggleRectangle: View {

@Binding var #ag: Bool
var body: some View {
.frame(width: #ag ? 100 : 50, height: 50)
.onTapGesture { #ag.toggle() }

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var #ag = false
var body: some View {
ToggleRectangle(#ag: $#ag.animation(.default))

This code does exactly the same thing as the variant before, and of course, the
original version is much more straightforward. However, using an animation on a
binding can be a good option to apply an explicit animation without modifying the
code of the event closure (or without having an event closure at all).

At first sight, implicit and explicit animations seem to accomplish the same thing.
However, it’s important to note that implicit animations have potentially different
effects than explicit ones. For example, consider the case where a change in the
model layer (perhaps by new data being pushed from the server) results in a
particular value changing. When using an implicit animation that’s scoped to that
value, the change to the render tree will be animated, regardless of the source, but the
scope within the view is well-defined. With explicit animations, we can easily
distinguish between updates from the model layer and user interactions, but we can’t
directly restrict the animation to certain parts of the view tree.

There’s no right or wrong solution here. Whether we should use an explicit or implicit
animation depends on the behavior we’re trying to achieve. It’s important to be aware
that the different ways of defining animations do have potentially different behavior,
even though this doesn’t necessarily show up in immediate testing.

Timing Curves
SwiftUI comes with all the usual animation timing curves built in, e.g. linear, ease-in
or ease-out, and spring timing curves. All animation APIs have a parameter to specify
the timing curve and will fall back to the default timing curve when the parameter is
left out.

→ .speed(_:) lets us slow down or speed up animations using a factor.

→ .delay(_:) lets us delay the start of an animation by a fixed time.

→ .repeatCount(_:autoreverses:) lets us loop an animation a certain number of


If the built-in timing curves don’t do what we want, we can use the CustomAnimation
protocol, which was introduced in iOS 17, to implement completely custom timing
curves. Prior to iOS 17, the only way to create animations with custom timing curves
was to implement a custom animation (using the Animatable protocol, which we’ll
look at below) on top of a linear timing curve.

Under the hood, both implicit and explicit animations use the same construct:
transactions. Each view update (triggered by a state change) is wrapped in a
transaction, which carries the information about the animation to be applied. By
default, a transaction’s animation is nil.

The withAnimation API implicitly creates a transaction and sets the animation
property of that transaction. The scope of the implicit transaction is the body of the
closure that’s passed to withAnimation. In fact, we can achieve the same effect by
using the withTransaction API:

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var #ag = false
var body: some View {
.frame(width: #ag ? 100 : 50, height: 50)
.onTapGesture {
var t = Transaction(animation: .default)
withTransaction(t) { #ag.toggle() }

Similarly, we can rewrite an implicit animation with the .transaction view modifier:

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var #ag = false
var body: some View {
.frame(width: #ag ? 100 : 50, height: 50)
.transaction { t in
t.animation = .default
.onTapGesture { #ag.toggle() }

Note, however, that this code behaves like the deprecated .animation(_:) API without
the value parameter. To mimic the .animation(animation:value:) API
using .transaction, we’d have to remember the old value of #ag and compare it to the
new value before setting the animation on the transaction. Similar to an implicit
animation, the transaction is passed down the view tree (in this case, to the frame
and the rectangle).

Since both types of animation just set the animation property of the current
transaction under the hood, implicit animations take precedence over explicit
animations. The modifier setting the implicit animation will be executed later while
evaluating the view tree, therefore overriding any explicit animation that might have
been set at the start of the state change.

In the context of animation precedence, there’s one more useful property on

Transaction, and it’s called disablesAnimations. When we set this property to true,
implicit animations won’t have any effect during the transaction. The
disablesAnimations property isn’t disabling animations in general; it just prevents
implicit animations from overriding the transaction’s animation.

If we change the example above to use an explicit transaction and disable implicit
animations (by setting transaction.disablesAnimations to true), we can see that the
green rectangle moves slowly when tapped.

In other words, we can imagine an implicit animation to be implemented something

like this:
extension View {
func animation(_ animation: Animation?) -> some View {
transaction { t in
guard !t.disablesAnimations else { return }
t.animation = animation

The .transaction API can also be useful to remove the current animation. Previously,
before the .animation(_:) API was deprecated, we could just write .animation(nil) to
disable animations for the subtree in question. This will now result in a deprecation
warning. Instead, we can write .transaction { $0.animation = nil }.

As of iOS 17, transactions are extensible — the same way the environment is
extensible — through custom keys. Instead of the EnvironmentKey protocol, we use
the TransactionKey protocol. This allows us to attach state to a transaction and read it
later on while the transaction is processed. For example, we could add the source of a
change to the transaction (whether it originated on the server or the client) and
choose our implicit animation based on this value.

Completion Handlers
Animation completion handlers are part of the transaction as well, and they’re
available as of iOS 17. We can set completion handlers directly when using the explicit
withAnimation API, or we can add them to a transaction
using .addAnimationCompletion within the closure of a .transaction modifier.
Generally, these work as expected, but let’s look at some cases that aren’t entirely

When adding completion handlers to a transaction manually, we need to ensure that

the closure that modifies the transaction is executed every time the animation gets
triggered. Otherwise, the completion handler will only fire once. Consider this

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var #ag = false

var body: some View {

VStack {
Button("Animate!") { #ag.toggle() }
.!ll(#ag ? .green : .red)
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
.animation(.default, value: #ag)
.transaction {
$0.addAnimationCompletion { print("Done!") }

Since we toggle the flag state property each time the button is tapped, the view body
is reexecuted each time as well, and the fill color of the circle animates from red to
green and back. However, SwiftUI seems to perform dependency tracking on
the .transaction closure, and since this closure doesn’t depend on any state, it doesn’t
get reexecuted each time the body executes. Therefore, the completion handler only
fires the first time.

We can fix this issue by using the .transaction(value:_ transform:) modifier to force
the transform closure to be called each time the specified value changes:

var body: some View {

VStack {
Button("Animate!") { #ag.toggle() }

.transaction(value: #ag) {
$0.addAnimationCompletion { print("Done!") }

Completion handlers can specify whether they should be called when an animation is
logically complete (i.e. it “feels” complete in the eye of a human observer), or when
the animation curve really has finished and the animation has been removed (which
could happen significantly later, as is the case with spring animations). When
implementing custom animation curves using the new CustomAnimation protocol,
we can specify the point where our animation should count as logically complete by
setting the isLogicallyComplete flag on the AnimationContext.
The Animatable Protocol
At the heart of SwiftUI’s property animation system lies the Animatable protocol. This
protocol can be adopted by views and view modifiers and exposes their animatable
properties to SwiftUI.

The only requirement of this protocol is the animatableData property (which has a
default implementation that does nothing). The type of animatableData has to
conform to the VectorArithmetic protocol, which essentially means that we can
multiply the value with a float and add two values. This allows SwiftUI to interpolate
the change from one value to another.

When a transaction has an associated animation, SwiftUI inspects each view and
looks for animatable data properties that have changed. It then interpolates the
change using the timing curve of the current animation. Each interpolated value will
be set through the animatableData property, which will then reexecute the view’s
body or the view modifier’s body.

Usually, all this happens transparently in the background, and we won’t have to
conform to this protocol ourselves. However, there are some use cases where we need
to implement a custom animatable view or view modifier to achieve the result we
want. To first get a better understanding of how the Animatable protocol is used to
enable property animations in SwiftUI, let’s take a look at a simple example with an
opacity animation:

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var #ag = true
var body: some View {
Button("Animate") { #ag.toggle() }
.opacity(#ag ? 1 : 0.3)
.animation(.linear(duration: 1), value: #ag)

When we tap the button, the #ag state property changes, and a new transaction with
a linear animation is created. SwiftUI now traverses further down the view tree and
looks for views or view modifiers in the tree that conform to the Animatable protocol
and that have a different animatableData value compared to the old state. In our case,
the only change is the opacity value. The opacity view modifier is animatable out of
the box, i.e. it exposes the opacity value as animatable data. SwiftUI will now start to
interpolate this value from 1 to 0.3, using the linear timing curve with a duration of
one second. At 60 frames per second, this means that the opacity view modifier’s
animatable data property will be set 60 times, with values linearly decreasing from 1
to 0.3 in small increments.
.animation .animation .animation .animation .animation

View Tree
.opacity .opacity .opacity .opacity .opacity
value: 1 value: 0.825 value: 0.65 value: 0.475 value: 0.3

Button Button Button Button Button

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%


Animate Animate Animate Animate Animate

For more insight into what’s happening behind the scenes, we can also implement an
animatable opacity modifier ourselves:

struct MyOpacity: ViewModi!er, Animatable {

var animatableData: Double

init(_ opacity: Double) {

animatableData = opacity

func body(content: Content) -> some View {

let _ = print(animatableData)

Of course, we’re using SwiftUI’s opacity modifier to implement our own, but this
gives us the opportunity to log the interpolated values of the animatable data
property to the console. Let’s change the example above to use our own opacity

Button("Animate Opacity") { #ag.toggle() }

.modi!er(MyOpacity(#ag ? 1 : 0.3))
.animation(.linear(duration: 1), value: #ag)

When we run this app, a lot of values will appear in the console:


For each value of the animatable data property, the view modifier’s body will be
reexecuted, allowing us to update the view based on the current animation state.

One common case where we need to adopt the Animatable protocol is that of
animations that should visually end up in the same state they started in. Before iOS
17, the problem with this kind of animation was that we had no way to tell SwiftUI
what and how to animate if the view tree didn’t change. For example, if we wanted to
shake a button in response to a tap — with the button ending up in the same spot it
started from — there wouldn’t be changes in the view tree to animate. As of iOS 17, we
can use either phase animations or keyframe animations, both of which we’ll discuss
at the end of this chapter.

Let’s take a look how we can use a custom animatable view modifier (i.e. without
depending on the new iOS 17 APIs) to implement the shake animation, which shakes
a view from its current position over to the left, then to the right, and back to its
original position:

struct Shake: ViewModi!er, Animatable {

var numberOfShakes: Double
var animatableData: Double {
get { numberOfShakes }
set { numberOfShakes = newValue }

func body(content: Content) -> some View {

.offset(x: -sin(numberOfShakes * 2 * .pi) * 30)

We can use this modifier like this:

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var shakes = 0

var body: some View {

Button("Shake!") { shakes += 1 }
.modi!er(Shake(numberOfShakes: Double(shakes)))
.animation(.default, value: shakes)
When the user taps the shake button, the shakes state property is incremented by
one. The structure of the new view tree and the render tree is the same; only the
properties are different. In the render tree, the numberOfShakes property of Shake is
zero, and in the new view tree, the property is one.

.animation .animation .animation .animation .animation

View Tree

Shake Shake Shake Shake Shake

numberOfShakes: 0.00 numberOfShakes: 0.25 numberOfShakes: 0.50 numberOfShakes: 0.75 numberOfShakes: 1.00

Button Button Button Button Button

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%


Shake! Shake! Shake! Shake! Shake!

Since the animatableData property on Shake simply forwards the value of the
numberOfShakes property, the value of animatableData on Shake has changed from
zero to one as well. Therefore, SwiftUI will interpolate this change using the
specified .default timing curve from zero to one. Each time animatableData changes,
the body of the view modifier will be reexecuted, and the position of the view
onscreen will be updated.

In the body method of the Shake modifier, we can use the numberOfShakes value (or
the value of animatableData, which is the same thing) to implement the actual shake
movement using an offset. We feed the numberOfShakes value into a sine function,
applying some additional math to ensure the view first moves 30 points to the left,
then over 60 points to the right, and back to where it started from.

We can use Apple’s built-in Grapher app on macOS to visually reproduce what
the math in this view modifier does.

If we need more than one value to be interpolated in a custom animatable view or

view modifier, we can use the AnimatablePair type to compose multiple animatable
values into tuples.

Since the animatableData property has a default implementation of type

EmptyAnimatableData on the Animatable protocol (which means that there’s
nothing to be animated), it’s easy to forget the actual implementation of
animatableData. Furthermore, if we add an animatableData property that
doesn’t conform to VectorArithmetic, the compiler won’t complain because of
the default implementation, but our animation won’t work.
While these kind of “finish where you started” animations are a prime example of
custom animations, there are many other effects we can achieve this way. Basically,
we have complete freedom to build whatever animation we want based off some
value that SwiftUI interpolates for us. For example, we could build animations with
custom timing curves, or staggered animations that all run within a single SwiftUI

Along with animating properties of views that are already onscreen, we can also
animate insertions and removals of views. SwiftUI calls these animations transitions.
In iOS 17, there’s a new protocol-based API, but the functionality is the same as
before. We’ll start by explaining the pre-iOS 17 APIs, and afterward, we’ll discuss the
differences between the old and new APIs.

When we animate a state change that inserts or removes a view, SwiftUI applies the
default .opacity transition. Let’s take a look at a minimal example in which a
rectangle is inserted or removed depending on a flag:

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var #ag = true

var body: some View {

VStack {
Button("Toggle") {
withAnimation { #ag.toggle() }
if #ag {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)

In the button’s action, we use an explicit animation to apply an animation to the

transaction. The rectangle then fades in and out, which is the default .opacity
transition at work.

To specify this transition explicitly, we’d add the .transition modifier to the rectangle:
if #ag {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)

Transitions have two states: the active state, and the identity state. When a view is
inserted, it animates from the active state of the transition to the identity state. When
it’s removed, it animates from the identity state to the active state. For the opacity
transition, the active state applies an .opacity(0) modifier, and the identity state
applies .opacity(1).

VStack VStack VStack VStack VStack

Button Button .opacity Button .opacity Button .opacity Button frame

View Tree

value: 0.0 value: 0.5 value: 1.0

frame frame frame

Rectangle Rectangle Rectangle

Before Insert 0% 50% 100% After Insert

Toggle Toggle Toggle Toggle Toggle


We can use these two states of transitions in SwiftUI’s API to create custom
transitions using AnyTransition.modi!er(active:identity:). Both parameters take a view
modifier that defines the state. For example, if we’d want to reimplement SwiftUI’s
default .opacity transition, we could write the following:

struct MyOpacity: ViewModi!er {

var value: Double
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
extension AnyTransition {
static let myOpacity = AnyTransition.modi!er(
active: MyOpacity(value: 0),
identity: MyOpacity(value: 1)

Before the view with our .myOpacity transition is inserted, the MyOpacity(value: 0)
view modifier is applied to put the view into the initial, active state of the transition.
Then the modifier is changed to the identity one, applying the MyOpacity(value: 1)
modifier to make the view fully opaque after the insertion animation has finished.
For removal, the process is reversed: the view starts out at its “resting” position with
the identity modifier applied, and then it gets the active modifier applied to animate
it to its final state before it disappears.

Note that it’s not necessary for a view to be removed by an if or switch

statement for a transition to be triggered. If the identity of the view changes,
this will trigger the transition too, because from SwiftUI’s perspective, the old
view (with the old identity) has been removed, and a new view (with a new
identity) has been inserted. Using the .id(_:) modifier to trigger transitions can
be a useful tool.

SwiftUI has a whole range of built-in transitions, like .slide, .move(edge:),

and .scale(scale:anchor:) — among others — and we can also combine them in
parallel using the .combined(with:) transition. To specify different transitions for
insertion and removal, we can use the .asymmetric(insertion:removal:) transition:

if #ag {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.asymmetric(insertion: .slide, removal: .scale)
.combined(with: .opacity)

This transition uses a slide for the insertion and a scale for the removal, combining
both of them with an opacity transition.

If the built-in transitions aren’t enough, we can use the .modi!er(active:identity:) API
we discussed above to implement completely custom transitions. For example, we
could use this to build a blur transition. As a first step, we’ll need a custom modifier:
struct Blur: ViewModi!er {
var radius: CGFloat

func body(content: Content) -> some View {

.blur(radius: radius)

Note that we don’t need to mark our view modifier as Animatable, as we’re relying on
the fact that the built-in .blur modifier is already animatable. We can also add an
extension to AnyTransition to provide a convenient API:

extension AnyTransition {
static func blur(radius: CGFloat) -> Self {
.modi!er(active: Blur(radius: 5), identity: Blur(radius: 0))

We can use this transition in the context of our previous example:

if #ag {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.transition(.blur(radius: 5))

It’s important to remember that transitions always work in conjunction with

animations. Just applying a .transition modifier to a view doesn’t animate the
change. For that to happen, we always need to apply an explicit or implicit animation
next to the transition. If we use an implicit animation, the animation shouldn’t be
part of the subtree that gets removed or inserted. For example, this wouldn’t work:

if #ag {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.transition(.blur(radius: 5))
.animation(.default, value: #ag)

Instead, we have to place the animation in a spot that’s stable when the view gets
inserted or removed — for example:
VStack {
if #ag {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.transition(.blur(radius: 5))
.animation(.default, value: #ag)

Here, we used a VStack to wrap the if condition so that we can apply an animation
from the outside, but we could’ve used an HStack or a ZStack as well. It really doesn’t
matter for this purpose — we just need something to wrap the if condition so that we
can apply an animation to this part of the view tree. Of course, we could’ve also used
an explicit animation instead.

In iOS 17, the transition APIs have changed to provide a clearer interface, while
keeping the functionality the same. The built-in transitions are now types
conforming to the Transition protocol. For convenience, they’re accessible via static
properties on the Transition protocol as well, so that we can continue to write, for
example, .transition(.opacity) or .transition(.scale(2)).

To create a custom transition, we now can create a custom type conforming to the
Transition protocol. The concept of active and identity states has been replaced by an
explicit TransitionPhase type, which distinguishes between the willAppear, identity,
and didDisappear phases. The custom blur transition now looks like this:

struct BlurTransition: Transition {

var radius: CGFloat

func body(content: Content, phase: TransitionPhase) -> some View {

.blur(radius: phase.isIdentity ? 0 : radius)

To make this transition available as a static method on Transition, we can write:

extension Transition where Self == BlurTransition {

static func blur(radius: CGFloat) -> Self {
BlurTransition(radius: radius)

Earlier in this section, we showed how we can combine multiple transitions and
specify different transitions for insertion and removal. Using the new APIs, we can
rewrite this example — combining an opacity transition with a slide for insertion and
a scale for removal — like this:

if #ag {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
AsymmetricTransition(insertion: .slide, removal: .scale)
.combined(with: .opacity)

Inside a custom transition definition, we can also use the TransitionPhase to

distinguish between insertion, identity, and removal instead of creating an
asymmetric transition.

Overall, we think the new APIs are an improvement and feel more at home with the
rest of SwiftUI. However, the old transition APIs aren’t yet deprecated, so existing
code will keep working without warnings, for the time being.

Phase-Based Animations
The new phase animators introduced in iOS 17 are the easiest way to have “finish
where you started” animations. The phases are discrete values that the phase
animator cycles through: once one phase completes, the system continues with the
next one. A phase animator can either have infinite duration (once it completes the
last phase, it continues with the initial phase) or loop through all phases exactly once
every time the trigger value changes.

For example, we can reimplement our shake animation from before using a phase

struct Sample: View {

@State private var shakes = 0
var body: some View {
Button("Shake") {
shakes += 1
.phaseAnimator([0, -20, 20], trigger: shakes) { content, offset in
content.offset(x: offset)
The initial phase is the first element in the array (0), and the button renders with an
offset(x: 0). Whenever the shakes property changes, the phase animator changes its
internal state to the next phase (-20). The internal state change is wrapped inside an
explicit animation. When that animation completes, the animator changes its state to
the third phase (20), again using an animation. Finally, when that animation
completes, the animator changes its state back to the initial state. Because we’ve
provided a trigger value, the animator stops here. If we would’ve left out the trigger
value, the animator would loop.

Note that the phase animator itself doesn’t interpolate any values. While we
used a CGFloat for our phase, we could have had an enum with three cases
instead. In the example above, it’s the offset modifier that animates the
position of the view. At the time of writing, the only requirement is that Phase
conforms to the Equatable protocol.

Each phase change happens in a separate animation, i.e. we can’t specify one overall
timing curve for the phase animator cycling through all phases, but we can specify
one timing curve per phase using the animation parameter. The separate animations
are a key difference to the custom shake animation from above: there, we had a single
animation drive the entire shake effect.

Keyframe-Based Animations
Keyframe-based animations are a way of describing animations that transition
between discrete values specified in keyframes. Unlike phase animations, these are
built using a completely separate subsystem: they aren’t built on top of regular

At the time of writing, keyframe animations still seem to be unfinished. For

example, the shake animation below runs correctly the first time but not the
second time.

A keyframe animation animates a single value over time. This value can be a single
double value, but it could also be a struct containing multiple properties — SwiftUI
doesn’t place any constraints on the value type. A keyframe animation is built out of
one or more tracks, with one track per property. For example, imagine a struct with a
rotation value and an offset value. We can animate each property independently
using its own track. It’s helpful to think of a single track as a timeline containing
multiple items: each item describes how to move to the next value. This description
includes the target value, as well as the duration, and how to interpolate.
When we reimplement our shake animation using a keyframe-based animation, we
only need to animate a single float (the offset). Because of this, we don’t need to
specify multiple tracks:

struct ShakeSample: View {

@State private var trigger = 0

var body: some View {

Button("Shake") {
trigger += 1
.keyframeAnimator(initialValue: 0, trigger: trigger) { content, offset in
content.offset(x: offset)
} keyframes: { value in
CubicKeyframe(-30, duration: 0.25)
CubicKeyframe(30, duration: 0.5)
CubicKeyframe(0, duration: 0.25)

Any time the trigger value changes, the animation runs. The offset will start at 0, and
the first keyframe animates toward -30 during the first quarter of a second. The
second keyframe animates toward 30 during the next half second, and the final
keyframe animates back to 0. Because we chose cubic interpolation, the animation
will smoothly ramp up (starting with an initial velocity of 0) and also smoothly
transition between the keyframes. Here’s a diagram that shows the value plotted over
time (the dots represent the keyframes):

Code Preview

CubicKeyframe(-30, duration: 0.25)

CubicKeyframe(30, duration: 0.5)
CubicKeyframe(0, duration: 0.25) 0


0 0.5

Keyframes compute their curves by inspecting their surrounding keyframes. For

example, in the plot above, we see a smooth curve through the cubic keyframes,
whereas below, we see that the cubic keyframe in the middle takes into account the
end velocity of the first linear keyframe, as well as the starting last linear keyframe,
creating a smooth transition:

Code Preview

LinearKeyframe(-30, duration: 0.25)

CubicKeyframe(30, duration: 0.5)
LinearKeyframe(0, duration: 0.25) 0


0 0.5

Note that while the keyframeAnimator doesn’t require any constraints on the value,
the individual keyframes (LinearKeyframe, CubicKeyframe, and MoveKeyframe)
require that the target value conforms to Animatable.

Multiple Tracks
Above, we only animated a single CGFloat. Animating a single value is a special case;
in general, keyframe animations allow us to provide multiple tracks that all run at the
same time. For example, we could extend our shake animation to include a slight
wobble through a rotation effect. First, we define a struct that has properties for the
two values we want to animate:

struct ShakeData {
var offset: CGFloat = 0
var rotation: Angle = .zero

With the exception of the keyframe definitions, the code doesn’t change all that
much. We now start with an initial value of a different type, and we add the rotation
effect inside the content closure:

struct ShakeSample2: View {

@State private var trigger = 0

var body: some View {

Button("Shake") {
trigger += 1
.keyframeAnimator(initialValue: ShakeData(), trigger: trigger) { content, data in
.offset(x: data.offset)
} keyframes: { value in … }

The definition of the keyframes is a bit more complicated, though. Instead of

animating a single value, we now use KeyframeTrack to construct two separate tracks.
SwiftUI will still animate a single ShakeData value, but it uses the first track to
animate the offset and the second track to animate the rotation. While the keyframes
within a single track run in sequence, the tracks themselves run in parallel. We can
see this in the following diagram, where offset and rotation are animated separately
but combined into a single value.

Code Preview

KeyframeTrack(\.offset) {
CubicKeyframe(-30, duration: 0.25)
CubicKeyframe(30, duration: 0.5) 30
CubicKeyframe(0, duration: 0.25)
KeyframeTrack(\.rotation) { -30
LinearKeyframe(.degrees(20), duration: 0.1)
LinearKeyframe(.degrees(-20), duration: 0.2)
LinearKeyframe(.degrees(20), duration: 0.2)
LinearKeyframe(.degrees(-20), duration: 0.2) -30

LinearKeyframe(.degrees(20), duration: 0.2) 0 0.5

LinearKeyframe(.degrees(0), duration: 0.1)

In general, tracks don’t have to have the same duration. If a track ends while other
tracks are still running, the track will report its final value for the rest of the
animation. Note that in the keyframeAnimator method, we also receive the current
value. Initially, this will be initialValue, but if we tap again, this will be the final value
of the previous animation. If we trigger the animation before the previous animation
has ended, the closure’s initialValue will be the current (interpolated) value.

Thus far, we’ve used the keyframeAnimator modifier, but there’s also a
KeyframeAnimator view. Instead of modifying a view, this lets us construct a view
that should be animated. Both the keyframe modifier and the view have a variant that
runs every time a trigger value changes, along with a variant that runs indefinitely.

When the built-in keyframe animators aren’t good enough, we can also use the
KeyframeTimeline struct. This takes an initial value and a keyframe description, but
instead of using it to animate views, we can query it for the value at a specific time.
This is great when we want to animate things other than SwiftUI views. For example,
we could use it to render different stages of an animation in a snapshot test, or to
animate within a TimelineView, or to log the animated value (which is what we did to
generate the diagrams above).However, there are some limitations to keyframe

→ Due to their nature, they’re only available as implicit animations (there’s no


→ The individual keyframes can only animate Animatable values. For example,
we can’t animate a Color value directly using keyframes, as it doesn’t conform
to Animatable (but we can animate a Color.Resolved value).

→ Finally, at the time of writing, the trigger-based animations still suffer from
some bugs.
Advanced Layout

Using the basic layout primitives in SwiftUI, we don’t know what sizes are proposed
to views, and we don’t have information about the sizes of siblings or subviews.
Therefore, we have to use the more low-level techniques from this chapter to build
layouts that rely on this kind of information.

As of iOS 16 and macOS 13, we can use the Layout protocol to create custom layout
containers. This protocol works in two steps:

→ First, the container size is determined using the sizeThatFits method. Inside
that method, we get access to the subviews through their proxies. Each proxy
allows us measure a subview by proposing various sizes.

→ In the second step, the subviews are placed within the container’s size. Again,
we have access to the subviews through their proxies.

The Layout protocol currently only allows us to measure and place subviews, but it
doesn’t allow us to filter them or add additional views (e.g. separators between items).
For example, we can’t easily build ViewThatFits using the Layout protocol. While
there are some tricks to make this work, it’s good to be aware of the limitations.

Likewise, the Layout protocol isn’t available on platforms released prior to 2022.
When we need to support these platforms, we can still build many of the custom
layouts using geometry readers, preferences, and overlays. We’ll discuss these
techniques later in this chapter.

The Layout Protocol

Using the Layout protocol, we can build custom container views that lay out their
subviews according to an algorithm we write. For example, we can use the protocol to
build custom layouts such as masonry layouts, flow layouts, or circular layouts. We
can also use the protocol to wrap and tweak existing layouts.

In this section, we’ll build a flow layout. Whereas an HStack always puts its subviews
on a single line, the flow layout line wraps when the next view no longer fits on the
current line — similar to how a text view line wraps when the next word doesn’t fit.

Using the Layout protocol, we’ll implement the flow layout using the following steps:

1. Ask each of the subviews for its ideal size by proposing nil⨉nil.

2. Compute the positions of all subviews based on the container’s own size.

3. Place each subview based on the positions computed in step 2.

The line-based layout algorithm in step 2 takes a list of sizes (the ideal sizes from step
1), spacing, and the container width, and it returns an array of frames (one rectangle
for each input size). It works like this:
1. We keep track of the current position as a CGPoint starting at (0, 0). The x
component is the current horizontal position within the line, and it changes
with each additional view. The y component is the top of the current line, and
it only changes when we start a new line.

2. We loop over all the subviews.

1. If the subview doesn’t fit on the current line, we start a new line by
resetting the current position’s x component to zero and incrementing
the y component by the height of the current line plus spacing.

2. We use the current position as the origin for this subview’s rectangle.

3. We increase the current position’s x component by the width of the

subview and add spacing.

We can write this algorithm independent of the Layout protocol:

func layout(
sizes: [CGSize],
spacing: CGSize = .init(width: 10, height: 10),
containerWidth: CGFloat
) -> [CGRect] {
var result: [CGRect] = []
var currentPosition: CGPoint = .zero

func startNewline() {
if currentPosition.x == 0 { return }
currentPosition.x = 0
currentPosition.y = result.union().maxY + spacing.height

for size in sizes {

if currentPosition.x + size.width > containerWidth {
result.append(CGRect(origin: currentPosition, size: size))
currentPosition.x += size.width + spacing.width
return result

Using this algorithm, our actual layout implementation becomes very short. The
sizeThatFits method calls layout using all the ideal sizes and the proposed container
width, and it returns the size of the union of all the frames — similar to how a ZStack
also reports the size of the union of all its subviews as its size. The union method is a
custom extension we wrote.

Placing the subviews first computes all the frames and then places each of the
subviews at their respective frame’s origin:

struct FlowLayout: Layout {

func sizeThatFits(proposal: ProposedViewSize, subviews: Subviews, cache: inout ())
-> CGSize
let containerWidth = proposal.replacingUnspeci!edDimensions().width
let sizes = subviews.map { $0.sizeThatFits(.unspeci!ed) }
return layout(sizes: sizes, containerWidth: containerWidth).union().size

func placeSubviews(in bounds: CGRect, proposal: ProposedViewSize,

subviews: Subviews, cache: inout ())
let subviewSizes = subviews.map { $0.sizeThatFits(.unspeci!ed) }
let frames = layout(sizes: subviewSizes, containerWidth: bounds.width)
for (f, subview) in zip(frames, subviews) {
let offset = CGPoint(x: f.origin.x + bounds.minX, y: f.origin.y + bounds.minY)
subview.place(at: offset, proposal: .unspeci!ed)

One interesting effect here is that this layout doesn’t always become exactly as wide
as proposed, similar to Text when it wraps over multiple lines. If we assume 10 points
spacing and three subviews with an ideal width of 100, consider what happens when
we propose 250 for the width: our layout cannot fit all three items onto a single line,
and it’ll put the third item on a second line. It will thus report a width of 210 (the
width of the widest line).
Code Preview

FlowLayout {
ForEach(Array(0...10), id: \.self) { idx in
.frame(width: .random(in: 10...35))
.frame(width: 125)

There are many ways in which we can extend this layout. Here are some ideas we can

→ Add parameters for the alignment within a line. Currently, all our subviews in
a single line are top-aligned, but we could support any vertical alignment. To
do this, we can ask each of the subviews (using their proxies) for their
alignment value.

→ Support horizontal alignment (currently our lines are leading-aligned).

→ Make the spacing controllable from the outside.

→ Add support for special views (e.g. headings) that always have their own line.

→ Come up with better default behavior when the proposed size is nil on one (or
both) of the axes.

Most of these features aren’t very difficult to add, but they require more code than
what could reasonably be printed in a book. Therefore, we’ll go over the APIs
currently available and see how they can help us extend the flow layout. Let’s start
with the API on the Layout protocol:

→ We can define a custom Cache type, and we can use this to share computation
between the different methods. For example, in sizeThatFits, we can use a
cache to store the computed frames of the subviews and reuse them in
placeSubviews. There’s a method — makeCache — that we can override to
either initialize or even construct the cache. However, as the documentation
states, it’s often not necessary to build our own cache, so we need to verify we
have a performance problem before going down this route unnecessarily.
→ We can provide explicit alignment guides using the explicitAlignment(…) API.
Unlike the .alignmentGuide API, we can also query our subviews (through their
proxies) to compute their alignment guides. For example, we can expose
alignment guides for the !rstFlowBaseline and lastFlowBaseline alignments
by overriding the default implementation of the explicitAlignment API.

The LayoutSubview type also gives us a number of useful APIs we can use to query
our subviews:

→ We’re not limited to calling sizeThatFits once; we can actually call it multiple
times. This probing is what stack views do to determine the flexibility of the

→ Instead of sizeThatFits, we can also propose a size and get the subview’s
ViewDimensions. The ViewDimensions type is similar to CGSize in that it has a
width and height, but it can also be used to query the alignment guides of the
subview. We could use this (for example) to align our subviews on a horizontal
line while respecting their custom alignment guides.

→ We can ask for the subview’s preferred spacing value and use those values if no
explicit spacing has been specified.

→ We can ask for a view’s priority. This doesn’t make too much sense for a flow
layout, but it’s useful when implementing (for example) a custom stack layout.

→ Subviews can also define custom layout values. These are values that the
container can read using a subscript on the view proxy. For example, we could
use this to have subviews declare a heading layout value as a Boolean and read
it in the container view.

Similar to AnyView, there’s an AnyLayout type that erases the concrete type of a
layout. Additionally, it can be used to dynamically switch between different layouts.
When the switch is done as part of an animation, the frames of the subviews are also

The Layout protocol was added in iOS 16 and macOS 13, so when we’re targeting older
platforms, we can’t use it. However, we can build almost any custom layout with
preferences and geometry readers — without requiring the Layout protocol — as we’ll
explore in the next section.
Another limitation is that we can’t communicate directly with the subviews: for
example, we can’t apply any modifiers, read out preferences, or perform other tasks
that require the View protocol. As mentioned in the introduction, all subviews are
placed — we can’t remove or add to the list of subviews. For example, we can’t insert
decorative views such as separators, nor can we apply a filter to skip certain subviews.

Preference-Based Layout
As we saw in the previous section, the Layout protocol lets us propose different sizes
and place our views within a container. It’s possible to replicate almost all of this
behavior (and more) using preferences, geometry readers, and ZStack.

Geometry Readers
Using a GeometryReader, we can measure the proposed size. The GeometryReader
unconditionally accepts the proposed size, and it reports that size via a
GeometryProxy to its view builder closure. Using the geometry proxy, we can access
the size of the geometry reader (as a CGSize — this is the proposed size, with nil
replaced by the default value of 10 points). We can also read the safe area insets, read
the frame (in a specific coordinate space), and resolve anchors.

Often, we see people recommend to never use a geometry reader. We believe much of
the sentiment around that is because geometry readers are misunderstood. For
example, consider an HStack with three text views: the moment we wrap one of the
text views inside a geometry reader, our layout will look completely different. This is
because the wrapped text view now accepts the proposed size rather than basing its
size on its content.

When using a geometry reader to measure the size of a view, we recommend putting
it inside an overlay or background. As we discussed in the Layout chapter, the
secondary subview of the overlay is proposed the size of the overlay’s primary
subview. By putting a geometry reader inside that overlay, we can measure the size of
the primary subview without influencing the layout.

Once we have the size, we can do a number of things. For example, let’s say we want
to display a rounded rectangle as the background and adjust the corner radius
according to the geometry reader’s size:
Code Preview

.background {
GeometryReader { proxy in Hello
let radius: CGFloat = proxy.size.width > 50 ? 10 : 5
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: radius) Hello, World!

However, when we want to use the size of the view in one of its ancestors, we’re out of
luck: since the geometry reader is just another view, we can’t assign a state property
inside the view builder closure or modify state otherwise.

When we’re dealing with measuring a single view, we can use onAppear together with
onChange(of:) to work around this limitation. For example, let’s imagine we want a
view to become its ideal size, but we want to display it within a frame with a width of
100 points and detect when it draws beyond that frame. We create a Text and make
sure it becomes its ideal size by applying the !xedSize modifier. We then apply a
frame with a width of 100 to make sure the layout size is always exactly 100 points.
We can measure the text’s size using an overlay with a geometry reader. Because the
geometry reader needs some kind of view as its content, we use a clear color. When
the node in the render tree is created (and onAppear gets called), or when the text’s
size crosses the 100-point threshold (and onChange gets called), we assign the new
value to the state property:
Code Preview

struct ContentView: View {

var text: String
@State private var over!ows: Bool = false

var body: some View {

.overlay {
GeometryReader { proxy in
let tooWide = proxy.size.width > 100
Color.clear Hello
.onAppear {
Hello, World!
over!ows = tooWide
.onChange(of: tooWide) { _ in
over!ows = tooWide
.frame(width: 100)
.border(over!ows ? Color.red : Color.clear)

Note that we need both onAppear and onChange(of:): the former only fires when the
node is first created, and the latter only fires when the value actually changes (but not
the first time the view gets rendered). If we need this pattern more often, we can
create a helper that combines the two modifiers:

extension View {
func onAppearOrChange<Value: Equatable>(of value: Value,
perform: @escaping (Value) -> ()) -> some View
.onAppear { perform(value) }
.onChange(of: value, perform: perform)

If we target iOS 17/macOS 14, there’s a new variant of onChange that takes an initial
parameter, which indicates whether the perform closure should be called initially in
addition to when the value changes:
.onChange(of: tooWide, initial: true) {
over#ows = tooWide

In many cases, this is the simplest solution to measure the size of a single view and
propagate the measurement to an ancestor. However, when we need to measure
multiple related views, using onAppear and onChange(of:) doesn’t scale very well.
Instead, we can use preferences.

Preferences are the counterpart to the environment. Instead of propagating values
down the tree, preferences propagate values up the tree. For example, in the case of a
flow layout, we could measure the size of each subview and propagate it to the
container using a preference. In addition, preferences let us define how these values
are combined. For example, in the case of a flow layout, we’d like to combine each
individual measurement into an array or dictionary of sizes.

Similar to the environment, preferences are defined using a slightly complicated

syntax to ensure type-safety. The PreferenceKey protocol wants a default value (in
case no preference was set), but it also requires a reduce method. This is used to
combine two values. For example, if we want to measure the maximum width of
multiple views, we could have a CGFloat value and implement reduce by taking the
maximum. If we’re interested in a single value that might be at any point in the
subtree, we could model it using an optional and take the first non-nil value.

In our case, we want to measure the sizes of all the subviews. We’ll model this as an
array of CGSize. So our preference key looks like this:

struct SizeKey: PreferenceKey {

static var defaultValue: [CGSize] = []

static func reduce(value: inout [CGSize], nextValue: () -> [CGSize]) {

value.append(contentsOf: nextValue())

To measure a single view, we take our knowledge from the previous section and
measure using a geometry reader inside an overlay. In there, we use preferences to
communicate this value up the view tree:
extension View {
func measureSize() -> some View {
overlay {
GeometryReader { proxy in
.preference(key: SizeKey.self, value: [proxy.size])

To measure the sizes of a number of views, we generate a number of subviews using a

ForEach and call measureSize on each of the subviews. We also add an
onPreferenceChange(_:perform:) modifier somewhere upstream from where we
measure the sizes in the view tree and print out the preference value:

ZStack(alignment: .topLeading) {
ForEach(0..<5) { ix in
Text("Item \(ix)" + String(repeating: "\n", count: ix/2))
.onPreferenceChange(SizeKey.self) { print($0) }

When running this on macOS, the print statement prints an array of all the sizes:

[(70.5, 48.0), (68.5, 48.0), (70.0, 64.0), (70.5, 64.0), (70.5, 80.0)]

The values from each .preference modifier bubble up the view tree, and the key’s
reduce method is used to combine values from multiple subviews. Once
an .onPreferenceChange(_ key:perform:) modifier with the same key is encountered,
the perform closure is called with the aggregated value from the subtree within
the .onPreferenceChange. When a state change that affects the preferences happens,
this process starts from a blank slate again.

The next step in building the flow layout is to use these sizes to actually lay out the

Putting it all together

Given the sizes, we can reuse the layout method from earlier in this chapter. Recall
that it takes a number of input sizes and returns a frame for each input size. In
addition, it requires the width of the container:
func layout(
sizes: [CGSize],
spacing: CGFloat = 10,
containerWidth: CGFloat
) -> [CGRect]

As a first step, we’ll need to measure the container width. When not using the Layout
protocol, we can’t easily measure the proposed size and compute our own size based
on that, so we’ll need a few workarounds to do this. First, we’ll create an outer ZStack
that combines a zero-height geometry reader (to not influence the vertical layout
size) and our container view, ZStackFlowLayout. Inside the geometry reader, we
measure the proposed size and set it to a state property. On our container, we set the
minWidth to 0 and the maxWidth to .in!nity. This is a quirky way of writing “become
exactly the proposed width” (see the Layout chapter for more details). In other words,
this outer ZStack, the GeometryReader, and the ZStackFlowLayout all become exactly
the proposed width. As a result, the height of the outer view will effectively be the
height of the ZStackFlowLayout:

struct ZStackFlowLayoutExample: View {

@State private var containerWidth: CGFloat?
var body: some View {
ZStack {
GeometryReader { proxy in
let width: CGFloat = proxy.size.width
.onAppearOrChange(of: width) { containerWidth = $0 }
.frame(height: 0)
ZStackFlowLayout(containerWidth: containerWidth ?? 0)
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .in!nity)

Now that we have our wrapping view, we can implement the ZStackFlowLayout view.
We define a state property that holds the sizes of the subviews, and we take the
container width as a parameter. In addition, the subview(for:) method generates a
text with a background for each index in the flow layout:

struct ZStackFlowLayout: View {

@State private var sizes: [CGSize]? = nil
var containerWidth: CGFloat
let subviewCount = 5
func subview(for index: Int) -> some View {
Text("Item \(index)" + String(repeating: "\n", count: index/2))
.background {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5)
.!ll(Color(hue: .init(index)/10, saturation: 0.8, brightness: 0.8))

var body: some View {


Inside the body property, we first compute all the offsets, given the sizes. We then
create a ZStack with topLeading alignment, and we move each subview using
alignment guides. Because the ZStack‘s layout size will be the union of all the
subviews’ frames, this will report the correct size to the layout system. This is
important when combining the flow layout with other views — for example, when
putting it into a scroll view. When the sizes parameter is nil, we position each view
at .zero. We render each subview using !xedSize to ensure that the size of the
subview is not dependent on anything we measure, which prevents infinite layout
loops. We then measure the size of the subview and set the alignment guides. Note
that to move the subview to, say, position 100×50, we have to set the leading
alignment guide to -100 and the top alignment guide to -50. We then add an
onPreferenceChange on the top-most view to read out all the preference values:

var body: some View {

let offsets = sizes.map {
layout(sizes: $0, containerWidth: containerWidth).map { $0.origin }
} ?? Array(repeating: .zero, count: subviewCount)

ZStack(alignment: .topLeading) {
ForEach(0..<subviewCount) { ix in
subview(for: ix)
.alignmentGuide(.leading) { _ in -offsets[ix].x }
.alignmentGuide(.top) { _ in -offsets[ix].y }
.onPreferenceChange(SizeKey.self) { sizes = $0 }

We might think it’d be more efficient to not store the sizes, but instead directly
compute the layout in onPreferenceChange. While this is possible, it does introduce a
problem: once we do that, the view doesn’t respond to changes in containerSize. By
writing our body as we did, the view will get invalidated any time the container size
changes or any time we measure different sizes. Even though we have static
subviews, the sizes might still change when something in the environment changes
(e.g. dynamic type).

The ZStack-based algorithm to build a flow layout is way more complex than the first
version we showed using the Layout protocol. Additionally, it always becomes the
proposed width, even if there is (for example) just a single item. But it also shows that
we can build intricate layouts using the tools that have been available since the first
version of SwiftUI.

Some of the subtleties might not be immediately obvious and are easy to miss when
writing this code ourselves. For example, when the above view is first rendered, the
onPreferenceChange happens sometime during the layout phase, and the @State
property is invalidated. Before even rendering the current frame, the view’s body is
reexecuted. This prevents flickering and is generally very useful. However, we also
have to make sure we don’t introduce accidental loops in our layout. When we
remove the !xedSize inside the ForEach, we might actually end up in a loop where a
subview gets measured, reports a different size, and repeatedly causes a layout
invalidation. When this problem happens, we typically get a “Bound preference x
tried to update multiple times per frame.” warning in the console.

Likewise, when we try to compute the positions inside onPreferenceChange, our code
will look like it’s working correctly the first time around, but it won’t support a
changing container width. One easy way to verify this is by running the code as part
of a macOS application: resizing the window should cause items to flow.

Variadic Views
A final shortcoming of our ZStack/preference-based flow layout is that we can only
support a single type of subview. Of course, we could replace the ForEach with
something more complex (by looping over an array of Identi!able items, for
example). When using a Layout, however, we can pass in any list of views. For
example, here we add six subviews — the first five from a ForEach, and the last view
as part of the view builder. This isn’t easily doable using the preference-based layout:

FlowLayout() {
ForEach(0..<5) { ix in
Text("Item \(ix)")
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)

In our preference-based layout, we can achieve this syntax using a semi-public

(underscored) API called variadic views. These give us access to the view proxies of
the underlying views as a collection we can use with ForEach. This lets us build an
API that’s very similar to the layout-based version. While the full code for that is
beyond the scope of the book, a finished version is available here.

Preferences aren’t just limited to layout; we can also use them for other purposes. For
example, if we were to implement our own navigation view alternative, we could
build the navigationTitle API using preferences. In general, when we build reusable
components that wrap other views, those views could communicate back to the
component using preferences.

Coordinate Spaces
When dealing with geometry readers, we can measure a view’s geometry in different
coordinate spaces. There are two built-in coordinate spaces: global and local. In
addition, we can define our own coordinate spaces. Consider the following view,
which has an explicit coordinate space around the stack:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
VStack {
.overlay { GeometryReader { proxy in
let _ = print([
proxy.frame(in: .global).pretty,
proxy.frame(in: .local).pretty,
proxy.frame(in: .named("Stack").pretty)
].joined(separator: "\n"))
.coordinateSpace(name: "Stack")

When we run the above code on an iOS simulator, it prints three different values:
→ The origin within the global coordinate space is (167, 438). This is the distance
from the top-leading edge of the screen.

→ The origin within the local coordinate space is (0, 0). Local always means local
to the view, which in this case is the geometry reader, which is the same
coordinate space as the second text label (not the container).

→ The origin within the stack is (0, 20), as the view with the geometry reader is
the stack’s second subview.

The printed sizes for the view above are all the same. However, consider what
happens when we apply a scale effect:

.overlay { GeometryReader { proxy in
let _ = print([
proxy.frame(in: .global).size.pretty,
proxy.frame(in: .local).size.pretty,
].joined(separator: "\n"))

As we discussed in the Layout chapter, effects only change how the view is drawn, but
they don’t change the layout of the view. However, asking the geometry proxy for a
view’s frame relative to a specific coordinate space will take any effects inside of that
coordinate space into account. In the example above, the size measured in the global
coordinate space is half of the size measured in the local coordinate system (to be
more precise: both the width and the height are half of their local counterparts).

Anchors are built on top of geometry readers, preferences, and coordinate spaces. In
essence, an anchor is a wrapper around a geometry value (a CGRect, CGSize, or
CGPoint) measured in the global coordinate space. A geometry proxy has special
support for anchors and lets us automatically transform the geometry value into the
local coordinate space.

For example, consider building an onboarding flow where we want to highlight

certain parts of our interface by putting an ellipse around the current item:
Code Preview

VStack {
Button("Sign Up") {}
Button("Log In") {}
.overlay {
Ellipse() Sign Up
.strokeBorder(Color.red, lineWidth: 1) Log In

In general, the ellipse might be obscured by siblings of the login button, or by any
other views that are higher up the view tree. In this case, we want to draw the ellipse
at the very top, even though its position is determined by a view that’s possibly deep
inside the hierarchy.

To achieve this, we can propagate the frame of the login button using a preference,
and then draw the ellipse as an overlay on top of the entire view tree. As a first step,
we create a key for propagating our anchor:

struct HighlightKey: PreferenceKey {

typealias Value = Anchor<CGRect>?
static var defaultValue: Value

static func reduce(value: inout Value, nextValue: () -> Value) {

value = value ?? nextValue()

Second, we replace the drawing of the ellipse by setting an anchor preference. This
propagates the position and size of the second button (as measured in the global
coordinate space) up the view tree:

VStack {
Button("Sign Up") {}
Button("Log In") {}
.anchorPreference(key: HighlightKey.self, value: .bounds, transform: { $0 })

Now we add the drawing outside of our VStack. Earlier in this chapter, we used
onPreferenceChange to get the value of a preference, but in this case, we use a simpler
API that gives us access to the preference value inside an overlay. This lets us avoid
having a separate state property. Inside the overlay, we use a geometry reader and its
proxy to resolve the anchor — the Anchor<CGRect> is transformed into a CGRect
within the local coordinate space:

VStack {

.overlayPreferenceValue(HighlightKey.self) { value in
if let anchor = value {
GeometryReader { proxy in
let rect = proxy[anchor]
.strokeBorder(Color.red, lineWidth: 1)
.frame(width: rect.width, height: rect.height)
.offset(x: rect.origin.x, y: rect.origin.y)

Note that anchors are there for convenience; we could’ve written the same code
either by defining a custom coordinate space (and measuring everything in terms of
the coordinate space), or by measuring everything in the global coordinate space.
However, both of these alternatives would have been more code and potentially more

In our experience, anchors are most useful when we find ourselves converting
coordinates or sizes between different coordinate spaces. This often happens when
we work with multiple views that are at different depths in the view hierarchy. In the
flow layout example further up in this chapter, all subviews shared the same parent,
and as a result, we didn’t need to perform any conversions between different
coordinate spaces.

Matched Geometry Effect

The matchedGeometryEffect API is used to give one or more views (the targets) the
same position, size, or frame (position and size) as another view (the source). This
works by measuring the size and position of the source view and then proposing the
same size to the target views, as well as setting offsets on them. The source and target
views belonging to one matched geometry group can be located anywhere in the view
tree and are identified using a namespace and a secondary identifier (which can be
any hashable value).
As an example, we could reimplement the highlighting ellipse code from above using
a matched geometry effect, instead of manually propagating anchors via preferences:

Code Preview

struct ContentView: View {

@Namespace var namespace
let groupID = "highlight"

var body: some View {

VStack {
Button("Sign Up") {}
Button("Log In") {}
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: groupID, in: namespace) Sign Up
} Log In
.overlay {
.strokeBorder(Color.red, lineWidth: 1)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: groupID, in: namespace, isSource: false)

Both views — the button in the stack, and the stroked ellipse with the padding —
belong to the same geometry group because we specified the same namespace and a
common identifier. In this case, we used a string as the identifier, but we can use any
other hashable value, like an integer or a UUID.

Within a geometry group, only one view is allowed to be the source for the group. The
isSource parameter is true by default, so we explicitly have to specify false for the
ellipse in the overlay, since the matching should happen from the button to the

We could actually implement a matched geometry effect API ourselves using

the techniques we’ve discussed in this chapter so far. We’d need an explicit
view modifier somewhere at the top level to read the source geometries from
the preferences and to propagate them down to the targets via the
environment. As a framework, SwiftUI has the luxury of being able to do that
implicitly. Other than that though, there’s no magic to creating a matched
geometry effect.
When the button’s frame gets matched to the ellipse, we can think of this as if a frame
and an offset were inserted (this isn’t necessarily how it’s implemented, but it works
well as a mental model):

VStack {

.overlay {
.strokeBorder(Color.red, lineWidth: 1)
.frame(width: <matchedWidth>, height: <matchedHeight>)
.offset(x: <offsetX>, y: <offsetY>)

Therefore, the source’s size is proposed to the target view. As we discussed before, it’s
entirely up to the frame’s subview to decide what to do with that proposed size. For
example, if the target view is a fixed-size view (e.g. a non-resizable image or another
fixed frame), the matched geometry effect won’t influence the target view’s size.

If we want to match a view’s size to another view, it’s important for both views to
have the same flexibility; otherwise, matching might not work. Of course, we might
also intentionally restrict the flexibility of the target view (e.g. by using a flexible
frame with a maximum width) to constrain the target’s behavior.

Matched Geometry Effect and Transitions

Matched geometry effects are applied before a view is inserted and after it has been
removed, similar to how the active state of a transition is applied to a view that’s
being inserted or removed. This allows us to create smooth transitions from one view
to another with very little code.

When we insert a new view that’s part of a geometry group into the view hierarchy, its
initial geometry is computed as if the isSource parameter on this view is set to false,
i.e. the view’s geometry is matched to the source view that’s in the view tree before
the state change. When we remove a view from the view tree, its final geometry is
matched to the source view that’s going to be in the view tree after the state change.

This allows us to write very easy transitions from one view to another. Here’s an
example of a transition between a 30×30 circle and a fullscreen circle:

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var hero = false
@Namespace var namespace
var body: some View {
let circle = Circle().!ll(Color.green)
ZStack {
if hero {
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "image", in: namespace)
} else {
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "image", in: namespace)
.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
.onTapGesture {
withAnimation(.default) { hero.toggle() }

When we toggle the hero flag in the example above, we see the circle animate
smoothly between the 30×30 size and the fullscreen size.

There are two parts to this animation: the matched geometry effect takes care of the
position and size, and the default transition (opacity) blends between the two views.
In other words, during the transition, both views are onscreen. When we change hero
from false to true, the first view is inserted with an opacity of 0 and a frame that
matches the second view (which was the source view of the geometry group before
the state change). During that transition, the first view animates from that matched
initial position toward its final position while fading in. At the same time, the second
view (that got removed) fades out and animates from its former position before the
state change to the position it would occupy after the state change, now that it’s
matched to the newly inserted source view.

Note that the order of the modifiers is both crucial and easy to get wrong. For
example, if we swap the matchedGeometryEffect and the frame in the else branch,
the smaller circle will always stay at its 30×30 size:

if hero {

} else {
.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "image", in: namespace)

As we mentioned above, the .matchedGeometryEffect modifier essentially translates

to a .frame and .offset modifier. Since the innermost frame with a width and height of
30 points always determines the size of the circle, the matched geometry effect has
no effect, at least with regard to the size of the view.

Beyond removing and inserting views from the view tree entirely, matched geometry
effects can also be used creatively to animate views that remain in the view hierarchy.
We can insert and remove views from a geometry group by changing their
namespaces or identifiers.

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