This document summarizes a thesis submitted by Riza Reyhan Fairuzzaman on the topic of "Al-Attas and William James on Religious Experience in Sufism Perspective". The thesis has been revised to fulfill the requirements for an undergraduate degree in the Department of Aqeedah And Islamic Philosophy. The supervisor hopes the thesis will be useful to society and examined soon.
This document summarizes a thesis submitted by Riza Reyhan Fairuzzaman on the topic of "Al-Attas and William James on Religious Experience in Sufism Perspective". The thesis has been revised to fulfill the requirements for an undergraduate degree in the Department of Aqeedah And Islamic Philosophy. The supervisor hopes the thesis will be useful to society and examined soon.
This document summarizes a thesis submitted by Riza Reyhan Fairuzzaman on the topic of "Al-Attas and William James on Religious Experience in Sufism Perspective". The thesis has been revised to fulfill the requirements for an undergraduate degree in the Department of Aqeedah And Islamic Philosophy. The supervisor hopes the thesis will be useful to society and examined soon.
This document summarizes a thesis submitted by Riza Reyhan Fairuzzaman on the topic of "Al-Attas and William James on Religious Experience in Sufism Perspective". The thesis has been revised to fulfill the requirements for an undergraduate degree in the Department of Aqeedah And Islamic Philosophy. The supervisor hopes the thesis will be useful to society and examined soon.
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Legitimation Page
Name: Riza Reyhan Fairuzzaman
Reg. Number: 38.3017.221.0105 The Title: Al-Attas and William James on Religious Experience In Sufism Perspective It has been revised and concreted to fulfill of the requirement for undergraduate degree in Department of Aqeedah And Islamic Philosophy, we hope to the thesis become useful in societies and could be examined soon.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Ponorogo, 25th January 2021
Nur Hadi Ihsan, MIRKH, PhD
Official Note
To Honorable, Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin University of Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo, Indonesia
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
I have the honor to present this thesis written by:
Name: Riza Reyhan Fairuzzaman Reg. Number: 38.3017.221.0105 The Title: Al-Attas and William James on Religious Experience in Sufism Perspective It has been revised and concreted to fulfill of the requirement for undergraduate degree in Department of Aqeedah And Islamic Philosophy, we hope to this thesis become useful in societies and will be examined soon.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Ponorogo, 25th January 2021
Nur Hadi Ihsan, MIRKH, PhD
Decision Team The Committee of thesis examination in partial fulfilment of requirement of the undergraduate in department of Aqeedah and Islamic Philosophy, Having held the thesis examination on: Day and Date: Venue: State this student below: Name: Riza Reyhan Fairuzzaan Reg. Number: 38.2017.221.0105 Program of Study: Aqeedah and Islamic Philosophy The Title: Al-Attas and William James on Religious Experience in Sufism Perspective Has been defended successfully in front of the Board of Examiners and accepted as part of the requirement for under graduate degree in aqeedah and Islamic philosophy.