Automated Examination Using QR Code: Nitish Soman, Ulhas Shelke, Shahanawaj Patel

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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-2 Issue-3, February 2013

Automated Examination Using QR Code

Nitish Soman,Ulhas Shelke, Shahanawaj Patel
Abstract- QR codes are developed by a Japanese company has More recently, the system has become popular outside of
been around for over fifteen years. With the advent of smart and the industry due to its fast readability and comparatively
Web capable mobile devices, we witness a steady growth of large storage capacity. The code consists of black modules
interesting commercial applications using QR codes. It cannot be arranged in a square pattern on a white background.
denied that documents in the form of hardcopy are still being
used, especially important documents such as land titles,
Although initially used to track parts in vehicle
application forms, contracts and tickets. However there are manufacturing, QR codes are now (as of 2011) usedover a
reports of forgery cases over the years and as such, it is much wider range of applications, including commercial
imperative to have a mechanism for integrity verification of tracking, entertainment and transport ticketing, product
hardcopy document. The research proposed the usage of two- marketing and in-store product labelling. Many of these
dimensional (2D) barcodes, which has the capability of storing applications target mobile phone users. Users may receive
data, to assist in reducing the action of hardcopy forgeries. We text, add Vcard contact to their device, open a Uniform
introduce an application for the automated examination using resource identifier (URI), or compose an e-mail or text
the QR code. In this, we make use of QR code to generate an message after scanning QR codes. They can generate and
question paper, the snap of the QR code is taken by every student
and the required data is decoded and question paper is generated
print their own QR codes for others to scan and use by
on the mobile phone. Students can give the answers by using visiting one of several pay or free QR code-generating sites
their mobile phone itself. or apps. E-mail has a popular API to generate QR codes, and
apps for scanning QR codes can be found on nearly all
(Keywords: QR Code, MCQ, SCA, MCA) Smartphone devices. The system is flexible. With a few
changes it can be used by other organizations as well.
Examinations generally fall into two categories: objective II. WHAT IS QR CODE??
and subjective. Our product will set up of automated The Japanese company Denso-Wave originally invented
examination systems to process, mark, score, grade and the QR code in 1994 as a means of tracking vehicle parts
report on these assessments. Objective examinations are during the process of manufacturing. Under optimal
suited to this automated process, as there is little or no room conditions these two-dimensional barcodes can hold up to
for interpretation or conjecture over the outcome. Within 7,089 characters of numeric data, 4,296 characters of
objective examinations there are also several categories, alphanumeric data, 2,953 bytes of binary data, and 1,817
such as the commonly known Multiple Choice Questions Kanji or Kana Furthermore, they are very resistant to
(MCQ), True/False and Extended Matching variety. Other damage with high-levels of error correction possible,
variations such as Single Correct Answer (SCA) and meaning that they can still function correctly when
Multiple Correct Answers (MCA) can complicate the disfigured or marked. In addition to the flexibility of sizing,
picture further. Our product will generate a QR-Code of QR codes are also very easy to create. There are numerous
each question paper and students will scan the code to free web-based generators offering the user a range of
generate the question on their mobile screen. Students will simple options. This simplicity makes them extremely
then answers the question on their screen and send the appealing to those teachers and students who possess little
results to server. We propose a QR Code based examination or no technological knowledge. Perhaps, most attractive,
system to automate this process. Basically we wanted to though, is the fact that these QR codes are readable with
propose client server architecture where in server will be standard software preinstalled on almost every Japanese
used to generate qrcode of exam paper and client (student) mobile phone which has picture-taking capabilities. This has
will give exam on their phone or PDA. Teachers will been a major factor in the rapid advancement of such
prepare question paper using server and our system will technology within Japan compared to other parts of the
generate final QRCode of the paper which then be displayed world. In keeping with the original function of the QR code
to students. A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response they are still widely used to give an object an identity, which
code) is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) allows a person to interact with it through the use of a
first designed for the automotive industry. mobile phone.

Manuscript published on 28 February 2013.

* Correspondence Author (s)
Ulhas Shelke ,Department Of Computer Engineering, Padmabhooshan
Vasantdada Patil Institute Of Technology, Bavdhan, Pune, Maharashtra,
Nitish Soman ,Department Of Computer Engineering, Padmabhooshan
Vasantdada Patil institute of technology, Bavdhan, Pune, Maharashtra.
Shahanawaj Patel, Department Of Computer Engineering,
Padmabhooshan Vasantdada Patil Institute Of Technology, Bavdhan, Pune,
Maharashtra, India.

© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and

Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the
CC-BY-NC-ND license

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number C1190022313/13©BEIESP and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: 622 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Automated Examination Using QR Code

In addition to giving objects identities the QR code can be codeword’s without remainder. The entire QR Code has to
used as a means of transferring information directly to a be surrounded by the so-called Quiet Zone, an area in the
mobile phone without the reliance on manual input methods same colour shade as white modules, to improve code
such as email and texting. This is particularly useful when recognition by the decoder software.
transmitting long URL information or entering contact
B. Capacity and Error correction code
information into an address book. Currently, within Japan
the QR code can be found throughout the social landscape: The capacity of a QR Code depends on several factors.
on advertising billboards, product information labels, Besides the version of the code that dense its size (number
business cards, website URLs and even vending machines. of modules), the chosen error correction level and the type
of encoded data nuance capacity.
A. Fields in QR Code
Version: The 40 different versions of QR Codes mainly
The purpose of this Software Requirements Specification
dicer in the number of modules. Version 1 consists of 21x21
(SRS) document is to provide a detailed description of the
modules, up to 133 (lowest error correction level) of which
functionalities of the Automated Examination using QR
can be used for storing encoded data. The largest QR Code
Code. This document will cover each of the system’s
(Version 40) has a size of 177x177 modules and can store
intended features, as well as offer a preliminary glimpse of
up to 23,648 data modules.
the software application’s User Interface (UI). The
Error Correction Level: Error Correction in QR Codes is
document will also cover hardware, software, and various
based on Reed-Solomon Codes a specific form of BCH error
other technical dependencies. Understanding the QR Code.
correction codes [3, 8]. There are four levels (Table 1) of
QR Codes consist of different areas that are reserved for
error correction that can be chosen by the user at creation
specific purposes. In the following we refer to version 2 of
QR because version 1 does not contain all patterns.
Correction Levels: Higher error correction levels increase
the percentage of codeword’s used for error correction and
therefore decreases the amount of data that can be stored
inside the code.
Encoded Data: QR Code can use different data encodings.
Their complexity nuances the amount of actual characters
that can be stored inside the code. For example, QR Code
Version 2 with lowest error correction level can hold up to
77 numeric characters, but only 10 Kanji characters.
C. Assumption and Dependencies
Time Dependencies:
As mentioned previously, the features of Automated
Examination using Qr code are divided into two groups:
Finder Pattern (1): The finder pattern consists of three core features and additional features. Core features are
identical structures that are located in all corners of the QR crucial to the basic functionality of the Qr Code application.
Code except the bottom right one. Each pattern is based on a These features must all be implemented in order for the
3x3 matrix of black modules surrounded by white modules application to be useful. Optional features, however, are not
that are again surrounded by black modules. The Finder critical to the function of the application. They are usability
Patterns enable the decoder software to recognize the QR improvements and convenience enhancements that may be
Code and determine the correct orientation. added after the application has been developed. Thus, the
Separators (2): The white separators have a width of one implementation of these features is entirely dependent upon
pixel and improve the recognisability of the Finder Patters the time spent designing and implementing the core features.
as they separate them from the actual data. The final decision on whether or not to implement these
Timing Pattern (3): Alternating black and white modules in features will be made during the later stages of the design
the Timing Pattern enable the decoder software to determine phase.
the width of a single module. Hardware Dependencies:
Alignment Patterns (4): Alignment Patterns support the Some of the additional features rely on hardware
decoder software in compensating for moderate image components present in Android handsets. The application
distortions. Version 1 QR Codes do not have Alignment will use the handset’s camera to capture the image of a
Patterns. With growing size of the code, more Alignment device at specific instance of time. Consequently, this
Patterns are added. feature is entirely reliant upon the ability and megapixel of
Format Information (5): The Formation Information the camera.
section consists of 15 bits next to the separators and stores D. System Features
information about the error correction level of the QR Code
The following list offers a brief outline and description of
and the chosen masking pattern.
the main features and functionalities of the Automated
Data (6): Data is converted into a bit stream and then stored
Examination using Qr code. The features are split into two
in 8 bit parts (called codeword’s) in the data section.
major categories: core features and
Error Correction (7): Similar to the data section, error
additional features.
correction codes are stored in 8 bit long codeword’s in the
error correction section.
Remainder Bits (8): This section consists of empty bits of
data and error correction bits cannot be divided into 8 bit
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number C1190022313/13©BEIESP and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: 623 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-2 Issue-3, February 2013
Core features are essential to the application’s operation, There will be feedbacks and visual cues such as notifications
whereas additional features simply add new functionalities. to inform users of updates and pop-ups to provide users with
The latter features will only be implemented as time instructions.
permits. To maintain flexibility and adaptability, the application
QR Code generator:It allows us to create the qr code of the will take into account situations in which a user battery
required data i.e. we get the data in the pictorial form. drains off for whatever reason These users will still be able
QR Code decoder:It allows us to decode the qr code i.e. we to use the application, while disconnected details will be
fetch the data from the qr code. cached until the mobile is restored. With Location Alert
Start exam:It will allow the end user to start the exam after being ported solely for the Android platform, this software
fetching the qr code. application has the advantage of being portable and
End exam:It will terminate the exam, it can be done convenient to use whenever and wherever. Overall, the
manually or can be automatically done after the given time application balances both the ease of use and the ease of
has completed. learning. The layout and UI of the app will be simple
enough that users will take no time to learn its features and
III. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS navigate through it with little difficulty.

A Server Side: I The Basis of Automated Examination Using QR Code:

1. Teacher registration Form 1. Mobile Client:
2. Teacher Login Form
3. Teacher Profile Form • System should support Android handset.
4. Question paper setting Form • System should allow user to take snap shot of
5. Results & Report Form QRCode.
6. Admin Login Form • System should put user handset in “offline” mode
before starting exams.
B Client Side: • System should start exam ones it capture qrcode
1. Welcome page image.
2. Camera Open Interface • System should not allow user to open anything else
3. Examination start/stop Form while examination is going on.
4. Question viewing Form • If user moves to any other screen, then exam should
5. Answer Submission Form get terminated.
• System should send results of all questions to server
C Hardware Interfaces ones exam get over.
Mobile application will get installed on mobile devices. • System should shuffle question sequences with
These mobile devices should have WIFI device thorough random order.
which it will connect to server. • System should maintain its own timer.
D Software Interfaces • System should use BASE64 algorithm on answers
Operating System: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows before sending to server.
7. 2. Server:
Database: MySql 6.0.
Android 2.2 supported mobile handset System should proved web based access (HTTP support)
System should allow users (teacher) to create update their
E Communications Interfaces own profile. System should allow users to prepare question
Here we will be using WIFI network and going to create our paper. System should save all question papers with proper
own communication protocol. Software will also support ID.System should generate QR-Code from the data entered
BASE64 encryption logic while sending data to server. by user. System should allow user to view results of current
Server will support HTTP protocol for web based access. as well as previous questions. System should use
encryption logic before embedding data into QR-Code
F Performance Requirements
For good performance the server should be tuned to server IV. WORKING
only server process and most of the RAM should be used for
our application. Mobile application should use as much A. System Architecture
possible RAM. KVM should be tuned on mobile to provide We propose a QR Code based examination system to
extra address space to application. automate this process. Basically we wanted to propose client
G Safety and Security Requirements server architecture where in server will be used to generate
qrcode of exam paper and client (student) will give exam on
All the data will be shared using BASE64 algo with their phone or PDA. Teachers will prepare question paper
convert binary data into text form. Only sender and recipient using server and our system will generate final QRCode of
will understand the content. Also as we are not using GPRS the paper which then be displayed to students. A QR code
or internet so system has not more security threads. (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix
H Software Quality Attributes barcode
The graphical user interface of Automated examination is
to be designed with usability as the first priority. The
application will be presented and organized in a manner that
is both visually appealing and easy for the user to navigate.
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number C1190022313/13©BEIESP and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: 624 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Automated Examination Using QR Code

(or two-dimensional code) first designed for the recognition in the DSP is introduced mainly, and in the
automotive industry. More recently, the system has become implementation and performance discussions, we estimated
popular outside of the industry due to its fast readability and based on this system, because we believe the mobile phone
comparatively large storage capacity. The code consists of system point of view is very important in practical terms.
black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white
B Actual Working
background. Although initially used to track parts in
vehicle manufacturing, QR codes are now (as of 2011) used
over a much wider range of applications, including
commercial tracking, entertainment and transport ticketing,
product marketing and in-store product labeling. Many of
these applications target mobile phone users . Users may
receive text, add Vcard contact to their device, open a
Actual working of QR Code
Uniform resource identifier (URI), or compose an e-mail or
text message after scanning QR codes. They can generate 1. Gray conversion
and print their own QR codes for others to scan and use by
visiting one of several pay or free QR code-generating sites QR Code symbol is captured by embedded system with
or apps. E-mail has a popular API to generate QR codes, and camera, and it is a colourful image. QR Code symbol is a set
apps for scanning QR codes can be found on nearly all of dark and light pixels. It is needless to deal with colour
Smartphone devices. information and the gray image calculated quickly with little
space, so gray conversion is needed to do firstly.
2. Binarization
Binarization of gray scale images is the first and
important step to be carried out in pre-processing system.
Selection of a proper binarization method is critical to the
performance of barcode recognition system. In binarizing an
image, a simple and popular method is thresholding. There
are two types of thresholding methods: global and local
thresholding. Among more than 20 thresholding methods,
concluded that Otsu’s method is the best, which chooses the
threshold that minimizes within-group variance. By using a
global thresholding method, if an image has variable
lighting conditions, the resulting binary image will be very
System Architecture bad. In this case, a local thresholding method performs
better. A goal-directed performance evaluation of eleven
This section describes the hardware system architecture for
popular locally adaptive thresholding algorithms was
implementing the barcode reading system in mobile phones,
performed in for map images. His experimental results
and its processing flow. The camera device and application
indicated that Niblack’s method with post processing step
processor are necessary hardware components for this
appears to be the best. The main problems with a local
system. The application processor is needed to implement
thresholding method are hard to set a right window size,
the camera interface, LCD controller, DSP for image
eliminate the block effect, and reduce the execution time.
processing, and application host CPU for real-time
However, memory restrictions and embedded system
computations. The application processor works for
requirements preclude the use of binarization algorithms that
displaying of the menu and preview in the display and
require a priori knowledge of the full image and large
computing of code recognition and decoding in real-time.
execution time, thus a number of well-known locally
With these systems, the user can control the position of the
adaptive algorithms cannot be use.
camera and decide the capture timing.
The processing flow is as follows. 3. Filter:
1. Execute the barcode reader application the application
Standard opening and closing techniques are applied to
processor is changed into barcode reader mode by user
the bitmap to remove noise .After the filter, edge detection
menu selection.
is used in most recognition algorithm. But the QR Code has
2. Capture from embedded camera device the source
quick orientation. So the step of the edge detection is
images are captured by the embedded camera device via the
omitted in QR Code analysis phase. This will increase the
camera interface, and these image are sent to two units, the
recognition rate.
DSP for image processing and the LCD controller for
displaying the user preview. 4. Orientation
3. Process the image in DSP The code is detected and
processed in the DSP from the captured source image, and There are the three identical position detection patterns
the processed image in this phase is output as the located at three of the four corners of QR Code. Three dark -
normalized size and binarized image of the code area. light –dark squares are over palled in every finder pattern,
4. Decode the code the processed code data in the previous and the dark-light ratio is 1:1:3:1:1.
phase is decoded in the host CPU, and the decoded code is
derived to the application software.
5. Display the results the host application displays the
decoded results. In this paper, the algorithm of code
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number C1190022313/13©BEIESP and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: 625 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online), Volume-2 Issue-3, February 2013
There is off chance of that similar graphic existed in correction to enable accurate when substantial parts of the
barcode symbol. So the approximate ratio area should be code are distorted. Decoding is just the reverse of the
quickly found. But when one of the finder patterns is encoding procedure and the decoding steps can reference to
partially dirty or damaged, we can use the timing pattern. international standard of the QR Code.
The timing pattern provides the secondary information
which can help us to locate the symbol, decide the ratio V. APPLICATIONS
direction of symbol and width of module. Rotated images Many examples of applying QR codes in business and
are handled after orientation in common. But the industry can be found in Australia, China, Hong Kong,
interpolation operation is used in rotation operation .The Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan (ITSC, 2008) as
amount of calculation is great and is not accurate. So we illustrated below
skip this step. A modular distance offset algorithm was used
• Blood test process management in Australia
without rotating symbol after located finder pattern, the
• LPG cylinder bottle management in Australia
module width and height and the angle of rotation were
known. We get the grid moving along the line which • Tracing of livestock with ID numbers in Australia
connects the central of three finder patterns. This method • Jewellery certification system in China
avoids the rotation and interpolation, increases the • Bus commuters pass issuing system in Japan
computing speed. • Sushi freshness control system in Japan
• Betting ticket management in Japan
• Passenger management for a casino cruiser in Japan
5. Alignment patterns Location • Patient identification in Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore
• Application in agriculture in Taiwan
In order to correct the contorted QR Code symbol, there
are many alignment patterns in symbol. With the version
increasing, the number of alignment pattern adding. When
version is 3, the number of alignment pattern is 1, but when
version is 7, the number of alignment patterns is 6.Link the
central point of the alignment pattern and three position
detected patterns, the small sampling grid is formed. The
small sampling grid, distortion is omitted. Therefore, located
the central coordinate of alignment pattern is critical for
recognition of barcode.

Coupon codes and promotional offers

QR codes allow you to easily and immediately deliver

coupons and promotional offers. Track lets you produce a
QR code easily for each of your unique offers so you can
track how each is performing. These codes may direct
people to a website where they can redeem the coupon, for
Using the known alignment patterns and detection patterns example, or present instructions on how to use the discount
scans estimate the central co ordinate. In internationals at a store.
standard of QR code, a reference method that locates the
centre co-ordinate of alignment pattern is provided. But the
pre condition of this method is estimated the central co-
ordinate just inside of the alignment patterns. A large of
actual captured image are tested ,the probability of estimated
central value inside of the alignment patterns is only 70%
.the other 30% image will be located failure using this
method. A new estimated method is provided which used 8-
directions of the estimated point. The method scans the
nearly 8 directions of the estimated point to find the central
co-ordinate of the alignment patterns which are satisfied
conditions. This method expands the scanning range, and Patient identification in Japan
99.3% captured QR-Code image is successfully decoded.
6. Grid generation: A .User class & characteristic:
When the finder patterns and alignment patterns were The proposed system Location automated examination
located successfully, the segment is easy to do, and the grid focuses on the user who is using the mobile phone with
is easy to generate. Then the corresponding pixels are android Support and willing to reduce work load of manual
getting to ready for decoding. checking.

7. Error Correction and decoding:

The error correction and decoding process is last step of
the recognition barcode .It employs Reed Solomon error
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number C1190022313/13©BEIESP and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: 626 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Automated Examination Using QR Code

The system is supported with the “How to use” option for References:
the user who is not aware of this feature. Using this option
even a layman can be able to use the applications easily. The mera.html
layout and UI of the app will be simple enough that users
will take no time to learn its features and navigate through it ml
with little difficulty.
B. Operating Environment
1) Secured transactions.
The main component of the Automated Examination
2) Improves operational efficiency.
using Qr code project is the software application, which will
be limited to the Android operating system (specifically 3) High speed.
Android 2.2 and above). The application has little resource 4) Saves time.
or graphics-intensive, so there are little practical hardware 5) Efficient and Reliable.
constraints. The application will rely on several
functionalities built into Android’s Application VIII. CONCLUSION
Programming Interface (API), so ensuring appropriate usage The recent interest in the use of visual tags in everyday
of the API will be a major concern. Beyond that, the life is a natural consequence of the technological advances
application is a self-contained unit and will not rely on any found in modern mobile Phones. Although our proposed
other Android-related software components. The application system has the potential to make the question paper easily
will, however, frequently interact with the image captured available to students using the qr code also it is handy for
by camera of system. Software has two major component the students to give the answers to the questions which is
one the server and the second one is the mobile application. time saving for teacher as well as student and also checking
The server will required Windows XP/Vista/7 machine with is 99% error free.
minimum 1GB RAM and 100 GB hard disk. The server
machine also required WIFI devices sing which it can create REFERENCES
Wireless Ad-hoc network. Mobile application will support
Android phones so at least 2 Android devices required [1] Yeu Liu,Hu Yang,Ningjun Liu, recognition of QR code with mobile
getting the output. phones,2008 Chinese and Decision Conference ,university of
jinan,jinan 250022,china.
C Design and Implementation Constraints [2] QR Code Security Peter Kieseberg, Manuel Leithner, Martin
Mulazzani, Lindsay Munroe, Sebastian Schrittwieser, Mayank Sinha,
The primary design constraint is the mobile platform. Edgar Weippl SBA Research Favoritenstrasse 16 AT-1040 Vienna,
Since the application is designated for mobile handsets, Austria.
[3] The jaltcall journal issn 1832-4215 Vol. 5, No. 2 Pages 15–28 ©2009
limited screen size and resolution will be a major design jalt call sig “Utilizing the quick response (QR) code within a Japanese
consideration. Creating a user interface which is both EFL environment”
effective and easily navigable will pose a difficult challenge. [4] Law, C. & So, S. (2010). QR codes in education. Journal of
Other constraints such as limited memory and processing Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 85-100.
power are also worth considering. Location Alert is meant to
be quick and responsive, even when dealing with large
groups and transactions, so each feature must be designed
and implemented with efficiency in mind.
D Assumption and Dependencies
• Time Dependencies:
As mentioned previously, the features of Automated
Examination using Qr code are divided into two groups:
core features and additional features. Core features are
crucial to the basic functionality of the Qr Code application.
These features must all be implemented in order for the
application to be useful. Optional features, however, are not
critical to the function of the application. They are usability
improvements and convenience enhancements that may be
added after the application has been developed. Thus, the
implementation of these features is entirely dependent upon
the time spent designing and implementing the core features.
The final decision on whether or not to implement these
features will be made during the later stages of the design
• Hardware Dependencies:
Some of the additional features rely on hardware
components present in Android handsets. The application
will use the handset’s camera to capture the image of a
device at specific instance of time. Consequently, this
feature is entirely reliant upon the ability and megapixel of
the camera.
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number C1190022313/13©BEIESP and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: 627 © Copyright: All rights reserved.

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