Term 2 Material
Term 2 Material
Term 2 Material
(SESSION 2021-22)
Chief Patron
Subject Convenor
MySQL Functions and Querying using SQL 06-13
Aggregate Functions and Querying 14-27
Question Bank ‘Database Query Using SQL’ 28-52
Computer Networks 53-64
Introduction to Internet and Web 65-76
CBSE Sample Paper (Term-2)- 2021-22 77-87
Practice Papers 88-98
Project Work
The aim of the class project is to create tangible and useful IT applications. The learner may
identify a real-world problem by exploring the environment. e.g. Students can visit shops/business
places, communities or other organizations in their localities and enquire about the functioning of
the organization, and how data are generated, stored, and managed.
The learner can take data stored in csv or database file and analyze using Python libraries and
generate appropriate charts to visualize. If an organization is maintaining data offline, then the
learner should create a database using MySQL and store the data in tables.
Data can be imported in Pandas for analysis and visualization. Learners can use Python libraries of
their choice to develop software for their school or any other social good. Learners should be
sensitized to avoid plagiarism and violation of copyright issues while working on projects. Teachers
should take necessary measures for this. Any resources (data, image etc.) used in the project
The project can be done individually or in groups of 2 to 3 students. The project should be started by
students at least 6 months before the submission deadline.
Single Row Functions: These are also known as Scalar functions. Single row functions
are applied on a single value and return a single value.
POWER ( A,B) Returns the value of A raised to the SELECT POWER(5,3) ; OUTPUT:- 125
or power B SELECT POW(2,-2) ; OUTPUT:- 0.25
SELECT POWER(2.37,3.45) ; OUTPUT:-
SIGN ( ) Return the sign of the given number SELECT SIGN(-10) ; OUTPUT:- -1
Difference Between NOW() and SYSDATE() : NOW() function return the date and time at which
function was executed even if we execute multiple NOW() function with select. whereas SYSDATE()
will always return date and time at which each SYSDATE() function started execution.
For example:
mysql> Select now(), sleep(2), now();
Q1. Write a query to count the number of students from the Students table.
Ans: SELECT COUNT(StudentID) FROM Students;
Q.2 Write a query to count the number of students scoring marks > 75 from the Students table.
Ans: SELECT COUNT(StudentID) FROM Students WHERE Marks >75;
Q3. This function is used to return the average value of a numeric column.
Ans: SELECT AVG(ColumnName) FROM TableName;
Q4. Write a query to calculate the average marks of all students from the Students table.
Ans: SELECT AVG(Marks) FROM Students;
Q5. Write a query to retrieve the minimum marks out of all students from the Students table.
Ans: SELECT MIN(Marks) FROM Students;
Q6. Write a query to retrieve the maximum marks out of all students from the Students table.
Ans: SELECT MAX(Marks) FROM Students;
Q7. Write a query to retrieve the marks of the first student.
Ans: SELECT FIRST(Marks) FROM Students;
Q8. Write a query to retrieve the marks of the last student.
Ans: SELECT LAST(Marks) FROM Students;
Q9. Write a query to retrieve the names of all students in lowercase.
Ans: SELECT LCASE(StudentName) FROM Students;
Q10. Write a query to retrieve the names of all students in lowercase.
Ans: SELECT UCASE(StudentName) FROM Students;
Q11. Write a query to extract the length of the student name “Sanjay”.
Ans: SELECT LENGTH(“Sanjay”) AS StudentNameLen;
Output: 6
Q3. Write a query to display the numbers “123456789” in the format “###-###-###”
Ans: SELECT FORMAT(123456789, “###-###-###”);
Output: 123-456-789
Q1. Which type of MySQL function accepts only numeric values? Give the name of some functions
of that type.
Ans. Mathematical functions accept only numeric values and return the value of same type. These
functions are used to perform mathematical operations on the database data. Some mathematical
functions are OW()/POWER(), ROUND(), etc.
Q2. Which SQL function is used to remove leading and trailing spaces from a character expression X,
where X = ‘LEARNING ###MYSQL####’ (# denotes a blank space) and also give the output of X.
Q5. Write the name of the functions to perform the following operations:
(i) To display the day like “Monday”, “Tuesday”, from the date when India got independence.
(ii) To display the specified number of characters from a particular position of the given string.
(iii) To display the name of the month in which you were born.
(iv) To display your name in capital letters.
Ans. (i) DAYNAME( )
(ii) MID( ) or SUBSTR( ) or SUBSTRING( )
(iii) MONTHNAME( )
(iv) UPPER( ) or UCASE( )
Q7. What is the differences between the string function and numeric function ?
Ans. Differences between string and numeric functions are given below:
String Function Numeric Function
Q8. Mention the type of the functions given below with their purpose.
(iii) LEFT( )
Ans. (i) TRUNCATE( ) It is a mathematical function and returns a number truncated up to specified
number of digits.
(ii) DAYOFMONTH( ) It is a Date/Time function and returns the day of month for the specified date.
(iii) LEFT( ) It is a string function and returns the leftmost number of characters as specified.
1. 1. AVG() Function: The AVG() function returns the average value of a numeric
Syntax: SELECT AVG(column_name) FROM table_name
Now we want to find the customers that have an OrderPrice value higher than the average
OrderPrice value.
2. COUNT( ) Function:
The COUNT() function returns the number of rows that matches a specified criteria.
The COUNT(column_name) function returns the number of values (NULL values will not be
counted) of the specified column:
The COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) function returns the number of distinct values of the
specified column:
COUNT(column_name) Example
Now we want to count the number of orders from "Customer Nitesh Sharma".
The result of the SQL statement above will be 2, because the customer Nitesh Sharma has
made 2 orders in total:
Now we want to count the number of unique customers in the "Orders" table.
which is the number of unique customers (Vivek Kumar, Nitesh Sharma, and Samarjeet
Gupta) in the "Orders" table.
The MIN() function returns the smallest value of the selected column.
Syntax: SELECT MIN(column_name) FROM table_name
Example: We have the following "Orders" table:
O_Id OrderDate OrderPrice Customer
1 2018/11/12 1000 Vivek Kumar
2 2021/10/23 1600 Nitesh Sharma
3 2020/09/02 700 Vivek Kumar
4 2019/09/03 300 Vivek Kumar
5 2020/08/30 2000 Samarjeet Gupta
6 2020/10/04 100 Nitesh Sharma
The GROUP BY statement is used in conjunction with the aggregate functions to group the
result-set by one or more columns.
SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
GROUP BY column_name
Now we want to find the total sum (total order) of each customer.
Explanation of why the above SELECT statement cannot be used: The SELECT statement
above has two columns specified (Customer and SUM(OrderPrice). The "SUM(OrderPrice)"
returns a single value (that is the total sum of the "OrderPrice" column), while "Customer"
returns 6 values (one value for each row in the "Orders" table). This will therefore not give
us the correct result. However, you have seen that the GROUP BY statement solves this
We can also use the GROUP BY statement on more than one column, like this:
SELECT Customer, OrderDate, SUM(OrderPrice) FROM Orders
GROUP BY Customer,OrderDate
The HAVING clause was added to MySQL because the WHERE keyword could not be used
with aggregate functions.
SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
GROUP BY column_name
HAVING aggregate_function(column_name) operator value
Now we want to find if any of the customers have a total order of less than 2000.
Now we want to find if the customers "Vivek Kumar" or "Samarjeet Gupta" have a total
order of more than 1500.
Chapter Practice:
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following is not an aggregate function?
(a)AVG() (b) ADD()
(c) MAX() (d) COUNT()
Ans. (b) There is no aggregate function named ADD() but SUM() is an aggregate function which
performs mathematical sum of multiple rows having numerical values.
2. Which aggregate function returns the count of all rows in a specified table?
(a)SUM() (b) DISTINCT()
(c) COUNT() (d) None of these
Ans. (c) COUNT() function returns the total number of values or rows of the specified field or
3. In which function, NULL values are excluded from the result returned?
(a) SUM() (b) MAX()
(c) MIN() (d) All of these
Ans. (d) NULL values are excluded from the result returned by all the aggregate functions.
4. The AVG() function in MySQL is an example of
(a) Math function (b) Text function
GROUP BY name;
ORDER BY emp_id;
16. A School in Delhi uses database management system to store student details. The
school maintains a database 'school_record' under which there are two tables.
Student Table Maintains general details about every student enrolled in school.
StuLibrary Table To store details of issued books. BookID is the unique identification
number issued to each book. Minimum issue duration of a book is one day. [CBSE
Question Bank 2021]
Field Type
StuID numeric Field Type
StuName varchar(20) BookID numbric
StuAddress varchar(50) StuID numbric
StuFatherNam varchar(20) Issued_d Date
e ate
StuContact numeric Return_d Date
StuAadhar numeric ate
StuSection varchar(1)
(i) Identify the SQL query which displays the data of StuLibrary table in ascending order
of student ID.
Choose the correct option, which displays the desired data.
(i) Which SQL statement allows you to find the highest price from the table
(a) SELECT Book_ID,Book_Title,MAX(Price) FROM Book_Information;
(b) SELECT MAX(Price) FROM Book_Information;
(c) SELECT MAXIMUM(Price) FROM Book_Information;
(d) SELECT Price FROM Book_Information ORDER BY Price DESC ;
Ans. (b) SELECT MAX(Price) FROM Book_Information;
(ii) Which SQL statement allows you to find sales amount for each store?
(a) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales;
(b) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales ORDER BY Store_ID;
(c) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales GROUP BY Store_ID;
(d) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales HAVING UNIQUE Store_ID;
Ans. (c) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROMSales GROUP BY Store_ID;
(iii) Which SQL statement lets you to list all store name whose total sales amount is over 5000 ?
(a) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales GROUP BY Store_ID HAVING
SUM(Sales_Amount) > 5000;
(b) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales GROUP BY Store_ID HAVING
Sales_Amount > 5000;
(c) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales WHERE SUM(Sales_Amount) > 5000
(d) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales WHERE Sales_Amount > 5000
Ans. (a) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROMSales GROUP BY Store_ID HAVING
SUM(Sales_Amount) > 5000;
(iv) Which SQL statement lets you find the total number of stores in the SALES table?
(a) SELECT COUNT(Store_ID) FROM Sales;
Ans. (d) SELECT COUNT(Store_ID) FROM Sales GROUP BY Store_ID;
(v) Which SQL statement allows you to find the total sales amount for Store_ID 25 and the
total sales amount for Store_ID 45?
(e) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales WHERE Store_ID IN ( 25,
45) GROUP BY Store_ID;
(f) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales GROUP BY Store_ID
HAVING Store_ID IN ( 25, 45);
(g) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales WHERE Store_ID IN (25,45);
(h) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales WHERE Store_ID = 25 AND
Store_ID =45 GROUP BY Store_ID;
Ans. (b) SELECT Store_ID, SUM(Sales_Amount) FROM Sales GROUP BY Store_ID
HAVING Store_ID IN ( 25, 45);
But she did not get the desired result. Rewrite the above query with necessary changes to help
her get the desired output.
GROUP BY Stream;
Ans: A HAVING clause is like a WHERE clause, but applies only to groups as a whole (that is, to the
rows in the result set representing groups), whereas the WHERE clause applies to individual
rows. A query can contain both a WHERE clause and a HAVING clause.
He wants to display maximum salary department wise. He wrote the following command :
Rewrite the above query with necessary changes to help him get the desired output.
GROUP BY Deptcode;
7. Write a query that counts the number of doctors registering patients for each day. (If a
doctor has more than one patient on a given day, he or she should be counted only once .)
P_ID ProductName Manufact Price
Ans. SELECT ord_date, COUNT (DISTINCT doctor_code) FROM Patients
GROUP BY ord_date;
8. Consider the table DOCTOR given below. Write commands in SQL for (i) to (ii) and
output for (iii) to (v).
Table : DOCTOR
ID DOCName Department DOJ Gender Salary
1 Amit Kumar Orthopaedics 1993-02-12 M 35000
2 Anita Hans Paediatrics 1998-10-16 F 30000
3 Sunita Maini Gynaecology 1991-08-23 F 40000
4 Joe Thomas Surgery 1994-10-20 M 55000
5 Gurpreet Paediatrics 1999-11-24 F 52000
6 Anandini Oncology 1994-03-16 F 31000
(i) Display the names and salaries of doctors in descending order of salaries.
(ii) Display names of each department along with total salary being given to doctors of
that department.
[1 marks question]
1) The avg( ) function in MySQL is an example of ………………….
(i) Math Function
(ii) Text Function
(iii) Date Function
(iv) Aggregate Function
Ans:- (v) Aggregate Function
2) The …………. Command can be used to make changes in the rows of table in SQL.
3) The SQL Command that will display the current time and date.
Ans :- Select now();
4) The mid()function in MySql is an example of .
a. Math function
b. Text function
c. Date Function
d. Aggregate Function
Ans:- b. 15.9
Manish wants to select all the records from a table named “Students” where the value of
the column “FirstName” ends with an “a”. Which of the following SQL statement will do
a. SELECT * FROM Students WHERE FirstName = ‘a’;
b. SELECT * FROM Students WHERE FirstName LIKE ‘a%’;
c. SELECT * FROM Students WHERE FirstName LIKE ‘%a’;
d. SELECT * FROM Students WHERE FirstName = ‘%a%’;
19) The command can be used to add a new column to the table.
20) Which SQL command is used to describe the structure of the table ?
Ans:- DESC
21) Foreign Key in a table is used to enforce
i) Data dependency
ii) Referential Integrity
iii) Views
iv) Index Locations
Ans:- ii) Referential Integrity
22) A table ‘Student’ contains 5 rows and 4 columns initially. 2 more rows are added and 1
more column is added . What will be the degree and cardinality of the table student
after adding these rows and columns?
i) 7, 5
ii) 5,7
iii) 5,5
iv) None of the above
Ans:- ii) 5,7
23) Insert into student values(1,’ABC’,’10 Hari Nagar’) is a type of which command :
i) DML
ii) DDL
iii) TCL
iv) DCL
Ans:- i) DML
24) What will be the output of - select mid('Pyhton Programming’,3,9);
i) ton Progr
ii) ton Progr
iii) hton Prog
iv) htonProg
Ans:- iii) hton Prog
25) Write the output of the following SQL statement:
SELECT TRUNCATE(15.79,-1) , TRUNCATE(15.79,0), TRUNCATE(15.79,1);
a. 15 15 15.7
b. 10 15.7 15.9
c. 10 15 15.7
d. 10 10 15.9
Ans:- c. 10 15 15.7
26) The COUNT( ) in MySQL is an example of :
a. Math function
b. Text function
c. Date Function
d. Aggregate Function
Ans:- d. Aggregate Funcion
27) …….. which of the following sublanguages of SQL is used to query information from the
database and to insert tuples into, delete tuples from and modify tuples in the database?
Ans :- LIKE
34) Which of the following is an aggregate function:
a. Upper()
b. Trim()
c. Date()
d. Sum()
Ans:- d. SUM()
Ans: 2
What will be the result of the following query based on the table given here.
SELECT COUNT(Salary) FROM Instructor;
Ans:- COUNT(Salary)
38) Write the command to delete all the data of the table ‘activity’ retaining only structure.
39) Write the output for the following SQL commands
Select round(15.193 , -1);
Ans:- 10
40) Write a SQL query to display date after 20 days of current date on your system.
Ans:- SELECT CURDATE( ) + 10;
41) Write the output for the following sql command
Select SUBSTR(‘ABCDEFG’, -5 ,3)
Ans:- CDE
42) Which keyword is used to arrange the result of order by clause in descending order?
b. DES
Ans: C. DESC
43) Write the output of the following SQL command.
Ans:- c) Total( )
50) The command can be used to make changes in the definition of a table in SQL.
51) Write the SQL clause used to sort the records of a table.
52) Write the output of the following SQL command.
select round(15.857,-1);
a. 15.8
b. 15.9
c. 15.0
d. 20
Ans:- 20
53) The now()function in MySql is an example of .
a. Math function
b. Text function
c. Date Function
d. Aggregate Function
Ans:- b. 19.62
62) Having clause is used with ____________________________function.
a. Math function
b. Text function
c. Date Function
d. Aggregate Function
Ans:- Aggregate Function
63) Write the output of the query:
[2 marks question]
1) State any two differences between single row functions and multiple row functions.
What is the difference between the order by and group by clause when used along with the
select statement. Explain with an example.
Ans:- Differences between single row functions and multiple row functions. (i) Single row functions work
on one row only whereas multiple row functions group rows (ii) Single row functions return one
output per row whereas multiple row functions return only one output for a specified group of
OR The order by clause is used to show the contents of a table/relation in a sorted manner with
respect to the column mentioned after the order by clause. The contents of the column can be
arranged in ascending or descending order.
The group by clause is used to group rows in a given column and then apply an aggregate function
eg max(), min() etc on the entire group. (any other relevant answer)
Single row v/s Multiple row functions 1 mark for each valid point
Group by v/s Order by 1 mark for correct explanation 1 mark for appropriate example
2) Consider the decimal number x with value 8459.2654. Write commands in SQL to: i. round it off
to a whole number ii. round it to 2 places before the decimal.
She gets the output as 4 for the first command but gets an output 3 for the second command.
Explain the output with justification.
Ans:- This is because the column commission contains a NULL value and the aggregate functions do not
take into account NULL values. Thus Command1 returns the total number of records in the table
whereas Command2 returns the total number of non NULL values in the column commission.
4) Consider the following SQL string: “Preoccupied”
a. “occupied” b. “cup”
a. the position of the substring ‘cup’ in the string “Preoccupied” b. the first 4 letters of the string
UPDATE command is a part of DML command and used to update the data of rows of a table.
While ALTER command is a part of DDL command and used to change the structure of a table like
adding column, removing it or modifying the datatype of columns.
Ans:- This is because the column DESTINATION contains a NULL value and the aggregate functions do not
take into account NULL values. Thus Command1 returns the total number of records in the table
whereas Command2 returns the total number of non NULL values in the column DESTINATION.
8) Write the output for following queries:
i. select MOD(11,4) "Modulus", power(3,2) "Raised";
ii. select CURDATE( )+10;
i. select length('CORONA COVID-19');
ii. select lcase('COMputer Science');
i. 15
ii. ‘computer science’
9) Consider the decimal number x with value 7459.3654. Write commands in
SQL to:
i) round it off to a whole number
ii) round it to 2 places before the decimal.
10) Shailly writes the following commands with respect to a table Employee
having fields, empno, name, department, commission.
She gets the output as 7 for the first command but gets an output 5 for the
second command. Explain the output with justification.
Ans:- This is because the column commission contains a NULL value and the aggregate
functions do not take into account NULL values. Thus Command1 returns the total
number of records in the table whereas Command2 returns the total number of
non NULL values in the column commission.
(student may use other functions like – substring/ mid/ right .. etc
Ans:- Data types are mean to identify the type of data and its associated functions.
The main objectives of datatypes is to clarify the type of data a variable can store and which
operations can be performed on it.
13) Consider the decimal number n with value 278.6975. Write commands in SQL :
i. That gives output 279
ii. That gives output 280
But the Query is not executing successfully. What do you suggest to him in order to execute this
query i.e. write the correct query.
(ii) Write a SQL query to display the details of those employees whose Salary column has some
a. select instr("Master Planner","Plan");
b. select right("Master Planner",4); or some other queries that produces same results.
20) Consider the following SQL string: “Mental Toughness Helps You
Succeed” Write commands to display following using functions:
a. “Toughness”
b. “Succeed”
Considering the same string: “Mental Toughness Helps You Succeed”
Write SQL commands to display:
a. the position of the substring ‘’Helps’ in the string “Mental Toughness Helps You Succeed”
the first 6 letters of the string
Ans:- i) Select mid(‘Mental Toughness Helps You Succeed’, 8, 9)
ii) Select right(‘Mental Toughness Helps You Succeed’, 7);
i) select instr("Mental Toughness Helps You Succeed",’Helps’);
ii) select left("Mental Toughness Helps You Succeed",6);
1 Mark each for correct function usage
21) Find out the error in the following SQL command and correct the same.
Select * from employee group by dept where sum(salary) > 2000000
Shewani has recently started working in MySQL. Help her in understanding the
difference between where and having clause.
Ans:- Having clause is used in conjunction with group by clause in MySQL. It is used to provide
condition based on grouped data. On the other hand, order by clause is an independent
clause used to arrange records of a table in either ascending or descending order on the
basis of one or more columns
COUNT(*) returns the number of items in a group, including NULL values and
duplicates. COUNT(expression) evaluates expression for each row in a group and
returns the number of non null values
2 marks of correct explanation & for any other relevant answer.
23) Write commands in SQL to:
i. round off value 56789.8790 to nearest thousand’s place.
ii. Display day from date 13-Apr-2020.
Ans:- i. Select ROUND(56789.8790,-3);
ii. Select DAY(‘2020-04-13’) 1 mark each for correct answer.
24) Given Table Course:
Ans:- Primary Key : A column of collection of columns to identify a tuple in a relation. It is used
to search / locate row in a relation. There can be only one primary key in a table. 1 mark
for correct definition with proper significance.
1 mark for stating only one primary key in a table.
TRIM () function is used to remove leading and trailing spaces from a string a table. It can
be used as
For example;
SELECT TRIM(' bar ');
-> 'bar'
1 mark for stating purpose of the functions 1 mark for correct example.
Consider the following ‘Student’ table.
(i) What will be the most suitable datatype for the grade column and why?
(ii) Write a command to insert Suman’s record with the data as shown in the
Ans:- (i) Gender column datatype char(1) as all the possible values can be accommodated and it
will be space efficient.
The ORDER BY keyword sorts the records in ascending order by default. To sort the records
in descending order, use the DESC keyword.
1 mark for correct explanation. 1 mark for appropriate example
Consider a string “AS YOU know MORE” 2
Write the queries for the following tasks.
(i) Write a command to display “know”.
(ii) Write a command to display number of characters in the string.
Consider a string “You Grow more” stored in a
column str. What will be the output of the following
(i) SELECT UPPER(str);
(ii) SELECT substr(str,-9,4);
[3 marks question]
Ans:- a. select Type, avg(Price) from Vehicle group by Type having Qty>20;
b. select Company, count(distinct Type) from Vehicle group by Company;
c. Select Type, sum(Price* Qty) from Vehicle group by Type;
a. ½ mark for the Select with avg(), ½ mark for the having clause
b. ½ mark for the Select with count() , ½ mark for group by clause
c. ½ mark for the Select with sum() , ½ mark for the group by clause
2) Consider the table Garment and write the query:
a. Select sum(price) from pharmadb group by pharmacyname having count(*)>1;
b. Select PharmacyName from Pharmadb order by DrugID;
a. ½ mark for the Select with sum(), ½ mark for the having clause
b. ½ mark for the Select ,½ mark for the order by clause
1 marks for correct output.
7) Consider a MySQL table ‘product’
(ii) Display the value of each product where the value of each product is
calculated as PROD_PRICE * PROD_QTY
(iii) Display average PROD_PRICE.
Write SQL queries using SQL functions to perform the following operations:
a) Display salesman name and bonus after rounding off to zero decimal places.
b) Display the position of occurrence of the string “ta” in salesman names.
c) Display the four characters from salesman name starting from second character.
d) Display the month name for the date of join of salesman
e) Display the name of the weekday for the date of join of salesman
Ans:- i) monthname(date(now()))
ii) trim(“ Panaroma “)
iii) dayname(date(dob))
iv) instr(name, fname)
v) mod(n1,n2)
1 mark for each correct answer
Write SQL queries using SQL functions to perform the following operations:
a) Convert all the names into lower case.
b) Display the position of occurrence of the string “sh” in Name.
c) Display the four characters from Department starting from second character.
d) Display the month name for the date of admission.
e) Display the name of the weekday for the date of admission.
Write the SQL functions which will perform the following operations:
i) To display the day of month of current date.
ii) To remove spaces from the beginning and end of a string, “ Informatics Practices “.
iii) To display the name of the day eg. Friday or Sunday from your date of birth, dob.
iv) To convert your name into Upper case.
v) To compute the mode of two numbers num1 and num2.
ii. SELECT TRIM(“ Informatics Practices “;
iii. SELECT DAYNAME(“2015-07-27”);
v. SELECT MOD(num1,num2);
3) Write the SQL functions which will perform the following operations:
(i) Print the details of KVs whose StationCode between 300 and 500
(ii) Print the details of KVs whose name ends with AFS
(iii) Print the details of KVs of Jaipur region
(iv) Print the number of KVs Zone-wise
(v) Select Region, count(KVName) from KV where Zone=’West’ group by Region
(vi) Select * from KV where substr(KVName, 2, 3)=’and’ or StationCode=390;
Consider the following table Garments. Write SQL commands for the following statements.
Table : Garments
GCode GName Price MCode Launch_Date
10001 Formal Shirt 1250 M001 2008-12-12
10020 Frock 750 M004 2007-09-07
10007 Formal Pant 1450 M001 2008-03-09
10024 Denim Pant 1400 M003 2007-04-07
10090 T-Shirt 800 M002 2009-05-12
a) To update the Price of Frock to 825.
b) To print the average price of all the Garments.
c) To display the Garments Name with their price increased by 15%.
d) To delete the rows having MCode as M002.
e) To display the details of all the Garments which have GCode less than 10030.
Ans:- (i) select lower(“Mr. James”), lower(“Ms. Smith”);
(ii) select now();
(iii) select date(“2020-12-21 09:30:37”);
(iv) select rtrim(“ Technology Works ”);
(v) select mod(125,17);
a. Update Garments set price=825 where GName=’Frock’;
b. select avg(price) from Garments;
c. select DName, price*1.15 as ‘Increased_Price’ from Garments;
d. delete from Garments where MCode=’M002’;
e. select * from Garments where GCode<10030;
a) Display shop name and bonus after rounding off to zero decimal places.
b) Display the position of occurrence of the string “tech” in shop names.
c) Display three characters from shop name starting from second character.
d) Display the month name for the date of opening of shop
e) Display the name of the shop in all capitals.
Write SQL queries using SQL functions to perform the following operations:
a) Display company name and body wheel base after rounding off to nearest ten’s decimalplaces.
b) Display the position of occurrence of the string “dan” in body style.
c) Display the 3 characters from company name starting from second character.
d) Display the year of manufacturing for sedan;
Data Flow
➢ Simplex – In this mode of communication, data is transmitted in one direction only.
e.g. Keyboard, monitor. It uses entire capacity of channel to send the data.
➢ Half Duplex – Communication is bi-directional but not same time. i.e. Walkie-Talkie.
It uses entire capacity of channel is utilized for each direction.
➢ Network Interface Card or Unit (Network Adapter or LAN card) - It is hardware that
allows a computer (or device) to connect to network.
➢ MAC (Media Access Control) address – Each NIC is assigned a unique 12 digit
hexadecimal number, known a MAC address, is used as network address in
communication. The format for the MAC address is
MM : MM : MM : SS : SS : SS
Manufacturer ID Card Id
➢ IP Address: Every device on network has unique identifier called IP address. It
consists of 4 bytes (IPv4) decimal number (between 0 to 255) separated by ‘.’
➢ Channel – It is communication path through which data is actually transmitted.
➢ Communication Media- It is allows data or signal to be communicated across the
devices. It is means of communication.
➢ Data – Information stored within the computer system in form of ‘0’ and ‘1’
➢ Signal- It is electric or electromagnetic encoding of data to be transmitted. It can be
categorized into :
o Analog Signal – that has infinitely many level of intensity over a period of
o Digital Signal – that can have only a limited number of defined values.
➢ Bit rate – It defines the amount of data transferred. It is defined as number of bits
per second (bps). [Bps – Bytes per Second]
➢ Baud – The number of changes in signal per second.
➢ Bandwidth – It is difference between the highest and the lowest frequencies
contained in the signal.
Mode of Transmission
➢ Analog or Broadband Transmission
• It uses analog signals to transmit the information
➢ Parallel Communication
➢ Series Communication
➢ Synchronous Transmission
➢ Asynchronous Transmission
Switching Technique
➢ A switched network consists of a series of interlinked nodes called switches capable of
creating temporary connections between two or more liked devices.
➢ There are three basic switching technique
• Circuit –Switching
• Packet Switching
• Message Switching
Circuit Switching vs Packet Switching
Network Devices
➢ Modem
• It stands for modulator and demodulator
• It a computer hardware device that converts data from a digital format into a format
suitable for an analog.
• A modem transmits data by modulating one or more carrier wave signals to encode
digital information, while the receiver demodulates the signal to recreate the original
digital information.
➢ Repeater
• Repeaters are network devices that amplify or regenerate an incoming signal before
retransmitting it.
• It operate at physical layer of the OSI model.
• The repeater allows to transfer the data through large area distance
➢ Switch
• Network Switch or switch is also a network multiport device that allow multiple
computer to connect together.
• Network switch inspects the packet, determine source and destination address and
route the packet accordingly.
• It operates at Data Link Layer (layer 2) of OSI model.
➢ Bridge
• It connects multiple network segments having same protocol
• It works at Data Link Layer (Layer 2).
• Bridge does not simply broadcast traffic from one network.
• Bridges use bridge table to send frames across network segments.
• It also improves the overall network performance.
➢ Router
➢ Gateway
➢ RJ45
➢ Ethernet Card
➢ Wi-Fi card
Type of Network
• It stands for Personal Area Network.
• It is a computer network formed around a person.
• It generally consists of a computer, mobile, or personal digital assistant.
• Appliances use for PAN: cordless mice, keyboards, and Bluetooth systems.
• PAN includes mobile devices, tablet, and laptop.
❖ It is a group of computer and peripheral devices which are connected in a limited area
such as room, building & campus.
❖ Higher Data Speed.
❖ Lower Error Rate.
❖ LANs are in a narrower geographic scope (upto 1 Km).
❖ It is a private network.
❖ It connect device across globe.
❖ It uses public network
❖ Internet
Network Media
Co-axial Cable
➢ Coaxial cabling has a single copper conductor at its center, and a plastic layer that provides
insulation between the center conductor and a braided metal shield.
➢ Connector: BNC (Bayonet Neill-Concelman)
Optical Fibre
➢ An optical fiber is a flexible, transparent fiber made by drawing glass or plastic to a diameter
slightly thicker than that of a human hair.
➢ Higher bandwidth
➢ Less signal attenuation
➢ Immune to cross-talk
➢ Optical fiber have long life more than 100 or above years
➢ Grater immune to tapping
➢ Resistance to corrosive material
➢ Long distance transmission is possible
➢ Immunity to electromagnetic interference
Optical Fibre-Disadvantage
➢ Unidirectional propagation
➢ High initial cost
➢ Optical fiber more tensile stress than copper cables
➢ Installation and maintenance
➢ Fiber joining process is very costly and require skilled menpower
➢ Difficult to splice (join)
➢ Difficult to find error
Radio Wave
➢ 300GHz to 400THz
➢ Line of sight- antenna of sender and receiver must be aligned
➢ Short distance communication
➢ It cannot penetrate obstacle – best suited for indoor
➢ Secure
➢ Support high data rate
➢ TV Remote
➢ Physical and Logical arrangement of nodes in the network is called Network Topology.
➢ The Key Elements to be considered to choose correct topology for your network
❖ Length of the Cable Needed – longer the cable, more work is required for setup
❖ Cable Type- Depending on requirement of bandwidth
❖ Cost- Installation Cost and Complexity
❖ Scalability – Ease of expansion
❖ Robustness – Ability to recover from error
Types of Topology
➢ Bus
➢ Ring
➢ Star
➢ Tree
➢ Mess
➢ Hybrid
Bus Topology
➢ In Bus Topology all the nodes are connected to single cable or backbone
➢ Both the end have terminators.
Ring Topology
In Ring Topology all the nodes are connected to each-other to form a loop.
Each workstation is connected to two other components on either side
It communicates with these two adjacent neighbors.
Data is sent and received using Token.
➢ In Star Topology all the nodes are connected to a central device called Hub/Switch.
➢ All communication is controlled by the central Device( Hub/Switch)
➢ Reliable
➢ Robust
➢ Failure of node does not affect the working of the network.
➢ Fault detection and isolation is easy.
➢ Maintenance of the network is easy.
➢ It doesn’t create bottlenecks where data collisions occur.
Tree Topology
➢ In Tree Topology, the devices are arranged in a tree fashion similar to the branches of a tree.
➢ It multilayer architecture.
Types of Protocol
➢ POP3
➢ VoIP
➢ It is a protocol suite consist of two protocols Transmission Control Protocol and Internet
➢ TCP ensures reliable transmission or delivery of packets on the network.
➢ TCP is state full protocol.
➢ IP is responsible for addressing of node on the network
➢ It is used for the transfer of computer files among hosts over TCP/IP (internet).
➢ It allows access to directories or folders on remote computers.
➢ It uses client-server architecture.
➢ It is statefull protocol
➢ The default port is 21
➢ It provides mechanism for retrieving emails from a remote server for a mail recipient.
➢ POP3 downloads the email from a server to a single computer, then deletes the email from
the server.
➢ Default port for POP3 110 and secure port 995
➢ It is also used to retrieve mail from mail server to client over internet (TCP/IP).
➢ It allows access to mail from different device.
➢ E-mail client establishes a connection with the server every time you log in and maintained
for the whole session.
➢ Email will not automatically gets deleted.
➢ Default Port is – 143 and Secure port is 993.
Domain names
➢ A domain name is a website's address on the Internet.
➢ Domain names are used in URLs to identify to which server belong a specific webpage.
➢ The domain name consists of a hierarchical sequence of names (labels) separated by periods
(dots) and ending with an extension.
URL :- URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is nothing more than the address of a
given unique resource on the Web or address of a website. The URL is an address that matches
users to a specific resource online, such as webpage. Example- http://www.kvsangathan.nic.in
WWW : The World Wide WEB (WWW), commonly known as the ‘Web’. It is an information system
where all the web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Tim Berners- Lee
invented the WWW in 1989. He wrote the first web browser in 1990. The World Wide WEB
(WWW) or ‘Web’ is a collection of WebPages found over the internet. Web browser uses the
internet to access the ‘Web’.
Application of Internet Web 2.0 : The term web 2.0 is used to refer to a new generation of websites
that are supposed to let people to publish and share information online. It aims to encourage the
sharing of information and views, creativity that can be consume by the other users. E.g: Youtube
• Makes web more interactive through online social media web- based forums,
communities, social networking sites.
• It is a website design and development world which aim to encourage sharing of
information and views, creativity and user interactivity between the users.
• Video sharing possible in the websites
Web 3.0:
➢ It refers to the 3rd Generation of web where user will interact by using artificial intelligence
and with 3-D portals. Web 3.0 supports semantic web which improves web technologies to
create, connect and share content through the intelligent search and the analysis based on the
meaning of the words, instead of on the keywords and numbers.
➢ email (or e-mail) is defined as the transmission of messages over communications networks.
Typically the messages are notes entered from keyboard and sent over internet using
computer or mobile.
Chat : Chat may refer to any kind of communication over the Internet that offers a real-time
transmission of text messages from sender to receiver. Chat messages are generally short in
order to enable other participants to respond quickly.
VoIP :- Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a technology that allows you to make voice calls
using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line. VoIP services
convert your voice into a digital signal that travels over the Internet. If you are calling a regular
phone number, the signal is converted to a regular telephone signal before it reaches the
destination. VoIP can allow you to make a call directly from a computer. Examples of Voip:-
Whatsapp, Skype, Google Chat etc.
Advantage of VoIP:
✓ Save a lot of money.
✓ More than two people can communicate or speak.
✓ Supports great audio transfer.
✓ Provide conferencing facility.
✓ More than voice (can transfer text, image, video along with voice).
Disadvantages of Voip:
✓ Reliable Internet connection required.
✓ No location tracking for emergency calls.
Website:- a website is a group of web pages, containing text, images and all types of multi-media
Web Server: - A web server is a computer that stores web server software and a website's
component files (e.g. HTML documents, images, CSS style sheets, and JavaScript files).
The basic objective of the web server is to store, process and deliver web pages to the users using Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Apart from HTTP, a web server also supports SMTP (Simple Mail transfer Protocol)
and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) protocol for e-mailing, for file transfer and storage.
When client sends request for a web page, the web server search for the requested page if
requested page is found then it will send it to client with an HTTP response. If the requested web
page is not found, web server will the send an HTTP response: Error 404 Not found.
Web Hosting :- Web hosting is an online service that enables you to publish your website or web
application on the internet. When you sign up for a hosting service, you basically rent some space on
a server on which you can store all the files and data necessary for your website to work properly.
Plug-ins: - a plug-in (or plugin, add-in, add-on) is a software component that adds a specific feature
to an existing computer program. When a program supports plug-ins, it enables customization.
Plug-ins are commonly used in Internet browsers but also can be utilized in numerous other
types of application
Add-ons (in terms of H/W): An Add-on is either a hardware unit that can be added to a computer to
increase the capabilities or a program unit that enhances primary program. Some manufacturers and
software developers use the term add-on.
Cookies: - cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer and contains
information like which Web pages visited in the past, logging details Password etc. They are
designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and website and can be
accessed by the web server or the client computer.
Chapter Practice:
Very Short Answer Question (for 1 Mark)
Q6. Ruhani wants to edit some privacy settings of her browser. How can she accomplish her task?
Ans. She can accomplish her task by performing following steps
Step 1 Open your web browser.
Step 2 Open browser settings.
Step 3 Look for Privacy and Security settings. If not directly
found, click on Advanced settings.
Step 4 After reaching Privacy and Security settings she can
edit their setting.
Q7. What is the difference between Website and Webpage
Website Webpage
1. A collection of web pages which are grouped A document which can be displayed in a
together and usually connected together in web browser such as Firefox, Google
various ways, Often called a "web site" or simply Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Internet
a "site." Explorer etc.
2. Has content about various entity. Has content about single entity.
3. More development time is required. Less development time is required.
4. Website address does not depend on Webpage Webpage address depends on Website
address. address.
Q.1 ABC Pvt. Ltd. Is setting up the network in the Bengaluru. There are four departments named
as Market, Finance, Legal and Sales.
Distance between various Departments building is as follows :
From To Distance
Market Finance 80 mt
Market Legal 180 mt
Market Sales 100 mt
Legal Sales 150 mt
Legal Finance 100 mt
Fianance Sales 50 mt
(i) Suggest a cable layout of connections between the departments building and specify the
(ii) Suggest the most suitable building to place server by giving suitable reason.
(iii) Suggest the placement of (i) modem (ii) hub/switch in the network.
(iv) The organization is planning to link its sales counter situated in various part of the same city,
which type of network out of LAN, WAN, MAN will be formed? Justify your answer.
Ans. (i)
Q.2 Delhi Public School in Meerut is starting up the network between its different wings. There
are four building named as S, J, A and H. The distance between various buildings is as follows :
Star Topology
(ii) Server can be placed in the A building as it has the maximum number of computers
(iii) Repeater can be placed between A and S buildings as the distance is more than100 m
(iv) Radio waves can be used in hilly region as they can travel through obstacles.
(i) Suggest the most appropriate block, where RCI should plan to install the server.
(ii) Suggest the most appropriate block to block cable layout to connect all three blocks for
efficient communication.
(iii) Which type of network out of the following is formed by connecting the computers of these
three blocks A. LAN B.MAN C.WAN
(iv) Which wirless channel out of the following should be opted by RCI to connect to students
from all over the world:
A. Infrared B.Microwave C. Staellite.
(i) Faculty Studio.
Q.4 XYZ is professional consultancy company. The company is planning to set up their new
offices in India with its hub at Pune. As a network adviser, you have to understand their requirement
and suggest them to best available solutions. Their queries are mentioned as (i) to (iv) below :
Physical Location of the blocks of XYZ
(i) What will be the most appropriate block, where XYZ should plan to install their server?
(ii) Draw a block diagram showing cable layout to connect al the buildings in the most appropriate
manner for efficient communication.
(iii) What will be the best possible connectivity out of the following you will suggest to connect the
new setup of offices in Chennai with its London based office.
• Satellite link
• Infrared
• Ethernet Cable.
(iv) Which of the following device will be suggested by you to connect each computer in each of the
• Switch
• Modem
• Gateway
(i) Finance block because it has maximum number of computers.
Q.5 Uplifting skills Hub India is a knowledge and skill community which has an aim to uplift the
standard of knowledge and skills in the society. It is planning to setup its training centres in multiple
towns and villages in India with its head office in the nearest cities. They have created a model of
their network with a city a town and 3 villages as follows. As a network consultant, you have to
suggest the best network related solutions for their issues problems raised in (i) to (iv) keeping in
mind that distance between various location and given parameters.
Village 3 B-TOWN
Village 2
Village 1
• In Villages, there are community centres, in which one room has been given as training
centre to this organization to install computers.
• The organization has get financial support form the government and top IT companies.
(i) Suggest the most appropriate locations of the SEVER in the B_HUB out of 4 locations, to get
the best and effective connectivity. Justify your answer.
(ii) Suggest the best wired medium and draw the cable various locations with the B_HUB
(iii) Which hardware device will you suggest to connect all the computers within eact location of
(iv) Which service/protocol will be most helpful to conduct live interactions of experts from
Head_Office and people at all location of B_HUB?
(i) B_TOWN can house the server as it has the maximum no. of computers.
(ii) Optical Fibre cable is the best for the star topology.
(iii) Switch
(iv) VoIP
select round(123.789,-2);
2 A website is a collection of 1
7 Explain the difference between where and having clauses in SQL with the 2
help of a suitable example.
8 Consider the below given Student table and answer the questions which 2
(a) How will she generate the following output using group by and having
(b) How will she update the student table to increase marks of all students
(a) Write SQL command to display the area-wise count of salesmen for
those areas who have more than 1 salesman.
(b) Write SQL command to find the total Sales.
(c) Write SQL command to display the Sname and Dojoin of the salesman
who has joined most recently.
12 How are aggregate functions different from other SQL functions? Ishita is 3
trying to find the max sales out of all the sales corresponding to Salesmen
having Delhi as address in the Salesman table given in Q11. Write two
different SQL queries (using group by and without using group by) to
perform this task.
13 Predict the output of below given SQL queries 3
a. select length(ltrim(" ABCD EFGH "));
b. select length(trim(" ABCD EFGH "));
c. select power(instr(lower('A@123'),'2'),instr(lower('A@123'),'3'));
14 Differentiate between the following 3
a. static and dynamic web page
b. website and webpage
15 Write the SQL commands which will perform the following operations? 4
a. To display the starting position of your last name (lname) from the
whole name (name).
b. To display dayname, month name and year from today’s date.
c. To display the remainder on dividing 3 raised to power 5 by 5.
d. To display ‘I am here’ in lower as well as uppercase.
Consider the table Salesman with the given data
Trine Tech Corporation (TTC) is a professional consultancy company.
The company is planning to set up their new offices in India with its hub at
Hyderabad. As a network adviser, you have to understand their
requirements and suggest them the best available solutions. Their queries
are mentioned as (a) to (d) below. TTC is having three blocks, namely
Human Resource Block, Conference Block and Finance Block.
1. There are 16 questions in the question booklet.
2. Each question is compulsory.
3. The Question paper is divided into four sections - Section A containing 05 questions each
of 01 mark, Section B containing 05 questions each of 02 marks, Section C containing 04
questions each of 03 marks, Section D containing 02 questions each of 04 marks.
4. Options are available with the questions in Section D.
select truncate(123.789,-2);
3 For n devices in a network, what is the number of cable links required for a 1
mesh topology?
(a) n*2 (b) n*(n-1)
(a) Error
(b) 1
(c) 7
(d) Monday
7 Given a table Orders (oid, cuid, item), Radhika applies the following 2
command to find cuid of those customers who have two or more than two
select cuid,count(*) from orders where count(*)>=2; However, the code
gives an error. Explain the reason and write correct code to achieve the
desired task.
8 Akash writes the following commands for a student table having attributes 2
roll, name, age and class.
Command1: select count(*) from student
Command2: select count(age) from student.
He gets the output 10 for the first command but gets an output 8 for the
second command. Explain the reason behind this difference.
(b) How will she count the number of distinct items in the orders table?
(a) Write SQL command to display the class-wise count of students for
those classes who have more than 2 students.
(b) Write an SQL command to find the average marks for class XI and
class XII students.
(c) Write an SQL command to display the name and DOB of the youngest
12 Give suitable examples to explain the role of % and _ characters for pattern 3
matching in SQL.
a. Suggest the most appropriate block, where ABC should plan to install
the server.
b. Suggest the most appropriate block to block cable layout to connect
all three blocks for efficient communication.
c. Which type of network out of the following is formed by connecting
the computers of these three blocks? LAN, MAN, WAN
B3 TO B1 40 M
B1 TO B2 50 M
B2 TO B4 15 M
B4 TO B3 150 M
B3 TO B2 115 M
B1 TO B4 90 M
B1 140
B2 20
B3 18
B4 30
Computers in each block are networked but blocks are not networked. The
company has now decided to connect the blocks also
a. Suggest the most appropriate topology for the connections between
the blocks.
b. The company wants internet accessibility in all the blocks. The
suitable and cost-effective technology for that would be .
c. Which device will you suggest for connecting all the computers
within each of their blocks?
d. The company is planning to link its head office situated in New
Delhi with the offices in hilly areas. Suggest a way to connect it