JPSP 2022 333a
JPSP 2022 333a
JPSP 2022 333a
2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 3549 – 3553
Student of School of Law at Lovely Professional University, Punjab
Assistant professor of School of Law at Lovely Professional University, Punjab
Presently the increasing rate of white-collar crimes in India has induced a massive impact on the
economic wellbeing of the country. In India, bank frauds, evasion of tax and economic threats have
been considered for hindering the economic infrastructure of the country. On this note, the government
of India must take essential actions in order to reduce the rate of increasing number of white-collar
crimes in India. However, through analysing the prior studies it has been anticipated that white collar
crime is riskier to the economy of a country compared to ordinary crime. On this note, it has been
detected that white collar crime can put the employees in danger through providing an unsafe operation
condition. However, in this research study a secondary qualitative method of data collection has been
employed to gather and interpret information regarding the purpose of the study. Apart from that,
thematic analysis has been incorporated to outline the key findings of the study. However, the findings
of the study have highlighted that white collar crime has induced a massive impact in resisting the
economic growth of India. In addition to that, corruption is another major factor that has significantly
enhanced the rate white crime. Despite the fact white collar crime hinders the economic infrastructure
of a country, it has also accounted for imposing a massive burden on the society due to bribery and
Keywords: White Collar crime, India, Bank Fraud, Bribery, Cybercrime, economy, socio economic,
Tax evasion.
• To detect the root of the causes that have industrialization. In the wake of evolution, there
influenced the increasing rate of white-collar has been tremendous loss in the Indian economy
crime in India due to some loopholes in the internal system that
has given a path regarding the enhancement of
• To investigate the way the increasing white-collar crimes. It poses a remarkable loss
rate of white-collar crime can be reduced in towards the Indian economy as the loss of
India finance cost included in these white-collar
• To detect the role of government in crimes is numerous times more considerable
minimizing the rate of white-collar crime in than several other ordinary crimes that have
India taken together. The white-collar crime not just
put an impact upon a country’s financial status
or else it also can put a pessimistic impact upon
Indian society. The several patterns of crimes
Literature Review
mainly as money laundering, corruption along
Impact of white-collar crimes on economy of with bribery has caused a massive affect upon
India the society in a pessimistic way. In turn, several
employees suffer financially along with that buy
Several experts have agreed that the impact of less products and services. In addition to this,
white-collar crime upon the economy is more business organizations that have been the major
expensive than the other types of ordinary crime. victim of this white-collar crime might suffer
This specific crime can be able to endanger severe losses and they must also declare them as
several employees by unsafe conditions of bankruptcy. On the other hand, their creditors
working, injure customers due to dangerous never get paid, co-workers lose their precious
products including that might also be able to jobs along with those investors generally lose
cause pollution related issues for this their own money.
community. These particular crimes are
recognized as more severe towards society than The main reasons behind the increasing rate of
any other patterns of ordinary that are happening white-collar crimes
every day . As in white collar crimes, the losses
The basic perception is that these types of crimes
of finance are much loftier including that it also
are happening due to greed or else economic
can cause major damage to public morals. It
instability. However, these crimes are also
generally threatens the economic infrastructure
increasingly occurring due to circumstantial
of India through economic thefts, banking frauds
pressure or else the inherent attributes of getting
along with tax evasion and many others.
much more than several others. Therefore, it can
On the other hand, it not just puts an impact upon be stated that behind the occurrence of this
the financial condition of a country or else a pattern of crime there can be numerous reasons
human being; however, it also has a pessimistic and in India nowadays the white-collar crimes
effect upon the society. The several patterns of are continuously increasing . Lack of
crimes such as corruption, bribery, along with consciousness of several people can be one of
money laundering all have put an impact upon the major reasons behind the occurrence of
the society in a pessimistic way. The above- white-collar crime. The nature of white-collar
mentioned crime has created a major hindrance crime is unique from the other traditional crimes
in building progressive nation along with better including that the public rarely understand that
economic infrastructure. White collar crimes are though these public are the worst sufferers of
mainly referring to those patterns of crimes that this crime.
are associated with several persons of higher
On the contrary, necessity might be another
social status . The prominent position of
attribute of committing these crimes and the
offender’s that provides better opportunity
public are committing the crimes in terms of
regarding such patterns of crimes through
satisfying their own ego or else to help their
committing a breach of liability endowed on
family. Human beings from the higher status
have enough financial support, however; still
In this context, they have crucially ushered at an those higher-class people commit these types of
enhancing rate including the advent of crimes at the time they are out of greed. On the
technological advancements along with other hand, white collar crime generally happens
3551 Journal of Positive School Psychology
due to the craving to beat their rivals along with different types of treatments towards the white-
that to do better than them. In order to gain collar lawbreakers and trial courts mainly in
success better than their rivals, white collar India sometimes lose to realize the gravity of
crimes such as bribery, forgery along with these types of crimes.
frauds have continuously been committed. In
addition to that, another cause behind the Gap of the research study
occurrence of white-collar crimes might be the Lack of primary and numeric information is one
technological reasons. Few of the public justify of the major gaps of this research study. Apart
themselves by committing these crimes as they from that, the prior researchers have not induced
generally feel that the regulations of the an essential overview regarding the purpose of
government do not have a clear understanding this research study. In addition to that, the
about the practical issues of competing in the impact of white-collar crime in the economy of
independent enterprise system. India has not been addressed in a succinct
The role of Government in reducing the manner. As a result, it has restricted the
increasing rate of white-collar crime in India researcher to gain sufficient and reliable data
that would have assisted the researcher to
There has been enough prevalence regarding achieve the expected outcome of this research
white collar crimes over a specific time frame in study.
India and it is spreading just as a rapid fire in
several environments of society. However,
corruption can be considered as the main species Methods and materials
of this type of crime and it has always been the
most talked about conflicts in several One of the most important aspects of any
environments- economic, social along with research study, materials and techniques has a
political and it can also be illustrated that not any direct influence on the study's conclusion. Aside
effective actions have been undertaken to curb from that, the researcher has decided to use a
this jeopardy . The Indian Government needs to secondary way of data collecting in order to
perk up particular governance along with acquire and analyze data from secondary
undertaking stringent measures against such sources of information. A secondary qualitative
kinds of offenders. In addition to this, the private technique was used to gather this data, and the
sectors need to implement necessary measures researcher used papers published within the
in order to prevent the fraud including previous five years as a source of data. Apart
concentrating upon the ethics in order to curb from that, the sources have been obtained from
them. peer reviewed journals, articles, websites,
ProQuest and Google Scholar. On the other
On this note, both sectors need to collaborate hand, thematic analysis has been selected for
with each other to reduce risks of frauds in India this study as the researcher has interpreted the
regarding the improvement of them including collected information through generating
their nation. Few of the legislations have been themes regarding the purpose of this research
taken in order to mitigate the increasing cases of study.
white-collar crimes cases in India. The
government has created several patterns of
legislation in order to critically identify these
types of crimes . The legislations are Companies
Act, 1960, Prevention of corruption Act, 1988, White collar crime in India
IT Act, 2005, Commodities Act, 1955 along
with that Prevention of money laundering Act, The phrase "white-collar crime" has not yet been
2002 and all these legislations contain a critical used in Indian criminal laws. On the other hand,
punishment for these crimes. The white-collar the term of white collar crime is not new in
crimes can be considered as the vital crimes that criminal jurisprudence of India. It has been used
can harm the entire economic infrastructure of in its popular sense for a variety of crimes, such
the economy. The Indian Government needs to as corporate criminality and environmental
be more careful regarding the occurrence of crimes by corporations, occupational or
these crimes as it has the ability to destroy the profession-related crimes, tax-evasion crimes,
whole economy. Courts are mainly utilizing and IPR crimes since its inception. In addition to
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White-collar crime has been shown to be more
costly to the economy than other forms of
criminal activity, according to a number of
academics. In addition to affecting a country's or
a person's financial situation, it also has a
negative influence on society. Corruption,
bribery, and money laundering are just a few of
the crimes that have weighed heavily on society.
However, according to findings of the study it
can be simply concluded that white collar crime
has highly disrupted the evolution phase of
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