Cargo Handling User Guide v.3

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Cargo Handling User Guide December 5, 2023

Cargo Handling
User Guide


Prepared by; MISRD

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Cargo Handling User Guide December 5, 2023

A. Cargo Handling Requirements;

a. Computer (Desktop / Laptop or Tablet)
b. Stable Internet
c. Printer and Ink

B. Rules;
a. Uploading of cargo upon berting on port
b. Discharging of cargo upon arrival on port

C. Link and Credental Login

Hold the CTRL button on your keyboard then click the link below to open the Cargo Handling
portal on Computer Browser, or simple copy the link below and pasted into computer browser.

See the image below as reference

D. Cargo Handling Page

a. After login click the Cargo Handling on the upper menu to open the page of Cargo

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Cargo Handling User Guide December 5, 2023

E. List of Vessel Voyage and it’s routes

a. The image below are the list of vessel voyage and it’s route, previous and current.

F. Syncing new Vessel Voyage

a. When the previous route is done, that is the only time that the vessel personnel need to
create a new one, (Sync Voyage).
b. Click this button (see the image below) on Cargo handling page then a new will open.

c. Select the vessel and the new voyage number, then click the Sync button. A
confirmation notification will display and a new sync vessel voyage will be visible to the

User can re-sync the existing vessel voyage specially if the voyage has change route or
removed route.

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Cargo Handling User Guide December 5, 2023

G. Uploading Cargo (Final Load List)

a. A reminder;
b. Click the Cargo List button to re-direct the user to Uploading Cargo.

c. Click the Upload Cargo button (See the image above). Select the port of loading on the
input message box window (See the image below), then click the Upload button.

H. Exporting to Excel the Uploaded Cargo

a. After uploading the Cargo, click Load tab, select the branch that previously uploaded
then click the Export to Excel button. See the reference image on the next page.

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Cargo Handling User Guide December 5, 2023

b. After exporting to excel the image below will shown. Click the down arrow the select the
excel file.

c. Once the excel open, select the Print button or simple hold the CTRL on keyboard then
hit P to print.

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Cargo Handling User Guide December 5, 2023

Performing Actual Loading

d. The printed final load list must hand over to personnel who’s doing the actual loading or
checking every container loaded to vessel.
e. Mark with check on the list if the container is loaded on vessel and leave it blank if not.
If there is container loaded to vessel and not found on the list, just write the container
number on the final load list kindly identify the container type, POL & POD.

f. Once done loading , hand over the final load list to Chief Mate for proper incoding.

I. Loading the Uploaded Cargo

The numbering from cargo list is the same from printed excel, user can easily identify
the container number.

a. Open the cargo handling if close then navigate to list of vessel voyage then click the
Cargo List (see the image below)

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Cargo Handling User Guide December 5, 2023

b. Click the Load tab then select the port of loading then tick the select all. Printed load list
must coenside with Cargo Handling data. If there is no check or mark on printed list then
untick it on the list. Once done validation then click the Load button to load the
uploaded. (See and follow the image below)

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Cargo Handling User Guide December 5, 2023

J. Add Cargo

If there is a container actual loaded to vessel but not in the final loadlist we can use the Add
Cargo function.

a. Select the POL and POD

then manually encode the
container number, kindly
follow the correct format
(shown during typing).
Leave the Booking No. and
BL No. if incase didn’t
know, then Select the
container type, encode
the TEUS and Tonage then
change the select value in
empty cargo if empty.
Type the reason in
Remarks e.g. Additional.
Then click the Add button

b. Repaet this procedure for

the next container actual
loaded but not found in
the final load list.

c. Once done repeat the procedure of letter I Loading the Uploaded Cargo (a & b) just
locate the additional container before ticking the Load button.

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Cargo Handling User Guide December 5, 2023

K. Loading or Viewing Loaded Cargo Report (Cargo Handling Summary)

d. Click the Cargo Handling Summary (See image below)

e. Click the port of Loading the Cargo Report will automatically viewed based on the
selected Port. If the user desired to download the Cargo Report just click the Download
as PDF

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Cargo Handling User Guide December 5, 2023

L. Discharging Cargo

f. On Cargo List select Discharge tab, then select port of Discharging, then click the Export
to Excel button.

g. Once printed, hand over it to personnel who’s doing the actual discharging. Used the
discharging list as a tally sheet. Similar to loading, just mark or check the container that
actually discharge.
Once done discharging, hand over the tally sheet to Chief Mate to encode it to

h. Kindly validate discharging taly sheet before clicking the discharge button. It’s easy to
validate since the numbering in printed discharging list as ang the list on the computer is
the same. (see the image below as reference)

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Cargo Handling User Guide December 5, 2023

i. If there is no check or mark on printed list then untick it on the list. Once done validation
then click the Discharge button to discharge the loaded.

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Cargo Handling User Guide December 5, 2023

M. Loading or Viewing Discharge Cargo Report (Cargo Handling Summary)

j. Click the discharging port then the discharge cargo report automatically change. See the
image below as reference. If the user desired to download the Cargo Report just click
the Download as PDF

N. Continue until the last port.

k. Follow the same procedure of loading and discharging until the last port of discharging.

---------------- END ---------------

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