Final Log
Final Log
Final Log
AI Project Logbook
1. D h a r s h i n i . B X I I - B
2. D h a r s h i n i . V X I I - B
3. S . R a k s h a n a X I I - B
4. T a r u n a . E X I I - C
1. Introduction
Society's perspective on medical waste management is increasingly critical as the environmental impact
becomes more apparent. The conventional methods often fall short, leading to concerns about contamination
and ecological damage. However, emerging AI projects offer a promising solution by optimizing waste
segregation, tracking disposal practices, and predicting potential hazards. These AI systems can efficiently
analyze vast datasets, identify patterns, and provide real-time insights to enhance waste management
protocols. By incorporating artificial intelligence, society can mitigate the environmental risks associated
with medical waste, ensuring a more sustainable and responsible approach to HEALTHCARE WASTE
MANAGEMENT, aligning with global efforts towards a greener and healthier future.
2. Team Roles
2.1 Who is in your team and what are their roles?
Data expert
Decides on type of data needed to train
an AI model
Collects data
Ensures data is in a format that the team
can work with
Ensures data is ethically sourced and
unfair bias is eliminated
Works with prototype builder to train the
AI mode
Project Leader Schedules and allocates tasks among the Dharshini.B
Ensures tasks are completed on time Acts
as the point of contact between the team
and the teacher, users and stakeholders
Resolves team issues
2.2 Project plan
The following table is a guide for your project plan. You may use this or create your own version
using a spreadsheet which you can paste into this section. You can expand the ‘Notes’ section to add
reminders, things that you need to follow up on, problems that need to be fixed urgently, etc.
Phase Task Planned Planned Planned Actual Actual Actual Who is Notes/Remarks
start date end date duration start end date duration responsible
(hours, date (hours,
minutes) minutes)
Preparing for Coursework, 1.8.23 2.8.23 1hr 1.8.23 2.8.23 2hrs Dharshini.B
the project readings
Set up a 2.3.23 2.8.23 2.8.23 2.8.23 10mins Dharshini V
team folder
on a shared
Defining the Background 3.8.23 4.8.23 2 hours 4.8.23 5.8.23 1hr Rakshana
problem reading
Research 5.8.23 7.8.23 1 hour 5.8.23 8.8.23 1hr Dharshini V
issues in our ,Dharshini B,
community Rakshana,
Taruna E
your solution meeting to ,Dharshini B,
design the S Rakshana,
solution Taruna E
Collecting and Data 18.9.23 20.9.23 1hr 18.9.23 20.9.23 2hrs Taruna E
preparing data collection Dharshini V
Prototyping Train your 27.9.23 29.9.23 1hr 27.9.23 29.9.23 1hr 15mins Taruna E S
Testing model with Rakshana
input dataset
Test your 30.9.23 3.10.23 45mins 1.10.23 3.10.23 1hr 15mins Dharshini V
model and keep ,, Taruna E
training with
more data until
you think
your model
is accurate
Testing Creating Invite users 15.10.23 16.10.23 1hr 15.10.23 16.10.23 2hrs S Rakshana,
the video to test your Taruna E
Conduct testing 17.10.23 18.10.23 1hr 17.10.23 18.10.23 1hr 30mins Dharshini V
with users Taruna E
Team 21.10.23 21.10.23 30mins 21.10.23 21.10.23 40min Dharshini V
meeting to ,Dharshini B,
discuss video S Rakshana,
creation Taruna E
Film your 22.10.23 23.10.23 30mins 22.10.23 23.10.23 40mins Dharshini V
video ,Dharshini B,
S Rakshana,
Taruna E
Ans: Daily
Who will set up online documents and ensure that everyone is contributing?
Purpose of meeting:
Items discussed:
1. Understanding aim of project
3. Implementation of ideas
Items discussed:
1. 4 W’s canvas
Date of meeting: 20/08/2023
Items discussed:
1. Identifying stakeholders' problems
Items discussed:
1. Generating ideas
3. Problem Definition
3.1 List important local issues faced by your school or community
Traffic congestion
Sewage water on roads
Contaminated water
Lack of proper garbage disposal
Medicinal wastes disposal
Lack of proper roads
Traffic Congestion: Traffic congestion hampers productivity increases stress levels, and hinders economic
activities, impacting overall societal well-being.
Medicinal Waste Management: Improper disposal of medical waste poses infection risks, environmental
damage, and legal consequences, negatively impacting both public health and the community's reputation.
Lack of Proper Garbage Disposal: Inadequate garbage disposal contributes to environmental pollution, health
hazards, and a decline in the overall cleanliness and attractiveness of the community.
Contaminated Water: Contaminated water endangers public health, leading to waterborne diseases and
placing a burden on healthcare systems, thereby adversely affecting society.
The inadequate management of medicinal waste in is a pressing issue, characterized by [brief description of
key problems, such as improper segregation, lack of regulatory oversight, or environmental contamination].
This compromises public health, demands urgent attention, and necessitates strategic interventions in [target
areas] to ensure safe, sustainable, and responsible medicinal waste disposal practices.
4. The Users
4.1 Who are the users and how are they affected by the problem?
Patients: Exposure to improperly managed medicinal waste can pose health risks to patients during their stay
in healthcare facilities or when receiving medical treatments.
Healthcare Workers: Those working in healthcare settings are at risk of occupational hazards, including
injuries and infections, when handling or coming into contact with improperly managed medicinal waste.
Waste Handlers: Individuals responsible for collecting, transporting, and disposing of medicinal waste are
directly affected, facing potential health hazards and injuries if the waste is not managed safely.
Community Residents: Improper disposal of medicinal waste can lead to environmental contamination,
affecting the air, water, and soil, which can, in turn, impact the health and well-being of local residents.
4.2 What have you actually observed about the users and how the problem affects them?
Healthcare Workers: Inadequate medicinal waste management poses direct risks to healthcare workers who
handle, dispose of, or come into contact with medical waste. Sharps injuries, exposure to infectious agents,
and contact with hazardous materials can result in illnesses and injuries among healthcare professionals.
Waste Handler Risks: Individuals involved in collecting, transporting, and disposing of medicinal waste face
occupational hazards. Proper waste management practices are crucial to protect waste handlers from injuries,
infections, and exposure to hazardous substances.
Long-term Health Effects on civilians: Improper disposal of pharmaceutical waste can contribute to the
development of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, posing long-term health risks for individuals and
4.3 Record your interview questions here as well as responses from users.
How has the lack of proper medical waste management affected your personal health or the health of your
Response: "The lack of proper medical waste management has directly impacted our health, with instances of
infections and illnesses due to exposure to improperly disposed medical waste."
Can you share any specific incidents or experiences related to the improper disposal of medical waste that you or
your community have faced?
Response: "Certainly, there have been instances of discarded needles and contaminated materials in public spaces,
raising concerns about safety and potential exposure to infectious agents."
Considering your experiences, what advice would you give to healthcare facilities and local authorities to
improve medical waste management in your community?
Response: "Invest in training for healthcare staff, enhance waste disposal infrastructure, and engage the community in
awareness campaigns. Collaboration between healthcare facilities, local authorities, and residents is crucial for
effective change."
4.4 Empathy Map
Map what the users say, think, do and feel about the problem in this table