Lightning-Induced Overvoltages Transmitted Over Distribution Transformer With MV Spark-Gap OperationPart II Mitigation Using LV Surge Arrester
Lightning-Induced Overvoltages Transmitted Over Distribution Transformer With MV Spark-Gap OperationPart II Mitigation Using LV Surge Arrester
Lightning-Induced Overvoltages Transmitted Over Distribution Transformer With MV Spark-Gap OperationPart II Mitigation Using LV Surge Arrester
Abstract—When the distribution transformers are exposed to From impulse tests on the transformer LV windings [12],
lightning overvoltages, it is worthy to study the low-voltage (LV) [13], it is known that surges exceeding 30 kV damage the LV
network response at the customer terminals using an accurate and windings. But as has already been considered, long-duration
simplified high-frequency transformer model. The impact of LV
network feeder numbers, lengths, types, and loads on the lightning- surges of a smaller magnitude (perhaps as low as 3 kV) may
induced overvoltage reached at the service entrance point is inves- transfer sufficient voltage to the high-voltage (HV) winding to
tigated. The high-frequency model representation of distribution damage its insulation. The earlier consideration of the frequency
transformer and the LV network are combined in a single arrange- of LV surges indicates likely values well in excess of 24/100
ment in the environment of the Alternative Transients Programs/ transf.-years for 1-km lengths of LV lines. Two beneficial ef-
Electromagnetic Transients Program. Finally, a study is carried
out to mitigate the overvoltages by allocating the surge arrester at fects are the result if the length of the line is less than 100 m.
the secondary side of the distribution transformer concerning the The frequency is reduced by a factor of 10, and the magnitude
medium-voltage spark-gap operation. A simplified surge arrester of the voltage applied to the capacitance of the LV winding is
model is represented and verified. This study can enhance the over- reduced when the available capacitance of the LV line is com-
voltage protection of Finnish LV networks. parable to or less than that of the winding. These considerations
Index Terms—High-frequency distribution transformer, suggest that LV arresters should be fitted to transformers whose
low-voltage surge arrester, medium-voltage spark gap, miti- associated length of the LV overhead line exceeds 100 m.
gation of overvoltages. In this paper, the lightning-induced overvoltages transmitted
from the MV network to the LV network through the distribution
I. INTRODUCTION transformer are studied under MV spark-gap operation through
the voltage waveforms and the peak voltage profile along the
feeder as well. Finally, the role of the LV surge arrester with
HE TRANSFERENCE of surges from medium-voltage
T (MV) to low-voltage (LV) networks is the most frequent
among all possible mechanisms of overvoltage generation on
MV spark-gap operation is investigated based on the data of
the low-voltage surge arrester (LOVOS) recommended by ABB.
It is found that an arrester on the transformer secondary side
consumer loads which also threaten the insulation of power dis- can protect the customer load from the overvoltage transferred
tribution lines. This transference may take place according to through the distribution transformer due to lightning-induced
one of the following mechanisms: 1) coupling of both circuits overvoltage from the primary side of the transformer.
through distribution transformers and their connections; 2) elec-
tromagnetic coupling between MV to LV conductors if they are II. LV SURGE ARRESTER
installed one above the other; 3) indirect current injection into LV surge arresters come in the form of modules to be in-
the LV circuit due to flashovers across MV to LV insulators [1]. stalled inside the LV switchboard. There are also plug-in types
So many studies have been performed to investigate the induced and those that protect power outlets. They ensure secondary pro-
overvoltages on the distribution line caused by the lightning tection of nearby elements but have a small flow capacity. Some
stroke [1]–[8]. Other studies have been performed through the are even built into loads although they cannot protect against
observations of lightning-induced voltage on distribution lines strong voltage surges. Properly applying a surge protective de-
[9]–[11]. vice (SPD) is dependent on the configuration of the power dis-
tribution system and equipment connected to the electrical dis-
Manuscript received September 22, 2009; revised December 31, 2009. First tribution network [14].
published March 29, 2010; current version published September 22, 2010. This
work was supported by the Graduate School of Electrical Engineering (GSEE), A. Selection of Surge Arrester
the Ministry of Education, Finland. Paper no. TPWRD-00711-2009.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of The most important parameter for the selection of a
Electronics, Communications and Automation, Aalto University, Espoo, Aalto metal–oxide arrester is the highest power frequency voltage
F1-00076, Finland (e-mail: [email protected]). which the arrester can continuously withstand. It is ex-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at pressed as the effective value and is often called maximum
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2010.2042976 continuous operating voltage (MCOV). The rated voltage of
0885-8977/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE
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(1) (3)
where is the highest voltage for equipment. Therefore, the where is the arrester rated voltage in kilovolts, is the
value is selected to be equal to 280 V as a standardized residual voltage at 10-kA fast front current surge s),
voltage for 240/400-V networks as reported in [16]. is the residual voltage at 10-kA current surge with a
The surge arrester protection level is usually determined as 8/20- s shape.
the ratio where is the voltage peak value on the ar- The definition of nonlinear resistors characteristics ( and
rester terminals during flow of the nominal discharge current ) is derived from the curves proposed by IEEE Working
. For different types of sparkles arresters and various man- Group 3.4.11, and are referred to the peak value of the residual
ufactures, it is contained in the three to five limits. When se- voltage measured during a discharge test with a 10-kA lightning
lecting the arresters type, attention should be given to the value current impulse .
of this ratio. The lower the ratio is, the greater the insula- The main problem in this model is that not all of the data re-
tion protective margin of protected equipment will be. Arrester quired calculating the dynamic parameters are available in the
type LOVOS 5/280 is selected with the guaranteed data listed in datasheets of several manufacturers. Very often, the manufac-
Table I. turer does not declare the residual voltage for steep pulse (with
B. Surge Arrester Modeling a rise time between 0.5 and 1 s). This problem has been over-
come through defining the model parameters also in case of
Several accurate models have been proposed to describe the missing data in the datasheet as addressed in [19], where the
arrester behavior such as models reported in [17]–[19]. The dif- parameters are modified as
ficult point of these models is the identification of their parame-
ters and the required field tests to determine their values. Com- (4)
monly used models are discussed as follows. (5)
IEEE Working Group 3.4.11 [17] recommended the
metal–oxide surge arrester model shown in Fig. 1. More In this paper, the arrester model presented in [18] is used due
sophisticated versions of this model can be made by adding to its simplicity and its inductance parameters are calculated by
more sections of non-linear resistance separated by R-L filters. using (4) and (5) [19], where is not available in the data
However, the working group was satisfied by the two-section sheet. So, it is found that and are equal to 0.0084 and
model, as it gave good correlation with laboratory-test data. 0.0028 , respectively. The nonlinear characteristics of the
In order to identify its parameters, Working Group 3.4.11 two elements and are based on the per-unit data pub-
suggested an iterative procedure where corrections on different lished in [18] and summarized in the Appendix associated with
elements are necessary until a satisfactory behavior is obtained. the corresponding nonlinear characteristics of and .
The starting values can be obtained through formulas taking
into account the electrical data, including residual voltages and C. Model Validation
the physical parameters, such as overall height, block diameter, The surge arrester model is tested using the ATPDraw cir-
and columns number. cuit shown in Fig. 2. A discharge current of 8/20 s, 5 kA,
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primary side of the distribution transformer. This impulse This is because the distance between the phase conductors is
represents an indirect induced overvoltage where its time char- generally much smaller than the distance between the line and
acteristics have been identified considering that the induced the lightning channel [26].
overvoltages have a time-to-half value much shorter than that The evaluation of the induced overvoltages is carried out by
of the lightning current, as reported in [23]. The magnitude can investigating the voltage profile concerning different scenarios.
be determined by using Rusk’s formula taking into account a These scenarios are different feeder numbers (one, two, and
distribution of lightning current and the distance of the striking seven feeders), different feeder lengths, different load values,
point from the transmission line [24]. Therefore, the magnitude and replacing sections of overhead cables by underground
can be varied from zero up to hundreds of kilovolts based on cables. These scenarios were reported in [27]; however, the
the aforementioned conditions. However, the criteria used to MV spark gap was not considered, and the mitigation was not
select the magnitude value has concerned the MV spark-gap studied. These scenarios are accomplished without and with
characteristics, in which the mean value, which has been ex- considering the spark-gap operation of the MV network. The
perimentally ascertained in [25], was found to be equal to 94.5 mitigation of these overvoltages is investigated by using the
kV. This mean value is the overvoltage at which the probability surge arrester modeled in previous section. In order to accom-
of the spark-gap flashover is 50%. The mean of the MV spark plish these test cases, the ATPDraw network shown in Fig. 4 is
gap is used in order to consider its operation effect on the in- modified based on each scenario condition in turn.
duced overvoltage at the customer terminals. This magnitude is
equally considered for each phase; in which this procedure has
been adopted based on a fact that voltages induced by nearby
lightning on overhead distribution lines have approximately The effect of the parallel feeders is investigated when the
the same amplitude and waveform induced in the three phases. lightning-induced overvoltages occur at the primary terminals
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LV network, the overhead cable feeder is first totally replaced performance is shown in Fig. 10 considering the MV spark-gap
by an underground cable. The considered underground cable is operation, and the LV network is not protected by the surge
a four-core, XLPE/PVC cable and its data are reported in [29] arrester. For the comparison point of view, voltage profiles of
and the frequency-dependent JMarti model was used concerning the UGC one feeder without and with the MV spark-gap oper-
the cable configuration illustrated in the Appendix. Considering ation and the influence of the LV surge arrester are shown in
the UGC one-feeder network, the corresponding time-domain Fig. 11. This figure shows how much the spark-gap operation
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Using the proposed high-frequency transformer model, the
effect of lightning-induced overvoltages penetrating through
Fig. 10. Secondary voltage waveforms transferred for UGC. All of the feeder the transformer to the customer side has been investigated.
are under MV spark-gap operation. No LV SA. (a) SEND. (b) Point A1. (c)
Point G1.
Also, the impact of feeder numbers, lengths, types, and loads
on the overvoltage reached at the service entrance point has
been investigated through the peak voltage profile along the
increases the transmitted overvoltages through the distribution feeder. These voltage profiles for different conditions show
transformer. Also, LV surge arrester reaction should be accom- reasonable results. Also, an LV surge arrester has been mod-
plished for limiting the transmitted overvoltages through the dis- eled and verified. This surge arrester has been installed at the
tribution transformer. The same influence can be depicted also transformer secondary side in order to mitigate the induced
when two UGC sections are at the beginning and at the end of overvoltage transferred from the MV to LV side in case of
the feeder as shown in Fig. 12. spark-gap operation and in case that the overvoltage is too
Under circumstances of MV spark-gap operation, the LV net- small to trigger the spark gap. This mitigation has been studied
work should be protected where the transferred overvoltages through the peak voltage profile along the feeder. The feeder
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