Midterm Sus
Midterm Sus
Midterm Sus
Ultimately, the industry has the potential to Covers about 71% of the earth's surface and
destroy itself by being oblivious to the 97% of the planets water.
environmental damage being caused by
Freshwater ecosystems
Covers only 0.8% of the Earth's surface and
Sustainable tourism could enhance, conserve
contain 0.009% of the total water. Three basic
and rejuvenate the environment
kinds of freshwater lentic, lotic and wetlands.
Land Degration
Land Degration can be defined as the Noise Pollution. Includes roadway noise and
"temporary or permanent lowering of the aircraft noise. In tourism, noise pollution came
productive capacity of land. from transportation and in hotels it came from
the generator and air-conditioning.
It covers soil degradation, adverse human
impacts on water resources, deforestation, and This can also be a health hazard because it can
lowering the productive capacity of the land. lead to temporary hearing loss and also animals
might flee from their natural habitat
This is an impact that is now observed in Cultural and heritage: artifacts, monuments,
Boracay, beach setbacks are now getting groups of building, and sites that have a
smaller and smaller due to the increase of symbolic, historic, artistic, aesthetic,
buildings in the area ethnological and anthropological and social
Positive Impacts of Tourism on the Environment
Cultural landscapes, which have combined
Environmental Quality and
natural and human works to express a long and
intimate relationships between people and
Tourism has the potential to improve
natural environment
quality in many ways.
Tourism can provide developed land for Natural heritage: geological and physiographical
commercial ways formations and designated areas that constitute
the habit of threatened animal and plant
species that have values for science,
SPECIES GENERATION conservation or natural beauty
Infrastruction built for travel and tourism could Performance and celebration which include all
actually be designed to enhance or create expressions of live cultural events, such as
habitats for animals. theater, dance, opera, festivals, feast, fairs and
musical performances.
Cultural and Natural Heritage Tourism plays a part in practically all stages of
Performance and Celebration cultural cycle which are:
Visual Arts and Crafts Creation; the originating and authoring of ideas
Books and Press and content
Audio- visual and interactive media
Design and creative services Production; the reproducible cultural forms, as
well as the specialized tools, infrastructure, and
processes used in their realization.
Dissemination: the bringing of generally mass- EMPOWERMENT
produced cultural products to consumer and
Tourism can empower formerly disenfranchise
stakeholders, such as the poor, women and
Exhibition/reception/transmission; Place of indigenous people.
consumption and to the provision of live and/or
Tourism can create demand for goods provided
unmediated cultural experiences to audiences
minimal training.
by granting or selling access to consume/
participate Negative Impacts of Tourism on Culture and
Consumption/ participate; the activities of
audiences and participants in consuming Stunted Cultural Development
cultural products and taking part in cultural
activities and experience Tourism can cause native cultures to die
Positive impacts of tourism on culture and
society Acculturation. The process of group and
individual changes in culture and behavior that
EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING OF RESIDENTS result from intercultural contact.
Tourism contributes to the emotional well- Commodification. Transforming something into
being of the residents. Residents develop an a product for commercial purposes, an item to
increase sense of emotional well- being when be bought and sold in the market
they are able to when they are able to meet
tourist from many countries in order to learn Homogenization. One in which the shared
more about culture meanings are similar and little variation in
beliefs exist; that is, the culture has one
Cultural Preservation dominant way of thinking and acting
Tourism also keep: Cultures are also diffused through
Demonstration effect
Tourism also keep culture alive by preserving
art forms, maintaining cultural identity and Commodification
transmitting beliefs and rituals to the next
generation. Commodification or commercialization is the
process where cultural elements are presented
Revitalize traditional arts and crafts. for the mass consumption of tourists.
Promotes understanding through cultural In most cases, the reinterpretation of culture is
exchange and friendships between residences. done by outsiders, such as tourists or tour
operators. These outsiders can take the liberty
of choosing which part of local culture to
Travel experiences broaden our understanding showcase, based on their biases, understanding
of ourselves and of others. and aesthetic sense.
o Habits
o daily routines
o social lives
o beliefs
o values
Social division
Meanwhile Valene Smith classified travelers According to the United Kingdom overseas
into: Development Institute (2007), tourism
contributes to the economy along along 3
Explorers. These are participants- observers
pathways. For the World and Travel and
who travel alone or in very small groups. They
Tourism, tourism also produces induced effects.
do not require special tourist accommodations
or attractions and therefore offer little to threat DIRECT EFFECTS
to the local residents
Are produced when tourist spend for such as
Elite Travelers. They can afford to spend much commodities as accommodation,
to have unusual travel experiences. There are transportation, entertainment, and attractions.
only a few number of them. They demand some
Visitor exports. Refer to spending by
degree of comfort
international tourists in a country. Such
Off- Beat Tourist. They travel alone or in very spending is called an export because the tourist
small number. They avoid crowds, other tourist, are from another country and they spend on
and typical sightseeing. They adapt well to local local goods.
lifestyles and amenities and pose few problems
to local residents
This comes in the form in investments in
Unusual Tourist. They demand more amenities
tourism, government spending in tourism, and
and also look for unusual, adventurous or
the effects of purchase from suppliers
primitive experiences.
Induced effects are the collective spending by
Incipient Mass Tourist. They represent business
direct and indirect employees on food and
and vacation travelers. They usually travel
beverage, recreation, clothing, housing and
household goods.
DYNAMIC EFFECTS 9.8% of the world’s GDP in 2014
equivalent to $7.6 Trillion.
Refers to the long term macro- level effects
o Travel and Tourism employs nearly 277
such as general enhancement of skills within
million or 1 in 11 jobs in the planet.
the economy, provision of better social services
o Travel and Tourism also generates $1.4
and infrastructure.
trillion in visitor spending, $ 3.6 trillion
According to ODI's research, direct effects in in domestic spending, $814 billion in
terms of formal- sector jobs can range from capital investments in 2014.
10% to 80% of income of poor people. o The sector is growing at 3.6% per year,
faster than the wider economy in 2014.
As far as indirect effects are concerned, ODI
discovered that they tend to be the biggest TOURISM AND THE PHILIPPINE ECONOMY
where the linkages are strongest, such as in big
According to the Philippine tourism Satellite
rich diversified economies. Hummel in ODI
Account, as measure by the shared of tourism
(2007) outlined key findings from value chain
direct gross value added (TDGVA) to the gross
Analysis study:
domestic product.
o Revenues of semi- skilled and unskilled
7.8% - Contribution of tourism in the economy
workers constitute 27% of total tourist
was estimated in 2014
o Up to half earnings of the poor come 32.6% - Contribution of the accommodation
from the food supply chain. services
o Income from craft is important in
15.3% - Contribution of tourism goods
minority groups
o Aside from the supply chain, most 15.2% - Contribution of transportation
benefits from tourism are concentrated
around capital cities, such as Luang 4.8 M - Employment generated by tourism
Prabang, Laos, the area of his study. 12.5% - Of the local employment
Multiplier effect refers to the number of times BENEFICIAL IMPACTS OF TOURISM ON THE
tourism income is re spent across sector within ECONOMY
the local economy. The higher the multiplier
effect, the bigger the impact on the local EMPLOYMENT
economy. Tourism generate jobs, with the most optimistic
Indirect effects boost the economic impact of estimate being one job created for every tourist
tourism by 50% to 90% in small, poor countries. received by the country. There are several jobs
Linkages have important poverty reducing available in the tourism industry.
potential such as food and craft industries, Employment is generated throughout the
Tourism Satellite Accounts tourism value chain (suppliers needed inputs for
tourism operations)
Measuring the economic contribution of
tourism is difficult because national accounting TAXES AND FEES
systems do not readily reflect the value of How does the government earn from Tourist?
tourism's share in the economy. There are several sources of tourism related
Tourism satellite accounts extract from national revenues for the government. These includes:
accounts the share of tourism from the o NSO fees
different sectors of the economy. By doing it so, o Passport fees
it permits the measurement of direct economic o Travel Tax
impact of tourism by the Gross Domestic o Documentation fee for travel tax
Product and other indicators, such as jobs, o airport terminal fee
investments and export earnings, as such, it o brgy, clearance fee
enables comparison with other economic o permit fees
sectors listed in the national accounts.
Tourism and the Global Economy
Tourism provides economic opportunities for
o According to the World Travel and other industries.
Tourism Council, travel and tourism's
total contribution to world GDP was
Tourism can provide small businesses an o Human resources
opportunity to have an income and have a good o Seasonality
quality of life.
In the studies of economic impact of tourism in
The size of the multiplier effect from
India, it was found out that micro enterprises,
tourism spending s dependent on how
homestead farmers, and sole traders have all
much money is retained in the host
benefited from becoming involved in the
tourism supply chain.
The retention is determined whether
HOMETOWN’S SHARE OF TOURISM INCOME the inputs for tourism operations can
be procured within that economy
Tourism's economic impact is not restricted to
A well- Diversified economy will be
the destination alone.
better able to provide such inputs,
Thetourists' places of origin and transit routes, compared to one that is
which include areas such as pit stops by underdeveloped or totally dependent
travelers, take sizeable chunk of travel and on tourism.
tourism related expenditure. It follows that developed economies
will have a higher multiple from tourism
NEGATIVE IMPACT OF TOURISM ECONOMY expenditure because the money is
LEACKAGES retained longer and circulate more
Leakages also happens when there is very loose Underdeveloped economies will lose
or non- existent linkage in the tourist value much of the initial amount of income
chain. through leakages.
Tourist look for products and services that STRENGHT OF FORWARD AND BACKWARD
cannot be sourced locally LINKAGES
POOR QUALITY JOBS Another factor is the presence of organizers or
Tourism creates jobs, but some jobs suffer from tour operators that integrate all the tourism
low wages, unpaid overtime pay, lack of supplies into a tour. Without such entities, the
security, seasonality and discriminations, arrangement for travel, stay, and tours will have
to be done by the tourists themselves.
These are tolerated by the government because
of the high unemployment rate. These deters some travelers, and therefore the
revenue which could have been earned from
PRICE INCREASE the tour could not materialize.
Tourists represent additional demand for goods SEASONALITY
and services available in a destination.
Seasonality determines the extent of the
When tourist come too suddenly, the local enomic impact. All things being equal,
economy is not able to respond by augmenting destination which is open all year round stands
the supply of goods and services, this creates a to earn more money than which is open for just
situation of shortage which can result to price a few months.
Seasonality is dictated by:
School Openings
Another dark side to tourism is that investing in
Vacation times
tourism development requires billions of pesos
for infrastructure alone, such as airports, roads
and terminals HUMAN RESOURCE
DETERMINANTS OF ECONOMIC IMPACTS The quality of human resource has a certain
effect on employment potential.
The extent and intensity of tourism's impact on
the economy hinge on a number of factors. The host destination can gain a lot in terms of
According to Messerli the factors that affect the all levels of impacts if the employees hired for
impact of tourism in the economy are: tourism are locals.
o Economic diversification
o Strength of backward and forward
These factors include the following: Lunberg (2011) enumerated the various types
of carrying capacity assessments
1. Constitution and existing laws
2. Land use plans and spatial planning Physical CC. Determines the level of
3. zoning laws, zones of tourism value physical impacts that are acceptable at
4. Regulations on tourism investment, a destination, which may be tangible
tourism enterprise zones, and tourism resources or just environmental
enterprise capacity, namely how many people that
5. Building codes (permits, standards for can be at the destination without
various types of structures) affecting the quality
6. Business registration requirements Perceptual CC. Looks at the situation
7. Requirement for public consultation from the tourists point of view, related
8. Foreign equity laws to the quality of the destination
Social or Sociocultural CC. The number and activities required for a means of
of tourists above which the social and living
cultural changes caused by tourism are
It also analyzes and tourism impact on
no longer accepted by the destination’s
livelihood to cope with and recover stresses and
shocks, maintain or enhance its capabilities and
Economic CC. The destinations
assets, while preserving the natural resource
possibility to cater for demand without
crowding out other local economic
Political or Administrative CC. ASSESSMENT (EIA)
Concerned on how the local, political
and administrative bodies can cope Process that involves predicting and evaluating
with tourism and to what extent it is the likely impacts of a project on the
needed to put limits on tourism inflow environment during construction,
commissioning, operation and abandonment. It
The European Tourism Indicator System is an also includes designing appropriate,
assessment tool for: appropriate, preventive, and mitigating and
enhancement measures addressing these
consequences to protect the environment and
the community welfare.
Enhancing tourism destination
building capabilities,
assets (natural, economic, human,
social capital),