JLP Manifesto 2016

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One Ministry for Economic Growth and Job Creation
Simplified Taxation System
Create More Jobs in the Utilities and Infrastructure Sector
Reducing the Debt Burden on Students
A Boost for Low Income Earners
Focus on Small and Medium Enterprises
Online Information and Automation of Government Services
Developing Domestic Business
Leaner Government Operations
Efficiencies in the Public Sector
Greater Transparency
Greater Representation for Civil Society & the Diaspora
Strengthening Corruption-Prevention Authorities
Tougher Penalties for Breach of Integrity in Public Office
10 Steps to Safety and Security
Eliminating Political Influence from the Health Sector
Universal Coverage
Greater Investment in Hospitals and Clinics
Tax Credits for Insurance Premiums
Development of a Health Tourism and Offshore Medical Industry
Strengthen Preventive and Primary Health Care Service Delivery
Increase the Workforce of Medical/Health Personnel in Critical Areas
Better Management of Public Health Facilities
Health Information Technologies
Opportunities to Outsource to the Private Sector
Develop and Implement a Green Energy Policy.
Renewable Sources
Helping Business to Become More Energy Efficient
Getting the Best Price for Costly Imports

Steps to the Digital Society
Technology Innovation Fund
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) “in a real sense”
Better ICT Governance Practices in Government
Harmonize ICT Legislation Under the Appropriate Agency
Pass a Data Protection, Privacy & Sharing Act
e-Waste Legislation
TOURISM 35 - 36
Traditional/Mainstream Tourism
Heritage and Eco-Tourism
Health & Wellness Tourism
Business Tourism
Skills Development for the Tourism Industry
Revival of the Cocoa and non-Blue Mountain Coffee Industries
Upgrade the Fresh Food Markets
Establish Agricultural Economic Zones (AEZ)
Develop Products for Niche Markets and Exotic Foods
A Comprehensive Strategy Against Praedial Larceny
Investment in Irrigation Water and Rainwater Harvesting
Re-establish Production and Marketing organizations (PMOs),
Increasing Productivity through Modern Technology
Introduce a National Agricultural Health Protection System
Finding a Better Balance in CARICOM
Northern Caribbean Economic Convergence: New Developments & Opportunities
Services: The New Export Growth Pole
Better Energy Agreements
Diaspora Relations—A Missed Opportunity
Increased Trade Out of Jamaica, and Increased Investment into Jamaica.
Closer Ties with Jamaicans Overseas
Establishment of a Diaspora Fund
YOUTH 41 - 42
Make Young People a Part of Decision
Protecting the Vulnerable
Start Transferring Business Skills Early
Gender-Based Violence
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights/HIV and AIDS
Decent Work for Domestic Workers
Men and Masculinities

Dear friends and colleagues,
I am overjoyed that you are taking the time to
read the Jamaica Labour Party’s proposals for how to respond to these days
of change and challenge. It speaks to me of the level of interest and concern
that you have for the Jamaica we all love and cherish. I believe that you also
share my frustration at seeing how relentless cuts and taxation have crippled
our collective ability to drive our growth and bring prosperity home.

The JLP seeks to create an investor-friendly environment in which the interests of business - the engine that drives job creation - are
connected via a simple, single point of reference to the needs of job-seekers: the Ministry of Economic Development and Job Creation.
The Jamaica Labour Party is very clear in its focus and delivery objectives for the next five years:

Firstly we must put our country back on the path to robust economic growth, facilitating broad and sustained job creation and employment
for every Jamaican who is able and wants to work. Secondly, in order to keep Jamaica on the path of continuous improvement, we must
foster healthy, educated, and socially well-adapted citizens. We are focused on both Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and “GWB” (General

When our society can provide many of our nurses, police, teachers, and young people who have acquired reasonable skills training
and jobs, relief from P.A.Y.E. taxes, and the opportunity to save and own their own homes through reasonable and affordable mortgage
payments, the benefits to all will be both economic and social.

I remain very proud to say that in our last term in office, the JLP Government presented Jamaica
with an impressive list of changes that made a real difference in people’s lives:

• We passed the Charter of Rights, finally entrenching basic rights to be guaranteed to all Jamaicans

• We started a process of transforming the governance climate by having key Parlimentary Committees such as Public Administration
and Appropriations Committee, chaired by members of the Opposition

• We established INDECOM, which today is reaping the reward of lower extrajudicial killings across the island

• We instituted ways to ensure a fairer distribution of resources to the community level, regardless of which party is in Government,
via the Constituency Development Fund (CDF)

• We restored the confidence of international lenders and investors; we had held the dollar stable for 2 years at around JA$86 to US$1;
brought interest rates down to 6.25%, their lowest level in decades; held approximately US$2B in the NIR; cut interest rates to single
digits - and even mortgage rates were brought down to less than 10%.

• And yet, these business-friendly measures did not detract from our ability to care for the vulnerable: at the same time, we doubled
benefits under PATHE; brought 100,000 more people into the social safety net; and improved the water supply to over 88,000 rural

In 2016, we are coming back to finish the job we started in 2007. We are coming back to restore law and order. We are coming back to pull
the shell-shocked urban areas back to life. We are coming back to bring Government processes into the 21st century.

I know you will have even more thoughts about how we can make things better after you have read our plans and vision. I would be
delighted if you would take the next step and share those thoughts in conversation with your colleagues and friends, and put your votes
behind the plans you feel represent the best hope for all of our futures.

The JLP is united, strong and ready to give Jamaica good government and a real chance for progress. The decision is yours: continue
with things stagnant as they are, or grasp the opportunity to join with us in a Partnership for Prosperity and change things for the better.
Please, choose prosperity.
In faith,
Andrew Holness

Party Leader

We will reform government and establish a Ministry of
Economic Growth and Job Creation.

The new Ministry will ensure that investments are
rapidly facilitated to avoid government obstacles and
duplication or working at cross-purposes. This Ministry We will immediately restore the
will cultivate public-private partnerships, to bring benefits at the Junior Stock Market to
economic opportunities to life in the shortest possible grow equity financing for start-up and
time. It will ensure the coordination of resources to expansion of small to medium size
minimize red tape and maximize efficiencies. businesses. Small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) form the most
In addition, we will foster collaboration across all stable base for job creation at the
Ministries to ensure that where Government invests, community level.
people see the returns. For example, where the Ministry
of Agriculture invests in improvements to markets, the
Ministry of Tourism can assist and promote these as
new destinations.

We will reform the tax system.
This means leaving you with more of your income
to support your family. This means lower taxes and
a business-friendly tax system. We will again reduce
transfer taxes, stamp duties, and estate taxes. We will
get rid of P.A.Y.E. tax for everyone who earns a basic
salary of JA$1.5m or less. When workers take home
more money, they spend more. More spending means

more jobs.

We will list on the Jamaica Stock Exchange several state-owned THE
enterprises such as the UDC and Factories Corporation.
These corporations have significant asset bases which can be properly
packaged and placed on the stock market with realistic investment
plans that would attract new capital and unleash the economic and
job creation potential latent in them.


We will fix Jamaica’s water infrastructure.
We will make strategic capital investments in water.
Jamaica is not short of water, this government
does not know how to manage it. The investment
in water will reduce the impact of drought on the
economy, and will also boost agriculture and
housing construction.

We will create a special council of investment ambassadors.
These representatives will be empowered to specially seek out
large investors from all over the world and bring them to Jamaica.
Jamaica must improve its international profile as an investment
destination and not merely as anemerging market to which money
can be lent.

We will reform the NHT, the Jamaica
Housing Agency and the Mortgage Bank.
We will expand affordable housing
construction and reduce interest rates on
mortgages. We will create a 50-to-60 year
mortgage to make payments easier.

We will invest in improving skills to attract higher-value investments and more meaningful jobs.
Economic growth must mean jobs for our people—real jobs, with a future. While we will seek
investments that match the available skill sets, we are committed to improving the skills of
Jamaicans to attract higher-value investments to sustain long-term economic growth. We are
particularly excited about our compulsory education and skills policy. All our young people who
are not in a job or currently in school will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills,
and attitude through a National Apprenticeship Programme and a National Service Programme,
where they earn a stipend whilst gaining a skill, certification and work experience.

We will advance Jamaica as a digital society.
An important step on this path is to digitize government
records and put more business processes online. This will
improve the efficiency and accessibility of government,
removing a major impediment to the growth of businesses.
And this is just one area in which we will employ the young

people we have trained under the national apprenticeship
and service programmes.

& JOB CREATION We will revitalize and rebuild our town centres and cities.
There is so much value lying idle in our real estate in blighted
urban areas. However, government has to lead the way with a
clear vision, policy and commitment to partnering with the private
sector to make our towns and cities attractive and comfortable
for residents and businesses again. We will start with the
redevelopment of the Kingston waterfront and market district
and the hugely exciting Vernamfield Corridor. This will be partially
funded by the listing of the UDC on the stock market.

These are just 10 of the many innovative and exciting things we will do
to place Jamaica on the path to economic growth and job creation, the
path to prosperity.


The simple fact is that our tax system is inefficient and inequitable. One Ministry for Economic Growth
It makes it difficult for compliant businesses to pay taxes; provides
a web of incentives that are distortive and complex to navigate; and Job Creation
creates an unequal playing field for businesses in different sectors;
and concentrates the burden of funding on a narrow band of Time and again we have seen good initiatives started by the private
taxpayers. sector, coming to a halt because of a lack of cooperation between
different agencies in government. We envision a single ministry,
Apart from legislation, little has changed during the last four designed to serve as a single focal point and action centre for any
years. The average business doing its best to comply with the initiative that has potential to create jobs and grow revenues.
law, finds itself handicapped by the many bureaucratic hoops
through which it must jump. This is a situation that serves to drive Simplified Taxation System
more transactions ‘underground’ into the informal economy; to
discourage able people from registering businesses; and sends The JLP reforms will simplify the tax system and increase its
signals to investors, to look elsewhere for an easier business overall efficiency. We will also expand the tax net by:
• reducing stamp duties and transfer taxes on
The focus of the Jamaica Labour Party is very clear: robust land transactions
economic growth, and facilitating broad and sustained job
creation. The laser beam of the next government’s attention will be • reducing estate duties
on providing our young people with reasonable skills training and
jobs, affordable student loan payment plans, relief from income • merging NHT, NHF and NIS deductions into one
taxes for entry-level employees, and the opportunity to own their Social Security Deduction
own homes through affordable mortgages.

Create More Jobs in the Utilities and Focus on Small and Medium Enterprises
Infrastructure Sector
We believe in small and medium businesses as engines of growth.
We will use economic clusters to encourage synergies, cost
Apart from our return of incentives to the Junior Stock Market,
savings and heightened efficiencies in the search for new jobs
we will seek to both empower and remove the blockers for small
and new economic approaches.
businesses by:
One such unit will be formed from what is now a triad of problem
entities, with missed targets and rampant poor performances:
• Capacity Building: facilitating access to
the water, energy and housing sectors. Early in the new term,
entrepreneurship courses, management skills and
we intend to convert these three into an interconnected growth
basic accounting
triangle which will improve service delivery and create thousands
• Clearing bureaucracy: establishing a Division within
of new jobs.
the Ministry of Growth & Job Creation specifically
focussed on the needs of small business
There is a very strong and practical basis for
• Access to Credit: once again expanding lending
anticipating real employment growth in these
through the DBJ
sectors. In the case of water catchment and
storage, for example, our plans for promoting
water harvesting mean that people will be Online Information and Automation
employed to install the gutters on roofs and
of Government Services
prepare catchment tanks. This is just one
of many examples where entry- and
The Ministry responsible for ICT will be mandated
secondary-level jobs would be created.
to ensure greater openness in government
by making more information available
Reducing the Debt online. In parallel, government
Burden on Students will also have more records and
business processes digitized,
for greater administrative
We will find and secure new
efficiency, and as a home-
funding arrangements to
grown way to employ young
make the very burdensome
persons trained (data entry,
student loans much more
records management) through
manageable, for responsible
the National Apprenticeship
student-borrowers, over a longer
period of time.

The JLP government will seek Developing Domestic

grant funding and financing from non-
government guarantee bonds issued by
special purpose institutions which will be
The Ministry of Economic Growth and Job
created to facilitate lower cost and longer-term
Creation will seek to ensure that spending is
student loans to help financially stretched young
viewed through the sharp lenses of facilitating and
Jamaicans to finance their education. These bonds which
encouraging business transactions with local business houses.
will be tradeable, will be made attractive to long term investors.
The clear objective will be to facilitate and foster local economic
growth and job creation.
A Boost for Low Income Earners The apprenticeship program to train young people and help more
mature employees transition into new jobs with upgraded skills,
We will raise the minimum wage from $6,200 to $8,200 per week. and which is a central plank of this manifesto, will provide trained
We will remove PAYE taxes for those workers earning a basic and work-ready Jamaicans to help local businesses grow.
salary of $1.5 million or less.
We will make Jamaica the Caribbean region’s leading producer of
technology through the creation of a Technology Innovation Fund
for support of technology based projects and startup companies.

We are confident that our 10 Point Plan for
Economic Growth and Job Creation will
generate real expansion of the job market and
sustained growth in the long term.

Here is a closer look at how we anticipate our

strategic approach working.

The Growth Triangle

Our “Growth Triangle” refers to the close
connections between housing construction,
water, and energy.

Housing construction means both jobs and

improved living conditions for home owners
and residents.

It is however, heavily dependent on two main

inputs which are currently expensive and short
in supply: water and energy. Solving the water
problem and the energy problem will also lead
to more jobs;

We therefore propose to address them as

interconnected activities: create jobs in Training and employing people to do these installations could create over 5,000 jobs
supplying water and energy sustainably, and in the first year of implementation, growing to 10,000 after 5 years.
the improved conditions and costs will lead
to an increase in housing construction and In addition, many retrofits also drive other small improvements such as casting of
development, and thus more jobs. The costs concrete bases to hold tanks; repairs to roofs and plumbing, driving business to
of water catchment and energy saving facilities handymen in the community.
will be rolled up with the mortgage and not
borne up front by the homeowner. By the third year, home owners would have seen significant reduction in their
consumption from the main supply; would spend less to purchase water; and the
Here are some of the specific activities which central supplies would be able to reach many more homes, farms and businesses
are required to address the water and energy as a result.
Solar Energy
In Jamaica we are lucky to have long hours of sunlight which can be converted to
To reduce the strain on water supply, each thermal energy (heat, for water heating) and electrical energy.
house must harvest its rainwater; this requires
gutters, barrels or tanks and proper filtration to Government tax credits and incentives to help businesses to purchase the equipment
be installed—hands-on work that can be done means that more businesses can pay for the installations.
with a little training.

Installation of solar panels and solar water heaters on homes, Transport
hotels and businesses can create another 5,000 jobs.
The integrated multi-modal transport system, rail, sea, land and air
These installations typically drive other small improvements, e.g. will generate 15,000 to 25,000 jobs in construction, maintenance,
new wiring or replacing old wiring, which in turn drive jobs for local repair and operations, customer service and spinoff services from
electricians and business for suppliers. the first to fifth year of implementation.

Within 1 to 3 years, the businesses with alternative energy sources An improved transport network means improved access for
will see their electricity bills reduced and will be less vulnerable to cargo and easier passenger movement around the country.
power outages. This is expected to spur growth in the logistics, tourism, and
distribution sectors, leading to an equal number of jobs created
In the public sector, an additional 1,500 jobs would also be created after completion (15,000 to 25,000).
in training and installing alternative energy sources for services
like water pumping, lighting of public buildings etc.
Manufacturing & Agri-Business
Alternative Energy Sources We anticipate the creation of up to 20,000 jobs in manufacturing
and agri-business including value-added processed foods,
Similarly, the installation of photovoltaic (solar) panels will require furniture production, and as we develop a more competitive
training and employment of up to 2,500 persons. To produce more economy, revived apparel and electronics sectors.
bagasse for alternative energy production, the growing of more
sugarcane will result in more income for farmers and up to 4,000 For example, renewed focus on agribusiness in St. Elizabeth
more seasonal jobs in agriculture. Technicians to manage new with irrigation and processing plants in Black River, Flaggaman,
activities for the conversion of waste to energy will create up to Meyersville, New Forrest and the expansion of the Bull Savannah
500 more jobs for workers. Plant together with the dual use of the almost dormant Port Kaiser
for Agricultural exports will create up to 3,000 new jobs.
Hotels & Tourism
As has been demonstrated all over the world, construction is one
of the fastest routes to stimulating the economy. We will increase Expansion of the hotel industry and initiatives promoted in the
construction as a result of lower stamp duty and transfer tax as tourism section of this document should generate up to 30,000
well as housing market reform. This will generate thousands more jobs.

The rebuilding and urban renewal of Kingston could generate Small Business Expansion & Miscellaneous
5,000 to 7,000 jobs in the construction phase and up to 10,000 Services
permanent jobs when the International Financial Center is up and
running. Clearing blockers and empowering small business through
intervention by the new Ministry of Economic Growth & Job
Business Process Outsourcing Creation, will stimulate small business expansion. The PAYE
tax break and increase in minimum wage will also allow for more
The expansion of BPOs at different levels of the value chain, can spending which will be its own stimulant. We anticipate creation of
itself generate 30-40,000 jobs over the next 5 -7 years. up to 20,000 jobs.

Jamaica’s Sun Coast, Jamaica’s Fun Coast
Development Phase: We will develop from Port Royal through Harbour View and East to Morant Point, and brand it as Jamaica’s Sun
Coast, Jamaica’s Fun Coast.

This is anticipated to create upwards of 50,000 jobs. This coast contains 50% of Jamaica’s heritage and provides an unequalled opportunity
to create new income earning heritage tourism products for the country. We will fast track a development plan for the coastal area from
Port Royal to Morant Bay. Developing the engineering and infra-structural criteria for the construction of hotels, villas, casinos, shopping,
heritage sites, wet land reserves/parks etc. will generate jobs for architects, environmentalists, urban planners, engineers, financiers,
support staff at all levels, providers of accommodation and food service,etc.

With developments substantially completed we would see the job pattern moving to the addition of long term and permanent jobs in the
servicing and supply of the new communities.

We anticipate approximately 30,000 jobs would be generated in maintenance and landscaping; housekeeping and management
services to hotels, villas and vacation homes; maintenance and operation of local transportation; demand for local foods and products;
communications and Internet provision and management; travel services; road and other infrastructural maintenance; restaurant, sporting
and entertainment businesses, etc.

Corruption impedes economic growth, undermines the rule of law, Efficiencies in the Public Sector
and tears down the fabric of society.
The Jamaica Labour Party believes that efficiency in the public
The Jamaica Labour Party is committed to transforming our society sector should result in lower costs to tax payers, increased
by 2030 and believes fundamentally that this can only be achieved productivity and better customer service.
if the rights of the citizens are guaranteed, and corruption tackled
in an uncompromising manner. The JLP government will:

We are committed to the establishment of internationally • Introduce automated business processes to reduce
acceptable standards of good governance. We simply must bring bureaucracy, strengthen record-keeping and provide
an end the incidence of institutionalized injustice, abuse of power greater accountability
and rampant corruption.
• Implement a National Identification card system with a
Under a Jamaica Labour Party Government: lifetime identification number. This will simplify the process
of official identification for purposes of paying taxes or
• The rights of every citizen will be protected obtaining benefits. This will also simplify government’s
processes and reduce costs due to tracking multiple
• The abuse of power will not be tolerated identification numbers. Opportunities for user fraud will
also be decreased.
• Officials exercising authority will be held strictly
accountable and rigid sanctions will be imposed on
persons found guilty of the abuse of power;
Greater Transparency
We will introduce mandatory disclosure of Integrity Reports by the
• We will operate an efficient and accessible justice and
Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, and Minister of Finance.
law enforcement system
In addition, we will make it mandatory that the appointment to
sensitive posts be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority in each
House of Parliament, thereby requiring consensus between the
Leaner Government Operations government and the Opposition. The posts identified include:
The JLP is of the view that there needs to be a reduction in
• Chief Justice
the number of ministries and a more appropriate allocation of
• President of the Court of Appeal
responsibilities if we are to avoid overlapping and cumbersome
• Director of Public Prosecutions
• Public Defender
• Contractor General
We will establish in the Constitution a core of Ministries of
• Judicial Services Commission members
government with a limit on the number of additional Ministries that
• Police Services Commission members
can be created.
• Public Services Commission members
• Governor of the Bank of Jamaica
The completion of the public sector rationalization will impact
the decision as to the core ministries to be established and the Greater Representation for Civil Society & the
subjects affecting each.
The JLP is committed to the reform of the process by which
persons are appointed to the Senate. We will explore the possibility
of including in the Senate three (3) independent representatives.

Strengthening Corruption-Prevention Authorities
We will strengthen the framework for corruption prevention and
prosecution of corruption through the creation of a single anti-
corruption agency, revising the work already under way at the
Parliament, but making revisions to ensure its effectiveness. The
body will absorb the Corruption Prevention Commission and the
Parliamentary Integrity Commission as well as the Office of the

No More Cover-Ups

We will make provisions for reports from the Auditor General, Contractor
General, Public Defender, Corruption Prevention Commission* and
Integrity Commission* to be debated within 30 days of submission to
*until replaced

We will also provide special resources for the Public Administration and
Appropriations Committee and Public Accounts Committee, so that they
are more effective in their roles.

Tougher Penalties for Breach of Integrity in

Public Office
Swift and appropriate sanctions will be imposed for breaches of the laws
which relate to public service and governance, particularly as they relate
to - the Corruption Prevention Act, the Financial Administration and Audit
Act, the Public Bodies Management & Accountability Act, Contractor
General Act and the Procurement Rules and Guidelines.


Access to justice is a critical feature of democracies. Providing the assurance that our justice system is robust, equitable and
impartial is a priority.

The Jamaica Labour Party recognizes that there is tremendous work still to be done in reforming the justice system so that
more of our people can have faith in the system. A part of the responsibility falls on our citizens who we need to encourage
and empower to participate in the system, but it is still the government’s responsibility to ensure the justice systems and infra-
structure are more effective, efficient and robust.

In fulfilling our commitment to protecting the rights and freedoms of the people of Jamaica, the next Jamaica Labour Party
Government will build on the strides made during our last term of office by continuing to:

• Re-energize the justice reform programme;

• Institute a programme to remove and repeal outdated legislation;
• Reduce criminal and civil case backlogs;
• Strengthen the independence and capacity of the judiciary and the prosecutorial service;
• Modernize and better maintain the courts;
• Provide more court spaces;
• Protect vulnerable groups.
• As a major thrust towards the protection of the rights of our citizens, the next Jamaica Labour Party Government will
also establish a Human Rights Commission to ensure that there is an institution focused purely on protecting the rights
of Jamaicans. In 2011, we passed the Charter of Rights, enshrining in the constitution, the basic rights of all citizens.
The Human Rights Commission will ensure that as we navigate the waters of our changing society, the rights of citizens
will always be protected.
SAFETY AND SECURITY The next Jamaica Labour Party Government will
take these 10 steps and more to ensure the safety
and protection of the people of Jamaica:
Ensuring safe communities means much more than policing

10 Steps to Safety and Security

1 We will make public security and crime control a national

priority by committing a minimum percentage of the National
Budget as an investment in improved security and crime
reduction over the next five years.

2 We will move with urgency to make our criminal justice

system more efficient and more effective in supporting the
efforts of law enforcement. This will be done by increasing
the number of court houses, Judges and Prosecutors, as
well as abolishing circuit courts and replacing them with
permanent high courts.

Legal Aid will be provided to citizens who wish to place civil

matters before the courts but cannot afford lawyers. Given
our financial constraints as a country, we will co-locate more
Magistrate Courts with larger Police Stations in sub-urban
and rural districts.

3 We will declare “no crime zones” in critical public spaces in

which a zero-tolerance approach will be taken to even the We will use electronic monitoring to supervise those on
smallest infraction of the law. parole and early release as well as violent criminals on bail.

4 Our current approach to treating offenders is ineffective and

7 Community-Based Policing is extremely important to
requires urgent reform. We will take steps within our first effective crime fighting. We will, within our first year in
100 days in office to enact or amend laws making provisions office, construct or deploy 30 small Police Posts in areas
for: identified as crime hot spots to place the police closer
a) Increased use of non-custodial sentences with to where they are most needed. This will go a far way in
strict supervision conditions including electronic keeping communities safe, building citizen confidence,
monitoring for non-violent offenders. deterring criminal activities and creating the environment
for the orderly development and prosperity of communities.
b) Mandatory minimum prison sentences for violent In addition:
criminals and certain dangerous categories of
crime. a) We will establish a minimum of 15 joint Police/
Military posts in high ground areas which criminals
regularly occupy or retreat to after unleashing
5 We will make Plea-Bargaining a more effective tool in our law
violence on communities.
enforcement and criminal justice efforts. Within our first 100
days in office we will the amend the Plea-Bargaining Law to
b) We will make it a policy of the Government that
increase the incentives for criminals to testify against their
every housing development of 400 units or more
accomplices especially those involved in gang activities.
must have a post to accommodate community
Police officers, who will be dedicated to keeping
6 The Jamaica Labour Party will reform our correctional
citizens in these communities safe and confident.
system to ensure that our prisons serve the purpose of
reforming offenders and preventing violent criminals from
c) We will set aside a share of 2% of the road
continuing to commit crimes. Our reform of the correctional
maintenance budget to build out CCTV systems.
services will achieve better classification and treatment of
offenders on the basis of risk and need.

d) We will also give an incentive for commercial Constabulary Force (JCF), that is, personnel between
companies to invest in CCTVs and link them to the the ranks of Corporal and Inspector, to ensure effective
police network. supervision, accountability and attention to duty in such
critical areas as: community policing, proximity policing,
8 Current inadequacies in the police’s ability to move around agro and industrial protection, investigations and crime
and respond to situations as they should, undermine our scene management and service delivery at police stations.
crime management capabilities. The Jamaica Labour These numbers will be worked out in consultation with the
Party Government will take an “out of the box” approach to Police High Command.
building Police Mobility during our first two years in office by
purchasing 600 used motor vehicles and 400 motor bikes to 10 The Jamaica Labour Party regards the welfare of Police
ensure uniformed and hidden patrols can reach every part Personnel upon retirement as a matter of importance.
of the country. We will create the accommodation to allow members of
the Police Force to invest a percentage of their wages in
We will use 5% of the motor vehicle budget to buy adequate a pension scheme to be managed by the Private Sector,
supplies of fast-moving service parts and panels to ensure which will assure them of greater income replacement
fast return to service when vehicles require maintenance upon retiring from the JCF. And we will ensure that retired
and repairs. personnel continue to benefit from Government-funded
health insurance scheme.
9 Effective supervision of police personnel on the frontline
is of critical importance to professional and successful law This 10 point plan for effective crime management and
enforcement. citizen security will, combined with our proposals for
economic growth and job creation, make Jamaica a safer,
Within our first 2 years in office we will enhance the more peaceful and more prosperous society.
Establishment for supervisory ranks in the Jamaica
We can turn around our fortunes as a country.

Children’s successful outcomes require a shared vision, sound Our objectives in this domain are the following:
policy based on best practices, and a framework for planning
programmes that are connected to the ways students learn best. • Achieving full literacy and numeracy by the end of primary
We will build on the successes of the institutions created by school
the JLP during its last administration, such as the National
Education Inspectorate (NEI), the Jamaica Teaching Council • Strengthening teaching skills, school leadership and
(JTC), the National Education Trust (NET), the National College management skills
of Educational Leadership (NCEL), and the National Parenting
Support Commission (NPSC)-(Policy and Strategy). We will • Expanding school facilities and infrastructure
also strengthen programmes such as the Alternative Secondary
Education Programme (ASTEP) and Career Advancement • Improving levels of teaching resources
Programme (CAP) with a view to supporting more effective
transitions from primary to secondary school, and to keeping at- • Reducing violence and anti-social behaviour
risk youth within the education system.
• Stimulating greater parental involvement

Plans to achieve these include the following:

1. Remove Mandatory school fees at secondary schools by 15 Review the operations and programmes of the National
increasing funds per child in the national budget. Parenting Support Commission (NPSC) with a view to
strengthening support of good parenting practices.
2. Reform the Students’ Loan Bureau. Increase funds available
for loans through re-financing; and make payments easier by 16 Increase the number of functioning PTAs in schools to
lowering interest rates, extending re-payment periods, and support the facilitation of better school / home relationships
calculating loans on the reducing balance. and increased parent involvement.

3. Provide annual maintenance support for all schools. We 17 Work closely with the new Ministry of Economic Growth &
intend to increase annual maintenance allocation to all Job Creation to ensure relevance of curricula and training
schools to support building of sufficient classrooms. programmes.

4. Incentivize enrolment in Tertiary programmes through 18 Implement a National Equivalency Policy in Certification
scholarships, grants and other tools. to ensure greater acceptance of general education and
technical education.
5 Review the operations of the Early Childhood Commission
with a view to improving oversight of the sector, and complete 19 Develop an ICT in Education Policy. This will address use of
the Early Childhood Development Policy. technology in administration, as well as teaching; will seek
to give all students access to current technologies; and will
6. Strengthen the teaching of literacy and numeracy at the early equip all teachers with ICT skills to complement delivery of
childhood level to ensure readiness for Primary Schools. the curriculum.

7 Roll out the Age 4 Assessment programme across the island, 20 Incorporate local culture and talent in curricula and develop
ensuring that children’s challenges are detected earlier so additional, relevant media content for use in schools.
that appropriate intervention may start earlier.

8 Complete the review of the Education Act and Regulations

(1980), and pass the amendments recommended to address
matters which directly or indirectly impede students’ success. Leveraging New Technologies in the
Administration of Education
9 Strengthen the framework for social workers and mental
health care professionals to be involved in school settings,
with a view to providing appropriate support for schools, In keeping with the JLP’s commitment to use technology to
families and communities with high levels of disciplinary automate and streamline government processes, key technological
challenges and anti-social behaviours. advances will be introduced to the Ministry of Education or further
developed, including:
10 Implement the licensing of teachers to ensure that our
teachers are appropriately trained and deployed in their
• Implementation of the CREM, the Central Repository for
areas of competency.
Educational Material which was established when in 2011;
this will ensure that all schools with connectivity will have
11 Include a basic mandatory special education component in
access to quality educational material.
teacher development to ensure that teachers are competent
in identifying special needs in children, and a mandatory
• An Executive Dashboard to complement the Enterprise
literacy component for all primary and Early Childhood
School Management System,
teaching curricula.
• School Inspection Software to enable planning, conducting,
12 Ensure that teacher training includes gender sensitive
recording and reporting on all school inspections
pedagogical approaches to strengthen the focus on
optimizing education for our boys.
• The Examination Management Information System (EMIS)
to enable greater sharing of examination data
13 Increase the use of locally produced food and juices in our

14 Streamline the provision of structured physical education in

primary schools.

Universal Access to Efficient and Effective Health Care For All Jamaicans

Healthy citizens make happy and productive citizens, which leads the JLP remains committed to extending access to health care.
to greater national productivity and growth. Therefore, we give our We need to reduce the pressure on the public health facilities by:
pledge to the Jamaican people, that health will take centre stage
in the JLP government.

Eliminating Political Influence from the • increasing the numbers of mobile clinics

Health Sector • upgrading and equipping health clinics and centres

in strategic locations,
A JLP government would reduce political interference in the
appointment of regional and hospital leadership, by setting up a • increasing the numbers of community health workers.
committee of stakeholders to make appointments in the sector.

Universal Coverage Greater Investment in Hospitals and Clinics

We will continue our policy of universal access to health care for The JLP government will seek to infuse more cash in the health
all Jamaicans, and extend services to include more preventive, sector. One of the sources of additional funding, will be from the
diagnostic and specialist services. fees collected from casino gambling.

The introduction of a no user fee policy for all public health This additional funding will allow for the renovation and upgrade
facilities, by the JLP government in 2008 gave citizens greater of our health care infrastructure, so as to offer a modern, effective
access to health care. and efficient service, able to accommodate the increased demand.

Undeniably, more users meant that greater demands were made Select hospitals will be targeted in the first phase.
on our public health facilities and health care workers. However

We will honour our promise of providing the highly populated, preventable, communicable diseases on children, and promote
rapidly developing “Sunshine City” of Portmore with its first structured physical education in primary schools.
Emphasis will be placed on strengthening primary health care
Tax Credits for Insurance Premiums services, by upgrading the primary health care facilities; improving
access to pharmaceuticals and encouraging appropriate referrals,
A national health insurance scheme, “The Wellness Plan” will in order to rationalize the use of hospital services.
be introduced in two phases, in order to provide basic health
insurance for all Jamaicans. We will provide incentives by offering
tax credits on insurance premiums paid by employers and
Increase the Workforce of Medical/Health
employees. Facilities will be put in place to enable hospitals to Personnel in Critical Areas
accept health insurance payments.
This can be achieved by:
• The first phase will target the elderly, poor and
• Training health workers in specialist areas that are in
vulnerable persons. Beneficiaries will receive doctors’
short supply;
visits, in hospital visits (including room and board),
hospital outpatient visits, eye exams and other benefits.
• Recruiting workers from overseas, in order to
complement the local workforce
• The second phase will be extended to persons aged
35 – 60 years old and the scheme will be expanded
• Offering incentives and improved remuneration and
to include mammography, pap smears, colon and
conditions of service, to ensure adequate retention
prostate cancers tests

Development of a Health Tourism and Better Management of Public Health

Offshore Medical Industry Facilities

A JLP government will promote health tourism, as part of an We will review the operations of the Regional Health Authorities
integrated industrial policy. (RHAs), and maximize autonomy on personnel management,
financial management and decision-making, by restoring the
Firstly, we would seek to establish the legal and regulatory hospital health board structure.
framework for health tourism. Opening up this avenue for funding
of the health sector will be tied to improvements in health care To make our health facilities management more effective the JLP
facilities for Jamaicans, particularly those in the rural areas. government would also:

• establish performance targets;

Strengthen Preventive and Primary Health
Care Service Delivery • implement effective monitoring mechanisms for the
delivery of health services to ensure patient satisfaction,
including independent audits of health facilities
We will encourage Jamaicans through widespread public
education, to take responsibility for their good health and make • introduce systems to ensure transparency and
right choices. “Eating right and living right” can not only serve accountability
to reduce fatalities from non-communicable diseases such as
cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes and cancer; it • institute sanctions for administrators who violate
also serves to reduce the burden placed on health services due to reporting requirements
preventable, lifestyle-induced ailments.
• improve the system of surveillance and response of the
Preventive measures will include intensification of the National Ministry of Health,
Immunization Drive, with a view to achieving 95% coverage within
five (5) years.

A JLP government will also ensure collaboration between the

Ministries of Health and Education, to reduce the impact of

Health Information Technologies
A JLP administration will develop an effective health information
network. This is in keeping with our belief that we must move
towards becoming a digital society. We will undertake the
digitization of hospital records, in order to safeguard patients’
medical information and allow easy access to them by authorized
person when needed, regardless of where the patient is entering
the system.

Opportunities to Outsource to the Private

The divestment of various support services such as housekeeping,
laundry services, ground and building maintenance and catering,
will be pursued. Specialist services in hospitals such as the
laboratory facilities, ultra sound, radiotherapy and the radiology
unit, will also be divested.

We have too many housing institutions doing the same work. In these austere times we need to consolidate and focus our energies on
ensuring our people have homes. This is one of the most important roles of government.

It is time, especially in the face of tight fiscal space, to rationalize our housing institutions by reforming two significant entities; and
utilizing the synergies between the three primary housing agencies.

Together with institutional alignment, we will:

• Implement more public-private partnerships to build housing solutions

• Introduce more cost effective building technology, in order to reduce housing costs
• Promote longer term mortgages, to drive down recurrent costs to homeowners
• Lower real estate taxes, to drive down transaction costs to potential homeowners

A. HAJ: This body will focus on the development of housing at all levels in the public sector and will build on behalf of government
and the NHT. The HAJ will engineer partnerships with the private sector, engaging the skills of our local developers and
engineers. It will be responsible for all housing construction projects in the public sector.

B. NHT: After reform of its governance structure, the NHT will work solely to ensure that its funds are used for the intended
purpose, in particular, financing for-low income contributors.

C. The Mortgage Bank of Jamaica would again expand an active secondary mortgage market and focus on private sector
financing and public private partnerships to stimulate housing at all levels.

The Housing Fund will be resourced and re-vitalized to focus The drive to ensure lower interest rates as well as the construction
on the offer of 50-60 year (inter-generational) mortgages, rural of more and more affordable housing in all markets, will ensure
housing, and housing for very low income and indigent persons. that among other persons, young persons who currently have little
The proposed intergenerational mortgages will give young or no hope of purchasing their own home, will have a chance to
persons the option of starting on the home ownership path by live their dream.
combining with a family member on mortgages with lower monthly
payments. The “intergenerational” mortgages will also allow the
NHT and the Housing Agency of Jamaica to craft and develop
a secondary mortgage market that would provide liquidity from
pension funds and other investors to this very important housing
and job creation sector.

Quite simply, water is life. Too many homes and farms are
deprived of this precious commodity. We have made significant
improvements in Jamaica’s storage and distribution systems
before, and we will do it again.
We will:
• Invest in increased water production by building new water treatment plants,
deep water drilling in the hills and bringing water from the North Coast where it is
abundant, to the South Coast where the larger part of our population resides.

• Reduce non-revenue water by 30% - fixing old leaking pipes which will generate
more water to be purchased which will in turn increase revenues

• Increase the percentage of rural homes with access to potable water from 60%
to 85%

• In urban areas, to increase reliable supply of water to 95% of homes

• Incentivize use of water conserving technology in daily life such as

showerheads/faucets etc.

• Encourage rain-water harvesting in rural drought prone areas

• Optimize the National Irrigation Commission to expand irrigation lands and

expand the use of drip irrigation to conserve water

• List the National Water Commission on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, making
49% available for public purchase

• Rehabilitate the sewage collection system below Cross Roads, and expand
sewer collection in the suburban areas. Introduce sewage collection systems
in high population areas like Spanish Town, and Savanna-la-Mar, important for
sustainable development, growth, expansion and healthy living.

• Re-forest our watersheds with tree-planting programmes.

The Vision 2030 plan for Jamaica includes transport as a major
pillar of development. In 2007, we set out a 6 year (2009-2015)
integrated multi-modal Transport Plan encompassing Road, Rail,
Sea and Air. These remain pivotal to developing the Logistics Hub
concept which we introduced.

This Plan capitalizes on our geographical location which allows

us to move goods and services quicker than any other country, in
order to achieve growth by targeting the Maritime and Aerospace
industries as a primary driving force to create growth and jobs.

We will endeavour to follow a 1-3-5-7 programmatic approach.

Year 1: Re-assess; Year 3: Implement; Year 5: Complete;
and Year 7: Country starts to reap full benefits.

Road Rail
We will immediately reopen and review the rationalization of the
Having completed the investments by the Chinese in the North- Railway by implementing:
South Highway we will:
• Selective passenger service
• implement the plans laid out for the South Coast Highway • Heritage Tourism
to Morant Bay • Cargo linkage from Kingston Port to Vernamfield ( sea to
• reinstate the Highway 2000 phase from Glenmuir in air connection)
Clarendon to Williamsfield in Manchester • Cargo movement creating hundreds of new jobs in the
• Connect this Highway to the Vernamfield Airport and rail revival
Enterprise Zone. • Ultimately the opening of the rail service through to
• This will provide Vernamfield with access to the Port of Montego Bay to facilitate cargo, passenger, heritage and
Kingston and the Norman Manley International Airport hospitality traffic.
(Road-Sea-Air connection).
We will ensure the development of Economic Zones along the
North-South Highway on the lands provided to the developer as
We will:
part of the concession agreement in order to stimulate employment
in the areas through which the Highway passes.
• Implement the dredging of the Kingston Harbour
and re-examine the development of Fort Augusta to
We will improve the safety on our roads to reduce road fatalities to
accommodate the expanding port development
the under-300 deaths which we achieved during our time in office.
• Revisit and examine the development of smaller ports
into marinas to take advantage of the sailing and power-
We will rationalize the rural-urban transport structure, distributing
boating visitor markets
real economic costs to all users of public transport ,to reduce the
• Pursue the establishment of an energy port at Port
burden of transport costs now imposed on rural passengers.
Esquivel with dry docking facilities
• Revisit the development of cruise shipping in Kingston,
taking advantage of the Palisadoes strip to the Port
Royal heritage site.

Air transport opportunities represent tens of thousands of new • Provide facilities for flying schools
jobs in direct employment. We will:
• Establish Maintenance and Repair (MRO) facilities for
• Implement our Strategic National Air Transport policy for the industry
all aerodromes
• Establish air cargo facilities including cold storage and
• Develop Tinson Pen as an Enterprise Zone Logistics pre-inspection facilities
• Expand the General Aviation sector to attract the private
• Prioritize the upgrading of the NMIA Air Traffic Control aircraft owners as visitors for tourism and business.
• Create free zones for logistics development and
• Build out the development of Vernamfield to become the passenger development
passenger and logistics hub for the world, using ‘Open
Skies ‘ agreements to connect the Far East via Africa to • Repackage the privatization of the NMIA
Jamaica and on to the Southern Hemisphere
• Complete the Ian Fleming Airport to become a link in
• Establish an Aerospace College at Vernamfield similar to the logistics chain, to enhance Tourism growth as a hub
the Caribbean Maritime Institute to train Jamaicans and for the Caribbean and to accommodate the time sharing
internationals alike to meet the growing demand for air development of private air craft ownership
crew and technicians; it is estimated that China alone will
need 20,000 pilots in the next 10 years. • Reserve land space to accommodate the future
establishment of an aerodrome at Duckenfield

MINING AND ENERGY • Review the National Energy Policy (NEP) to set out an
effective regulatory framework, with the aim of protecting the
environmental, social and economic interests of Jamaica;

• Improve energy infrastructure with the objective of reducing

Among the primary imperatives of a new JLP government will be
Jamaica’s energy carbon footprint.
the need to lower the cost of energy and minimize the long-term
impacts of fossil-fuel consumption.
Consistent with our Green Energy objectives, we will:
Our dependence on imported oil with its cyclical price volatility
• Reduce electricity consumption in the Public Service
continues to threaten our prospects for economic growth.
through an energy efficiency programme. A target will be set
We intend to deploy a multifaceted strategy to create a more
for the reduction of national demand for energy over a 5
competitive energy environment. This will include:
year period;
• Modernising the electricity generation infrastructure.
• Work with relevant agencies and distributors to ensure
an adequate supply of energy efficient appliances –
• Diversifying the fuel mix by increasing use and development
refrigerators, air conditioning units, washers, dryers, ovens
of renewable energy sources
and televisions;
• Strengthening regulations and institutions
• Encourage the most efficient type of electricity generation
alongside alternative energy sources;
• Promoting energy efficiency and conservation

• Enforce energy efficiency standards and codes for

appliances and buildings, with the goal of reducing energy
Develop and Implement a Green Energy consumption in new buildings by 50% by 2020 and ensuring
Policy. that all new buildings use zero net energy by 2025.

As part of this process, we will:

• Implement mechanisms geared toward the promotion of

energy efficiency and conservation;

Renewable Sources Getting the Best Price for Costly Imports
Efforts to promote the use of renewable energy sources such as A Strategic Review will be conducted at the Petrojam Refinery to
Solar and Wind will continue with the development of Standardised ensure that it is serving its mandate to the people of Jamaica and
Net Billing Contracts and the necessary legal and regulatory to ensure that fuel users pay the most competitive price for all
frameworks strengthened to facilitate private investment in these types of fuel. The petroleum reference price mechanism will again
areas. be reviewed in light of new developments in the global energy
• A Waste to Energy Project will be pursued and implemented markets and the best policy implemented.

• Hydroelectric Power Projects, in particular the Mahogany We will pursue negotiations with the United States government to
Vale Project, will be pursued make Jamaica a hub for purchase and distribution of LNG.
• Other fuel sources will continue to be evaluated and

Helping Business to Become More Energy

We will continue to focus on the modernisation and upgrading
of the electricity generation sector according to the Least Cost
Expansion Plan, requiring local operators to replace or upgrade
obsolete units.

The DBJ will be encouraged to deepen its links with Small

Business Enterprises to provide technical assistance to and
promote the use of the J$1 Billion SME Energy Loan Facility to
foster energy efficiency.

We will see to the provision of credit facilities at concessionary

interest rates, especially in the MSME sector, to improve their
energy conservation efforts.

Renegotiation of the JPS License will include provisions for Net

Billing and Power Wheeling.

Stewardship of the environment is a core value of the
Jamaica Labour Party.

Climate change is a real phenomenon. We as a people are the • Implement an Electronic-Waste Policy (e-waste policy).
best and most effective tool we can deploy in the battle against the This policy will establish protocols for the recycling, re-
effects of climate change. Our attitude, mindset, and actions must use and/or proper disposal of such electronic wastes
change and in every way, reflect greater sensitivity and care for as: TVs, radios, air conditioning units, refrigerators,
the environment which sustains us as inhabitants. batteries, and mobile devices.

A critical starting point is the restoration of good working relations The Jamaica Labour Party recognizes that the
between the Government of Jamaica and Non-Governmental consumption cycle is just that – a cycle; it virtually
Organizations (NGOs). While there may be disagreements never ends. An e-waste management framework will
from time to time, the relationship between the Government help to create a new industry, which will meaningfully
and environmental advocates should not be characterized by include persons who already use material from the
antagonism and hostility. dump in an unregulated and arbitrary way.

The Jamaica Labour Party appreciates the work and advocacy • Review existing laws and regulations and implement
of these groups. Where our environment is concerned, they measures for improved enforcement.
stand in the vanguard. The diligent effort and dedicated service
provided by these men and women go a long way in educating The Jamaica Labour Party is also committed to increased
our citizens and government where environmental best practices public education and heightened national awareness where
are concerned. environmental best practices are concerned. We must lift the
profile of our campaign for good and responsible management
Sustainable development is about reconciling our development of our environment. A programme of public education is critically
interests with our interest in protecting and respecting the important because we still have low levels of awareness of climate
environment. We must develop, but we must do so on a sustainable change and an understanding of its effects on us as a country.
The effects on our ways of life and our ability to sustain economic
The Jamaica Labour Party Government is committed to doing the activities are already starkly evident, for example with what is
following: happening with the shoreline in Negril, the Hellshire beach in
Portmore and other parts of the island where there has been
• Facilitate collaboration between various ministries significant beach erosion over the years. The longer periods of
in transforming the Riverton City Dump into a green drought and increasing average temperatures are also carrying an
landfill - a true landfill. ominous message, which we need to hear, and heed.

• Implementing regular re-planting projects for de- Even as we work towards more harmonious practices in our use
forested areas in our watershed zones. of the land, air and water, we must also as a society deal with the
reality of changes in climatic conditions. We must therefore be
• Make the Cockpit Country a “no-mining” zone prepared for more unpredictable and extreme weather. This must
include, when selecting designs for planned sporting facilities
• Implement a policy of waste separation, beginning with in communities, taking into account that these buildings may be
Government-owned/public institutions, then moving called into services as shelters during and after hurricanes or
to businesses, commercial and industrial wastes, and other natural disasters.
finally the wider population.

ICT is a Driver of Economic Growth

The JLP Government will make ICT, under a single regulatory body, a focal point for increasing employment and diversification and for
improving Government services to citizens.

Steps to the Digital Society

• Establish true universal access, making Internet access to essential Government and educational services free

• Introduce eHOME: (The Electronic Home-based Mode of Employment), the “Work from Home” initiative to boost
productivity by reducing time lost in transit

• Work closely with the Ministry of Education to ensure effective use of technology to support teaching and learning
as well as improved administration

• We will repeal the 15-year old Telecommunications Act and replace it with a new ICT Act.

Technology Innovation Fund

Make Jamaica the Silicon Valley of the Caribbean

Innovation leads to prosperity. We have to invest more in a sustained fund that will always be there to foster technology
technology innovation and cultivate a more sustainable and innovation.
vibrant environment for start-up initiatives.
As a nation we must move from simple consumption of technology
The JLP Government will create a Technology Innovation Fund to becoming participants in the production of technology, whether
(TIF) to catalyse the growth of technology-based ventures. Start- software or hardware. We have a growing number of young people
ups without funding don’t start. And in hard economic times with ICT skills, students and experienced business people who
venture capitalists may not always be around. So we must create can develop the opportunities. With the correct support, we can
make Jamaica the Silicon Valley of the Caribbean.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) “in a Harmonize ICT Legislation Under the
real sense” Appropriate Agency
To date, business process outsourcing has been nothing more The purpose of the Electronic Transactions Act was to do the
than a code for “call centre jobs”. While these are good options following:
for entry-level employment, they do not create a secure future
for our people, nor do they create opportunities to harness the • facilitate electronic transactions (this means less
students and experienced workers from all sectors who have skills reliance on cash and in-person payments, including
to contribute in: payments to Government, and can reduce the overhead
of dealing with paper documents for accessing a host of
• Programming & web design Government services)

• Data Analysis and Database management • promote the development of the legal and business
infrastructure to implement secure electronic commerce
• Accounting (this opens up the world to our local merchants, who will
be able to sell safely online)
• Legal advisory services
• eliminate barriers to electronic commerce (e-commerce)
• Other administrative support services resulting from uncertainties over writing and signature

With the support of the ICT Regulator, the existing BPO

• establish uniformity of legal rules and standards
business development channels will go further afield to source
regarding the authentication and integrity of electronic
job opportunities, and develop a useful, up to date database of
local persons willing to take jobs in outsourced service provision.
Jamaicans have had to leave home for too long to find these
• facilitate electronic filing of information with Government
overseas opportunities: it’s time for our country to compete with
agencies and statutory bodies and to promote efficient
the best by keeping our people right here in the comfort of our own
delivery of Government services by means of reliable
communities and provide these services to the world.
electronic documents.

It is clear that with the wide-ranging implications and the close

Better ICT Governance Practices in connection to the technologies which must be employed and
Government overseen, that it is inappropriate to manage this Act through the
Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce.
ICT governance does not just mean oversight of the IT
networks and tools; it means transforming how we fulfil the role The JLP Government will bring the Electronic Transactions Act
of government by making better use of the IT networks and back under the Technology portfolio. This Act and others must
information and communications tools available. We will place be reviewed and strengthened in light of new technologies and
specific emphasis first in some key areas we believe can make an international best practices.
immediate difference in people’s lives:

• Using ICT in administration of the education system

• Making health records digital

• Equipping schools with management information

systems for teacher registration, examination records,
and day to day school administration

• Enabling Government to process electronic payments

and accept electronic signatures for certain transactions

Pass a Data Protection, Privacy & Sharing
Ensure Privacy and Security of Everyone’s Private and
Confidential Information - My Data, Your Data and Your
Neighbour’s Data

With increased use of technology and the use of electronic

methods of storing data, we must ensure that we maintain
confidence among the people of Jamaica that their personal
information is safe and secure.

The protection of my information, your information and the

information of ALL citizens of this country IS A RIGHT, NOT A
PRIVILEGE. Outside of the Constitution there is no detailed
legislation yet, that speaks to this in the context of today’s digitized

We must ensure that with the new ways in which information is

stored, shared and accessed, citizens are protected. The providers
and gatekeepers of this information must be held accountable for its
use. Digital information is much easier to access and manipulate.
Measures must be put in place to ensure that personal information
is kept secure. This is why the Data Protection Act is so important.
Without this level of confidence among our people and businesses,
many of the proposed initiatives aimed at improving the efficiency
of Government services and the conduct of business transactions,
will no doubt fail.

e-Waste Legislation
Let us for a moment think about the number of electronic items we repairs or stores end-of-life of electronic devices, and create an
use and throw away from time to time: televisions, refrigerators, environment for e-waste reclaiming and recycling to be profitable.
microwaves, printers, desktop and laptop computers, batteries
and the like. e-Waste is big business worldwide, and we cannot afford to miss
this boat. By putting the policies and legislation in place, Jamaica
All of these items have some form of electronic component or can carve out our niche and reap the benefits of a lucrative market.
volatile chemical inside. Recycling these electronic components
has become a valuable alternative to mining for these high-value
and sometimes rare metals such as silver, gold and rare earth

Recent reports have shown that by 2017 the annual volume of

e-waste will increase to an estimated 65.4 million tonnes. It goes
without saying that we need to capitalize on this.

There are countless establishments island-wide full of end-of-life

electronic equipment. What’s worse, without a viable place to send
these items, many would already have ended up in our landfills,
where they risk contaminating the soil and water.

We need to engage the telecoms providers, appliance retailers

and repair shops, IT Service Providers and any entity that sells,

The Tourism Competitiveness Task Force was established to
identify important barriers to a more competitive tourism sector
and develop effective solutions. The Committee is comprised of
representatives of key public and private sector bodies involved
in tourism.

Building on the findings of this and other inquiries, as well as

consultation with many stakeholders in the sector, the Jamaica
Labour Party proposes to strengthen Jamaica’s tourism products
by treating each sub-sector with the focussed attention it deserves.

Traditional/Mainstream Tourism
We are formulating a strategic plan for the development of
Portland and St. Thomas as a distinct tourist resort area, to take
advantage of their unique attributes as well as providing a new
economic catalyst to mitigate the decline in sugar and banana

We will continue to: Heritage and Eco-Tourism

• Encourage the development of new state-of-the-art As the world markets become more sensitive to the ecological
attractions beyond the five (5) that were opened in 2011 and cultural damage caused by unfettered and insensitive
development, eco-tourism has emerged as a significant
• Promote the expansion of marinas in Ocho Rios and high-value market opportunity.
Montego Bay which, together with the Port Antonio
Marina, will be marketed to attract mega-yacht visitors The Jamaica Labour Party government will provide renewed
and sport-fishing activities support for the development of South Coast adventure and
eco-tourism, and will:
• Enhance Jamaica’s Duty-Free Shopping Appeal; we will
establish a new regime for in-bond merchants to enhance • Declare the Cockpit Country a “no-mining” zone and
Jamaica’s appeal as a duty-free shopping destination encourage the development of environmentally friendly
attractions. The Ministry of Tourism will be responsible for
• Provide grants and concessionary loans for the the development of usage guidelines for the development
upgrading of small hotels and villas and assisting them of ecotourism and adventure tourism in the Cockpit
in developing programmes for advertising and marketing. Country.

• Draft ecotourism guidelines for the development of caves,

sinkholes and shafts have been prepared. Guidelines on
trails and water features are being developed.

• Establish a sophisticated craft training centre on the

north coast to enable our craftsmen to produce high
quality craft items and ensure that our craft vendors can
preserve indigenous skills while earning a decent living.

Business Tourism
We will leverage the recently completed
convention centre in Montego Bay to attract more
high value convention visitors through a focussed
programme of promotion to convention organizers
Health & Wellness Tourism internationally and regionally.

The Jamaica Labour Party Government will:

• Promote the development of wellness facilities to take
advantage of our natural spas as well as facilities geared
toward long-stay convalescents.
Skills Development for the Tourism Industry
• Make the worldwide market more aware of our revised
local regime in respect of personal ganja use and Establishment of a Hospitality College
medicinal marijuana availability. Development of We will pursue development of a hospitality college, either
medicinal marijuana is a large potential growth area both as an independent entity or as a college of one of our existing
in terms of its export potential and as a draw for medical universities, to train persons for all levels of the tourism sector.
Teaching the Value of Tourism in Schools
• Work through our diplomatic corps and the new Ministry We will develop a tourism-related course to be taught in schools
of Economic Growth and Job Creation to attract and to be an accredited curriculum subject to increase awareness
healthcare entrepreneurs to encourage them to establish and appreciation of the value of tourism to the nation as well as
medical facilities offering clinical and surgical procedures to prepare our young people for employment and other forms of
to foreign patients. engagement in the tourist industry.

A JLP government will make the agricultural sector a modern,
attractive and productive enterprise for Jamaicans; in particular,
our young people.

Revival of the Cocoa and non-Blue Mountain

Coffee Industries
The cocoa industry has been on the decline for years. Today, there
are only 3,000 persons involved in the industry, compared to 9,000
in 2006. Yet worldwide, cocoa retains a high value as its benefits
are being better understood as more than just a food product—its
therapeutic, cosmetic and medicinal benefits are emerging rapidly
and commodity prices are strong.

Firstly, the JLP Government will conduct a brief study of why these
industries collapsed; and then appropriate remedial measures
would be implemented, to ‘breathe new life’ into the industries.

Upgrade the Fresh Food Markets

Markets are key to connecting farmers and fishers with the
rewards of their time and investments. Without markets that
are conveniently located and connected by strong transport
links, farmers will remain limited to their own communities and
vulnerable to the ups and downs of seasonal production.
A JLP Government will invest in making markets the portals to
farmers’ success, providing an attractive, convenient, sanitary and
A Comprehensive Strategy Against Praedial
modern atmosphere. Larceny
With improved sanitation, amenities for customers and vendors This will involve emphasizing greater law enforcement effort,
and proper promotion, these markets can also become tourist community policing initiatives, technology usage and prosecution
attractions. of not just the persons stealing, but also those buying the stolen
produce. Law enforcement agencies must infiltrate communities
with high incidences of theft and send a strong message to would
Establish Agricultural Economic Zones (AEZ) be thieves.
These economic zones will grade, package and process all
Ultimately, praedial larceny will decline, when potential perpetrators
produce. This will enable our local produce to be competitive with
are engaged in production and earning incomes above the
foreign produce, in terms of appearance and quality. The AEZs will
subsistence level.
be privately operated with farmers’ equity and participation.

Develop Products for Niche Markets and Investment in Irrigation Water and
Exotic Foods Rainwater Harvesting
The most direct path to sufficiency of water for agricultural and
The production of spices and herbs, such as turmeric, ginger,
home use is to make better use of the natural resource where
thyme and sorrel will be encouraged, with the technical support to
it is found: as rainwater and surface water. We will promote the
minimize and appropriately manage diseases. Also, a programme
creation of ponds, catchment areas and micro-dams and create
of orchard production will be initiated for fruits such as; mangoes,
better incentives for households to harvest rainwater.
guava, soursop, june plum, passion fruit and avocado.

Introduce a National
Re-establish Production and Marketing organizations Agricultural Health
(PMOs) Protection System
To better coordinate extension services support and marketing efforts, better linkages This system will allow farmers
must exist between different geographical areas; between buyers and sellers; and to detect diseases early and to
between the local and export markets. recommend treatment before
the diseases create widespread
Increasing Productivity through Modern Technology damage. The system will be linked
to the local university network.
Some of the modern technology to be applied, include: greenhouse technology,
hydroponics, and tissue culture. These will increase yield, improve the quality of the
produce and rationalize the use of scarce water. Training and technical support will be
extended by the government to assist farmers where needed.

Foreign Policy Must Drive our Economic Policy

When we think of foreign relations, we must consider two types

of relationships:

• Relationships with other nations, overseas and regional

and international organizations • We have to date only scratched the surface of the
enormous opportunities which exist in relation to:
• Relationships with the Jamaican Diaspora • The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector—much
more than call centres!
Our foreign policy, international public relations efforts, and the way • Establishing Jamaica as an International Financial
we staff and support our outward-facing corps of representatives Centre (IFC)
must be in line with our objectives for these relationships. • The provision of logistics-related services
• Positioning Jamaica as an aviation hub to handle a
Finding a Better Balance in CARICOM growing share of the nearly 10 million passengers already
passing through the northern Caribbean (Dominican
Jamaica needs to begin a process of clinically re-examining its role Republic and Cuba)
within CARICOM. Nothing short of a comprehensive assessment
of our CARICOM membership is required at this time. Better Energy Agreements
The cries of our manufacturers and other business interests are The matter of energy cannot be left out of the equation. While talks
deafening. Structural imbalances within CARICOM are palpable. have occurred with the United States, we need to convert talk into
Concerns regarding Rules of Origin and the Common External action. We must secure outcomes following those discussions and
Tariff have gone unaddressed for far too long. ensure that LNG from the United States is leveraged to form part
of our energy mix here in Jamaica.
Northern Caribbean Economic Convergence:
The suggestion that Jamaica could be the hub for the distribution
New Developments & Opportunities of LNG to other countries in the region is worthy of active
A momentous development is taking place before our eyes: the
opening up of Cuba via normalized relations with the United
States. The result we must anticipate is a complete reconfiguration Diaspora Relations—A Missed Opportunity
of the north-western Caribbean as a geo-political and economic
space. Concerns have been raised over the years by persons in the
Diaspora, mainly in the United States, Canada, and United
Another factor that will play in the transformation of trade, is the Kingdom, about the lack of information about opportunities
ongoing expansion of the Panama Canal.The new canal, scheduled available to them.
for completion in 2017, will accommodate unprecedented volumes
of even larger cargo vessels. In addition to the familial ties that bind us ever, the World Bank
estimates that the Jamaican Diaspora has some US$5.4 Billion
The time is ripe to pursue efforts at getting Jamaica in a position in savings. The US$800 million which we acquired recently on the
to benefit at as an international logistics centre. international bond market is less that 20 percent of those savings.

There is every indication that the Diaspora stands ready to invest

Services: The New Export Growth Pole in their country, once they can be satisfied that the environment
is conducive to such investments. A Jamaica Labour Party
Much will revolve around the services side of the equation. government will make the environment ready for investment.
Opportunities within the services sector are tremendous and these
opportunities are at our finger tips. We should not undervalue On the matter of engaging the Diaspora in our parliamentary
certain advantages which in fact have high business value to the process, as part of our proposed independent members of the
American market. Senate, we will propose that the Governor-General select a
• Our population are native English speakers; representative of the views of the Diaspora.
• Our location is in relatively close proximity to the largest
economy in the world

Closer Ties with Jamaicans
• More effective consular services
in protecting the interests of
Jamaicans abroad

• Foster a stronger voice in

global affairs, through regional

• Repatriation of High Value Skills

• Greater leveraging of the

Diaspora in diplomacy,
investments and trade

• Engage the diaspora to

assist/contribute to national
development. There needs to be
a coordinated effort to this end,

INTERNATIONAL TRADE & as there is a repository of skills

set in the diaspora that needs

INVESTMENT • Agency for philanthropy in the

Diaspora. Many organizations
overseas are making their
The objectives are: contributions to education,
health and other critical sectors.
This is one way of centralizing
Increased Trade Out of Jamaica, and Increased Investment these activities.
into Jamaica.
To achieve this we will:
Establishment of a Diaspora
• Place greater emphasis in our diplomatic service on trade and investment
promotion and facilitation. This involves strengthening relations with traditional Implementation of a Returning Residents
trading partners and forging strategic relationships with new and emerging Policy. Returning residents have significant
partners resources to invest. However, their
efforts for reintegration in the Jamaican
• Promote Jamaica as the centre of trade, commerce, finance, innovation and society are stymied and discouraged
lifestyle in the Caribbean, making the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job by bureaucracy and other impediments.
Creation a key point of contact in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign There needs to be stronger support for
Affairs and Foreign Trade them.

Young people in Jamaica are not a homogenous group; they training, certification and where possible experience from these
confront very diverse realities. Acknowledging that “youth” can programmes, will dove tail with our plans for economic growth and
refer to a wide group of people with different values, aspirations, job creation.
family backgrounds and motivations, we commit to pursue
policies and programmes that will empower our youth, promote
Make Young People a Part of Decision Making
and encourage the participation of young people in all aspects of
sustainable development.
Create Youth Advisory Councils starting with the Ministries
responsible for Youth and Education. These Councils will enable
A JLP government will: youth perspectives to be represented at the highest decision-
making level of government. This will inject the innovation of
• Create a new and expanded National Apprenticeship youth, as well as the very practical input needed from the persons
Programme and National Service Programme. Our aim expected to be impacted by the policies developed.
is to enable youth not enrolled in school or employed,
to be enrolled in a training, apprenticeship or service Create a National Youth Foundation to provide finance and
programme. This will provide young people with job technical support for the Youth Advisory Councils and entities
skills, while allowing employers to develop a potential such as the:
employee trained specially for their company. • National Secondary Students Council (NSSC)
• Jamaica Union of Tertiary Students (JUTS)
• The Service programmes will combine training, • Jamaica Youth Ambassador Programme (JYAP)
mentorship and voluntary service. We will encourage • National Youth Council of Jamaica (NYCJ)
youth to be involved in meaningful activity in building
their community, while developing necessary life and Revitalise the National Youth Parliament to give young Jamaicans
work skills.We will ensure that building on the existing the opportunity to learn first-hand about our democracy and to
core, every student leaving the education system will be influence decision-making.
certified at a functional level of education and competent
in a skill. We also commit to establishing a component Ensure that all parishes have at least one Youth Information
of the programme to focus on the rehabilitation of young Center and network all YICs, to offer a core set of services, giving
offenders, with proper support systems to assist in their all youth access to an agreed set of services.
reintegration into society.
Promote and expand “Values Streaming through Sports”, as a
The JLP’s general push for job creation will embrace and require medium to transfer knowledge of wellness and healthy sexual
the skills and energy of young people. That they have relevant reproductive health choices.

Protecting the Vulnerable Start Transferring Business Skills Early
• Revise the Adoption Policy and amend the Adoption • Expand the pool of funds available for lending at the
Act to provide for a more sensitive and efficient process Jamaica Youth Business Trust.
geared at bringing together loving permanent families. • Establish Youth Business Incubators to support the
• Revive the Possibility Programme for street children following growth areas: the creative industries, agro
• Conduct an operational review of the CDA and OCR and processing, ICT and tourism.
ensure that systems are optimized in the interest of our • Infuse entrepreneurial studies and financial literacy
children. into the curriculum of primary and secondary schools
to promote innovation, enterprise, and responsible risk
taking in our youth.

The voices, ideas and energy of our young people are integral
to Jamaica’s sustainable development. The JLP remains strongly
committed to maintaining our youth at the centre of our development
strategy. A JLP government will ensure that our youth participate
in policy and practice in meaningful ways and that they benefit
positively to facilitate a fair and just start to their adult lives.

The JLP is committed to the principles of
gender equality and balance. When we
have true gender equality we will see equal
numbers of women and men operating at
all levels, including leadership. We have
therefore identified several areas of focus
for the next 5 years, in line with the 2011
National Policy for Gender Equality, Vision
2030 and other international and regional
agreements and conventions.
Sexual and Reproductive Health and
The JLP will continue its commitment to
gender mainstreaming in public sector
Rights/HIV and AIDS
entities, i.e. taking conscious steps to
The JLP government will seek to ensure that women and
assess the different implications for women
girls have the information, tools and access to facilities to
and men, of any planned policy action,
meet their sexual and reproductive health needs and as
including legislation and programmes.
outlined in the Programme of Action of the International
Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), with
Gender-Based Violence a view to reducing early and unplanned pregnancies.

Gender-based violence continues to be a major concern of the

JLP. Far too many of our women and girls are subject to various
forms of abuse including sexual abuse and domestic violence. The Decent Work for Domestic Workers
Party will continue to address these issues through the following
actions: The JLP recognizes the worth of domestic workers and their
contribution to national development.
• Enactment of legislation against Sexual Harassment
The JLP Government commits to Jamaica’s ratification of the ILO
• Continued sensitization about Human Trafficking Convention 189, Decent Work for Domestic Workers, to improve
the lives and working conditions of domestic workers.
• Establishment of Permanent and Temporary Shelters
for women victims of domestic violence with appropriate Men and Masculinities
accommodation for children

• Review of Legislation on Sexual Offences, Domestic The JLP recognizes that boys are now forming a critical vulnerable
Violence and Childcare and Protection group and that men and boys tend to be under-represented in
• Implementation of the National Strategic Action Plan to
Eliminate Gender-Based Violence In keeping with the SGD goal 5, a focus will be placed on the boy
child. The JLP Government will strengthen training programmes
• Putting resources in place to improve livelihoods of rural targeting unattached and vulnerable youth. We will also ensure
women through new and existing programmes that counselling programmes are made available

Culture, as the way of life of a people, has shaped the Jamaican social, economic and political landscape in very fundamental ways,
particularly in its role in the creation of Brand Jamaica and in the consolidation of our national identity. The following are just a few of our
extensive policy and programme prescriptions to enhance the reach and output of the Culture, Creative Industries, Entertainment and
Heritage sector.

Culture, Cultural Identity Consolidation of regular programmes to upgrade and enhance the design
elements of our Craft sector, with assistance from Latin
and Implications for Partnerships with the American partners.
Ministry of Education
• Include the Creative Industries and Entertainment sector
• Strengthen collaboration between the Ministry and Agencies within the National Export Strategy.
responsible for Culture, Creative Industries, Entertainment
and Heritage and the Ministry of Education in the planning Artists Development and Support
and staging of Jamaica Day
• Use of a Creative Industries and Entertainment Fund
• Promote greater collaboration between the Ministry and to facilitate incubation, development, promotion and
Agencies responsible for Culture, Creative Industries, marketing of leading young artists in various areas of
Entertainment and Heritage and the Ministry of Education Creative Industries and Entertainment, such as music, film,
in training of cultural agents in schools. fashion and art.

• Appoint a panel of leading Music Industry experts to

Culture, Creative Industries, Entertainment, discover, develop and promote young artists for global
Heritage and Brand Jamaica consolidation reach in the Industry.
and promotion
Support for Cultural Communities
• Establish 21st century museum of the Jamaican People:
A National Museum to share our history and culture, with • Provide funding for cultural communities such as Maroons
smaller permanent exhibitions in the Institute of Jamaica and Rastafari to promote and grow their festivals to
network to enable wider reach to all Jamaicans international standards and promotion.

Creative Industries and Entertainment • Support the staging of commemorative celebrations in

Rastafari community (50th anniversary of the arrival of
Development and Promotion Emperor Haile Selassie in April 2016)

• Activate and invigorate the Culture and Creative Industries • Promote regular meetings in support of cultural
Council as an overarching mechanism for the integration communities to ensure continuity and transfer of
and regulation of policies and programmes in this area. information and traditions within the communities and the
country at large.
• Collaborate with UTECH Design and Entrepreneurial
Centre and the Edna Manley College for the development

Sports is so very important to each and every one of us, and in
an Olympic year, the whole country will band together in a few
months as we rally behind our superstars and bright new stars.
On a daily basis however, so much more can be done to foster our
natural abilities and international brand as high performers.

Community Integration
Sport has long be seen as a vehicle for social integration which
keeps communities together and is a persuasive tool in promoting
shared interests alongside fostering a keen sense of civic pride.
Parish Councils must exercise even greater leadership in bringing
schools, voluntary sport clubs, National Governing Bodies of We will also look beyond coaches, and at creating a marketplace
sport, health and the private sector together to forge partnerships, and providing expanded training for other sport professionals such
unblock barriers to participation and improve the local sport as Sports Physicians and Specialists, Physiotherapists, Sports
delivery system. Their understanding of communities will enable medicine physicians, Exercise Physiologists, Sports Nutritionists,
them to target opportunities and encourage mass participation. Sport Administrators/Managers, etc.

• Improving Facilities
Sports Tourism We will forge partnerships between Jamaican / international
entities to tap into funding opportunities for sport and community
We will intensify efforts to establish an extensive sport tourism development. Jamaica has more than 1600 sporting facilities;
programme that will, among other things, provide discounted prices including track and field, football, netball etc. These existing
to athletes that wish to use our sports facilities (especially during facilities need to be rehabilitated. Other facilities should be built.
their winter season). These sports training facilities should be The facilities located in our nation’s schools should be considered
equipped to meet international standards and include gymnasium, in this venture as this would negate the need to procure land while
swimming pool, indoor halls, cycling velodrome, squash courts, improving the facility to which school children would have access.
conditioning units, hockey fields (grass & synthetic), athletic track
(cinder & synthetic) and outdoor courts (such as lawn tennis • Research in the area of sport sciences
courts). We will promote the importance of conducting research in the field
of sport. The days of relying solely on ‘raw born talent’ is a thing of
• Training and certification of Sports Professionals the past, especially in light of the many advances in approaches
We will enhance greater partnership between the Government and to preparation of athletes for competition. There is also a great
our local sporting bodies to enhance the training and certification need to conduct research on our population as it relates to their
of our local coaches (and those aspiring to be coaches) not only to participation in sporting activities in order to develop strategies
meet local but also international standards that would deem them to improve the health of our citizens. This consultation will be
qualified/certified to ply their trade across the globe. undertaken in conjunction with the Ministry responsible for health.




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