UCSP Reviewer
UCSP Reviewer
UCSP Reviewer
Introduction to Culture, Society, and Material Culture
refers to physical objects (such as
Prepared by: automobiles, books, buildings, etc.)
Christine Dianne T. Magbanua, LPT Nonmaterial Culture
includes, belief, family, language,
1. Environment - Why do Dumagats different 4. Some changes matter more than others
from Bajaos? Environmental condition is one do.
of the evident reasons as inhabitants must
adapt in order to survive. Also, from this Example: The invention of mobile phone
adaptation, people’s way of life can be was more important than Radio.
described such as the kind of economies they
practice. Lesson 2: Understanding Culture, and
2. Isolation – as one society cut down its Society
interaction from the other, this follows the
creation of a set of norms and values distinct UNLOCKING DIFFICULTIES:
from the other culture.
3. Technology – when tools are available in The following are the key-word and
one culture, it likely affects the culture of a challenging terms used in our
society. This explains why Filipino dating and discussion:
courtship practices has significant differences Anthropology. Systematic study of
with the Filipino customs a decade ago. the biological, cultural, and social
aspects of man.
Social change is the transformation of Sociology. study of the human social
culture and social organization/ life, groups, and society.
structure over time. Hence, we are Political Science. study of politics,
aware that society is never static, it activity through which people make,
constantly changes. preserve and amend general rules
under which they live.
Characteristics of Social
Change (Macionis 1996): Social Science
Anthropology Sociologist
Systematic study of the biological, examine and present new insights and
cultural, and social aspects of man. perspectives different elements and
derived from the Greek word aspects of society such as culture,
“anthropos” which means “man”, and gender, race and ethnicity, social
logos, which means “study” or movements, class and other forms of
“inquiry”. social stratification, crime and other
Integrates elements from biological organizations and institutions.
sciences and humanities to fully Seeks to explain the bases of social
comprehend the complex human order and social change.
species, including past practices and Performed improvements in social
social patterns across diverse policy and welfare rely on research.
Political Science
Anthropologist Study of politics, power and
Renowned anthropologist are Edward government.
Burnett Taylor, Franz Boas, Alfred The activity through which people
Kroeber, Bronislaw Malinoski, make, preserve, and amend the
Clifford Geertz, and Margaret Mead. general rules under which they live
Have diverse fields of study and areas (Andre Heywood).
of interest. Focuses on the fundamental values of
equality, freedom, and justice and
ANTHROPOLOGY FIELDS OF STUDIES its processes are linked to the
Social anthropology. Study social dynamics of conflict, resolution and
patterns and practices and cultural cooperation.
variations develop across different
societies Political Scientist.
Cultural Anthropology. Studies Help us understand the nature and
cultural variations across different characteristics of authority and power
societies and examines the need to distribution and how it shapes the way
understand each culture in its own society is organized.
context. Analyze the wide array of topics
Linguistic Anthropology. Studies including systems of governance,
language and discourse. political theories, the law-making
Biological or Physical process, political behavior and ethics,
Anthropology. Studies the origins of policies and their implications, political
human, social factors and process of organizations and the electoral
human evolution. process
Archaeology. Deals with prehistoric
societies by studying their tools and FIELDS OF STUDY AND BRANCHES OF
Public administration examines how the
Sociology government functions and how decision and
Study of human social life, groups, and policies are made.
society. (Anthony Giddens)
Comparative politics compares domestic recruitment processes for political
politics and governance systems across parties, and acquainting an immigrant
different sovereign states. to significant aspect of life in his/her
Political economy evaluates the interplay new country
between economics, politics and law and its
implications to the various institutions within
- the process by which people learn the
Unlocking Difficulties: requirements of their surrounding
culture and acquire the values and
The following are the key-word and behaviors appropriate or necessary in
challenging terms used in our discussion: that culture.