06 - Electromagnetic Induction
06 - Electromagnetic Induction
06 - Electromagnetic Induction
Q1. The magnetic flux linked with a coil varies with time Q6. A circular loop of radius R carrying current I lies in
as ϕ = 2t − 6t + 5, where ϕ is in weber and t is in
the x-y plane with its centre at the origin. The total
second. The induced current is zero at magnetic flux through the x-y plane is:
1. t = 0 (1) directly proportional to I.
2. t = 1.5 s (2) directly proportional to R.
3. t = 3 s (3) directly proportional to R2.
4. t = 5 s (4) zero.
Q2. Q7. The net magnetic flux through any closed surface,
A circular disc of radius 0.2 m is placed in a uniform kept in uniform magnetic field is
magnetic field of induction 1
) in such a way that its 1. Zero
π 2
2. 4π
axis makes an angle of 60
with B . The magnetic flux 3. 4πμ
linked with the disc is
(a) 0.02 Wb 4. π
(b) 0.06 Wb
(c) 0.08 Wb Q8. The radius of a loop as shown in figure is 10 cm. If
(d) 0.01 Wb magnetic field is uniform and has value 10 T , then the
(2) 3B L Wb
(3) 4B L Wb
(4) √29B L Wb 0
1. 2π × 10 −2
1. [M L T A ]
2 −2 −1 3. 5π × 10 −5
2. [M L T A ]
1 −1 −2 4. 5π × 10 −4
3. [M L T A ]
2 −3 −1
2. 10 × 10 W b −3
3. 20 × 10 W b −3
1. 2 4. 30 × 10 W b −3
2. 4
3. 6
4. None of these
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Q11. If a current is passed through a circular loop of Q15. A bar magnet is released along the vertical axis of
radius R then magnetic flux through a coplanar square the conducting coil. The acceleration of the bar magnet is:
loop of side l as shown in the figure (l<<R) is
1. greater than g.
2. less than g.
μ0 l
μ0 I l
3. equal to g.
2. 2R
4. zero.
μ0 lπR
3. 2l
Q16. In a circuit with a coil of resistance 2 ohms, the
μ0 πR I
magnetic flux changes from 2.0 Wb to 10.0 Wb in 0.2
second. The charge that flows in the coil during this time
Q12. A coil having number of turns N and cross-sectional
(1) 5.0 coulomb
area A is rotated in a uniform magnetic field B with an
(2) 4.0 coulomb
angular velocity ω. The maximum value of the emf
(3) 1.0 coulomb
induced in it is –
(4) 0.8 coulomb
current I through A can be altered. Then:
4. NBAω 2
A0 t
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Q19. As shown in the figure, a magnet is moved with a Q22. An electron moves on a straight-line path XY as
fast speed towards a coil at rest. Due to this induced shown. The abcd is a coil adjacent to the path of the
electromotive force, induced current and induced charge electron. What will be the direction of the current, if any
in the coil is E, I, and Q respectively. If the speed of the induced in the coil?
magnet is doubled, the incorrect statement is
(1) abcd
(1) E increases
(2) I increases (2) adcb
(3) Q remains the same
(4) Q increases (3) The current will reverse its direction as the electron
goes past the coil.
Q20. A conducting circular loop is placed in a uniform (4) No current is induced.
magnetic field 0.04 T with its plane perpendicular to the
magnetic field. The radius of the loop starts shrinking at Q23. A magnet is brought towards a coil (i) speedily (ii)
rate of 2 mm/s .The induced emf in the loop when the slowly, then the induced e.m.f. and the induced charge
radius is 2 cm is: will be respectively:
1. 3.2 πμV (1) more in the first case, more in the first case.
2. 4.8 πμV (2) more in the first case, equal in both cases.
3. 0.8 πμV (3) less in the first case, more in the second case.
4. 1.6 πμV (4) less in the first case, equal in both cases.
Q21. The adjoining figure shows two different Q24. A coil has 500 turns and the flux through the coil is
arrangements in which two square wireframes are placed ϕ = 3t +4t+9 milliweber. The magnitude of induced emf
in a uniform magnetic field B decreasing with time. between the ends of the coil at t = 5 s is:
1. 34 millivolt
2. 17 volt
3. 17 millivolt
4. 34 volt
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Q26. A uniform but time-varying magnetic field B(t) Q29. A coil of a mean area of 500 cm and 1000 turns is
exists in a circular region of radius a and is directed into held perpendicular to a uniform field of 0.4 Gauss. The
the plane of the paper, as shown. The magnitude of the coil is turned through 180° in seconds. The average
(3) increases as r.
(4) decreases as 1
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Q32. In the figure shown a square loop PQRS of side ‘a’ Q34. A uniform magnetic field of induction B is confined
and resistance ‘r’ is placed near an infinitely long wire to a cylindrical region of radius R. The magnetic field is
carrying a constant current I. The sides PQ and RS are increasing at a constant rate of
(tesla/second). An
parallel to the wire. The wire and the loop are in the same
1. B
towards left.
( √2+1 ) r
μ0 Ia
1. 2πr
ln 2 2. 1
towards right.
μ0 Ia
ln 2 3. eR
towards left.
μ0 Ia
4. zero.
3. 2πr
4. cannot be found because the time of rotation not given. Q35. A bar magnet is made to fall through a long surface
copper tube. The speed (v) of the magnet as a function of
Q33. A coil has 1,000 turns and 500 cm as its area. The time (t) is best represented by
milli-volts, is
1. 5
2. 10
3. 15
4. 20
1. a
2. b
3. c
4. d
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Q36. The magnetic flux through a coil varies with time t Q38. A conducting square frame of side 'a' and a long
as shown in the diagram. Which graph best represents the straight wire carrying current i are located in the same
variation of the e.m.f. E induced in the coil with time t? plane as shown in the figure. The frame moves to the right
with a constant velocity v. The emf induced in the frame
will be proportional to:
1. 1/x2
1. 2. 1/(2x-a)2
3. 1/(2x+a)2
4. 1/(2x-a) x (2x+a)
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Q42. A square metallic wire loop of side 0.1 m and Q45. Consider the situation shown in the figure. The wire
resistance of 1Ω is moved with a constant velocity in a AB is sliding on the fixed rails with a constant velocity. If
magnetic field of 2 wb/m2 as shown in figure. The the wire AB is replaced by semicircular wire, the
magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the loop, magnitude of the induced current will:
loop is connected to a network of resistances. What should
be the velocity of loop so as to have a steady current of
1mA in loop?
(1) increase.
(1) 1 cm/sec (2) remain the same.
(2) 2 cm/sec (3) decrease.
(3) 3 cm/sec (4) increase or decrease depending on whether the
(4) 4 cm/sec semicircle bulges towards the resistance or away from it.
Q43. A magnetic rod is inside a coil of wire which is Q46. A rectangular, a square, a circular and an elliptical
connected to an ammeter. If the rod is stationary, which of loop, all in the (x-y) plane, are moving out of a uniform
the following statements is true? →
magnetic field with a constant velocity, v = vˆi. The
1. The rod induces a small current. magnetic field is directed along the negative z-axis
2. The rod loses its magnetic field. direction. The induced emf, during the passage of these
3. There is no induced current. loops out of the field region, will not remain constant for:
4. None of these. 1. the rectangular, circular and elliptical loops.
2. the circular and the elliptical loops.
Q44. A wire cd of length l and mass m is sliding without 3. only the elliptical loop.
friction on conducting rails ax and by as shown. The 4. any of the four loops.
vertical rails are connected to each other with a resistance
R between a and b. A uniform magnetic field B is applied Q47. A conductor ABOCD moves along its bisector with a
perpendicular to the plane abcd such that cd moves with a velocity of 1 m/s through a perpendicular magnetic field
constant velocity of:
of 1 wb/m2, as shown in fig. If all the four sides are of 1m
length each, then the induced emf between points A and D
(1) Bl
(2) 2 2
B l
(1) 0
3 3
B l
(2) 1.41 volt
(3) 0.71 volt
B l
(4) None of the above
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Q48. The magnitude of the earth’s magnetic field at a Q52. A rod having length l and resistance R0 is moving
place is B0 and the angle of dip is δ. A horizontal with speed v as shown in the figure. Find the current
conductor of length l lying along the magnetic north-south through the rod.
moves eastwards with a velocity v. The emf induced
across the conductor is
(1) Zero
(2) B0lv sinδ
(3) B0lv
(4) B0lv cosδ
1. R R
2. Blv
( + + )
The induced electric field in the ring: R
1. is zero. 3. Blv
R1 +R2 +R0
2. depends on the radius of the ring.
3. depends on the nature of the material of the ring. 4. 1
1 1
+ +
Q50. An electric potential difference will be induced Q53. A short magnet is allowed to fall along the axis of a
between the ends of the conductor shown in the diagram horizontal metallic ring. Starting from rest, the distance
when the conductor moves in the direction fallen by the magnet in one second may be
1. 4 m
2. 5 m
3. 6 m
4. 7 m
(1) V A
− VO =
(2) V
7 2
O − VC = Bωl
(3) V A
− VC = 4Bωl
(4) V C − VO =
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Q55. A rod AB of length l is moving with constant speed Q57. A square loop of side 5 cm enters a magnetic field
v in the uniform magnetic field on a conducting U shaped with 1 cms-1. The front edge enters the magnetic field at t
wire as shown. If the rate of loss of heat energy across = 0, then which graph best depicts emf?
resistance R is Q, then the force needed parallel to
velocity to keep rod moving with constant speed v is
1. Qv
2. v
2 (1)
3. v
4. Q v
(1) Zero
(2) BνπR /2 and M is at the higher potential
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Q58. A copper rod of mass m slides under gravity on two Q60. A rectangular loop with a sliding connector of length
smooth parallel rails l distance apart and set at an angle θ l = 1.0 m is situated in a uniform magnetic field B = 2T
to the horizontal as shown in fig. At the bottom, the rails perpendicular to the plane of the loop. Resistance of
are joined by a resistance R. There is a uniform magnetic connector is r = 2Ω. Two resistance of 6Ω and 3Ω are
field perpendicular to the plane of the rails. The terminal connected as shown in the figure. The external force
velocity of the rod is required to keep the connector moving with a constant
velocity v = 2m/s is
mgR cos θ
2 2
(1) 6 N
B l
mgR sin θ
(2) 4 N
2. 2 2 (3) 2 N
B l
mgR tan θ
(4) 1 N
2 2
B l
mgR co tθ
4. 2 2
Q61. A conducting rod of length 2l is rotating with
B l
(1) BΩl2
(2) Bωl
1 2
(1) Blv
clockwise 2
(3) Bωl
1 2
(2) Blv
anticlockwise 8
R (4) Zero
(3) anticlockwise
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Q63. Two identical conductors P and Q are placed on two Q65. The current I in an inductance coil varies with time t
frictionless(conducting) rails R and S in a uniform according to the graph shown in the figure. Which one of
magnetic field directed into the plane. If P is moved in the the following plots shows the variation of voltage in the
direction shown in the figure with a constant speed, then coil with time?
rod Q:
A long solenoid has 1000 turns. When a current of 4A
flows through it, the magnetic flux linked with each turn (2)
of the solenoid is 4 x 10-3 Wb. The self-inductance of the
solenoid is:
1. 3H
2. 2H
3. 1H (3)
4. 4H
4. 4 × 10 H enry
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Q68. Current in a circuit falls from 5.0 A to 0.0 A in 0.1 s. Q73. When the current in the portion of the circuit shown
If an average emf of 200 V is induced, the self-inductance in the figure is 2A and increasing at the rate of 1 A/s, the
of the circuit is: measured potential difference V = 8 V. However when
3. 1 H and L is
4. 3 H
Q71. The number of turns in a coil of wire of fixed radius Q75. Calculate the self-inductance of a solenoid having
& length is 600 and its self-inductance is 108 mH. The 1000 turns and length 1m. The area of cross-section is 7
self-inductance of a coil of 500 turns will be- cm2 and μ = 1000.
1. 74 mH 1. 888 H
2. 75 mH 2. 0.88 H
3. 76 mH 3. 0.088 H
4. 77 mH 4. 88.8 H
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Q77. For a coil having L = 2 mH, current flow through it Q83. The magnetic energy stored in a long solenoid of
is I = t e , then the time at which emf becomes zero :
2 −t
area of cross-section A in a small region of length L is?
1. B AL
1. 2 s
2. 1 s 2. AL
3. 4 s 3. 1
μ0 B
4. 3 s 2
4. B
Q86. The coefficient of mutual inductance between two
coils depends upon
1. medium between coils
2. separation between coils
3. orientation of coils
4. All of these
1. 6 V
2. -6 V Q87. With the decrease of current in the primary coil from
3. 10 V 2 A to zero in 0.01s, the e.m.f. generated in the secondary
4. -10 V coil is 1000 V. The mutual inductance of the two coil is?
1. 1.25 H
Q81. A long solenoid has self inductance L. If its length is 2. 2.50 H
doubled keeping total number of turns constant then its 3. 5.00 H
new self inductance will be: 4. 10.00 H
1. L
1. 40V
2. 35V
5. 30V
4. 45V
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Q89. Two coils have a mutual inductance of 5mH. The Q94. A solenoid of inductance L and resistance R is
current changes in the first coil according to the equation l connected to a battery of e.m.f. E. Maximum value of
= l0cosωt, where l0 = 10 A and ω = 100π rad/s. The magnetic energy stored in the inductor is
1. 5π Volt E
2. 2π Volt 2.
3. 4π Volt E
4. π Volt R
Q90. Two circular coils can be arranged in any of the three 2R
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Q98. The key K is inserted at time t= 0. The initial (t=0) Q100. Switch S of the circuit shown in the figure is closed
and final (t → ∞) currents through battery are : at t = 0. If e denotes the induced emf in L and i, the current
flowing through the circuit at time t, which of the
following graphs is correct?
1. 1
2. 1
3. 2
1 2
Amp, Amp
15 25
Q99. An inductor is connected to a direct voltage source
through a switch. Then:
1. a very large emf is induced in inductor when switch is
2. a Large emf is induced when switch is opened.
3. a large emf is induced whether switch is closed or
opened. (2)
4. no emf is induced whether switch is closed or opened.
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