Muhab Hossam: Education

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Muhab Hossam

‡ | | [email protected] | Ó +201119996839

Cairo Univeristy, Egypt Sep 2018 - Jun 2023
B.S. in Computer Engineering GPA: 3.4/4.0
Cairo University September 2023 - Current
Teaching Assistant, Part Time Giza, Egypt
• Teaching modern web development including RESTful APIs, UI/UX and SQL Databases
Syndo November 2022 - Current
Software Engineer, Part Time Giza, Egypt
• Developing a fintech software product using Django Backend and React JS frontend
• Worked on subscription payments integrating API calls with a payment service provider using Django
• Integrated E2E Tests to the CI/CD pipeline
• Wrote E2E Tests using Selenium Python
• Worked on the API Testing Suite on Postman
OrdoChao Studios July 2022 - September 2022
Game Developer Intern, Internship Giza, Egypt
• Worked on making a VR game using SteamVR and OpenVR
• Learnt how to use Unity Game Engine and used it to make a VR game and a mobile game.
• Worked on projects using Unreal Engine
SilverKey Technologies Feb 2021 - Feb 2022
Software Engineer, Part Time Giza, Egypt
• Developing web apps and APIs using ASP .Net Core, VueJS and TypeScript.
• Database Design for multiple features in software projects used databases were PostgreSQL and MSSQL.
• Making docker containers and deploying projects.
• Training clients to use our software effectively.
SilverKey Technologies Oct 2020 - Jan 2021
Software Engineer, Internship Giza, Egypt
• Learnt ASP .Net Core
• Worked on a training project using ASP .Net Core

JITSA: Just In Time Static Analysis Spring 2023
Static Code Analysis - Grad. Project
• AI/ML based bug identifier and localizer.
• Scraps previous commit history for the code repository to train the ML model.
• Predicts if a new commit can introduce bugs to the main project and shows possible buggy lines ordered by priority.
• Main responsibility was working on the bug identifier AI, feature engineering and data analytics.
Smmmearch Spring 2022
Search Engine Project URL
• Crawler Based Search Engine using Java consisting of a web crawler, an indexer and a relevance algorithm.
• Features a front-end GUI made with flask.
Flickr Clone Spring 2021
Software Engineering Course Project URL
• Flickr-clone project by a 19 member team divided to frontend(reactJS), backend(nodeJS), devops and android(flutter)
• Working on multiple Devops tasks like implementing a CI/CD pipeline using Github Actions and monitoring.
• Responsible for managing the communication between different subteams.
PasteBin Summer 2020
Pastebin Web App Project URL
• A PasteBin web app made using ASP. Net Core with support for code syntax highlighting where you can upload text
and image files for online storage.

Technical Skills
Programming languages: Python, C#, C++, Java, Go Technologies: ASP .Net Core, VueJS, Django, JavaScript
Miscellaneous: MSSQL, postgres, AWS, Git, Bash, LaTeX ML/AI: Sklearn, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
Relevant Coursework
Computer Science: Design & Analysis Of Algorithms, Data Structures and Algorithms, Databases, Operating Systems, Com-
puter Networks, Compilers, Machine Intelligence, Computer Security, Big Data Mining & Data Analytics.
Extracurricular Activities
Debating Coach, The Great Debate: 2019 - 2020
A student activity teaching debating skills & hosts debating competitions for the learners to get experience.

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