Ouchi 2019
Ouchi 2019
Ouchi 2019
Clinical Relevance
Aluminablasting may adversely affect the dentin bond strength of universal adhesives in
self-etch mode.
Operative Dentistry
exhibits a complicated configuration, making it free energy measurements of the adherent surfaces
desirable that the resin composites bond effectively before and after thermal cycling. The null hypothe-
to all of these materials. Several procedures, includ- ses tested were 1) the bond performance of universal
ing phosphoric acid etching, airborne particle abra- adhesives would not be influenced by aluminablast-
sion, and the use of different primers on the aged ing, 2) the surface characteristics of the adherent
restorations prior to application of the adhesive, surface would be altered by aluminablasting, and 3)
have been recommended for the achievement of there would be no difference in the effects of
durable bonds between different substrates.2-4 How- aluminablasting between enamel and dentin.
ever, these pretreatments require additional clinical
steps, and it may be difficult to apply pretreatments METHODS AND MATERIALS
on just the aged restorations or the tooth substrates
of the cavity. Moreover, contamination of the tooth Study Materials
substrate by metal primers or silane coupling agents The materials used in this study are shown in Table
may negatively affect the bond strength between the 1. The five universal adhesives used were 1) All Bond
substrate and resin composite.5,6 Universal (ABU; Bisco, Schaumburg, IL, USA) 2),
Universal adhesives have distinctive characteris- Adhese Universal (ADU; Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan,
tics and versatility when compared with the previous Liechtenstein), 3) Bondmer Lightless (BML; Tokuya-
generations of adhesive systems.7 Different etching ma Dental, Tokyo, Japan), 4) G-Premio Bond (GPB;
techniques, including self-etch, etch and rinse, or GC, Tokyo, Japan), and 5) Scotchbond Universal
selective etching, can be used in direct composite (SBU; 3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA). Clearfil AP-X
resin restorations with universal adhesives.8,9 Fur- (Kuraray Noritake Dental, Tokyo, Japan) was used
thermore, universal adhesives have also simplified as a restorative material for bonding to enamel and
bonding procedures considerably as they contain dentin. A halogen quartz tungsten curing unit
various functional monomers that allow them to (Optilux 501, sds Kerr, Danbury, CT, USA) at an
bond to surfaces other than tooth substrates.10 average light irradiance of 600 mW/cm2 was used.
Airborne particle abrasion has been used exten-
sively in various dental treatments, including stain Specimen Preparation
removal, cavity preparation, and inner surface This study used extracted mandibular bovine inci-
modification of indirect restorations.11,12 The mate- sors as a substitute for human teeth. The labial
rial and size of the abrasion particles depend on the surfaces of the teeth were ground using wet #240-
Ouchi & Others: Aluminablasting Effect on Enamel and Dentin Bonds
Table 2: Protocols for Bonding Procedures grit silicon carbide (SiC) paper (Fuji Star Type DDC,
Operative Dentistry
mens (24-hour group). The remaining half were of three test liquids: 1-bromonaphthalene, diiodo-
treated with 30,000 thermal cycles between 5 and methane, and distilled water. The SFE parameters
558C and a dwell time of 30 seconds prior to SBS of these liquids have been reported previously.18,19
measurement (thermal cycling [TC] group). The The contact angles were measured automatically
SBSs were measured using the notched edge SBS using a contact angle meter (Drop Master DM 500,
test, as described by ISO 29022.17 Kyowa Interface Science, Saitama, Japan) that had
There were 40 experimental groups in total, been connected to a charge-coupled device camera.
arising from four variables: enamel or dentin, with The equilibrium contact angle (h) was measured in
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or without aluminablasting, five different universal 10 enamel and dentin specimens for each test liquid.
adhesives, and 24-hour or thermal cycling. Fifteen Sessile drops (1.0 lL in volume) of each liquid were
specimens were used for each group, as this number dispensed at 238C 6 18C using a micropipette, and
gives a statistical power of 0.95 with an a = 0.05 for the SFE parameters of the solids were calculated
typical SBS values, as calculated using statistical based on the fundamental concepts of wetting. The
power analysis. A total of 600 specimens were used. Young-Dupré equation describes the adhesion be-
tween a solid (S) and liquid (L) that are in contact
The bonded specimens were loaded to failure at 1.0 (WSL), the interfacial free energy between the solid
mm/min with an Ultradent shearing fixture (Test and the liquid (cSL), and the SFE of the liquid and
Base Clamp, Ultradent Products) using a universal solid (cL and cS, respectively), as follows:
testing machine (Type 5500R, Instron, Canton, MA,
USA), and the SBS values (MPa) were obtained. WSL ¼ cL þ cS cSL ¼ cL ð1 þ coshÞ:
Thereafter, the bonding sites on the tooth surfaces
and resin composite cylinders were observed under
The Fowkes equation can be extended using the
an optical microscope (SZH-131, Olympus, Tokyo,
Kitazaki-Hata approach, as follows20:
Japan) at a magnification of 103 to determine the
Operative Dentistry
aA aA bA
SBU 28.1 (3.3) [100%] 27.2 (4.2) [96.8%] 27.4 (3.2) [97.5%] 26.6 (3.4)aA [94.7%]
Abbreviations: ABU, All-Bond Universal; ADU, Adhese Universal; BML, Bondmer Lightless; GPB, G-Premio Bond; SBU, Scotchbond Universal.
N=15, mean (SD) in MPa. The same lowercase letter in vertical columns indicates no difference at the 5% significance level. The same uppercase letter in horizontal
rows indicates no difference at the 5% significance level. Values in parentheses indicate standard deviation.
Met 1000, Precision Sectioning Saw, Buehler, Lake statistical analysis included the analysis of variance
Bluff, IL, USA). The sectioned surfaces were pol- (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s honestly significant
ished to a high gloss using SiC papers (Fuji Star difference (HSD) test at a significance level of 0.05. A
Type DDC) followed by diamond pastes up to a three-way ANOVA along with a Tukey’s HSD test
particle size of 0.25 lm (DP-Paste, Struers, Ballerup, (a=0.05) was used for analysis of the SBS data,
Denmark). All SEM specimens were dehydrated in followed by multiple one-way ANOVA tests to
ascending grades of tert-butyl alcohol and then compare the adhesives. A one-way ANOVA followed
transferred to a critical-point dryer (Model ID-3, by Tukey’s HSD test was performed for all other
Elionix) for 30 minutes. The tooth-resin interfaces of variables. All statistical analyses were performed
the specimens were etched (EIS-200ER, Elionix) for using the Sigma Plot software version 11.0 (SPSS
40 seconds using an argon-ion beam (accelerating Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
Operative Dentistry
abA aB aA
SBU 36.2 (5.4) [100%] 28.8 (3.8) [79.6%] 35.2 (3.4) [97.2%] 24.3 (3.5)abB [67.1%]
Abbreviations: ABU, All-Bond Universal; ADU, Adhese Universal; BML, Bondmer Lightless; GPB, G-Premio Bond; SBU, Scotchbond Universal.
N=15, mean (SD) in MPa. The same lowercase letter in vertical columns indicates no difference at the 5% significance level. The same uppercase letter in horizontal
rows indicates no difference at the 5% significance level. Values in parentheses indicate standard deviation.
in TC without aluminablasting ranged from 97.5% to specimens, except for two, exhibited adhesive failure
116.7%, and in TC with aluminablasting ranged regardless of the storage condition, aluminablasting
from 92.5% to 104.6%. status, and type of adhesive (Figure 1). However, the
dentin debonded specimens exhibited a different
Dentin Bond Strength trend compared with the enamel (Figure 2), with all
The effects of aluminablasting on the SBS of dentin debonded specimens that had undergone alumina-
are shown in Table 4. The three-way ANOVA test blasting exhibiting adhesive failure patterns, re-
showed that all of the factors examined significantly gardless of the storage condition and type of
affected the SBS values (p,0.001). In addition, the adhesive. Conversely, adhesives in the specimens
three-way interaction between the factors was that did not undergo aluminablasting tended to
mainly exhibit mixed and cohesive failures in the
Operative Dentistry
Figure 2. Failure mode analysis of the debonded dentin specimens. ABU w, All Bond Universal with aluminablasting; ABU w/o, All Bond Universal
without aluminablasting; ADU w, Adhese Universal with aluminablasting; ADU w/o, Adhese Universal without aluminablasting; BML w, Bondmer
lightless with aluminablasting; BML w/o, Bondmer lightless without aluminablasting; GPB w, G-Premio with aluminablasting; GPB w/o, G-Premio
without aluminablasting; SBU w, Scotchbond Universal with aluminablasting; SBU w/o, Scotchbond Universal without aluminablasting.
Operative Dentistry
p b a b
cs 3.7 (1.7) 6.7 (2.0) 3.5 (1.2) 6.2 (1.9)a
cs h
13.4 (2.2)c
27.8 (1.2) a
6.0 (2.4)d
20.3 (3.5)b compared with those without aluminablasting (Fig-
Abbreviations: Ra, surface roughness; SFE, surface free energy; cs, total ure 5A,B). A similar trend was observed in the
surface free energy; csd, dispersion force; csp, polar force; csh, hydrogen dentin-resin interfaces (Figure 5C,D), although the
bonding force.
N=10, mean (SD) in MPa. The same uppercase letter in horizontal rows irregularities in the dentin interfaces of specimens
indicates no difference at the 5% significance level. Values in parentheses with aluminablasting were deeper than those seen in
indicate standard deviation.
the enamel substrate. A high-density transitional
layer was observed in the vicinity of the adhesive-
blasting compared with those that had not, irre- dentin interface, regardless of the type of adhesive
spective of the tooth substrate. The enamel of and the aluminablasting status.
specimens with aluminablasting exhibited signifi-
cantly higher csh values than the dentin. EDX Microanalysis
Representative images of the elemental spectra for
SEM Observations
enamel and dentin surfaces of specimens with or
SEM images of the tooth surfaces with or without without aluminablasting are shown in Figure 6, and
Operative Dentistry
aluminablasting are shown in Figures 3 and 4. their elemental compositions are shown in Table 6.
Scratches from the SiC papers and smear layers The elements C, O, Na, Mg, P, and Ca were detected
were obvious in the enamel and dentin of all in the enamel and dentin specimens without alumi-
specimens without aluminablasting (Figures 3A nablasting (Figure 6A,C). In addition to C, O, Na,
and 4A). In addition to the scratches from the SiC Mg, P, and Ca, the element Al was also detected in
paper, the specimens that underwent aluminablast- the enamel and dentin of samples with alumina-
ing also exhibited impact marks from the alumina blasting (Figure 6B,D). No significant differences in
particles, regardless of the substrate, and partial the wt% of Na, Mg, or Al were observed between the
removal of the smear layer, thus exposing the enamel and dentin of specimens with aluminablast-
Figure 3. Representative scanning electron micrographs of enamel and dentin adherent surfaces. Arrows indicate evidence of impact marks from
alumina particles. (A): Enamel adherent surface without aluminablasting (25003). (B): A longitudinal section of the enamel adherent surface without
aluminablasting (50003). (C): Enamel adherent surface with aluminablasting (25003). (D): A longitudinal section of the enamel adherent surface with
aluminablasting (50003).
Figure 4. Representative scanning electron micrographs of enamel and dentin adherent surfaces. Arrows indicate evidence of impact marks from
alumina particles. (A): Dentin adherent surface without aluminablasting (25003). (B): A longitudinal section of the dentin adherent surface without
aluminablasting (50003). (C): Dentin adherent surface with aluminablasting (25003). (D): A longitudinal section of the dentin adherent surface with
aluminablasting (50003).
Ouchi & Others: Aluminablasting Effect on Enamel and Dentin Bonds
Aluminum NA 0.9 (0.1) NA 1.0 (0.1)dA
dA dA dA
Phosphorus 11.6 (0.5) 10.9 (0.5) 11.3 (0.9) 9.0 (0.2)cB
cA cA cA
Calcium 17.7 (1.0) 16.3 (1.0) 17.4 (2.8) 12.7 (0.4b)bB
N=10, mean (SD) in wt%. The same lowercase letter in vertical columns indicates no difference at the 5% significance level. The same uppercase letter in horizontal
rows indicates no difference at the 5% significance level. Values in parentheses indicate standard deviation.
and dentin exhibited twofold and threefold increases esis, that the effect of aluminablasting would not
in Ra values, respectively, when compared with the differ between enamel and dentin, was rejected. In
specimens that did not undergo aluminablasting. In general, larger Ra values and higher SFE are
addition, the total SFE of the aluminablasted thought to be advantageous for bond performance
surfaces of the specimens was 30% higher than the because of enhanced wettability.19 However, the
surfaces of specimens that did not undergo alumi- presence of a rough surface and higher SFE by
nablasting. Therefore, the second null hypothesis, aluminablasting did not contribute to enamel and
that the surface characteristics of the teeth would dentin bond performance; instead, the dentin spec-
not differ irrespective of whether they had been imens that had undergone aluminablasting exhibit-
ed a reduction in bond strength. Soares and others26
Operative Dentistry
highly porous.31 The SEM observations showed that Regarding clinical practice, the results of this study
the dentin smear layer was compressed after suggest that aluminablasting should normally not be
aluminablasting (Figure 4C,D). This layer contains used with universal adhesives, because dentin bond
collagen fragments that can block the penetration of performance was noticeably affected. Further, the
adhesive functional monomers, and this may be bond strength and surface characteristic tests were
related to the fact that the intermolecular spacing of performed using flat specimens in this study. How-
collagen (1.3 nm) is smaller than the size of the ever, when considering the clinical situation, the
functional monomers (approximately 2 nm).32 In the cavity when repairing a restoration is likely to have a
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case of self-etch universal adhesives, penetration of complex configuration. It is probable that many more
the resin monomers into the smear layer and alumina particles may remain in a cavity than on a
demineralization of the tooth surface are essential flat specimen and would be difficult to remove. There
for chemical bonding with HAp. Tamura and is a possibility that remnant alumina particles might
others33 investigated how air-powder polishing in- be an inhibiting factor for immediate and long-term
fluences bonding between dentin and universal bond durability of dentin. In addition, although the
adhesives. They suggested that the presence of enamel bond effectiveness did not change in response
residual sodium bicarbonate powder on dentin to aluminablasting, there are still reasons to avoid it
surfaces leads to chemical and/or mechanical chang- when repairing aged restorations surrounded by
es to collagen fibrils and prevention of adhesive sound enamel structures, because enamel loss after
penetration into dentin. It can be speculated that aluminablasting is much higher than after phospho-
although a different blasting material is used in this ric acid etching.25 Wendler and others13 reported that
study, the same situation might occur. Moreover, a no significant difference in Ra value was observed
previous study comparing the enamel and dentin between aluminablasting and bur roughening. There-
bond durability of self-etch adhesives with different fore, instead of aluminablasting the tooth structure, it
Operative Dentistry
smear layers showed that the dentin was more may be better to roughen the surface of the aged
susceptible to the condition of the smear layer restoration with burs, avoiding damage to enamel as
condition than the enamel.34 far as possible, and use a suitable application primer.
Therefore, it can be speculated from the integrated The results of this study suggest that alumina-
results that the compressed dentin smear layer and blasting should not be used when universal adhe-
embedded alumina particles may interfere with the sives are used to make a repair restoration in situ.
penetration of the resin monomer and interaction Thus, further work to determine the bonding
with the functional monomer of universal adhesives. characteristics of universal adhesives to bur-rough-
These may lead to lower bond strength because the ened aged restorations would be valuable. The
dentin HAp has a higher affinity for the functional flexibility of universal adhesives (used with or
monomer than enamel.35,36 without phosphoric acid etching, bonding to multiple
Changes in the elemental composition after alu- substrates), gives reason to hope that an effective
minablasting showed significantly lower wt% of P and conservative protocol can be developed.
and Ca in dentin surfaces than enamel surfaces and
dentin surfaces without aluminablasting. Although CONCLUSION
the mineral content of dentin was lower than that of In conclusion, most universal adhesives in self-etch
enamel, the dentin HAp has a high affinity for the mode with aluminablasting exhibited lower dentin
functional monomer, thus creating greater nano- SBS values compared with the specimens without
layering between them.35,36 Therefore, it might be aluminablasting. Moreover, the enamel and dentin
inferred that the lower concentration of P and Ca substrates exhibited similar Ra and SFE results in
and the consumption of functional monomers by both groups. These results suggest that although
residual alumina particles in the aluminablasted aluminablasting of the tooth surface is thought to be
dentin surfaces may lead to a weaker chemical bond effective for modification of the adherent surface, it
compared with those in the dentin surfaces of may not enhance enamel bond performance and may
specimens that did not undergo aluminablasting. also adversely affect the dentin bond effectiveness of
Notably, all debonded specimens of aluminablasted the universal adhesives tested in this study. There-
dentin exhibited adhesive failure patterns, and this fore, when considering repair techniques using
was in contrast to the specimens that did not aluminablasting, we should take into account both
undergo aluminablasting. the interaction between functional monomers and
Operative Dentistry
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nature or kind in any product, service, and/or company that 12. Bühler J, Amato M, Weiger R, & Walter C (2016) A
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