City Vs Country Life

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The lifestyle in a city and in a countryside are very

different because there are infrastructures in cities

but there are not in countryside, like transports, high
buildings that make the landscape very different. In
the countryside, it's an agricultural lifestyle, where
you'll find the peasants. If you compare the
populations between cities and countryside, you will
find the population of countryside older than in cities.

The people in countryside tend to be friendlier. Since

it's small, everybody knows each other. But in cities
since it's sometimes so big that people are very
distant from each other, there's no real connection,
and that leads to indifference.

In France there are lots of schools in the cities, it's an

obligation till you turn the age sixteen and everybody
has to be placed somewhere. In countryside there are
like one school for a bunch of villages that are near
and only one level so it's sometimes all ages together
with one teacher.

Actually there are lots of differences between living in

countryside and living in a city. Sometimes certain
differences between them can be a medicine to those
people who are fed up from the daily routines of city
life, therefore looking for a little retreat and shelter.

Minor locales house people rather quite and naive than

trying to catch up -who often fail- with the
unimaginable rapidity of the metropolises and getting
behind the time. People living in cities deal with such
lush, distant, but sometimes interrelated details that
make a person bind in place. People grow weary
because of distances and busyness of cities and
sometimes it takes ages to accomplish one simple
goal. Nevertheless it's not the same in countryside!
Everything is under your hand; you can finish your
work within days, sometimes even within hours...
Because distances are short, the population is low. As
long as these facts supply you with gainings, you begin
to like the countryside. The most important earnings of
these gainings, is "time". By this means you can do
various things. You can give spare time to your family,
find time to develop yourself in your major branch, be
in social activities that you couldn't find the time to
participate; most important of all, is you can produce...

In countryside relations are warmer. People are more

charitable and loving. They try to help and support you
as long as they are able to. Mostly everybody knows
each other. They greet you whenever they run you up
against. On contrary of these facts people living in
cities are so obsessed with their works that they could
be unaware of events happening around them.
Consequently they maybe unaware of their neighbors
and colleagues surrounding them.

Besides, once beginning to live in countryside and

getting used to these simplicities; namely when it
becomes a regular thing not to see a traffic jam around
you, you may miss your *high life standard* that you
left behind you. Life can seem to be on a regular,
monotonous basis that doesn't seem to be the life you
thought at first. So you got to be balancing both sides
of life styles.

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