SAP SPDD and SPAU Adjustment

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SPDD & SPAU Adjust m e nt s

H a ndbook

Applies to:
SAP Upgrades. For more information, visit the ABAP homepage.

Through this document the reader will be able to get a detailed idea about the working of the SPDD & SPAU
Adjustments whenever the adjustment action required.

Author: Ravi Kumar Munagala

Company: Wipro Technologies
Created on: 09 June 2009

Author Bio
Munagala Ravi Kumar is presently working in Wipro Technologies as a Project Manager. He
has experiences in ABAP, ALE/EDI/IDOC and XI. He has worked in different fields of and
has handled various scenarios on SAP Upgrades and XI.


© 2009 SAP AG 1
SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

Table of Contents
An Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 3
SPDD Adjustments for Data Dictionary .......................................................................................................... 4
SPAU Adjustments for Repository Objects ..................................................................................................... 8
Note Corrections .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Adjustment Category: With Modification Assistant. .................................................................................................... 11
Adjustment Category: Without Modification Assistant ................................................................................................ 15
Disclaimer and Liability Notice .......................................................................................................................... 16


© 2009 SAP AG 2
SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

An Introduction
This document was created with a basic premise of providing a user manual for the ABAP developers
involved with the SAP Upgrade projects, and help them out in executing the SPDD and SPAU transactions
more smoothly and efficiently.
During an upgrade or the import of a Support Package, existing objects of the SAP standard are overwritten
with the objects redelivered. To help the customer retain the objects modified in a previous release, SAP
provides all modified objects which are redelivered (in an upgrade or Support Package) in the upgrade
adjustment of transactions SPDD and SPAU. These transactions allow customers to enter their modifications
into the corresponding new objects being delivered at the time of upgrade. The Modification Assistant
supports this process of adopting customer modifications.
This document gives the directional steps to ABAP Developers for carrying out the SPDD and SPAU
transactions, to help the customers in retaining the modifications they have performed to the SAP standard

Icon Meaning
Automatic Adjustment possible. There were no overlaps between the new release
SAP objects and customer modified SAP object. If you click on the green traffic light,
the customer’s modifications are adopted. If you do not wish to adopt the customer’s
modifications, choose the function “Reset to Original” under left click.

Semi-Automatic Adjustment possible. There were overlaps between the new release
SAP Objects and customer modified SAP objects. If the object is in the category
‘With Modification Assistant’, click on the yellow button and then appropriate dialog
boxes will appear which will help us in adjusting the object. If this comes under the
heading ‘Without Modification Assistant’ and if the system offers no support in
adjusting the object, we have to decide whether we need to keep the modification or
reset to original
If you have a red traffic light in front of an object, you can edit the object manually
only, in the appropriate maintenance transaction of the ABAP Dictionary or using the
Version Management function. We could ignore the deleted objects category mostly,
unless it creates some issue in any other objects during the activation. For ex: if there
is a data element which comes under the deleted object category and we are using
that data element in any of our custom objects, activation errors will occur. In such
cases, we need to create this data element again and have to activate our custom
objects again
This icon only appears in the Note Corrections category. If the dark/gray traffic light is
displayed for note corrections, the associated correction instructions are obsolete.
The correction is contained in the upgrade or in the imported Support Package.

Unknown adjustment mode. The adjustment mode for this object could not be
determined for modification adjustment with Modification Assistant

Modification adjustment has not yet been completed by the first developer who edited
the object. If required, a second developer must post edit the object


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SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

Adjustment problem. You must solve these problems manually.

Object adjusted successfully. After the adjustment taken place, the traffic light
symbols are replaced with either green tick mark or stop sign

SPDD Adjustments for Data Dictionary

SPDD activities will be carried out during the upgrade phase when it prompts for, otherwise whatever
customizations that we have done will be lost. Using SPDD, we can adjust Domains, Data elements, Tables,
Structures, Transparent tables, indexes of transparent tables, pooled and customer tables including their
technical settings. After the SPDD adjustment, system may display the Dictionary objects in transaction
SPAU in the sub tree ‘Without Modification Assistant’. The objects themselves are not modified during this
process. The system only deletes the log entry.
Go to transaction SPDD and execute it after checking the relevant checkboxes. You will get the screen more
or less similar to the below one depending upon the objects that are available in your system for adjustment.
As you could see from the below screen shot, you will get objects with traffic light icon on its side.
The highlighted color of the traffic light indicates the status of the object.
If it is in green color, it means an automatic adjustment is possible. This means that, there are no overlaps
between the delivered SAP objects and the customer modifications. In this case; clicking on the icon causes
the system to automatically adjust the object and the customer modifications are adopted. A green tick in
front of the object confirms this.
A yellow traffic light next to the object means a semi automatic adjustment is possible which means there are
overlaps between the version delivered by SAP and the customer modifications. If this is in the category
‘With Modification Assistant’, click on the yellow button and then appropriate dialog boxes will appear which
will help us in adjusting the object. If this comes under the heading ‘Without Modification Assistant’ and if the
system offers no support in adjusting the object, we have to decide whether we need to keep the
modification or reset to original. If we want to keep the modification, use the version management to retrieve
the needed version.
If it is in red color, the system cannot adjust it automatically and we need to do edit the object manually in the
appropriate maintenance transaction of the ABAP dictionary or using the Version Management function.
We could ignore the deleted objects category mostly, unless it creates some issue in any other objects
during the activation. For ex: if there is a data element which comes under the deleted object category and
we are using that data element in any of our custom objects, activation errors will occur. In such cases, we
need to create this data element again and have to activate our custom objects again.


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SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

Figure 1

For all the objects that have been presented for the adjustment we need to perform some action on it. i.e
either we have to retain the modification or reset it to original.
By retaining the modification, we mean that, we want to keep the changes that we have made to the
standard object and do not want to set it back to SAP standard. The other option is to set it to SAP standard.
If we do not carry out any of these actions, the new SAP standard becomes active in our SAP System and
our modifications are therefore overwritten. In a later upgrade, we will be prompted once again to adjust
these modifications. It is therefore important that we perform one of the two actions to minimize the work
involved in future upgrades.
We could safely reset the objects to system standard, if the system comparison shows, there is no change.
Please refer to the following screen shots for such a scenario. We could check the checkbox shown in
Figure-3 once we have completed all the action and later confirm it in the subsequent step.

Figure- 2


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SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook



For detailed information on adjusting these objects, please refer to the following SAP link.

Note: It is advisable to store all the adjustments you are doing in one transport request. By this way, you could eliminate
the problems arising out of dependencies of the various adjusted objects.

After adjusting the SPDD objects, there are chances that you would get activation errors. In these cases, you
need to solve those activation errors before proceeding further with the upgrade. Some of the common
reasons for such activation errors are:
• Deleted objects being used in custom objects. Ex: You are using a domain ‘X” in your custom table
and this ‘X’ no longer exists in the system data dictionary. In this case, you need to create the
domain again and activate it.
• Double fields because of append structure. During the adjustment phase, there would be occasions
in which, the system would recommend an append structure to the already existing structure/table.
When we accept such a proposal, there would be cases in which, the customer has already added a
field to the table/structure which SAP is adding as a standard because of upgrade. Due to this, the
table/structure contains the same field twice and hence activation errors occur. In these cases, we
need to delete the duplicate field and activate the object again.


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SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

• Search Helps could not be activated. In these cases, check the table that you are using in the search
helps. There are high chances that those tables are inactive/partially active. Sort those issues and
then try to activate the search help.
Apart from these errors, you will encounter several warnings as well. Among this, the most common one is
about the Enhancement Category missing. Please refer the below screen shot (Figure- 5)

Figure- 5

Though you could proceed with the warning, it is a good practice to correct these as well since these can
create problems for both Unicode check enabled programs as well as for programs where there is no active
Unicode check. In programs where there is no active Unicode check, enhancements to tables and structures
can cause syntax and runtime errors during type checks and particularly in combination with deep structures.
In programs where there is an active Unicode check, statements, operand checks, and accesses with an
offset and length are problematic - for example, if numeric or deep components are inserted into a purely
character-type structure and the structure thus loses its character- type nature.
For any table/structure, you could assign an enhancement category using SE11. Go to Extras and then
define the enhancement category. Depending on the structure definition, the radio buttons allowed in the
dialog box are ready for input and choose the appropriate one.

Figure- 6

The rules for defining the enhancement category result implicitly from the structure setup and the
classification of the types used. These rules are as follows:
• If the object contains at least one numeric type or a substructure or component (field has a
structure/table/view as its type) that can be enhanced numerically, the object can no longer be
enhanced character-type, but is itself, at most, enhanceable character-type or numeric.
• If the object contains a deep component (string, reference, or table type), or it contains a
substructure or component that is marked as enhanceable in any way, then the object itself is


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SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

• If the object does not contain any substructure or component that is marked as enhanceable, you
can select cannot be enhanced.
• If the structure has not yet been enhanced, we can choose the category cannot be enhanced in any
If we are creating new tables and structures in the ABAP Dictionary, the system proposes the category can
be enhanced in any way as standard value for the classification of the enhancement options. If the developer
chooses a more restrictive classification than can be enhanced in any way for a particular structure, then
only the classification levels that adhere to the rules above are allowed. It is not possible to choose an
enhancement option of a structure that is more restrictive than the classification resulting implicitly from the
structure setup and from the classification of the types used. Therefore, only the allowed categories are
proposed for selection in the maintenance user interface.
If a structure depends on one or several other structures, the smallest category is chosen as implicit
classification (in the order cannot be enhanced < can be enhanced and character-type < can be enhanced
and character-type or numeric < can be enhanced in any way). This classification is greater than or less than
the category in the other structures and also greater than or the same as the category that results from the
actual setup in the original structure itself.

SPAU Adjustments for Repository Objects

SPAU transaction will identify any objects (repository objects), where the hot package is overwriting changes
that we have made through OSS notes. We must check all objects identified in SPAU and decide whether
we need to reapply the OSS note or reset the code to the original SAP Code. If, for instance, we are applying
hot package ‘XX’ SPAU identifies an object where you have applied an OSS note. We must check the OSS
notes and see if SAP has fixed that note in this hot package. If the OSS note has been fixed in hot package
‘XX’, then we should reset the object to its original source code. This means that there is no repair flag set
against this object again and it is now SAP standard code.
SPAU transaction can be executed with in 14 days on completion of the upgrade. This means that if you are
carrying out the SPAU activities during this period, system will not prompt you for the access key for the
modification and hence we can edit the Repository objects without going for an SSCR Registration.

Note: If somehow, we missed this 14 days period, the workaround is to raise a call with SAP and provide them access to
our system and they will change the settings and will raise the time frame to do the SPAU activities.


© 2009 SAP AG 8
SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

Go to transaction SPAU and execute it after checking the relevant checkboxes. You will get the screen more
or less similar to the below screenshot (Figure-7) depending upon the objects that are available in your
system for adjustment.

Figure- 7

Note the Data Elements section colored in green color. This indicates that the adjustment activities for the
Data Elements are completed.

Note Corrections
As explained before, SPAU transaction will list out a series of SAP notes under the heading Note corrections.
From the list display, we could identify the OSS notes that the customer has implemented previously but has
become obsolete now since it has been part of the upgrade pack. Please refer to the below screenshot
(Figure- 8).
All those that have been shown in grey traffic icon are the obsolete notes and you could click on it and reset
it. After resetting it, the note would go away from the display. All those notes that have been displayed with
the yellow traffic light are the ones for which, you need to do some action on it. Most of these notes needs to
be implemented again or has to do some manual actions with respect to it. The system will guide you when
you click on the yellow icon for the completion of this activity. Once the note has been successfully
implemented, you could see a green check mark next to it.


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SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

Figure- 8

In some cases, you could see a question mark beside the OSS note instead of a traffic light icon. This means
that the system is not able to determine the adjustment mode for that object. In this case, clicking on the ‘?’
would allow you to run a background process to calculate the status. Then proceed as per the outcome of it.
Please refer Figure-9.

Figure- 9


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SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

Adjustment Category: With Modification Assistant.

All the objects shown under this section have to be adjusted. This can be adjusted either automatically or in
the individual ABAP workbench tools using either the relevant dialog boxes or the split editor. Just as
mentioned in the SPDD section, a green traffic light near the object stands for automatic adjustment. Clicking
on the icon causes the system to automatically adjust the object. Refer the below screen shot (Figure-10)

Figure- 10

In the case of semiautomatic adjustment; that is in cases where you could see the yellow traffic light icon
near the repository object, clicking on the object will lead to the pop up of dialog boxes asking you to correct
any collisions that have occurred or it will lead to a split screen editor. Refer the below screen shot (Figure -

Figure -11


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SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

In the split screen editor, the window on the left displays the new SAP original and the window on the right
displays the source code modified by the customer. Now, you need to decide whether you want to transfer
your modifications to the new one or if the original should remain unchanged. To make changes to the
original, copy the code from the right side (modified source) and paste this on the left side on the appropriate
passage. To copy the code, place your cursor on the code and select it and then choose Copy or just (Ctrl +
C) and to paste it on the new original code, place your cursor on the appropriate place or select the block of
code that you want to replace and choose either Insert or Replace. This inserts the copied code to the new
SAP original.
If there are further differences to be copied to the original, follow the same procedure as above. Once you
made all the changes, save your changes. Now, a dialog box appears asking you to confirm that you have
completed all your modifications. The following statistics are also displayed.
• Units to be modified.
• Units automatically adjusted.
• Units manually adjusted.

Please refer the following screenshots (Figure 12 & 13) for a better understanding of the above description.

Figure- 12


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SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

Figure- 13

Another example; this time, it contains both automatic and semiautomatic adjustment. Please refer the below
screen shot.

Figure- 14


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SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

Figure -15

In exceptional cases, the red traffic light may also appear in the ‘With Modification Assistant’ category. In
these cases, you should check the adjustment log and sort out the issues accordingly. If there are any issues
in adjusting all the objects, you could see a stop sign which indicates adjustment problems. This means that
there are unresolved problems and in most of these cases, we need to resolve the issue manually. In such
occasions, display the log by clicking on the stop sign. This function informs you what problems occurred at
the upgrade and what actions are necessary to correct them. Pay special attention to the Open (unresolved)
problems category.
Please refer the below screenshot for a particular error description.

The above mentioned error was due to syntax error in the program and has gone away when we removed
the syntax error, activated the program and completed.


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SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

Adjustment Category: Without Modification Assistant

Objects in the ‘Without Modification Assistant’ sub tree can only be post-processed manually after the
adjustment process. Manual adjustment means that you must make modifications without any special efforts
from the system. In these cases, you could use the version management and retrieve the old versions, if you
want to keep the customer modification. When modifying objects where version management cannot be
used, it would be really helpful if you could document all the changes that you are doing.

If the objects marked with a red traffic light are added to a transportable change request, the red traffic light
would be replaced with a green check mark.

For detailed information on adjusting these objects, please refer to the following SAP link.


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SPDD & SPAU Adjustments Handbook

Disclaimer and Liability Notice

This document may discuss sample coding or other information that does not include SAP official interfaces and therefore is not
supported by SAP. Changes made based on this information are not supported and can be overwritten during an upgrade.
SAP will not be held liable for any damages caused by using or misusing the information, code or methods suggested in this document,
and anyone using these methods does so at his/her own risk.
SAP offers no guarantees and assumes no responsibility or liability of any type with respect to the content of this technical article or
code sample, including any liability resulting from incompatibility between the content within this document and the materials and
services offered by SAP. You agree that you will not hold, or seek to hold, SAP responsible or liable with respect to the content of this


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